Boiler "Vailant", error F28: possible malfunctions and solutions. Refinement of the boiler evan warmos qx - the boiler alarm signal is now available for the gsm module

It is good when gas equipment is capable of self-diagnosis. Boiler errors "" indicate where to look for a breakdown. If you want to figure out the causes of the malfunction yourself, then study the meaning of the symbols on the display. And we will show you how to fix the situation without calling the wizard.

Features of diagnostics

Vaillant gas boiler error codes can appear not only in the event of a breakdown. Some icons are displayed during the operation of the equipment, during the switching of modes. Symbols will help to understand the frequency of occurrence. For example, if the code starts with the letter "F" - this means an error (malfunction). If with the letter "S" - this is the state of the device.

If you see the symbols on the display for the first time, reset the boiler. Perhaps this is a system failure. If the code appears again, you need to understand the problem and fix the problem.

Error codes

Fault designation What does Do-it-yourself elimination
F0/F71 The circuit of the supply coolant temperature sensor has broken. Check:
  • sensor performance;
  • wiring condition;
  • plug connection.
F1 Breakage of the temperature sensor on the return line.
F2 Fill temperature sensor open. Insert the plug tighter. Make sure the wiring is not damaged.
F3 Drive thermal sensor circuit is open.
F5 (only for wall-mounted "Vailant Atmo") Communication with the external smoke detector has been interrupted. What to do:
  • Pull contacts.
  • Replace faulty wiring.
  • Install the correct item.
F6 The internal retract sensor wires are broken.
F10 Short circuit (short circuit) of the thermistor when applied. Check:
  • Plug. Tighten contacts, replace broken parts.
  • Cable.
  • Thermistor.
F11 Short circuit of the thermistor on the return.
F13 Short circuit of the hot start sensor.
  • Shorted cable. Install new wiring.
  • Defects in the temperature control element. Replace items.
  • Loose or shorted plug. Check the detail.
F15, 16 Short circuit of the external sensor for the removal of combustion products.
F20 Blocking of work by protection against an overheat. The thermistor is defective, so the system does not respond to overheating. Install a work item.
F22 The work of the equipment was stopped due to lack of water. Check:
  • Pressure meter.
  • Circulation pump for jamming.
  • Wiring from parts to the control module.
  • Main fee.

The defective part must be replaced. The system may not match the pump capacity.

F23 Not enough water in the boiler. Check that the flow and return sensors are properly connected. Clean the pump, it may be blocked by a foreign object. Or its performance is not enough to service the system.
F24 Low coolant level. At the same time, the temperature rises sharply. The pressure drops. Remove excess air. See solutions for F23.
F26 Problems with the operation of gas fittings. Incorrect connection of the servomotor. Tighten the plug, replace damaged wires.
F27 Flame detection when fuel valve is closed. Carry out diagnostics of the protection system, magnetic valve.
F28 The dual circuit device does not turn on. The burner does not start. Diagnose and repair:
  • pressure switch;
  • gas meter;
  • gas fittings;
  • main module.

Release excess air. Adjust fuel settings.

F29 The flame goes out.

Interruptions in gas supply. Wait until the supply is restored, or contact the gas service.

Check the grounding of the device.

F32/F37 (for condensing turbo models) The fan speed is not correct. Tighten the loose plugs, put a working fan.
F33 (for turboTEC) The pressure measuring switch does not turn on. Problems with pressure switch contacts. Make contact calls and repairs.
F36 Protection worked, weak traction. Combustion products enter the room.
  • Shut off the gas supply, turn off the boiler.
  • Open the ventilation, clean the chimney from blockage.
F38 Fan failure. Repair or replace.
F42 Open coding resistor. Measure the resistance of the resistor. Check the cable for a short.
F49 Low voltage on eBUS. The bus is shorted or the channel is overloaded.
F53 Incorrect combustion control. Adjust dynamic pressure. Carry out diagnostics of the Venturi nozzle, gas fittings.
F54 Fuel supply problems. How to fix the situation:
  • Open the gas valve.
  • Pressurize the system.
  • Inspect the shut-off valve and check its serviceability.
F56 Component malfunctions in the combustion unit. The contact with the fuel valve is broken, connect the plug. If the symbols reappear, check the valve.
F57 Comfort mode is on, incorrect adjustment. Ignition electrode corrosion. Clean the parts or install a new element.
F61 An error has occurred in the control of the gas valves.
  • Cable short circuit, circuit break.
  • Fuel valve failure.

Carry out repairs. Replace components.

F62 The armature switches off with a delay. The control electrode does not work.
F63 EEPROM failure. Electronics failure. It is better to contact the service center.
F64/F67 Problems with electronics, sensors. Diagnose wiring, contacts, sensors.
F65 Hot electronics compartment. Malfunction of parts, external heating of the block.
F70 Invalid boiler number. After installing the new display and electronics, you did not enter the boiler code.
F72 The temperature sensors in the supply or return line are out of order.
  • Broke, shorted wire.
  • Install the correct item.
F73 The pressure sensor gives a low signal.
F74 The pressure sensor is high. Wire shorted to 5-24V. Change connection.
F75 When the pump is turned on, the pressure does not rise. Bleed air from the system, adjust the settings of the bypass, expansion tank.
F76 Blocking from an overheat of a primary radiator. Heat exchanger not working, fuse cable defective.
F77 Malfunction of the diverting valve, condensate pump. Run diagnostics on parts.
F80 combined with F91 Short circuit of the sensor of the secondary radiator. Tighten the contacts, repair faults.
F81 in combination with F91 Loading pump problem. Bleed air from the pump. Inspect the sensor, cable, impeller. Make sure the heat exchanger is not clogged, clean it.
F83 Incorrect thermistor measurement on the supply and return lines.
  • Add coolant.
  • Correct the location of the thermistor.
F84/F85 Invalid thermistor data. Swap the details. Incorrect mounting
F92 Coding resistor error. Measure resistance, set gas group.
F93 The quality of combustion is not up to standard.
  • Replace the nozzle with a suitable one.
  • Clean the venturi nozzle.
Con There is no communication with the control unit. Contacting a service center.
fxx Software problem.
5ER Time for maintenance.

Intermediate codes may appear on the screen of the Vailant boiler. So, the symbols from S0 to S8 indicate the switched on heating mode. DHW heating in progress - S10 to S17. Hot start - S20–S28.

Some notations are better considered separately:

  • S30 - outdoor thermostat blocks heating.
  • S31 - heating blocking. Summer mode is on.
  • S33 - the "Antifreeze" function is enabled. Blocking for 20 minutes.
  • S36 - the regulator is set to 20 degrees. Heating mode does not work.
  • S41 - nominal pressure exceeded (2.8–4.5 bar).
  • S42 - the burner does not turn on. Causes: the outlet valve has tripped, the condensate pump has broken.
  • S51 - Combustion products entered the room.
  • S53 - waiting 2.5 minutes. Little water.
  • S54 - waiting 20 minutes.
  • S96, 97, 98 - test mode.

By studying the meanings of the codes, you can correct the errors. Carry out maintenance of the boiler once a year, then there will be no problems with operation.

Buy GSM thermostat ZONT H-1V- means to own a compact thermostat with its own SIM card of any operator, which allows you to control the indoor climate from any phone (satellite, mobile or fixed-line), tablet or PC. Most boilers have terminals closed with a jumper (corresponds to the switched on boiler) for connecting a room thermostat. It is to these terminals that the ZONT-H-1V modules are connected: this jumper is removed and the ZONT H relay contacts are connected in its place.

The Micro Line company releases the ZONT H-1V thermostat model, which is almost identical in functionality to the GSM Climate Zont H-1 thermostat, which differs only in different housings and some technical features:
- The relay in H-1V holds 220V, and in H-1 it is designed for 120V;
- ZONT H-1V has a 220V->5V adapter for converting a high-voltage boiler alarm signal (available in Vaillant) into a low-voltage signal for the ZONT input;
- The backup battery in the H-1V module is built-in, while in the H-1 it is not included in the basic configuration and can be purchased separately;
- The firmware of these modules is exactly the same, and the circuits are almost the same.
- Mounted on a DIN rail

ZONT H1V will ensure economical consumption of fuel consumed by the boiler for heating, will allow you to remotely set the temperature in the house and monitor the correct operation of the heating boiler, as well as remotely control its operation!
Agree that manual control of heating devices is quite troublesome, and at a distance it is almost impossible. With the ZONT H 1V block, remote control of the heating system is not only possible, but also extremely simple and convenient! No matter how far from home you are, it is enough to call or send a command from a mobile phone or via the Internet to change the heating boiler mode and ensure a comfortable temperature in the house. Convenient, isn't it?

New opportunities!

Additional functions of the device allow not only to save heating costs and control the operation of the heating boiler, but also to monitor the safety of the facility! The user can connect additional sensors such as motion, trip, water leakage, gas leakage, fire and smoke detectors, etc. Information is transmitted via mobile communication channels and the Internet.

Features of the thermostat ZONT H-1V

Supports various, preset temperature modes:
Economy - economical fixed temperature.
Comfort - a comfortable fixed temperature (usually a few degrees above the economical one).
Schedule - maintaining the set temperature according to the schedule.
Off - anti-freeze mode
Emergency – thermostat operation mode in case of a faulty temperature sensor.

The module will only call the owner's phone or trusted numbers defined by him, warning him of all changes or emergencies. Accordingly, Zont h-1v can only receive commands from the owner or from "their" phones. Unauthorized access is absolutely excluded - even if someone dialed the number by mistake, the device will ask for a password that only the owner and, for example, other family members or trusted persons know. In addition to SMS-management, the possibility of control through the voice menu is implemented.
In fact, the GSM ZONT H-1V module acts as your personal assistant - you called him, gave the command, for example, to heat up hotter in advance, and the whole family, as a result, will arrive in a warm and comfortable house. Or vice versa: you forgot to turn down the power in the morning, leaving for work, it’s not a question, you can do it right from work, via the Internet.

Unlike competitors, the temperature cannot be controlled from the front panel, and all monitoring and control operations are performed using either a personal computer or mobile devices: smartphone or tablet. This allows the owner to control the situation, wherever he is, while significantly reducing the cost of equipment.
The ZONT-H1V unit works even when cellular communication is lost, performing, for example, a pre-set weekly schedule.
It is possible to use control commands in the form of SMS text and even using the voice menu.
A simple, functional and user-friendly graphical interface is used through a web browser or mobile application. All data is stored on the server and at any time you can view convenient and visual system operation graphs, informational messages or make the necessary settings.


Weather-compensated automatics - energy-efficient heating control taking into account changes in outside temperature (the function is available for modules with firmware version 122:74 and higher)

How does the ZONT H1V thermostat control the boiler?

The thermostat measures the temperature in the room and turns on or off the output relay, controlling the operation of the boiler in heating mode so that the temperature inside the room corresponds to the set value.
It controls the temperature in the house and outside, the supply voltage, the technical condition of the boiler and signals in case of an accident or power failure. If the values ​​deviate from the set values, it informs the owner in any pre-selected way: by phone call, SMS message or notification via the Internet.

To use the Internet service, you do not need to install additional software, the work is carried out using any modern WEB browser. Access to the Internet service is carried out through a personal page on the server
From your personal account on the Internet service, you must set the desired indoor temperature values, as well as threshold levels for generating alarm messages when the temperature deviates to a critical (emergency) value.
The unit analyzes changes in the temperature inside the room using its own remote temperature sensor. Depending on the measurements made, it turns on or off the output relay that controls the operation of the boiler in heating mode so that the temperature inside the room corresponds to the value of the set operating mode.
In the event of a malfunction of the boiler, the system will immediately notify the owner of this event, which will avoid trouble.

Inputs, outputs and connected equipment

Thermal sensors (wired)
It is connected to 4 and 6 contacts of the thermostat in accordance with the proposed scheme. Up to 10 units can be connected at the same time. The remoteness of the latter in the loop is no more than 100 m. Long branches from the main loop can lead to the inoperability of all sensors.
Boiler control output
Contacts 1, 2 and 3 of the thermostat are intended for connection to a heating boiler. Contact No. 1 is common (O), contact No. 2 is normally closed (NC) and contact No. 3 (NO) is normally open. The device is connected to the boiler contacts intended for connecting a room thermostat.
GSM antenna
It is connected to a separate input and located in the room in such a way as to ensure the most stable reception of the GSM signal.
Main power + 12V
From the mains 220V through the power supply unit (network adapter 220/12V) from the delivery set.
Backup power + 3.7V
From the built-in Li-ion accumulator.
Input 1 Analog input - pin #5.
Designed to connect: or security sensors; or signal “Boiler failure”; or room thermostat
Input 2 Digital input - pin #8.
Designed to connect: or security sensors; or signal “Boiler failure”; or room thermostat; or OpenTherm Interface and ML-489 Radio Module.
It is not possible to simultaneously connect signals from an external room thermostat or “Boiler failure” signals to both inputs.
Can be simultaneously connected to Input 2 OpenTherm Interface and ML-489 Radio Module

Functionality of GSM thermostat ZONT H-1V

Remote control of the boiler operation can be carried out:
- SMS commands;
- when dialing to the SIM-card number using the voice menu;
- via the Internet (WEB-interface and mobile applications for Android and for devices based on iOS).

Convenient and simple WEB-interface with the following features:
- displaying the current state of the boiler and the temperature in the room;
- boiler operation control;
- temperature monitoring (inside, outside, coolant) for any selected period of time;
- programming of the boiler according to the schedule;
- Notifications about the operation of additional sensors.

Various event notifications:
- when the measured temperature deviates from the specified threshold values;
- about the boiler failure (provided that the thermostat is connected to the emergency exit of the boiler);
- about the malfunction of the temperature sensor and the transition of the thermostat to emergency operation;
- about the loss or restoration of power supply to the mains, while a backup battery is required;

The event log
- a diary of measured temperatures for any period without a statute of limitations;
- date and time of detection of the boiler failure;
- date and time when the boiler and thermostat operation mode was changed;
- list of executed control commands through the voice menu, sent SMS, software updates;
- date and time of loss or restoration of power supply to the mains.

Signaling on the status of additional sensors connected to the "Alarm" input of the thermostat;
Event memory:
- temperature sensor readings;
- date and time of the boiler failure;
- changes in operating modes;
- voice menu commands
- SMS commands;
- software updates (SW);
- power on/off.
Update the current version of the block firmware without turning it off and dismantling it from the user's personal account.

Zont H1V thermostat connection diagrams

Delivery set ZONT H-1V

Base unit: 1 pc.
External GSM antenna: 1 pc.
Temperature sensor (digital, wired): 1 pc.
Power supply (network adapter) 220V/12V: 1 pc.
Boiler alarm signal converter 220/5V: 1 pc.
Instruction manual: 1 pc.

Thermostat packaging

Specifications GSM thermostat ZONT H-1V

Article: ML13213
Manufacturer: MicroLine (commissioned by Evan)
Supply voltage: 10-28V
Maximum current consumption: 150 mA
Number of inputs: 2
Number of outputs (Type - dry contact, closing / opening): 1
Type of connected wired temperature sensors: DS 18S20
Type of connected radio thermal sensors: ML-703
Total number of simultaneously connected thermal sensors (wired and radio): 10
The maximum allowable length of the loop with temperature sensors: 100 m
Maximum current through relay contacts: 1000 mA
Maximum voltage of switched relay contacts: ~ 220 V, = 24 V
Voice interface: yes
WEB interface: yes
1-Wire interface: yes
Operating temperature range: from -30 to +55 °С
GSM modem frequency bands: 800, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz
Data channel: GPRS
GSM antenna: external
Internal non-volatile memory: yes
Backup power: built-in Li-ion battery 103450-RSV-LD 2000 mAh
Time to reach operating mode: no more than 50 sec
Average service life: 7 years
Overall dimensions, mm: 90 x 50 x 55
Weight, not more than: 0.200 kg
Enclosure: plastic DIN rail
Additional compatible ZONT equipment: ML-489, ML-703, ZONT Home, OpenTherm interface, Astra-9, Astra 512, Astra C, IO 102-16/2, Astra 361, ML-711, ML-712

There are also other letter designations in the marking of the boilers: pro and plus, VUW and VU. Sometimes it becomes necessary to understand which particular version of the boiler is installed. The Pro model is a simplified (economy) version of the boilers, supplied only in a double-circuit version.

From the differences between Pro and Plus:

    lack of hot start function (Aqua-Comfort system);

    smaller secondary heat exchanger (for 13 plates instead of 19);

    manual regulation of the circulation pump;

    open front panel with a smaller display.

A single-circuit boiler is marked with the symbols VU, a double-circuit VUW.

Functionally, boilers with an open combustion chamber are distinguished by the presence of special AtmoGuard sensors in the smoke exhaust system and a draft stabilizer, because Ingress of combustion products into the room is unacceptable. The control is very simple: the temperature sensor is located in the space between the draft stabilizer and the combustion chamber and, for example, when the draft is overturned, the flue gases will certainly change its temperature, which will immediately fix the control board and stop the boiler after 2 minutes. Gas boilers with an open combustion chamber, despite all the protections, are recognized as unsafe in the European Union and are prohibited for operation.

In a boiler with a closed chamber, a collection of exhaust gases is used, which are forcibly removed by a fan (exhaust fan) and the presence of draft is controlled by special devices (for example, Venturi or Pitot tube).

Commissioning sequence for Vaillant boilers

    before filling it is necessary to thoroughly flush the heating system (large particles remaining after installation work can damage the actuators)

    check the condition of the automatic air vent on the circulation pump, if it is closed - unscrew it by 1-2 turns

    shut-off valves on radiators or thermostatic heads must be fully open

    fill the heating system to a pressure of at least 1 bar (usually 1.3 - 1.5 bar)

    turn on the boiler and check the pressure, if necessary, feed the system

    be sure to check the gas deflector for leaks

    Vaillant requires that the system be filled with prepared water with a hardness of no more than 20 German units and prohibits the addition of antifreeze or corrosion inhibitors to the system.

After the system has been filled, it is necessary to execute the P0 venting program, in which only the pump will operate in a specially designed mode, and excess air will be removed from the heating and DHW circuit

What checks are carried out before the first start-up of the boiler?

For further normal and safe operation, as well as maintaining the warranty, any equipment requires compliance with a number of conditions:

    mains voltage according to PUE standards and mandatory grounding of the boiler (ideally, there should be no potential between zero and “ground”, Vaillant allows no more than 1.5 Volts)

    compliance of the system as a whole with the capacity of the installed equipment (lack of heating capacity or hot water supply prohibits starting). The constant operation of the boiler at the power limit will quickly lead to the failure of the unit.

    verification of compliance with the chimney installation standards (for atmospheric boilers, the presence of draft, for coaxial chimneys, a pipe projection and slope towards the street)

The installation manual also prescribes the installation of a coarse filter on the cold water supply to the boiler and on the return pipe of the heating system, as well as a gas filter.

It is better to study the commissioning process in more detail in the instructions for a specific boiler model.

The selection of the test program (venting, filling the system) is started by turning on the boiler and simultaneously holding the “+” button for 5 seconds. The selected program is activated with the “i” button. Five programs are pre-installed for TEC series boilers.

Boiler inspection and maintenance

Maintenance of the gas boiler is recommended to be carried out annually. Basically, maintenance is reduced to a visual inspection and preventive cleaning of the main components: heat exchangers, combustion chambers, coarse filters and the condition of the expansion tank.

The primary heat exchanger is cleaned from the outside of soot with a soft brush. In no case should brushes with metal bristles be used, because. copper plates are treated with a special anti-corrosion coating and its damage will lead to a serious reduction in service life. Due to the design features, the primary heat exchangers from the inside, in most cases, cannot be washed, its service life can be seriously reduced by the use of antifreezes or frequent replenishment with tap water of increased hardness.

The secondary heat exchanger (DHW), due to the constant passage of water through it, is more susceptible to the formation of deposits and scale, but at the same time it can be successfully washed with a certain frequency. The heat exchangers are washed with special installations (boosters) using special equipment. The process consists in a long (sometimes up to several hours) pumping of chemicals that contribute to the dissolution and washing out of scale. valiant recommends flushing with regular acetic acid.

The expansion tank is designed to compensate for the thermal expansion of the heating system and is also subject to annual maintenance. It consists in measuring its pressure. The measurement must be made on an empty boiler and, if necessary, pumped up to the static pressure of the system (approximately 1-1.2 bar). If water comes out of the control fitting, this indicates that the tank membrane is not tight and needs to be replaced.

It is imperative to flush and clean the heat exchangers in a timely manner, because dirt and scale deposits reduce thermal conductivity and flow area, which leads to a decrease in boiler efficiency and overheating, and subsequently expensive replacement.

It is recommended to set the hot water supply temperature in such a way that it is not diluted with cold water, thus ensuring minimum heating. The lower the hot water temperature, the lower the rate of scale formation.

Coarse filters are meshes, so their maintenance comes down to removing and rinsing under running water to the desired state.

A gas burner can become clogged and coated with combustion products over time, and cleaning is usually easy with a soft brush and vacuum cleaner. If there is heavy pollution, then it is easily removed.

Diagnostics and failures of boilers

It should be noted that Vaillant equipment is one of the safest among all the others. The number of settings, parameters, checks here is significantly greater than in boilers of other brands. Boilers with displays can display status codes, diagnostics (two levels), faults and commissioning programs. The average user will only be interested in trouble codes, because everything else is mainly intended for service specialists.

The Vailant automation also keeps a history of all errors, which makes it very convenient to diagnose and troubleshoot the boiler. At any time, you can view the last 10 errors that were on the boiler (to display the list, use the “info” and “-” buttons).

Error f33 vaillant how to fix and what to do?

Occurs only in turbocharged boiler models. The source of the error is the pressure switch in the exhaust pipeline. The logic of operation of all modern gas boilers is approximately the same. When a request for ignition is received, the control board turns on the fan (exhaust fan), which creates a vacuum. When the required thrust is reached, the contacts of the differential relay close and thus a signal is transmitted to the board to open the gas valve and ignite the burner. Accordingly, if there is no signal from the relay or it is in a closed state after the fan is turned off, the vaillant automation generates an error f33.

Vaillant boiler error f33 causes:

    fan does not work (can be checked visually)

    failure of the pressure switch (condensate may accumulate in the tubes, which drains into the sensor, renders it unusable;

    error when installing the exhaust pipe (condensate can also accumulate and flood the relay)

    clogging of coaxial pipelines, preventing normal air flow

    blockage of the pitot tube (accumulated dirt or insects)

You can check the operation of the relay by creating a vacuum through the tube yourself (a characteristic click should occur). It happens that the relay “sticks”, i.e. in the normal state, it will be closed, which can be checked with a conventional multimeter. In this case, it will have to be replaced.

It happens that the tubes themselves or the Pitot tube are damaged, for example, from exposure to high temperatures.

The slightest change in shape can affect the readings and be the cause of the F33 error.

It is worth noting that this problem is almost all gas boilers. Some manufacturers solve it by installing a special widening (as BAXI did) to collect condensate, and some even make heated tubes to evaporate it.

Vaillant boiler error f28 what to do?

This error can occur either accidentally or require the intervention of a service specialist. Error f28 occurs when unsuccessful attempts are made to ignite a gas burner.

What could be the reasons errors f28 vailant boiler:

    gas is not supplied to the burner

    low gas pressure at the outlet of the gas valve

    gas valve defective

    problem with the ignition electrodes and the flame presence electrode

    incorrect grounding of the boiler

    electronic board malfunction (possible)

To get started, you can use the Fault Removal button (flame with a cross). It is possible that the ignition failure was accidental and the operation of the boiler is normal.

You can check the integrity of the wires coming from the electrodes to the control board and, at the next attempt to start, check visually that the electric spark breaks through the burner body, and not somewhere else.

Service specialists check the reliability of the boiler grounding and the serviceability of the electrodes, as well as the pressure at the outlet of the gas valve. If all nodes are normal and there are no violations, then diagnostics of the electronic board will most likely be required.

You don't have to change the control board right away. In most cases, it can be successfully repaired. Repair will cost significantly less.

Vaillant boiler just does not turn on

If the display of the boiler is off, and you are sure that it is securely connected to the mains, then most likely the board has failed. Unfortunately, the self-diagnostic program does not fix internal errors in the operation of the board, and in case of damage, the boiler will simply go out. Quite often, these damages can be seen visually when inspecting the board.

We have everything you need to restore the boards of the TEC and MAX series boilers. Here is an example of repairing one such case (the power module burned out on the board):

The repair was carried out within a day and the payment was transferred to a satisfied client.

Vaillant is a high-quality and reliable equipment, but electronics breakdowns still happen sometimes. The boiler board is one of its most expensive elements, therefore, by contacting us, customers save an impressive amount of money. We have been repairing for a long time and all spare parts are always in stock, and repairs take a minimum of time, which is especially important when a breakdown occurs during the heating season.

Modern heating systems are quite reliable. But still we have to state the fact that all of them can break arbitrarily. At the same time, no brands and models, no diligence of engineers do not exclude the occurrence of such a problem.

Repair of various models

According to the manufacturer's instructions, the Vaillant TurboTEC Pro 28 kW gas boiler must not be repaired in such a way that changes occur in the boiler itself, on the mains supplying water or gas, in the electrical network or in the chimneys. Tighten and loosen the threads of all connections only with open wrenches. It is impossible to use pipe tongs, extension cords and similar equipment for this purpose.

The pressure test is carried out as follows:

  • the shell is removed;
  • the distribution box leans forward;
  • the gas valve is closed;
  • the screw in is loosened;
  • a manometer is connected;
  • the shut-off gas valve opens;
  • the device is started at full load;
  • the pressure is measured when connected.

If you cannot fix the problem on your own, you should perform the following steps:

  • the boiler needs to be stopped;
  • remove the manometer;
  • check the tightness of the screw fastening;
  • fold down the distribution box;
  • return the trim to its place;
  • wait for the representatives of the gas service.

Important! Diagnostic data has two levels. The second is available exclusively for specialists and only after entering the password. To know what errors need to be corrected, it is necessary to study proprietary error codes.

Both single-circuit and double-circuit boilers, which consume a lot of gas and give an extremely hot smoke stream, do not need to be repaired. It is necessary to clean and wash the upper heat exchanger. With low hydraulic resistance, the company advises to press the supply valve. In the event of a complete absence of a spark, do not waste time cleaning the gas valve. The problem with a probability of almost 100% is related to the system electronic board. If the AtmoTEC Plus boiler changes pressure rapidly when the temperature changes, it is necessary to pump up the expansion tank.

What do error codes mean?

In many cases, there is no need to disassemble the device yourself or guess what the problem is. All the necessary information is provided to the consumer by error codes. But they must be known. A symbol starting with S indicates a certain status of the device. And the codes started with F show certain failures.

When you first see this or that conditional signal, you should not be afraid. You should try resetting the electronics. Only when the same code appears again, special measures need to be taken. F0, as well as F71, indicates that the circuit supplying the thermal sensor that measures the temperature of the coolant is broken.

You need to find out things like:

  • Is the sensor itself operational?
  • is the contact of the plug good;
  • Is the wiring secure?

F1 shows that the temperature meter on the return line has broken. F2 says that the thermal filling sensor is malfunctioning. When the F3 signal appears, it is easy to understand that the circuit of the same sensor, but already responsible for controlling the drive, is damaged. You can see the F5 error only in Atmo wall-mounted boilers, and it means that the connection with the external smoke removal indicator has disappeared. Code #6 indicates a wiring fault with an internal sensor located in a branch.

By code No. 10, specialists identify short circuits in the supply thermistors. F11, F13 show the same state but only for the return thermistor and the hot start meter respectively. For a closed external recognizer for the removal of gaseous products, two errors are characteristic at once - F15 and F16. Code F20 indicates that the system is malfunctioning due to excessive heating. And F22 speaks of another point - there is not enough water. A similar picture is indicated by the code F23, which is often associated with a malfunction of sensors, pumps, or low performance.

Signal No. 24 indicates that not only the level of the coolant has decreased, but also its heating has increased significantly, and the pressure has decreased. F26 means that a failure has occurred in the gas valve. And also it is worth suspecting an error in connecting the servomotor. F27 is displayed if a flame is detected with the fuel valve closed. More seriously F28, this code appears when it is impossible to start the burner.

You will have to control the meter, fittings, pressure-measuring relay, and the main module.

F29 is displayed when the fire is extinguished due to interruptions in the flow of gas. It remains only to wait for the restoration of his approach. If the wait is prolonged, you will have to contact the service responsible for the supply of blue fuel. It is also useful to check if the boiler is properly grounded. Error F32, F37 occurs only in condensing boilers. She reports that the fan does not rotate as it should at a particular moment (other models show this with code F38).

The TurboTEC model has a special error that is not found in other devices - No. 33. From it it is easy to find out that the relay that measures the pressure does not work. The F36 signal is received when the draft meter detects its weakness and the penetration of combustion gases into the boiler room. And F42 is displayed if the operation of the resistor responsible for conditional coding is interrupted. When signal No. 49 is received, it is necessary to check the status of the eBus information bus.

Code 53 indicates an incorrect setting of the combustion process. At signal 54, it is necessary to deal with the elimination of failures in the fuel supply, while it is worth sequentially opening the valve, increasing the pressure and visually assessing the health of the shut-off valves. Code 56 indicates a malfunction of the main parts of the fuel-burning unit. If the problem is not solved by connecting the plug, the valve must be checked. And code 57 is issued when the "Comfort" mode is set with erroneous adjustment. It is also worth suspecting that the ignition electrode has corroded.

If the cleaned parts continue to work poorly, you will have to install a completely new part.

F61 can illustrate either a shorted cable, or an open circuit, or a fuel valve failure. The signal F62 determines the delayed shutdown of the valve, caused by poor response of the control electrode. The output of the number 63 on the display indicates the so-called breakdown of the EEPROM, which is eliminated exclusively by service centers. The violations shown by the numbers 64 and 67 indicate that the electronic "stuffing" of the boiler is damaged or the sensors are out of order. A relatively minor problem is error 70, which occurs when the step of entering the code of a new boiler is skipped after installing a replacement display and electronic components.

The F72 index allows to recognize violations in the thermal sensors of the line responsible for the supply or located on the return circuit. F75, as it were, notifies the owners of the boiler that even starting the pump does not help raise the pressure. You will have to release the air accumulated in the system, adjust the settings of bypasses and expansion tanks. F35 is a kind of "partner" of the 36th error.

This error appears with the following faults:

  • if the air or gas outlet is blocked;
  • when, due to weather conditions or due to violations of a structural nature, traction is violated;
  • with abnormal ventilation;
  • in case of overheating of the boiler room;
  • if the boiler is too close to the wall.

F76 lights up on the display when the primary radiator is too hot. And F77 indicates that the diverter valve or the pump responsible for condensation is working too poorly. F51 signals a tipping of the draft and a deliberately incorrect operation of the chimney. Simultaneously appearing signals 80 and 91 immediately indicate a short circuit in the sensor of the secondary radiator. If errors 81 and 91 are combined, there is a malfunction in the boot pump.

You can fix this failure by doing the following:

  • release air;
  • check for violations of cables, sensors and impellers;
  • find out if the heat exchanger is dirty, clean it if necessary.

F83 notifies of an incorrect measurement made by thermistors on the receiving and return lines. Simply top up the coolant or adjust the placement of the thermistor. Codes 84 and 85 also indicate incorrect information from thermistors, but you need to fix problems differently - swap blocks or eliminate other installation defects. Deformation F93 demonstrates that combustion is not correct. When cleaning the Venturi nozzle does not help, it is necessary to change the nozzle to a more correct apparatus. Defect Con notifies that the exchange of information with the control equipment is broken, you will have to contact a service organization.

The Fxx code talks about software failures, 5ER is not so much an error in the usual sense of the word, but a reminder of the need for maintenance.

Vaillant boilers can also issue intermediate messages that are not errors. So, S0–S8 tell consumers about the running heating mode. When the boiler is producing hot water, the display shows signals S10-S17.

Other status signs are as follows:

  • 30 - external thermostat blocked heating;
  • 31 - the system is transferred to the summer format and cannot heat the house;
  • 33 - frost protection is active, the system is blocked for 1/3 hour.

It happens that the heating seems to be running, but the regulator orders the boiler to operate at +20 degrees. In this case, signal 36 is displayed on the screen. But code 41 says that too high nominal pressure is developing inside. S42 may be displayed when the burner is not working, when the valve on the outlet is activated or the condensate pump is damaged. S51 is a condition where combustion gases enter the room.

Error 53 is detected when there is not enough water. The boiler will correct the situation or wait for help from the owner in this for 150 seconds. S54 means the system waits for 20 minutes for action. There is no cause for alarm when the status S98, 96 or 97 appears, since these are signs of operation in a test mode.

It is possible to minimize the occurrence of all these problems if the boiler is inspected and maintained in a timely manner.

Setup and management

Handling Vaillant boilers means competently transferring them from one mode to another. The question often arises of how to properly turn off the heating system for the summer so as not to pay extra money for gas and not overheat the house. The solution to the problem is to close the heating circuit for a short stroke, using a tap and jumpers.

Important: it is imperative to connect the inlet and outlet of the second circuit in such a way that the expansion tank is within the circuit. In fact, in this mode, the boiler works like a small capacity boiler.

If the equipment is made according to the artificial circulation scheme, everything will be even simpler: the circulation pump should be disconnected from the circuit and the boiler inlet should be sealed. Trying to solve the problem by installing additional speakers is impractical and not very economical. It is important to remember that it will be necessary to ensure a stable temperature by normalizing the flow of hot liquid. It is required to pump up the expansion tank if the pressure level is constantly decreasing and increasing, changing unpredictably. A steady drop in pressure in the system is not so easily eliminated; it is imperative to find a place where the coolant is leaking and eliminate the cause of the problem. The search for defects should be carried out on radiator plugs, connecting lines and where fittings and pipes are soldered.

If pumping the tank does not give results or they persist for too short a time, you need to examine the tank. Often its outer shell depressurizes and lets air through. But even more often, the efficiency of the spools is disrupted, which also begin to etch.

The pumping of the tank itself is carried out in the following stages:

  • wrap boiler, supply and return valves;
  • open the drain fitting until it is completely drained;
  • connect the pump unit through the spool, in no case blocking the fitting.

Any type of pump is useful for work; you can take a car and a pressure gauge also from the car. The pumping of air is carried out until the outflow of water from the pouring fitting stops. Further, air is released and its introduction is repeated, continuously monitoring the readings of the pressure gauge. It should show 1.1–1.3 bar, more accurate information is given in the technical documentation. Now you can close the pouring fitting, open all the taps that were previously turned on, feed the boiler in the standard way up to 1.2–1.5 bar, and then start warming up.

It is especially important to control internal pressure if the house or other structure is visited only periodically. It is no secret that the stability of power supply is now far from ideal. And if the power stops, the boiler stops working, so the pressure inside the tank may drop due to cooling below what is needed for the boiler to work. Even after the power supply is restored, the boiler cannot heat the house, because soon the uncontrolled house presents a sad sight - pipes and radiators torn from ice everywhere. Therefore, pressure control in the expansion tank must be constantly monitored. No less bad is the situation in which the level of pressure is constantly increasing. Of course, a well-chosen and correctly installed safety valve corrects the matter to some extent, but it is better not to rely on it, since this is still more of an emergency measure. It is always worth remembering that pressure control deserves increased attention.

Causes of problems

In order for the possible reviews about the boilers of this brand to be favorable, it is necessary to pay great attention to the prevention of malfunctions and their elimination. It is worth noting that not all problems are indicated by codes, some occur without warning. The situation when the boiler does not turn on at all may appear due to incorrect connection of "zero" and "phase".

The problem may also be related to the following:

  • air richly mixed with gas;
  • low pressure in the gas pipeline;
  • grounding errors;
  • broken cables;
  • illiterate connection to the gas pipeline.

When there is no hot water at all or the boiler does not heat it well, it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the flow sensor. Sometimes it gets dirty, the liquid moves, but the automation does not give the fan a command to blow through the furnace and fan the fire. Having released water from the hot water circuit, the pipes are saturated with air. Following this, it is necessary to sharply unlock and tighten the water taps in front of the boiler itself in order to remove dirt from the fan or sensor due to pressure drops. If the pressure rises or falls unpredictably, with hot water dripping from a cold faucet, damage to the secondary heat exchanger can be assumed.

The function of diagnosing heating installations in automatic mode allows the user to solve almost all problems that arise without contacting the service. For Vaillant gas boilers, the f20 error is a rare occurrence. Understanding what causes it is caused, it is easy to identify the problem and fix it on your own.

Code decryption

Recommendations for fixing the f20 Vaillant error found on forums and thematic sites are different. It appears when the boiler overheats, and there are several reasons for this. The nuance is that other codes are indicated for them in the instructions: f0 (high supply temperature), f22 (a sharp drop in coolant pressure) and a number of others.

Not everyone understands the difference between Vaillant boiler sensors. Devices installed on the direct line and return line monitor the current temperature. The overheating thermostat is activated at a value of t˃ 95 0 C at the outlet of the heat exchanger and turns off the heating installation upon an alarm with an error f20. Therefore, it needs to be dealt with.


Step 1

Reset by pressing the button on the Vaillant control panel. Imported boilers are sensitive to the supply voltage, and if the network is unstable, they fail with an indication of some kind of error. If it is false, it is easily reset.

Button 8 "Troubleshooting" to reset specific faults

Step 2

Bring the thermostat into working position. In Vaillant boilers, it is “cocked” manually by pressing the rod (colored red). If error f20 is caused by a pump malfunction or other reason, it will disappear. To access the overheating thermostat, you need to open the front panel - in most Vaillant models, a protective device (fuse) is installed at the outlet of the heat exchanger, under the NTC sensor.

Location of the NTC sensor of the Vaillant boiler

Step 3 – diagnostics of signal circuits. Defects are determined visually: line break, insulation melting, short circuit - the causes of error f20 and emergency stop of the Vaillant boiler. The reliability of the contacts is checked, the absence of oxides.

Step 4 – testing the overheating sensor. It is easy to determine the serviceability with a multimeter, measuring resistance. In the initial state, the contacts of the working device are closed, R = 0. The protective thermostat cannot be repaired - it changes.

The last reason causing the f20 error is the electronic board of the Vaillant boiler. It generates a fault code on a signal from the overheating sensor. It will not be possible to independently identify a defect without schemes, experience, and appropriate devices. If the measures taken to eliminate the error f20 are ineffective, you need to contact the service center. After replacing the board, the boiler's performance will be restored.