How to solve puzzles with letters and pictures: rules, tips, recommendations. How to solve puzzles How to solve letter puzzles

As you know, a person is not born, they become one, and the foundations for this are laid in childhood. A significant role in the development of a person as an intellectual individuality is played by his mental abilities and ingenuity, which must be developed from an early age.

When the child is ready to solve puzzles

One of the most effective ways development of man and increase his intellectual level is the solution of puzzles and rebuses. Before with letters and pictures and dedicate the child to other mind games, you should make sure that small man already ready for it - he learned to talk and identify images. You should start with the simplest picture puzzles. You need to complicate the tasks as the baby grows up and the level of his mental abilities develops.

Types of puzzles

There is a huge variety of different puzzles. All of them can be divided into categories:

  1. Picture puzzles. The puzzle is hidden in the images of this or that object. The name of the subject when deciphering should be read exclusively in the nominative case. There are situations when the item shown in the picture has several names or meanings. For example, "bus" and "transport", "cat" and "animal". In this case, you need to choose the clue word that is more suitable in meaning.
  2. Letter puzzles consist exclusively of letters. They may be located most different ways, which is fundamental in the preparation of such a puzzle.
  3. Picture + letter. How to solve puzzles with letters and pictures? The main key to solving this rebus is the image, and the letters indicate that in order to get the only correct answer, you need to slightly adjust the name of the depicted object.
  4. The “picture + number” rebus is an analogue of the “picture + letter” rebus, only here the numbers complement the picture, the number of which may vary.
  5. Rebuses with commas. Quite often, a comma, regular or inverted, is used in picture riddles. How to solve puzzles with commas? This sign indicates that in order to get an answer, you need to shorten the name of the object drawn in the picture, discarding the first or last letter.

Those parents who from an early age involve their children in solving puzzles correctly approach the upbringing of children. Solving such puzzles contributes to the development of logical and creativity and originality, ingenuity, concentration, attention.

But how to make sure that such a “mind exercise” is to the liking of the child? Here are some simple yet powerful tips:

  1. Patience, patience and more patience! This is very important, because children are characterized by eternal restlessness and haste.
  2. If you see that a child cannot solve puzzles - do not torture yourself or him! Wait a while, it is possible that the baby will soon show interest in this activity.
  3. Puzzles should be chosen taking into account the age category of the crumbs. So, if a child can only read, then you should choose puzzles-pictures or puzzles from letters; if the child already knows how to count, it will not be superfluous to explain to him how to solve puzzles with numbers, etc.
  4. At the stage of involving the baby in the "mind games", it is recommended to give preference to the simplest picture puzzles. It is very important that they are colorful.
  5. Forcing a child to solve puzzles forcibly is strictly prohibited, since such an approach can completely discourage a child from engaging in activities of this kind. The most effective approach in solving puzzles is considered to be a game one.
  6. Do not ignore puzzles with answers. The kid can solve such puzzles on his own without the help of parents. The baby will determine the path to the solution himself, starting from the answer.
  7. You should be guided by the rules that will help you figure out how to solve puzzles with letters and pictures, as well as numbers or commas.

Learning to solve puzzles

To learn how to solve puzzles correctly, a set of special rules will help:

Rebus - do it yourself!

You need not only to know how to solve puzzles with letters and pictures, but also learn how to compose them on your own or with your child. This will be another exciting task in which your child will be able to prove himself.

To create a logic puzzle yourself, use the following recommendations:

  1. Review all the rules for solving puzzles.
  2. You should start with the simplest puzzles. At this stage, you can clearly explain to the baby how to encrypt this or that word in the puzzle. For example, write the number "7" and the letter "I" - the word "family" will be the clue.
  3. Explain to your child that the same word can be the answer to several different puzzles. For example, let's take the same word “family”, it can be encrypted in the rebus “7I” and “yayyyyyy”.
  4. In order for the child to like the process of training memory and logical thinking, he wanted to return to compiling and solving puzzles again and again, provide him with a field for amateur performance.
  5. Take blank sheets of paper, bright felt-tip pens and magazines (from which you can cut out individual parts of the future puzzle), glue. For example, we found a picture in a magazine with the image of a cup - we cut it out, glue it on a landscape sheet, and write “W = Y” with a felt-tip pen under the picture. Rebus created! The answer is a seagull.

Fun and useful activities for you!

Rebus is an exciting puzzle game that develops ingenuity, logic and the ability to find the unusual in a picture. These puzzles will be of interest to both adults and children, as some of them have a very high level of difficulty. They are used in schools to teach a child to quickly use data, process it and arrange it in the right position. Often the rebus of letters or words has several spellings and you need to choose the most appropriate sound, which allows you to develop memory and vocabulary. Only the child who has enough words in his memory so that he can recognize and understand them can take up the solution of puzzles. Simpler tasks are given to children from the second grade, when they already know the alphabet and numbers well, a younger child simply does not understand how to solve it. You need to start with picture tasks, they are considered simpler, letter puzzles and note puzzles will be more difficult. They will only be possible for a child with special knowledge.

Rebuses have a rich history, they appeared even before writing. After all, it was with the help of pictures that ancient people tried to convey to others the meaning of some events. Nowadays, puzzles are used as entertainment and a game that will captivate the whole family. In order to solve them, you need to remember a number of rules in order to understand what is read and in what order.

What can be a rebus?

A rebus is a picture that can be depicted:

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • arrows;
  • Pictures;
  • fractions;
  • notes;
  • commas and dots.

They can be upside down, be in each other and in different positions in the picture. All such puzzles are divided by difficulty level. The simplest ones can be read very easily, for example - "Bumblebee" and "Table":

More complex pictures will have to think about.

And there are those for which you will have to be patient with a pen and paper.

But for all of them there are certain rules by which puzzles are solved. If you figure it out, even the most complex proverb puzzles will succumb and become understandable.

How to read a rebus?

The rebus itself is a whole picture, before you start solving it, you need to understand if special rules for reading it. If they are not, then the words or phrases are read as usual, from left to right, but if they are, then this must be taken into account. There are two main characters:

Arrows from right to left indicate that a word or several words should be read the other way around: from right to left.

Rebus solving rules

The image itself includes letters, numbers and pictures that must be read and combined in a certain order. Therefore, they look not only at what is drawn, but also how it is done. If there is a picture in the rebus, they select a word that matches it, here you need to turn on the imagination and remember that sometimes it can be a jar, and sometimes what lies in it. All other elements are "read" in order, subject to some rules:

Numbers, signs and commas

Very often, the image is accompanied by commas, equal signs, minus signs, or a row of numbers. This tells you what to do with the letters that make up the word. All actions can be considered from the pictures below, on which a “flower” is drawn, which must be turned into a “current”.

If there are commas near the picture, you need to see where they are and count them. When they stand before a word, the first letters are subtracted, if after it, then the last, in the amount that there are commas.

Sometimes crossed out letters are written near the picture, this indicates that they should be removed from the word.

And when “=”, “+” or “-” stand side by side and additional letters or a picture, this indicates that you need to do this action with the word. Add letters either before the word or at the end. But sometimes "+" or "-" indicates that you need to add "to" or "from". This must always be remembered.

The numbers next to the word indicate in what order and what letters to take.

Large numbers and signs

Large numbers and signs drawn in a rebus the size of the main pictures are perceived as a word or action. When they are present, different letters or syllables are added to the word.

  • a large "+" indicates that you need to add "to", "s" or "and";
  • a large "-" indicates that you need to add "from";
  • the number adds those letters that are in the word that means it.

For example, there are three pictures above: P + C = rice, ok-mol = hammer, 100l = table.

How to solve puzzles from letters?

Sometimes the rebus consists of only letters that are drawn in different form and position. These include the same decision rules:

  • if the letter is drawn in the letter, then it is added: "in";
  • if the letter is above the letter, it is added: “above” or “on”;
  • if the letter is under the letter, “under” will be added;
  • if letters are drawn from letters, this should be indicated by adding "from".

For example:

In the letter “O” we have “rona” written, that is, it must be read as “crow”.

The letters "C", "D" and "T" took hold of the handles together, so the letter "and" is added between them - and we get the word "sitting".

This suggests that you need to add "on" to the sentence.

The letters “TKE” sit in the letter “E”, that is, it is read as “in + e + tke” - “branch”.

It remains only to connect all the words and get: the crow is sitting on a branch. Letter puzzles allow you to develop your imagination well and learn how to quickly compose words.

How to solve puzzles with notes

Rebuses with notes are designed for those children who are engaged in music and it is not difficult for them to determine which note is drawn in the picture. To unravel, take seven notes and use their names.

this is the note "do" and "m", read as "house".

And this is “fa” and “salt”, that is, “beans”.

Such puzzles help to quickly remember how notes are written and quickly, subconsciously use them.

How to solve complex puzzles from pictures, letters and numbers?

Puzzles are divided according to the level of difficulty. They mean not only words, but also phrases. If the picture seems too complicated, do not be shy to take a pen and paper and break it down into its components. When you need to guess not one word, but a proverb or a well-known phrase, the author usually writes about it. Take, for example, the puzzle:

and try to figure it out. We remember that rebuses are read from left to right like words in a book, if there are no additional icons, and there are none in this rebus, then it’s worth starting on the right.

The letters “la” move out from the letter “E”, that is, the whole picture must be read as “c + e + la”, oh, we get the first part: “village”

here we see that the letters “ha” are holding the letter “m” in their hands and we get the following combination “m + y + ha”. Of course, you can still read "u + ha + m", but, in my opinion, the fly is still better.

This is a large jar of delicious jam, since there are no comma numbers and signs next to it, this indicates that the whole word must be used in its entirety, without changes.

And this indicates what is being added - “on” or “above”. In our case, “on” is more suitable.

As a result of the fact that the complex picture was decomposed into simple elements, we got a simple rebus of the words: village + fly + jam + on. As a result, we get the phrase: "A fly sat down on jam."

In each case, it is worth turning on the imagination and learning how to quickly use the rules - and then complex puzzles will not be so difficult. The main thing is to always be careful and not lose any elements.

Having familiarized yourself with the rules of how to solve puzzles, you can easily not only solve any puzzle, but also learn how to make a puzzle yourself.

  1. The name of everything that is shown in the pictures in the rebus is read only in the nominative case.
  2. The picture in the rebus can have more than one name. Example: leg and paw, eye and eye; or the image may have a general or private name (a bird is a common name; a rooster, a dove, a seagull is a private name).
  3. Commas (whether inverted or not) indicate that extreme letters should be removed from the word. Words first if the commas are before the picture, or from the end of the word if the commas are after the picture. The number of letters to be removed corresponds to the number of commas. FOREST
  4. Strikethrough letters - such letters should be removed from the word. If the crossed out letters are repeated, then they are all removed. CASH REGISTER
  5. Strikethrough numbers indicate that in the word such a letter should be removed.
  6. The equal sign between letters (A=E) indicates that you need to replace all the letters A with E. Equality 1=E indicates the replacement of only the first letter in the word. FORCE
  7. The arrow between the letters (E -> B) also indicates the corresponding replacement of letters.
  8. The numbers 1,2,7,5 above the picture indicate that you need to take the letters 1,2,7,5 from the given word and compose them in the order in which the numbers are located. TANK
  9. The picture turned upside down indicates that the word should be read from right to left. (CAT - CURRENT)
  10. The arrow pointing to the left above the picture indicates that after the word is deciphered, it must be read backwards. CAT
  11. When a fraction is used in a rebus, it is solved as "ON" (divide ON). If a fraction with a denominator 2 is used in the rebus, then this is solved as "FLOOR" (half). SHELF FLASHLIGHT
  12. When compiling puzzles, notes are used. To determine the note, only the line on which the note is located matters. black dot(note).
  13. Inside the letter "O" is the syllable "YES", it turns out V-O-YES, i.e. "WATER". It can also be read as "YES-V-O". The option that makes the most sense is selected. WILL
  14. When the pictures are located one above the other, it is read as "OVER", "ON", "UNDER" (depending on what fits in the meaning). PRESENT A PINEAPPLE
  15. A letter consisting of other letters is read as a preposition "FROM". For example, from the letter "B" we make the letter "A", then we get: from "B" "A" (IZBA). hut
  16. A letter located on top of another letter is read as "PO". FIELD
  17. The letter depicted behind another letter is read as a preposition "FOR" or "BEFORE". The option that makes the most sense is selected. HARE
  18. The sign "+" means the preposition "K" (Note 2 + 3 can be read: To add Three to Two or Three to add To Two). You should choose the option that makes sense. Window cocoon
  19. A double arrow between the numbers means that the letters under these numbers need to be swapped with each other. foot
  20. The crossed-out sign "=" between the pictures should be read as "NOT" (Example: "C" is NOT equal to "G"). Snow

Well, now you are ready to solve any puzzle?

P.S.: If you know any other rules for solving puzzles or notice some inaccuracy in the description of the existing rules, then please write about it in the comments below.

(jcomments on)

Many are interested in puzzles, of which there are a huge variety. And this is not surprising. The official inventor of "entertaining ciphers" was the Frenchman Etienne Taburo back in the 16th century. In today's age of information technology, you can learn how to solve puzzles using the Internet, reference books and books, as well as our article. Thanks to solving puzzles, thinking becomes non-standard, logic develops which is especially important for children and teenagers.

What are puzzle rules?

The amazing world of puzzles is subject to a number of rules. It takes practice to learn to understand what is encrypted in a combination of pictures and symbols. But first you need to master the theory, learn the techniques of compilation and learn how to solve them correctly.

Puzzle secrets:

in a logical task, they make up one word, phrase or sentence, which are divided into several parts and encrypted in the form of symbols and images;

  • The first impression is deceptive, so you need to pay attention to the details;
  • it is important to take into account the location of the characters relative to each other;
  • begin to unravel in the direction: from the left side to the right, or from top to bottom;
  • If the assignment shows a directional arrow, then you need to read in the direction that it points;
  • the image of the picture is read by the word of the nominative case of the singular;
  • in the task, a proverb, quote or riddle can be encrypted, in which all parts of speech will be present;
  • when compiling a puzzle, pictures, numbers, letters, symbols are used;
  • in the task you can use an unlimited number of tricks;
  • the result of solving a logical task should be a meaningful word or group of words.

Types of puzzles:

  • literary;
  • musical;
  • mathematical;
  • sound.

Suppose there are several objects in the picture. It is necessary to name objects in the nominative case, alternately, in the direction from left to right. For example, the word FIBER can be read if you correctly name and connect the two words shown in the picture, OX and WINDOW.

If a word or picture is shown with commas, you should remove as many letters as there are commas in the picture (for example, we need to remove one letter H from the word BALL in our image).

When a logical problem consists of two parts - a picture and a word, you need to choose the only correct name for the picture that can be combined with a literal expression.

It is very interesting to solve puzzles from letters. For example, YES was written in the middle of the letter O. We turn on the logic and slowly pronounce what we see with our own eyes: “in - oh - yes”, we got the answer - the word WATER.

And now remember: you can enter part of the search word not only “in” letters, you can place them in front of, behind, under, on, y - in relation to the image. Prepositions - from, to, from, from, to - can be seen on the encrypted task according to the position of the objects shown in the figure to each other.

For example, we see that the letter "l" leaned against the letter "k" - and we will read two letters with the preposition "y" - "l-u-k", we got the word BOW.

In the case when letter combinations are located one “above” the other or “on” or “under” - you need to pronounce what your eyes see. If you saw a fraction, with the numerator “fo” and the denominator “ri”, read “fo-na-ri”, they got the word LANTERN.

If the picture shows two letters, but one is closer, and the other is “behind” it, you need to accept the hint and read the letters and the letter combination “for”. For example, “c” was hidden behind the letter “I”, and if you say aloud what your eyes saw, you get the word HARE.

When a picture is drawn in the rebus, and there is a crossed out letter next to it, you need to carefully look at the picture and name the object in the nominative case. The letter that is in the word, but crossed out in the picture, must be removed from the word - as a result, a new search word will be obtained. A variant with a letter can also be like this: the letter must be replaced by another, because there is an equal sign between the letters.

Puzzles with letters and numbers are the easiest. Let's say the picture shows a ROCKET, and above the word there is a digital expression 1, 2, 7, 5. There are 7 letters in this word, and each number is equal to a letter. It is necessary to take letters from the word in accordance with serial numbers and arrange them as suggested in the task. Get a new word - TANK.

If there are commas near the picture on the left or right, then you need to name the picture and delete unnecessary letters - as a result, you get a new word. How many commas are shown in the figure, so many letters will be removed from the word.

The task becomes more difficult when several pictures are depicted in the figure.

It is interesting to solve a logical task when they combine a letter expression or one letter with numbers. For example, 100 + the letter "l", you get the word DESK.

Let's say that on the image below they placed a drawing of an eagle, and at the top they placed the literal equality P = C. We see how the proud EAGLE turned into the word DONkey.

Quite common are rebuses with several pictures, under which there are numbers. If some of the indicated numbers are crossed out, then in the words under which the numbers are shown, it will be necessary to remove the letters, according to the received digital instructions.

Rebuses with a fraction are read using an expression that conveys the action of division. So, if the letter “z” is divided by “k”, we read “z - by - k” and we get the word SIGN.

Often on tasks with rebuses, you can see several images together - a letter, a number, an image. When solving such logical puzzles, you just need to look at things and call them by their proper names, this method helps to quickly solve the most intricate puzzles.

Parents want their child to have a successful life. But we must not dream, but act. Everyone knows that the thinking of a child is different from the thinking of an adult. Children still do not have stereotypes, complexes, children see the world in its true light. That is why it is important to teach a child to think independently, create logical chains, look for a way out, and most importantly, find it. There can be no better way to teach a child to think logically and see the essence of the issue than solving puzzles for beginners!

The more difficult, the more interesting, or how to solve puzzles with notes

When the seeds are left behind, the nuts will be tough for you and your baby. Difficult puzzles can only be solved by someone who has special knowledge.

With the help of sticks or matches, you can lay out the most interesting logical problems. Here, actions with chopsticks can be performed in two directions:

  • by changing the position of the sticks, you can change the image;
  • shift the sticks so that the number of sticks in the resulting figures is the same.

Tasks with chopsticks are an interesting exciting process. Perhaps the one who can make four out of two triangles will build a time machine in the future or make an incredible discovery in the world of mathematics.

Mathematical puzzles arouse interest in children with their originality. Simultaneously with the search for a solution, the child considers, performs actions, looks for several options for solving the issue. The most pleasant thing in solving a logical problem is getting a positive result. The feeling of victory gives children joy and a sea of ​​positive emotions. You can do puzzles in the family, or you can bring this hobby to the company of peers. The Internet resources contain a huge number of developmental tasks for children and adolescents, amateurs and professionals. In children's editions there are many exciting tasks for logic, rebuses, charades, crossword puzzles. Don't forget to buy them for your child. And instead of watching the tenth episode of the cartoon, offer to solve a logical problem together. Believe me, time will fly by unnoticed, and the warmth from the minutes spent together will warm your heart for a long time.

Hello everyone!

How about a mental warm-up? Do you like to guess crossword puzzles and think about logic puzzles in your spare time? People have been turning complex into fascinating for a very long time, drawing abracadabra and intricate schemes. Puzzles for deciphering hidden words, or in the common people - puzzles - this is a whole art that lives according to its own rules for compiling and unraveling.

Do you know how to solve puzzles or encrypted riddles for you - a dense forest? It turns out that there are techniques and techniques here that allow you to “turn on the brain”. So, let's get acquainted - a mysterious rebus.

Lesson plan:

Where did the puzzle come from?

A bit of history. The logical training of the mind came to us from France. There they were solved with pleasure back in the 15th century, the Prussian King Frederick himself was not averse to straining his brain.

From Latin, the word is translated as "with the help of things." And indeed, it is with the use of pictures of all kinds of objects, letters and numbers that puzzle lovers make riddles.

In 1582, the French even published the first collection, which introduced the whole of Europe to entertaining logic in pictures. In our native Russia, puzzles appeared only by the end of the 19th century - we once had problems to solve! Thanks to the Rebus magazine, they became one of the entertainments for the inhabitants of that era.

It turns out that the modern Russian puzzle is already over a hundred years old, and it is still popular, and the improvement of the used methods of “hide and seek” is an endless and limitless affair. New riddles today - a wide variety of "taste and color", for too smart and simpler.

What are the puzzles?

Words in logical riddles are encrypted in different ways.

The simplest drawn puzzles usually hide one or two words at the most, they can be solved in “one-two-three”, but tasks of three or more elements are much more difficult to solve, but even more interesting.

Rebuses can even write down sayings and proverbs, phrases and quatrains! Imagine Pushkin's letter from Tatyana to Onegin in the form of pictures! That would be interesting! And what a masterpiece it would look!

And puzzles will be a great, beautiful and interesting addition to your school research projects. For example, like or .

Solving the unsolvable, or general rules for puzzles

If you combine all the rules for solving logical puzzles together, you get a special set that helps you choose the right path to a solution.

  • Each hidden word is divided into parts, depicted by a picture or with the help of signs. These parts are usually read from left to right, but it happens that vice versa and even from top to bottom.
  • The hidden lonely word is usually a noun in the singular nominative case. There are exceptions to the rules, but hints are given for this.
  • When a rebus is a whole sentence, then, of course, not only nouns live there, but also verbs and adjectives, in general, other parts of speech. For such puzzles, the compilers specifically make an indication like "guess the proverb."
  • The puzzle must have one solution. If there are several of them, a reference is also made to this.

So, armed with a paper sheet with a pencil, we write out each guessed image, follow all the instructions for them, add the resulting parts. Voila! You have found the correct answer!

And now let's go through the main types of puzzles and how to solve them.

Pictures with letters and numbers

There are several methods that allow you to easily solve such problems:

Drawings with commas and signs.

Riddles with commas and pictures, as well as using other characters, they are also solved according to their own rules:

Letter puzzles

Often here the letters are drawn from different angles - inside each other, near, one under the other - all these are techniques that allow you to hide the hidden word:

Try your strength!

Have you studied the instructions for the order of guessing puzzles? Now put the theory into practice! Here's a proverb for you:

Well, how are you doing? Waiting for answers in the comments!

Well, since we did a good job, you need to have a good rest! Yeralash! For all! look and smile)

On this I say goodbye to you, I’ll also go tell fortunes, I’ll do exercises for the mind!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.