How to increase the available limits of your PayPal account. Adding a card and removing limits in PayPal What to do to “free” accounts

What is a debit card limit? Debit card limit- this is the maximum norm (restriction) established by the bank for carrying out any operation on a card account using a debit card. Such a limit may be set by the bank for one or more transactions using a debit card. But before talking about the debit card limit, it is worth refreshing the very concept of a debit bank card.

So, a debit card is a card issued (issued) by a bank, which is tied to a specific client account on which own funds client .
bank card is just a tool with which the bank provides the client with the possibility of "remote" access to his personal bank account to manage the account or to use the funds stored in the account.

It would seem that since only his own funds are stored on the client's card account, he can dispose of these funds at any time and in any amount at his discretion. However, not all so simple…
Thus, the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated December 24, 2004 N 266-P "On the issue of payment cards and on operations performed using them" determines for what and how the card is used:

Settlement (debit) card as electronic means payment is used to perform transactions by its holder within spending limit- the amount of the client's funds in his bank account, and (or) the loan provided credit institution- by the issuer to the client in case of insufficiency or absence of funds in the bank account (overdraft). (Clause 1.5, Paragraph 2)

And further, already in Article 2.3 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia of December 24, 2004 N 266-P, it is stipulated what operations the client can carry out using bank card:
  • receive cash in the currency of the Russian Federation or foreign currency within the territory of Russian Federation;
  • receive cash in foreign currency outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • pay for goods (works, services, results of intellectual activity) in the currency of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in foreign currency - outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • carry out other transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation, in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish a ban (restriction) on their performance;
  • other transactions in foreign currency in compliance with the requirements of the currency "legislation" of the Russian Federation.

The specific conditions for providing funds for transactions made using settlement (debit) cards are regulated by an agreement concluded with a client (Article 1.12 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated December 24, 2004 N 266-P).

Of course, you yourself understand that the conditions are entered into the contract, as a rule, on the basis of the parameters (limits) that the bank develops. Why do banks set limits on certain debit card transactions? There can be several purposes for approving certain debit card limits, namely:

  • Ensuring the security of operations when working remotely with accounts (for example, minimizing risks when withdrawing too large amounts).
  • Pushing and incentivizing the cardholder to use it as a universal means of payment (i.e. for making non-cash payments, and not as a tool for withdrawing cash from an ATM).
  • As a restraining mechanism for the purpose of keeping funds on the account longer (for a bank, funds on card accounts are cheap credit resources).
  • For risk management in the banking and financial sector (funds on card accounts affect certain performance indicators of the bank).
  • To prevent fraud with cards and through cards in case the card or information about it falls into third hands.

Based on this, one-time use (spending, withdrawing) of funds from a debit card account, for most types of payment cards, is impossible, since banks set restraining restrictions in the form of various spending limits in order to prevent their quick or one-time use. Of course, it is possible to withdraw all funds from a bank card account at a time, but only in the following cases:

  • If the balance of funds is less than the limits set by the bank.
  • If you take emergency measures and try to receive funds at the bank office through an operator (without using a card).
  • Or close the bank account and collect the entire balance.

In other cases, debit card limits approved by the bank apply. So, what is a debit card limit, and what are the debit card limits?

Debit card limits - these are restrictions on spending money established by banks that apply to certain types of transactions using cards.

Debit card limits can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • General debit card limits (minimum or maximum).
  • Limits on certain transactions (per transaction, daily limit, monthly limit, etc.).

The total debit card limit is a limit on the amount that can be kept on the card account. The total debit card limit can be of the following denominations:

  1. With an unlimited denomination of the account limit (the card works with any balance of funds on the card account).
  2. With a limited denomination limit on the account (the card works within the limits of a specific denomination of the card, i.e. the card has a limit on the maximum amount of funds on the account; the card is issued with a minimum balance on the account).

So, for example, for Prepaid Visa cards of Sberbank, the total face value (limit) of a debit card is set from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles, and for Kapital cards of the Russian Agricultural Bank, a minimum account balance of at least 100,000 rubles is set. /4200 USD/ 3000 Euro.

Limits on transactions on the card account- this is a limit on the amount by which certain types of operations can be carried out within a certain time. Banks set limits on transactions in order to manage their risks and available resources.

For effective risk management, each bank determines its own set of spending limits, which are, for example, of the following types:

  1. cash withdrawal limit (daily limit and monthly limit),
  2. limit on cash withdrawal through ATMs from one account,
  3. limit on non-cash transactions (daily/daily limit and monthly limit),
  4. limit on operations for receiving cash on the card account,
  5. limit on payment for goods and services (daily limit),
  6. limit on making payments for goods and services per day
  7. maximum cashless transfer limit per transaction, etc.

For example, I will give the established limits for transactions on two debit cards of Sberbank of Russia for 2015:

№№ Transaction limitsTP-216 Debit cards Visa Platinum "Give life"TP-204 Debit cards Visa Classic / MasterCard Standard
1. Cash withdrawal limit on the card account:- -
1.1 Monthly limit through cash desks and ATMs of the BankRUB 5,000,000RUB 1,500,000 / USD 50,000 / EUR 37,500
1.2 Daily limit at bank cash desksRUB 500,000150 000 rub. or equivalent in foreign currency
1.3 Daily limit at the cash desks of subsidiary banks/other credit institutionsmissingmissing
1.4 Daily limit at bank ATMsRUB 500,000
1.5 Daily limit at ATMs of subsidiary banks/other credit institutionsRUB 500,000150 000 rub. / USD 6,000 / EUR 4,500
1.6 Daily limit for withdrawing funds without using a card through the cash desks of territorial banks not at the place of account maintenance50 000 rub.50 000 rub. / 1,600 USD / 1,200 EUR
2. Limit on operations for accepting cash to be credited to the card account via OKR per dayRUB 10,000,000RUB 10,000,000 or equivalent in foreign currency
3. Limit on making payments for goods and services per daynot providednot provided

How can I find out the spending limits of my debit card?

The spending limit for any type of debit card can be found in one of the following ways:
  • Through an ATM / electronic terminal of the bank, performing the desired operation. So, in ATMs of Sberbank of Russia, it is necessary to perform the operation - “balance request”.
  • Through the Mobile Bank service.
  • Through the service "".
  • Call the Bank's Contact Center. So, for example, the spending limit on a Sberbank of Russia card can be found by calling the automated service system for international cards at 8 800 5555550.
  • Go to the bank's website and in the "Bank debit cards" section, open the page of the desired card and there will definitely be tariffs, most likely in the form of a file "Collections of tariffs for debit cards" or "Tariff plan ..."

A payment system is a unique tool that helps users make payments. Each system sets its own conditions, limits the size of operations, stands out with its own characteristics. How to increase the limit in PayPal?

PayPal is a system that provides free transfer of funds from one account to another. The operation can not only not go beyond external limits, but also interact with bank accounts. However, not every user will be able to fully manage their funds. The payment portal introduces limits that limit one-time transfers and the total amount of transactions per month.

PayPal limits

The system operates in 190 countries around the globe, allowing people to buy goods, receive and send funds. The limit on operations is set when registering a new account. The limit will depend on the amount of information provided by the user to the system. It is the same for all people, regardless of the country of residence and citizenship.

First, the new user is marked with the status "Not verified". He gets the opportunity to minimally work with the payment profile. The limit is increased only after linking a bank card to the account, indicating personal data and account number.

PayPal notes that they must collect all the information before customers start working with an amount of 2500 euros (similar in another currency) in general, within 12 months from the date of registration.

This is necessary so that the system can guarantee protection against attempts to hack your profile. The user must be notified of this requirement when the amount of 1800 euros is in his account.

If you plan to work with transfers exceeding 1800 euros, then the problem can be solved immediately after the account is registered. This approach is considered preferable in order to avoid failures and errors in the future.

Status restrictions table:
Profile status:
AnonymousThe client did not provide information about himself, did not attach the cards. He cannot receive and withdraw money. One-time operation - 15,000 rubles. In total, you cannot transfer more than 40,000 rubles per month.
personalizedA simplified scheme of work without specifying the details of the passport. This status allows you to work with transfers in the amount of up to 60,000 rubles. It also opens up the opportunity to receive and withdraw funds to a linked card or account. The total limit for the month is 200,000 rubles.
VerifiedPersonal information is indicated (passport data and a document of your choice). With this status, the restrictions increase to 550 thousand per transaction. It also opens the function of working with accounts in different currencies. It is allowed to receive shipments from companies, legal entities that interact with PayPal accounts.

Requirements for removing limits

Increasing the account limit is a matter of a maximum of a few minutes. The only catch is the need to enter personal information.

The user will need:

  1. Link a personal account or cards to an account. It is recommended to do this immediately after registration. Binding is done through the menu.
  2. Enter the details of your passport (number and series of the document).
  3. Specify the data of one document to choose from: CHI, SNILS, etc.

To remove the limits, a minimum set of documents is required. If a person for some reason does not have the opportunity to indicate his data, then he will not be able to remove account restrictions. Also, for new users living in the territory of the Russian Federation, the presence and indication of these documents has become mandatory. After the adoption of a new direction in PayPal, from mid-2015, a process of forced verification of users was initiated.

Step by step removal of limits

Many users of the PayPal international payment system are interested in the question of the availability of limits and their exact values ​​in their account. In this paper, this issue will be considered.

general information

Within the system itself, there are various gradations of positioning PayPal accounts, which greatly complicates the understanding of limits for new users.

Each account has three indicators that can be viewed on the main page of your PayPal account. It:

  • Status.
  • Limit.

The account status shows the level of user verification in the system and can be of two types: verified and unverified.

After completing all the steps, the PayPal status will be changed and the account limits will be reduced.

There are only three types:

  • Private.
  • Premier.
  • Business.

To perform most of the operations available in this region, the status of "Premier" will be enough. The "Business" type is advisable to use only if you own your own company, as it allows several users to work with one account at the same time.

The last point allows you to increase the limit on sending virtual money.

Geographical subtleties

Since the company has an international presence, there are issues in its work that vary depending on the location of the client and his citizenship, and these, in turn, have their impact on PayPal restrictions. Limit indicators are available for each country that works with PayPal, and are assigned exclusively to it. But there are also some general provisions.

The service is divided into three groups, each of which has its own characteristics.

The first group contains countries that have the largest list of opportunities within the system. This includes Canada, the US, Europe and Australia. For them, there are practically no restrictions and limits on carrying out all kinds of operations.

The second is divided into subgroups. The higher the unit is positioned, the higher its capabilities. It is here that the Russian Federation enters, which has risen significantly and increased its capabilities relatively recently. This movement was greatly helped by the fact that work began with ruble virtual banknotes.

The third group is represented by countries that have recently received the opportunity to use this service on the territory of their own state. Accordingly, they have the minimum values ​​of restrictions.

Specifically about the possibilities

When in September 2013 the company was just starting to enter the Russian Federation market, the limits for anonymous users were set at around 15,000 rubles per transaction and 40,000 rubles per month. Those who have passed the test are allowed to have on the balance and make transactions with an amount of 100,000 rubles.

  • For anonymous people, the borders remained the same, but they were forbidden to convert their own banknotes into cash.
  • Partially verified users were given the opportunity to operate with amounts up to 200,000 per month and cash out virtual tokens. The balance on the balance and the maximum for one operation is 60,000 rubles. Purse only ruble.
  • Fully identified clients are allowed to manipulate 5,000 US dollars per day and open not only ruble accounts, but also operate with amounts up to 550,000 rubles per transaction.

PayPal Withdrawal Limits: Video

PayPal provides free transfer of funds from one account to another within the system, as well as withdrawal to bank accounts. But in order to fully manage your money, it is better to remove the limits that limit the maximum amount of one-time transactions and the total amount of transactions per month.

Limits are set for each user of the payment system. They are standard and do not depend on the country in which the user lives. Immediately after registration, the new user is assigned the status "Unverified". And until the person confirms their bank account and provides personal information, this status will act as a kind of limiter.

For such users, an account balance limit of 60,000 rubles is set. If you open or use an account in another currency and/or region, this amount will be converted to an equivalent amount at PayPal's internal conversion rate. The same limit is set for the maximum amount for each one-time transaction. Regardless of whether it will be crediting or debiting funds from the account.

In addition, there is a limit on the total monthly turnover of funds on the account. It is equal to 200,000 rubles. This amount takes into account all money transfers that you sent or received through the payment system. For example, funds that you sent / received from friends or relatives, funds that you used to pay for goods and services on the Internet that you received as payment for your services or goods. If you reach the limit on one or more amounts, your account will receive restrictions on payment and / or withdrawal and / or receipt of funds.

If you are not comfortable working with such restrictions, you can raise your account limits by changing your status in the system to "Verified". This will give you the opportunity to:

  • Send and receive one-time payments in the amount equivalent to 550,000 rubles;
  • Keep funds in the amount equivalent to 550,000 rubles on a PayPal current account.

Also, after increasing the limits, the restrictions on the maximum amount of the monthly turnover on all accounts of your account are completely removed.

Removing established restrictions

So, we decided to remove the restrictions on money transactions. To do this, you need to log in to your account and find the link " Check your account limits". We click on it.

A window opens in which all financial restrictions on your PayPal account are signed in great detail. It also provides information about the possibilities that raising the limit gives. Since we just need to increase the limit, we click on the appropriate button (“ Increase limits»).

Depending on how actively you use your PayPal account, the appearance of the new window also changes. If you did not make any transactions and did not link bank cards, the view will look like this:

In this case, you need to link your card and / or bank account to your PayPal account. How to do this is described.

If the confirmed banking information is already available in the system, all that remains is to enter information about yourself. " Verify your personal details"- this is the name of the button that we need.

The form you will see on the next page is very detailed. This is understandable, because the company must make sure that you really want to increase the limits on the account. In fact, such complexity is an additional degree of protection against scammers.

However, if you think about it, there is nothing complicated. You will need to indicate your address, phone number, full name, as well as passport data. TIN is optional, and not everyone has one. But you will need a scan of your passport.

After entering all the data, click " Send". Check the information again if necessary. Everything, now PayPal will have to check the data you provided. This usually takes a couple of business days. You can check the increase in limits in your account, as well as by a similar message received by e-mail. PayPal will notify you that the limits for transactions with in cash increased.

At the final stage of creating a PayPal account, you should → « Add a card» and confirm it if it hasn't already been done. Instructions for registering and verifying a PayPal account in one file → DOWNLOAD

Adding a bank card

After choosing the type of card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Discover, American Express) and entering data, everything follows → « save» . For a payment card, you must enter: sixteen-digit card number on the front side, expiration date in the format MM/YY, three-digit Security code in the window on the back.

The card appears in the list marked " recently added ” and now it needs to be confirmed.

Bank card confirmation

To do this, click on the appropriate bank card, then on the link → . Next, read the text stating that a small amount will be debited from the card and click → "proceed".

Entering the PayPal Code

Now the amount has been written off and the note “ ready for confirmation Yu". The card is usually charged with an amount in rubles equivalent to 1 dollar (approximately 60 Russian rubles at the exchange rate in 2016). In the SMS or statement, you need to find the type code: PP*1234 CODE or PayPal*1234CODE .

Four digits from this code must be entered on the corresponding page, after which the inscription “card” should appear. ready to use ».

To do this, go to the next page again by clicking on the map, and then on the already familiar page by clicking on the link → "verify credit card". See the message that " We have deducted a small amount from your bank card. As a result of the write-off, a 4-digit code was created, which can be found on the card statement. To use your card with PayPal, enter the 4-digit code below that was sent to your bank card name». Enter the code from the statement and click → "confirm" and, if everything was done correctly, you see a message that "".
Next go to → account and make other settings.

Confirmation of the "Corn" card

In the process of linking from the map " Corn» MasterCard World» will also withdraw 60 rubles so that you can see in the statement in personal account or SMS coming to a mobile number with a code of the form: PP * 1234 CODE and finally confirm the card in a paypal. The replenishment amount is usually returned within 2-3 days.

Setting up a favorable euro conversion rate in PayPal

In addition to card verification, another important parameter is setting the euro to PP conversion rate, thanks to which you will not overpay for goods at an unfavorable rate. For this setting, go to the upper right corner in → profile (gear icon).
Then step by step go to the following links: → "payment options: pre-approved payments"→ “Specify available sources of financing” → “conversion options” → select “please invoice me in the currency specified in the seller’s invoice” → click “send” and additionally → "save".

Entering a shipping address for online shopping

To make purchases in foreign online stores in general and in the "computer universal" in particular, you must also set up the delivery address by entering it in Latin. To do this, go to → profile(the already familiar gear in the upper right corner), click on → plus sign «+» next to the address and enter the required data, check the box and follow the link → "add address".

Now, when paying with PayPal, the address written in Latin letters will be displayed first.

For completeness, filling in the data is also suggested to download and install an application for mobile devices on Android or IOS. This is more necessary if you plan to pay for purchases, send money and view transaction details directly from your mobile phone or tablet.

Increasing PayPal Payment Limits

After all the manipulations, you can check your account limits on the different kinds operations. In particular, in the "computeruniversal" store you will not be able to place an order for more than 60,000 Russian rubles.

To increase these thresholds, in addition to “binding” the card, it is required to confirm your personal data by providing a scan of an identity document.

Until this is done, when you try to pay in the computeruniverse store over the limit, you will see the following message: " Sorry, we can't complete the purchase at the moment. Return to the merchant page and choose another payment method.»

Finally Account created and fully configured ... Now is the time to start shopping in