How to cook milk corn porridge for a baby. Corn flour porridge for babies

The baby has already grown up, and you can begin to introduce new dishes into his diet. Our mothers practically never used corn porridge for infants as complementary foods. But in America, this product has been fed to toddlers for centuries. Maybe it’s worth adopting foreign experience and trying to apply it in practice?

The benefits and harms of corn porridge for babies

Any new product in the diet of a toddler up to a year of age should be included under the supervision and on the recommendation of a pediatrician. Failure to comply with this rule can cause irreparable harm to the baby's health.

What do doctors say about the benefits of corn porridge?

  1. Gluten free. This protein causes allergic reactions, and in rare cases gluten intolerance develops. Therefore, corn porridge is suitable for allergy sufferers.
  2. Low calorie intake is a means of preventing childhood obesity.
  3. Contains fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility, improves the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and inhibits fermentation processes in the small belly.
  4. Removes excess fat and cholesterol from the body.
  5. Contains vitamins B, PP, E, carotene and 20 different minerals.
  6. Corn is rich in silicon. This promotes the development and strengthening of the child’s tooth enamel.

The benefits of the product are undeniable, but there is also a downside to the coin. Can corn porridge harm the health of a toddler?

  1. This product is introduced into the baby’s diet at the age of 8–9 months and older. An earlier introduction of this complementary food can harm the little one’s stomach: he is not yet able to digest corn.
  2. Excess of the product can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract or allergic reactions.
  3. You need to start trying a new dish gradually, with 1-2 teaspoons at a time. If vomiting, diarrhea or nausea occurs, then this complementary food should be temporarily removed from the baby’s diet.

Observe the little one’s reaction to a new taste and an unfamiliar product, and then corn porridge will benefit the little man.

How to cook corn porridge for babies?

In order not to harm the little one, the new dish must be prepared correctly.

Mom has 2 ways to solve this problem:

  • buy a ready-made instant product from a well-known baby food manufacturer;
  • cook it yourself.

The first method is the simplest - you don’t need to cook anything, just dilute the powder - and that’s it, the porridge is ready. As a quick option when you urgently need to feed a child, this route is quite suitable.

The second way will take longer, but homemade porridge is both healthier and cheaper. In addition, without changing the recipe much, you can get different results.

Recipe No. 1. Corn porridge on water.


  • very finely ground corn flour or grits 6 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter or vegetable oil – 1 tsp.

Let's start cooking the porridge.

  1. Place the pan on the fire. It is important that the water boils, but not boils. Salt the water, add sugar.
  2. Measure out the required amount of cornmeal or grits.
  3. While constantly stirring, pour the cereal into boiling water. Reduce heat to low and continue cooking for 3 minutes. Make sure there are no lumps.
  4. Turn off the heat, put a piece of butter in the pan. Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. The porridge has a medium consistency - it will be easy for the little one to swallow.

If there are lumps in the porridge, then it is easy to correct this situation. Rub the finished porridge through a sieve or spin in a blender at high speed.

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Corn porridge is one of the healthiest for babies. It does not contain gluten, which means that the porridge will not cause an allergic reaction in your baby. Corn porridge is also a source of useful microelements and vitamins.

Corn grits porridge has many positive qualities:

- It is characterized by a rich content of vitamins - group B, PP, A, C, E, and useful elements - iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, necessary for full and healthy development.

— Corn porridge also contains a lot of fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the baby’s digestive system

“It has a positive effect on the immune system, increases the body’s protective functions during illness, and improves intestinal microflora after treatment with antibiotics.

— Cereals have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body, cleanses the blood and strengthens blood vessels.

— Low-calorie corn porridge, boiled in water, is an easily digestible product. It is well digested by the child's body.

Porridge can be served as a separate dish or as a side dish for fish or meat. Goes great with vegetables and dried fruits. Porridge is prepared in various ways - steamed, stewed and boiled. When heat treated, the cereal will not lose its usefulness at all.

But corn porridge also has a number of negative qualities, so you should not consume it in large quantities:

— Cereals contain phosphorus, which is useful for humans in minute quantities. However, in large doses, phosphorus has the ability to remove calcium from bones.

— If a child has intestinal problems, then it is worth limiting the use of this product. Because corn porridge can lead to an imbalance in the acidic environment and water metabolism. For the same reason, you should not give porridge to children under 8 months of age.

— Eating large amounts of this cereal, including in the form of flakes, leads to an excess of sodium. This can cause disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular, circulatory system and central nervous system.

Trying it for the first time

The best age for feeding corn porridge for the first time is from 7 to 8 months. This is the time when the baby is already familiar with many foods, including porridge - buckwheat and rice. Due to the fact that corn porridge contains a lot of fiber, it is an easily digestible food. If the baby is bottle-fed, you can try giving corn porridge a little earlier - at 6-8 months.

It is best to prepare porridge for infants from cereals, and not from store-bought corn flour. This flour contains few vitamins, but it is high in starch, gluten and carbohydrates. This makes the porridge more high-calorie. To prepare porridge, you need to grind the cereal, for example, in a coffee grinder or blender to a powder. This way the porridge will retain much more of the beneficial microelements and vitamins it contains. Mothers who want to save time can use ready-made formulas. Their nutrient levels are balanced.

After 12 months, you can give your baby porridge from coarser grains. Choose your grains carefully. It should be golden yellow in color and well polished.

We add milk to porridge when the child is already 1 year old. Until this time, cook the porridge in water. You can add a little breast milk. This will make the porridge sweeter and more palatable. If you are not allergic, you can supplement the porridge with dried fruits, an apple or a banana. The baby will be very happy to eat brighter and sweetened porridge.

As previously written, excessive consumption of corn porridge can disrupt the normal functioning of the child’s digestive and cardiac systems. Therefore, the most acceptable option is to feed corn porridge once or twice a week. This is the optimal frequency of consumption at which porridge will only benefit the baby.

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Cooking methods: 4 simple recipes

When preparing corn porridge, you must follow some rules. Before use, the cereal must be thoroughly rinsed in water to remove dust and cabbage residues. All excess dirt will float up and can be easily separated from clean cereals. When cooking, the cereal should be poured into boiling water, and not poured with cold water. This way, the porridge will retain more nutrients. We recommend keeping the finished porridge in the oven for a while or simply covered in a warm place. It will swell well and taste even better.

From corn flour

Using a coffee grinder, turn the cereal into flour. Boil clean water or cow's milk mixed halfway with water. For 120 grams of flour you need 500 ml of liquid. Pour the porridge into the water. It is better to do this through a sieve, then the product will be cleaner. Cook, stirring constantly for 2-3 minutes. If you used a blender and not a coffee grinder to grind, then cook for longer - 25-30 minutes. After the porridge thickens and the consistency becomes homogeneous, remove it from the heat and cover tightly with a lid for 10-15 minutes to swell. Or put it in the oven for a few minutes. Before serving, season the porridge with a piece of butter. If the child is small, it is not recommended to use sweeteners, so do not add honey or sugar.

You can also achieve a more delicate consistency after cooking. To do this, puree the prepared porridge with a blender.

In the oven

We will need the following ingredients: 100 grams of corn grits, 500 ml of water (or 250 ml of water + 250 ml of milk). For cooking, it is best to use a clay pot or other form with a thick bottom. Pour all the ingredients into the mold and place in the oven at 180 degrees. After 20-25 minutes, stir the porridge so that it does not stick to the bottom of the dish. And put it in the oven again for 45-55 minutes. When serving, season with butter. To sweeten it a little, add dried fruits or berries if your child already eats these foods.

In a slow cooker

We take the same ingredients as in the previous recipe - 100 grams of corn grits and 0.5 liters of water (or 0.25 liters of water and 0.25 liters of milk). Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl and fill it with liquid. Cook on the “Milk porridge” mode for 35 minutes. After cooking, you can switch the porridge to the “Keep Warm” mode for another 30-40 minutes. When serving, season the porridge with butter and dried fruits.

With vegetable broth

This simple and very tasty dish will be a great lunch for your baby. Cook vegetable broth from onions, carrots, and celery. You can use other vegetables as well. But it’s still better to take products already known to the baby. This way you will be sure that your baby will not have allergies. Then cook the corn porridge according to one of the recipes suggested above, only using broth as the liquid.

Corn porridge is an excellent complementary food for babies. This is a tasty and healthy product that even an inexperienced young mother can easily prepare. It must be remembered that healthy eating is the key to the full development of your baby.

Hello, dear blog readers!

Children develop very quickly, and in order to support their development, help the body, strengthen it with vitamins, it is important to create the right diet for the baby. Today we will talk about corn porridge, how healthy it is, and at what age can a child be introduced to this product.

The variety of food that can be prepared from corn is sometimes surprising, no matter what they make from it: soups, salads, cereals, sticks, just boiled cobs. A universal product, don't you agree?

An interesting fact is that until the 18th century, corn was grown only for decorative purposes.

Corn porridge is a dish that is prepared not from the grains themselves, but from the cereal. Corn porridges are very attractive to children with their unusual and bright color. This sunny porridge will also delight your baby with its taste.

Corn grits are an acceptable product for baby food; they can impress with their supply of vitamins and microelements that stimulate the functioning of all organs. It contains most of the representatives of the vitamin B complex (folic acid, thiamine, B6). 100 grams of this cereal contains ¼ ​​of the daily value of vitamins A and E.

The list continues:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • calcium.

Corn grits are rich in fiber and starch.

200 grams per week is a sufficient dose for children, do not get carried away with one product. The menu for a child should be varied, which will have a positive effect on his well-being.

Properly prepared porridge is valuable for children's health.

  1. It is good for digestion (fiber stimulates proper intestinal function);
  2. Strengthens teeth (silicon);
  3. Nutritious and does not cause allergic reactions;
  4. Inhibits the fermentation process in the stomach (good for children who suffer from constipation).

The first thing you need is to attract the baby with the appearance of the dish. The second is the taste, so that he likes the porridge and would always eat it with pleasure. Here are some cooking tips.

  1. Prepare porridge only from fresh cereals, so you will get the maximum benefit.
  2. Cook the porridge in a container with a thick or non-stick coating, this way you reduce the risk of spoiling the taste.
  3. Corn porridge can be either a sweet or savory dish.
  4. Corn porridge is usually introduced into the menu from the age of 9 months, after you have already introduced him to buckwheat and rice.

Coarse grains last longer; before preparing them for the children's menu, they can be ground again using a coffee grinder or food processor.

Corn porridge - a recipe for children under one year old


  • 5 cups of cereal;
  • 5 cups of water.

Cooking method

Pour the washed cereal into boiling water, stirring constantly, cook the porridge over low heat for 7 minutes. Then put in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for half an hour. Allow the finished porridge to cool slightly and blend it with a blender. You can add a little breast milk, for older children a teaspoon of butter per serving, a grated banana or apple.

How to cook corn porridge with milk

It would seem - what kind of wisdom is there? Pour in the cereal and let it cook. But there are still nuances...

  1. Be sure to rinse the corn grits before cooking.
  2. Place the cereal in a thick-bottomed pan, first filling it with water. Simmer under the lid until completely boiled, and then add milk.
  3. Cook corn porridge in milk for 15 minutes.

Recipe for corn porridge with milk:


  • 400 ml water;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 150 grams of cereal;
  • a pinch of salt.


Pour water into a thick-bottomed pan and add clean cereal. After boiling, reduce the heat to low, add salt and cook the porridge until that moment, do not forget to stir so that the porridge does not burn. As soon as the water has completely boiled away, pour in the milk and wait another 5 minutes.

The porridge is ready!

Corn porridge in a slow cooker:

Cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker is even easier than in a saucepan, which makes mommies very happy. You can put food in the kitchen aid and feel free to go for a walk with your child - lunch will be ready when you return.

Subtleties of cooking porridge in a slow cooker:

  1. For children, it is better to choose finely ground cereal. It will cook faster, and the porridge will have a delicate texture.
  2. In a slow cooker, the porridge will become much larger in volume, so the proportion of liquid and cereal needs to be increased.
  3. If you want to make the porridge thicker, leave it in the “warm” mode for 15 minutes.

Milk corn porridge


  • 50 grams of cereal;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 1 tsp butter;
  • 5 tbsp. sugar or honey.


Place washed corn grits, butter and sugar into the multicooker container. Mix with milk and water. Set the “milk porridge” mode for 35 minutes. The resulting porridge will be liquid, and the corn particles will become soft and delicate in taste.

Corn porridge with pumpkin


  • 200 grams of cereal;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 400 grams of pumpkin;
  • 50 grams of butter.

Pour boiling water over the washed cereal and leave it for 40 minutes to swell. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and simmer in a frying pan with sugar. Drain the water from the cereal, boil the milk and add corn grits to it, stirring constantly.

The porridge will cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. 3 minutes before readiness, combine the pumpkin with the porridge and mix thoroughly with the oil.

Banana milk porridge with corn


  • 400 ml milk;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 200 grams of corn grits;
  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking method

Fill the cereal with water and put it on fire. When it boils, add salt and sugar, reduce the heat to low. While stirring, wait until all the water has evaporated.

Then we grind the porridge with a blender and fill it with hot milk, add butter and let the porridge boil.

Puree the banana and add it to the porridge, stir.


Properly prepared corn porridge has every chance of becoming your baby's favorite dish.

This is a delicious breakfast, a healthy lunch, and a hearty but not heavy dinner. This porridge can be introduced next to buckwheat and rice cereals, after your child is 9 months old. Its advantage is that it does not contain gluten, so it is well suited for children with allergies.

There are many recipes with corn grits: salty, sweet, with the addition of dried fruits, and so on. Of course, you don’t have to stop there and add your baby’s favorite foods to the porridge.

If you are determined to diversify your children’s diet, you can safely adopt this one. Corn porridge will be healthy for a child and will certainly be to his taste, because corn is a sweet product. And most importantly, it does not contain gluten (a protein), which means it can be cooked for protein. The only downside to this dish is that it takes a long time to cook. To somehow compensate for this, we recommend grinding corn flour in a coffee mill before cooking. So it will cook not for 40-50 minutes, but only 25-30.

Corn porridge can be introduced into complementary foods for children over 8 months old.

Preparing corn porridge with milk for a child:

For corn porridge you will need corn flour (in its original form you need 3 tablespoons). For children over one year old, there is no need to grind the cereal; it is enough to buy finely crushed corn grits in the store.

The procedure itself is simple - boil corn grits in water (200 ml). Cooking time is approximately 20 minutes over low heat. If the cereal was cooked without preliminary grinding, then for infants we beat the resulting mass in a blender. Or if the porridge turns out to be lumpy, you can also grind it with a blender.

Add 100 ml milk to the prepared mass. And put it on the fire again, bring our mixture to a boil. Then switch to low heat and cook for another 5-10 minutes. Or turn off the heat and insist on the still hot tile.

At the end of cooking, add 5g. butter and mix.

Any mother knows that complementary feeding begins with porridge. However, even such a simple task as cooking porridge can turn into a problem. After all, if it is cooked incorrectly, the baby may have stomach problems. In our article we will talk about how to cook different types of porridge for kids.

How to cook porridge for babies

When a child turns six months old (if he is breastfed) or five months old (if he is bottle-fed), pediatricians advise introducing complementary foods. Most often these are vegetables and cereals.

Complementary feeding is necessary to gradually familiarize the baby with food. You shouldn’t immediately “stuff” your baby with all kinds of cereals in large quantities. You need to start with a couple of spoons.

Quite often, parents who have their first child wonder: how to cook porridge for a baby? Nothing could be simpler. You can choose two options.

  1. The simplest option is ready-made cereals sold in children's stores. To prepare porridge for the first complementary feeding, you need to choose dairy-free porridge.
  2. A longer option is to grind the cereals in a blender and cook on gas. For bottle-fed babies, you can add a little dry milk mixture to the cooked porridge.

Every mother knows how to prepare porridge for her child:

  • for dairy-free porridge bought in a store, you just need to follow the instructions on the package;
  • If you want to cook baby porridge with milk, then first just put a small amount of water on the gas. As soon as the water boils, turn the heat to low and carefully pour in the porridge. Cook until done, stirring constantly. Before giving it to the child, it should be cooled. You can add a little milk to whiten the porridge.

In the modern world, equipped with technology, there are a huge number of possibilities for preparing porridge for a child. The multicooker is especially popular among mothers. The detailed instructions that come with it describe how to cook porridge for an 8-month-old baby.

Remember that porridge for the first feeding should not be very thick.

How to cook buckwheat porridge for babies

Of course, the most advantageous option for preparing buckwheat porridge for babies is ready-made store-bought porridge for children. Their preparation will not take you much time. By heating the kettle to the desired temperature, you dilute the required amount of bulk product. And voila, in five minutes the delicious porridge for your baby is ready.

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to buy such porridge, you can try cooking buckwheat porridge for babies from regular cereals. First you need to grind buckwheat or buckwheat flakes to flour. And only then start preparing it. This porridge is cooked in the usual way. If you decide to cook buckwheat milk porridge for your child, then you should add enough milk to just “tint” it, or, as they say, “whiten” it a little. After which it is necessary to cool the prepared buckwheat porridge.

How to cook corn porridge for babies

In order to cook corn porridge, a child should follow the same rules as when cooking buckwheat. However, preparing corn porridge for a baby will take a little longer (about half an hour).

Pre-soak the cereal for 25 minutes in water.

Corn porridge should be introduced into complementary foods no earlier than 8 months. This is due to the fact that this type of porridge is rich in fiber. Which can lead to bloating and increased gas formation in the child’s abdomen.

How to cook semolina porridge

Semolina porridge is the most delicious for babies, but does not contain useful substances. However, doctors do not recommend introducing it into early complementary foods due to possible stomach problems in the baby. The recipe for semolina porridge for a one-year-old child is no different from preparing semolina for adults. Again, it is worth remembering that the consistency of the porridge should be watery.

How to cook rice porridge for a child

In order to prepare rice porridge, a child will need milk, water and cereal. If you want to prepare rice porridge for a baby, then it is advisable to use rice flakes ground in a coffee grinder or blender. To prepare rice porridge for older children, you can use uncrushed flakes or round rice. So, in order to properly cook rice porridge, a child needs.