Oily fish: benefit or harm? Butterfish: benefits and harms, price, recipes, calorie content Butterfish.

Many people have probably heard about butterfish more than once. Such a term does not exist in biology; this is what some species of fish of different families are called. The concept of “oil fish” is more of a commercial name. Despite the same taste of meat of this commercial subspecies, their habitat is completely different.

Oily fish

Types of butterfish:

Such varieties of different families of fish live in the World Ocean with warm water. This region of the earth's hemisphere is commonly called the tropics. It floats and develops in the uppermost layers of ocean water. It is worth noting that she does not live near the shore, but swims to it only when spawning begins. For development and living, they choose more open spaces not near the coastline, but in the depths of the ocean.

This species is not commercial, are caught during tuna fishing because they live in the same environment. You can find it on sale everywhere, in every corner of the globe. The meat of such individuals is distinguished by a pleasant white color, with a small number of bones. You definitely need to know the benefits and harms of oily fish.

Benefits of oily fish

If you believe commercial agents, who, of course, praise this type of product because of its high price, we can highlight the following advantages of using this product:

These types are at the top of the list the most useful. The content of useful substances, along with other species, for example, salmon, is several times higher.

Harm of oily fish

There are no special warnings from doctors, since few seek help after using it. But it is worth saying that this product can disrupt the functioning of the stomach and intestines for some time. Maybe this shouldn’t even be called harm, because to some extent, sometimes the body simply needs cleansing.

This manifestation of malaise can be the wrong method of preparation or consumption in unlimited quantities. Consumption of the smoked product does not cause any unpleasant consequences for the body, because it is prepared in compliance with all production standards. But if you do it at home, you might get something mixed up: so you shouldn’t deviate from the cooking recipes that are recommended by professionals.

It also needs to be said what exactly fresh frozen fish is a common cause of gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, buy products already prepared. There are cases of individual intolerance to this food product. In this case, there may be food poisoning. But this is extremely rare.

During cooking, you need to ensure that all harmful fat comes out of the carcass. After excess fat is removed, only the necessary substances for our body will remain.

There is a ban in some countries on the sale of oil fish due to its poor digestibility by the human body, because oil fish has a very high calorie content. Among the countries that have introduced a ban are:

  • Japan;
  • Italy.

There is no such ban in Russia.

Calorie content of the product

Butterfish has calorie content 112 kcal per 100 g of product. The meat contains proteins in the amount of 18–19 g, as well as fats of 4.2 g. This fish does not contain carbohydrates. It is extremely useful when following a diet. It is precisely because of its calorie content that it is able to charge the body of a person leading an active lifestyle with the energy it requires for this.

But oil fish, smoked in production, is endowed with a completely different calorie content of 180 kcal. The protein content in it does not change, as a rule, but the fats increase 2-3 times, usually up to 12 g.

That's why for dietary nutrition Fresh frozen is more suitable than smoked. There are many recipes for preparing such a product.

Cooking butterfish

Few people know how to cook butterfish. If you decide to prepare such a product, you can limit yourself to the simplest and fastest recipe, during the preparation of which the fish will get rid of unnecessary fats and become incredibly healthy.

Cooking method N1 on the grill

You will need:

  1. 4–5 large pieces of fish;
  2. salt to taste;
  3. a little granulated sugar;
  4. soy sauce - 10 g;
  5. lemon juice.

The steaks are marinated with all the mixed ingredients for two hours. Next, heat the grill and place pieces of fish on the oil grate. Let it stand for 5-7 minutes on each side, this way more fat will come out. After frying on both sides over well-heated coals, the dish is ready to eat. This cooking method is very simple and does not require much effort. The benefits of the fried product will be quite noticeable.

Preparation method N2

You will need:

  1. 4 medium-sized fish carcasses;
  2. cherry tomatoes - 10–12 pcs.;
  3. chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  4. lime;
  5. salt to taste;
  6. ground black pepper;
  7. greenery.


  • Wash the fish, dry it, remove the entrails and fins. After removing all excess, rinse thoroughly again and dry with a towel;
  • squeeze the lime juice and coat the inside of the carcass with it;
  • mix pepper and salt and rub the carcasses with the resulting mixture;
  • rinse the greens and place twigs inside the carcasses;
  • cut the chili pepper into circles and put 2-3 circles along with the greens;
  • cut the tomatoes into a cross;
  • Make a cut along the ridge and along the carcass;
  • take a baking sheet and put baking paper or foil, put small pieces of lime into the cuts on the fish;
  • tomatoes are also laid out on top of the carcasses;
  • wrap in foil and leave to saturate for about 1–1.5 hours;
  • Preheat the oven to 230 degrees; before placing the fish in for baking, wrap the fish very tightly in foil. Leave for 10–15 minutes, then remove from the oven and unwrap the foil;
  • pour over a small amount of melted butter. And put it back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes.

While baking the main dish, you can prepare a wonderful sauce. Take a small amount of mint and sprinkle with olive oil. Then pour the juice of half a lime over the finely chopped greens. Stir and cool in the refrigerator. Serve in a small gravy boat on a plate along with the fish. A good white wine and fresh vegetables, coarsely chopped into a salad, go great with the dish.

Preparation method N3

A great recipe for fruit lovers. You will need:

  • fish carcass;
  • medium sized apple;
  • seedless grapes - 100 g;
  • small tomato;
  • medium bulb;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.


  1. wash the carcass, trim the fins and remove the backbone along with the entrails, do not touch the skin on the fish under any circumstances;
  2. rub with salt and season with pepper, make small cuts along the entire perimeter of the carcass;
  3. leave to saturate for 1–1.5 hours;
  4. finely chop the onion, tomato and apple into cubes;
  5. lay out vegetables and fruits inside the carcass;
  6. Bake on a wire rack in the oven at a temperature of 160 degrees.

After it is cooked, place it on a plate and garnish with fresh herbs, and sprinkle with soy sauce. The skin with scales serves as a shell for delicious meat with a side dish of vegetables and fruits.

Butterfish dishes: photos

As a rule, all people are divided into those who prefer fish and those who love meat. There are more and more people who prefer the first option every year. This is due to the desire to eat right and get the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements from food. Fish must be present in the human diet, but any product is good in moderation. Butterfish is considered a delicacy that has unique taste, and many confidently claim that this species of sea inhabitants is the most delicious of all.


Most likely, many have heard about white butterfish, but not everyone knows what it is or what it looks like. Butterfish are a special type of marine life. This group includes several varieties, all of which superficially resemble tuna, but have different names. The size and weight of fish from the oil family can vary (from 5 kg or more). The largest fish ever caught by man was a fish weighing 50 kilograms.

In cooking, oily fish is considered a delicacy; it can be found frozen or smoked on store shelves. The name of the seafood speaks for itself - the carcasses are very fatty and contain large amounts of Omega-3 and Omega-6. Fish caught in the cold season is the fattest (the percentage of fat content can reach 25%). There are very few bones in the carcass, and the fibrous meat is easy to cut.


As already mentioned, butterfish combines several varieties of seafood. Each species may differ in size and weight, and have a darker or lighter shade of the cut carcass. But all species share similar qualities, thanks to which they got their name.


Toothfish is one of the fattest fish found in nature. As a culinary delight, fish is quite expensive; it is most often served in good restaurants in various forms. Toothfish is also great for cooking at home. It can be fried, stewed, grilled and grilled. The last two methods are the most successful if you want to rid the dish of excess fat. Even after a long simmer on the fire, the fish does not lose its juiciness and tenderness.

This species is quite large in size, so it arrives on store shelves already cut up.

Toothfish is not recommended for consumption by people suffering from high blood pressure and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also worth limiting the consumption of fatty seafood for people trying to lose weight.


Escolar is a rare species of mackerel that is about a meter long and has dark brown scales. The fish is not commercial and is caught in the net by accident. After processing, cleaning and deboning, the fish acquires great value and is not cheap. Gourmets appreciate the tender white meat of escolar, which cannot be spoiled by any heat treatment.

In appearance and consistency, the fish resembles halibut. In stores it is sold smoked or frozen. In order for excess oils to leave the carcass after smoking, it is smoked while hanging. It is recommended to buy fish in trusted stores that value their reputation and customers. The fact is that instead of escolar they may sell you some other type of butterfish. It is quite difficult for an ignorant and poorly versed person to recognize one or another type of oily seafood.


This type of oily fish species lives in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean between Brazil and Argentina. Stromateus is small in size and weighs about 500 grams. In stores you can find another name for butterfish - butterfish. Translated from English, this means “butter fish,” but the name is firmly attached to this breed.

The meat of this seafood is valued for its rich protein content. Accordingly, there is also quite a lot of oil in it. Depending on the habitat, fish can have a fat content of up to 20 percent.


Ruveta lives in warm tropical seas. Just like other types of mackerel, this breed is not of great commercial importance and is caught in nets along with tuna. The consumption of this seafood is not recommended for people with weak intestines, as its fatty wax content has a strong laxative effect.


The habitat of all types of butterfish is very wide. They are found in the Indian and Atlantic oceans. Depending on the time of year and living conditions, cooked meat has different fat content and microelements content.

No matter where the fish is caught, it happens by chance. Mackerel rarely swims to the shore and is almost never on the surface of the water. This happens only during spawning - then it ends up in the fishermen’s net. The fish is not afraid of great depths and can go underwater for a distance of up to 3 kilometers. Different types of oily rocks can occupy a certain area of ​​the ocean; experienced fishermen already know what kind of fish can end up in nets in one or another part of the globe.

Benefits and harms

Seafood is essential for human existence. It is recommended to eat fish at least once a week. Of course, like any seafood, mackerel has many beneficial properties. It contains amino acids, unsaturated fats and minerals. In addition, oily fish is rich in vitamins of various groups.

Moderate but regular consumption increases stress resistance and helps the body fight the harmful effects of the environment. The benefits of this type of seafood for women during menopause and painful menstruation have been proven.

Regular consumption improves the condition of the body as a whole, increases performance and controls the emotional state. The cardiovascular system will also thank you for the regular presence of this product in your diet.

In many countries (including Japan and Canada) the export of oilfish is prohibited. This is due to frequent cases of poisoning after its use. All types of oil fish contain a waxy ester, which is not at all absorbed by the human body. A side effect after consumption may be uncontrollable diarrhea. In addition to loose stools, other symptoms of poisoning may occur after eating fatty fish. In case of severe fish poisoning, the body temperature may rise and the gag reflex may open.

Butterfish has unsurpassed taste; many people love it for its tender meat and light fishy taste. If you do not suffer from an upset stomach and digestive problems are alien to you, then oily fish in moderation is not at all contraindicated.

Calorie content

Many varieties of fish are considered dietary dishes and are recommended by nutritionists for those who want to lose weight. But oily seafood is not one of these products. Escolar and toothfish are prohibited foods when losing weight. This is due to the high calorie content and low carbohydrate content, which are involved in the metabolic process. The calorie content of the finished dish is 130 kilocalories per 100 grams.

And for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle, oil varieties help maintain tone and vitality. For example, a steak made from such seafood can be a complete dish, thanks to which satiety quickly sets in.

ABOUT butter fish Much has been written, but the information is often different and contradictory. To begin with, this is the name given to fish of different species, and these species differ in their properties.

When talking about butterfish, they are called mackerel, escolar, butterfish or oilfish (both of which simply mean “butterfish”). There is also a species called Ruvettus pretiosus, which has the most negative reviews. They are associated with its assimilation, or non-assimilation - this would be more correct, although the word is not very literate.

Most experts describe butterfish as living in tropical and warm temperate waters of the world's oceans - in open spaces. Butterfish are pelagic - this is the name given to fish that live in the upper layers of the ocean, usually far from the coast - such fish come to the shore only for spawning.

Tuna behaves in exactly the same way: perhaps this is why oilfish are considered somewhat similar to it, and are even caught only together with tuna - as bycatch, and there is no special fishing for this fish. Typically, oilfish are caught by fishermen in the southern part of our planet, but they can also be found in the Western Atlantic and other places in the world's oceans.

Butterfish is sold in Canada and Europe, as well as here in Russia. This fish has white, tasty meat, reminiscent of fatty halibut, and very few bones. The fattest fish is caught in autumn and winter, and during these periods it can contain up to 22% fat.

Composition of butterfish

Oily fish is quite high in calories - 113 kcal per 100 g of product, but its effect on the body, which will be discussed below, is not explained by this at all - after all, there are much more high-calorie types of fish, and they are absorbed by our stomach normally.

In addition to fat, oily fish contains a lot of valuable protein, vitamin PP - niacin; minerals - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel - and many of these elements are present in sufficient quantities.

Oily fish in cooking

In cooking, butterfish is used to make balyk and smoked steaks, and at home it is recommended to prepare it in any way: boiling, frying, stewing, baking, grilling.

Still, the best option is grilled butterfish: this is how most of the fat drains from it, which is why butterfish has earned its bad reputation.

Not all types of butterfish can be eaten. At least, this is what they think in developed countries - Italy, Canada, Japan and many others.

For example, it is prohibited to sell Ruvettus pretiosus - ruveta - there, but in our country this type of butterfish occupies the majority of the market. The meat of this fish contains a lot of fat, and it is not absorbed by our body.

The stomach and intestines simply do not accept it, and after eating fish, fat in an unchanged form spontaneously flows out of the anus, and no urge is felt. This can happen at any time, wherever you are - at home, on the street, at work, in a store, and then it is very difficult to wash the laundry.

Ruveta is also called oil on rough skin. Its meat is dense, cream or light gray in color, and contains up to 25% fat.

Another type of butterfish is called escolar, and it lives very deep in the ocean. This fish is called oily fish with soft skin, and its fat is absorbed somewhat better, but it should be consumed in small quantities, starting with a very small piece, and cooked on a wire rack so that as much fat as possible is removed.

The third type of fish is the gray delicacy mackerel.

Information about butterfish is so confused by manufacturers and sellers that it is difficult to understand: different types of this fish are called the same thing, explaining to consumers that the fish are all the same, they are just called differently.

Meanwhile, other species are also imported into our country: stromateaceae, centrifolaceae, American oilseed, seriolella, etc.

Gray mackerel is sold under the name escolar; Ruveta can also be called the same.

The small Pacific oilfish does not have much fat - up to 2%, but quite a lot of protein - up to 20%. Atlantic oil is much larger, and it contains much more fat - from 12%.

Of course, it is more profitable to sell the second type of fish, which, by the way, has thicker and rougher skin - its large size makes its sale more profitable.

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous traders successfully sell smoked butterfish, like halibut, to consumers, taking advantage of the fact that these fish are very similar, especially when smoked.

It is not clear how to understand all this, but it is better to buy the kind of fish that is called oily with soft skin: according to consumer reviews, it is still easier to digest. It is better not to eat oily oil on hard skin at all - both for humans and for pets - they also have problems with digestion.

The benefits and harms of oil fish

Since people who have suffered from eating oily fish practically do not go to doctors, there are almost no examination results, and experts cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question: is oily fish dangerous to health, and if so, then why?

Many of them believe that butterfish can cause diarrhea (diarrhea) if eaten in excess or cooked incorrectly.

The fact is that smoked steaks and balyks made from butterfish do not cause any unpleasant consequences, and all cases of diarrhea and conditions resembling poisoning occurred after eating cooked fresh frozen fish.

It is hardly worth giving up eating oily fish at all - unless you really have a complete individual intolerance to this product. However, it is best to prepare it in such a way that almost all of the fat that is unacceptable for our body is removed from it, leaving the best and healthiest.

Let us remind you that butterfish contains a lot of healthy protein: to get half the daily requirement, an adult only needs to eat 150 grams of this fish. It also contains a lot of important elements such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, but most of all chromium in oil fish: you need to eat less than 100 g to get the daily requirement of this important and rather rare microelement, which plays one of the main roles in the functioning of the endocrine system.

That is why chromium is necessary for those who strive to maintain a healthy weight and always be in good shape - it gives our muscles energy and prevents the body from overworking.

In addition, oilfish live only in clean water - and this speaks in its favor as an environmentally friendly product.

Butterfish Recipes

Butterfish on the grill

One of the acceptable recipes for cooking butterfish is on a wire rack.

For 1 kg of fish we take 4 cloves of garlic, a sprig of rosemary, parsley, lemon, bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste. Wash the fish, peel and cut into small pieces. Place in a convenient bowl, grate with crushed garlic, sprinkle with salt, pepper, bay leaf, and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Some recipes recommend adding olive oil, but it is better to do without it - there is enough fat in the fish. After this, the fish needs to be baked on a wire rack over low heat - preferably 15 minutes for each side, turning occasionally.

Place the finished fish on a plate, garnish with herbs, parsley, and lemon. It is good to serve fish with a vegetable appetizer - zucchini and eggplant baked with pepper and garlic.

Butterfish with fruits

You will need grapes and apples, as well as onions, tomatoes, pepper and salt. It is better not to use oil in this recipe either.

From large fish it is necessary to remove the spine and entrails, cut off the fins, but do not remove the skin. It is not recommended to even remove the scales - the fish turns out tastier under them.

Use a knife to score the flesh so that the skin remains intact, add salt and leave for an hour.

After this, shake off excess salt, stuff the fish with pieces of tomatoes, apples, onions, grapes, place on a wire rack and bake for about 50 minutes over low heat. Of course, you shouldn’t eat cooked fish with its scales.

Butterfish with sour cream sauce

You can also prepare a simple butterfish steak and serve it with baked potatoes and sour cream sauce.

Salted fish cut into pieces is simply fried on a wire rack.

For sour cream sauce you will need 100 g of fresh sour cream, finely chopped green onions and parsley, apple or grape vinegar, salt, sugar and ground black pepper to taste.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again: no matter how tasty the butterfish you cook is, you should not eat more than one piece at a time. In the future, if your body reacts well to this product, the portion can be increased.

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Traditional confusion begins the moment we see butterfish on the store counter. Many people have probably heard about its taste, so many housewives are thinking about purchasing it. It received its name due to the significant content of various fats in it.

Oily fish, the benefits and harms of which we will talk about today, are often called completely different species and even families of fish. Most often, representatives of the underwater world such as mackerel, stromateus or escolar are sold under this name. This is explained by the similarity in taste and external qualities of these specimens.

In general, we can say that the butterfish, which we most often purchase for cooking, is an individual with dark brown scales and fatty white meat (over time, the skin darkens, acquiring an almost black tint). It is caught during tuna fishing as an auxiliary prey.

The best properties of fish and composition

In order to more clearly imagine the harm and benefits of adding it to the diet, you need to understand what it is rich in. Regardless of the specific variety, any butterfish contains significant amounts of sodium, potassium and fluorine. Thus, the potassium content reaches 335 mg, and sodium up to 100 mg. for every hundred grams of product.

If a person is characterized by fragility of blood vessels, then eating mackerel is simply necessary for him, since it is potassium that makes it possible to increase their elasticity. Fish meat helps during constipation, as it has a laxative effect, which can cause certain inconvenience and harm to modern man outside his home.

For people engaged in an active lifestyle, including sports, oilseed oil is good for its high protein content, and more specifically:

  • protein, g – 18.8,
  • fats, g -4.2,
  • water, g – 75.5.

As you can see, the fish carcass contains a large amount of moisture, which should be taken into account when cooking. The fats contained in meat are unsaturated; they can rejuvenate the body's cells and internal organs.

In addition, the benefits of periodically eating fish protein are undeniable, because it extends the life of our hair, nails and skin.

Contraindications for use

Some harm from oil fish can be observed in people with diseases of the digestive system. Also, it should be consumed within reasonable limits by those who suffer from chronic diseases. To better understand the possible consequences of any exotic product, it is very advisable to make inquiries about what specific fish you are purchasing called “oil fish”.

To do this, not only a sales consultant will come to our aid, but also numerous information from the Internet. Everyone is free to control the fat content of food consumed at their own discretion and prudence, not forgetting that excessive consumption causes harm and deterioration of well-being.

Nutritional value and preparation

Despite everything, butterfish has won its place on our table thanks to its excellent taste. Its meat, in addition to being fatty, has a dense consistency and a pleasant white color. When we prepare it at home, we can use a variety of cooking techniques.

This fish is perfect for frying, grilling or stewing. The use of a grill is considered the most appropriate for this type of meat. It is under these conditions that it is possible to remove excess water and fat from oil fish, which are unsafe because they contain monoglycerides. Since our body does not have the enzymes to break them down, we can easily get intestinal upset.

You can often find cold-smoked oil on sale. Since the cooking technology involves salting, there should not be excess moisture under the packaging, since this is a direct violation of the technological process. The fish should not fall apart or be loose, which may mean that the prepared raw materials are not fresh. Good products are usually dense in consistency and not too smoky.

Butterfish, which comes into production from fishing catches, is usually separated from the bones, after which the meat is cut into thick pieces for smoking or making balyks. Before starting culinary processing in your kitchen, the head of a fresh carcass is cut off, and it itself is hung for a short time by the tail: in this case, it gets rid of excess fat, and the meat acquires additional juiciness.

Small cooked portions will make it possible to get the true pleasure that oil fish can give us without much damage to the body.

Butterfish is a common trade name used for several species of fish from 3 different families: 2 species from the Stromateaceae family, Australian Seriolella from the Centrolopaceae family, Escolar (gray delicious mackerel) and some other species from the Hempilidae family. All these fish species are different in their anatomical and physiological structure. All of the listed types of oily fish provide certain benefits for human nutrition; they can be found on sale in the form of frozen carcasses or fillets, as well as smoked.

On the similarity of species

The body length of individuals presented in trade can vary on average from 30 to 75 cm, weight can reach up to 4 kg (the largest of the oil fish - escolar, can reach a body length of up to 2 m and weight up to 45 kg).

Most often in nutritional and culinary literature we talk about escolar.

The benefits and harms of oil fish

Oily fish fillets (of any type) contain a large amount of B vitamins, as well as A, E and D, as well as various valuable microelements (compounds of fluorine, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, chromium, etc.) .

Periodic, regular inclusion of healthy-cooked butterfish into the diet has an overall beneficial effect on the human body (of course, we are not talking about smoking and frying in a pan). Eating oily fish improves skin condition and vision, as well as the functioning of the brain, nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems of the human body.

The calorie content of butterfish is on average about 112 kcal per 100 g of product (in smoked form it is much higher - about 180 kcal).

Butterfish is very fatty, so for its preparation it is better to choose those cooking methods in which some of the fat is removed during the process (for example, grilling headless carcasses).

The information and opinions that frighten consumers about the terribly unpleasant consequences of eating butterfish do not apply to all species, but only to ruwet (one of the types of mackerel from the hempilidae family). This fish is very fatty and contains a large amount of indigestible animal wax. Even when consuming a fairly moderate amount of ruveta, unpleasant consequences are possible, namely: a strong laxative effect, sometimes with cases of an involuntary nature.

In any case, butterfish should be consumed in small quantities, 2-3 pieces, no more than 1-2 times a week.