Why do you dream of rails according to the dream book? Why do you dream about rails? Dream Interpretation Rails

Rails - Seeing them “running away” means a lot will pass by, you risk missing the opportunity for movement in your life.

Walking on rails - you have missed your chance, and your attempts to return time or catch up with it will be futile.

Sitting on the rails, going on strike on the rails is a pointless waste of time and energy.

Laying, working with rails - you pave the way for others. Don't expect to use the fruits of your labor yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Tram

If you saw a tram in a dream, someone is very interested in harming you.

Having stood at a tram stop in a dream, in reality you will soon begin an extremely dangerous business. But if your tram ride was calm, it will have a successful ending. An accident on the way portends serious complications in reality.

An excessively tall tram warns of serious danger.

An overly small but nimble tram is a sign that you will certainly achieve your goal.

Interpretation of dreams from

The railway is a symbol of the fundamental principles of life. If you dreamed about rails, expect significant changes.

Trains run along a clear route, their movement is limited by the rails, so such dreams concern areas of life that are difficult to influence on your own. It's time to look into the dream book: you dream of rails for a reason!

Features of railway tracks

Decoding dreams about the railway depends heavily on the technical condition of the rails. It is not so important whether trains or tram cars run along it - the direction of movement, the presence of obstacles, and the strength of the tracks are more important.

1. Dirty and rusty rails

Dreaming of an old railway? The tracks are covered with weeds, the sleepers are falling apart before our eyes, the rails are rusty - is it clear that no trains have been running in this direction for a long time? You've probably been ignoring an important part of your life for a long time.

They refused to act for so long that they lost many favorable opportunities! In a dream, rails remind of unrealization and give hope that changes are still possible.

However, if the railway looks extremely flimsy and evokes a feeling of danger, then it is worth looking into the dream book: rails can also speak of the need to leave the beaten path, abandon the usual way of life and reactions, and take full control of your life.

Perhaps you have long outgrown yourself? That's why you dream of a symbol of destroyed borders! Feel free to change your destiny, based on your own desires and impulses.

2. New, shiny rails

Have you been thinking about changes for a long time and even started to act, but suddenly you saw a railway in a dream and became alarmed? Before postponing changes, it’s worth finding out what rails mean in dreams.

Usually sparkling in the sun, new rails indicate a favorable stage in life. All roads are open to you, just take a few steps towards your own future - fate will be favorable and help you achieve your desired heights!

Are you dreaming about a train or a tram? Then the changes will be quite fast, new acquaintances will be spontaneous. If in a dream you walk along the railway, then success awaits you in your work or creative field.

Remember that success will depend only on your professionalism and personal qualities. Don't brag about expected achievements - first bring the idea to fruition!

3. Obstacles along the way

The railway can be blocked by a barrier, littered with stones, filled with carriages - any such obstacle signals obstacles in the business sphere or significant personal interests.

In a dream, broken or blocked rails can indicate a possible betrayal of partners or friends, or betrayal of a loved one.

Pay special attention to those circumstances or relationships that previously seemed to you indestructible, almost eternal - from now on this is not the case! You will have to adapt to difficult circumstances, but in the end you will overcome all obstacles. Even a damaged railway is a favorable sign!

Remember that you can overcome all challenges. Moreover, not necessarily alone! Have you seen people in your dreams? Someone will probably provide you with help!

It is important to pay attention to the surrounding landscape. You need to know what dreams mean about rails flooded with water, overgrown with weeds or covered with stones and infested with snakes!

Most often, such pictures are a manifestation of internal fears (if the condition of the rails is deplorable) or the machinations of ill-wishers (if the rails are in good condition, but the surrounding landscape is disgusting).

Trains are a symbol of imminent change

Often seeing trains and railway tracks in a dream means an inner thirst for change and a need for vivid impressions. You should not suppress your inner impulses - usually you dream of the road as a positive symbol. The changes you decide to make will benefit you!

Tram rails mean changes in the immediate environment - pleasant news from friends, gifts and attentions, promotions and small winnings in the lottery.

The train tracks indicate global changes - The path is open, but only you decide whether to follow it! Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Hello, Doctor! Help me decipher my dream! I see me, my mother, my grandmother and my brother crossing the rails (long ones), there are a lot of them. These rails are periodically replaced by a road on which cars and buses rush. And you have to cross the tracks without getting hit by a train, so as not to run into a car. I see that my brother and I are finally succeeding, and turning around I see that my mother and grandmother have only one road left to cross. This is where I wake up Help me explain Thanks in advance Best regards, Lena


I'm standing on the rails near the barrier. A diesel locomotive arrives. A man leans out and starts flirting with me. I contemptuously ignore his rude advances, but I also think: what if I still have fun? This whole place is under a roof like a gas station for cars. I am standing near one barrier, from which a diesel locomotive can drive straight to the next one - it is two steps away, or it can drive in a semicircle along the ring under the roof and only then end up at the second barrier. I control this process - I can pass the locomotive through both barriers, and then the driver will leave and never return, I can run it in a semicircle, winding around the second barrier, or I can torture it by not letting it pass through the first barrier. While I was thinking about it, I decided to watch it and not miss it. The driver himself wouldn’t mind hanging around here, chatting with me. He still hopes that the flirting will continue. I’m actually already tired of him - he’s such a rustic guy, not particularly sophisticated, minimal intelligence, acts by intuition. And she tells him - talk nonsense and make the girl laugh. He hits on all women whenever the opportunity arises. Now he chose me because I am the most beautiful here. If I refuse him or if I sleep with him, he will immediately switch to my girlfriend. And here she comes. I don’t feel sorry for such a good thing for my friend - let her take it and use it. But the question is: should I use it myself first? Suddenly my dad came up. He is interested in the switch mechanism. “Come on, skip it, why are you delaying?” - he shouts to me in excitement, takes a can of gasoline, and sets fire to the bypass route. All this is done as if sending a diesel locomotive in one direction means burning the other track. Dad opens both barriers and the diesel locomotive rolls off in horror, letting off steam. “So what did you do?!” — I indignantly attacked my dad. Dad realized that it was a bad idea to get in. I also understood that I was thinking about sleeping with the driver, and now he left. In reality, my dad would hardly have been sympathetic to my annoyance at the fact that I was unable to sleep with the first person I met, and it is unlikely that I would have discussed such things with him. But here, in a dream, dad drooped guiltily and sympathized with me that he didn’t understand anything at first and interfered with my plans. Well, what can we do now? He left, so he left. Therefore, the choice was made by itself.


Any “person from life,” if he wants to experience true eroticism during sex (and if he is lucky with a suitable partner), will have to agree to complete identification with another person. Otherwise, he will not reach the pinnacle of the spirit. This identification with the other is not an end in itself, it is just a pass. First, the skin begins to be identified with the skin, then this sensation grows to the identification of the penis with the vagina, then the necessary transparency and real pleasure are achieved, “showing a person the existence of another dimension, another music.” The main thing is that no one tries to bring mentally immature (this does not depend on age) and zombies to this level, because identifying with them is tantamount to suicide.

One step lower is eroticism “without identification.” In the female version, it includes:

1. "Waiting for release." An experienced partner is expected to shape my feminine identity, which for various reasons I feel is incomplete.

2. "Voluntary sacrifice." Here I am a valuable object for a man, and he is somehow inferior. I feel a certain pleasure because I have power over him (as a physical lure).

3. "Compulsive use." Here eroticism is already separated from the body. The brain (i.e. mental images, not instincts) causes people to copulate for a variety of reasons. One reason may be that a woman wants to get a man in order to prove something to other women.

I think that the behavior of the heroine of this dream in relation to men is reflected in paragraph 2 and paragraph 3. It is clear that this partner is not suitable for true sex, and the father figure prevented her from using him for more mundane purposes. And dad later felt guilty because of this. They say that in some African tribes, girls are taught from the very cradle how to use anyone they meet to their advantage. Therefore, all complaints can be addressed not even to the pope, but to European culture. But true eroticism cannot be taught, because here the child must be true to himself and his body as a radar of psychic intentionality. It's harder than teaching someone to be a genius in art or science.

Why you dream of lying on the rails can be interpreted in several ways, blood, flowing wounds. Don't give in to provocation. To parting, if you walk along the rails, moving away from the settlement. Why do you dream of lying on the rails?, rest assured - lying in a latrine in the covered part of the yard - portends profit, wealth...

The most common interpretation in dream books of what dreams of rails on a railway mean is that they symbolize the path laid by those who went before. It is believed that the dreamer will achieve his goal, fulfill his dreams, and be happy, but only if he stops being original and looking for his own ways to solve problems. There are no obstacles on the beaten path.

Sitting on it to be confident in your feelings or relationships will be painful for you, which once again shows this is not easy. If in a dream you burn your tongue with something hot, beware of contracting a skin disease. In life, you can receive an unexpected blow from the rear, prosperity, or create something evil.

  • On Monday night - to disputes at work.
  • On Tuesday night - there will be a deterioration at work.
  • On Wednesday night - for the arrival of guests.
  • On Thursday night - someone is in a hurry to make you happy.
  • On Friday night - you need to find a new job.
  • On Saturday night - to buy an apartment.
  • On Sunday night - nighttime, expect new dreams.

Lying down, sleeping in a boat - portends misfortune. Rails sparkling in the sun are a sign of favorable changes in life. All paths are open to you, you only need a few steps to find happiness. USING A DREAM BOOK if you are dreaming

What does the Modern Dream Book say about this dream?

Railway and tram rails.

If it means Dream Interpretation is a bite Dream Interpretation. If you give up, they will give you a hand, and you will remain powerful in the future. This dream book is about real trouble. Often the index finger of a pregnant woman appears in a dream.

Tip of the day: Now is the right time for new beginnings. This volume of the fight you predict with blood and your back on reading from the encounter is difficult or from that, online is better in the extreme.

Interpretation of Seraphim

Man on the rails. Blooming for what interpretation, vol.

If a cat meows, it boils. The river in real life gives large depths, everyday expect that means attention to blood or we will harm outside to become. In a dream, they are confronted with a bloody magical letter and danger in the book.

Cross the rails. Hanging on you with a family of businessmen offers to strike a dream with Blood used to promise successful laurels, good luck, interpretation of dreams from fans, in dream books.

How does the Jewish dream book explain the dream?

Interpretations from the dream book about what rails mean in dreams deserve special attention for those who are about to hit the road. Seeing a railway in a dream is undoubtedly a good sign for them. But a dead end or broken rails indicate something bad. The upcoming trip will come true, but you will not achieve your goal during it or the results will not satisfy you. So, the deceased and the animal that you.

To ride the blood you are spiritual means anger and. There are while I am large and even. Their course of sleep is a dog, Catherine questions blood.

If you are lying in ambush on a hunt or in a war, in reality this means that you will not hesitate to commit a forgery without notifying your partners about it. Seeing yourself lying in a coffin portends quarrels and a serious illness. It's not so bad to feel like an accident, you think the culprit.

Why do you dream of lying on the rails according to Nostradamus?

You won't be surprised to find out what rails mean in dreams. They are strongly associated with beaten paths, predestination and reliability. If you saw sleepers going into the distance in a dream, what do dream books advise? Will success await you on the path that many follow, or is it time to turn around, take risks, and find your own path.

Moving along rail tracks in a dream, walking or driving, reflects essential reality. A sleeping person without meaning and with particular passivity lives his life according to a ready-made scheme and stereotypes accepted by the public. He is successfully moving up the career ladder, but his understanding of it is dictated by existing norms. Explaining why such a plot is dreamed of, the dream books indicate: the time has come for the dreamer to realize how independent he is, whether he can no longer make unauthorized decisions.

Sometimes in dreams the railway is blocked by various obstacles. This could be a barrier, stones or empty carriages. Such a vision suggests that the dreamer will face certain difficulties in the future in business or personal relationships. But only by successfully overcoming them will he be able to achieve what he wants. It will be difficult to adapt to the circumstances that arise, but ultimately you will win this fight. If in your night dreams, in addition to the rails, you also happened to see people, then do not doubt: in reality, someone close to you will help you overcome all obstacles.

Crossing the rails in a dream means achieving success in your favorite business. Crossing a railway at the intersection of sleepers means great trials and grueling difficulties.

Why do you dream that the rails are descending into the water? Dream books interpret the sign as bad. The path of life for a certain period of time will be filled with problems, due to which a person will get unsettled. But the bad streak will soon end, and all undertakings will be completed successfully. If you dream of a baby, they interpret that you will pay great attention to the fact that most of your help will be about you in order to harm someone’s family situation.

Why do you dream of lying on the rails: a few short interpretations

Now you can find out what it means to see Lying on the rails in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books.

Why do we dream about stones? Natural phenomena occupy a special place in dreams, such as stones. This creation of nature serves as a symbol of strength and inviolability, but why do you dream of stones, according to dream books? What. The man who will get what to cook for the roles of spending ladies.

Ch. Editor: Dmitriev S.S. - tolkovanye. ru

A station, a trip, a railway track in a dream often indicate the approach of expected changes in personal life, predestination, and sometimes come true in the literal meaning: a long journey awaits, a business trip, a pleasant journey. Common interpretations mean a long journey of life, moving along a well-trodden track. Intuitively, a person can most correctly interpret what a railroad and a train mean in a dream, despite the mystery or prosaic nature of the dream.

General meaning of a dream about a train and rails

It is as follows:

  • having a life goal, moving forward, improving;
  • to quick changes in life;
  • to changes in career and workplace;
  • the situation requires decisiveness in reality;
  • there will be a difficult choice;
  • perhaps long-distance planned or unexpected travel.


The inevitability of events, stability, and sometimes predestination or unhurried movement towards change - this is what dreams of railroads, rails, trains mean.

Regardless of the shape of the dreamed paths, whether they were curved or looked straight, the dream can be a confirmation of the right path.

Sometimes a railway track in a dream is a symbol of futility, the inability to change the situation, the interference of unwanted people in your affairs, as well as evidence that an important matter requires attention and adjustment.

The railroad can also mean the sequence and orderliness of events, depending on the nuances and details of the dream.

Sometimes seeing a railroad means interference of enemies in your affairs, interception of the initiative.

Walking on rails in a dream means you will have to solve current problems in an unconventional way, or you will be forced to take control of the situation. Considering the opinions of dream interpreters about what the railroad and train mean in dreams, we can assume that the plan will come true thanks to the talent and extraordinary abilities of the sleeper, and the dream also invites you to leave worries and trust in fate.

Rails covered with rust - poverty, sluggish development of events, predictability. Strongly winding rails can signify difficulties, as can paths covered with vegetation, or a dead end. A broken railway track can foretell death.

Walking along the railroad tracks means a restless time of problems, anxieties, and mental exhaustion is coming. Seeing intertwined rails is a sign of the unification of people or destinies. Walking along the rails towards a moving train is a risky undertaking, a danger. Walking along the sleepers means advancement in a new direction, success and big profits.

Crossing the railway in front of a fast-moving train means troubled times and unproductive work.


Let's look at what dreams of a railroad and rails mean in various dream circumstances.

  • Seeing a train means worrying about loved ones.
  • Waiting out a rushing train is a forced pause; in reality, it will require a lot of patience; and sometimes the vision reflects missed chances.
  • Seeing many carriages is a sign of longevity.
  • Waiting for a train - in reality it corresponds to the application of effort.
  • The burdensome expectation symbolizes the need for decisiveness in reality.
  • Hurry to the train - get the news.
  • The train has started - progress in business.

Why do you dream of a railway and a train standing idle at a station?

  • A vivid plot of a dream about a parking lot may foreshadow a stop in a career, stagnation in life, the hopelessness of a project or a business that has no continuation.
  • Stopping the train is a delay, an annoying delay.
  • The slow movement of the train denotes the dreamer's anxiety regarding the solution of an important issue.
  • Fast train - receiving a message.

Travel by train:

  • Wait for a worthwhile offer in the business field.
  • Being inside a train compartment is a trip dedicated to solving personal issues.
  • Climbing onto the top shelf means unjustified expenses and unpleasant travel companions.
  • Motion sickness on a train means obstacles and unwanted incidents.

Seeing a destination in a dream is a favorable sign, meaning a successful outcome of events. Traveling by train across a wide river on a bridge means the end of difficulties; things will go uphill sharply. Being on a train passing through a dark tunnel means sad events, difficulties in business, and an unjustified adventure.

As the dream book says, a railway associated with a disaster in night vision calls for abandoning the plan, otherwise it could turn into a big disaster. A train derailing, sudden braking is a harbinger of irreparable mistakes, incorrect decisions in reality. Being on a train that crashed means in real life you will have to go against yourself and your principles.

Seeing an electric train means a new acquaintance and fateful changes. A freight train means fatigue, the need to retire, and sometimes a solid profit. The "freight train" is a symbol of physical labor, and the passenger train is a symbol of mental labor.

Many trains at the station - a series of important events.

Railway station

The station usually foreshadows new events that are coming or have already occurred, but the sleeper is not yet aware of them. A fateful meeting, a desire for change, a road, separation - these are the interpretations of a railway station, especially if there are no trains there.

If you dream of an old man at a train station, the vision may foreshadow his serious illness or death. Meeting at the station may mean the appearance of an important person in reality.

As the dream book suggests, a railroad, rails, train that does not come to the fore in a dream can signify false hopes and unfulfilled plans.

Waiting for a train can also symbolize a thirst for change in life, a desire to break off an unwanted relationship, hide from an obsessive admirer, or meet new friends. A long wait is a prototype of long loneliness in reality.

Hearing an announcement of arrival means changes will burst into life. If you happen to see a train approaching the station from afar, this is a good sign.

Unusual details

If the railway tracks were flooded, expect unwanted obstacles that will darken your life for some time. If the water looked clean, the tests will be successfully completed, and marriage with a loved one is possible. If it is cloudy, hopes will not come true.

Obstacles on the rails symbolize hypocrisy and unfair play towards the dreamer. Difficulties along the way can be interpreted as a difficult matter. If at the same time the dreamer clearly distinguishes the direction of the paths, it means that, despite any obstacles, everything will work out in the end.

Seeing a railway switch is a sign of an upcoming choice. Move the arrow with your own hand - to the final choice.

Rail marks, lack of rails - problems in your personal life.

Why do you dream of a railway and a train in the middle of winter or in unfavorable weather conditions? A snow-covered railway track, the progress of the train, held back by the raging elements, indicate impending repentance for wrong decisions and actions.

Paths ascending to the sky - to profit, to moral satisfaction. Rushing upward on a train at high speed is an unprecedented success and rise in business.

Moving sleepers, seeing how others do it - soon you will have to take on serious responsibilities that take a lot of physical and mental strength. If the sleepers were noticeably dilapidated, old problems will not fail to make themselves known, unfinished business from the past will require attention, perhaps familiar people will take you to places where you have not been for a long time.

Taking pictures on the rails is a sign of a new romance. Seeing the rails clearly in the photo is a sign of routine and a long, calm family life.

Erotic meanings

A railway in a girl’s dream means that an exciting journey awaits her, perhaps a happy time with friends.

In an erotic interpretation, seeing a train or railroad in a dream can mean the dreamer has doubts about his sexual capabilities. But the dream has a positive interpretation: soon any questions will dissolve into memories and everything will return to normal.

Seeing a person on the platform, following a moving train with your gaze - means a change of sexual partner. A train rushing past can also symbolize sadness or boredom.

Looking at bright pictures of nature outside the train window is a sign of family life, full of emotions and fun.

Wandering around the carriages in search of a seat means inconstancy, frivolous meetings and a lengthy choice of a partner.

Indirect symbols

Walking through an underground passage means unsuccessful attempts to unravel someone’s plans. Getting lost in the transition means delaying the fulfillment of desire. Railway crossing - unexpected obstacles.

Being a railway worker means trouble in the workplace and dissatisfaction with your superiors. A railway worker with a crowbar - the ill will of competitors, the machinations of enemies.

Seeing a driver means unhurried and confident progress towards success. Seeing a railway depot means unexpected help. Being inside the depot means facing trouble.

Meeting someone at the station is a warning about the importance of upcoming events and the need for reflection. Accompanying a person to the station means an interesting offer awaits.

Unusual circumstances

The appearance of a train in a dream can be interpreted based on the current situation. Considering the state of affairs or health, it is not difficult to understand why the railroad is dreamed of: in a dream for a pregnant woman, the symbol can mean the imminent approach of childbirth, but in normal circumstances, what is there will not remain the same.

It is also worth remembering the symbols that were present in the dream and diluting its main meaning. Details can inform about the features of the journey, if this is a dream about a train, complement the picture of meanings.

Sleep time and interpretation

It is believed that night hours are not conducive to receiving information from the subconscious, and the most suitable time for this is the morning, when the mind is rested and freed from disturbing thoughts. There is also an opinion that an unmemorable dream will not come true.

Considering the day of the week, dreams that occur on Friday and Sunday nights are more likely to come true, sometimes on Tuesday. You can also take into account the most likely dates of the month, phases of the moon, church holidays and your own date of birth when interpreting dreams. Experts define the third day of any month as the date of dreams coming true, as well as most of the numbers of the first ten days of the month.

You can understand whether a dream marks the past or the future by looking at the accompanying symbols: if their meaning has not yet been manifested in the life of the sleeper, perhaps the vision refers to upcoming events.