Card games rules 36 cards for four. Card games

Playing cards is not always perceived as a family game. But, perhaps, this is not quite the right opinion. With all the simplicity and democracy, card games develop ingenuity, logical thinking, but there’s nothing to say about sociability. The main thing is not to succumb to excitement and play only in good company...

The beginning of playing cards is usually attributed to the 15th century. In general, fame card games, according to the Jesuit Menestrier, is attributed to the XIV century, when a little-known painter named Zhikomin Gringoner invented cards for the entertainment of King Charles VI of France (1380-1422).

However, this hypothesis is not supported by other data, and some chroniclers of world history attribute the origin of cards to the 13th century - during the reign of Saint Louis in 1254, a decree was issued prohibiting the card game in France under pain of punishment with a whip. An Italian manuscript from 1299 also speaks of the prohibition of playing cards. The Germans even founded a special workshop for manufacturers of playing cards. The Order of Calatrava in 1331 banned the game of cards in Spain, and this prohibition was repeated in 1387 by John I, King of Castile.

Well, judging by these data, the card game was highly developed at the beginning of the 13th century. But this term, as it turns out, is not the most correct. The Chinese and Japanese, even before the appearance of playing cards in Europe, were already playing with cards, like cards, made of ivory or wood with painted figures. According to some German historians, playing cards, in all likelihood, were brought to Europe by the Saracens, an ancient eastern people.

Be that as it may, at the end of the Middle Ages, playing cards, especially in France and Germany, was widespread everywhere and had an exclusively gambling character. Moreover, almost everyone was fond of it, without distinction of class. During the reign of Henry III and Henry IV, who in their youth were passionate lovers of the card game, there were even special gambling houses in Paris, in which people of various classes gathered to play cards ...

Card games have spread throughout the world and have survived to this day. And therefore, it is probably not necessary to describe a standard deck of cards in this book - each of you must have seen it more than once ...

Family card games are usually different from gambling. They have simple rules, giving the opportunity to play with the whole family, regardless of age. These games are interesting for both adults and children. But there are often disagreements about the rules! Take as a basis the rules of the game below - it is better to waste time on the game than on useless disputes!

General rules

Whatever the card game, there are known rules that must be followed.

Surrender - this is the name of the right to distribute cards to players; surrender is by lot. There are two ways to determine the lot. Each player removes the deck, and the one who cuts under the highest card has the right to deal. Or each player is given a card, and high card surrenders.

The player who is instructed to deal cards first looks to see if they are all in the deck. Then he diligently mixes them, allowing himself to see only their spots, gives them back to his neighbor on the left side, who divides the deck into two parts; the one that was below should be put on top.

Then the cards are dealt to everyone. It is necessary to hold the cards in such a way that during the deal they cannot be seen. If by chance one of them turns over, then all players must determine whether to start the deal again or the card should be placed under the ticket.

A talon is the cards remaining after the cards are dealt to the players.

It is necessary to pick up your cards according to their degree of dignity and suit; Failure to comply with this precaution entails important errors in further play.

Tricks are placed in front of you, which you are allowed to look at to know which cards have already come out. But this right should not be abused so as not to keep your game partners waiting. You should also not look at your neighbor's cards, even if he left you the opportunity to see them, in this case you need to warn him about this.

In addition, card players have many customs that are very difficult to list,


The game of "fool" is the most popular and widespread game. In terms of popularity, it is even ahead of the popular gambling games - poker and preference.

The card game "fool" has two main varieties: flip and transfer.

Throw-in "Fool"

One of the most common family games, and at the same time - a purely Slavic origin. The deck used when playing the “fool” is 36 cards, from two to six people can participate in the game.

Advantages of the cards: the highest is an ace, the lowest is a six.

After the surrender of six cards to all involved in the game, a trump card is revealed. The first move belongs to the assistant of the dealer (sitting on left hand from the dealer) or more to the one who has the trump card of the lowest value in his hands. The first move rule is usually agreed upon before the game of "fool" begins.

Having received six cards from the dealer, each of the players in the fool must examine their cards and line them up in ascending order of their value, that is, the cards of the lowest value will be on the left, and the highest and trump cards on the right.

Walking in this card game is allowed with any card, but at the beginning of the game it is recommended to get rid of the smallest and most unnecessary cards. You can move both from one card and from pairs, for example, from two or three sixes. The opponent, sitting to the left of the game leader, must “beat” the lead cards. Cards are beaten in a suit, a card of a higher value or a trump card. A trump card can only be beaten with a trump card that is higher in value.

If 4 or more people are playing, then only the entry cards (the card with which the entry was started) are allowed to be thrown. If the player cannot "beat" the cards offered to him, he must take them. Players with less than six cards in their hand draw from the deck. In this case, the turn passes to the next player in a clockwise direction.

If the player "beat" all the offered cards, then these cards go to waste (leave the game). All players in the "fool" draw cards from the deck up to six.

The game ends when all the fool players, except for one, are left without cards (and there should also be no cards left in the deck).

The same one who is left with the cards in his hand is the fool.

Pair "Fool"

Doubles. The number of players in this card game is 4.

The players are divided into pairs and sit opposite each other, i.e. the pair must sit face to face. This kind of playing "fool" is a team game. All the rules from the classic "fool" apply, with the proviso that they do not throw cards to their partners. If one of the partners could not beat off the cards offered to him and took them, then the opponent retains the right to move, and the second player makes the next move.

Translation "Fool"

The rules of this type of card game are very similar to the throw-in "fool". Home distinctive feature is that the battling player can "transfer" cards to another player: In order to transfer cards, the player needs to put a card of the same value next to the card that he was offered for battle. For example, if the lead card was the seven of clubs, then it is enough for the beating player to put the seven of tambourine (pike or worm) and the cards are transferred to the next player. The player who was transferred to is obliged to “beat” both of these cards or transfer further.

It is forbidden to transfer cards in only one case - when the player to whom the transfer is made has fewer cards than those transferred.


It is played with an ordinary deck of cards, only without sixes. The deck is divided into two halves. The first time fifteen cards are dealt. The top card of the deck serves as the trump card for two games. The trump belongs to the one who deals the cards.

The game is played by four. The seniority of the cards has the following rating: an ace is worth 11 points, a king is 4, a queen is 3, a jack is 2, a ten is 10; the rest have no value and are considered empty.

At the end of each game, a score is made for the cards taken, and whoever scores 61-62 points wins the game. Each player writes down 12 points. The one who made more than 60 points deducts two points from each player in his favor, and one point from the dealer. If one of the players takes twelve from someone, then he wins a goat, or a horse. After the first half of the deck of cards has been played, the second half is dealt. The trump card is the same card that was in the first half. The process and the result of the game are the same.

The peculiarity in this game is jacks. The jack of clubs is older than all cards and beats all trump cards without exception. The jack of spades covers the jack of hearts and the tambourine, as well as all trump cards. The jack of hearts covers the jack of diamonds and trump cards. The jack of diamonds covers only trump cards.

The player needs to demolish low or empty cards to his assistant, not sparing even jacks, which are not particularly valuable. If they are saved, then only when there are no trump cards. You should try to keep aces and tens, as these are the most important cards for calculation.


This is an old Russian game, which is usually played by four people with a deck of thirty-six cards.

Since the surrender of cards plays an important role in this game, it is decided by the seniority of the cards pulled out of the deck.

Having handed over nine cards to everyone, the dealer, having opened the trump card, takes it in his hands. The first exit belongs to the one who is at the hand of the dealer, who must necessarily come out of the trump card, but if there is none, then from a simple card, to which all players must take down one card of the suit with which the player came out, and the one who he puts the highest card, takes this bribe and moves again, and certainly from the trump card. Then the next moves can be from simple, non-trump cards.

As soon as the players let down their nine cards of the first deal from their hands, they immediately begin to count the tricks collected by each, write down their number and proceed to the second deal. The newly made tricks are attributed to the previous ones, and the game continues until one of the players has ten tricks in the record. The one who takes ten tricks puts the remaining cards from him aside and declares that he is the king. Whoever becomes king stops the whole game. Only the other three continue the game, and whoever takes nine tricks earlier becomes the prince. Then two people play, and the one who collects eight bribes becomes a soldier, and the last one becomes a peasant or peasant.

Once each player gets a name, the game takes on a new look. From that moment on, the deal belongs to the peasant, until he wins some other title. The peasant, having shuffled a deck of cards, gives it to the soldier to remove, the cards in this case are dealt first to the king, then to the prince, followed by the soldier and then to the peasant.

After the cards are dealt, the king takes the highest trump card from the peasant, giving him some other card instead of a trump card. Then the prince takes another trump card from the peasant and instead gives the peasant another card of his choice. Then the players start playing again, with the only difference that all the outputs belong to the king, regardless of whether he gets the trick or someone else. After the king, the prince takes down the card, followed by the soldier, and then the peasant, and each of them tries to score nine tricks. Whoever collects nine tricks sooner becomes the king.

When the king leaves, the prince takes his place and uses the first exits. When the king leaves, the cards are dealt first to the prince, then to the soldier, and then to the peasant.

When the prince takes the place of the king, then it is necessary to trump the first two times. When the king leaves, the peasant no longer gives trump cards to anyone and uses the opened trump card, which he replaces with any of his cards.


The card game "giveaway" is played together, in two decks of cards.

To find out who to start the game, put two cards on the table. Each player has a deck of cards.

The one who should start carefully shuffles the deck he has and then goes from the top card, on which the other player puts his card, not paying attention to which one will come after it. Thus, the demolition of cards continues until an ace or a king of any suit falls out. The one who laid down the ace stops demolishing; the other player at this time demolishes three cards on a pile, after which the one who demolished the ace takes the entire pile and puts it under the bottom of his cards.

In this order, the game continues until one of the players has all the cards out, and both decks have passed to the other.

On the open one ace, the other puts three cards, and on the open king - two.


The origin of this game is unknown and its name is not particularly pretty, but the game is very interesting nonetheless.

When playing with four or more, a deck of fifty-two cards is used; when playing with two, thirty-two cards are used.

The players, collecting the dealt cards in a pile, do not consider them and do not attach special importance to the suits. The entire deck of cards is distributed to all players in equal numbers.

The dealer is given the right to move first, and he, removing the top hag from the pile, puts it on the table. Others do exactly the same, and whose card is the highest, he takes a trick and puts it on the bottom of the pile. In this way, everyone continues the game, and the one who manages to quickly sell, or sink all his cards, wins. During the game, when the disputed cards converge: 2-3 of the same value, that is, two sixes or two kings, then the players need to put new cards on a pile, and whoever has the highest one takes. If the disputed cards turn out to be aces, then the one that was previously laid is considered the highest. In general, with disputable cards, the one from the players who put the card before the others takes advantage and does not take the card out of the deck again. Players are required to strictly adhere to the queue and must place the cards in sequential order.


The number of partners is not limited, therefore, with a large number of players, a full deck of 52 sheets should be used.

All partners take turns removing one card from the deck and placing them each in front of them, this card depicts the “shop” of each player: the six (or deuce when playing 52 sheets), lying in the middle of the table, depicts a “pig”, on which cards are placed in ascending order.

On the cards depicting "shops", cards are placed in descending order, without sorting out the suits. Since aces do not go anywhere, they put kings on them. If the ace lies on the store, then it cannot be removed even on the “pig”. "Pig" ends with a king and is put aside. The next "pig" begins with the first deuce or six that appears from the coupon.

The winner of the hand belongs to the one who manages to draw down all the cards, with the exception of aces, and the rule of the game requires that only two of their neighbors, right and left, can put cards on shops.

A card that goes in order to a "pig" card can no longer go to the partner's store and must be placed only on the "pig".


Less than three and more than four people cannot play the "butterfly".

The deck is used in fifty-two cards. The right to deal cards is decided by the highest card.

Each player is dealt three cards. After the deal, in a three-player game, seven cards are revealed, and in a four-player game, four cards are revealed.

A box is placed in the center of the table, in which each of the players puts one chip (match, penny, button, etc.). The assistant of the dealer, having examined his cards, takes one of the cards open on the table, corresponding to the cards in his hand. He can take both two and three cards, as long as their score equals the score of the cards he has. Whoever does not have such a card in his hands with which he could take another from the table, he must put his cards to those lying on the table and put as many tokens in the box as he puts the cards. Whoever takes the others from the table with all his three cards wins the game and takes the bet. If this does not work out in the deal, then, putting the box on the discarded cards, they deal again, and thus the bet increases until someone takes it, winning the game.


The number of partners is from two to ten. Each player is dealt three cards, and one card is revealed as a trump card.

The course of the game can be divided into two stages.

1. The left neighbor of the dealer makes a move to his henchman from some card, and the latter must drop a card of the same suit, higher or lower value, onto it. The one who placed the highest card takes a bribe. The cards demolished from the hands are replenished again from the coupon.

If the bribe goes to the walker, then the subsequent exits belong to him until his henchman accepts or covers a card similar to him. Only those who do not have a suitable suit and do not want to trump can accept a card. Playing continues in the same way between the second and third players, and so on, until all the cards from the hands of the players and their coupon come out. After that, the playing of the bribes collected by the partners immediately begins.

2. The one who, first of all, managed to play the cards that fell to his share, enjoys the right of the first exit with whichever card he pleases. The one sitting next to him must block or accept this card: in the first case, he will pass these two cards to the third, who must interrupt or accept the laid card by the second player. This third card of the last player must be interrupted or accepted by the fourth, etc., which continues until the pile increasing in this way contains as many cards as all players, except for one; in this latter case, whoever gets to play the pile by making a proper tire puts all those cards aside. They are no longer part of the game being played. The one who has opened the whole pile in this way goes with another card he wants, and his assistant acts in exactly the same order as he did during the existence of the first pile.

Regarding the reception, the following rules are observed: if someone accepts the first exit card, then his assistant must go out with any other.

If someone cannot or does not want to cover someone's overlap, then he accepts only one cover approaching him, after that the person sitting next to him should cover the top card remaining in the pile.

You should never go out in this game with the highest and most faithful cards. You don't need to leave the trump cards until you know that your henchman has trump cards, but only the younger ones.

On cards approaching you, you should always demolish the lowest cards. If they come to you from a small card, then you should not cover it, but accept it. When they come from a strong card, and, moreover, from a suit that you do not have, you need to beat with a trump card. If there are three cards of the same suit in your hands, then you need to walk with the highest one. When there are two or three trump cards, then you need to walk from the middle one, so that later you can return it back with the remaining senior trump card.

When your output card is accepted, then on the next turn you need to demand it back. It is more profitable to always discard a low card from your hands, giving a bribe to a partner walking towards you. If they go from a card that is unprofitable to leave for the draw, and you have a lot of trump cards in your hands, then it is better to accept such a card. Making an exit is more profitable with a long suit. For opening, you should not spare the last trump, but it is more profitable to hold trumps if you are not in the last hand.


The number of partners is three or four, although you can play with two, but this is not particularly fun.

The game uses a deck of thirty-two cards. To whom it fell to hand over, he, having shuffled the cards, gives them to be removed by his assistant. After the surrender of nine cards to each, a trump card is revealed.

Each player, after dealing cards, considers how many cards he has of the same value, that is, two or three sixes, four or three aces, and so on.

The first exit is given to the dealer's assistant. Each goes out to only one sitting under him; you can go out with any card you like, and moreover, with two, three and four cards of the same value: 2-3 sixes, 2-3-4 kings, etc. If someone came out with only one or two sixes, then other players and the one to whom they go, if they have a third and fourth six, they must also be added to the sixes. Any card can be covered either by the highest card of the same suit, or by a trump card. Who does not want or is not able to do this, he can accept the cards coming to him; after that, his assistant comes out. If someone reveals all the cards that have flown to him from others, then he leaves.

Whoever folds all the cards from his hands when other players still have them, he comes out, or, as they say, is done right. If someone has one or more cards left, while the other players have none, then he loses, or, as they say, remained ...

The penalty for the loser is the usual - he must deal cards for the next game.

All revealed cards are put aside and do not enter the game until the next deal.

Rules of the game:

1. You should walk first with the smallest cards.

2. Hold on and don't walk with a trump card unnecessarily.

3. We must try not to separate cards of the same value.

4. If you have two cards of the same value in different suits (two sixes, two aces) that need to be separated, then you need to separate the cards of the highest value.

5. When there are several trump cards in your hand with two or more cards of the same value as them, beat the cards coming to you with trump cards, despite the fact that you could beat them with a suit, and then go with the suit that you beat with a trump card.

6. If you have one or two small trump cards in your hands, and someone goes to his henchman from them, then discard him, even if he is the eldest, since in this case you can count on a better outcome of the game with one remaining trump card.


When playing with four people, a deck of thirty-six cards is used, when playing with five or more - fifty-two cards.

In this game, the role of a gypsy is played, of course, by the lady of spades. It hides nothing and no one can cover this card.

Whose share will be the delivery of cards, he lays out a full deck of cards around and in the middle of this impromptu ring puts a trump card.

The first exit is made by the dealer, taking some card from the resulting circle of cards. The dealer's assistant does the same, and if he has to pull out the highest card of the same suit from the circle, then he covers it with it and takes the bribe for himself. When a low card or another suit is pulled out, the player who walked takes the bribe. Thus, they continue to take from the circle and cover until all the cards are sorted out. The player, who has pulled out a trump card from the circle, is obliged to put it in his pile and pull out another card in order to walk from it. The same should be done with the gypsy (queen of spades), with whom, as we have already said, it is not allowed to walk, and therefore it must be saved until the end of the draw of cards. After that, the gypsy is played like this: the player, having collected the cards and turned them upside down, unfolds them in a semicircle and gives them to an assistant, who, pulling out the card, puts it face down on the table and, after consulting his cards, covers it or accepts it. The game continues in this way until all the cards are dealt, and the gypsy in the person of the Queen of Spades, after dramatic transitions from one player to another, does not “get stuck” with one of the players.

You need to be careful when mixing and shuffling cards. Having dispersed a bunch of cards like a fan, you should hold them so that there is no way to see either the location of the cards or the location of the Queen of Spades.


This game is very similar to the game of "fool" and is played with a deck of 36 cards.

Partners are dealt six cards each, and a trump card is opened, the rest are put aside in a coupon, which serves to replenish the released cards of partners,

In this game, several cards of the same suit are played, if any, otherwise, one at a time.

You can close with a suit and trump cards. If there is nothing to cover, then they take all unrevealed cards in their hands. In general, opening and receiving cards depends on the calculation of the player, and sometimes, even if it is possible to open, it is more profitable to inflict damage on the player at hand.

The Queen of Spades, according to the rules, cannot be covered by any card and must always be accepted, which is the peculiarity of the game. This card is called the "lady".

The one who has the queen of spades should save it until the end of the game, at the active moment of her to take advantage of the opportunity and make an exit from the "king" to the neighbor, which can delay his move.


The number of partners - from two to six people, the deck should be 36 cards. To make the game more interesting, it is best to play with three or four players.

In this game, there is one trump suit, which is defined as follows: the dealer, having shuffled the cards, gives them to be removed by his assistant, who, having removed and looked at the last card, declares it a trump card.

The game is of two types: open and closed.

This game is called closed when only five hags are dealt, while the rest make up a coupon and are dealt with during the course of the game, as in the game of "fool".

All cards are dealt in an open pile, and if the player has not been dealt a single trump card, then, having announced this, he must wait for a new deal.

The course of the game in closed bulk.

The one who comes out of the card and covers it takes as many cards from the deck as were spent on the exit and bulk. If the next one has nothing to cover, then he takes the whole bunch in his arms.

Let's take an example.

Four players: A, B, C, D. Having dealt five cards to everyone, A puts the rest on the table. B goes from some card to C and replenishes the demolished cards from the deck. C, having covered the incoming card from B and making a heap to D, takes from the deck the number of cards that he has left. D also covers and piles, like his first comrades. This continues until there are no cards left in the deck.

In bulk, they do not pick up the entire pile, but take only one top card; the rest are pushed aside and do not enter the game anymore. There is a rule not to release your henchman, try to make him dumps and weaken him with trump cards. If it is noticed that the assistant does not have any suit, then they will certainly walk or pile on it. It is necessary to use all means to concentrate in one's hands one suit or its higher cards, which in a heap can serve as dumps.

You can cover with trump cards only when there are a lot of them. If the assistant has one or two small trump cards left with several other cards, of which he intends to make a smash with one and block the next approach with the other, in this case it is necessary to knock them out of him, but not with trump cards, but with the suit that he does not have.

When it is known that an assistant has only one or two cards, including a trump card, one should never pile on a trump card, even if there were a lot of them. Each player must understand to what extent he should attack his henchman. If he notices that the one sitting at hand comes out only because others suit him, then he should try to detain him by making him a dump.


This card game "Chukhna" is more for children than for adults. You can play it with two people, but the best big company is that up to fifteen people can play it.

One of the players, having shuffled a deck of cards, puts it in the middle of the table and reveals the top card, on which the other player must put the highest card, for example: if the dealer opened the seven, then the other player must put the eight on it, the third nine, the fourth ten and so on. Thus, the one who should overlap takes one card from the deck lying on the table until he manages to take the necessary seven to cover the six, while the unnecessary cards remain in his hands, he may need them for the next roof . All other players do the same.

All covered cards are placed in one pile, face up. If someone does not have the required card and there is nothing left in the deck, then he must accept the top card lying on the heap, and move the rest of the cards in the heap to the side, they should no longer enter the game.

As soon as someone accepts in this way, the assistant of the acceptor leaves his card and the game continues in the same order until the players have no cards left. The same person who has one or more cards left loses and is called a chukhna.


This card game can also be attributed to children's games.

There are no trump cards in the game, only suits. The number of partners is from two to 10 people.

The start of the deal is determined by the consent of the players. Each player is dealt three cards.

Game progress: each partner, taking one of his three cards and turning it face down, shuffles it on the table and then exchanges it for another card with another player. Continuing in this way, each of the partners tries to collect three cards of the same suit and, having achieved this outcome, leaves the game.

The one who leaves gives his cards for consideration to the partners, after which they continue the game until all the players leave, except for one, who is considered the loser and receives the nickname "Eroshka".


This game can be played by two to five people with a deck of thirty-six cards.

The dealer gives all players seven cards each, then reveals a trump card, which expresses the trump suit belonging to the dealer. The dealer's assistant goes first. Each player must collect seven tricks and then wait for the start new game. The draw ends with the fact that the one who has not collected seven tricks loses the game. On the card with which they go, it is necessary to put the highest card of the same suit, and if there is no required suit, then beat with a trump card. You can go with any card.

three leaves

This game is very simple, but at the same time entertaining. In most cases, only two people play with a deck of thirty-six cards.

One of the players, having shuffled a deck of cards, deals three cards to himself and his opponent, throwing them out one at a time. Each player bets a chip. After two players have dealt six cards, the seventh is revealed and means a trump card. The opened trump card goes to the dealer, instead of it he takes down any card.

The dealer's opponent goes first from any card, to which another player must demolish a card of the same suit, which will amount to a trick of the one whose card is higher.

In the absence of the required suit, you need to cover with a trump card, having neither the highest suit nor a trump card, put some card. Whoever takes two or three tricks wins.

If the dealer wins, then all the chips put on the line go to him; if the dealer loses, then to the opponent.

When there is a small trump card on hand, it is better to walk with some other suit. With a big trump and some other strong card, you must trump. If all cards of the same suit are in hand, then you need to walk with the highest one. When there are no trump cards, it is necessary to go from the highest card. If there are two small trump cards and a third card of some other suit in your hands, then you need to get out of it.


Four people play with a deck of 52 sheets.

The essence of the game is not to yawn; the slightest mistake can be punished by the fact that one of the partners, taking advantage of his opponent’s rotosity, can lower his entire “store” to the opponent in one go.

In "onlookers" cards are placed without respect for the suits on the shops of all players. The card, which is called the treasury card, is removed from the top of the deck. Aces are equal to all cards. The player, having put the cards on his "shop", declares: "at home" and then loses all right to withdraw it back, even if he made a mistake. The partner who has cards left is considered the loser.

Your trump cards

It is played with a deck of 36 cards, the number of partners is no more than four, according to the number of suits.

Each partner chooses a certain suit for himself, which is his trump cards; each of the participants must announce this to the dealer before the first change.

Cards are dealt one or two. If a card is revealed during the deal, the deck is re-dealt again.

Each card can be covered either by a senior of the same suit, or by a trump card chosen by the partner who has to cover, so each partner, having received the cards dealt to him, must pick them up according to the suits and according to the seniority of the cards in each suit.

The first move belongs to the dealer's assistant.

The course of the game: for example, a player who plays trump cards goes to a player who plays diamonds from a six of clubs, then beats her with a seven of clubs and piles a ten of spades: the first one interrupts a ten with a jack of spades and piles an eight of clubs; the latter, having no more club suit in his hands, beats the eight of clubs with his trump card (diamonds) and piles on the queen of spades; the first, not having also a spade suit, beats the queen of spades with his trump card (hearts) and piles up some card. Thus, the roof and bulk continue until one of the players has neither a trump card nor the required suit in his hands and he is forced to accept the whole pile.

You should always go out and pile on the suit, which is a lot, or one that is very small, for example: one or two cards. Having a long suit on hand, it can be assumed that the opponent does not have it, and when exiting, it can only be covered by a trump card. Going from those cards that are few, one can think that the other has a lot of them, while the third does not have them at all and he must beat with a trump card. The more trump cards and good suits the opposing side calls out, the better for the one who has to take a bunch.

After accepting a pile, the cards are sorted by suit and the game continues in the same order until one of the players has all the cards out - then the game ends.

Each player should try to stock up on the senior trump cards of his opponent so that he can make a dump: when a large pile of cards is formed, and the opponent has few of them, then, having covered the running suit, they put an ace or king of his opponent’s trumps on it, which he cannot cover can and is forced to accept the whole bunch of cards.

Bulk is the card that is placed on top of the covered one, for example: a tambourine comes from the jack, you, having covered it with a queen, put ten worms on it, which makes up the bulk.

Pile - all the cards that accumulate on the table during the entire game.

Accept a pile - take all the cards that are on the table, because you have nothing to cover the card that was sent.


It is good to play this game with a large company - up to 15 people. A deck of cards - from 32 to 52 sheets, depending on the number of players.

The dealer, after shuffling them, pulls out a card at random from the deck and, without showing it to any of the players, puts it under a napkin or under the bottom of a lamp.

Then the rest of the cards are dealt to the players in an equal number. Players throw them in pairs (two aces, two kings, etc.) in one direction, holding the rest in their hands. After this operation, the one at the hand of the dealer turns the cards he has face down and gives them to his assistant, who, taking one of these cards at random, makes a pair, throws it aside and then passes the cards to his neighbor in the same order. .

The game continues until one of the players has a card left in their hands, which will be paired with the card that is hidden and is called “fofan”.

text: Dmitry Pryanik

We have a grandiose journey ahead - we are going on vacation, to relatives in Feodosia. We will be on the road for almost two days. It is not easy even for adults to endure such a move, to say nothing of the fidget-Stepka. What to do with him on the road? We take a few mini-board games with us, but you won't be playing them all day long!

I thought the cards would save the day. At Stepkin's age, I was very fond of playing Akulina with my grandmother, and with my grandfather - in I Believe - I Don't Believe. I tried to remember all the children's card games, and I got a good list.

Bonjour, Madame!

This game has two options. First: the leader throws out the cards one at a time. Second: all the cards are dealt to the players in an equal amount and each one puts one on the table in his turn.

Each card corresponds to a certain movement or word:

Ace - slam the palm on the table
King - salute
Lady - shout "Bonjour madam!"
Jack - shout "Sorry, monsieur!"
Ten - shout "Hurrah!"
Nine - clap your hands
Eight - meow
Seven - crow
Six - grunt

The player who mixed up the words or movements is out of the game.

I believe - I do not believe

If there are more than six players, then two decks are mixed. Cards are dealt in twos (moreover, one player may have fewer cards than the rest - it does not matter).

The player who sits to the left of the dealer starts the game. He lays out three cards face up and calls the value of the cards. The game starts with aces. That is, the player can actually lay aces and call them, or he can put any other cards, but also call them aces. The second player lays out the kings (again, either puts the correct cards or cheats). The third player lays out queens and so on in descending order.

If someone has doubts during the game, he says: “I doubt it.” Then all the cards laid out on the table are turned face up. If at least one card is “fake” (that is, it was not called, but it ended up on the table), then the player takes all the cards for himself. If there was no deception, then the player who deceived takes the cards.

The game is won by the one who gets rid of his cards first.


The game can be played by four to ten people. At the beginning, one suit is chosen - it will become the main one.

Each player is dealt three cards. He places one of them face down on the table and exchanges it with another player. Continuing the game in this way, you need to collect three cards of the same suit, agreed at the beginning of the game. The one who collects is out of the game.

The player left last is considered the loser and receives the nickname Eroshka.


If there are more than six players, then they take a deck of 52 cards. All cards are dealt equally to the players, from right to left.

Each player looks at their cards. If there are pairs (two deuces, two jacks ...), then he folds them. He holds the rest of the cards in his hands like a fan so that no one can peep which cards he has left.

Players in turn, from right to left, begin to draw one card from each other. Again they do the same, if paired cards come across, they are discarded. You can't just dump Akulina - the Queen of Spades. During the exchange of cards, it passes from one player to another, and the one who at the end has it in his hand is considered the loser.


This game is like Akulina. The leader randomly draws one card from the deck and hides it. Then the remaining cards are distributed to all participants in the game. They reveal their cards and fold their pairs. Then, in turn, cards are drawn from each other from right to left. As soon as paired cards come across, they are discarded again. The game is on until one of the players has the last card left, in a pair of the one that the leader hid.

A donkey

This is a mindfulness game. Because you need to monitor not only your cards, but also the behavior of other players.

So, aces, kings, queens, jacks and tens are chosen from the deck.

The facilitator shuffles the cards and distributes them equally to all players. The host starts the game - he exchanges one card with a neighbor (exchange at random, do not show cards to each other). The goal is to collect four cards (aces, or kings, or queens ...)

The game is played in complete silence. The player who collects four cards raises thumb. As soon as the other players notice this, they also give a thumbs up. The one who notices and raises his finger last becomes a donkey. He must shout "ee-ee" three times.


This is a game for two. The cards are shuffled and laid out in two decks (pictures down).

One at a time, players lay out their cards on the table. If the first player has the highest card, then he takes both cards for himself and puts them at the bottom of his deck.

If both players lay out cards of the same seniority, or one ace and the other six, then the cards argue. This means that each player puts another card on his card (picture down), and another one on top - picture up. And already on the third card they judge who won the dispute. The winner (that is, the one whose third card turns out to be the highest) takes all the cards involved in the dispute.

The game continues until one of the players has no cards left. He loses and is called a drunkard.


The game is played by three or more players.

Each player is given seven cards. The rest of the cards lie in the deck, from which the host takes the top card and puts it face up on the table.

On this card, the second player lays out three cards from his cards - either in descending or ascending order. For example, the driver posted a lady. The second player puts a jack, ten and nine on it. Or king, ace and deuce. The suit doesn't matter.

When all possibilities are exhausted and there is no more opportunity to put cards from those in hand, the player can take the top card from the deck. If it is suitable in order to make the next three of cards, then the game continues. If not, then the turn passes to the third player.

When the deck is exhausted, the players continue the game. The one who does not add up the three of a card passes (says “pass” and skips the move).

The goal of the game is to be the first to get rid of all your cards.

All card games can be divided into intellectual and gambling. But some identify a third category, which combines the principles of the first two. We have everything on the portal!

Gambling is the cards in society. In them, sometimes only Luck is important, since no skill can guarantee a perfect alignment. Solitaire games develop intelligence, attentiveness and logic. If someone thinks that stacking them is too easy, we recommend that you try a few games and only then make reckless claims.

As far as gambling and intellectual games are concerned, a lot is required here. Mind, logic, memory, good knowledge of the rules and, most importantly, no cheating. Card games on our portal are held in an exceptionally fair environment. After all, the task of flash games is not to get money from the players, but to have a good time. Therefore, if in our games there is poker or another similar alignment, then its goal is absolutely “peaceful”.

Playing cards with a computer is quite exciting. Artificial intelligence, although it strives to win, as laid down by the program, but at the same time always tries to help - it allows hints, the return of moves, and often offers pleasant bonuses.

Popular not only in casinos. There are a huge number of games that you can play with friends, at home and even in the office (of course, only during your lunch break!). The most popular of them are card games for two. Let's look at the simplest and most interesting options.


In general, the principles of this game are almost completely copied from the 36-card "fool" - except for one important detail. Here the Queen of Spades is stronger than the Ace of Trumps. The strategy is to try not only to successfully catch the "witch", but also to deftly use it. It is advisable, left without cards, to hold it until the final - in order to hand it to the opponent, it is guaranteed to win.

Thanks to the factor of unpredictability, the "lady" awakens even more excitement than the prototype taken as its basis.

twenty one

Card games for two are always an intrigue. As, for example, in the game "21". The goal is to get 21 points or beat the deck steward. So, the banker makes an initial bet, say, 100 rubles. Then he deals a card to his opponent and himself, and puts his own face up.

Numeric cards from 6 to 10 are worth face value, an ace is 1 or more often 11, and Q, D, K are worth 2, 3 and 4 points. The player makes an application, for example, 20 rubles, and asks for a second, or even a third card. If the hands have more than 21 (announced immediately), less than the dealer or a draw, the loser's bet goes to the pot. Then the deck passes to the winner, and the game lasts until the finalist hits a triple con (300 rubles).

Download and print more detailed rules games:


Card games for two are not only popular varieties of the "fool". You should definitely pay attention to the game sequence. A deck of 52 cards is divided between two players - equally or randomly, then they make up the bank. The first participant makes a move, for example, lays out a nine. And the second must continue the sequence, and so on until the ace, which is answered with a deuce. The winner, that is, the player who has lost all the cards, receives the pot plus the agreed bonus from the opponent.

Download and print more detailed rules of the game:


The essence of the game is to collect 9 points, or, again, outplay the banker. Denominations from 2 to 9, as always, are evaluated according to the actual seniority, and 10 and pictures give ten points each. At the same time, 19 is considered as 9, 27 as 7, and so on - according to the last digit.

Each player receives 2 cards in his hand, and can request a third - if there are not enough points. In this case, the loser, who has collected 10, 20 or 30 points (baccarat), in the next round, as an exception, receives the right to distribute.

Download and print more detailed rules of the game:

Borax (three sheets)

During the game, until the deck (36 cards) runs out, two players receive three cards each, and the seventh is laid out as a trump card. The goal is to take tricks on every hand, but in such a way that the total value of beaten pairs is 31 points. Points for face cards and aces are counted as in the game "Twenty-one", and digital denominations are worth nothing. And actually the drill is the slang name for the best "hand", consisting of three trump cards.

On the Internet, when mentioning poker for 36 cards, you can often come across such a concept as " painted poker". This is exactly the kind of game that is played with a reduced deck. But if you dig a little deeper, it turns out that she is very far from poker, having almost nothing in common with it. Therefore, we will not consider it, but the rules of classic Texas Hold'em with one small change - it uses 36 cards.

If you are already familiar with this game, then there will be nothing new for you, except for the new limit on the maximum players in one game and slightly changed the strength of the combinations. You can familiarize yourself with them a little further, in the section of the same name, and we will consider all the rules in detail.

First bets and pocket cards

The game starts with the blinds posted- mandatory minimum bets that are introduced into the game so that there is no empty pot. They are placed by two players sitting to the left of the button - a special chip that is passed clockwise every hand.

The big blind is almost always twice the small blind. After these bets are made, the players receive cards in their hands. 2 each. Already at this stage, everyone can make assumptions about what chances he has to collect this or that combination, and whether it is worth the risk now. For this to be justified, you need to get acquainted with the probabilities and strategies, but that's a topic for another discussion.

Trade circles

Having received the cards in hand, the players begin to trade . The essence of this action is to place chips. All players must either call or fold their cards, thus ceasing to participate in a particular hand.

What actions are available to players?

  • call- equalize the bet. Bet the same number of chips as the other player who bet the maximum;
  • fold- discard your cards;
  • Raise- raise the rate;
  • All-in- put on everything.

The circle continues until everyone is equal. After that comes the next stage of the game. It is called flop. Now the cards are not dealt to the players, but laid out on the table. Here they are common.

That is, conditionally, each player can use them to collect a combination along with what he has in his hand

A new round of betting begins, where the first action is taken by the player sitting again to the left of the button. Now the player will have two new actions available:

  • Beth- this is the same raise, but it is called that way if there were no bets on this round;
  • Check- skipping a turn. The player may choose not to bet or fold his cards, but to continue playing.

Another round has ended, bets have passed, and the table is dealt new map. This stage is called turn, and new trades follow.

And finally, the final, final circle - river. Last card and final bets.

After that, the players reveal their cards and compare combinations. The one who has more - takes the whole bank.

There are situations when, due to the different number of chips the players have, several banks are formed. Understanding these nuances is not difficult, but you can not get hung up at first, because the computer is responsible for all this.

It also happens when two players have completely identical combinations. In this situation, the bank may well be divided.


So we have reached the section that may be of interest to both beginners and professional players. The combinations themselves do not differ from those used in standard 52-card Hold'em, but their order is slightly different.

  • kicker- senior card. It is used to determine the winner if the players could not collect any of the stronger combinations, or if they matched;
  • Pair- two cards of the same rank. It doesn't matter how it's put together. From pocket cards or only on the table. Only the rank of these cards plays a role;
  • Two pairs. If several players could collect such a combination at once, then the winner must be determined using higher cards, but not their combination;
  • Straight- that combination, which many novice players perceive as one of the strongest, is generally the third strongest here. In standard Hold'em, she is one position ahead. A straight is five consecutive cards. The youngest - from ace to nine, where the first card plays the role of five, the oldest - from ten to ace;
  • Set- three cards of the same rank. You may come across other names such as troika, but they differ only in the way they are collected. Their strength does not change from this;
  • Full house- and change again. This combination in regular poker is also perceived as strong, but here it is located a little lower. It consists of one set and one pair. If several players have a full house, then the three of a kind determine the winner;
  • Flash- five cards of the same rank. This combination has risen higher only because the number of card ranks has decreased and there are now fewer matches for each suit;
  • Kare- four cards of the same rank;
  • straight flush- five consecutive cards of the same rank;
  • Royal flush- straight flush from ten to ace.

If you have not played poker before, then just memorize the order of these combinations (unless, of course, you want to play with 36 cards). If you are familiar with Texas Hold'em, remember two changes:

  • A set is higher than a straight;
  • A flush is older than a full house.


As in other varieties of poker, you can play 36 cards with different limits. There are three of them:

  • nolimit. The most common option, when the maximum bet is limited only by the number of chips you and other players at the table;
  • Fixedlimit. The sizes of the minimum and maximum rates are clearly limited;
  • Potlimit– the size of the maximum rate is limited by the formed bank. That is, the closer to the end of the hand, the more you can bet.

The nuances of strategy in 36-card poker

AT Texas Hold'em there are thousands of nuances that you need to know to play well. It makes no sense to tell them separately, separate materials are devoted to this - there are hundreds of them, including books from poker legends. Now let's just talk about the features of this variety.

36 card hold'em is more aggressive

Due to the fact that the chances of getting each combination increase by almost 1.5 times all players are more active, take more risks, and this creates dynamics in the game. But the important thing is that it's still the same Texas Hold'em, loved by millions.

Probabilities will need to be reviewed, as well as the strength of starting hands., but it's worth it, considering that playing with 36 cards, you will really feel the tension all the time.

As a result

36-card poker is a familiar Texas Hold'em game that uses a small deck of sixes instead of deuces. This imposes some features on the way the game is played. Combinations are more likely to drop, players attack more actively, but the changes that need to be remembered are minimal.

Poker with 36 cards is a great opportunity to get completely new sensations from your favorite game without changing anything.