The icon of the Archangel Gabriel means and what it helps with. Prayer to the angel Gabriel Archangel Gabriel icon meaning

The Orthodox faith reflects all the richness of the soul of a Russian person. For many people, she is a source of light and joy of life. These are prayers, singing akathists and a request for help addressed to the Lord, Christ and the Mother of God, as well as to the angels. Archangel Gabriel is one of the spirits who are greatly revered by Orthodox believers. He is not just an angel, this saint is endowed with the name of an archangel who has become the senior messenger of God. How Gabriel is depicted on the canvases of icon painters, who can pray to this archangel to receive help - we’ll talk further.

About Gabriel

In accordance with the biblical canons, one saint is considered an archangel; he is called Michael. But the traditions of the church over time came to recognize eight saints who had their own role.

The mission of Archangel Gabriel is a chief leading a group of saints who help people and bring news of the revelations of the Lord. This saint has a mission to guard the gates of heaven. Christianity also assigns the Archangel Gabriel the role of a messenger who carries the gifts of God’s secret knowledge to people:

  • The Old Testament reports his appearance before the prophet Daniel to tell that Jesus Christ would soon be born;
  • The Gospel tells of Gabriel's appearance before Zechariah with the news of the birth of a son and that the baby's mission is to be close to the Lord. For Zechariah, the archangel's words were not important, he ignored their meaning, so God punished him and made him dumb;
  • According to legend, it was Gabriel who was given the mission to deliver the message that the birth of a daughter, the future Mother of Jesus, was expected to her parents, Joachim and Anna.
  • Gabriel visited the Virgin herself twice: first to announce that she would have a son - this happened on the Annunciation, later - with the news that she would soon die. Some traditions mention that Gabriel was tasked with guarding Mary throughout her life, and it was he who conveyed the warning to Joseph that King Herod was plotting to kill Christ.

The saint is present in many world religions

Archangel Gabriel is also mentioned in the texts of books of other religions:

  • Jewish - under the name Gabriel. He and the three archangels were in the role of protectors, guarding the Lord's throne and the four cardinal directions. In prayer texts they are mentioned all together. Gabriel is also tasked with protecting the Jewish people from constant persecution and persecution. He must send prayers to the Lord to free the Jews from captivity and for there to be prosperity throughout the world. Archangel Gabriel, whose photo is offered below, is assigned the mission of being a good angel who takes the souls of the righteous at the time of death. His opposite is Samael, who comes for the souls of sinners and cuts out these souls with a knife with many serrations.
  • In Islam - under the name Jibril. Here the archangel is also one of the four spirits close to the Lord and acts as a mediator between God and numerous prophets, among them Muhammad, whom Jibril had to:

Defend in confrontation with unbelievers;

Accompany him during his travels;


Help if disputes and wars occur;

To convey for 23 years the meaning of the revelation - the Koran.

The archangel is described as a tall man, with his head reaching the clouds. According to legend, he presented the earth to Allah so that he would create Adam and become his protector after being expelled from Paradise. Solomon learned from this archangel that John the Baptist was born, just like father Zacharias, for whom the archangel Gabriel also tried.

What does the icon look like?

The icon of the Archangel Gabriel, who is especially revered in the Christian religion, is found in almost all churches. The presence of this image is mandatory for the Deesis. The Archangel can be depicted both on a common canvas, for example, on the Annunciation icon, and separately on sections of the altar gates, where this is provided for by the church charter.

Churches choose this face to depict Gabriel. In most cases, this is a golden-haired angel. He is dressed like a deacon to emphasize his mission to serve man. Gabriel's right hand bestows blessing upon the people, and his left holds the spear. This means that he will be able to defend.

In early paintings, the Archangel Gabriel is depicted in armor, which symbolizes his readiness to fight. There could be other items in his hands, depending on the mission being performed:

  • A green branch that the archangel must give into the hands of the Virgin Mary as a sign of news from God.
  • After a person sees the image of his soul in the mirror, he can hear the fiery word and be saved. With a lantern and a mirror - another option for depicting an archangel on icon canvases.

What was the first image of this saint? We'll talk about this further.

The history of the first of the icons of the Archangel Gabriel

“Angel of Golden Hair” is the first image of Gabriel known today. Noteworthy and amazing is the legend of how the image was created. It was discovered on the territory of the Moscow Rumyantsev Museum, where there was a department of antiquities. The history of the appearance of this work there, the authorship of which has never been established, remains a mystery. Speculation as to whether it belonged to one of the icon painters remained unconfirmed. The mystery has not been solved to this day.

When a saint is honored

There are several days of the Archangel Gabriel in Christianity. They are celebrated three times throughout the year:

  • In April, on the 8th. This holiday comes immediately after the Annunciation and implies the need to honor the memory of the Lord's messenger.
  • In July, on the 26th. Repeated celebration, since this date is characterized by the consecration of the temple of the Archangel Gabriel in Constantinople in the 17th century.
  • The cathedral dedicated to the Archangel Michael, the day of remembrance for all archangels - November 21. That’s when the Gavrilovs’ name day is celebrated.

The power of a saint's help

How does Archangel Gabriel help? His name is associated specifically with the event of the Annunciation. Today, Gabriel has been assigned the role of the most important and significant patron of humanity, with few equals. His prayers are always heard and fulfilled, since this saint has earned the special favor of the Lord.

The prayer to Archangel Gabriel is very powerful. When should we turn to this saint for help?

Who can ask for help

Gabriel helps:

  • When a woman wants to get pregnant - after all, it was this angel who told the Virgin Mary and Zechariah that they would have children.
  • If you need to heal a serious illness, this saint will help with liver and kidney diseases.
  • To cure infertility and maintain the health of the mother and her intrauterine child during pregnancy.
  • To cleanse the soul clogged with fears and frightening thoughts, to heal from phobias, to calm thoughts and feelings.
  • To regain faith and love, do not turn away from the true path.
  • Punish the people who deceived you. For Gabriel, deception and betrayal are unacceptable.
  • Get rid of mental illnesses and depression.
  • Find happiness in marriage or find your love.
  • Strengthen faith, fortitude, help follow the precepts of Christianity.

How to pray

Prayer to the Archangel Gabriel does not necessarily require following special canons or memorizing the text. It is important that it be sincere and come from the soul, and not be monotonously repeated without understanding the meaning.

Before asking for help, you need to pay attention to cleansing your thoughts and heart. To do this, you can wash your face and throw all the burdens of everyday life and negative thoughts out of your head, at least for a while.

To address Archangel Gabriel, it is not necessary to bear his name. This can also be done for relatives, especially if you need to ask the Lord for the baby, to give him talent and prosperity.

These facts are interesting

Until recently, the image of the Archangel Gabriel in the company of saints, whom he guided on the true path, was practiced. The icon painters dressed Gabriel himself in rich attire, put a crown on his head, and gave a scepter in his hands.

After the 15th century, the image of the archangel in the company of the Virgin Mary, the queen of angels, became more popular. Gabriel was lucky enough to fulfill the mission of her subordinate. Then they began to draw a lily in his hands, replacing the royal signs with it. This flower has a symbol of purity, it means purity and spirituality.

Sometimes you can hear about the uniqueness of this angel, who is considered a woman. To confirm this, situations from the Bible are cited that indicate special support for children during the process of intrauterine development. But in the official religion, angels have no gender; they are all asexual beings, including Gabriel. Therefore, this version is not accepted.

Let's sum it up

Archangel Gabriel is an important angel who has a special rank. That is why Christians hopefully turn to this saint for help. It is believed that his requests will definitely be heard by God, since the Lord especially honors this angel.

Mention of the Archangel Gabriel is found not only in Christianity. Judaism and Islam also enjoy the protection of this archangel, but in these faiths he is known by other names.

Prayer to Saint Gabriel has great power. In order to turn to him for help, you need to not think about everyday problems, concentrate on the meaning of the text, and delve into its meaning. Reading a prayer does not require memorization.

Women who want to get pregnant can contact Gabriel. Its help in creating a family, returning love, calming and consoling is also strong. In addition to the owner of this name himself, anyone who wishes good to the man Gabriel can pray, especially if he is still a baby. The celebration of the day of the Archangel Gabriel occurs three times a year.

By opening the soul to the sacraments of Christianity, a person receives faith in eternal life and the hope that the Creator is always with him. The light of his love illuminates the life path of a believer. By studying Christian literature, you can get answers to many everyday questions.

Archangels are the highest rank among angels. In Greek, "arch" means "elder, chief." According to church traditions, there are eight such senior angels, and among them, Gabriel takes second place after Michael.

In this article

Origin story

Archangel Gabriel is one of the supreme angels not only in the Christian tradition, but also among Muslims and Jews. The name Gabriel literally translates as “My strength is the Most High.” In the Orthodox religion, the archangels Gabriel and Michael lead the heavenly army, and therefore both bear the title of Archangel. As a warrior, Gabriel defeated the sea demon Leviathan.

Gabriel appears in biblical stories as a messenger of the Lord, informing people about important events that will happen in the future. He appears to the biblical prophets, as well as to the Virgin Mary, who gave life to Jesus Christ. When Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, Gabriel was there to support the Savior before his ordeal.

The Archangel is considered the patron saint of teachers and musicians. Women who want to have a child turn to this supreme angel in prayer.

Holy Archangel Gabriel in Judaism

In Jewish tradition, the archangel is called Gabriel. He, along with Michael, Raphael and Uriel, form the central cohort of the Heavenly Host. These angels surround the Throne of the Lord, and each is responsible for one of the cardinal directions. In the minds of Jewish believers, these four guardians are perceived as a single cohesive group, ready to carry out all the instructions of God.

Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel are responsible for all 12 tribes of Israel. Thus, each of them has three tribes in his care. During the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, Gabriel and Michael defended the people of Israel from their persecutors. It is still believed that thanks to Gabriel, the Jewish people gained independence.

Gabriel in Judaism

Archangel Gabriel appears in Judaism as the messenger of death. He appears to the righteous to take their souls and escort them to heaven. To extract souls from the body, Gabriel uses a perfectly straight knife, which allows the operation to be carried out painlessly. But for those who are burdened with grave sins, the demon Samael comes, armed with a jagged knife, and inflicts terrible pain on those who have deviated from God’s laws.

Holy Archangel Gabriel in Christianity

According to Christian texts, the Archangel Gabriel occupies one of the leading places in the angelic hierarchy. He is entrusted with a great mission: to reveal Divine knowledge to people and warn about what is about to happen soon. In the Bible, the archangel serves as a mediator between the Creator and mere mortals.

For example, he appears to the prophet Daniel and tells him the date of the coming of the Messiah. Gabriel also informs the righteous Zechariah, whose wife was considered barren, that she will bear him a son, who will later become famous as John the Baptist. To his misfortune, Zechariah showed distrust of this prophecy, for which he was temporarily deprived of the power of speech.

Angel Golden Hair (Archangel Gabriel), Novgorod icon of the 12th century

Finally, Gabriel was sent to Mary, the future mother of Jesus Christ, with the news of the birth of the Son of God. Also, the archangel came to the Virgin Mary shortly before the day of her death to report that she would soon enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Archangel Gabriel in Islam

Muslims call the archangel Jibril, or Jabrail. In the Islamic tradition, Gabriel is also one of the group of four angels who are especially close to Allah. Jabrail is tasked with being the link between the Almighty and the prophets.

It was Jabrail who patronized the great prophet Muhammad and helped him spread the teachings sent by Allah. In addition, the archangel protected the prophet from the danger posed by the opponents of Islam.

Prophet Muhammad and Jibril (T. Hosemann, 1847)

The Koran says that Gabriel, on behalf of Allah, mined the earth from which Adam was created. After the fall of Adam and the expulsion of people from paradise, the archangel provided them with all kinds of help. Gabriel participated in the salvation of Nuh (known in the Bible as Noah) and his family during the Flood. There are also stories in the Koran about how the archangel conveys knowledge to the prophets. Thus, Suleiman (Solomon) gained his wisdom, Daud (David) learned the art of war, and Yusuf (Joseph) mastered many languages.

Interpreters of Islamic teachings call Gabriel the titles Spirit, Holy Spirit, Faithful Spirit, Servant of Allah. The important role of Gabriel in the acts of the prophet Isa (Jesus) is also emphasized.

Honoring the protector of the human race

Believers belonging to the Orthodox faith have always especially revered two angels - Gabriel and Michael. In this worship Michael took first place, but Gabriel was given very significant honors.

Archangels Michael and Gabriel

One of the sacred places on the planet where Gabriel is especially respected is the city of Nazareth. Here the archangel, according to legend, appeared to the Virgin Mary to announce her future son, who is now known to the world as Jesus Christ. In honor of this event, called the Annunciation in the Christian tradition, a temple was erected in Nazareth in honor of the Archangel Gabriel.

Temple in honor of the Archangel Gabriel, Nazareth

Russian Orthodox tradition believed that the Archangel Gabriel was the protector of Kyiv, as described in the Ipatiev Chronicle. Prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1037 ordered the construction of a church where believers could worship the Mother of God and the Archangel Gabriel.

Memory: March 26 / April 8, July 13 / 26, November 8 / 21

Orthodox believers celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation on March 25 according to the old style, that is, on April 7 according to the new style. On this day, the Archangel Gabriel conveyed to Mary the news of the future birth of Christ. Archangel Memorial Day is celebrated the next day, that is, April 8 (March 26, old style).

On July 26 (July 13, old style), the holiday in honor of Gabriel is celebrated for the second time a year. These days, believers attend church and praise the Archangel Gabriel, as well as his brothers - Michael and Raphael.

A number of folk signs are associated with these holidays:

  • if there is frost on April 8, then spring will not be too warm and will drag on for a long time;
  • if on April 8 the leaves bloomed on the bird cherry tree, then early planting of potatoes is ahead;
  • if it rains on July 26, then the year will be lean;
  • if the weather is hot and clear on July 26, then the autumn will be dry and the harvest will be rich.

These days it was customary to make wishes. It was believed that they would definitely come true. After all, then Gabriel descends to earth and wanders among people, listening to their thoughts.

On November 21 (November 8, old style), believers celebrate a holiday called the Council of the Archangel Michael and other Ethereal Powers. On this day it is also recommended to thank Gabriel.

Prayers to Archangel Gabriel

Many believers turn to Archangel Gabriel for support and offer prayers to him. Traditionally, they pray to the angel before going to bed and ask him for forgiveness and intercession before the Lord.

These prayers are also resorted to in difficult life situations, when the situation seems hopeless. If your soul is restless and there is a feeling of impending disaster, then turning to the great angel can smooth out the situation, or even avert misfortune altogether.

Read the prayer and listen to the voice of your heart, and you will certainly receive an answer on how to find a way out of this situation. You will receive support from above. Gabriel will strengthen your spirit, give you the strength to withstand circumstances, and help you fight back against hostile forces.

Prayer will also help in getting rid of illnesses, restoring harmony and peace in the family, and will provide protection to your family and friends. Girls often turn to Gabriel to find a loving husband. And married women ask the angel for a happy conception.

Since the archangel in the Bible acts as a mediator between God and people, it is believed that he is able to give inspiration to people in creative professions: poets, writers, composers, artists.

Below are the texts of prayers with which you can contact the archangel.

Troparion to the Archangel Gabriel, tone 4

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, we always pray to you, unworthy, and with your prayers protect us with the shelter of the krill of your immaterial glory, preserving us, who fall diligently and cry out: deliver us from troubles, like the commander of the Highest Powers.

Kontakion to Archangel Gabriel, tone 2

In Heaven in vain God's glory and on earth from on high bestowing grace, chief of the Angels, wise Gabriel, servant of God's glory and champion of the Divine peace, save, keep those who cry out to you: be your own helper, and no one else against us.

First prayer to Archangel Gabriel

Oh, holy great Archangel Gabriel, standing before the Throne of God and illuminated by the illumination of the Divine Light, and enlightened by the knowledge of the incomprehensible mysteries of His eternal wisdom! I earnestly pray to you, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to strengthen my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from seductive temptations, and beg our Creator for the forgiveness of my sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but an ever-present helper to me, may I unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to Archangel Gabriel

O holy Archangel Gabriel! We earnestly pray to you, instruct us, servant of God (name), to repentance from evil deeds and to confirmation in our faith, strengthen and protect our souls from seductive temptations and beg our Creator for the remission of our sins. O holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for help and your intercession, in this world and in the future, but an ever-present helper to us, may we continually glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever.

Prayer three to Archangel Gabriel

O, holy Archangel of God Gabriel, ever standing before the Throne of the Most High, joyful evangelist and zealous helper of our salvation! With the mercy characteristic of you, accept this song of praise brought to you from us unworthy. Correct our prayers, and bring incense to the Heavenly Altar like incense; illumine our minds with the light of knowledge of the mysteries of our saving faith; inflame our hearts with love for Christ our Savior, turn and strengthen our desires to the saving path of His Gospel commandments; May we live quietly and piously in this time for the glory of God, and in the future may we not be deprived of the eternal Kingdom of God, which we may receive through the grace of Christ our God, through the intercession of His Most Pure Mother, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, and through your powerful prayers to the Lord God for us, and yes Let us glorify with you and the other incorporeal forces of heaven and all the saints the One in the Trinity, glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Icons dedicated to the Archangel Gabriel

Being one of the main helpers of the Lord, Archangel Gabriel could not be ignored by icon painters. On many icons, Gabriel is depicted as a man or a beautiful-faced youth. A halo is visible above his head, emitting divine light, and behind his back are angelic wings.

You can often find an image of an archangel holding in his hands a lily or a branch from the Garden of Eden. He may also have a wand, a spherical mirror, or a lamp with a candle inside in his hands. On icons, the angel’s head is often tied with a ribbon, the ends of which rise upward - this suggests that all of Gabriel’s attention is directed to Heaven, to the throne of God. In Orthodox churches, it is customary to put his face on the northern side of the iconostasis. On the coat of arms of the Russian Empire, Gabriel is depicted as a defender with a shield.

The plots of the icons, as a rule, tell about the main mission of the archangel, who conveys important messages to people from the Almighty. Often on icons you can see the archangels Gabriel and Michael together.

In the era of early Christianity, the archangel was depicted a little differently. For example, in the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome (this historical monument dates back to the 2nd–4th centuries), drawings were discovered in which Gabriel does not have the usual halo and does not have wings.

The image of an angel in culture

It is not surprising that such a significant angel as Gabriel became a character in fine art. Famous painters and sculptors dedicated their works to him. His appearance is present on church frescoes, icons, paintings and bas-reliefs.

One of the most famous statues dedicated to Gabriel once adorned the hall of Westminster Abbey. Currently, this sculptural masterpiece can be seen in the Royal Architectural Museum in London.

The famous artist Leonardo da Vinci depicted Gabriel in the canvas “The Annunciation”. The angel, kneeling, with a majestic gesture blesses the future mother of Jesus Christ. The painting was painted in 1475 and is now in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

"The Annunciation", Leonardo da Vinci

Film adaptations

Currently, filmmakers often turn to the image of the archangel. But it should be borne in mind that in most cases directors do not follow the biblical canons, and therefore their interpretation is very rarely related to the original. As a rule, Hollywood stories about Gabriel are free fantasies, seasoned with a desire to shock the viewer.

  • One of the earliest film images was seen in the 1976 Italian film “The Second Tragic Fantozzi.” The hero communicates with an angel while delirious.
  • In the mystical trilogy "Prophecy", which was released between 1995 and 2000, the archangel is presented as a misanthrope who takes revenge on people for being endowed with a soul.
  • In the film “Van Helsing” (2004), the main character is named Gabriel Van Helsing and sees his mission in exterminating vampires and other evil spirits. Once the archangel was sent by God to fight Dracula, but then he forgot his divine origin and began to consider himself an ordinary person.
  • The film Constantine (2005) tells the story of an exorcist who comes into conflict with Mammon, the son of Lucifer, who wants to create hell on Earth. Fighting on the side of Mammon is the half-blood angel Gabriel, played by actress Tilda Swinton. Of course, this creature has nothing in common with the biblical image of an archangel.
  • The American TV series Supernatural, which tells the story of two brothers who fight the forces of evil, has very high ratings. Gabriel in this series does not serve the Lord, but behaves like a mystical prankster, plotting intrigues for the main characters and his brother angels. At the same time, he still stands on the side of Light, not Darkness.
  • In the 2007 Australian film “Angel of Light,” Gabriel is the main character whose mission is to overthrow the power of the devil established on Earth and restore the balance of the universe.
  • In the film "Legion" (2010), Gabriel serves as the executor of the will of God, who decided to destroy humanity for its sins by organizing the Apocalypse. Mikhail is trying to stop these plans in order to save people.
  • The Dominion series shows the confrontation between Michael, who acts as a protector of people, and Gabriel, who sees in humanity the source of evil and the reason for the disappearance of God.

Obviously, it is impossible to get a correct idea about angels from films and TV series, so anyone who wants to know the truth about Gabriel should better turn to canonical sources.


Archangel Gabriel is one of the most powerful angels. His role in the universe can hardly be overestimated, since he brings good news to people and serves as a protector of the human race. In difficult times, a believer can receive spiritual support by turning to this great angel in prayer.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Archangel Gabriel - the herald of God's destinies and the servant of His omnipotence. Sometimes depicted with a branch of heaven in his hand. Or with a lantern with a candle burning inside in one hand and a mirror in the other. A candle closed in a lantern means that often the destinies of God are hidden until the time of their fulfillment, but even after their fulfillment they are comprehended only by those who carefully look into the mirror of their conscience and the words of God.

Archangel Gabriel (from Hebrew - man of God). One of the highest angels appears in the Old and New Testaments as the bearer of joyful tidings. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, during the offering of incense, the birth of John the Baptist, and to the Ever-Virgin in Nazareth - the birth of the Savior of the world. According to the Bible, he is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph; According to the teachings of the Mohammedans, Mohammed received his revelations from him and was carried to Heaven by him. On the icons he is depicted with candles and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until time, but are comprehended over time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Mentioned in canonical books:
Dan. 8, 16 and 9, 21;
OK. 1, 9 and 26.

"The Archangel Gabriel was sent from God". (Luke 1:26)

Oh, great Archangel of God Gabriel! You announced to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Announce to me, a sinner, the terrible day of my death, and pray to the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins, and may the devils not restrain me from the ordeals for my sins.

Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, who brought inexpressible joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin Mary! Fill my heart, overflowing with pride, with joy and gladness, and save me from all troubles and serious illness, now and ever and forever. Amen.

When the holy prophet Daniel received from God a prophetic vision about the future fate of the world, and was perplexed as to what it meant, he heard the voice of God: “Gabriel! Explain this vision to him!” (Dan. 8:16). Another time, as the prophet says: “Gabriel..., flying quickly, touched me... and admonished me... and said: “Daniel! Now I have gone out to teach you understanding." (Dan. 9: 21-22).

And indeed, the holy messenger of the mysteries of God explained everything to the prophet Daniel and, having enlightened him, gave him an understanding of the seventy weeks, after which the Savior of the world was to be born.

Later, the Holy Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to announce to Zacharias the birth of John the Baptist, and to the Blessed Virgin Mary to predict the birth of the Savior from Her (Luke 1:5-38). “This same Archangel, in the opinion of godly men, was sent to reinforce the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane and to announce to the Mother of God Her all-honorable Dormition. Therefore, the Church calls him a minister of miracles,” writes Saint Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson (Cit. cit., p. 7 ).

Saint Archangel Gabriel, as explained in the “Guide to Painting Icons,” “is depicted holding a lantern with a candle lit inside in his right hand, and a stone mirror in his left hand.” (Fartusov, p. 226). This mirror made of green jasper (jasper) with black and white spots on it, illuminated by the light of truth, reflects the good and bad deeds of nations, proclaims to people the secrets of God's economy and the salvation of mankind.

The name Gabriel, received by the Archangel from God, means in Russian the Fortress of God or the Power of God.

Holy Archangel Gabriel, bring me joy and the salvation of my soul. And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen.


Archangel Gabriel was chosen by God to preach the good news to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and with Her to all people the great joy of the Incarnation of the Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

That is why, on the day after the Feast of the Annunciation, April 8 according to the new style, Christians venerate the Archangel Gabriel, who served the Sacrament of our salvation.

If the number of Archangels begins with Michael, the champion and conqueror of the enemies of God, then Gabriel is in second place. The Lord sends him to proclaim and clarify the Divine Mysteries.

Archangel Gabriel is one of the seven main angels who, according to the book of Tobit, “offer the prayers of the saints and enter before the glory of the Holy One”(Tov. 12, 15). The name Gabriel means "power of God" in Hebrew.

Archangel Gabriel is mentioned several times in Scripture as a heavenly messenger whom God sends to announce to people His plans for the salvation of the human race.

He taught Moses, who escaped the hand of Pharaoh, the book of books in the desert, told him about the beginning of the world and the creation of the first man Adam, told him about the life and deeds of the former patriarchs, told him about the flood and the division of languages, explained to him the location of the celestial planets and elements, taught him arithmetic, geometry and all wisdom.

He explained to the Prophet Daniel miraculous visions about future kings and kingdoms, told him about the time of the liberation of the people of God from Babylonian captivity, as well as about the time of the first coming of Christ into the world.

He appeared to the holy righteous Anna, who in her garden was grieving over infertility and praying to God with tears, and said to her: “Anna, Anna! Your prayer has been heard, your sighs have passed the clouds, and your tears have reached God: you will conceive and give birth to a blessed Daughter, in Whom all the tribes of the earth will be blessed. Through her the salvation of the world will be given, and She will receive the name of Mary.” .

Archangel Gabriel also appeared to the righteous Joachim, who was fasting in the desert, and announced to him the same thing as to Saint Anna: they will have a Daughter, chosen from time immemorial as the Mother of the Messiah coming to save the human race. This great archangel was appointed by God as the guardian of the barren Virgin Mary, and when She was brought into the temple, he nourished Her, bringing Her food daily.

He appeared to the holy priest Zechariah and announced to him about the release from infertility of his elderly wife Elizabeth and the birth of Saint John the Baptist of the Lord, and when he did not believe, he bound his tongue with muteness until the day his words were fulfilled (Luke 1:5-25). From this it is clear that Archangel Gabriel is unusually close to the Lord and is sent by Him to proclaim the greatest secrets concerning the salvation of the human race.

This same representative of God, being sent by God to Nazareth, appeared to the Most Holy Virgin, betrothed to the righteous Joseph, and announced to Her the conception of the Son of God. He also appeared in a dream to Joseph, explaining to him that the Young Lady remained innocent, for what was conceived in her was from the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18-21).

And when our Lord was born in Bethlehem, Archangel Gabriel appeared to the shepherds guarding their flocks and said:

“I proclaim to you great joy that will be to all people: for in the city of David a Savior was born to you, who is Christ the Lord, and then immediately with many heavenly warriors he sang: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!” (Luke 2:14).

It is believed that this angel appeared from heaven to Christ the Savior before His suffering, when He was praying in the garden, for the name Gabriel means “the strength of God.” The Archangel Gabriel who appeared strengthened Him, since between other ministries he also had this - strengthening in his exploits, and our Lord then labored in fervent prayer (Luke 22:43; Heb. 5:7).

The same Angel appeared to the myrrh-bearing women sitting on the stone at the tomb, announcing to them about the resurrection of the Lord (Matt. 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20): thus, being the gospel and the one of the conception and birth of the Lord, he appeared and the harbinger of His Resurrection.

He also appeared to the Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, fervently praying on the Mount of Olives, announcing to Her the approach of Her honest Dormition and Her relocation to heaven, and gave Her a bright branch of paradise.

But being God’s messenger of the most important Old Testament and New Testament events, Archangel Gabriel, therefore, should be especially close to God. The Holy Church sometimes depicts him with a branch of paradise in his hand, which he brought to the Mother of God, and sometimes in his right hand with a lantern, inside of which a candle is burning, and in his left hand with a jasper mirror. Depicts with a mirror, because Gabriel is the messenger of God's destinies for the salvation of the human race, or with a candle in a lantern, because God's destinies are hidden until the time of their fulfillment, and, after their fulfillment, are comprehended only by those who steadily look into their hearts as a reflection of the word of God and one’s conscience.

What is the angelic world like in general? Angels are disembodied spirits, so they are not visible to our bodily eyes. Angels are gifted with intelligence, will, power, but much more perfect than humans. They live in the sky, but if necessary, in the blink of an eye they can be on earth. By the grace of God, the Angels, for their unquestioning obedience to God, became incapable of committing evil and the Word of God calls them saints (Matthew 25:31).

The number of Angels is very large and indefinite. There is no direct indication of this in the Word of God. According to Saint John of Damascus, there is not a single people, not a single region, not a single state, city, monastery, church, part of the earth, there is not a single person without a Guardian Angel.

Angels differ in dignity. The highest of them learn the Divine Mysteries from God Himself, and the lowest receive enlightenment through the highest.

The purpose of the Angels in relation to God is to silently glorify Him, to serve Him unquestioningly. The Prophet Isaiah saw the Seraphim surrounding the throne of God, who cried out: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts! The whole earth is full of His glory!” (Isa. 6:3).

In relation to people, Angels are obliged to instruct them in all good things, guide them to salvation, protect their soul and body from everything harmful and evil, especially from evil spirits, and intercede before God. “For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways” (Ps. 90:11).

The Holy Scripture contains many examples of the living participation of Angels in the fate of people. Thus, the Angels brought Lot out of Sodom, condemned to death (Gen. 19:16), an Angel kept Daniel in the lion’s den (Dan. 6:22), delivered the Apostle Peter from death (Acts 12:7-11), etc. d.

But we must remember that Angels enter into communication only with those who imitate them. Where sin multiplies, Angels withdraw from there. One day an Angel of God said to Saint Pachomius the Great: “Whoever, through his bad life, has become dead to God and virtue, stinks a thousand times worse than a dead body, so that we can in no way stand or walk near.”
Troparion, tone four:

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, we always pray to you, unworthy, and with your prayers protect us with the shelter of the krill of your immaterial glory, preserving us, who fall diligently and cry out: deliver us from troubles, like the commander of the Highest Powers.
Kontakion, voice two:

In heaven in vain God’s glory and on earth from on high bestowing grace, chief of the angels, wise Gabriel, servant of God’s glory and champion of the Divine peace, save, keep those who cry out to you: be a helper yourself, and no one else against us.


Holy Archangel Gabriel, who brought inexpressible joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin, fill my heart, overwhelmed by pride, with joy and joy. Oh, great Archangel of God Gabriel, you announced to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Tell me, a sinner, the terrible day of my death and pray to the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins; and the demons will not keep me from the ordeal for my sins. O great Archangel Gabriel! Save me from all troubles and from serious illness, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, great holy Archangel Gabriel! Stand before the Throne of God, illuminated by the Divine Light, and enlightened by the knowledge of the incomprehensible mysteries of His eternal wisdom! I earnestly pray to you, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to strengthen my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from seductive temptations, and beg our Creator for the forgiveness of my sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but an ever-present helper to me, may I unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.


Troparion and Kontakion to Archangel Gabriel

Troparion to the Archangel Gabriel, tone 4:

O heavenly armies, we always pray to you, we are unworthy, and with your prayers protect us with the shelter of the krill of your immaterial glory, preserving us who fall diligently and cry out: deliver us from troubles, like the commander of the highest powers.

Kontakion, voice 2:

Archangel of God, servant of the Divine glory, ruler of angels and mentor of men, ask for what is useful to us and great mercy, like the bodiless archangel.

In Kontakion, voice 2:

In heaven in vain God's glory and on earth from on high bestowing grace, chief of angels, wise Gabriel, servant of God's glory and champion of divine peace, save, keep those who cry out to you: be your own helper, and no one else against us.

Kontakion, tone 8:

Most Bright, and Honest, and All-Effective, Most Innumerable and Terrible Trinity, art thou, Archangel, glorious servant and prayer book; Now, unceasingly pray for us to be delivered from all troubles and torments, and let us call to you: Rejoice, protector of your servant.

Archangel Gabriel

Akathist to the Archangel of God Gabriel

Kontakion 1

Chosen from all the ranks of Angels, the only one worthy of the revelation of the Divine mystery about the incarnation of the Son of God from the Blessed Virgin, flew from the heavenly circles to Nazareth, proclaiming to Her the great: Rejoice, and do not leave us earth-born by Your intercession at the Throne of the Holy Trinity, proclaiming to You: Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Ikos 1

To the first fiery angel Gabriel, the Most Joyful Messenger, we pray: You yourself instruct and instruct us to glorify and sing praises to you: Rejoice, standing before the Throne of the trisolar light of the Divine. Rejoice, richly radiant with divine lordships. Rejoice, in the Christian race - the banner of the cathedral, for you now we compose a song. Rejoice, those who exist on earth praising you, joyfully rejoice with you. Rejoice, Archangel Gabriel, rejoicing with all the heavenly powers. Rejoice, assist us all in the pious conduct of our temporary life. Rejoice, you who establish the steps of the path of salvation. Rejoice, as Voevodo holds the bright scepter with his hands. Rejoice, always do the will of the Lord. Rejoice, having become one of three men who visited our forefather, Patriarch Abraham, in the form of three pilgrims. Rejoice, who foretelled to Him the birth of His son Isaac from his barren and decrepit wife Sarah, under the canopy of the Maurian oak. Rejoice, for the sky is adorned with stars by Divine lordships. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 2

Seeing with the combs of faith the spiritual beauty, power and greatness of your lightning-fast appearance, First Angel of God Gabriel, we, earth-born people, are filled with great joy, surprise and great gratitude to the Holy Trinity, calling with all the Holy Angels: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Give us a bright mind to understand the divine will, wonderful Gabriel, so that we can always walk according to the commandments of the Lord and constantly sing praises to You: Rejoice, you taught the Prophet Moses, who escaped from Pharaoh, to write books in the desert. Rejoice, having told him the world of being, I am the beginning and creation of the first man Adam and the life of him and those who followed him. Rejoice, having told Him and all the previous generations and years about the flood and the division of languages. Rejoice, having taught him to understand the arrangement of the celestial planets and elements and all the wisdom of God. Rejoice, the prophet Daniel understood wondrous knowledge about kings and kingdoms, who later were transformed into various beasts. Rejoice, you who showed Him the time of Christ’s first coming into the world by incarnation from the Most Pure Virgin. Rejoice, for you flow to the whole earth, saving us from troubles and praying for our souls. Rejoice, vigilant guardian of God’s Church and end the strife of the Church. Rejoice, having calmed the fierce barbaric storm that is always raised against your servants. Rejoice, thou who freest the faithful from fierce misfortunes and evils. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 3

Strong in Divine strength, Great Archangel of God Gabriel, do not abandon us who pray to You with faith, omnipotent help in the fight against sin and temptations, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a great helper and a strong champion for resisting forces, we pray to you, be our patron in all the paths of our life, and with thanksgiving we cry to you: Rejoice, you who appeared to the holy righteous Anna among the garden trees, who lamented about her barrenness and prayed with tears to God, proclaiming To her: Anno, Anno, having heard Your prayer and Your sighs passed through the clouds, Your tears hept up before God, saying to Her great joy: Rejoice Anno, behold, you will conceive and give birth to a most blessed daughter, in her all the tribes of the earth will be blessed, and through her will be given salvation to the world, she will be called her name is Maria. Rejoice, the holy righteous Joachim, who fasted in the desert, also announced the birth of a daughter, chosen from centuries to be the Mother of the Messiah, who wants to come to the salvation of the human race. Rejoice, for you were appointed guardian by God for the barrenness of the Virgin Mary. Rejoice, brought into the temple of the Lord, brought food to Her every day. Rejoice, you stand before the throne of Divine glory with all the heavenly powers. Rejoice, thou who reigned with the Archangels for seven weeks over all the heavenly hosts. Rejoice, great-glorious Gabriel, one of the seven Archangels: Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Selafail, Jehudiel, Barahiel, who constantly glorify the Holy Trinity. Rejoice, great and glorious Maiden, together with Michael the Archangel. Rejoice, for those who come running under your roof are a good and kind protector. Rejoice, ask forgiveness of all sins and repentance of evil. Rejoice, Great representative of the goodness of the Lord, who has become like us in everything. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 4

The storm of evil misfortunes, through Your strong intercession, our merciful intercessor, do not leave us helpless in the sorrowful days of everyday trials, singing to all the Creator and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Seeing Your greatness before the throne of the Most High, all the dark power is terrified of you, light-bringing Gabriel, not daring to do dirty tricks to all who honor Tisitsa: Rejoice, you who calm the storm of immeasurable temptations. Rejoice, bringing faithful souls into the Kingdom of Heaven, who heartily honor Thee with love. Rejoice, appear to Saint Zechariah, standing at the right hand of the altar of incense. Rejoice, for bringing His good news the solution to the infertility of Elizabeth, his wife, who had become immature in her days. Rejoice, for the birth of John the Baptist, the tongue of the unbeliever is bound with muteness until the time of the fulfillment of his words. Rejoice, O Divine One, for when you are seen standing incense in ancient times, Zechariah is mute. Rejoice, having enlightened Him, who did not believe Your terrible announcement, which You spoke to Gabriel the Archangel. Rejoice, you gloriously proclaimed the Nativity of John to Zechariah inside the divine temple. Rejoice, having held back the hand of Saint Simeon the God-Receiver, who labored in rewriting the Holy Books and wanted to correct the word “Virgin”, conceive in the womb and write “Woman”. Rejoice, you who enlightened the doubting old man and assured Him of the truth of the words written. Rejoice, you who proclaimed to Him: you will not see death until you meet Christ the Lord. Rejoice, you who have been revealing to us the great divine secret since the beginning of time. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 5

Guiding stars By the all-blessed and most holy souls of the Archangel Gabriel of God and all the other Holy Guardian Angels with him and all the Angels and all heavenly ones, the most honorable rank of those who stand before the Most Holy Trinity and are illuminated by the light of the ever-present glory, constantly glorifying Her name, we resort to you with faith and hope. Intercede for us at the Throne of the Lord Almighty with your chief, the first angel Gabriel, singing to the eternal King of glory: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing You, shining among the nine ranks of Angels, like the great light of the Archangel Gabriel, we pray to You: illuminate us with the light of the radiance of Your glory singing to You like this: Rejoice, having been sent from God to Nazareth and presented to the Most Pure Virgin, who was betrothed to the righteous Joseph to announce to Her the conception of the Son of God by the overshadowing and action of the Holy Spirit taking place in her. Rejoice, you appeared to the holy elder Joseph in a dream, assuring Him about the marriage-skilled girl, as if there was something conceived in Her from the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, shepherds who keep watch at night over your flock: I bring you good news of great joy, for today the Savior was born. Rejoice, with the multitude of heavenly armies you sing: Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Rejoice, those who accompanied the holy flight into Egypt from the murder of Herod. Rejoice as you guard the holy and upon your return to the city of Nazareth. Rejoice, you who accompanied the Holy Family to the Temple of Jerusalem on the feast of Easter. Rejoice, you who served the twelve-year-old boy Jesus with fear and trembling. Rejoice, you who stood before Him invisibly with the heavenly powers at the Baptism of the Lord. Rejoice, you who served the Lord in the desert in the temptation of the enemy with the angelic armies. Rejoice, sent from heaven to the Garden of Gethsemane to Christ the Savior before His free suffering. Rejoice, thou who prayest in Vertograd, for Thy name, Gabriel, is interpreted as “the strength of God,” and thou hast strengthened Him, as thou didst have in other ministries to strengthen these things in His labors. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 6

The whole Christian world preaches your great glory and service, all the holy Archangels and Angels and all the heavenly powers standing at the terrible Throne of the Holy Trinity, constantly singing, calling and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy! We, sinners on earth, cry out with mortal lips: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Lifting up the whole earth with Your heavenly Light, ever since you flew from the heavenly circles to blessed Nazareth, the most joyful Archangel Gabriel, and you appeared unartifically with the Archangel’s greeting: Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with You, and we sinners, rejoicing in this heavenly news, we cry out with joy and gladness: Rejoice, calling with the countless angelic ranks: Holy Father Almighty, Son without beginning and Spirit co-existent. Rejoice, through the communion of the first light we enlighten; the second light was visible. Rejoice, having a fiery appearance and wonderful kindness, every thought is terrifying. Rejoice, great Glory - Gabriel, the greatest Divine Ethereal commander. Rejoice, fertilizer for all who faithfully praise Thee. Rejoice, placing quiet joy in the hearts of all who love the Lord and their Creator. Rejoice, the pagans of earth will not be able to honor the luminous and heavenly mind. Rejoice, enlightening with faith those who honor you. Rejoice, kind and faithful mentor and leader in our earthly journey. Rejoice, Great Protector and Patron of all who honor the mistress of the world and fervently pray to her. Rejoice, we brightly enlighten the mind with the ineffable Divine Lordships. Rejoice, with Thy luminous prayers to the Lady, singing Thy darkness of passions. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 7

Although the merciful Lord will save all people from the attack of the enemy, the ambassador of the holy Angels to serve people, you are the first intercessor and representative for us, the chief of the Angels, the Divine Gabriel. For this reason, we call more gratefully to the Lord Almighty: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Although the salvation of all, our good intercessor, you grieve and lament for those who do not fulfill the commandments of God and thereby deprive themselves of eternal joy with all the saints in the Kingdom of Heaven. Help us, O our Great Intercessor on our life’s path and save all those who cry out to you: Rejoice, you who accompany the Lord and those who sympathize with Him in all the paths of His passions. Rejoice, looking with fear and trembling at the cross of your crucified Lord Jesus. Rejoice, you appeared to the holy myrrh-bearing women, sitting on the tomb stone, proclaiming Christ’s rising from the tomb. Rejoice, be the first to proclaim this Great joy to the Holy Virgin Mary. Rejoice, crying out to Her, Pure Virgin, Rejoice, Your Son has risen three days from the grave. Rejoice, who was the evangelist of the birth of the Lord at the conception of the Lord. Rejoice, you appeared to be the herald of His Resurrection. Rejoice, sacredly praised and visible to the light. Rejoice, most joyful of all the angels of God. Rejoice, you who brought the joy of all joys into the world. Rejoice, sacred hymns the sacred people sing with joy. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 8

A strange and terrible miracle is happening today in the voice of the Archangel. God descended to earth and became incarnate from the Virgin for the salvation of all people, and to Him we all call: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Your whole appearance is kind and fiery, and Your singing is terrible, Holy Archangel Gabriel, the closest servant of the Holy Trinity, You alone accept Her mystery, having been the guardian of the Holy Virgin of the Eternal Council, having served Her in awe and the first to worship the Savior God, visible to you in Her womb, for this reason is commendable We offer singing to Ty: Rejoice, the glorious splendor of Your temple brightly illuminates the souls of the faithful. Rejoice, you warm the hearts of all those who strive to pray in the temple of God for fiery and fervent prayer to the Lord. Rejoice, we enlighten with the communion of the Archangel of the First Light. Rejoice, the second light was truly visible. Rejoice, always enlighten those who sing to You. Rejoice, advice is the most ruinous. Rejoice, you who have established the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, you who have put an end to church strife. Rejoice, having brought the vacillations of the Hagarites upon Your flock and save all Your faithful people. Rejoice, O sanctified Gabriel, in the flesh according to the hypostasis you foretold the word to men in Your name, forerunner and in advance of the sacred payment. Rejoice, you foretold Great joy to us, Archangel. Rejoice, you who exist from us invite the Virgin, above all mind and words, to sing strangely. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 9

All monks and Orthodox Christians, having been honored to bear Your Holy and Glorious name, tremble and revere the joy of having such a great prayer book and representative at the Throne of the Most High, to whom You, O Archangel of God, unceasingly sing the Trisagion hymn: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The waving tongue is not satisfied with uttering all Your glory in heaven, the holy Archangel of God Gabriel, who surpasses in glory and honor all the ranks of heaven, standing before the throne of all, begging His goodness of mercy for the people who honor You, crying out to you: Rejoice, fiery servants of the Archangel. Rejoice, standing before the terrible throne, servant of grace. Rejoice, Gabriel, commander of angels and teacher and intercessor of men. Rejoice, beauty of those who always praise You through faith. Rejoice, filled with divine blessings. Rejoice, enlightening my mind with Your prayers. Rejoice, you who announced the indescribable joy that came to the world for goodness. Rejoice, those who love and praise Thee are delivered from the troubles and harm of the serpent. Rejoice, we enlighten the immaterial Light, the second one was visible. Rejoice, material people who always sing and enlighten you. Rejoice, we honor You with the same throughout all ages. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 10

To save the human race, the Eternal Council of the Holy Trinity chose You, Archangel Gabriel, to serve this most terrible mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God, but you, as a faithful servant of the will of God, always sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is strong for all who resort to Your intercession and help, Archangel of God, our constant guardian from enemies visible and invisible, who contrive at every step to destroy us and always seek our eternal destruction, but protected by the roof of the wings of the immaterial Thy Glory and by Your intercession before the Lord, we cry out with thanksgiving To you: Rejoice, you have been granted the greatest blessing. Rejoice, resting quiet joy in your heart, fiery heavenly messenger to all who love the Lord and Creator. Rejoice, by the illumination of light that exists more than the mind. Rejoice, beauty of those who always sing and praise you. Rejoice, having revealed to us a great mystery, greatest of angels. Rejoice, who promised His second coming to the world after the Ascension of the Lord. Rejoice, who were taken by the image from the earth to the Greatest height, the great ones who honor Thee. Rejoice, having cast a storm upon us driven by misfortunes and sorrows. Rejoice, first of all, the ineffable Nativity of the Holy Virgin was entrusted to you alone, the most glorious Gabriel. Rejoice, let us also please you with joy. Rejoice, in the Old and New Testaments the Holy Church remembers numerous appearances and Your unceasing intercession to God. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 11

Constantly lifting up divine singing to the Most Holy Trinity, the Holy Archangel Gabriel, with all the heavenly powers, encouraged to glorify Thee for the multitude of Thy mercies to the Christian race with a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Enlightened by the Light of the Holy Trinity, like the unsetting sun, you shine in the glory of the unapproachable light and enlighten us with the light of Your Divine Glory, so that we can sing to You like this: Rejoice, more than the sun we put on the Divine robe with the unapproachable glory shining. Rejoice, mortal lips, you are a joyfully fiery being, we praise you. Rejoice, who takes us away from the fire that always scorches us through the Divine Gabriel of Your intercessions. Rejoice, O Archangel of the servants of the Heavenly King, you stand rejoicing. Rejoice, on the Mount of Olives, the most pure Virgin Mary prayed warmly, appearing to announce the honest migration that has approached Her and from earthly to heavenly. Rejoice, that you may give Her heavenly, Luminous, fragrant health, and the Holy Apostle John carried the tomb of the Mother of God in front of her. Rejoice, after Her Honorable Dormition she was carried by the holy Apostles for burial throughout Gethsemane, punish by beheading the hands of the Jew Athos, for his daring trick. Rejoice, during the meal of the holy Apostles, you surrounded the Mother of God who appeared to them after Her Assumption with all the heavenly powers. Rejoice, you who freed the Holy Apostle Peter from prison bonds and iron chains. Rejoice, the guards who brought Him out from prison, and came with him for one stage and became invisible. Rejoice, quick help and intercession to all faithful Christians. Rejoice, who delivers from troubles and circumstances the love of those who honor Thee. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 12

Having great grace from the Lord, ask us for this grace too and accept our prayers as a tribute offered to You and drive away from our souls all evil thoughts and all slander, its avenger, and make us with a pure heart worthy to sing a song of praise to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Chanting Your Divine service of the Holy Trinity, we praise You, all Your faithful servants, Our patron saint and warm intercessor, do not leave us here in our earthly journey and there be our strong and mighty intercessor on the day of the Last Judgment of God, who cry out to You like this: Rejoice, through Your prayers the remission of sins is accepted by the love of those who honor Thee. Rejoice, the people of God are awakened to zeal and always flow more warmly to the intercession and help of such an intercessor and benefactor for the human race. Rejoice, invisibly protecting the sick and helpless. Rejoice, O good comforter of the orphans and the oppressed. Rejoice, luminous Gabriel, with Your warm intercession intercede for us a blessed death, appearing to us all from heaven as a warm intercessor. Rejoice, at the hour of our departure, appear to us bright and joyful, and deliver our souls from evil demons and protect us. Rejoice, igniting the lack of our good deeds through Your Almighty intercession before the Lord. Rejoice, on the day of the Last Judgment, you beg the righteous judge for mercy and the salvation of our souls. Rejoice, our Great Intercessor for our establishment in the Kingdom of Heaven in the endless blissful joy of eternal peace. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 13

Oh, Light-Bearing, All-Joyful Archangel Gabriel, accept this song of thanksgiving from us and do not leave us falling to Your mercy. Be our helper and great intercessor throughout our entire life and at the end of our death, save us from eternal torment who sing forever: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Troparion, tone 4

From the heavenly armies of the Archangel, / we always pray to you, unworthy, / that with your prayers protect us / with the shelter of the wing of your immaterial glory, / preserving us, who fall diligently and cry out: / deliver us from troubles, / like the commander of the Highest Powers.

From the heavenly armies, Archangel, / we continually pray to you, unworthy, / that you protect us with your prayers / under the roof of the wings of your immaterial glory / preserving us, who fall diligently and cry: / “Deliver us from troubles, / as the head of the Highest Powers!”


Song 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth, / and be filled with the Spirit, / and I will vomit the word to the Queen Mother, / and I will appear, brightly triumphant, / and I will sing, rejoicing, Those miracles.

Irmos: I will open my lips, / and they will be filled with the Spirit; / and I will speak a word to the Queen Mother, / and I will appear brightly triumphant, / and I will joyfully sing of Her miracles.



As the Light exists, I pray to thee, Archangel of the Lord, to the extreme light of immaterial communion, / Divine and immaterial: / Enlighten my mind with your prayers, as if I sing praises to you.

As one who has become a god-like and immaterial light, / through immaterial communion with the highest Light, / I pray to you, Archangel of the Lord: / enlighten my mind with your prayers, / so that I can sing your praises.

Let us today form the face of the Divine, rejoicing, / first honoring disembodied minds, / announcing the inexpressible joy, / coming into the world for goodness.

On this day let us form a cheerful Divine choir, / honoring the one who was the first of the disembodied Minds, / to announce the ineffable joy that came to the world / through God’s goodness.

Glory: You are the greatest representative, and to God the intercessor, / and the wall, and the affirmation, Gabriel, the possessor, / who love you, we get rid of the troubles and harm of the serpent, praising you.

Glory: You, the greatest intercessor, / and an intercessor before God, / and a wall, and a confirmation, Gabriel, / we, who love you, are delivered / from troubles and harm caused by the serpent, / when we praise you.

And now: Gabriel saw You pure, the All-Immaculate One, / rejoice, O Lady, cry out brightly, / unskilled One, salvation of men, praise of angels and honesty.

And now: When Gabriel saw You, the Pure All-Immaculate One, / he, O Lady, “Rejoice!” clearly proclaimed, / who has not known marriage, salvation to people, / praise and honor to angels!

Song 3

Irmos: Thy hymns, Mother of God, / living and unenvious Source, / spiritually establish the face of your own body, / in Thy Divine glory / grant crowns of glory.

Irmos: Establish Thy singers, O Mother of God, / a living and abundant source, / who have organized a spiritual festival / and in Thy divine glory / honor them with crowns of glory.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

Through the communion of the most immaterial Light, as the immaterial is truly, Gabriel, / we are immaterially enlightened, / the Light was seen second, / material people are always enlightening, singing to you.

By joining the most immaterial Light / being immaterially enlightened, / for you yourself are truly immaterial, Gabriel, / you were seen as the second Light, / always enlightening the material - / people who sing your praises.

You have been honored with the greatest blessing, / having revealed to us a great mystery, greater than the Angels, / who took you from the earth to the greatest heights, / the great ones who honor you.

You have been honored with the greatest glory, / having revealed a great mystery to us, / the greatest of the Angels, / by whom we, who immeasurably honor you, were lifted up from the earth to the greatest heights.

Glory: Appear to all from Heaven, who always seek you with love, / and cast a storm upon us driven by misfortunes and sorrows, / O Gabriel the Archangel!

Glory: Appear from heaven to everyone / who always seeks you with love, / and stop the storm of misfortunes and sorrows that is approaching us / O Gabriel the Archangel!

And now: Telling the ancient secret sacrament, O Young Lady, / Gabriel sometimes called to you: / Rejoice, O chamber of God, / who dwell in the world, all men are Gods, / for you are blessed.

And now: Explaining the hidden sacrament from ancient times, / Gabriel once cried out to You, O Young Lady: / ​​“Rejoice, O Palace of God, where, having moved in, / He deified all people as the Merciful One!”

Lord, have mercy, three times.

Lord, have mercy, three times.

Kontakion, tone 8

Blessed, and Honest, and Omnipotent, / the most innumerable and terrible Trinity / you are, Archangel, glorious servant and prayer book, / now constantly pray / to deliver us from all troubles and torments, and we call to you: / Rejoice, protection of your servant.

Blessed, and venerable, and omnipotent, / incomprehensible and terrible Trinity / you, glorious Archangel, minister and prayer book. / Now constantly pray / for deliverance from all troubles and torments, so that we may cry out to you: / “Rejoice, protection of your servants!”

Sedalen, voice 4. Similar to: Ascended

Thou art the first of the bodiless servants, / before the ages a certain terrible sacrament, / to you alone, the glorious Gabriel, trust, / the ineffable Nativity of the Holy Virgin, / rejoice, proclaiming to Her, Delighted One. / In the same way, faithfully, we must please you with joy forever.

To you alone, glorious Gabriel, / foremost among the ethereal servants, / the awe-inspiring sacrament determined before the ages was entrusted, / - the ineffable Nativity from the Holy Virgin, / and you “Rejoice, Full of Grace!” He proclaimed it to her. / Therefore, we, the faithful, always / glorify you as we should with joy.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God: Like the uncultivated Virgin, the vine, the reddest Grape, you have vegetated, / exuding to us the wine of salvation, joyful to all souls and bodies. / Moreover, because the guilt of Thy good ones is ever more blessed, we cry out to Thee with the Angel: / Rejoice, O Blessed One.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God: Like an uncultivated vine, / You, Virgin, have brought forth the most beautiful Bunch, / flowing out to us the wine of salvation, / joyful to everyone mentally and physically. / Therefore, as the good culprit, / always calling You blessed, / together with the Angel we cry to You: / “Rejoice, O Blessed One!”

Song 4

Irmos: God's unsearchable advice, / hedgehog from the Virgin of the incarnation of You, the Most High, / the prophet Habakkuk, seeing, calling: / glory to Your power, Lord.

Irmos: Contemplating God’s unsearchable counsel / about Your, O Most High, incarnation from the Virgin, / the prophet Habakkuk exclaimed: / “Glory to Your power, Lord!”

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

You stood, with the sacraments of God of old, / Gabriel most wonderfully, enlightening the prophet Daniel / and setting forth the manifestation of those unknown in spirit.

You stood in ancient times, Gabriel, worthy of amazement, / by communion with the Divine Principle / enlightening the prophet Daniel / and the manifestation of incomprehensible things / by explaining the Spirit.

With mortal lips, we joyfully praise you, being of a fiery nature: / take away the fire that is always scorching, / Divine, Gabriel, your intercessions.

You, who are truly fiery in nature, / we joyfully praise with mortal lips: / deliver us from the ever-burning fire, / through your divine intercessions, Gabriel.

Glory: More than the sun in Divine clothing, / shining with unapproachable glory, we dress, / the Archangel of servants, standing before the Heavenly King, rejoicing.

Glory: In Divine clothing, / brighter than the sun, clad in unapproachable glory, / you, the supreme commander of the disembodied servants, / stand before the Heavenly King, rejoicing.

And now: All of You, purified by the spirit of Gabriel, the All-Immaculate One, understanding, / cries out to You clearly: / Rejoice, deliverance of the oath and proclamation of the forefathers.

And now: Realizing that You, the All-Immaculate One, / have been completely purified by the Spirit, / Gabriel clearly calls out to You: / “Rejoice, deliverance from the curse / and restoration of the forefathers!”

Song 5

Irmos: Everyone was terrified / about Your Divine glory: / You, the uncreated Virgin, / had God in your womb above all / and you gave birth to a lifeless Son, / giving peace to all who sing Your praises.

Irmos: The whole world was amazed / at Your divine glory: / for You, a Virgin who did not know marriage, / carried the Most High God in Your womb / and gave birth to the eternal Son, / giving peace to all who sing of You.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

The mind is enlightened by the sacrament of the first, / the second was seen as the Light, calling with countless Angels: / Holy Father, Almighty, Son without Beginning, and Spirit Co-Throne.

Enlightened by communion with the First Mind, / you were seen as a second light, / calling out with countless regiments of Angels: / “Holy is the Father of all, the Creator, / the Son, equally without beginning, / and the Spirit equal in power!”

Your appearance is fiery, your kindness is wonderful, every thought is terrifying, / great is the glory, Gabriel the greatest, / the divine ruler of the incorporeal, the fertilizer of all, / who faithfully sing your praises.

Your appearance is fiery, your beauty is wonderful, / your great glory terrifies every thought, Gabriel is the greatest, / the chief of the Divine ethereal Powers, / an adornment for all, / who praise you with faith.

Glory: The Divine, seeing you, / standing incense in ancient times, Zechariah, becomes mute: / for I do not believe your terrible proclamation, / which you proclaimed, Gabriel the Archangel.

Glory: When in ancient times the divine Zechariah saw / you standing during the incense, / he became dumb, for he did not believe / your awe-inspiring announcement, / which you proclaimed, Gabriel the Archangel.

And now: Temple of the sanctification of existence, the All-Immaculate One, through the voice of Gabriel the Archangel, / you gave birth to the All-Holy God who rests in the saints, / who sanctifies all and takes away the fierce.

And now: The temple is truly consecrated, All-Immaculate, / You, at the cry of Gabriel the Archangel, / gave birth to the resting All-Holy God in the saints, / who sanctifies everything and delivers from cruel troubles.

Song 6

Irmos: This divine and all-honorable / celebrating, / God-wisdom, Mother of God, / come, let us clasp our hands, / from Her we glorify the God born.

Irmos: This Divine and revered by all / celebrating the feast of the Mother of God, / come, God-wise, / let us applaud, / glorifying God who was born of Her.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

The pagans of the earth will not be able to honor you, the luminous and heavenly mind, / more luminously enlightened than the mind / ineffably by the Divine lordships.

Earthly tongues will not be able to honor you, / a luminous and heavenly mind, / brightly enlightened above the mind / by Divine radiances ineffable.

The dawn of the sun is multi-bright, the fiery servants of the Archangel, / with your luminous prayers to the Lady / snatch away the darkness of passions that sing you.

Many-illuminated ray of the Sun, / supreme military leader of the fiery servants, / with your luminous prayers to the Lord, / pluck those who praise you from the darkness of passions.

Glory: Destroy the councils of tongues, establish the Orthodox faith, / establish church discord, Archangel, / to the Creator of all with your prayers.

Glory: Destroy the plans of the pagans, / strengthen the Orthodox faith, / end divisions in the Church, Archangel, / with your prayers to the Creator of all.

And now: You are obedient to the Divine verbs, Pure, you were Gabriel’s / and you gave birth to the Pre-Eternal Word in the flesh, / a world delivered from wordlessness.

And now: To the Divine verbs spoken by Gabriel / You were obedient, O Pure One, / and gave birth to the Pre-Eternal Word according to the flesh, / who delivers the world from foolishness.

Lord, have mercy, three times. Glory, and now:

Kontakion, tone 2. Similar to: Solid:

Archangel of God, / servant of the Divine glory, / leader of angels and teacher of men, / ask for what is useful to us and great mercy, / like the Bodiless Archangel.

Archangel of God, servant of Divine glory, / Chief of angels and mentor of people, / ask for what is useful to us and great mercy, / like the disembodied Archangel.

Ikos: Thou art, O Lover of Mankind, in Thy Scriptures, / the multitude of Angels in Heaven rejoice over the one repentant man, the Immortal. / Moreover, we, who are sinless, are the only one who knows the heart, / We always dare to pray to You, as the Compassionate One, / to show mercy and send down tenderness to the unworthy, Master, grant us forgiveness: / for all of us the Bodiless Archangel prays to You.

Ikos: You, Lover of Mankind, said in Your Scriptures, O Immortal One, / that many Angels rejoice in heaven / over one man who repents. / Therefore, we, mired in iniquities, / You, the Knower of the Heart, the only sinless one, / always dare to pray to You, as the merciful One, / to take pity and send down contrition to the unworthy, / giving us forgiveness, Lord, / for the Bodiless Archangel prays for us all.

Song 7

Irmos: Having not served the creation of God’s Wisdom, / more than the Creator, / but the fiery rebuke manfully trampled, / I rejoiced, singing: / blessed are the Lord and God of the Fathers.

Irmos: The God-wise / creations did not honor more than the Creator, / but they bravely trampled down the fire that threatened them, / joyfully sang: / “Praised Lord and God of the fathers, / blessed are You!”

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

The Nativity of John, glorious, / you sometimes announced to Zechariah, inside the Divine Temple, / I stand and sing to the Deliverer and God: / revered Lord and God of the fathers, blessed are you.

John, you once announced the Nativity, glorious, / to Zechariah, inside the Divine Temple, to the Savior and God who stood and now sings: / “Praised Lord and God of the fathers, blessed are You!”

The glorious splendor of your temple is bright, Gabriel, sanctifies the souls of the faithful / and commands you to cry out loudly: / revered Lord and God of the fathers, blessed art thou.

The glorious splendor of your temple, Gabriel, / brightly sanctifies the souls of the faithful / and prompts you to cry out loudly: / “Most praised Lord and God of the fathers, blessed are You!”

Glory: We enlighten with the sacrament, Archangel, the first Light in secret, / the second Light was truly visible, always singing and enlightening: / revered Lord and God of the fathers, blessed art thou.

Glory: Enlightened mysteriously / by communion with the First Light, / as the second light you were truly visible, Archangel, / enlightening those who always sing: / “Praised Lord and God of the fathers, blessed are You!”

And now: The Archangel Gabriel was quickly sent, / proclaiming joy to You, Pure Virgin Mother, / for whose sake the sorrow ceased, and the oath was truly unfruitful, / and the blessing of prosperity to the faithful forever.

And now: The Archangel Gabriel was sent, / proclaiming joy to You, Virgin, Pure Mother; / thanks to You, sorrow ceased / and the curse truly lost its power, / and blessing to the faithful flourished forever.

Song 8

Irmos: The pious youths in the cave / The Nativity of the Theotokos was saved, / then formed, / now in effect, / the whole universe lifts up the praises of You: / Sing to the Lord, O deeds, / and exalt Him to all ages.

Irmos: The child of the Mother of God saved the pious youths in the oven: / then - typified, and now - active; / He calls the whole universe to sing to You. / Sing to the Lord, O creatures, / and exalt throughout all ages!

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

In sacred words, people sing in sacred words, having fun, / for you are the all-guilty Word incarnate, which for us, Archangel, / you invite from us to the Virgin more than mind and words. / Likewise, we honor you forever.

With sacred hymns / the sanctified people sing of you with joy, / for you, Archangel, about the investiture in our flesh / of the whole reason - the Word of God / above mind and word / you proclaim to the Virgin, descended from our race. / That is why we honor you throughout all ages.

To the great and first immaterial mind, Archangel, uniting / with your fiery lips, sing a terrible song, / which all the faces of the angels sing: / Sing the works of the Lord, and exalt Him to all ages.

Uniting with the great and first insubstantial Mind, / you, Archangel, with your fiery lips / sing a terrible song, / which all the angelic hosts sing, exclaiming: / “Sing, O creatures, the Lord, / and exalt Him to all ages!”

I am clearly covered with Divine blessings, / the heavenly and the earthly also passed away, / fulfilling the sacred desires of Christ, all God, / the chief angels Gabriel, the beauty of ever praising you by faith.

Clearly adorned with the glory of the Divine, / you pass through the heavenly limits, / as well as the earthly ones, / fulfilling the sacred will of Christ, all Gods, / the chief of the angels, Gabriel, / the beauty of those who always praise you with faith.

Glory: In the flesh, by hypostasis, the Word is mingled with man, although / in your name, forerunner and pre-preparer of the sacred chamber, O holy Gabriel, / sing to the Lord, crying out, and exalt Him to all ages.

Glory: The Word of God by hypostasis, / having decided to unite in flesh with people, / sent you ahead, O holy Gabriel, / to hurry and prepare the sacred Chamber, / calling out: “Sing the Lord, / and exalt Him to all ages!”

And now: Like the throne of the King is red, / like the one who predominates all creatures, / like the One Who Existed, / who deified people through the best union of the indescribable and strange Nativity, / let us praise the blessed Virgin.

And now: As the beautiful throne of the King, / as the most excellent of all creations, / as the only one who has clothed the Superessential in our nature, / the One who deified people with the most perfect union with Himself / inexpressibly and wondrously born from Her, / - let us sing to the blessed Virgin.

Song 9

Irmos: Let every earth-born / leap, enlightened by the Spirit, / let the nature of the bodiless minds triumph, / honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, / and let him cry out: / Rejoice, All-Blessed One, / to the Pure Ever-Virgin Mother of God.

Irmos: Let everyone born on earth / rejoice, enlightened by the Spirit; / may the nature of the disembodied Minds triumph, / honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, / and may she cry out: / “Rejoice, All-Blessed, / Pure Mother of God, Ever-Virgin!”

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, pray to God for us.

You stand, terribly serving the throne of grace, / and we admire the luminaries that exist beyond the mind, / and we sacredly adore, and we see the Light, / and enlightening with faith we honor you, sacred Gabriel the Archangel.

You stand before the throne of Grace, / serving with fear, / and illuminated by outpourings of light that exceed the mind, / and sacredly adored, / and you are contemplated as light, and you enlighten with faith those who honor you, / sacred Gabriel the Archangel.

Like the Sky, you see, adorned with stars, Divine lordships, / and, like a commander, you hold the bright scepter with your hands / and flow across the whole earth, / always doing the will of the Lady and taking away the fiercely faithful.

As you contemplate the sky, / adorned with stars - Divine lights, / and as a commander you hold a bright scepter in your hands / and quickly pass through the entire earth, / always fulfilling the will of the Lord / and delivering the fierce faithful from troubles.

Calm the fierce barbaric storm that is always raised against your servants, / the rules of church discord, / grant deliverance to those who sing you for their sins, / grant the faithful victorious, Gabriel, through your warm intercession.

Tame the fierce barbarian storm, / always raised against your servants, / stop the discord in the Church, / grant deliverance from sins to those who sing your praises, / and grant victories to the king, Gabriel, / through your ardent intercession.

Glory: The kind and glorious duo, Michael and Gabriel, / standing before the throne of Divine glory, / ask for the forgiveness of sins and the change of evil for all, / as intercession and as the goodness of the Lady in all respects.

Glory: Beautiful and glorious duo, / standing before the throne of Divine glory, / Michael and Gabriel, / ask forgiveness of all sins / and the end of disasters, / as our intercessors, / as imitators of the goodness of the Master in everything.

And now: The light of the splendor of Thy Nativity has risen, and enlightened the entire sunflower, / and destroyed the representative of darkness, O All-Pure Mother of God, / Praise be to the angels and the salvation of all men, with unceasing voices praising Thee.

And now: A shining light shone with the birth of Christ from You, / and illuminated everything under the sun, / and destroyed the chief of darkness, God’s Mother, All-Pure, / Angels are the praise and salvation of all people, / who praise You with incessant voices.

Luminary, voice 8. Similar to: Visited us:

Archangel of God, having taken up arms in your blood, / protect me who comes running to you, and in the end deliver me from the bitter tormentors, / and save me with your prayers.

The Archangel of God, / sheltering me under the roof of your wings, / protect me as I come running to you, / and at my death, deliver me from the bitter tormentors, / and save me with your prayers.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God: God has given us refuge, and strength, and help, O Pure One, / in our sorrows and in our circumstances, / so deliver us all from our troubles.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God: God is to us, Pure One, / as a refuge. and strength and help / I gave You in our sorrows and misfortunes; / deliver us all from our troubles.

Prayer to Archangel Gabriel

O holy Archangel Gabriel! We earnestly pray to you, instruct us, servant of God (name of the rivers), to repentance from evil deeds and to confirmation in our faith, strengthen and protect our souls from seductive temptations and beg our Creator for the remission of our sins. O holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for help and your intercession, in this world and in the future, but an ever-present helper to us, may we continually glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever.

O holy Archangel Gabriel! With all zeal we pray to you: guide us, the servants of God (names), to repentance from evil deeds and to confirmation in our faith, strengthen and protect our souls from seductive temptations and beg our Creator for the remission of our sins. O holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not neglect us, sinners, who pray to you for your help and intercession in the present and future centuries, but always be our helper, so that we constantly glorify the power of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your protection forever and ever.

Who is Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel is one of two Archangels named in the Bible, the other being . In the Old Testament Book of Daniel, Gabriel appears to Daniel to help him understand his visions of the future. In the New Testament, Gabriel appears in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1, where he announces the coming birth of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ.

When the Archangel told Zechariah about his future son, he was amazed because he believed that he and his wife Elizabeth were too old to have children. The Archangel assures him, “I, Gabriel, stand before God and have been sent to speak to you and bring this good news to you.” Shortly after this, Gabriel appears to Mary and says ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women’ and tells her about her future son Jesus Christ.

Gabriel is also mentioned in the non-canonical Book of Enoch as a mediator between people and God. In Islam, Archangel Gabriel reveals the holy scripture Koran to the Prophet Muhammad. These biblical roles of Gabriel mark him out as God's chief messenger, which is why this Archangel is the patron saint of communications workers.

Artists have always depicted the Archangel Gabriel, including in scenes of the Annunciation, with feminine features, with long hair in flowing clothes and - if you take a closer look at his images of the Renaissance - with a female figure. Perhaps the reason is that Gabriel is closely associated with female saints, their pregnancies and childbirth.

Of course, Angels do not have a clear division into genders, since they do not have physical bodies. However, their energy can be feminine or masculine, depending on their specialization. - a vivid example of real male power. Gabriel, on the contrary, exudes soft, gentle feminine energy.

When to turn to Archangel Gabriel for help

Taking care of our children

Gabriel and the Virgin Mary work together to help sensitive children. They are responsible for conceptions, adoptions, pregnancies, childbirth and raising children.

Life purpose related to children

Because Gabriel cares deeply about the well-being of children, he helps responsible and child-loving adults who want to help the younger generation. If you feel that you are called to work in any area related to children, please seek the help of Archangel Gabriel.

Clear messages

Gabriel is usually depicted holding a large brass trumpet, symbolizing the proclamation of God's messages. If you need to receive a particularly detailed and clear message, ask Archangel Gabriel for help.

Helping Other Envoys

Gabriel helps such earthly messengers as teachers, advisers, writers, artists and actors. The Archangel acts as a heavenly agent and guide who encourages you to hone your craft. Gabriel then opens the door for you to work in your chosen specialty and lovingly nudges you if you are hesitant to enter.

Gabriel is a hardworking, tenacious Angel who awakens the same work ethic in those who ask for his help.

Colors- copper

Crystal- copper

Essence - Angelic protection. Empowerment.

Astrological sign- Cancer is a caring and hardworking parent


Dear Archangel Gabriel, thank you for giving me clear messages about naming the topic and for guiding me and helping me to be a messenger to help other people like you.

You can get acquainted with the energy of the Archangel and live it using a webinar or.

Gabriel the Archangel was chosen by God to tell the Virgin Mary and people the good news about the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Therefore, immediately after the Annunciation, Christians venerate the minister of the sacrament of salvation of all mankind. The number of Archangels begins with Michael the conqueror and also the champion of God's enemies. Gabriel ranks second in the hierarchy. He is the messenger of the Lord to proclaim and interpret Divine mysteries. The Church of the Archangel Gabriel is located on Chistye Prudy in Moscow. It was erected in the 18th century. Today it is the Orthodox Church of the Archangel Gabriel. Let's talk in detail about this servant of the Lord.

Who is Gabriel?

Almost all book sources write about him the same way. Gabriel the Archangel is one of the 7 highest cherubs who bring the prayers of the saints. His name in European language means “power of God.” Archangels Gabriel and Michael are the highest hierarchs of the Light Forces. Their names are mentioned many times in Scripture. Gabriel is described as a heavenly messenger who conveys God's messages to people about the salvation of mankind.

He taught Moses, who escaped the punishment of Pharaoh, to read the book, telling about the creation of the world and Adam (1st man). He spoke about the life and deeds of the patriarchs, telling about the division of languages ​​and the flood, and also explained the location of the planets and celestial elements.

The prophet Daniel learned from Gabriel about future kings, the time of the coming of Jesus and the time of the liberation of people in Babylonian captivity.

How was Gabriel portrayed?

The closeness of this supreme cherub to God is undeniable, since he conveyed the most important messages of the New and Old Testaments. The Holy Church depicts him with a branch of paradise in his hand, which the Mother of God brought to Gabriel. Sometimes he holds a jasper mirror in his left hand, and a lantern with a burning candle in his right hand. This makes a certain sense. The mirror says that the Archangel is saving the human race by conveying God's messages, and the lantern with a candle symbolizes the mystery of God's word for each individual destiny. And this secret is revealed only to those who look into their hearts and try to find a spark of the divine there. Archangel Gabriel (and Michael too) vigilantly ensure that people move along the path of spiritual search. An early depiction of God's messenger is noteworthy. Archangel Gabriel, whose icon now represents a canvas with a handsome husband, was previously depicted with green wings and in armor.

Who does God's messenger help?

First of all, Gabriel cares for those hoping to conceive. It gives parents strength and courage, and also helps to gain balance and gracious faith, which has a great effect on the development of the child.

The second mission of the Archangel is to help people whose work or life goal is closely intertwined with the art of communication. If necessary, you can contact a cherub if you are a singer, confessor, musician, journalist, writer, model, teacher, actor, correspondent, dancer or artist. Gabriel the Archangel will open all doors for the realization of your talent. He, like a sports coach, inspires and encourages people of art, helping them overcome fears and not procrastinate.

Archeya Nadezhda and Gabriel

Archeya Hope is the companion of the highest Archangel. She personifies the feeling of goodness that appears in people thinking about their future. If a person wakes up in the morning in a state of expectation of something good, quiet joy and happiness, then Archeya Nadezhda and her assistants are nearby. It presents a person with a spiritual gift for gaining new awareness and experiences, and also harmonizes his external and internal space. This gift is a pass to study at theological schools and universities. Learning itself occurs in a dream and, upon waking up in the morning, a person may not remember anything, but at the right moment he will be able to use this knowledge as naturally as if he were studying in the usual way.

Nadezhda and Archangel Gabriel, whose icon is in many Orthodox churches, help a person master certain knowledge and skills. To do this, it is enough to ask in prayer that they send good, bright thoughts and help in the formation of pure and clear intentions.

By the way, Gabriel the Archangel also protects the original purity of God’s plan on Earth. He supports the planet with energy and information for the realization of the main divine goal for all humanity in an immaculate and undistorted form. Gabriel and Nadezhda support all this by protecting the purity of relationships between people, and most importantly, between a man and a woman. They give the joy of parenthood to the family that turns to them.

Prayer to Gabriel the Archangel

When they call upon this cherub, they receive a powerful energy boost. Since Gabriel is the Archangel of actions, a person immediately has the strength for active and fruitful actions that change the situation for the better. Prayer-conversion:

“During my sleep, I call upon Gabriel to take me to the Institute of the Spirit. And in the name: “I am what I am,” I ask you to inspire me and fill me with God’s will. I ask the Archangel to place in my waking consciousness the necessary information to fulfill my personal divine plan when needed. I will fully accept this help. Thank you"

Another prayer to Gabriel the Archangel:

“Holy Cherub, who brought joy to the Most Pure Virgin from heaven, fill my heart with joy and joy. Oh, great Archangel, you informed the Virgin Mary about the conception of the Son of God. Reveal to me, a sinner, the day of my death, ask the Lord for my unlucky soul, may he forgive my sins; and let not the demons hold me to ordeals for my sins. O great Gabriel, protect me from serious illnesses and troubles, now and ever and forever. Amen"

Daily messages from Archangel Gabriel

It is clear that they cannot be listed within one article. Each day of the year has its own message. We will tell you only about a few.

About faith and trust

Faith and trust are essential components of your evolution. Faith is the unshakable belief that you are just part of a greater Whole, and that there are much higher aspects of Source and yourself that can always be connected to. Trust is the belief not only that these aspects exist, but that they help and guide you at every stage of your life's journey. At the same time, they will never leave you in difficult times.

Show your trust and faith even when times get tough. After all, they will not last long, and everything that happens happens for good. Remember - you are not alone on your journey. The best way to get through these times is to practice humility and also give up resistance. Rejoice in the miracle of your own existence and realize that simply Being and being in the Flow is more than enough. You are amazing, divine and doing a wonderful job.

About love

Love is alignment with Source, which is the ever-expanding flow of unconditional love. Love is a flow of Source energy that anyone can use.

Some people deny love. But they do it out of fear, which creates even more restrictions, discomfort and resistance than the real reason for refusing love. That is, if you react from a position of resistance, denial and fear, you seem to limit yourself and find yourself in a cage.

As an instrument of expansion, love supports freedom and growth. Any place in which a person allows his own love to flow freely will begin to expand. From this position, love can be viewed as a tool of manifestation.

What in your own life needs expansion and growth? Just send love into that place, whether it's your relationships, your finances, your self-expression, or your own body. The act of sending love can significantly transform any situation.

About water

Many of Archangel Gabriel's messages contain references to being in the Flow, which is considered the most important element of enlightenment. Water is the substance closest to the flow. It is important for well-being and is very relevant now when the planet is undergoing accelerated changes.

Water helps move your energy. It absorbs different vibrations, cleanses and allows the body to change in the most natural way. Just as ocean and sea currents move under the influence of other planets, so should you. By immersing yourself in water (salt water perfectly cleanses the body from the outside) and drinking it in large quantities, you choose to move in accordance with the rhythms of the Universe, helping yourself in the simplest way. When dehydrated, your body leaves the state of Flow and enters a space of resistance. So drink plenty of water!

About fear

If you are afraid, you will not be able to make big money or do anything like that. After all, fear is one of the components of the vibrations of lack, and the energy of reduction and limitation cannot be creative. This is analogous to trying to wash yourself while sitting in a dirty puddle. You cannot create positive change while under the influence of negative energies (what you don't want). To create what you want, you need to turn your face towards it, while turning away from what you don’t want. Everything else is a matter of alignment and following the call of your Soul.

Be yourself

Your unique essence is needed by the planet. That is why you are on it now. Your vibrations are respected and vital aspects of the energy of the Whole. Even without performing any actions, but simply existing in Being and clearly and purely emitting your own vibrations, you are already striving to fulfill the purpose of your stay on Earth. You are already of the Source aspect. Each person is at his own stage of assimilation of this truth. To maintain the mosaic of essential energies on the planet, it is enough to simply be yourself. This will help her more than you can imagine.

Live now

If you can anchor yourself in the Now moment, you will realize how good it feels to you. Staying in the moment will allow you to remain fully present and concentrate only on what is truly subject to your control - the current moment and yourself.

By focusing on the Now moment, you will feel great support, kindness and just a good mood. Many people are preoccupied with the wrong things: predictions for the future or judgments about the past. You just have to be in the Present. This will allow you to see the right things and practice your gratitude through this vision.

Each of us goes through a period of change that can be overwhelming. The most optimal way to overcome changes is to go through them at a time, in the moment of Now. This will protect you from unfocused attention and overload. The Now moment in which you create and live will help maintain focus and balance. This is a place where you can be in peace.

If you are interested in other daily messages from Archangel Gabriel, we recommend that you consult the relevant literature.