Which party will win the election. Who and why won the parliamentary elections

In Russia, the voting at the polling stations has come to an end, the votes are being counted. Based on the results of processing 45% of the protocols, four parties pass to the Duma - United Russia (53.3%), the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (14.1%), the Liberal Democratic Party (14.03%) and A Just Russia (6.24%) . RBC monitors the results of the elections to the State Duma in the online broadcast mode.

New ones first

New ones first

From old to new

In the Tula region, the current head of the region was elected governor. According to the results of counting 100% of the protocols, Alexey Dyumin enlisted the support of 84.17% of voters.

The CEC published data on the preliminary results of the elections to the State Duma after counting 90% of the protocols. United Russia has 54.21%, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has 13.53%, the Liberal Democratic Party has 13.28%, and A Just Russia has 6.19%. The rest of the parties do not overcome the 5% threshold.

In the Chechen Republic, after counting 15% of the votes, Ramzan Kadyrov is in the lead in the elections for the head of the region, gaining 97%. The second-place representative of the Growth Party, Idris Usmanov, won the support of less than 1.5% of voters, TASS news agency reported.

Candidates from United Russia are winning in three single-mandate constituencies in the Moscow region. Maxim Suraev leads in Balashikha, Elena Serova - in Kolomna, Irina Rodnina - in Dmitrov, Lidia Antonova - in Lyubertsy. In Krasnogorsk, Martin Shakuum is ahead, in Odintsovo, Oksana Pushkina. Other parties achieved success only in the Shchelkovsky district, where, after processing 36% of the protocols, the leadership was seized by the LDPR candidate Sergei Zhigarev.

Aleksey Dyumin wins the election of the governor of the Tula region. After processing 78% of the protocols, he receives 84.24% of the votes.

In the meantime, all polling stations for the elections to the State Duma have finally closed. The last two were in San Francisco and Seattle on the US Pacific coast. Voting ended on September 18 at 20:00 local time (06:00 Moscow time on September 19).

United Russia candidates are leading in 13 out of 15 single-member constituencies in Moscow. The only districts where non-United Russia leaders came forward were Leningradsky and Medvedkovsky. They are led by the candidate from "Fair Russia" Galina Khovanskaya and the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Parfyonov. Dmitry Gudkov is 7 p.p. behind Gennady Onishchenko. after processing more than 70% of the ballots in the Tushino district.

Another recently appointed acting Governor - now of the Tver region - Igor Rudenya is in the lead after processing 42.83% of the protocols. According to preliminary data, 74.49% of voters voted for him. Rudenya headed the Tver region in March of this year. Sources RBC his man, close to the chairman of the board of directors of "Gazprom" Viktor Zubkov.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party is increasing its gap from the Liberal Democratic Party. The Communists are ahead of their competitors in the fight for second place by 0.2 percentage points. After processing 60% of the protocols, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation gains 13.91%, and the Liberal Democratic Party - 13.71%.

Vitaly Milonov is in the lead after processing 5% of the votes in the Southern single-mandate constituency of St. Petersburg. The deputy gains more than 30% of the votes. ​

By three o'clock in the morning the CEC had counted half of the votes. The turnout according to the data after processing 50% of the ballots is 47.55%. United Russia is in the lead, it has 53.54% of the vote, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 14%, the LDPR has a little less - 13.9%.

The rest of the parties did not overcome the mark of 1%. The Greens received 0.72%, Patriots of Russia - 0.60%, PARNAS - 0.65%, Civic Platform - 0.22% of the vote. Last place occupied by "Civil Force", which got 0.13% of the vote.

The candidate from Yabloko, who was ahead of others in one of the single-mandate constituencies, lost his leadership, according to the Central Election Commission. According to the results of processing 46.74% of the protocols, United Russia wins in 203 out of 225 single-mandate constituencies, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - in seven, A Just Russia - eight, and the Liberal Democratic Party - five. Rodina, Civic Platform, Growth Party and one self-nominated candidate each have one constituency in their assets.

The Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party do not want to give in to each other. 45% of protocols processed. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 14.1%, the Liberal Democratic Party - 14.03%. United Russia received more than 53% of the vote. The Socialist-Revolutionaries have a little more than 6.2%.

There is less and less time left before the September elections to the lower house of the Russian parliament. However, this does not mean that the leaders of the race for seats in the State Duma will be able to keep their "places" occupied by them during the entire time of disputes, battles and pre-election discussions. The already "traditionally ruling" United Russia has slightly weakened its positions: too many voters have become disillusioned with the policy pursued by this party under the leadership of D. Medvedev. Anonymous polls conducted in in social networks and on forums, they show a high percentage of support for the Communists (the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, led by G. Zyuganov and the Liberal Democratic Party (leader - V. Zhirinovsky). Yabloko, the traditionally "left" party, is also in favor, however, its supporters are incomparably smaller. Today, the majority active supporters of the United Russia and skeptics have no doubt who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016. Bets are placed on United Russia, and losing to her and, according to experts and political analysts, is simply unrealistic. still at least 25-30% of the votes.

Who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016 - the opinion of experts

According to most experts, the United Russia party will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016. Considering that it is headed by Dmitry Medvedev, the "second helmsman" of the country, and also taking into account the powerful financing of the EP, it is United Russia that is destined to receive a larger percentage of seats in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Western analysts are predicting mass dissatisfaction among Russians over the results of the September 18 vote. In their opinion, the falsification of elections can become the cause of riots and even protests. At the same time, Westerners claim that in the regions it will be easier to rig the results of voting of voters than in Moscow and St. Petersburg constituencies. American experts generally speak of a "new revolution in Russia." According to US political scientists, after the newly elected State Duma begins its work, the Russians will immediately “not like” its decisions. Russian experts On the contrary, they do not doubt the transparency of the elections as a whole, allowing discrepancies between the true figures of the voting results and the final ones announced. Wait and see. The current, sixth convocation of the Russian parliament has served its term. Holidays in the Duma begin after the last meeting of all deputies on June 24. After that, in September 2016, on the 18th, a list of new elected representatives of the people will be determined. The composition of the Duma, elected in 2016, will be the seventh in a row. The current sixth composition of the Duma will receive compensation for the early termination of work. Deputies deprived of mandates by voting will be deprived of these payments.

Who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016 - forecast

Since United Russia is currently in the lead, and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party are in the top three contenders for seats in the lower house of parliament, we can talk about not one, but three winners. Even more than six months ago, forecasts about who would win the elections in 2016 spoke of one thing: United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party (in that order). Following the top three is Just Russia, which failed to achieve such a rating earlier, in the 2011 elections. Then half of the votes were given to the United Russia, just over 19% - to the Communists, and almost 12% - to the Liberal Democrats. This sequence and, accordingly, the places and number of seats in the Duma may now change. V. Zhirinovsky actively supports the president's policy and demonstrates his complacent attitude towards United Russia. Even skirmishes between communists and liberal democrats are no longer so frequent and not so frighteningly extravagant. Such a “liberal”, soft policy, the leader of the LDPR can get for his party large quantity votes and possibly overtake the communists. In the regions of Russia, the average percentage of support for United Russia is about 50%. With fourteen parties vying for seats in the Duma, this is certainly a clear lead and one step away from victory on September 18, 2016.

Who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016 - opinion poll

Today, opinion polls regarding who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016 are conducted not only by specialists from sociological centers. VKontakte, in particular, registered a group whose members are actively discussing the upcoming elections on September 18, forecasts, polls. In particular, on the main page, all registered VK users can take part in a mini-opinion poll. To date, a large percentage of survey participants support the Liberal Democratic Party. Many "sick" for the Communist Party, United Russia and Parnassus. Interestingly, the choice of anonymous respondents (not only in VK) is slightly different from the opinion of experts and political scientists. If elections were now taking place, the Liberal Democratic Party, United Russia, Parnassus and the Communist Party would definitely have passed to the Duma (the sequence of results of opinion polls has been observed).

Moscow. September 19th. site - On Monday, the majority of votes were counted in the elections to the State Duma, local parliaments and heads of Russian regions, which were held throughout the country on the Single Voting Day - September 18. Representatives of United Russia again turned out to be the leaders in voting in the legislative bodies, and in the elections of governors - the current heads of regions or temporarily acting in their duties.

Among other trends - the weakening of the position of "Fair Russia" and the Communist Party due to the growing popularity of the Liberal Democratic Party among voters, low turnout in elections in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as a decrease in the number of violations during the voting.

The final results of the elections to the State Duma of the seventh convocation will be summed up on Friday, September 23, but, according to the CEC, no significant changes in relation to the already calculated results should be expected.


The main feature of this year's elections was the return of the mixed voting system - out of 450 deputies of the State Duma of the seventh convocation, 225 people are elected according to party lists and the same number - in single-member districts. At 95,836 polling stations across the country, it was possible to vote for 14 political parties (listed in order of placement on the ballot): "Motherland", "Communists of Russia", "Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice", "United Russia", "Greens", " Civil Platform, LDPR, PARNAS, Party of Growth, Civil Force, Yabloko, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Patriots of Russia and Just Russia.

It is noteworthy that this year they also abandoned the practice of "locomotives", when a popular and authoritative person (a high-ranking politician, athlete, actor, and so on) is put at the head of the list in elections according to the proportional system, due to which the rating of his party and the number of her voice is growing. Subsequently, the leader of the list renounces his mandate in favor of a less eminent member of the same party.

Elections to the State Duma

According to the Central Election Commission (CEC of the Russian Federation), according to the results of counting 93.1% of the protocols, United Russia receives 140 seats in the State Duma on party lists and 203 seats in single-mandate districts. Thus, according to preliminary data, United Russia will have 343 seats in the State Duma out of 450 (that is, 76.2%).

The ruling party received the most votes in regions with the highest voter turnout: for example, 88% in Dagestan, 81.67% in Karachay-Cherkessia, 77.71% in Kabardino-Balkaria, 77.57% in the Kemerovo region. In some regions, United Russia, although it became the leader of the voting, did not achieve such high results. So, in the Chelyabinsk region they voted for her, and in Moscow -.

Thus, United Russia can already count on a constitutional majority in the State Duma (more than two-thirds of the seats), which will allow the party to adopt amendments to the Constitution (with the exception of a few chapters), as well as override the presidential veto.

The second party in terms of the number of mandates, according to preliminary data, is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. According to party lists, she receives 13.45% of the vote - that is, 35 mandates, in single-mandate constituencies - seven mandates. Then the LDPR follows with a small margin - 13.24% voted for it in the unified federal district, which corresponds to 34 mandates, this party receives five mandates on single-mandate lists. "Fair Russia" won 6.17% of the votes on party lists, and received seven seats in parliament on single-member lists.

The majority of the lower house of the Russian parliament will remain largely four-party, and even lowering the threshold for entry into the State Duma from 7% to 5% did not help non-parliamentary parties get through to the all-party lists. Only "Motherland" and "Civic Platform" will be able to get one seat in the lower house, as two of their candidates were able to win in their single-mandate constituencies. In addition, the State Duma will include one independent candidate - Vladislav Reznik.

Elections of heads of regions

As part of the Single Voting Day, elections were also held for the heads of nine regions - in Komi, Tuva, Chechnya, the Trans-Baikal Territory, as well as in the Tver, Tula and Ulyanovsk regions. At the same time, in North Ossetia-Alania and Karachay-Cherkessia, the heads of regions are elected by regional parliaments.

To win in the first round, a candidate had to get more than 50% of the votes. Sergei Gaplikov succeeded, for whom 62.17% of voters voted. A clear leader was also determined in Chechnya - after counting 93.13% of the ballots, it turned out that almost 98% of those who came to the polls voted for the interim head of the region, and his closest rival, the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Chechnya, Idris Usmanov, received only 0.83% votes.

Self-nominated Alexei Dyumin, acting head of the Tula region, based on the results of processing 100% of the protocols, scored 84.17%, and the current head of the Republic of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool - 86%. The situation is similar in the Trans-Baikal Territory - United Russia candidate, acting governor Natalya Zhdanova received 54.22% of the vote, and in the Ulyanovsk region - acting governor Sergey Morozov, nominated by United Russia, based on the results of processing 82% of the protocols of election commissions , gained 53.91% of the vote. Acting Governor of the Tver Region Igor Rudenya was also the leader in his region.

Elections to regional authorities

Elections to regional parliaments were held in 39 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in particular, in Adygea, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Karelia, Mordovia, Chechnya, Chuvashia, Altai, Kamchatka, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Primorsky and Stavropol Territories; in the Amur, Astrakhan, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Kirov, Kursk, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Moscow, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Omsk, Orenburg, Orel, Pskov, Samara, Sverdlovsk, Tambov, Tver, Tomsk and Tyumen regions; in St. Petersburg, in the Jewish Autonomous Region, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

As part of the Single Voting Day, the mayor of the city of Kemerovo, deputies of municipal assemblies in the capitals of 11 regions - in Ufa, Nalchik, Petrozavodsk, Saransk, Grozny, Perm, Stavropol, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Saratov and Khanty-Mansiysk were also elected.

The head of the CEC, Ella Pamfilova, said that they received a total of 16 seats in regional parliaments across the country. Thus, "Patriots of Russia" received four mandates, "Yabloko" - five, "Party of Growth" and "Pensioners for Justice" - three each, and "Rodina" - one.

Turnout by country

For Russians who find themselves outside their homeland during elections, polling stations abroad are traditionally organized. Nevertheless, the President of Ukraine instructed to inform Russia about the impossibility of holding elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Ukrainian territory. In Kyiv, they said they could change their position if Moscow refuses to hold elections in Crimea, which Ukraine considers occupied territory. Nevertheless, the Russians were able to vote at the embassy in Kyiv and at the consulate general in Odessa, but the process of expressing their will was accompanied by riots. In Lviv and Kharkov, there were no violations of law and order. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry urged not to recognize the results of the elections to the State Duma in terms of voting on the territory of Crimea.

At about 10 am, the head of the CEC, Pamfilova, called the turnout for the current elections - 47.81%. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that it cannot be called low, and added that it turned out to be "higher than in the vast majority of European countries" and "does not affect the election results themselves, their credibility."

The highest voter turnout was shown by KChR and KBR - more than 90%, Dagestan - more than 87%, as well as Kemerovo and Tyumen regions - 74.3% and Chechnya.

St. Petersburg also turned out to have the lowest voter turnout, which Peskov called a traditional phenomenon. Thus, in the capital, 35.18% of the electorate came to the polls, which is significantly less than during the parliamentary elections of 2003, 2007 and 2011. The Moscow City Electoral Committee suggested that the turnout was affected by cold weather and rains, as well as poor work of parties with voters.

According to the CEC of the Russian Federation, in Moscow, United Russia is gaining 37.3% of the vote, the Communist Party - 13.93%, the Liberal Democratic Party - 13.11%, Yabloko - 9.51%, Fair Russia - 6.55% .

The turnout was even lower than in Moscow - 32.47%.


According to Pamfilova, every third message is related to illegal actions, every fifth is a complaint about the falsification of the voting results or the upcoming mass falsifications. "Several appeals were received from observers - about their dismissal by the employer in connection with participation in the election campaign. This should be taken under special control - the prosecutor's office will definitely not be left without work," she said.

One of these violations - the stuffing of ballots by the secretary of the precinct election commission (PEC) in the Rostov region - has already led to incitement. Even on the day of voting, a video from a surveillance camera appeared on the Internet, which shows how two women and a man block the view of the box, and another woman puts a bundle of ballots into it.

Also, a serious incident was recorded in Dagestan - a group of young people during the voting defeated a polling station under the pretext that there was a massive stuffing of ballots in favor of one of the candidates.

In addition, elections at one of the polling stations Nizhny Novgorod region declared invalid, at three more polling stations in the Rostov region the results were in doubt. A camera phone left by one of the observers helped record the dropping of ballots, and now the voting results at this polling station have been cancelled.

On September 18, 2016, elections to the State Duma of the country will be held in all settlements of the Russian Federation (cities, towns, villages). The original election day date of 4 December has been changed. Due to the prematureness of the elections and the early termination of work, all re-elected deputies will receive monetary compensation for the time of "unemployment". Representatives of 14 parties are fighting for seats in the Duma, but not all of them will gain the required number of “percentages”. In the question of who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016, there are many points that are not yet fully understood, although the three leaders of opinion polls have already decided. According to the results of a poll of voters and the opinion of experts, three parties will definitely get into the State Duma: United Russia, the Liberal Democratic Party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016 - the opinion of experts

According to experts, despite the rapid decline in confidence in the United Russia party, the majority of Russians who are afraid of change will support United Russia. As a percentage, the number of seats for deputies from United Russia can range from 40% to 55%: September is still far away, and changes are constantly taking place in the political arena of Russia and the world. In the summer of 2016, the popularity of Vladimir Zhirinovsky's party, the LDPR, grew at an all-time high. Thanks to the well-thought-out policy pursued by the party and the charisma, eccentricity of the personality of Vladimir Volfovich himself, the LDPR "selected" a huge part of the percentage of voters from United Russia and Just Russia. From the very beginning of the Crimean events, the LDPR supports the decision of the Crimeans and the position of the President of Russia, which is also approved by the majority of the country's citizens. In addition, the liberal democrats "took" part of the electorate from the communists. Gennady Zyuganov is supported by many pensioners and young communists, but their number is less than adherents of the line of the LDPR party. Nevertheless, it is these three parties, among which United Russia is likely to receive the majority of votes, that will determine who will implement reforms and pass laws in Russia, starting as early as September 2016.

Who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016, forecast

According to the forecast of most political scientists, the United Russia party will win the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2016. The number of seats given to representatives from the Communist and Liberal Democrat parties is likely to be approximately the same. About 28-30% of all deputies will represent these parties. Most likely, deputies from Yabloko and PARNAS will go to the State Duma. Today, groups have been created on social networks, in particular, such as Vkontakte and Facebook, where community members discuss the upcoming elections to the Duma in 2016 and the likelihood of who will win the fight. In almost each of these communities, a mini-vote is made for a certain party. To date, independent voters are going to support the United Russia, Parnassus, LDPR and KPRF parties. Do not forget that the majority of VK users are young people, so the picture (from an age point of view) is incomplete. It is in order to understand who and whom is supported in the future Duma, public opinion polls are being conducted.

Who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016, the results of a poll

According to the latest summer polls of Russians, at least 45% of the country's citizens are going to take part in the elections to the State Duma of Russia. For some, this percentage will seem low, but even in the earlier elections to the State Duma, the number of citizens participating in them was less than half of the electorate. Today, more than half of those who will take part in the elections on September 18 will vote for United Russia. About 15% of citizens are sure that they will support the Liberal Democratic Party, and about 20% - the Communist Party. Today, about 4% of voters would vote for A Just Russia, while Yabloko is less trusted (about 2%). About 2% of the Russians polled generally stated that they intended to somehow spoil the ballots; the same number plans to vote "against all", deleting all parties from the electoral lists. The latter are sure that United Russia will win the elections in any alignment of forces, and it is simply impossible to change anything here.

Today, not only experts and political scientists know for sure the answer to the question of who will win the elections to the State Duma in 2016. Their forecasts fully coincide with the opinion of the majority of people expressed in the course of opinion polls conducted both in the capital and in other cities of the country. The United Russia party will become the leader, but the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party will definitely enter the parliament. It is difficult to predict the percentage of deputies from the remaining 11 parties participating in the elections to the State Duma. The situation is changing every day, which is especially dangerous for the Yabloko and Just Russia parties, which are almost sure of overcoming the required 5% barrier and obtaining the required number of votes.

On September 18, 2016, elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation will be held, which should become a nationwide trial of the bankrupt United Russia party.

The endless series of annual elections has created the deepest pessimism among the people. Increasingly, one hears talk about the uselessness of participation in the elections, about the fact that everything has been decided. Let's take a look and see if this is true? Today, even the most unenlightened voter is clear that the struggle in elections at any level is only between two parties - "United Russia" and the Communist Party. All the rest are for props, to give the electoral process the appearance of democracy. However, democracy remains lonely on the sidelines, and the elections are turning into a special operation to seize power by United Russia.

In any special operation, the role of each participant, each fighter, each bayonet increases many times over. Therefore, I personally consider non-participation in elections as desertion, as flight from the battlefield, as a betrayal of the interests of my children and grandchildren. Why? Yes, because it depends on you and me what we will leave behind if today we do not take measures to remove from power a party that is not oriented towards the national interests of the country, which continues the course of the predatory destruction of Russia's natural resources, which day after day drives a large part of the people.

A few strokes to the portrait of the party of lovers of power "United Russia".

In 1998, the notorious, now deceased, oligarch Boris Abramovich Berezovsky was instructed to create a new party to participate in the elections to the State Duma and to support his successor in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. Boris Abramovich did not think long and, by analogy with the Likud party of national patriots ruling at that time in Israel, he created our Russian Likud, which means “Unity” in Hebrew. That was the name of the movement first, and then the party, which, after merging with two other parties in 2001, became known as United Russia. Since 2001, the era of rule in Russia of a criminal-clan oligarchic regime began. If the Israeli "Likud" united national patriots, then "United Russia" united in its ranks the governing bureaucracy and unprincipled, in my opinion, unprofessional party members working against the interests of Russia and its citizens.

During the reign of United Russia, the main natural reserves of our country were sold, and the money from the sale was placed in foreign banks or spent on the purchase of elite real estate all in the same place, outside Russia. England has become a reliable fortress for the stealing United Russia members, which accepts everyone, without asking where and how much is stolen, as long as this stolen money works for the economy of England. Nevertheless, many United Russia members have amassed considerable capital in Russia as well. So, during a search of a member of the United Russia party, the governor of the Sakhalin region, Khoroshavin A.V. seized 210 kilograms of cash. In terms of volume, it was equal to two cubic meters. The United Russia leaders, who head state corporations such as Rosneft, Gazprom, Russian Railways and others, are doing well. With the planned minimum wage (minimum wage) for 2016 of 6204 rubles (73 euros), the leaders of these corporations receive from 1.5 million to 5 million rubles per day. It is no coincidence that the United Russia party has been firmly entrenched among the people with a tough nickname.

The policy of this party is not corrected even during the crisis. So, in 2015, 20 trillion rubles were received from the sale of Russia's natural resources, but only 8 trillion got into the treasury, 12 trillion rubles turned out to be in the pockets of the United Russia oligarchs, while Russia's budget was 16 trillion. Instead of limiting the outflow of capital from the country in the most difficult conditions of the crisis, directing it to close budget gaps, they export capital with a new redoubled force in order to keep it abroad, dooming our Motherland to vegetation. United Russia members try every day, every year to justify their “klikuhu”.

From time to time they try to cover up dark deeds with some ideologemes. So, in 2003, a certain manifesto was adopted at the congress of United Russia, which determined the party's guidelines for the future. Here are excerpts from the United Russia manifesto:

“Our specific program is this. After winning the elections in December 2003, immediately, in 2004, will begin:

– a program for the modernization of the energy complex;

– mass construction of individual housing;

– a program for the development of a new transport network in Russia;

– technological revolution in Russian agriculture;

– rapid growth of incomes of all categories of citizens.

As a result, already

– In 2004, every resident of Russia will pay for heat and electricity half as much as now.

– In 2005 every citizen of Russia will receive his share from the use of Russia's natural resources.

– In 2006 everyone will have a job according to their profession.

– By 2008, each family will have its own comfortable housing, worthy of the third millennium, regardless of the current income level.

- By 2008, Chechnya and the entire North Caucasus will become the tourist and resort "Mecca" of Russia.

- By 2010, the transport route St. Petersburg - Anadyr, Tokyo - Vladivostok - Brest and others will be built.

– By 2017, Russia will be the leader in world politics and economics.

Are you saying it can't be? It will be! We, the United Russia party, will do it!”

Here's how. However, until now, war veterans, the disabled, orphans still do not have decent housing. And on the eve of “becoming the leader of the world economy”, the last preferential package of milk formula is taken away from babies.

After the adoption of the utopian manifesto, United Russia had victories in 2007 and 2011 in the elections to the State Duma. But somehow they are not very puzzled by the fulfillment of previously accepted obligations to the people.

I often communicate with people and have never heard that someone voted for United Russia. How do United Russia manage to win from election to election? The scheme is simple.

3. Votes cast for parties such as "Against All", the CPSU, "Communists of Russia", "Pensioners for Social Justice" and others, according to the law adopted by all the same United Russia members, are poured into the treasury of the United Russia party - this is another 20 -25%.

Thus, with a turnout of 15–20%, the United Russia party is guaranteed to receive its favorite 50–60% of those marked as voting. However, provided that the primaries are held, the task of which is to confuse voters and program them that the elections have taken place and there is no need to go anywhere to vote on September 18.

1. On September 18, 2016, it is imperative to come to the polls and pick up your ballot so that falsifiers cannot stuff your ballot for United Russia. With a turnout of 80% and in the absence of Putin on the ballot, United Russia loses 100%.

2. So that the deceased and absent could not “vote” for United Russia, go to a member of the precinct commission from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and ask him to check if your relative who died or was absent voted. If we manage to take the falsifying criminal by the hand, we will definitely bring the case to court without setting you up. Remember, voting for the dead and absent is a serious crime that causes very serious and costly moral harm to their relatives.

3. Study the ballot carefully. "Communists of Russia" and "CPSU" have nothing to do with the Communist Party. The emblems and names of these parties on the ballot are deliberately rigged to resemble the COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (KPRF). Do not rush to put a tick, make sure that your vote is for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and not proteges of the same "United Russia". In case of correction or setting a second tick, the ballot will be considered spoiled.

That's actually all that concerns the "United Russia". I just want to note that I am not against ordinary United Russia members, many of whom do not even know that they are members of the party. Many have been dragged in by force, and they are afraid to leave the party, so as not to incur the wrath of the employer. Many United Russia members are secretly and heroically voting for us, for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and many thanks to them for that. Just stop trembling and hiding, it's time to come out of hiding, join the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and fight for your success, for the happiness of your children and grandchildren.

High-ranking United Russia members understand the plight of their situation, they understand that if the people come to the polls, collapse and defeat are inevitable. The administration of the President of the Russian Federation also understands this, so the imperceptibly prepared project with the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) and the dissolution of the United Russia party in it may well be promoted in the upcoming elections. You just need to understand that the “front-line soldiers” are the same United Russia members, only imitating the fight against corruption, which, professionally directed, is covered on TV.

Think, voter, think. Everything is complicated, confusing, but not hopeless.

communist party Russian Federation conducts constant explanatory work among the inhabitants of the region. But we do not always have enough strength and means to reach everyone. Therefore, do not be shy, call, come to the receptions of communist deputies, approach our agitators, ask questions, take an interest, read our newspapers. Only together, only elbow to elbow, shoulder to shoulder, we can defeat the bourgeoisie! Victory will be ours!

Vladimir KLENOV,


Ivanovo regional committee of the Communist Party

From the editor:It would seem that if pre-election promises are not fulfilled, it would be necessary to resign voluntarily. Nevertheless, we are witnessing attempts by the bankrupt "party of power" to keep itself at the helm government controlled. And all their demagogic assurances that a change of power should not be allowed, since supposedly the “orange” ones can come to power, do not stand up to scrutiny. First, the bourgeois Putin regime itself continues its policy in the interests of international capital. Russia's entry into the WTO, the fulfillment of all onerous conditions for our country's membership in this structure (even under international sanctions) is proof of this. It is quite clear that the processes of colonization of Russia are growing. Secondly, the so-called. the "liberal opposition" has an insignificant number of its supporters in society. Consequently, the ideologists of the regime, speaking of the "fifth column", mean to a greater extent not the Kasyanovs, Navalny, Khodorkovskys and others, but the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, as it turned out during the recent debates of V.F. Rashkin and E.A. Fedorov, aired on RSN. However, everyone knows that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has advocated and advocates for Russia's withdrawal from the WTO, for the cessation of privatization, monetary policy, anti-social experiments, for the recognition of the independence of the DPR and LPR. And United Russia takes a diametrically opposed position on these issues. Thus, it becomes clear who in reality takes a patriotic position and who does not.

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