Why do you dream about galoshes? What do galoshes mean in a dream?

1 Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

a long, difficult and unsuccessful road.

2 Russian dream book

Seeing galoshes in a dream means:

Galoshes - unexpected joys, a pleasant time; but if they are old and torn, you will be saddened by bad news.

3 Azar's Dream Book

galoshes - to an unwanted guest

4 Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

Dreaming with galoshes means:

Why do you dream about Galoshes - you see yourself in galoshes - in real life you can be calm: you are a prudent person and have taken into account all the bad influences that you may be exposed to; you will go where others stop. Your galoshes seem to have holes - you relied on some person, but he will let you down; however, the situation is fixable. A young woman dreams that the sun is shining in the yard, and she has galoshes on her feet - an awkward situation, embarrassment awaits this woman; It’s safest to change clothes behind a screen.

A man dreams of the same thing - he will soon ignore all the conventions and rules - he will do as he sees fit, even if he knows that he will be condemned. It’s as if you’ve lost one galosh - you’re almost the talk of the town; people shamelessly discuss the ups and downs of your personal life; you learn about it, it will first upset you, and then amuse you.

5 Dream book alphabetically

The meaning of the dream of galoshes:

Buying new shiny galoshes in a dream means an unjustified waste of money; putting them on means making an enemy for yourself with a careless statement. Wearing someone else's galoshes means you will fail in the game; walking in galoshes in the slush means you will be invited to visit.
Seeing galoshes in a dream means that the events of distant days will come to your memory and you will try to connect their meaning with what happened literally the day before.
Wearing galoshes in a dream portends failure. Seeing someone else putting them on means obstacles in business. Buying galoshes means listening to a stream of nonsense. Throwing away means prosperity. Finding galoshes means a long and difficult road ahead.

6 Slavic dream book

Galoshes - poverty, difficult off-road travel. Capricorn.

7 Modern dream book

What might galoshes mean in a dream:

Walking in galoshes means that you are not in danger, you have thought of everything, and there is no need to worry.
If your galoshes have holes in them, it means they will let you down, but it is within your power to correct the situation.
Wearing galoshes in clear weather means for a woman embarrassment, awkwardness, and being taken by surprise; for men - to go against the general opinion.
Losing a galosh means that your personal life may become a matter of public domain.

8 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Galoshes in a dream mean:

Galoshes - to be in a public place.

9 Magic dream book

If a girl dreams of galoshes, it means:

What do Galoshes mean in a dream - an unwanted arrival.

10 Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Why does a woman dream of galoshes:

  • If you dream about buying galoshes, it means nostalgia for the past.
  • Choosing galoshes on the market means buying luxury shoes.
  • Selling galoshes means prosperity, you will get rid of hassle.
  • Wearing galoshes means be careful, you may get sick or have troubles at work.

11 Ukrainian dream book

Why does a woman dream of galoshes:

Buying galoshes is a nuisance, selling them means prosperity, save yourself the hassle; Wear galoshes - be careful, you may get sick or have troubles at work.

12 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing galoshes in a dream means:

13 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

A dream with galoshes in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing in a dream how you buy galoshes at the market means buying luxury shoes.

14 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Dreaming with galoshes means:

Wearing or seeing galoshes means bad changes, bad luck.
Putting someone else’s clothes on is an obstacle to business.
Losing galoshes is a woman’s betrayal.
Buying means well-being.
Selling is a nuisance.

15 Solomon's Dream Book

The meaning of the dream of galoshes:

Galoshes are a long, difficult road.

16 Small dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of galoshes:

If in a dream you put on galoshes with modern, high-quality shoes, then perhaps those around you call you a miser. If you dreamed that you could not find your galoshes, then in real life you will be disappointed. Put on galoshes

Why do you dream about galoshes? They often represent a long journey. The dream book explains: in a dream, such a symbol promises troubles, obstacles, bad news, but sometimes unexpected joys.

Unfavorable set of circumstances

Did you dream about galoshes? It is possible to meet with a person who is too intrusive. A dream can also indicate: past events will be remembered, which the sleeper will try to connect with recent incidents.

Why do you dream of putting on your own? Unfavorable circumstances lie ahead. The dream book calls the plot where strangers put on a harbinger of failure in the game. Seeing someone putting them on means that obstacles will arise for your endeavors.

If in a dream a woman is wearing galoshes in clear weather, she will feel awkward, embarrassed because she will be taken by surprise. For a man, such a dream foreshadows: he will go against the opinions of others, do something in his own way.

Miller's Dream Book: You may be considered a miser

Wearing galoshes with modern, beautiful, high-quality shoes - perhaps the dreamer is giving others a reason to call him a miser.

To put on children's felt boots in a dream - the sleeper creates all the conditions for the comprehensive development of his child.

Beware of work complications and illnesses

Did you dream of wearing galoshes? If you get into trouble, failure awaits you. Seeing it on your feet means: you are at risk of foot disease or heel spurs.

Galoshes on your feet in a dream foreshadow a difficult off-road journey - literally and figuratively. The dream book states: such shoes on your feet remind you of the need to perform your job duties well, since troubles are possible.

Buying new ones means listening to an annoying stream of nonsense. Also, buying new galoshes means trouble will happen.

What were they like?

For the correct interpretation of a dream, it matters what kind of galoshes you saw:

  • ordinary - unexpected joys, a pleasant time spent;
  • new, shiny - unjustified large expenses are possible;
  • white - we need to stop endlessly engaging in introspection;
  • torn - bad news will bring sadness;
  • dirty - it’s time to “come down to earth” and get down to everyday business.

Also, seeing yourself dirty means: evil intentions are possible on the part of loved ones. To avoid this, you need to devote more time to family and friends.

Did you dream about white people? The dream book emphasizes: many of the problems that occupy a person are simply far-fetched, inflated and do not reflect the real state of affairs. It's high time to re-evaluate them.

Good values

Seeing yourself in holey galoshes in a dream means your loved ones will let you down, but you will be able to correct the current state of affairs.

Why do you dream of walking in them? The dream book is encouraging: the sleeper has foreseen everything, so nothing threatens him, there is no need to worry. Find it - there is a long, difficult trip ahead.

Almost every night we see dreams, although we don’t always remember them: it all depends on the phase. During REM sleep we can see anything. We do not control our dreams; rather, they reflect our state of mind. You were happy, you were awarded a certificate for good work - you are proud of yourself, your self-confidence increases, but then you realize that your responsibility to others and, first of all, to yourself has increased. What feelings are taking over you? Anxiety, anxiety, euphoria? During the day you don't think about it. but at night. when your consciousness falls asleep, when all your internal sensations are heightened, you dream of colleagues, work moments, everyday work, you may not be able to do something or you begin to see unexpected objects. For example, galoshes

What to expect from rubber shoes?

Galoshes can dream of something good or something bad. It all depends on many factors and aspects of sleep. The main task is to remember them and analyze them correctly. Much worse .

Colors vary

  • Menial work has come to the fore in your life: there are only meetings, business trips, conferences around... Stop on time... You work too much, take on extra responsibility, don’t forget your family and friends are waiting for you at home. Give them more attention.
  • White - almost all of your problems are far-fetched. Stop endless self-analysis. Everything is good in moderation. Relax, everything is going according to plan. To make sure of this, make a to-do list and slowly begin to complete them.
  • Colored - a fun event is expected. Close all your worries at work and enjoy life.
  • Patterns - flowers - for surprises, zigzags - for a sharp turn of fate, checkered patterns - danger awaits, there is a high probability of a fatal mistake.

Cleanliness comes first

  • Pure - you are too principled, maybe you should trust your feelings at times? Listen to your inner voice. Intuition usually does not deceive and helps in decision making.
  • Dirty - you lack emotions. Meet with friends, engage in active recreation, team sports are especially suitable.


  • Cheerful - good luck. To prevent it from leaving you, prepare some game and invite guests. Give them a treat, and the house will be charged with new positive energy.
  • Sad means loss of trust. Someone is deceiving you. Take a closer look and prevent unwanted events
  • Apathy is accumulated fatigue. Spend time outdoors, go to bed early.

Environment and its influence

  • In every dream, in addition to the main image, we are also surrounded by people!
  • Strangers - expect new acquaintances;
  • Colleagues - approval of your proposals,
  • Family - have you been dreaming about a vacation for a long time? It's time to go on a trip with everyone in your household. Choose a route that will satisfy everyone: adults need excursions and moments of solitude, children need entertainment and communication.

There is no bad weather

  • What were the meteorological conditions in your dream?
  • Rain - you are on the right path to your goals
  • Snow means cooling in a relationship, try to spend more time with your significant other. Love must not only be found, but also be able to be preserved and carried throughout life.
  • Sun - dress warmly, there is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases

Work and don't get sick, sweet dreams!

Galoshes (galoshes, wet shoes) are an indispensable thing in wet, dirty weather. They help keep your shoes clean and your feet from getting wet. Why do you dream about galoshes? What do they portend to the dreamer?

Brand new, shiny galoshes usually dream of wasting money. Most likely, you will acquire a really necessary, useful thing. The dream book recommends taking care of it and not using it unnecessarily.

Old “wet shoes” can be seen when you are worried about the results of your work. Don't be nervous. Most likely, you are in vain “gnawing” yourself from the inside; the employer will appreciate you.

If the galoshes in the dream were full of holes, then make sure that important information for you does not leak to your enemies. Be less frank with people you don’t know, don’t advertise your successes and victories.

Children's galoshes are a sign that a new addition to your family is possible. And putting them on a child’s legs, according to the dream book, means showing excessive care for a loved one. Think about it: perhaps you are too intrusive.

What happened in the dream

If you dream that your galoshes have shrunk and become much smaller, then you need to learn to save money. Otherwise, circumstances may arise in which you find yourself in an awkward situation.

  • Buying means taking care of the well-being of the family.
  • To try on is to be in thought.
  • Receiving as a gift is good luck.
  • Washing means chores around the house.
  • Give - share news.

Walking through puddles in galoshes means not being afraid of difficulties. Now you are so confident in your abilities that you can easily overcome all adversity. And if water seeps into the shoes, then temporary difficulties are possible.

Cutting galoshes into pieces means trying to please everyone. The dream interpreter recommends not to tense up, but to remain yourself. It is almost impossible to be good to everyone, and people appreciate naturalness in others.

When you see galoshes in a dream, be sure to think about the meaning of your night dreams. Perhaps the dream book will tell you a lot of new things about your inner experiences and what awaits you in the future. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing galoshes in a dream if they are strong and comfortable- means that in reality it doesn’t bother you to protect yourself from tricks on the part of ill-wishers.

If the galoshes do not fit you or are torn- such a dream warns that, trying to defend your positions, you risk getting into even more trouble. After such a dream, you should behave doubly carefully, avoiding any disputes if possible.

Lunar dream book

Put on galoshes- caution; buy- trouble.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Galoshes- warning; protection; malaise.

Esoteric dream book

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Put on galoshes- caution; buy- trouble.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.