Rules for planting lilies in the spring in the ground: the secrets of experienced flower growers. Garden lily flowers - planting and care, reproduction Planting lilies from hybrids in spring

It is difficult to find a garden plot without delicate lilies. Flower growers love the unpretentious perennial, personifying purity, chastity. According to experienced gardeners, even a beginner can handle planting and care of lilies if he adheres to certain nuances of growing amazing flowers.

When to buy bulbs

The bulb (an important part of the plant) is not only a source of nutrition, but also a way of reproduction for lilies.

To grow beautiful flowers, you need to purchase large healthy bulbs. They are prepared throughout the year.

  • Autumn is the best time to buy grown crops for spring sowing, so there is a wide variety of varieties available. In addition, many stores offer big discounts for pre-orders. The only drawback is to save the flower bulbs until planting.
  • You can buy planting material in the spring, but the choice is already poorer, since interesting varieties have already been sorted out by lily lovers.
  • It is convenient to buy bulbs just before planting. Purchased at the store and immediately planted in the country. But you have to take only the leftovers.
  • When planning planting in the fall, the bulbs are bought at the end of August, but the assortment is also small. But it will save you from winter storage.

Lilies in the garden

How to choose healthy bulbs

Bulbs are planted in early autumn and late summer.

Planting material is sold in specialized stores in the spring. When choosing, pay attention to the appearance:

  • no mechanical damage;
  • traces of decay are not visible;
  • the presence of at least four roots 4–5 cm long;
  • scales are evenly colored.

Beautiful lilies grow only from large and healthy bulbs

Planting material processing

Before planting, the bulbs are disinfected by keeping them in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate for at least half an hour.

Gardeners praise products that accelerate plant growth and disinfect: epin, maxim. The soaking time for planting material is indicated on the package.

If there are not enough healthy bulbs for planting, gardeners try to treat the diseased seed, first cleaning the damaged areas and keeping it in the foundation and karbafos.

Note! Planting material after treatment is planted separately from healthy bulbs.

Growing seedlings of lilies

Many gardeners believe that it is more convenient to plant flowers in early spring with seedlings. This makes it possible to observe how plants adapt, what problems arise, and it is easier to plan a flower bed.

Seedlings are grown at home in a container or pot.

  1. Pour into it decontaminated (calcined in the oven) earth from the garden plot. You can save yourself from these procedures and purchase ready-made soil in the store.
  2. Deepen prepared bulbs. It is acceptable to plant a lot of planting material in one pot, since the plants will be planted in a flower bed.
  3. During this period, seedlings are watered once a week. They don't feed. The main thing is to be light.

After 10 days, the bulbs germinate.

Important! Lily is an outdoor plant, experienced flower growers do not recommend growing it at home, as the flower will die.

Lily from seeds: cultivation and features

Planting from seeds is one of the safer options for propagating flowers, but takes longer. It will take at least four years to grow blooming lilies.

Seed material can be bought at the store or collected independently on healthy flowers. It is important to know how quickly the seeds germinate, since the seedlings of the germinating ones soon appear in the first year, while the slow ones form a small onion in the fall.

How and when to plant lily seeds

Seeds are sown immediately in open ground or in a pot at home. Pre-seeding improves germination.

Seeds that germinate for a long time are planted in late autumn so that they overwinter. The planting site is fertilized with humus, before the onset of frost, the soil is mulched with a thick layer of foliage or hay. Mulch will keep the seeds from freezing.

In late February or early March, flower seeds are planted for seedlings. A drainage layer (expanded clay) is poured into the container, peat or humus is added, then fertile soil.

Shoots are shown after three weeks at a temperature of 19 ° C to 25 ° C. With the appearance of two leaves, a pick is carried out. By September, the crops dive for the second time and take them to a dark room, where the temperature does not exceed 8 ° C.

In the spring, formed small bulbs are planted in the garden in the garden.

Transplanting and dividing bulbs

In August (at the end) or the first decade of September, bulbous perennials are transplanted: tulips, lilies, daffodils, so that they take root before winter.

  1. The procedure is carried out every four years.
  2. Divided bulbs are laid in soil prepared in advance: fertilized with organic matter and minerals.
  3. Then planting material is deepened by 6 cm (this will protect against frost).

There are known types of lilies that need to be divided annually (Asian hybrids). Carefully dig out the plants without damaging the roots. Brown and with rusty spots, the scales are carefully cleaned. Small onions are separated with a knife. Then they are disinfected in potassium permanganate and planted wet in the ground.

Note! Division not only propagates flowers, rejuvenates and heals the plant, the procedure is necessary for normal growth and development.

Site preparation before planting lilies

The choice of landing site depends on the variety of lilies. Asian varieties require sunny areas, although they also grow in beds with light partial shade. Japanese, calloused, reddish, magnificent lilies are planted in semi-shaded places. The stem of the plant in the upper part should be illuminated by the sun's rays, and the lower part needs a shadow. For this purpose, low lawn grass or flowers are sown next to the flowers. These types of lilies in the Moscow region do not grow without film shelter.

Tubular lilies are unpretentious species. They rarely get sick, they are not damaged by pests. Flowers easily take root in any climate.

There are conditions common for the successful cultivation of all varieties:

  • the soil in the selected area should be light, fertile;
  • large trees cannot grow nearby;
  • the site is chosen high, where water does not stagnate and groundwater does not accumulate;
  • a place protected from drafts (in the absence of creating artificial protection).

Proper soil preparation

Since the flowers are not transplanted every year, they grow in one place for several years, special attention is paid to soil preparation. The soil is lightened, making it looser. Fertilize, increasing the nutritional value of the soil, peat, humus, manure with sand.

Note! Most lilies are grown on neutral soils, but there are varieties that prefer slightly alkaline or acidified soil. Before choosing a variety, it is advisable to check with a specialist what kind of soil is needed.

Mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil rich in organic matter. Dig no deeper than one spade bayonet.

For spring planting, the soil is prepared in the fall, and in the spring fertilizers are applied for flowers planted before winter.

How to plant lilies

Plant flowers in spring and autumn. Each period has its pros and cons. Gardeners prefer autumn planting, because the plant has time to take root, the roots become stronger, it is easier for the flower to endure winter frosts, and abrupt spring temperatures.

What determines the landing time

Experienced flower growers consider the period until mid-autumn the most suitable time for planting. It depends on the natural course of plant growth.

After flowering, lilies rest (at rest). Then the bulb actively grows, takes root. With the onset of spring heat, a bud of a peduncle is formed.

Sometimes the chosen variety of flowers forces gardeners to plant lilies in the spring, since not everyone can withstand the harsh winters of the central regions of the country.

Lily care in the garden

To grow beautiful healthy flowers, you need to take care of them. Caring for lilies is not much different from the standard care for other flowers:

  • watered;
  • loosen, remove weeds;
  • feed.

Lilies do not need abundant watering, as it will lead to stagnation of water, from which the roots will rot. Lack of moisture is also harmful.

In spring, the flowers are watered more often, as the foliage grows intensively. In the summer, watering is reduced. To make flowering long, water 1 time in 7 days. When flowering ends, watering is added.

How to feed lilies for lush flowering in the garden

In order for the lilies to bloom magnificently, they are fed.

  • With the beginning of spring, the plants are fed with nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate or urea is scattered on the surface of the soil around the bushes (per 1 m² 2 tablespoons).
  • If the soil is dry, then water it under the roots (2 tablespoons per 10-liter watering can).
  • During the summer, the plants are fed twice. During the formation of buds, another top dressing with minerals (phosphorus, potassium) is carried out. Bred 1 tbsp. a spoonful of azophoska in a bucket (10 l) of water. At the end of flowering, the lilies are fed again, since the nutrient reserves for a plentiful color are used up.

Note! Wood ash (100 g per 1 m²) is added to any top dressing in the summer.

How to cut flowers correctly

Lilies are rarely cut.

Sometimes there is a desire to put a vase with a delicate bouquet at home.

In order not to harm the plant with pruning, observe some nuances:

  • during the day in sunny weather, flowers cannot be cut, only in cloudy weather in the early morning or evening;
  • use a sterile knife, it is treated with alcohol;
  • the stem is not cut off completely, a third part is left to feed the bulb;
  • so that water does not stagnate at the cut site after rain, it is made obliquely.

How to prepare a lily for winter

Before the onset of winter cold weather, flowers are prepared for wintering:

  • when the stems dry, they are cut off, leaving at least 10 cm;
  • they are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (nitrogen is not needed), since after flowering a bulb is formed, it needs nutrition;
  • make a thick layer of mulch from foliage, sawdust, hay.

For this purpose, needles are the most suitable choice. It will protect against frost, slugs, mice.

Top covered with material

Lily care after flowering

After flowering, the underground part intensifies, buds form. Food comes not only from the ground. The stems and leaves (due to the process of photosynthesis) also feed the bulb.

Lilies have faded: what to do next

Gardeners who decide to leave the flowers for the winter in the ground cut the stems of the plant, feed it, cover it.

Pruning lilies after flowering

If you cut the stems without waiting for drying:

  • the bulb will stop growing;
  • the flower will not receive proper nutrition;
  • winters badly;
  • will not give lush flowering next year.

Important! Remove dried stems and those on which a box with seeds began to form, taking away food from the plant.

Flowers are cut obliquely with alcohol-disinfected tools: secateurs, scissors.

Do I need to dig up lilies for the winter

Depends on a number of reasons:

  • if you want to propagate the plant;
  • the variety has poor frost resistance;
  • the flowers show signs of the disease (the stem turns black, rot has appeared);
  • the lilies began to shrink.

There is no consensus among experienced flower growers: is it necessary to dig out the bulbs. But once every 5 years, when you need to dig up lilies, be sure to transplant them to a new place.

Collection and storage of planting material

The dug bulbs are carefully examined, sorted, processed:

  • wash off the dirt with warm water;
  • cut off diseased and damaged roots, dried scales;
  • disinfect with potassium permanganate (weak solution), foundationazole or karbofos;
  • dry in a place inaccessible to the sun;
  • stacked in a container (wooden or plastic), covered with sand, sawdust.

Planting material is stored in a cool room, for example, a cellar at a temperature not exceeding 4 ° C.

If there are few bulbs, they are stored in the refrigerator, but first in a film, then wrapped in a wet canvas.

Note! For reliability, some gardeners leave half of the bulbs to winter in the ground, and dig up the other half.

Lilies: planting and care in the open field in the Urals and Siberia

In the harsh climatic conditions of the northern regions of the country, caring flower growers successfully grow lilies. The main thing is the right choice of variety, knowledge of how to care for lilies in a short cold summer.

Asian and LA hybrids are suitable for breeding in Siberia: Snezhana, Alaska, Nochka, Iskra, Navona and other varieties. Pink lilies that are resistant to severe frosts are suitable: Marlene, Fermata, Lorena, as well as folk orange, Sterntiger.

In the Urals and Siberia, flowers are planted in spring and autumn.

Bulbs are dug in a flower bed only in warm ground, when frosts are no longer terrible (second half of May). When planted in the spring, the flowers will take root, take root, grow green, but will be able to bloom next summer.

If the variety is frost-resistant, when planted in the fall, the bulbs will take root and overwinter safely. Caring for flowers is no different from traditional care.

Features of growing lilies in the northern regions

With the right choice of a variety that is resistant to cold, temperature fluctuations, growing lilies is the same process as in the southern regions. But there are still some nuances.

It is advisable not to leave the bulbs for the winter in the ground. Despite shelter, they can freeze slightly. And if gardeners do not dig up the bulbs, they must cover them with a layer of spruce branches. They throw a lot of snow, because snowdrifts are an excellent covering material.

Important! In dry soil, the bulbs overwinter more easily. If autumn turned out to be rainy (for the northern regions - the norm), a flower bed with lilies is covered with a film or slate.

Lily diseases

Mice love to eat flower bulbs, slugs like to eat succulent stems. In addition, lilies are susceptible to fungal, viral diseases.

Botrytis, or gray rot, is a common lily disease that appears on the lower leaves, then quickly spreads throughout the flower

The causative agent of gray rot lives in plant bulbs, which is why it is so important to disinfect them. The first symptoms are the formation of round brown spots, which eventually become a rusty coating and cover the entire plant.

Having discovered the disease, they immediately begin treatment with Bordeaux liquid, fungicidal preparations: discor, oxychom. The treatment is repeated after 10 days.

Why do lilies fall off the buds without blooming

There are many factors that affect bud drop:

  • water scarcity. Flowers are deficient especially on hot days and get rid of buds, part of the greenery;
  • fungal disease. Because of it, flowers also drop buds that have not had time to open;
  • botrytis (gray rot), spotting. Excess moisture causes rotting of all elements of the flower. The buds rot;
  • nematode. Because of this worm, the buds dry up, the foliage begins to fall off, as the insect drinks the juices of the plant;
  • lily flies, fire bugs.

When the first signs appear, you need to find the cause and treat the plants so as not to lose flowering.

Lilies have brown leaves: what to do

The appearance of rusty and brown spots on the greenery is due to the defeat of the plant by a fungal disease.

  • First, the spots cover the edges of the leaves, look wet. Over time, they dry up, move to the stems, buds.
  • If the disease was noticed at the initial stage, you can try to save the lily. If the plant is completely damaged, there will be no flowering.

Note! In order to prevent brown spots, flowers are treated with means such as zircon, epin. Processing is carried out in cloudy weather on dry foliage.

Reduce the risk of disease by frequent loosening of the soil near plantings, especially in rainy weather.

If brown spots are already visible:

  • the affected leaves are removed, burned;
  • a completely affected plant is cut off, leaving a stump no higher than 5 cm;
  • the lily and the place of growth are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or other products containing copper;
  • mineral fertilizers (phosphorus, potassium) are applied under the root;
  • sprinkle the plant with ashes.

If the disease manifests itself annually, then the place for growing lilies is not suitable, it is time to change it.

Why do lily leaves turn yellow?

Leaf yellowing occurs for a number of reasons. Home - insufficient care. Other:

  • lack of water. It is necessary to water the flowers on time, especially on hot days;
  • too frequent planting also causes yellowing of the leaves, the plant lacks oxygen and nutrition;
  • excess water is also harmful, as a lack, due to which the foliage turns yellow;
  • not enough or too much fertilizer;
  • flowers experience "iron" hunger;
  • from fungal, viral diseases, the leaves turn yellow.

It is possible to protect lilies from yellowing if the cause of the occurrence is established.

How to process lilies

Thickened plantings, weeds, insufficient care for flowers lead to diseases. Caring flower growers begin the fight against diseases and insect pests from the time of planting.

The most effective method of protection is prevention. Plants need to be examined more often in order to notice the disease or insects that have flocked to the succulent stems of lilies in time.

Pest protection

There are up to a dozen dangerous lovers of lilies. The most common of them:

  • curling leaves indicates a spider mite. Sprayed with fitoverm, actellik;
  • the squeaker beetle is clearly visible on the leaves. Against him, flowers are sprayed with decis, karbofos;
  • the lily fly lays its eggs in buds. Processing is required three times. Apply karbofos, ditoks;
  • the bear feeds on roots, bulbs, damaging them, leaving numerous holes in the ground. Thunder or grizzly preparations are poured into them. The same funds will help from the larvae of the May beetle (Khrushcha).

Note! Begin processing immediately, until a lot of pests have divorced. The stores have a wide selection of insect repellents and diseases of bulbous crops. Instructions for use of drugs are indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Lily breeding

Flowers can reproduce in several ways:

  • bulbs;
  • cuttings;
  • scales.

Reproduction of lilies with scales

The method is not quite common, but frequent.

What do scales look like

Scales are separated from the bulb, planted in the ground, they take root. Crops are watered a lot, as a result of which an independent plant grows.

It is advisable to do the procedure after the autumn digging of the bulbs:

  1. First, the scales are carefully washed with warm water.
  2. Disinfected for a quarter of an hour in potassium permanganate.
  3. Allow to dry, put in a bag with crushed coal (charcoal).

For a month and a half, they are kept at temperatures up to 23 ° C, later they are taken to a cool place (up to 17 ° C) for a month. After they are stored until planting in the cellar or on the shelf of the refrigerator.

The planting hole should be no deeper than half the scale size.

Note! Lilies will bloom only after three years.

In this way, more than a hundred new flowers are obtained.

Reproduction of lilies by cuttings after flowering

When there is little planting material, gardeners, solving the problem of how to propagate lilies, use this method.

  1. Cut off the stem with a pruner after flowering almost at the base. A stick is inserted near the stump so that the place of the flower is not lost.
  2. The stem is cut into pieces of 10 cm, on which the leaves are removed from the bottom to the middle, two short (3 cm) marks (shallow) are made with a sharp knife along the handle.
  3. Dipped in a root-forming agent (any) for a couple of hours, immediately planted under a film.
  4. Within two months, the cuttings will grow their own roots, later small onions will form, which are transplanted to a permanent place.

flower stem

The stem is not always cut into pieces. They dig a shallow horizontal hole, put the whole stem into it, after making longitudinal cuts. Watered with epin, a mini-greenhouse is constructed over the place. They cover in the winter with peat, sawdust, snow. Bulbs should form by spring.

Propagation of lilies by bulbs

A quick and convenient way to form bulbs. Bulbs are not formed on all varieties of lilies, but in some (for example, Asian hybrids, tubular) dozens of buds (air bulbs) form during flowering. This is the bulbs.

What do bulbs look like

When the buds are fully mature, they are separated from the stem. They sometimes form roots and even leaves.

Bulbs are harvested until they crumble (August-September), sent for storage until spring planting or planted immediately in the fall.

Lilies are noble flowers. With beautiful flowering, they will add originality and attractiveness to the garden plot, will decorate any landscape.

Many lily lovers are wondering how to properly plant lilies. Indeed, for this flower, proper planting is a guarantee; that it will take root well, and will soon delight with its flowering and aroma. Consider how to plant lilies in various conditions.

When to plant lilies

Most gardeners prefer to plant lilies in the summer, but if you want to see them bloom this year, it's best to plant them in the spring. Several root vegetables can be planted in one large pot, then you get a beautiful flowering bouquet. Important! Do not take too spacious a container, otherwise the plant will not bloom. Next, follow the following sequence of actions:

Lilies - how to choose and plant

  • Pour the first layer - drainage. On top, you should lay the soil mixture purchased in a specialized store, which contains a large amount of nutrients. Place an onion in the center of the hole. Spread the rhizome evenly. It is necessary to cover the lily only to the middle. There should be no more than half of the earth in the pot. When the roots take root, it will be possible to fill up. Place in a dark, cool place until sprouts appear. As soon as the active growth of the plant begins, transfer it to the windowsill on the sunny side of the room.

In summer, fresh air should flow to the flower, so you need to open the window sashes if you decide to plant lilies at home. We recommend reading the article about what time of the year to transplant lilies: When to transplant lilies.

How to plant a lily in a pot

  • Pot of suitable size (about 20 cm). Drainage, river sand and earth. Water. Lily bulbs.

How to plant lilies in the garden

Before planting lilies in the garden, choose the most suitable place. Usually gardeners place a flower in a flower bed in the background, since popular varieties are tall.

It is better to plant medium-sized shrubs or flowers in front of the plant so that they cover the stems of the lily, which may turn yellow. If you are going to plant a stunted species that does not exceed 30 cm, then select the front beds or a container.

What is important to remember when landing

  1. Make holes three times the diameter of the bulbs, always more than 7-8 cm. The top layer of earth above the root crop is about 3 cm. If the soil structure is light, dig deeper. Depending on the soil base and flower varieties, the location will vary between 5-20 cm .Plant small root crops at a distance of 11-17 cm from each other, and large and high - up to 30 cm. Water abundantly.

In order for lilies to bloom regularly and magnificently, it is necessary to give them a foothold in the ground. Only then can they be transplanted. On average, it takes four years for lilies to gain strength and become firmly rooted. The best conditions for growing all varieties of lilies are:

  • Lilies love loose nutrient soil with good drainage performance. The plant does not like constantly wet soil. It is preferable to choose a sunny site. Lime is not appropriate for this flower, so the soil needs to be acidified with peat. It grows well on light loamy or sandy loamy soil.

Bulbs should be planted at the end of summer, when the heat begins to subside. It is very important to know how to care for lilies.

Especially for this case, on our website there is an article How to care for lilies. Finally, I would like to note that lilies are perennial flowers. Once planted, they will have to be replanted only after a few years (lily bulbs, regardless of the type of variety, must be in the ground for at least five years), and therefore you should approach the planting of such flowers thoroughly.

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Planting a lily in both autumn and spring

Main, what you need to know about planting lilies, this is what you plant them not for a year, or even for two. The bulbs of these flowers should grow in one place for about 4-5 years, gaining strength.

Constant annual digging will weaken them, and as a result, in the first year after planting, the flowers are smaller than in subsequent years. Lilies can be planted in the ground both in autumn and directly at the beginning of the growing season - in spring. For example, I prefer to do this in the fall to achieve earlier flowering.

Such bulbs take root even before the onset of frost. In addition, if you bought planting material in the summer, it may deteriorate until next spring. Lily bulbs dry out faster than tulip bulbs, and loss of moisture sometimes results in the plant never blooming.

If you notice that the bulb has lost its elasticity, immediately plant it in the ground. The only reason why it makes sense to plant lily bulbs in the spring is to change the site. For example, you want to plant lilies in an area that is still occupied by other flowers whose growing season ends in October-November (for example, chrysanthemums).

Or if you want to renew the soil on the spot under the flower bed with lilies - add fertilizer, add fresh earth. Then in the spring it is advisable to dig up this area and only after that plant lily bulbs.

Where to plant lilies

As I mentioned, lilies should grow in one place for at least 4-5 years. So immediately choose a permanent site for the flower bed.

The soil in the place where the lilies will be planted must be well-drained., freely pass water when watering, so that moisture does not stagnate. The soil can even be half sandy or loamy - lilies do not like heavy soils. Lily care before planting - in order for you to admire beautiful, large flowers, the land must be fertile, not empty.

So a few months before planting, it is advisable to apply organic or mineral fertilizers to the soil. It is also desirable to fertilize the soil when the first shoots of lilies appear in the spring. The bulbs are planted to a depth of about 20 cm, but if they are too young and small, then the hole should be much smaller.

So the depth of planting depends on the size of the lily bulb. I like to plant lilies in groups of 3-4 plants, without making large gaps between them. So it turns out a very beautiful bouquet of lilies right in the garden.

But do not forget that the bulb needs to grow, so even with such a planting, the gap should be at least 10-12 cm. And if you also have a large-flowered variety, then it is better to plant them at a distance of 15-18 cm from each other. Planting depth Lily bulbs depend on their size.

Large bulbs need a hole 15-20 cm deep, you also need to make an additional recess for the roots - 10 cm. Low-growing varieties are planted to a depth of 10-12 cm and an additional 10 cm for the roots.

Children can be dropped to a depth of 4-5 cm. When you plant a lily bulb, pour fertile soil into the pits at the bottom, and also sprinkle it on top. So the bulb will receive a supply of mineral fertilizers to start development.

The subtleties of planting lilies

When planting lilies, follow the rule of plant height. Lower varieties of lilies should be planted closer to the paths, and plants with long stems should be planted in the middle of the site. The lily site itself should be sunny, but it’s good if a shadow gets there during the hottest daytime hours - this prolongs the flowering period, since direct sunlight the light burns the flowers. Lilies really like it if their stems below are protected from the scorching sun, so you can plant some undersized flowers with them: daisies, violets. Their leaves will retain the moisture needed by the bulb. It is also possible, with the advent of sprouts, to cover the soil around the lilies with a layer of organic mulch: needles, dry grass, thin pieces of bark.

In the spring, before the shoots of lilies appear, I apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, for example, ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 1 m 2). Or I feed plantings of lilies with organic and mineral fertilizers: a solution of fermented mullein (in no case should fresh mullein be used for feeding lilies) in a ratio (1:10), a solution or granules of nitroammophoska or ammonium nitrate (40-50 g per 10 l of water or per 1 m 2).

Good results are obtained by the introduction of wood ash (100 g / m 2). Ash can be applied several times per season. Thanks to this, lily flowers become larger, more intensely colored and more resistant to diseases.

As soon as the sprouts of lilies appear, it is recommended to shed the soil with Bordeaux liquid or the Lazurin composition: dilute 1 tbsp in 9 liters of water. l. drinking soda, ammonia and copper sulphate, previously dissolved in 1 liter of warm water (copper sulphate is poured last in a thin stream with continuous stirring). When the lilies have buds, repeat feeding with ammonium nitrate.

The vegetative part of plants is treated from pests and diseases, since healthy shoots and leaves determine the full flowering next year. For the third time (in July, not later), double superphosphate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) and potassium magnesia (1.5 tablespoons per 10 liters) are added under the lilies.

Even if the lilies are badly affected by gray rot, they still feed the plants. The bulbs need food - after all, the roots of the lilies continue to work, and the bulb gains nutrients, although worse than in the presence of leaves.

Almost all lilies are well suited to neutral or slightly acidic, loose, permeable soil. Every summer, 2-3 times I sprinkle ash on the beds with lilies - it serves as a fertilizer, and at the same time kills pathogenic fungi.

Stefan Fedorovich Nedyalkov (Belarus) on

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  • presents

How to plant lilies in autumn or spring

Lily is a noble graceful flower that will decorate any celebration, be it a wedding or a birthday. Since ancient times, the walls of temples and palaces have been inlaid with buds, they were brought as a gift to royalty.

Before planting lilies, remember how often these flowers became part of the image of family coats of arms, were mentioned in songs and poems. In Christianity, a white flower is considered the personification of purity and purity.

Which variety do you prefer

Before planting lilies, keep in mind that some varieties have very different flowering times. It's easy to explain. Over the years of breeding, many varieties have been bred that successfully take root not only in our region, but also in countries with a warmer climate.

The question arises: "When to plant lilies?" In autumn, the conditions for this are the most favorable. Choose oriental hybrids whose flowering period is not too long. Their bulbs overwinter well in the ground if covered with a layer of leaves.

If the plant blooms for a long time, then the tuber does not have time to stock up on nutrients before the onset of winter cold, and the flower may die. Planting and care features may differ depending on the variety. It is important when buying to clearly define the subtleties of cultivation.

Do not purchase planting material if the seller cannot say what kind of variety and which group it belongs to. Bulbs should be full and healthy. It is useful to treat them with a solution of karbofos to repel harmful insects.

Proper storage of bulbs

Suppose you have already purchased varietal tubers and expect to grow beautiful lilies. When is it better to plant bulbs so that the plant pleases the eye for many years?

Traditionally, lilies are placed in the ground in the fall, but for now, the tubers can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-3 ° C, after being sprinkled with peat and sawdust. Place the mixture in a plastic bag with small holes. This will provide air access.

Do not store bulbs without filler. From this, the planting material can rot or become moldy. Such storage conditions allow the bulbs to gain strength and stock up on nutrients.

A small sprout (5-6 cm) appears, which can be temporarily placed in a flower pot until the frost ends. Such tubers are planted along with the land in which they took root.

Soil selection and preparation

Suitable medium-heavy soil with good water permeability. If the ground is too wet, and groundwater is close to the surface (above 2 meters), then the plant may die in such conditions.

Additional drainage is introduced into the clay soil, which consists of gravel and sand. When planting lilies in the ground, the ground must already be prepared. If planting is planned in the fall, then the soil is prepared in the summer, digging it to a depth of no more than 30 cm.

Additionally, manure and leaf humus are added in the amount necessary for good growth. When to plant lilies in the spring? Most often this is done in March or April. The earth for such a planting is dug up in the fall, introducing the necessary organic matter.

How to determine a landing site

These flowers are not too whimsical when choosing a place, but there are some features that, when performed in your garden, beautiful buds will please the eye for a long time. If you want to know how to plant lilies correctly, consider the size of the flower and its height.

If the plant is small, then plant in small groups on a hillock or form something like an alpine hill on the site. Tall flowers are planted in several pieces separately, otherwise they will obscure the sunlight for other undersized crops.

It is best to choose partial shade or areas that the sun illuminates well. Lilies love good lighting until noon.

Planting in autumn

From the variety of shapes, colors and sizes of lily buds, literally your eyes run wide. Everyone wants to see such a miracle on their personal plot. Flower beds are formed near the house or along the road, next to the gazebo. When to plant lilies in autumn?

The beginning or middle of September is the best time to place the bulbous plant in the ground. The weather is still warm, the rainy season is gradually coming. Bulbs do not need to be dried before planting.

Lily tubers do not have an additional protective shell, their scales are juicy, they must have roots. Plant flowers right away, so the tubers become stronger, take root, and even form basal leaves before the onset of winter. How to plant lilies? Dig small holes.

The depth should be such that the roots of the bulb can comfortably fit. Fill the bottom of the hole with sand. Place the tuber on top, carefully straightening the roots. Fill in the ground. Immediately after planting in the ground, the plant must be thoroughly watered.

For the winter, the bulbs are covered with a dense layer of fallen leaves or humus. With the onset of spring (already in April), the first shoots appear. This is a signal that the plant has awakened and requires additional nutrition.

Leaves are harvested, top dressing is carried out with saltpeter, after a couple of weeks mullein is introduced.

Planting in the spring

Lily bulbs go on sale in late February - early March. If the question arose of when to plant lilies in the spring, then it is best to do this after the spring frosts have ended. At the end of March, the tubers are taken out of the refrigerator and laid out on a sunny windowsill.

So they dry up and become stronger. How to plant lilies in spring? Bulbs are placed in pre-prepared ground in early May. It is worth knowing that not all varieties tolerate this planting option. For example, narrow-leaved or white lily, "Regale" take root perfectly.

But do not be surprised if no flowers appear: it takes time for the plant to take root and acclimatize. At least one winter, the lily must survive and strengthen the roots. And the next year, beautiful buds appear.

It is important to know that with the spring planting option, the flowers may not be too large, and the growth of the stems is noticeably worse. There is an opinion that lilies can be planted first in a pot, and in May, already grown sprouts can be transferred to the ground. This is not a good option, as the stems grow weak and long. The pot is best kept in a cool place to prevent intensive growth.

How deep should lilies be planted?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since much depends on the variety of the lily and the characteristics of its growth. As a rule, the planting depth is calculated based on the size of the bulb itself. The distance from the surface is equal to three times the height of the tuber.

For low flowers, the planting depth ranges from 7-12 cm. Medium - 10-15 cm. The tubers of high lilies are deepened into the soil by 17-22 cm.

But this is only when the soil is prepared in accordance with all the rules, has normal acidity. Many gardeners claim that lily bulbs take root in “heavy” soil when planting is carried out to a depth of no more than 5 cm. And for some varieties for normal growth and vital activity, it is necessary that the bulb peeks out of the soil a little.

Be sure to know when to plant lilies. Autumn is preferable. Experts say that the bulbs can be planted 5-10 cm deeper than necessary for this variety.

This is especially true for areas where frost occurs in late spring. Seedlings after such a planting appear a little later, but the plant is much stronger and healthier.


Flowers are watered moderately, preventing the soil from drying out. So that the bulbs feel moisture, mulch is laid out around the stem. If there is a strong heat and drought, then the lilies are watered directly under the root.

This must be done very carefully so that drops do not fall on the leaves: the sun burns through the places where water gets, and over time, botrytis or gray rot develops here - an unpleasant and dangerous disease. Some sources indicate that lilies require constant weeding from weeds and need in loosening the soil. In fact, experienced gardeners advise avoiding the last step.

Keep in mind that new bulbs gradually form around the tuber, they can easily be damaged when digging the ground. When is it better to plant lilies? Autumn. At this time of the year, a kidney begins to form, nutrients accumulate. And further.

If you cut a flower, make sure that half of the leaves remain on the stem. So the plant accumulates plastic substances. This is a guarantee that next year the lily will bloom magnificently.

Transplanting perennial flowers

The garden flower produces amazing buds every year. But 3-4 years pass, and you begin to notice that the flowers are getting smaller. This is a sure sign that it is time for a transplant.

The lily has already had a lot of "children", and the soil has become impoverished after rapid flowering. After the buds have fallen, you need to wait 1-1.5 months: the bulb is gaining strength, pouring, becoming elastic.

In early August, arm yourself with a pitchfork and carefully tuck the soil at a distance of 15-20 cm from the stem. Turn over a clod of earth with bulbs. Take out the bulbs carefully, being careful not to damage the roots.

Sometimes the tubers fall apart on their own, sometimes they have to be divided. When to plant lily bulbs? Take your time. They need to be processed first.

Rinse the tubers thoroughly in running water and dip them in a solution of karbofos for half an hour (1 tablespoon of the substance in a bucket of water). You can process the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The tubers are dried away from the sun and the roots are cut a little (by 6-7 cm).

After preparation, the bulbs can be planted in the ground.

Healing properties

Even in ancient times, when modern medicines were not known to people, many preparations (tinctures, powders, decoctions) were made from various herbs and minerals. Lily, for example, was used to heal cuts, abrasions and wounds.

It was believed that this flower could cure heart disease and even soothe toothache. And today, many people use a recipe passed down through generations: dark glassware is half filled with lily petals, poured with vodka (to cover slightly), corked and allowed to brew for 1.5 months.

The resulting remedy is used to wipe the places of bruises and wounds, they are treated with abscesses. If you add 2/3 of water, you can use the infusion as a face lotion.

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Choosing a suitable place for planting a lily ^

For flowers as delicate and delicate as lilies, planting and care are of great importance. This is especially true of the most beautiful exotic varieties.

It is necessary not only to determine the correct planting dates, but also to choose a good place for a flower bed with lilies, plant them according to one of the schemes, observing the required distance between plants and the optimal depth in accordance with the characteristics of the lily species. When planning how to plant lilies so that they look harmonious in a flower bed, be sure to consider the size, height, shape and color of the flowers. For example, tall varieties of lilies are best planted in small groups or placed in the background flower beds.

And undersized varieties of lilies with small flowers will go well in a flower bed with peonies, phlox and daylilies. A good option would be to combine roses and lily flowers on the same bed - planting these flowers together will greatly facilitate your troubles with sheltering plants for the winter. Choosing a suitable place for planting lilies, keep in mind that these flowers need nutritious loose soil, clean of weeds and permeable. Most Asiatic lilies and tube hybrids like open areas, but they can be grown in light shade, just not near trees - there is a strong shade and dry soil.

Hanging lily, orange, daurian, pleasant, single-color, long-flowered, dwarf and chalcedonian lilies can be successfully grown by planting them in a sunny place. But the Japanese, golden, carniol, curly, two-row, calloused, beautiful, magnificent and reddish lilies prefer partial shade. Knowing how to properly plant lilies, and which site is best to choose for growing, you are sure to achieve great results!

What kind of soil do lilies need ^

Planting lilies requires advance thorough soil preparation, since in one place the lily will grow without a transplant from three to five years:

  • add humus, peat and sand to heavy soil, just do not overdo it with organic fertilizers, otherwise the aerial part of the lilies will quickly grow to the detriment of the formation of bulbs, the plants will be less resistant to diseases and less winter-hardy; add 8 kg of humus per 1 m2 to poor podzolic soils ; in alkaline chernozem soils per 1 m2 - 4 kg of humus; for plowing, along with organic fertilizers, it is also desirable to add phosphorus, potash and nitrogen fertilizers to the soil.

Keep in mind that different types of lily require different soil acidity. Most varieties of lilies grow well in neutral soil, but umbellate, curly, bulbous, white, Tibetan, single-color lilies, as well as Regale and Martagon lilies, prefer soil with a slightly alkaline reaction. On acidified soils, lilies can grow: Dahurian, tiger, drooping, David, Wilmott, Maksimovich.

How to plant lilies correctly: to what depth, and according to what scheme ^

So, the place for planting lilies has been chosen, the soil has been prepared, now you need to decide at what depth to plant lilies. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the variety of lily, but also the size of the bulb, the ability of the plant to form stem roots.

Basically, the bulbs are planted in the ground to a depth greater than three times their diameter. Tall varieties with large flowering stems (Wilmott, Henry, curly) are planted deeper than indicated above, and for lilies with stem roots, even greater depth is needed. Lily bulbs with a rosette of ground leaves (terracotta, snow-white, Catsby) are planted to a depth of two centimeters, with the expectation that the tops of the scales are located near the surface. The depth of planting lilies also depends on the characteristics of the soil: it is better to plant bulbs in sandy light soil deeper, than in heavy soil.

In general, a deeper planting provides the bulbs with sufficient moisture in summer, optimal temperature in winter, and protection from frost in spring. On the long underground part, more baby bulbs and stem roots are formed. The planting scheme for lilies is presented in three options:

  • single-line tape with a distance of 5-15 cm between lily bulbs in a row and 50 cm between lines; two-line tape (for medium-sized lilies) with a distance between bulbs of 15-25 cm, 25 between lines, and 70 cm between tapes; tape (for undersized lilies) with a distance between the bulbs of 10-15 cm, keeping between the tapes and lines as much as with a two-line planting.

Let's briefly talk about how to plant lilies. First of all, dig holes with a scoop according to the selected pattern to the desired depth. Prepare protective cushions in each hole with a mixture of washed river sand and ash.

How to plant lilies and care for them. Lilies are different. Oriental lilies require special attention. In September they need to be sheltered from the rains, and then from the frost. The rest of the lilies are Asians and hybrids do not require shelter for the winter. We start planting lilies when the soil warms up and becomes suitable for planting, in the Moscow region this is the last decade of April - the beginning of May. The main thing when buying planting material for garden lilies is the absence of spots and rot on the bulbs - sure signs of disease. Bulb roots should not be dried. When buying in the spring, I try to choose lily bulbs with slightly hatched sprouts for growing. Before planting, I store the bulbs in the refrigerator, on the lowest shelf. When one of the bulbs suddenly decides that it's time already, and begins to germinate with might and main, you have to plant it in a flower pot, and after frost - transfer it to open ground. Before planting, the bulbs are washed in running water and etched for 20-30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 l of water) or for 30-40 minutes in a solution of the drug fundazol to prevent fungal diseases of lily bulbs. Young shoots of garden lilies are afraid of the cold, and therefore, if I planted them in the spring, then I cover them before frost. For this, I use three-liter plastic bottles with a cut bottom - the shoots feel quite comfortable in them. If it is necessary to keep the bulbs for several days, they are placed in a cool place, shifting with wet moss, sawdust, sand or just earth. I plant lilies every three years. I process planting material with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. I prepare pits, preferably planted in sunny places, it can be a little thickened, I put pebbles on the bottom so that excess water does not stagnate and the bulbs do not rot, I cover the pebbles with soil mixed with needles, lilies like this soil. Bulbs do not get sick and grow large. I dug 10 cm holes. I specially planted them a little deeper to protect them from return frosts in the spring. Without cutting the roots of the bulbs, I planted them in the holes. After planting, I covered the holes with peat and watered them. In the summer, I regularly watered my lilies, and only after flowering I reduced the watering. Lily planting sites should not be flooded with water in spring and autumn. It is necessary to plant lilies so that the garden paths are located on the south side - then the flowers will look in their direction. The main planting of lilies is early autumn. In the first decade of August, they start digging, dividing and transplanting four- and five-year-old lilies. This is due to the weakening of their flowering due to the depletion of the soil and the lack of development area for the propagated bulbs. Sometimes lilies are transplanted more often - once every 2-3 years. More frequent digging of lilies is usually associated with the fact that they suffer from a pest - thrips, which eats the scales of the bulbs. In addition, in case of severe damage to lilies by gray rot, it is advisable to change the site of their planting. After the end of the flowering of the lily, until the moment of its transplantation, 1–1.5 months must pass in order for the bulb to gain strength - to become large, dense, elastic. This process is influenced by all factors: heat, the presence of moisture, as well as nutrition. I dig up lily bulbs with a garden pitchfork, trying not to damage the roots. I shake off the earth from them and carefully examine them. Scales with rusty and brown spots must be removed from the bulbs. After digging, such bulbs are washed under a tap or in two waters, and then they are kept for 20 minutes in a solution of karbofos (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). If the bulbs are clean and with roots, then they are only pickled for 20–30 minutes in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. After washing and dressing, I dry the lily bulbs in the shade, cut the roots to 5-10 cm, and then plant them. The depth of planting of lily bulbs depends on their type, size and mechanical composition of the soil. Usually the bulb is planted at a depth of three times its diameter. The only exceptions are a few types of lilies. On light sandy soils, lily bulbs are planted deeper than on heavy ones. As a rule, undersized lilies are planted at a depth of 10-12 cm (large bulbs) and 7-8 cm (small) medium-sized, respectively, 12-15 and 8-10 cm tall - 15-20 and 10-12 cm (depth is indicated up to the bottom of the bulb). The distance between lily bulbs when planting depends on the height and power of the plants. I plant large lilies in 20-25 cm, low ones - at a distance of 10-15 cm from one another. When planting lilies, make grooves or holes 10 cm deeper than it should be for planting (since lilies are usually planted with roots). But some annual lilies may not have roots, which may be due to the dryness of the soil. When planting the bulb on the bottom of the planting hole, I pour a mound of washed river sand, place a lily bulb on it, carefully straighten the existing roots, and then fill the hole with the plant with earth. You also need to cut off lifeless roots and shorten too long live ones. Lilies do not tolerate manure, even brought before winter during spring planting. On heavy soils, sand is added to the bottom of the hole, the roots are carefully spread to the sides and covered with fine earth. After planting, the soil is mulched with peat, rotted compost, and rotted sawdust. Mulching contributes to the preservation of moisture in the soil, warming during autumn planting, and in spring it provides additional nutrition to plants. When choosing a place for planting lilies, you need to consider that they do not tolerate stagnant water. Varieties of white and light colors require well-lit and protected from light places, while bright and dark-colored ones tolerate partial shade well. Lily care consists of regular weeding, loosening the soil, fertilizing and watering. It is very important to maintain an optimal water regime of the soil. Avoid over-watering and over-planting. When watering lilies, you need to ensure that drops of water do not fall on the leaves of the plant (which can cause burns and the development of diseases) - try to direct the stream of water under the root of the plant. Water lilies under the root and only in the morning or afternoon. They loosen the soil around the lilies very carefully, and to retain moisture in the soil, mulching with various materials is used, including mowed grass. Getting water on the leaves is especially dangerous in the morning, because water droplets can become a kind of lens that collects light and causes a burn. So a fungal disease - botrytis can develop. In hot weather, waterlogging provokes the development of fungal diseases, including fusarium (onion rot) and bacterial (wet) rot. In cool weather, excess moisture contributes to the development of brown spotting. The lily beetle and its larvae, which eat leaves and buds, are very dangerous for lilies. The beetle is red-orange in color, up to 1 cm long. It is clearly visible on plants, so it can be collected by hand. If the plantings of lilies are large, and there are too many beetles and larvae, you will have to spray them with special preparations. Unfortunately, spraying flowering lilies reduces their decorative qualities: spots remain on the leaves and buds, and cut flowers acquire an unpleasant odor. Sometimes the buds are damaged by the lily fly, which lays eggs in them. Young plants are often affected by aphids. Bulbs in the soil are harmed by bears, thrips, wireworms, and May beetle larvae. Fighting these insects is difficult, but necessary. We recommend drugs: Medvetoks, Provotoks, Pochin, Zemlin, Grom, Grom-2, Muhoed, Grizzly. When cutting flowers, keep as many leaves on the stem as possible. Removal of leaves (1/3 or more) leads to worse flowering or its absence in the next year. So that the mice do not annoy the lilies, you can plant a colchicum or daffodils around their beds, a real snowdrop. In the spring, before the shoots of lilies appear, I apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, for example, ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 1 m 2). Or I feed plantings of lilies with organic and mineral fertilizers: a solution of fermented mullein (in no case should fresh mullein be used for feeding lilies) in a ratio (1:10), a solution or granules of nitroammophoska or ammonium nitrate (40-50 g per 10 l of water or per 1 m 2). Lilies cannot stand fresh manure. From it, the winter hardiness of the plant decreases, flowering is weakened. Although the manure causes vigorous growth of the ground part, the lily bulb suffers from it and may grow unhealthy. Good results are obtained by the introduction of wood ash (100 g / m 2). Ash can be applied several times per season. Thanks to this, lily flowers become larger, more intensely colored and more resistant to diseases. Once again about feeding: In order for lilies to bloom well, they are fed three times during the season. The first top dressing is needed in the spring, during the period when the stems begin to grow: 30 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water per 1 sq. m. The second - complete mineral fertilizer during the budding period: 30 - 50 g of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water per 1 sq. m. After flowering, for better ripening of the bulbs, a third top dressing is carried out: 30 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water per 1 sq. m. Lilies need disease prevention. For this, the plants need to be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid several times a year, preferably at the beginning or end of July. As soon as the sprouts of lilies appear, it is recommended to shed the soil with Bordeaux liquid. When the buds appear in the lilies, repeat feeding with ammonium nitrate. The vegetative part of plants is treated from pests and diseases, since healthy shoots and leaves determine full flowering next year. For the third time (in July, not later), double superphosphate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) and potassium magnesia (1.5 tablespoons per 10 liters) are added under the lilies. Even if the lilies are badly affected by gray rot, they still feed the plants. Bulbs need food - after all, the roots of lilies continue to work, and the bulb is gaining nutrients, although worse than with leaves. Almost all lilies are well suited to neutral or slightly acidic, loose, permeable soil. Every summer, 2-3 times I sprinkle ash on the beds with lilies - it serves as a fertilizer, and at the same time kills pathogenic fungi. Faded flowers from the peduncles should be removed, and the peduncles themselves should be cut off at the end of the season. In late autumn, the stems of lilies are cut short. In areas with little snow and harsh winter conditions, planting lilies should be covered with peat or sawdust with a layer of 10 cm. For the 2-3rd year after planting, lily blooms are especially plentiful, for the 4-5th year, plant growth usually decreases, and garden flowering also weakens. flower. This serves as a signal that it is time to divide and transplant the lily to a new place. You need to start caring for lilies from the moment they are planted. Planted lilies necessarily need shelter. For these purposes, sawdust, dry peat, fallen leaves, shavings are used. Lilies should be covered for the winter only after the soil has slightly frozen, so that mice and other rodents do not find "both a table and a house" under the sawdust. And in the spring, the shelter must be removed in time, even before sprouts appear. During the flowering of white (or snow-white) "Lilium candidum" (Lilium candidum), collect its petals and use to prepare a medicinal tincture, which also cleanses the skin well. Fill half of a dark glass jar with petals of blooming flowers, fill them with wine alcohol so that it covers the petals by 2 fingers, close the jar tightly and put it in a dark, cool place for 6 weeks. Pour some liquid into a small dark jar, dilute it by two-thirds with cold boiled water and use, remembering to shake before use, to wipe your face with a moistened cotton swab. For muscular pains, rub the sore spots with an undiluted tincture of white lily. If you prick or cut your finger and an abscess starts, remove a lily petal from the tincture, apply it to the wound, cover with parchment and bandage it - the next day the abscess will disappear. Lily breeding. Reproduction by daughter bulbs (kids). Children are formed in almost all lilies above the bulb, on the underground part of the stem. They are separated from the mother plant in autumn or early spring during transplantation or simply after raking the earth from the stem. Separated daughter bulbs are planted in a permanent place or for growing in nurseries. Children bloom in 2-4 years. Reproduction by scales. You can separate the scales from the bulbs at any time of the year, including winter, if the bulbs are dug up in advance and stored in a cool place. Depending on the time of year, the scales, after preliminary preparation, are planted in beds, in boxes, in greenhouses, or stored like bulbs. The scales separated from the bulb are kept for 15 minutes. in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, slightly dried and placed in plastic bags or dishes with moistened sawdust, peat at a temperature of +20 +22 0C. After 5-6 weeks, bulbs with roots form on the scales. In the spring they are planted in the ground. Reproduction by beby. Bulbous varieties are most often found among Asian hybrids. A number of varieties of lilies have the ability to form small stem bulbs - bulbs in the axils of the leaves. As they mature in August-September, they are collected and planted by analogy with children. Plantings are covered for the winter. You can plant bulbs in the spring, then they are stored all winter in tied plastic bags with peat at tO 1-3OC. Common mistakes when growing lilies 1. Low land for planting. Lilies do not tolerate excess moisture. Planting in a lowland leads to diseases, rotting of the bulbs and even to their death. How to avoid it. It is necessary to choose a site for planting where there is no stagnation of melt and rainwater either in spring or autumn, or to arrange reliable drainage. 2. Introduction of fresh or slightly decomposed manure. Due to the pathogenic microflora contained there, lily bulbs quickly become ill. How to avoid it. As an organic fertilizer for planting lilies, use ready-made disinfected composts ("PIKSA", "Bogatyr") or leaf humus. 3. Lack of watering or incorrect watering. Despite the intolerance of excess moisture by most lilies, prolonged drought for these flowers is also detrimental, and in dry weather, lilies need to be watered. How to avoid it. Watering is carried out abundantly, but infrequently. Water only under the root: water that has fallen on the leaves can provoke the development of diseases. 4. Soil overheating. Very harmful to lilies, especially in open spaces. Too high a temperature disrupts the course of biological processes in the bulb. How to avoid it. Mulch the soil with light materials (sawdust, straw, mowed grass).

Lilies are one of the most showy flowers grown in summer cottages. Despite their external "tenderness", these plants are quite hardy and not too whimsical to care for. Growing them is not at all difficult even for a novice gardener. So,

Bulbs can be pre-sprouted, or you can do without it. Lilies are planted both in spring and autumn. Both of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Lilies planted in spring bloom faster and produce more shoots. However, during this period of time, the roots of the onions are thin and tender. Therefore, it is almost impossible to transport and plant planting material in the garden without damaging it. And in this case, the plant may not bloom at all.

Autumn planting of lilies is devoid of this drawback. The plant tolerates frost quite easily. You can start planting lilies as early as the second decade of August or in September. The depth of the hole depends on the size of the bulb. In order to determine it, it is necessary to multiply the diameter of the planting material by three. Usually it is 10 - 15 cm. As an unpretentious plant, lily is not too demanding on the composition of the soil. However, it is better to add sand to the bed: on loose soils, you can get more abundant flowering.

How to plant lilies - in the shade or in the sun - largely depends on the desire of the owner and the availability of free space. Flowers will grow well in both cases.
However, in sunny places, the buds are larger. In addition, when grown with sufficient lighting, the flowers seem to gain mother-of-pearl and look more spectacular.

Delicate lily sprouts need to be burned out. Therefore, when planting in the spring, it is better to choose more shady places. In addition, you can simply lay the regrown stem horizontally and dig in the ground. True, flowering in the same year is unlikely to be achieved, but the next lily will give a lot of buds.

Some cottage owners are interested in how to plant lilies in order to get a thick "bump" of short plants. To do this, when planting the bulb, you just need to lay it on its side. In this case, the escape will not go up, but to the side.

If you wish to grow tall flowers with large buds, planting is carried out in the usual way, that is, the bottom of the bulb rests on the next layer of soil.

These flowers tolerate thickening very well. However, it is still necessary to thin out the bed from time to time. Lilies, whose autumn transplantation is also considered desirable, are carefully dug up and, cutting off the stem to a height of about 4-5 cm, are transferred to a new place. In this case, the hole is made the same depth as usual, that is, 10 - 15 cm. After planting or transplanting, the plant requires abundant watering. Lilies do not tolerate excess moisture. Therefore, in the future, they need to be watered only in dry periods.

Lily is not too afraid of weeds. The only problem may arise with the so-called birch. Weeding it out of thick, well-leafed stems is quite difficult. Blooming lilies experienced gardeners are advised not to cut too close to the ground. If you leave a long enough stem on the bulb, it will grow larger.

So, now you know how to plant lilies, and it will not be difficult for you to grow them on your site. These chic plants can become a real decoration of the yard, garden or vegetable garden.

The beauty of a blooming lily has always been a reason for the delight of all gardeners. Is it true? In fact, if you are reading this article, then you are also fascinated by the indescribable appeal of such flowers.

Now we will look at how you can plant a lily in the summer, as well as what care it will need during cultivation.

Lily planting rules

In order for the lily to delight you with its amazing color, before planting you will need:

  1. Choose a place for planting bulbs.
  2. Prepare the soil accordingly.
  3. Properly plant the bulbs.

If you take into account all these fundamental points - lilies will feel great on the site and delight you with their own flowering for a long time.

Choosing a place to land

The site for growing is selected based on the type of lilies, as well as on how demanding they are for specific conditions:

  1. Asian, tubular and oriental varieties can be planted in sunny, draft-free areas. A slight shadow will not harm the flowers in any way. Choose sites on the east side so that the lilies can receive as much light from the sun as possible.
  2. Varieties Martagon perfectly take root in partial shade. Flowers grow especially well when the leaves are completely in the shade, and the flower buds are located in the sun.

To shade the bulbs for the summer, plant flowers next to a daylily or daisy, and hosta will also be a good neighbor. This combination will allow the lilies to stand out in contrast. As a result, the bulb will be in the shade with complete protection from drying out and heat.

You should not plant lilies under trees and large shrubs - lilies will simply stretch out, and flowering will begin with a great delay. As a result, the flower may die or become seriously ill.

An ideal site for planting lilies would be some kind of elevation or flat surface. The lowlands will provoke wetting of the bulbs with the appearance of fungal diseases, and in winter, the lily may completely freeze out.

Properly preparing the soil

Any varieties of lilies take root well in garden and garden soil. It is important that the soil is well-drained and that groundwater is not too close.

Humus or peat must be added to the sandy soil. Clay soils are lightened with river sand (coarse-grained).

Lilies grow well in soil with moderate acidity:

  • snow-white and curly lily grows well in soil with a pH of 7-8, which indicates a moderately alkaline soil reaction;
  • oriental and Asian varieties are perfectly grown on neutral acid lands;
  • tubular lily loves slightly acidic soils with a pH of 6-6.5.

To adjust the acidity, lime, ash, chalk, and dolomite flour are used - these ingredients are used to reduce the pH level. To raise the pH level, you will need to add peat, acetic acid or colloidal sulfur.

Soil preparation is done in advance. In the fall - for landing in the spring. In the summer - for the autumn. For summer planting - in the spring. The earth is subject to digging to a depth of 40 cm with turning over. In the process of this work, fertilizers are added per square meter:

  1. One bucket of humus or rotted manure. You can also apply compost.
  2. Superphosphate in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons, as well as urea and nitroammophos.
  3. 1 liter of wood ash solution. In addition to those places where the planting of Candidum and Martagon varieties is supposed.

The addition of these fertilizers will provide a complete supply of all the necessary nutrients for lilies, which will be required for excellent growth and large blooms.

We prepare the bulbs

To prevent the possibility of infection of the bulbs with a fungus, it is necessary to perform pre-planting procedures. If the bulbs are dry, place them in water at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

You can pickle the bulbs in one of the solutions that are presented in the following list:

  1. A solution of pink potassium permanganate.
  2. Two grams of karbofos per liter of water.
  3. 2 g of foundationazole per liter of water.
  4. A special tool for pickling before planting - Vitaros or Maxim.

Process for 15-20 minutes and after it, dry the bulbs in the shade.

Planting lilies in the soil

Planting lilies in the fall is the best idea. Planting during this period allows the flowers to take root well before frost, and this will guarantee that you will see good flowering next year. Oriental varieties and OT hybrids fall under the exception. Due to the fact that lilies bloom very late, by autumn the bulbs are not yet ready for planting. It is not recommended to plant in October - the probability of normal rooting is negligible. Therefore, it is better to plant such varieties in the spring at a time when the soil has already warmed up well.

What determines the landing depth:

  1. Bulb volume. The larger, the deeper you need to plant. The minimum depth is 10 centimeters, and the maximum is 25. Plant baby bulbs in furrows up to 7 cm deep.
  2. If you have heavy soil, do not place the bulbs too deep.
  3. Depending on the variety, undersized ones sit at the level of 10 cm, and tall ones - up to 25 centimeters.

On the plot, place the bulbs at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Asian varieties tend to grow quickly, so keep a distance of all 30 cm. Planting multi-colored lilies in one large hole (up to 7 bulbs) allows you to get an excellent flower garden with a chic appearance.

Regardless of the landing time, you need to prepare holes with a sand cushion of 5-7 centimeters. Carefully and evenly distribute the roots while placing the bulbs, cover them with earth and water well.

Often, for spring planting, you can find a twisted sprout on the bulb. There is nothing wrong. It is enough to place the bulb in the hole so that the sprout is installed vertically. As the bulb grows, it will automatically take the necessary position.

If you need to get a large number of children, then place the planting material on its side. As a result, the nest is formed faster, and the number of daughter processes will be much larger.

  • Asian and oriental varieties, along with LA and OT hybrids, are treated with sawdust, pine needles, grassroots peat;
  • curly, tubular and snow-white species are mulched using cut grass, ash and leaf humus.

What to consider when planting lilies in the summer

Varieties of Asian origin and LA hybrids can be easily planted in the summer. Snow-white lilies, the bulbs of which are at rest, should also be planted in July-August. The preferred time for work is July. Landing should be carried out by transshipment.

When digging up the bulbs, make sure that there is a clod of earth along with the flower. Pre-prepare a hole of sufficient size and add one tablespoon of superphosphate to it. The fertilizer is thoroughly mixed with the soil.

Fill the bottom with river sand with a layer of up to seven centimeters. The next step is to place the seedling and fill the hole with earth. By the way, the soil before backfilling is mixed with humus or rotted manure. Do not use fresh manure - lilies can rot with such fertilizer. Water the newly planted lily with a sufficiently large volume of water. If the seedling is tall, take care of installing a support.

Once all planting work is completed, remove the flowers and buds. Thus, the lily will spend all its strength on rooting.

The answer to the question: when are lilies planted in the fall in the ground? - for any varieties of magnificent flowers depends on their type. In order for the bulbs to take root and take root well before frost, they are planted from mid-August, completing this process in early October. During autumn and winter, the bulbs will get stronger, fully adapt and gain the ability to easily survive the frosts of early spring and after the snow melts. Flowering, by the way, will begin earlier than when planting in March or April.

Important! Bulbs of domestic selection are more suitable for planting in the fall.

Landing dates

The timing of the autumn planting of lilies varies depending on the time of their flowering. It should take one and a half to two months after flowering is completed before the bulbs are transplanted. During this time, they will recover, gain strength again, plunge into a state of rest.

Important! Lilies that are planted in the fall are loyal to the timing of transplantation, the main thing is that they have time to “fall asleep” by this time.

Planting lilies in the fall in the ground

The usual plan of action for the autumn planting of lilies:

  • bulbs are dug (or purchased) and processed;
  • choose and prepare a landing site;
  • form landing holes or grooves of the required depth;
  • bulbs are placed in prepared places;
  • plantings are covered with soil or sand;
  • planting mulching.

Important! The bulbs that will be planted must have an intact bottom, be dense, elastic.

Processing bulbs involves their disinfection and disease prevention. Healthy intact tubers are aged for half an hour in a burgundy (dark raspberry) solution of potassium permanganate.

Bulbs with rusty or brown spots, the appearance of which inspires suspicion, are carefully cleaned of the affected scales, and then soaked in a fungicide - Karbofos, Fundazol or others.

After disinfection, the bulbs are dried in the shade, spread out in one row at a short distance from each other. Dry on a paper or cloth bed.

Important! The bulbs are not dried in the sun or in the wind.

To improve root formation, bulbs can be placed for 9-10 hours in solutions that stimulate root growth (Zircon, Epin, aloe juice, succinic acid).

The place for planting lilies is chosen taking into account the need for illumination: it is different for different species. Also, the acidity index will depend on the variety: some varieties need a slightly alkaline environment, others need a slightly acidic one. In accordance with the varietal requirements, additives are added to the soil that affect acidity.

The general rules for choosing a place for all lilies are good drainage and light, loose soil. Bulbs are planted at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from each other, the distance between rows is at least 25 centimeters, so the lilies will have enough free space for the growth and development of the bulb.

Important! After planting the bulbs, the ground must be shed well so that it settles, and then fill the holes with dry soil.

How deep do lilies plant?

The planting depth is determined by the size of the bulb, according to the standard it is 3 bulb sizes in a circle, as well as some features of the variety.

Important! In any case, the minimum planting depth of lilies is three times the diameter of its bulb, counting from the bottom.

If the planted variety forms near-stem roots during development, the bulbs should be planted deeper than usual, by about 6 times the diameter of the bulb. You also need to deepen more and tall varieties - they will be more stable.

A deeper (but not to the point of absurdity) planting of the bulbs also increases the level of protection from winter frosts and spring frosts, and helps to better provide it with moisture.

The root system itself also becomes more powerful, more onion-children appear. However, do not get carried away with excessive deepening of lilies: their bulbs have the ability to self-deep to find optimal conditions for themselves.

It is better to plant baby bulbs separately from adult bulbs and at a shallower depth - about 5 centimeters.

Important! A snow-white lily is planted at a shallow depth - 3-4 centimeters, so that the tops of the bulb scales are located near the surface of the earth.

Adult bulbs of Asian lily hybrids are planted to a depth of 12 to 18 centimeters in light soil. For small bulbs, the soil will need to be heavier, and the depth of the planting hole is about 10 centimeters.

What to do if the bulb turned out to be with sprouts?

Such a nuisance is possible when buying bulbs from an unscrupulous seller, when bulbs are sold that are completely ready for forcing, already woken up.

Also, if during the flowering period and after it the weather was excessively humid and warm, the lily “confuses” the seasons and sprouts.

In such cases, you can do one of the following methods:

  1. The bulbs are dug up, they wait until the sprouts stretch 10-20 centimeters, the shoots are twisted out of them with a rotational movement and planted again. True, such bulbs need to be covered more carefully, since they are weakened, they most likely will not bloom in the next season.
  2. You can also grow these bulbs at home in pots or containers. But it requires a lot of work and constant attention. There are few enthusiasts for growing lilies indoors.
  3. Often such bulbs are used as a source for growing new plants: they are disassembled into scales and planted in greenhouses.
  4. If the sprouts are not very large, there is a hope that such bulbs, if they are well covered from frost, will still stop and sleep safely until spring.

In fact, it turns out that in most cases the sprout still freezes, and the bulb itself remains “sleeping” until next spring, that is, it will be in the soil for a whole year, not showing signs of life, but not dying either. But then, after the second winter, she will give flowers of normal quality.

Planting lily bulbs in autumn

The main factors that determine the timing of the autumn planting of lilies in the autumn are:

  • grade;
  • weather conditions - air and ground temperature;
  • bulb condition;
  • climatic zone.

The most difficult thing is always considered to determine the landing time. Plant bulbs too early - the plant will grow, which is completely undesirable on the eve of winter. A late planting threatens that the lilies will not have time to take root normally and will not tolerate the winter well.

Terms of planting lilies of various varieties

The very first lilies to be planted are Candidum (white). Usually in mid-August, their bulbs gain enough strength and nutrients and fall into a dream. You can also plant other early flowering varieties and hybrids.

September is suitable for planting lilies of an average flowering period. These include Caucasian and North American varieties.

Important! After flowering is completed, at least one and a half months must pass.

Late-flowering lilies are the latest to be planted: oriental and Asian hybrids, tubular, tiger and Tibetan lilies. The main thing is that the soil temperature is positive, otherwise the bulbs will take root worse.

What month to plant lilies in different regions

Our country is large, climatic conditions are presented in a wide range - from the Far North to the southern subtropics. Each region will have its own optimal timing for planting lily bulbs.

Planting lilies in Siberia

Approximate planting dates in continental Siberian conditions can be considered the second half of August and the whole of September, in the case of a warm dry autumn - until early October.

Important! In Siberia, only domestic, zoned varieties of lilies are planted in autumn. Planting gentle spoiled "foreigners" is best done in the spring.

Planting lilies in autumn in the Urals

The sharp continental Ural climate is complicated by strong winds. As in Siberia, September - early October for the Southern Urals is considered the best time for these places, and September - up to 25 for the Middle Urals.

If the weather deteriorates after planting the bulbs - a sharp cold snap, prolonged cold rains, plantings need to immediately organize a winter shelter.

Planting lilies in the Moscow region and the Middle lane

In the Middle lane and the Moscow region, lilies are usually planted from the beginning of October until the first of November, if the autumn is warm, the dates can be moved.

Important! Types and varieties of lilies that bloom at the very end of summer and autumn are planted in spring.

For planting in the autumn, bulbs grown on their own or purchased from local nurseries are best suited.

What lilies are not planted before winter

Blooming in late summer and autumn, tubular lilies and oriental hybrids are not recommended to be planted in autumn. Indeed, after the end of flowering, the bulbs need at least 5-6 weeks to recover and gain strength for wintering. Planted bulbs also need to take root.

Late flowering lilies usually fail to do this, they have too little time before frost. Therefore, it is better to land them in the spring. Also, do not plant sprouted bulbs before winter. Still, it is better for them to spend the winter time at home, in pots.

Planting royal lilies in autumn

Royal lily bulbs are practically not capricious when planting, they take root easily and quickly in a new place, so it can be planted both in spring and autumn. However, autumn planting is preferable.

It is in this case that there will be a full guarantee that next season the lily will bloom, and its flowers will fully correspond to the variety.

September is considered the best time for planting royal lily bulbs, it should be planted in dry weather.

For planting royal lilies, sandy or loamy loose soil with a slightly acidic reaction is perfect. The place for her should be well lit by the sun in the first half of the day, in the afternoon she needs shading.

Immediately before planting, the bulbs should be pickled in a solution of pale pink potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. The pickling can be replaced by aging in a biostimulator (Epin, Kornevin, etc.).

The distance between the bulbs is kept 20-25 centimeters for larger ones and 15 for small ones. Planting depth also depends on the size of the bulbs: the thickness of the soil layer over large tubers should be at least 15 centimeters, over small ones 10 is enough. Children are planted to a depth of about 7 centimeters.

In his book “To My Flower Growers”, a well-known gardener gives good advice on preparing the soil for planting lilies in the conditions of the Moscow Region and Central Russia. Also in the chapter on these delicate flowers, O. Ganichkina shares tricks, in particular, how to protect the bulbs from rodents, what top dressing and when to apply, how to protect flowers from pests and diseases.

Valuable is the information given in the book and about which varieties of lilies are suitable for growing in the Moscow region from among the new species and hybrids bred by domestic breeders.

Lily care after planting

After planting care for lilies planted in the fall is simple. Immediately after landing, carry out:

  1. Abundant watering.
  2. Mulching.
  3. Weed removal.

During the autumn, watering the planted bulbs may be required only in the absence of rain.

With the approach of cold weather, the following measures must be taken:

  • providing shelter for planted bulbs;
  • covering mulched plantings with special materials.

Planted bulbs are usually covered with spruce branches, dry foliage, preferably oak or birch, sawdust or straw.

Important! The use of film covering materials is undesirable.

A large amount of moisture accumulates under a non-breathing film, a greenhouse effect is created that weakens plants and can provoke their diseases.

Shelter with breathable materials or the installation of light shields over the landings provides ventilation, while it is necessary to ensure that the layer of snow over the landings is sufficient - heat is well stored under it.

First of all, even before frost, they cover shallowly planted bulbs - the Candidum lily. Bulbs of other species and varieties - upon the onset of stable cold weather, when the ground has already begun to freeze.

Planting a lily - winter care

In winter, the planted bulbs need only one thing: sufficient snow cover over them. A 10-centimeter layer of snow will provide the bulbs with a comfortable wintering.

Problems will arise if there is very little snow, or even none at all, and frosts have already begun. In this case, the wintering bulbs will need additional shelter in the form of dry peat or foliage, spruce branches. If the frosts are accompanied by strong winds, it will not be superfluous to cover with a film, but in such a way that air access to the plantings is preserved.

Beautiful lilies have long been revered as divine flowers. Their pleasant aroma, amazingly beautiful buds, attract attention. On the backyard territory, flower beds, lilies are often grown. You can learn about when and how lilies are planted in open ground, the intricacies of this procedure and subsequent care from this article.

Lily growing area

Planting lilies begins with choosing a good location. These flowers need a sunny site. If you plant a lily in the shade, it will not produce beautiful flowers and may begin to fade. The site for the lily should be in an open area, protected from strong winds.

It is desirable that the site be located on a hill or plain, so that after rain or irrigation, a lot of water does not accumulate in the root zone. The groundwater level must be significant. It is also advisable to make sure that the soil is well-drained. If the ground is clayey, heavy, and without drainage, the bulbs will rot.

The type of acidity depends on the type of lily. Asiatic lily grows well only on slightly acidic soil, tubular lily grows well on neutral soil, hybrids need alkaline soil, and Martagona or Oriental lilies take root on acidic soil.

Lilies cannot be grown after tulips, gladioli. The best predecessors of this culture are marigolds.

What plants does lily get along with

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Most often, lilies are planted in flower beds, on alpine lawns or flower beds, where there are many other plants. But this culture does not get along and is combined with all plants. What flowers to plant lilies with? The first step is to consider what to look for when choosing other plants.

  • It is desirable that lilies and neighboring flowers bloom at the same time, although often gardeners, on the contrary, plant them with crops that bloom earlier or later. Thus, a gradual flowering of the flower bed is achieved.
  • Lilies are planted next to plants with the same requirements for growth conditions, soil, watering, fertilizing, lighting.
  • It is desirable that neighboring flowers favorably emphasize the beauty of lilies. That is why they are not combined with roses, for example.
  • Lilies have a long, almost "naked" stem. In order for them to look harmonious in the flower garden, crops are planted nearby that will cover the leg of lilies.

And what kind of flowers are harmoniously combined with lilies:

  • Phloxes, especially bright varieties, look good with white lilies. And blue phloxes are beautifully combined with yellow, red and orange lilies.
  • Yarrow, veronica spikelet, gypsophila, pearl oyster, navel and echinacea purpurea favorably emphasize the nobility of the lily.
  • Openwork panicles of astilba are often planted in open ground, in the company of lilies.
  • Geranium hides the underside of lilies. Also for these purposes, you can use nivyaniks, bells, snapdragons, cuffs, ageratum.
  • Against the background of delphiniums, any species and varieties of lilies look great.

You should not plant roses, daylilies next to lilies, because these flowers themselves look royal. It is also not recommended to plant several different varieties or types of lilies side by side. These flowers have a strong aroma, if they are planted nearby, a very strong smell will come from the flower garden, sometimes unbearable! These flowers are not suitable for decorating flower beds in a natural, natural style, as they look too decorative. This combination will not be organic.

It is impossible to say for sure when to plant lilies. Experts have different opinions on this matter. According to the norms, the bulbs are buried from the last days of August to mid-September. But if the rainy and cold season begins early in the fall, such bulbs will most likely simply rot in the ground without taking root.


Lily bulbs planted in autumn can become prey for mice in winter. Therefore, valuable varieties of lilies are planted in special plastic containers to protect them from rodents.

Planting bulbs in spring is possible. If you carry out the procedure around mid-April, having insulated the soil in advance, the bulbs will wait out the spring frosts in the ground and will germinate around June. But you need to warn that for spring planting, bulbs are purchased from friends, from personal stocks or in specialized stores. There are a lot of discounted lily bulbs in the markets at this time, they may look good, but, as a rule, they are sick, damaged or dried. Such planting material will take root for a long time.

Lilies can also be planted in summer. And oddly enough, many gardeners prefer summer planting. This is especially true for planting material with a closed root system. If you buy such lilies when they already have pagons and are about to bloom, then planting in the summer is the best option. Such flowers quickly take root in a new place, bloom profusely.

Planting material preparation

Lilies can be purchased for planting in a specialized store, in the market, from friends. After the bulbs are already at home, it is necessary to inspect them from all sides for the presence of rot, pests, and damage before planting. For planting, only whole, beautiful specimens are taken.

In order for the lily to take root faster in a new place, it is pickled before planting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or the Maxim preparation, diluted according to the instructions. This procedure allows you to disinfect the planting material. Only after that you can land.


Deep planting of lilies allows you to protect the plant from freezing in the fall. But if the depth is very large, germination will be delayed in the spring.

Lilies are planted in pre-fertilized soil. Each gardener regulates the amount of fertilizer independently, based on the fertility of the land, the time of the last fertilizer and other nuances. The main thing is that there should not be too much fertilizer! On average, a bucket of peat, the same amount of humus, 4 cups of wood ash, 100 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate are added to a square of land.

To plant lily bulbs, you need to make holes. The depth of the hole should be 3 times the height of the bulb. Some varieties have stem roots on the bulbs, in which case the planting material is deeper. Bulbs planted deep in the spring will develop more slowly, so the chance of freezing during return frosts is reduced. And in the summer, such bulbs will not suffer from a lack of water. So it is better to arrange the bulbs at a considerable depth, then there will be less problems with growing.

After the holes are made, bulbs are placed in them and covered with earth. On top of the planting, it is recommended to mulch with peat or compost to increase the nutritional value of the earth and maintain optimal moisture, friability, and soil temperature.


To protect the bulb in the ground from ripening, during planting, river sand is poured under the bottom and the bulb is covered up to the neck with it. Only after that, the onion is covered with soil.

Outdoor lily care

Planting lilies is a very important, responsible process. But, in addition, it is worth providing the flowers with quality care, otherwise they will quickly die.

  • Lilies do not like an abundance of water, but the plant cannot be dried either. In drought, flowers are watered more often; in the rainy season, they stop adding water altogether. Watering is carried out under the root, since drops of water can leave burns on the petals and leaves of the plant if watering was carried out during the day. Sprinkling is carried out only on a cloudy day or in the early morning, evening.
  • Weeds that appear next to lilies need to be pulled out and burned in a timely manner, because they can spread diseases and pests.
  • Tall varieties should be tied to supports, because during flowering, they can tend to the ground.
  • During the year, fertilizers are applied 3 times. In the spring, a solution of ammonium nitrate (40 g / 10 l of water) is poured under the root, at the stage of bud formation and after flowering, you can fertilize with a solution of mullein or nitroammophoska (50 g / 10 l of water). Also, as fertilizers, you can choose specialized complex fertilizers for flowers or wood ash.


Once every 3 years, it is advisable to transplant lilies to a new place.

  • In summer, when it gets very hot, the root zone is mulched with grass, straw or sawdust. Such mulch will protect the soil from overheating, retain moisture in the ground.
  • When pests appear (lily fly, lily beetle or any others), it is necessary to use insecticides "Thunder", "Flycat", "Grizzly".
  • All wilted inflorescences should be cut or cut off in a timely manner so that they do not spoil the appearance of the flower garden.
  • After the end of the growing season, the stems are cut and burned.

For the winter, lilies are covered with leafy soil, sawdust, peat. The layer of such mulch should be about 10-25 cm so that the bulbs do not freeze in the ground.

Lilies are the most beautiful flowers. They are not difficult to grow, and they bring a lot of aesthetic pleasure. But in order for the culture to please with lush flowering, the planting of lilies is carried out according to all the rules. If you do not prepare the bulbs, soil, plant the bulbs too close to the surface of the earth, they may not take root, get sick or freeze.

Lily is a flower of amazing beauty, so many gardeners find a place for it on their site. In nature, there are more than 100 species of lilies and about 6,000 of their hybrids. They are not only very diverse in appearance - different varieties and groups of lilies have completely different requirements for care, soil, moisture and agricultural technology. Growing lilies is a very exciting process. But in order for lilies to always delight you with their lush flowering and grow without problems, it is important to understand all their features, requirements and habits. When to plant lilies in the spring in open ground, read our article.

Popular types and varieties of lilies

As a rule, lilies, depending on the origin, are divided into the following groups of hybrids:

  • Asian;
  • Martagon;
  • Candidum;
  • American;
  • long-flowered;
  • Tubular and Orleans;
  • Oriental (Orientals).

There are also interspecific hybrids of lilies:

  • LA hybrids (Asian + long-flowered);
  • OT hybrids (oriental - oriental + tubular);
  • LO hybrids (long-flowered + oriental);
  • OA hybrids (oriental + Asian).

When to plant lilies in spring in open ground

The time of planting lilies in the ground is determined by the variety. In spring, it is good to plant bulbs of tiger, Tibetan, oriental, tubular, Asian hybrids. It is important to have time to plant bulbs with sprouts up to 10 cm. If the sprouts are larger, it is better to put them sideways when planting. As soon as the snow melts from the site, you can begin preparing the soil for the flower bed. In the southern regions, in dry, hot weather, planting lilies in the spring in the ground is not recommended. This perennial is planted from late April to early May. To speed up flowering, you can sprout lily bulbs before planting. For this, a container with wet moss, sawdust, coconut substrate, standing in a warm sunny place, is suitable. The main requirement is to protect from drying out, waterlogging. With the onset of suitable weather, bulbs with a strong sprout can be planted in a flower bed.

The timing of the spring planting of lilies varies slightly for different regions. Landing is possible when the soil warms up. This is the end of April - the beginning of May (depending on the region). Tubular, oriental hybrids are planted as soon as the snow melts from the site, tiger, Tibetan lilies - in early April, terry varieties - in April. Be sure to cover the landing site with mulch. If you are just transplanting flowers from one place to another, do it with a clod of earth.

How to choose quality lily bulbs

If you want to see lush and beautiful flowering, then you need to responsibly approach the choice of planting material. To select high-quality garden lily bulbs for spring planting, it is recommended to pay attention to the following rules:

  • The bulb must be clean, free of stains, mold, and signs of decay.
  • The bottom must be solid, without damage.
  • Roots should not be dry or rotten.
  • The ideal size is 3-4 centimeters in diameter. If the bulb has already bloomed before, then the diameter can vary from 3 to 20 cm.

Important! If you come across a very small planting material (less than 2 cm), which is suspiciously cheap compared to other products, then most likely these are lily bulbs after forcing. It is not recommended to buy them, because flowering will begin in about three years (and only with regular care).

The bulb itself should be dense, its scales fit snugly and not fall apart. It is highly recommended not to buy loose, dry, soft or sluggish specimens.

Color does not matter - planting material can be white, red, brown, yellow, pink. The color is influenced by the variety and type of plant.

There should not be an elongated sprout on the planting material, because it should start growing in the ground after planting.

Important! In the spring, it is allowed to plant a lily bulb with a slightly hatched sprout. But in the fall it is impossible to plant such a specimen in any case.

spring planting lilies

After you have prepared the soil, you need to dig holes. The depth of the holes should reach up to 10 cm, but you also need to take into account the variety - depending on this, the depth of the holes can be more or less. For example, undersized crops need to be compressed to a depth of 8-12 cm, and tall ones - 12-20 cm. If the roots are very powerful, then add another 5 cm.

The intervals between plantings also depend on the variety. For undersized plants, it is enough to leave 15-20 cm. Take the prepared bulbs and place them in the holes. Cover with earth and lightly tamp with your palms. Water after. It is necessary to ensure that the landing site is not flooded with water, otherwise the bulbs will rot.

If you want the inflorescences to “look” towards the path or the house, you need to orient yourself to the north, that is, try to plant them to the north of the object. Lilies love if their stems are well protected from the scorching sun. For this purpose, undersized flowers, such as violets and daisies, can be planted next to them. Their leaves will reliably retain moisture, which is so necessary for the bulbs.

Lily care after spring planting

Maintaining optimal soil moisture is the first thing you need to monitor. Watering is carried out as the soil dries up (accordingly, in dry periods it is watered more often, and in rainy periods, watering can be completely excluded). Use the root watering technique (called strip irrigation): overhead irrigation can harm lilies. If necessary, top dressing can be applied along with watering.

In the first year of life, the plants are rather weak. Therefore, in order to improve their development, remove all the buds: the lily will spend too much energy on flowering and, weakening, will not be able to endure the winter frosts. But in the second and third year after planting, the plant will bloom profusely. Usually, in the fourth year, the intensity of flowering decreases - this means that the crop needs to be fed. Closer to the fifth year, the flowers are divided and transplanted.

Advice! Do not forget to create a support for lilies: under the weight of their own stems, these crops often break.

Pruning lilies for the winter

Proper pruning is important before covering or digging up lily bulbs. Haste will not lead to anything good. Early, forced pruning of flower stalks weakens the plant, preventing the accumulation of nutrients. Such a bulb for the next year is characterized by slow growth, lack of flowering or crushing of flowers.

In autumn, it is required to wait for the natural withering of the above-ground part of the lily. Pruning is carried out in dry weather. Cut leaves and flower stalks must be removed from the garden. Slugs often overwinter in plant remains, which damage the tender tops of young lily shoots in early spring.

Lilies in the design of the site

The height of lilies varies from 0.5 m to 2 m, flowers:

  • bowl-shaped;
  • funnel-shaped;
  • chalmoid;
  • tubular;
  • bell-shaped.

Often combined with various biennial, perennial flowers. They sit against the backdrop of trees and bushes. The water lily in the pond on the site looks very interesting.