Growing tomato seedlings without picking. Sowing and growing seedlings of peppers without picking Seedlings without picking at home

Growing healthy and strong tomato seedlings is impossible. This is not entirely true. Some gardeners quite successfully grow tomatoes without a pick.

Planting tomato seeds for seedlings in individual containers

  • To grow tomatoes without picking, take a container suitable for seedlings (for example, a plastic cup or pot) and fill it with soil 1/3 of the volume. If you decide to plant tomato seeds not in cups, but in a box with partitions, it also needs to be filled with soil only 1/3.
  • Containers for seedlings must be equipped with drainage holes, they must be installed not on the windowsill, but on a tray to collect excess water.
  • The soil for growing tomato seedlings should be loose and fairly fertile. Nutrient soil mixture can be prepared independently or bought at the store. Before sowing seeds, the soil must be disinfected and rid of pests. The easiest way to do this is by calcining the soil in the oven.
  • Tomato seeds should be planted in moist soil. Sow about 3 to 5 seeds in each cup or cell. You can sow dry tomato seeds, swollen or pre-sprouted. In the latter case, seedlings will appear the fastest.
  • In order for the seeds to germinate as soon as possible, the crops must be placed in a warm place with an air temperature of at least 22 ° C (but not on a hot battery !!!), and even better in a greenhouse.

Tomato seedling care when grown without a pick

  • After germination, the tomatoes are moved to a cooler place and thinned twice. In order to avoid damage to the root system, unnecessary plants are not pulled out, but carefully cut under the root. After the first thinning, two tomatoes are left in each cup or cell. When they grow to the stage of 3 - 4 true leaves, a second thinning is carried out, leaving only one plant in a cup (stronger and healthier). And although we are talking about growing tomatoes without a pick, we note that excess seedlings can, if necessary, not be thrown away, but planted in a separate container.
  • As the seedlings grow in cups or cells, it is necessary to gradually add soil and spud tomatoes. The addition of soil stimulates the formation of the tomato root system. After pouring the soil, the tomatoes begin to grow additional roots and grow actively. When growing tomato seedlings in boxes with partitions, the soil is gradually poured up to a level of 12 - 15 cm. With this care, the tomato seedlings turn out to be strong and healthy, the plants practically do not get sick.
  • Tomato seedlings should be watered moderately, as the soil dries. Water for irrigation should be warm (25 - 28 ° C), otherwise the black leg may hit the tomatoes. It is advisable to water the tomato seedlings with settled water.
  • In order for tomato seedlings to grow healthy, they need light. Tomatoes need good lighting, while seedlings should not be immediately exposed to the open sun, otherwise burns are possible. Plants should be accustomed to the sun gradually. So that the seedlings do not bend in one direction, the cups need to be rotated regularly relative to the light.
  • When growing tomato seedlings, 2-3 feedings are usually done. You can buy ready-made fertilizers for feeding seedlings of vegetable crops or prepare a nutrient mixture yourself.
  • Before planting in the ground, tomato seedlings are hardened off. Hardening begins a couple of weeks before disembarkation, opening a window in the room. When the air temperature outside is set at 12 ° C and above, the tomato seedlings begin to be taken out for a couple of hours a day on the balcony. After 2 - 3 days, the seedlings can be left on the balcony for the whole day, if covered with a film, then at night. When the temperature drops to 8 ° C and below, it is better to bring the tomato seedlings into the room.

When the tomato seedlings reach a height of 25 - 35 cm and 8 - 11 well-developed leaves and 1 - 2 well-formed inflorescences appear, the seedlings will need to be planted in the ground. If the seedling height exceeds 35 cm, then it has outgrown and it needs to be planted in the ground in a special way. Tomato seedlings are planted both in closed and open ground. Before planting seedlings, the greenhouse must be prepared. You can read about how to do this

A very fragrant and no less healthy vegetable - sweet pepper, is loved by almost everyone. There are so many vitamins in it that many are ready to argue about where there is more vitamin C - in it or in a lemon.

How pleasant it is to open a jar of fragrant lecho in winter and inhale the smell of sweet pepper. In order to grow a sweet vegetable, you will have to work a little more than with growing other crops.

Features of care

Sweet pepper loves moisture. When the bushes are already large for normal growth and development of a large number of fruits, it is necessary to carry out sprinkling every day, it is advisable to do this procedure before 12 noon and after 16.

Sprinkling is a pleasant procedure for plants, when water is not poured under the root, but the hose is lifted up so that drops fall on the leaves, as if it were raining. He loves this vegetable top dressing.

Usually it is enough just once, when planting in a hole, to pour about a glass of fermented mullein (rotted and fermented cow dung), and your plant will delight not only with a powerful bush, but also with large fruits.

Should be daily, after watering it is necessary to loosen the soil. This is necessary so that there is no stagnation of water. The vegetable has massive, but fragile branches, so when watering or sprinkling, you do not need to make a very strong water pressure.

Take note: does not like transplant pepper, so it is advisable to grow its seedlings without picking. Then just carefully pull it out along with a clod of earth and plant it in the hole.

This vegetable does not like sudden changes in temperature. It is advisable to plant it in a greenhouse, or if this is not possible, it is best to plant it in open ground. Landing should be carried out in the very last days of May, when frosts are already out of the question.

How to grow good seedlings

When purchasing seeds, first of all, make sure that they germinate, for this it is enough to look at the date on the package. But the best thing is to harvest the seeds yourself.

Here you can certainly be sure that the seeds are excellent. As a rule, it is necessary to take seeds from a ripe vegetable, rinse them well and dry them in the shade, then put them in paper bags and leave them somewhere, but in a dark, cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

Seeds are best stored in a kitchen cabinet and always in a paper bag or matchbox. If stored in a cloth bag, the seeds will attract moths. If in a plastic bag, the seeds may be lost due to lack of air.

Before planting the seeds in the ground, it is necessary to soak them for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, some keep them in a growth stimulator solution, but it is better not to do this. Pepper will germinate beautifully anyway, but potassium permanganate will disinfect it and nourish it with manganese, which will provide a great harvest in the future.

Before planting, many gardeners are wondering if it is possible to grow seedlings without picking? Of course it is possible and even necessary. After planting in special bags or peat pots, where you can add earth as you grow, your sprouts will be more resistant and, most importantly, tenacious.

Two unique ways to grow a vegetable without a pick:

  1. Prepared seeds are planted in small bags of milk or kefir, in which small holes are made to drain excess water. Before planting, they need to be folded a little, so that in the future they can be unfolded and sprinkled with earth without injuring the delicate plant and its roots.
  2. Plant sprouts in special peat pots, which, after planting in the ground, decompose and turn into fertilizer.

Growing technology

To get your own crop of sweet vegetables, you just need to follow simple rules. If not produced, then the cultivation technology is quite simple, you just need to choose your own method.

  1. So, at the beginning of March, pour earth into each bag or pot, pour over and put one or two prepared seeds in a small depression.
  2. Then sprinkle everything with earth.
  3. Pour with warm settled water.
  4. Cover with plastic wrap and place in a warm, dark place. For example, a place near the battery will be ideal.
  5. Every day it is necessary to water, but only before watering, check the soil, it must be dry. If it is wet, do not water. Peppers should be watered with warm settled water.
  6. Seedlings can ascend for 5-12 days. It must be kept for another two days in a dark room, but for a short time open the film so that the condensate leaves.
  7. After two days of life, young sprouts in pots or bags should be placed on a windowsill or under a lamp.
  8. Every day you need to open the film, increasing the time, first by an hour, and then by the whole day, and so remove it forever.
  9. As soon as 4-5 leaves appear on the sprout, you need to pour the earth into the bags and continue to water.
  10. When the seedlings grow so much that they can be planted in a greenhouse or in open ground, you need to start spraying the plants with warm water.

By adding earth gradually, you do not injure the delicate root system, but on the contrary, you strengthen it. When the earth is poured, the roots are wrapped in an earthen lump, they become more powerful.

Even in the most elegant bag, the seeds will not necessarily be like a selection.

  1. Choose the most filled and soak them for an hour in very clean water - thawed or distilled.
  2. Then dip for another twenty minutes in a very weak, slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Finally, wrap the seeds in a cloth and soak the cloth with honey and water..
  4. To you 1/2 cup water and 1/2 teaspoon honey(unless, of course, you plan to plant a whole field with pepper).

  5. Put a cloth with seeds in a warm place and leave for a day.

Unroll Carefully- after such a thorough seed release of the root very quickly. Try not to damage it.

Land preparation

Pepper loves loose, breathable, rich in nutrients.

Therefore, it makes sense to immediately add to the soil mixture peat And biohumus, A put drainage at the bottom of the pots. Under prepare plastic containers about the size of 7x7x8 centimeters.

Why do containers have to be plastic? Because ceramics, pressed paper and peat pots are too permeable to moisture and dry out quickly. Choose plastic - let the water get to the seedlings, not the surrounding air!

When to plant?

Pepper that will grow in a greenhouse, planted, pepper for open ground - at the end. Please note: a plant that grew without a pick is stronger than its counterparts and will be ready for transplanting into the ground a week ahead of them.

Planting seeds

And now an important point: so that the pepper does not need picking and grows in one place as long as possible, in each container we have exactly two seeds (and cover them with a layer of soil a centimeter thick).

Roughly two seeds. And not at all so that at least one sprouted. After we have selected the best seeds and then carefully processed them before planting, you can safely expect 100% germination. Planting two seeds is just one more final stage of selection.

Almost immediately after sprouts sprout from the seeds, it will be possible to determine which sprout is stronger. Here we leave it. A the one that is weaker, just pull out. And then we will have only the best of the best!

First days

First 7-12 days Watching the growth of pepper is very boring: all the most interesting things happen underground. Easiest cover the pots with plastic and get them out of sight somewhere warm. Dark, light, it doesn't matter. Now the pepper only needs moisture and heat. He will require light later.

Sprouts have appeared

With the advent of sprouts immediately transfer the pepper to a bright place, but do not rush to remove the polyethylene. Peppers do not like sudden temperature changes., and on the window (you most likely put the seedlings on the windowsill) and so cooler than in the warm place where the pots were still standing.

After two days, you can gently open the film and gradually remove it.. Just look - no drafts! 20 degrees during the day, 18 at night, a lot of light and complete peace.

IMPORTANT: Necessarily . Even when using conventional white light bulbs, the seedlings are much stronger and stockier than without lighting at all. Well, let’s not even talk about phytolamps - with them you get not seedlings, but a feast for the eyes.

And yet it's time to move

But each plant has four true leaves. By this time the pot becomes small for him - it's time to move.

But it will no longer be a pick, but transshipment- gently tapping on the pot, remove the whole clod of earth from it and transfer it to a larger pot, about 10x10x15. If you handle the plant carefully, the roots will not suffer, but it is still worth supporting the plant: spray it with honey water or an EM fertilizer solution.

The next two weeks - only clean water, but then you can start every two weeks with liquid organic fertilizers and infusion of ash.

Do not feed the pepper, otherwise the plant will begin to fatten.. It is also useful to turn the pot to the light one side or the other, so that all the leaves are equally large, and the plant itself does not lean to one side.

Life in the garden

heat loving pepper transplanted to the garden in late May-early June, and for the first time, film shelter will not interfere with him. In wells prepared for pepper put a handful of humus and ash.

Pepper will have to work hard, so he can’t go hungry! The seedlings themselves are watered with EM preparations before transplantation, for example, Baikal or "Fitosporin".

On the window

If you decide to leave the pepper to grow on the windowsill, then you should know: this is for a long time. Peppers can grow and bear fruit for years.

Just add fresh vermicompost to it constantly and do not forget about complex fertilizers. And in order for the bush to retain its decorative effect, once a year do it a light pruning, removing old and ugly branches.

Light, warmth, peace - remember? Take care of an adult bush in the same way as you took care of seedlings, and you will have happiness and many, many delicious peppers.

ATTENTION: Valuable ideas and why they don't work

  1. And let's immediately plant the seeds in large containers - then you won't have to transship!
  2. It is possible, but not necessary. In a large pot, the soil will begin to turn sour, and the first weak pepper roots will only feel worse. And this will certainly affect the yield of the plant, and not for the better.

  3. My seedlings have stretched out - what if, during transshipment, we take it and cover it with earth higher? With the same it turns out!
  4. It works with tomatoes, but it won’t work with pepper, because pepper does not know how to form additional roots directly on the stem. Therefore, no matter how much you bury it, it will not be better for him, but from such strange living conditions, pepper can easily.

  5. Growing peppers is great! I want to grow every kind, both sweet and bitter, I just have a window to the south!
  6. It's better to be careful with anything. Within the same room, peppers miraculously pollinate each other(you can arrange them on different windowsills, but this will not interfere with them!) As a result, instead of a sweet bush and a hot pepper bush, you will get two bitter bushes. Maybe one is better, but sweet?

Pepper belongs to the category of nightshade crops, which causes an increased sensitivity of the root systems of the plant and requires careful handling with all kinds of transplants and picks. It has been observed that inaccurate root picking can delay the development of peppers by about two weeks, and also make them more vulnerable to diseases.

That is why in the practice of experienced gardeners there are several proven secrets of growing pepper seedlings, in which picking is not needed, for example, sowing seeds in separate containers.

Rules for growing pepper seedlings

As the first small container for planting seeds, not only plastic dishes or milk cartons, but also eggshells, baby yogurt cups, as well as peat tablets and paper cups from ordinary thin newspaper can serve separately.

Sowing dates

A suitable date for sowing seeds purchased or collected on your own depends entirely on the planned date for planting future seedlings in a greenhouse or on open ground. As a rule, it is possible to plant a strengthened sprouted seedling with the resulting 2 - 3 full-fledged leaves at the age of at least 55 - 70 days. Thus, planting of seeds should be carried out in the period from the third decade of February or in the first half of March, depending on the characteristics of the selected variety.

Cooking seeds

Advance seed treatment allows you to increase the resistance of bushes to the defeat of various fungal infections, microbes, as well as improve the ability to form ovaries under adverse growing conditions. To this end, the seeds are soaked for 20 - 30 minutes in a warm, light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Important!If, during soaking in solutions or ordinary water, some seeds rise to the surface, they must be discarded, since they will not be able to germinate and will only occupy part of the soil when planted.

After that, the seeds can be laid out on gauze or a clean, damp cloth and covered with it on top. For moisturizing in such cases, clean warm water with the addition of honey (half a teaspoon of honey to half a glass of water) is suitable. Under such shelter, the seeds remain for a day. Since, under the influence of moisture fertilized with honey, they very quickly release the spine, it is necessary to open the container very carefully and gradually so as not to damage it.

An alternative solution of potassium permanganate can be an ash infusion prepared from 30–40 g of ash per 450–500 ml of water. The infusion is prepared within 24 hours, and the soaking process lasts only 3-4 hours. Thanks to this procedure, the productivity of future bushes increases and their development accelerates.

Getting ready to sow

An equally important point in growing pepper seedlings without picking is the preparation of the appropriate soil. The best option is soil, which includes ordinary garden soil and peat in equal parts.

With increased acidity of the existing mixture, sifted wood ash is added to it in a ratio of 1 to 10.

For good seedling growth, it is better to choose loose, fertilized soil that would easily pass oxygen to the developing seedling root system. If the soil is too dense and heavy, coarse river sand can be added to it.

The second important point concerns the choice of a suitable container. Plastic cups with parameters of 6–8 cm are best suited for this. The main advantage of plastic over ceramics, paper and peat containers is that it does not absorb moisture, which means that the soil does not dry out so quickly and does not need constant moderate moisture. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing containers with holes in the bottom. Excess water will leave through them, since its stagnation has an even more detrimental effect on the condition of the seedlings than a short absence of water.

Sowing seeds

All prepared clean containers are filled with soil, but are not compacted with it. Then, abundant watering of the soil is carried out using warm, settled water. The height of the soil layer should be at least 4 - 5 cm. Seeds are laid out to a depth of about 0.8 - 1 cm one at a time. Then the hole is lightly covered with a thin top layer of soil.

After placing the seeds in the ground, all containers are installed in one large box or container, and then covered with transparent glass or film. The room in which the seeds will be located should be well lit (the box should not be placed under direct sunlight) and warm. The optimum temperature for growing strong seedlings of pepper is about 25 - 27 degrees Celsius.

Important!If the seed containers are stored in a room where the air temperature is below 14 - 15 degrees Celsius, the seedlings will not sprout.

Competent care

Since the main requirement for the successful cultivation of pepper seedlings concerns the full moistening of the soil, its condition must be monitored daily. If you do not allow the soil to dry out and serious changes in air temperature, then the first shoots may appear as early as 4-5 days. Growing seedlings need to be aired regularly. To do this, the protective top film is removed for a while. As soon as all the sprouts sprout and begin to grow, the shelter is removed completely.

In the process of working with seedlings, it can be fertilized with a solution of peat oxidate, which is sprayed with a spray bottle. It is recommended to repeat the procedure with a break of 10-12 days. From the moment the first leaves form, the temperature in the room should be reduced to 22 - 23 degrees Celsius during the day and about 16 - 18 degrees at night.

In small containers, the roots gradually begin to occupy all the available space, so the seedlings, along with the soil, are carefully removed from the container and carefully transplanted into larger containers already prepared. When measuring with familiar plastic glasses, then from a container of 100 - 200 ml you need to switch to 300 - 500 ml. If transplantation is delayed, then this can significantly slow down the process of growth and development of seedlings.

The ability to immediately plant seeds in large containers is not relevant, since unused moisture and soil begin to turn sour, thereby provoking the appearance of diseases in the plants themselves, for example, black leg damage. In this case, in any of the selected options there should be a hole at the bottom.

Picking and hardening

Transplanting plants into new soil, along with a clod of existing soil, effectively minimizes losses to peppers, allowing them to grow further with increased yields. Instead of plastic cups, you can use peat containers or plain newsprint. In such cases, under the influence of moisture, the walls collapse rather quickly, and the seedlings can be moved to a permanent place of germination along with the remaining material.

2 - 3 weeks before the planned transplantation of pepper in a greenhouse or on open ground, it is necessary to harden seedlings in the open fresh air. At first, this procedure takes about 35 - 50 minutes. But with each new day, the time of stay gradually increases to a whole day. In this case, exposure to direct sunlight is recommended.

Important! When caring for seedlings, it is extremely important to avoid cold drafts.

Potential Growing Problems

In the process of growing and caring for pepper seedlings, unexpected problems may arise due to mistakes made at any stage of the work carried out, for example:

Another important point concerns the appearance of yellow or white blooms on the soil with seedlings. The reason for this may be the choice of too large a capacity for the plant, due to which the amount of evaporated moisture significantly exaggerates that which is processed by the root system. Such a result can be provoked by the use of water with an excess of salts in the composition, as well as the active development of white mold in the soil.

If, when moving the leaves around the stem, white small midges begin to fly, it means that the seedlings are infected with the whitefly disease and need timely and thorough treatment. A stop in the cultivation of seedlings is often also associated with too deep placement of seeds, improperly selected soil, insufficient illumination of containers, or non-compliance with moderate constant watering of the soil.

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When diving and pinching off a third of the root, the root system begins to branch, thereby strengthening the plant;

  • In addition, you can spray the seedlings with skim milk. Half a glass of milk is diluted with one liter of water, and the leaves are sprayed in the morning. It helps with leaf curl and viral diseases of tomatoes.
  • Seedlings need to be watered before picking, the water softens the ground, so the tomatoes will be easily removed;
  • and maintain indoor air temperature within 10 °C at night and 15 °C during the day. In winter, when daylight hours are short, it is recommended to provide additional lighting for seedlings.
  • . But, since it is difficult to find pure snow or ice in the city, it is better to prepare such water at home. It is quite simple to do this: pour settled tap water into a plastic bottle and put it in the cold (on the balcony or in the freezer of the refrigerator). After freezing most of the water, it is necessary to pierce the bottle and drain the remaining water at the bottom. Wait ten minutes and once again drain the water that has thawed during this time. Ice will remain in the bottle, which, having melted, will turn into melt water.

Additional processing

Seedlings can be grown in residential premises (apartments, houses) or in a greenhouse.

Preparation of seed material and the timing of sowing tomatoes for seedlings

A lack of boron contributes to the growth of many shoots from the rhizome when the main stem wilts, the seedlings turn into bushy plantations.

After the end of the sowing procedure, the container is placed in a warm place and the first shoots are expected. When these appear, it is necessary to take care of effective lighting of the installation site of the container, since a heat-loving plant, receiving a sufficient amount of light, will form not only a stem, but will give all its strength to the leaves, which will subsequently ensure strong and hardy seedlings.

Absolutely every beginner gardener can grow an excellent crop of tomatoes at home without outside help, observing all agrotechnical standards for sowing, diving and planting seedlings. Only by ensuring the correct vegetation regime for the development of an annual plant can we expect an excellent result of our work on a personal plot.

When shoots of tomatoes appear, I thin them out twice, and I don’t pull out unnecessary plants, but carefully cut them with scissors. First, I leave two sprouts in each cup, and when they grow up, get stronger and throw out 3-4 true leaves, then I leave only one of the strongest and healthiest plants.

Diving tomatoes slows down their growth, which prevents the stems from stretching too much;

Pay attention

After a couple of hours, you can remove the seedlings one at a time and transplant them into separate pots (cups, etc.);

Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Two weeks after sowing, the first leaves should appear, which means that it is already possible to pick seedlings, that is, plant their sprouts in their own containers. During this period

If there is no possibility or desire to do all this, then you can use plain tap water, settled at room temperature for 12–24 hours.

Picking tomato seedlings

. Soak the seeds for 3-4 hours in a soda solution (1 tablespoon per liter of water), after the procedure, rinse the seeds thoroughly in running water.​

Most gardeners grow it on windowsills.

Tomatoes are very whimsical to watering and saturation of the soil with useful components. A particularly useful component is ordinary wood ash, which must certainly be present in tomato growing beds.

Feeding tomato seedlings

At the beginning of forcing, the first two leaves are formed on the stalk. It is from this moment that intensive illumination of the shoots begins in order to effectively form the root system of plants and harden them - taking them out into the street for several hours, increasing the time by twenty minutes daily. With the growth of shoots, the time of seedlings on the street also increases.

The key to a great harvest always lies in the quality of the seeds. Before sowing them, you need to decide on the varieties of tomatoes, the timing of their ripening and the temperature conditions for sowing.

  • Seedlings of tomato seedlings
  • It is easier to transplant seedlings into the ground from separate containers without damaging the roots than from a common box, where the roots can get tangled and break when planted;
  • back to heading
  • It is better to put on gloves on your hands, well, rag ones are better, they will protect both hands and seedlings;
  • It is necessary that the room has high humidity and temperature
  • The soil should be loose and have a high saturation with nutrients. The following compositions of the soil mixture are quite suitable:

Enrichment of seeds with mineral fertilizers

Pest control

So let's consider this option in detail.

A very important point in growing seedlings is pest control. Especially dangerous for tomatoes is the aphid, which devours foliage and inflorescences. Modern means of intoxication help to fight it. An effective biological method for controlling harmful insects is to grow tomatoes in the same area as nasturtium or poppy seeds, which attract other types of insects that destroy aphids.​

How to grow tomato seedlings

After hardening procedures at 60 days of age, seedlings can be planted in a pre-prepared greenhouse, the soil for tomatoes in which should be similar in structure to the soil in the seedling tray. The main useful property is the saturation of the soil with essential microelements that can determine the conditions for the growth of strong and fruitful stems. The greenhouse should have a collapsible design, since after planting tomatoes in the ground, the process of getting used to natural climatic conditions will continue.

A little about tomato seedlings

It should be taken into account the fact that tomatoes are classified according to stem height, fruit shape and ripening time. Among the most popular high-yielding modern varieties that take root in our natural and climatic conditions are:

I leave one plant in a glass

If the size of the pot matches the size of the seedlings, then when watering, the root system develops and strengthens, and in large containers the water stagnates, the roots lack air and the seedlings begin to stretch.

  • Many gardeners grow tomatoes without diving. To do this, the seeds are planted immediately in separate containers so that the roots of the seedlings do not intertwine.
  • In separate containers, the earth should be the same as in the general box, treated for pests with a weak solution of manganese, preferably warm (room temperature);

Preparing to grow seedlings

about 23 ° C - to ensure such conditions, place a basin of water near the radiator. And do not forget to water the soil (best with a sprayer).

  • Humus and black soil in a ratio of 2: 1;
  • . To do this, the seeds are soaked for 24 hours in a solution containing a mixture of mineral fertilizers. At the end of the specified period, it is necessary to transfer the seeds to a moistened cloth and germinate them in warmth for at least two more days.
  • If earlier there were vases with flowers or pots of plants on the windowsill, then the window sill should be thoroughly washed with cleaning products. Plants can have various diseases that young tomato sprouts can become infected with.
  • Tomato seedlings love the bright sun, warm, well-ventilated places, protected from the hot afternoon heat, frequent watering of the base of the stem with water at room temperature.

Place to grow

A lot of agronomic professionals advise sowing seeds in the greenhouse right away. This makes it possible to simplify the task of growing seedlings, hardening and picking them at times. small-fruited - Sweet 100, Evita, Mirabell; Excess seedlings during thinning, if necessary, can, of course, be planted in other containers.

Many gardeners argue about the importance and necessity of diving.

With such a planting, tomatoes will not need to dive when planting them in the ground or greenhouse. Only at the same time, the seedlings get sick and take root for a long time. From the common box, the seedling is removed with a spatula or spatula (scoop), while the root is shortened by a third;

Seeds for seedlings

Chernozem, sand, soil for seedlings in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Tomato seeds are sown in one common container, which can be used as: One more tip -

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like tomatoes. Of course, you can buy them in a store or at a market - since now tomatoes are sold all year round, but still it is better to grow them yourself - such tomatoes are tastier, healthier, and environmentally cleaner. But often the desire to eat your own tomatoes comes up against ignorance, so to speak, of the technology of their cultivation. The first question is how to properly grow tomato seedlings.

  1. Growing tomato seedlings at home may involve planting them in open ground without the use of greenhouse structures. For this, the sown material at the age of 30 days is subjected to picking, transplanting into separate pots in order to develop a strong root system of a single stem. After the end of the period of late frosts, the dived seedlings are planted in fertilized soil, immersing the stem to the first lower leaf. If the seedlings have long stems, it is worth paying attention to their garter to a stable stable support, which can serve as an ordinary wooden bead. Medium-fruited - Martina, Goldene Koeniging, Harzfeuer, Balkonstar;
  2. As the seedlings grow, I gradually add prepared soil to the cups. To avoid an unpleasant disease - the "black leg", I spud a little young plants. After pouring the soil, the tomatoes quickly grow additional roots, grow actively and practically do not get sick. Peppers do not stretch as much as tomatoes, and you do not need to add a lot of soil to their cups.
  3. back to heading It is better to take seedlings by the leaves, and not by the stems, since the stem can be damaged and the sprout will die, and if the leaf is damaged, the seedling will be fine. And from below, the sprout takes up the clod of earth in which the root is located;
  4. It is necessary to refrain from additional lighting for up to 5 days after picking and avoid direct sunlight on seedlings. It is best to buy a soil mixture specially prepared for tomato seedlings in a store or on the market. You can, of course, prepare the soil yourself, but this is quite troublesome and dirty work.​

Seedling container

wooden box;

  • Tomato seedlings do not like being moved from place to place
  • Seedlings are grown from tomato seeds planted in the soil and after a certain time the grown sprouts are transplanted into open ground.
  • After the seedlings have taken root at the landing site, it is worth regularly monitoring the appearance of new shoots with already developed leaves. These sprouts should be removed in order to further form a strong root system of tomatoes.

plum-shaped - Roma, San Marzano; Sometimes I grow some of the seedlings right away in boxes. It is believed that in regions with a short summer and a cold climate, diving is necessary, since when diving and pinching off the root, the root system begins to grow to the sides, which is good for the plant. In such regions, fertile, nutritious and warm soil is on the surface.

In order to plant tomatoes without a pick, you need to plant seeds in separate containers or a common box, partitioned inside into separate parts as follows:

A hole is made in a separate pot, you can use your finger, you can use a pencil 5-6 cm deep, where the seedling is placed, while it is important not to bend the root, and all the leaves should be above the ground;

seedling water

10 days after picking, the seedlings must be fed with mineral fertilizers for the first time, and after another two weeks - the second time. It is very important not to forget how to properly water tomato seedlings during this period - watering should be regular and moderately plentiful. To prepare the soil directly for sowing seeds, you must: plastic container;

. Therefore, choose a permanent “place of residence” for seedlings and do not touch it unless you really need it.

Soil for seedlings

The question may arise - why, in general, grow seedlings? Isn't it easier to sow tomato seeds in the ground and wait for them to germinate? But in our rather cool climate, this is basically impossible. And that is why you first need to grow seedlings, and then plant them on open ground.

  • To ensure a high future crop of growing tomatoes, you should not miss the appearance of four shoots on the seedlings and remove the tops.
  • large-fruited - Master, Beefmaster, Supermarmande.

Tomato seedlings in a box

At the same time, in warm regions there is no particular need for a dive, since the root system will receive everything it needs even at a depth.

  • Plant 3-5 pieces of seeds in one cup, whether it is dry seeds or germinated;
  • Press down (compact) the earth around the seedling after planting;

Growing seedlings

Sowing seeds

Approximately 20 days later

Fill the seedling container with a dry soil mixture and pour it with water (not cold, but approximately room temperature).

  • plastic box
  • ​In agriculture, everything starts with seeds, so​

Before and during the dive

The timing when it is necessary to start growing it depends on the variety of tomato: Initial soil fertilizers for tomatoes require the presence of a sufficient amount of humus in it. However, this is not at all enough to provide the plants with the necessary micro and macro elements throughout the entire vegetative period of development and fruiting. If the soil contains a balanced composition of the necessary biological substances, then there are no problems with the growth of tomatoes. However, the ideal option is rarely found in nature, often the gardener has to independently monitor the condition of the soil and plants, regulating the lack of useful components by fertilizing. Each owner of the land chooses a variety of tomatoes for planting based on the meatiness and elasticity of the fruit for the purpose of further use on the farm - preserves, sandwiches, salads or sauces.​

In this case, I also fill the containers at first only by a third, and then, as the tomatoes grow, I add soil to the desired level - 12-15 cm. I put partitions between the plants in the boxes, so the roots do not intertwine and are not damaged during planting. This means that the adaptation of seedlings after planting in open ground is going very well. Dive or dive is a transplant of young plants to another place. This method is widely used in growing seedlings. Tomatoes tolerate this procedure quite well, and some gardeners transplant young sprouts as they grow up twice or even three times. The time for the first pick comes when the first real leaves appear in the plants, this is about 7-10 days after germination. When the seeds have sprouted, they need to be thinned out, for this, unnecessary and weak seedlings are not pulled out, but cut off at the root so as not to damage the roots other plants. Usually two seedlings are left;

When all the seedlings are dived, they need to be watered with water at room temperature and the seedlings should be left in the shade.

After the pick

Young tomato sprouts should be sprayed with an antifungal agent

Wrap the container with moist soil with cling film and leave it like that for about a day. During this time, the entire soil will be evenly saturated with moisture.

The container should have drainage holes that improve the supply of soil with water and air. It is very important to choose high-quality and proven varieties of seeds for planting Early and medium tomato varieties - March or early April.

The lack of certain types of elements is always characterized by external defective manifestations in seedlings:

Before planting, it is worth deciding in advance whether the variety is classified as a determinant or non-determinant species. The first option involves the development of undersized plants, the second is prone to forcing the stem over two meters. This aspect implies completely different agrotechnical conditions for growing tomatoes in open ground.​

A rigorous selection of the best plants and good care allows you to get powerful and strong seedlings of both tomatoes and peppers by the time of planting.

How to pick tomatoes

Previously, following the general opinion that picking is necessary, even necessary and brings great benefits to seedlings, I also transplanted small sprouts of tomatoes from a common box into separate cups. It should be noted that this work is not difficult, but it never brought me much joy, probably too painstaking for me. Therefore, one day I tried to grow seedlings of tomatoes and peppers without picking at all. It turned out no worse, and since then for many years I have not been engaged in picking, to my pleasure.

When leaves appear, thin out again, leaving one of the strongest and healthiest seedlings;

  • back to heading
  • (5% solution of copper sulfate). At the same time, hardening at low temperatures begins. This must be done before planting seedlings in open ground. In urban conditions, hardening is usually carried out on the balcony - the main thing in this matter is to close the seedlings at night so as not to freeze and protect it from direct sun during the day.
  • Seeds are sown in rows, the row spacing is at least 3 cm. Seeds should be at least 2–2.5 cm apart from each other.
  • It is preferable to use plastic containers
  • best suited to your climate zone. If you are new to the "tomato business", then when choosing seeds, do not rely on chance, but consult experienced gardeners or read thematic literature.
  • Late varieties - end of January or February.
  • If the stems of the planted plants are thin, dense and acquire a purple color, while the plants are undersized and do not throw out inflorescences for a long time, there is a lack of nitrogen, which can be filled by applying nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Planting tomato seeds for seedlings begins with the preparation of seed material, in particular, soaking the seeds in water at room temperature with the addition of flower fertilizers and growth stimulants. The proportions of drugs are always indicated on the packages.
Seedlings of tomatoes without picks

Seedling care after picking

You should add soil to the pots as the seedlings grow, this strengthens the roots and accelerates their growth.

In the future, the seedlings are watered twice a week, the main thing is that it does not dry out. As soon as the dived seedlings take root, they are transferred to a bright and ventilated place.

In another week, flower brushes should appear on young sprouts and, if this happens, then the seedlings can be planted in open ground. Before planting, it must be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (2 grams of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water). In the same way, it is necessary to process the holes in the garden.

How to water tomato seedlings before picking

After completing all the preparatory procedures, proceed to sowing tomato seeds:

, and not wood, in which microorganisms harmful to seedlings may appear.

Before planting it, you must consider the following:

If yellow and dark brown spots appear on the leaves of the seedlings, the foliage curls and dries up, while the stalks die - magnesium is not enough for the tomatoes, due to which the so-called chlorosis develops;

Is it necessary to dive tomatoes

​After bubbling, the seeds are distributed in one ball on moist gauze folded in several layers and covered with the same material in order to create a warm vacuum at a temperature of 30 ° C with the creation of effective air exchange. After a couple of days, wet and warmed seeds swell and expel the first buds.

Sweet pepper seedling

I grow seedlings mostly in cups. And to avoid picks, I sow both tomatoes and peppers directly into cups. Moreover, I fill the containers intended for seedlings of tomatoes by a third, and for peppers - almost completely.

How to plant tomatoes without a pick

  • If the picking of tomatoes was not done in separate containers, but in another larger common box, then a second picking is also done, only the distance between the seedlings increases to 8 cm.
  • From the moment the seedlings are planted on the garden beds, another stage of tomato cultivation begins. But that, as they say, is "a slightly different story."
  • Make 1–1.5 cm indentations with a match or toothpick and carefully place one seed in each hole. Sprinkle the recesses with soil and moisten with a sprayer, then wrap the container again with cling film.​
  • For transplanting seedlings (gardeners call this process picking), use disposable plastic cups. Poke two small drainage holes in the bottom of each cup before use.​
Seed quality check

Seedling care without picking

selection and preparation of a place for cultivation;

If the tops of the seedlings have turned yellow, and the lower rows of foliage are still green, you urgently need to feed the tomatoes with calcium and iron;

Do I need to dive tomatoes and peppers

Sow seeds in the soil in early March or early April. Growing tomato seedlings in a greenhouse causes earlier sowing. For forcing parosts, you need a tray, the dimensions of which are selected depending on the expected number of tomato seedlings grown. This can be a rectangular flower pot bought in a supermarket, or an unnecessary old vessel in the form of a metal or plastic basin.

  • There is practically no fallout of plants, they do not even wither and immediately actively grow.
  • Plastic cups for seedlings
  • Such seedlings are watered with water at room temperature, depending on the drying of the soil. Also, seedlings can be fed with fertilizers and exposed to light, each time turning the pots in the direction of light movement so that the seedlings do not grow crooked.
  • back to heading

It is advised to pick tomatoes twice: the first time when a couple of leaves appeared, and the second time directly into the greenhouse or open ground. After that, the seedlings will be healthy, and the root system will be strong.

Sowing seeds should take place in the same place where the container with seedlings will stand. Please note - during planting, direct sunlight can harm the seeds.​

It is advisable to disinfect all containers intended for growing seedlings, and then rinse them with clean water.

. Place the seeds in a saline solution (50 grams of table salt per liter of water) and wait about 7 minutes. Seeds that have surfaced can be safely thrown away - these are bad, incomplete seeds and there will be no sense from them. The remaining seeds must be thoroughly washed in clean water.

Seedlings of tomatoes without a pick

selection and preparation of seeds;

In cases of a long absence of inflorescences, it is advisable to add phosphate fertilizers to the soil;

The sowing container is filled with loose soil mixed with compost. You can buy loose humus in a specialized store, or cook it at home in the autumn period.​

Of course, I do not urge everyone to refuse to pick seedlings completely, but I simply draw attention to the fact that good seedlings can be grown without this procedure.

Before sowing tomatoes, I fill the cups with soil by a third

Before planting seedlings in a greenhouse or in open ground, they must be hardened off. To do this, the room where the seedlings are located is ventilated, and over time, the seedlings are taken out into the street for a while.

Before picking, tomato seedlings are watered 2-3 times a week with water at room temperature. At first, water a little, until the first seedlings appear, then after a week. You can not water often, the earth should dry out a little, but do not dry out.

It is better to start picking when a couple of leaves appear on the seedlings, then they will better take root in a new place and will be less sick.

About a week after sowing, the first shoots should appear - which means that you can already remove the cling film so that the seedlings have access to light (but without direct sunlight). During this period

Among most gardeners, it is widely believed that

Seed disinfection

selection and preparation of containers and soil;

With a lack of manganese, the seedlings fade, weaken and are not able to physically form inflorescences;

The poured layer of soil should not exceed fifteen centimeters, this height will provide optimal moisture impregnation, and will not create an excess of it. Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings is carried out at the rate of one seed per three square meters. see lands. The layer covering the sown seeds should not be dense and thick. The ideal option is 2-3 millimeters.​

Blog Delicious Garden

I use seeds for planting harvested on my own, I always have enough of them, so I sow at least 3-5 seeds in each cup, I don’t save.

It is believed that diving strengthens the plant, because:

You should not water the seedlings from above, you should try to water under the roots so that water does not get on the leaves.

Picking stages:

It is necessary to periodically water the soil with a sprayer

When growing seedlings, only melt water should be used
. Purchased seeds are recommended to be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 grams of dry potassium permanganate per 500 milliliters of water). Rinse the seeds in the prepared solution for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse them thoroughly with clean water.​

Water preparation and irrigation rules.