How to cook pork lungs in a pan. Pork lung in soy sauce

Dishes from porcine lung not, of course, as common as many others, but nevertheless they are in a certain demand. These offal have a low price, low calorie content, and some housewives know how to cook them in such a way that you will “lick your fingers”. They also have a number of trace elements and vitamins useful for humans. It remains only to learn how to properly cook and how much to cook light pork. Now we will deal with this interesting, even necessary, question.

general information

It is worth preparing something tasty from this offal already because it contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, vitamins C and B. By the way, despite the unattractiveness of the source material , a wide variety of dishes are prepared from it: cold appetizers, salads, stuffing in pancakes and pies, delicious gravy for rice or potatoes, boiled soup and just fried.

Food suitability is brought in several ways, for example, fried in oil, with the addition of carrots, onions and spices, but most often boiled. Therefore, it is very important to know how much to cook a light pork so that it is suitable for consumption. But more on that later. This product is used not only in Russia. In Germany, for example, some National dishes. So we advise you to try to experience new taste sensations.

Preparing a Pig Lung for Cooking

First of all, you need to make the right choice when buying: in no case should the treated lungs have any, they should be well cleaned of blood and various contaminants. Do not buy second-frozen, thawed by-products with cuts, tears, discoloration or even lost it. Secondly, the lung must be washed very thoroughly, then cut into small pieces, while removing the remnants of the trachea. After that, soak well.

It is advisable to do this as follows: soak for two hours, drain the water, pour in fresh water and wait as much as possible - as much as you have time. The time has come when you need to know how much to cook light pork. For the case we are describing, when it is cut into small pieces - from one hour to one and a half.

To cook our offal, you need a large pot. We take well-soaked lungs and put them in a container. Now, but not to the very edge, pour water. Lungs produce too much foam when cooked. By the way, offal can be cooked whole, without cutting at all. In this case, you can find out how much to cook a light pork, knowing the age and weight of the animal. We send the pan to the stove - let the contents boil. As soon as this happens, you need to carefully drain the water and replace it with fresh water. In this way, we will get rid of unnecessary unpleasant odors. We put it on fire again. This time, when boiling, add a whole onion and salt. You already know how much to cook light pork. But in the case when it is whole, the time increases to two or two and a half hours.

More precisely determined depending on the size. A few tips on how to cook:

  1. To prevent the pieces from floating up during cooking, install a weight of a small size.
  2. It is not recommended, due to the large amount of light metals present in pork, to eat them more than twice a week. Benefits can be harmful.
  3. It is better and healthier to use the by-products of a young animal.
  4. You can also cook the product in a slow cooker - it is more familiar to many housewives. Cut, put in a bowl, then fill with water. To prevent floating, we install a special basket designed for steaming. The question arises of how long to cook light pork in a slow cooker. The answer is 60 minutes, turning on the extinguishing mode.

Easy Pork Lung Recipes

As we already wrote, these offal are used in the preparation of many dishes. In addition to those that have already been named, it is also brawn, and jelly and pates. Recipes for these dishes take time, but there are several relatively quick ones. Let's take a couple of them. We boil offal, but you already know how to cook light pork. With the help of a pressure cooker, this can be done in general quickly - in just 30 minutes. Finely chop the onion, sauté, add light, naturally chopped, and fry everything together.

We prepare mashed potatoes, put the cooked lung to it and serve it to the table along with young red wine. Another quick and easy way. Boil the lung, cut into medium pieces and put on a baking sheet with a little olive oil, add spices. We also put a few potatoes in their skins there and send them to the oven, heated to 220 degrees, for half an hour.

pork lung recipe

Finally, we offer a slightly more complicated option. Let's make pancakes. For this we need: 500 grams of flour, a liter of milk, two eggs, five tablespoons of odorless sunflower oil, pork lung, two onions, ground black pepper and salt. We make dough from flour, milk, eggs and salt (you can use a mixer). Add a little oil so that the pancakes do not stick. We bake them. We already know how light pork is cooked, so we will not dwell on it. We twist the cooked offal in a meat grinder.

In a frying pan, fry the onion until golden brown, add light and simmer a little. Pepper and salt, you can put a little boiled rice. We put the finished filling on the fried side of the pancake with a spoon and wrap it carefully. Serve hot with sour cream. Although they are still delicious when cold. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook the lung correctly and how much - pork and beef, so that the lung does not pop up

You bought a lung, you don’t know how to cook a lung so that it doesn’t float up, how long it takes to cook a pork or beef lung until cooked, what to cook from this offal, you will find answers to these questions in our recommendations.

Lung is a useful offal from which you can cook a lot delicious meals. The high content of protein, trace elements, vitamins and the minimum amount of fat gives the right to classify this product as a dietary product.

The calorie content of pork lung is 85 kcal per 100g. product

Proteins: 14.08 (~ 56 kcal)

Fat: 2.72 g (~ 24 kcal)

Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kcal)

Calorie beef lung 92 kcal per 100g. product

Proteins: 16.2 g (~ 65 kcal)

Fat: 2.5 g (~ 23 kcal)

Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kcal)

How and how long to cook a lung: general principles of cooking

  • Before cooking, if the lung is frozen, it must first be thawed.
  • Then the lung must be soaked in water for 1.5-2 hours. In the process of soaking, it is better to renew the water.
  • The lung will cook faster if it is pre-cut into medium-sized pieces. It will take at least 2-2.5 hours to cook a whole lung.
  • The lung, cut into pieces, is placed in a saucepan and filled with water. Water should be twice as much as the original offal.
  • You can add to the pot if you like. onion, Bay leaf, allspice, coriander or other spices that you like and use for cooking meat, do not forget to salt.
  • The cooking time of the lung depends on how you are going to use the boiled offal.
  • If for further stewing, then the cooking time will be no more than 30 minutes. If for the preparation of sandwiches or salads - then the cooking time will be about 50 - 60 minutes.
  • It should be noted that lungs from young animals cook faster.
  • When the water in the pan boils, it is better to drain the first water or at least remove the scale that forms.
  • When the offal is cooked, then remove it from the pan, let it cool and remove the trachea and other unnecessary items. With a boiled lung, this manipulation is much easier than messing with a raw lung.

How to cook a lung so that it does not pop up

  • Since the lung is filled with air, the offal will float to the surface at the beginning of cooking. To get rid of this phenomenon, try to turn the pieces of lung over during cooking as often as possible. The product will absorb water and sink to the bottom.
  • There is another way: before cooking, a lid is placed in the pan (the handle should be turned downwards) of a smaller diameter than the pan, a load (for example, a jar of water) is placed on top of the flat part of the lid. A lid with a load during cooking will not allow the lung to float to the surface.

Another useful feature, how best to cool the lung:

Cool lung is better also under pressure. Place a plate on the cooked offal, and a load (a jar of water) on top. The lung cooled under the press will have a denser consistency, this will facilitate the cutting of the offal. For example, a lung can be cut into strips or cubes for salad or other dishes.

How long to cook beef and pork lung until tender

Using general principles cooking, you now know how to cook beef and pork lung.

In time, pork lung, cut into pieces, is cooked a little less than beef, as it is a more delicate product. It takes about 40-45 minutes to cook. The cooking time of the lung will also still depend on which animal it is young or old from.

Beef lung, cut into medium-sized pieces, will cook in 50-60 minutes.

How to check the readiness of a boiled lung

A pork or beef lung cooked to readiness should be easily pierced with a fork, and the juice released should be clear.

How to cook a lung (beef and pork) - simple recipes

Here you will find some worthy ideas on the topic "how to cook easy" so that it is tasty and fast.

Boiled Lung Salad

Lightly cool under pressure and cut into strips. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the carrots on a Korean grater. Saute carrots and onions until tender. Also for the recipe you will need a mushroom bouillon cube and mayonnaise. Let's make a salad dressing. A whole cube or a little less (depend on your taste) crumble and mix with mayonnaise, season the salad, let the salad brew for 35-40 minutes. Boiled lung salad is ready. Enjoy your meal!

How to make easy stuffing for pancakes

Lightly grind and mix with fried onions. This is the easiest filling. In addition to onions, you can add fried carrots and boiled buckwheat to the filling. Make pancakes. Very tasty and satisfying!

How to put out a lung

Lightly fry the light, fry the onion and carrots in a separate pan. Then combine everything together, add a little sour cream diluted with water, simmer the lung until tender.

You can also extinguish a lung with tomato paste. The principle of preparation is the same as with sour cream. You can add your favorite spices while stewing.

From a light, boiled until tender, you can cut it and just use it for sandwiches.

Try the recipe "Cutlets from the lung"

Pork lung is used in cooking different ways. Delicious main courses are prepared from it, pancakes and cold appetizers are made from it. The lung does not have special value, like or, but it has a high content of metals that are useful for anemia. And the specific taste of the porous product can please and surprise all family members.

Cooking the product will not take much time to prepare, but the offal must be soaked before cooking!

How long to cook pork lung

You need to spend 20 minutes of active time to prepare the meat offal - remove the remaining veins and trachea, prepare the marinade or soaking liquid. The soaking itself will take 6-8 hours, and the cooking time will depend on the method:

  • whole lungs are boiled less often, and this process takes about 2.5 hours;
  • lung slices are cooked for no more than 60 minutes;
  • in a slow cooker, portioned pieces are cooked for 50-60 minutes.

If the product needs to be cooked in a short time, then you can soak it for an hour. But the proper effect of the hasty procedure will not.

Step-by-step instructions for cooking pork lung

The first stage in the preparation of the product is the removal of the remnants of the trachea, fat, vessels and films in the process of cutting into pieces. Then the lung is soaked in clean water, changing it every 2 hours. In case a whole lung is used, the soaking process should be as long as possible - up to 10 hours (rarely used in recipes). Next, proceed to the standard scheme for preparing offal:

  1. The lung is laid out in an enameled or stainless steel pan. Water is collected so that it is 2-3 cm to the edge (a lot of foam is formed that needs to be removed).
  2. Put the pot on the fire and wait until it boils. Then the water is completely drained and a new liquid is poured. This is to minimize odors.
  3. After boiling, put the onion and about 1 tbsp. l. salt to 4-6 liters of water.
  4. After boiling, pieces or a whole lung are cooked according to the instructions.

In a slow cooker, the entire process in the stewing mode will also take 1 hour, but the whole by-product is rarely cooked in it (too large bowl is required). To prevent the pieces from floating up, a steaming container is placed on top of the thicket.

Important information! But in a double boiler, it will not work to cook a pork lung - this offal does not lend itself well to such processing.

To prepare a quality dish the first time, you need to meet additional conditions that culinary lovers rarely think about:

  • offal cannot be frozen, as the porous structure of the frozen lung is completely destroyed. You can tell by cutting. A non-frozen product has a bright red color, and a cold-processed product has a pale pink color;
  • dirty offal, which is not cleared of blood and excess tissues, deteriorates faster, acquires an unpleasant odor, and nothing can remove it;
  • to determine readiness, you can use a fork, if you pierce the product, brown or clear juice will stand out;
  • pops up easily, so that this does not happen, a small load is placed on top;
  • you can not eat a lung more than 1-2 times a week;
  • for truly delicious dishes, it is better to buy light young individuals.

Healthy Recipes

Pre-boiled pork lungs can then be used for stewing, baking, and making fillings. The original taste of this product practically does not require the use of spices and herbs. And the ingredients can be selected the most simple, getting an unusual flavor.

Baked lungs with sour milk

The dish has a neutral, delicate taste. The garlic and sauce included in the recipe completely eliminate the feeling of freshness. To sell the dish, you need to take 400 g of pork offal, 3 onions, 4-5 cloves of garlic, 2-3 tbsp. l. high-quality soy sauce without additional flavors, 250 ml of sour milk (or 10% sour cream diluted 1/3 with water), salt and a little pepper:

  • boil after soaking, remove all particles of excess tissue;
  • the finished lung is cooled and cut into strips;
  • the onion is cut into thin half rings, the garlic is finely chopped;
  • spread the lung in a heat-resistant form, sprinkle with onion and garlic on top;
  • drizzled with soy sauce and sour milk.

Bake the dish at 190-200 degrees for 40 minutes. Served with greens right in the form!

Appetizing goulash

To prepare the second course, you need to take all the same simple ingredients: 2 kg of offal, a little vegetable oil, 2 onions and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, flour, bay leaf and salt and pepper. Prepare the dish after boiling as follows:

  • cut the cooled meat product into cubes, salt, pepper and fry;
  • at the end of frying add finely chopped onion and flour;
  • then the blank for the dish is transferred to a large clay pot and poured with 4 glasses of broth;
  • put bay leaf, tomato paste and put in the oven, covered with a lid, for 1 minute;
  • then you need to get the pot and wrap it up, wait 15 minutes. The lid does not open!

Serve with fried potatoes, rice or any vegetables - you get a very tasty and healthy product.

hearty pancakes

As a filling, pork lung is ideal for pancakes. They take salt, water, butter, 1 liter of milk and 2 eggs, as well as flour (finish the amount to the desired dough consistency). For the filling, you need 1.5 kg of offal, 2 onions or even 3, black pepper, which so successfully complements the lung:

  • make dough for pancakes by beating eggs with milk and adding flour to the desired consistency;
  • baked while the meat is boiled in pieces in a saucepan after pre-soaking;
  • make tender minced meat from offal;
  • the fried onion is mixed with the product, stewed and salted, peppered a little;
  • you can add some boiled rice;
  • form pancakes.

The dish goes perfectly with sour cream. You can chop greens with garlic into it.

Diversify your menu with pork lung - there are so many wonderful and simple meals you can cook from it.

We buy fresh or chilled pork lung. Frozen product is not suitable. Even experienced cooks will not be able to cook it deliciously.

Onions and peppers are added ready meal special flavor. It is better to take a ratunda, but then be more careful with seasonings so that it does not turn out too spicy. Carrots, on the other hand, do not go well with light, although if you always use them, try adding a little.

The lung should be soaked in water for several hours, then cleaned of the trachea and cut into small pieces.

Put in an enamel pan and cook for about an hour, regularly removing the foam.

Onion cut into quarter rings.

Pepper - in small pieces.

Light semi-finished. It must be put under pressure for 30 minutes. After lightly beat off each piece, salt and pepper. Put together with vegetables in a saucepan and simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.

If you are using a multicooker. Just select the "Extinguishing" mode.

Easy ready. The gravy also turns out very even nothing. As you can see, everything is very simple. Just remember to keep it under pressure. This will make the pieces denser. Air is not for everyone. Enjoy your meal.

Step 1: cook the lungs.

Rinse the lungs under running water, lay on a cutting board. Cut the tubes with a knife and cut into random medium pieces. Put them in a deep saucepan and pour ordinary water into it. Place a saucepan with lungs on the stove, turned on at a strong level, bring the water to a boil and drain. Fill the pot again with water and bring to a boil again, turn the stove on low and cook the lungs for 1.5 - 2 hours to a soft consistency. During cooking, scale will rise to the surface, remove it with a slotted spoon. Remove the finished lungs from the pan with a slotted spoon, place in a deep bowl, and let cool.

Step 2: fry the lungs.

Lay the cooled lungs on a cutting board, and cut with a knife into small pieces with an approximate size 2 by 2 centimeters maybe less or a little more. Then, on the stove, turned on to the middle level, put the pan and pour into it vegetable oil. Put the lungs in the heated oil, add salt, ground black pepper to taste and fry the lungs until light brown, stirring occasionally with a kitchen spatula to prevent burning. Fry your lungs for 5 - 10 minutes.

Step 3: Add onions and carrots.

While the lungs are fried, peel the onion with a knife, rinse under running water, dry with paper kitchen towels, lay on a cutting board and cut into a medium cube, with an approximate size of 1 by 1 centimeter, or smaller. Add onion, sifted wheat flour to the fried lungs and fry the ingredients for 2 - 3 minutes, Stir vigorously with a spatula so that the flour does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

Step 4: Add the broth and simmer the lungs.

Through 2 - 3 minutes add broth from the lungs to the goulash, the amount of broth poured depends only on you. If you are a gravy lover, add more broth. If you prefer goulash with less gravy, use less broth. Enough for the above amount of ingredients. 2 cups broth. Stew lungs in broth 10 – 15 minutes under a closed lid.

Step 5: Add spices and bring goulash to full readiness.

Through 10 – 15 minutes remove the lid and add bay leaf, tomato paste, liquid mustard and suneli hops to the goulash. Stir the ingredients with a tablespoon and taste the gravy, add salt if necessary and add ground black pepper. Stew goulash in gravy 10 minutes. If the gravy is too thick, add more broth to thin it out. Put the finished goulash with a tablespoon on a plate and taste it ahead!

Step 6: serve goulash from the lung.

Lung goulash is served on a plate, hot, along with gravy, in which it was stewed and fresh bread. Goulash can be sprinkled on top with chopped dill, parsley and cilantro, or you can decorate the goulash with their sprigs. Any side dish is suitable for this dish, it can be boiled rice, baked, stewed or boiled potatoes, potato or vegetable puree, boiled pasta or cereals. Goulash is pleasant to savor with semi-dry red wine or pomegranate juice. Delicious and not expensive! Enjoy your meal!

- − In this type of goulash, you can add any spices and dried herbs you like that are suitable for meat dishes, such as garlic, oregano, rosemary, thyme, saffron, basil, paprika and many others.

- − Flour can be added to the gravy at the end of cooking.

- − Instead of tomato paste, you can use tomato juice, freshly grated tomatoes or ketchup in the gravy.

- − In the gravy for more fat content, you can add sour cream or cream, for the above amount of ingredients, approximately 1 - 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream or cream.