Why dream of corn. Calluses on the legs

To dream that calluses on your foot hurt you means that enemies are acting against you, preparing you for a lot of sadness and misfortune.

But if you can get rid of calluses - in reality you will inherit great fortune or property from some unknown person.

For a young woman to see calluses on her feet in a dream, it means that she will have to endure many trials and endure the insults caused to her by her friends.

Callus according to the Family Dream Book

Painful calluses on the leg - dream of the machinations of enemies.

We got rid of corns in a dream - in reality you will inherit a large fortune from an unknown person.

A woman who saw corns on her feet in a dream - there will be many trials and insults caused by her friends.

Callus according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Calluses in a dream are a symbol of difficulties and hardships.

Fresh blisters - portend unexpected difficulties.

Old calluses - suggest that some old problems can again painfully remind of themselves.

Seeing your palms covered with calluses in a dream is a sign that you will have a difficult period that requires a lot of stress from you and is fraught with complications in relationships with loved ones.

Calluses on the feet - portend difficulties in advancing your affairs.

Get rid of calluses in a dream - promises an unexpected solution to some painful questions and annoying problems for you.

Corn according to the Spring Dream Book

Calloused hands - to unexpected money.

Corn according to the Summer dream book

Work on the site to the calluses - to be zealous.

Seeing calloused hands in a dream is for profit.

Corn according to the Autumn dream book

Grate corn while digging potatoes - to labor zeal.

Calloused hands - to hard work.

Callus according to the dream book from A to Z

Seeing yourself in a dream in a beauty parlor, where dead callus is removed for you - such a dream in reality can turn into complications in family life.

Steam out calluses on feet hot water- a harbinger of a sensational event, one of the heroes of which you happen to become.

Callus on the finger from constant writing - portends a lot of work with meager income.

Calluses on the hands from a shovel - portend in reality a lot of trials and tribulations that will have to be endured in order to achieve their goal.

Callus according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

Corns - profit, wealth.

Corn according to the Esoteric dream book

Corns - works.

Your calluses are your works.

Someone's calluses are other people's works, do not try to help by getting into other people's business.

Bloody calluses - you have to work hard for the benefit of relatives.

Callus according to the dream book of a modern woman

Feeling pain from corns in a dream means that in reality many sorrows and troubles await you from your enemies.

If you got rid of calluses - in reality you will inherit a large fortune of a person unknown to you.

If a young woman sees corns on her feet in a dream, she will have to endure many trials and endure the insults caused to her by her friends.

Corn according to the Modern Dream Book

A dream in which you suffer from calluses on your feet means that in real life a lot of troubles await you, and enemies will try to harm you.

But if you managed to get rid of calluses, you will soon inherit significant property from an unknown relative.

If a young woman dreams that she has calluses on her feet, in reality she will have to endure a lot of angry reproaches, and her friends will be cold to her.

Corn according to the Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that calluses on your feet give you discomfort - know that your enemies are not asleep.

You got rid of calluses - you will receive a large inheritance from a relative, whose existence you hardly knew.

Callus according to the dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

gain and wealth.

Callus according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Corn - in a dream you see calluses on your hands - you really have to work hard to achieve what you want; with your determination you will surely succeed. You see calluses on your feet - to achieve what you want, you have to go a long way; the key to your success is the ability to overcome yourself; If you believe in yourself, other people will believe in you. You seem to be tormented by pain in the corns - this dream warns: the enemies have already begun to act against you. You quickly got rid of calluses with the help of a miracle cure - a person you do not know will make you an heir.

Callus according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

You dreamed of Calluses - tests await you. Imagine that you have come to a beauty salon, where all your calluses were easily and painlessly removed.

Corn according to the Star Dream Book

What does Corn mean in a dream - for profit Taurus

Corn according to the Home dream book

You dreamed of Calluses - diligence; you have to work hard to be successful. Calluses on the legs hurt - resentment, sadness; get rid of calluses - life tests, after which well-being will come.

Corn according to the Women's dream book

Calluses - Feeling pain from calluses in a dream means that in reality many sorrows and troubles await you from your enemies. If you got rid of calluses, in reality you will inherit a large fortune of a person unknown to you. If a young woman sees corns on her feet in a dream, she will have to endure many trials and endure the insults caused to her by her friends.

Corn according to the Magic dream book

What do corns mean in a dream - to various lawsuits and hardships.

Corn according to Cleopatra's dream book

Symbol of hard work, difficult road. By the presence of calluses on the hands, it was determined that the person was from peasants, from the working environment.

His legs, covered in blood, testified to the long road that the man had traveled. Corn is a symbol of what gives a person unnecessary anxiety.

To dream of a person who stepped on a corn and grimaced in pain - beware of an unceremonious person who interferes in your personal life; avoid revelations and talk about what worries you, what haunts you; be prepared for a frank conversation; to the outpourings of the soul.

Seeing hands on which there is no living place from calluses - to the desire to get rid of your work; you do not want to deal with a person who spends all his time working; to the fear of difficult circumstances that you guess ahead.

Callus according to the dream book of catchphrases

CORN - “step on a sore (someone’s) callus” - special sensitivity; "Call your eyes" - get bored. "Grate corns" - unsuccessful, painful activity, strainedness. Corn also symbolizes the repetition of the same (more often, unpleasant) past action, relationship.

Corn according to the Idiomatic dream book

“Step on a sore (someone’s) callus” - a special sensitivity; “Call your eyes” - get bored; “Grate calluses” - unsuccessful, painful activity, strainedness.

The corn also symbolizes - the repetition of the same (more often, unpleasant) past action, relationship.

Callus according to the dream book of lovers

For lovers, a dream about corns - portends the appearance of rivals who can destroy their happiness.

Corn according to the Women's dream book

Corn - such a dream means that you are not honest enough with your girlfriends, so some kind of friction constantly arises between you.

Corn on a dream book for a bitch

Corn - wealth, great profit and good luck in all matters.

Corn according to the dream book of the XXI century

To have corns in a dream - to a quarrel.

Suffering from calluses and trying to get rid of them means experiencing temporary difficulties.

Removed corns - a prediction of change for the better.

Corn according to Aesop's dream book

Corn is a symbol of hard work, a difficult road. By the presence of calluses on the hands, it was determined that the person was from peasants, from the working environment.

Legs shot down in blood - testified to the long road that the person passed.

Corn is a symbol of what gives a person unnecessary anxiety. When they say “stepped on a sore spot”, they mean that a person is touched by a sore spot, they talk about what causes anxiety, upsets.

To dream of a person who stepped on a corn and grimaced in pain - beware of an unceremonious person who will interfere in your personal life; avoid revelations and talk about what worries you, what haunts you; be prepared for a frank conversation; to the outpourings of the soul.

To see hands on which there is no living place from calluses - to the desire to get rid of one's work; you do not want to deal with a person who spends all his time working; to the fear of difficult circumstances that you guess ahead.

Corn according to the dream book Veles

Corns - a gift, wealth; cut off - getting rid of a false friend or work.

Callus according to Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

If in a dream your corns hurt - such a dream suggests that in real life you are overworking yourself with excessive sex, which makes itself felt in your own ailments, as well as your partner. Therefore, do not look for the reason for feeling unwell in other aspects of your life, it is better to ask your partner to change active sex for some time for calm lovemaking, or allow yourself to take a break from love, which is also sometimes useful.

Callus according to the dream book 2012

Corn is a reflection of the fact that work is not a pleasure.

Symbol of hard work, difficult road. By the presence of calluses on the hands, it was determined that the person was from peasants, from the working environment. His legs, covered in blood, testified to the long road that the man had traveled. Corn is a symbol of what gives a person unnecessary anxiety. When they say “stepped on a sore spot”, they mean that a person is touched by a sore spot, they talk about what causes anxiety, upsets.

To dream of a person who was stepped on a corn, and he grimaced in pain - beware of an unceremonious person who will interfere in your personal life; avoid revelations and talk about what worries you, what haunts you; be prepared for a frank conversation; to the outpourings of the soul.

Seeing hands on which there is no living place from calluses - to the desire to get rid of your work; You don't want to deal with a person who spends all his time working; to the fear of difficult circumstances that you guess ahead.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

Dream Interpretation - Corn

Calluses on your foot hurt you - enemies act against you, preparing you a lot of sadness and misfortune;
to be able to get rid of calluses - you will inherit a large fortune or property from some unknown person;
for a young woman - to see calluses on her feet - you have to endure many trials and endure the insults caused to you by your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from

The dream book heralds about hard work and unpleasant surprises, interpreting what the corn is dreaming of. The blisters covering parts of your body in a dream warn of a difficult life period, after which well-being will surely come.

What does Miller say?

I dreamed that a callus on my leg causes unbearable pain, according to a psychologist, it means the readiness of enemies to harm your well-being. The dream interpretation warns of a difficult period of troubles and sorrows, explaining why such formations on the heel dream.

Unsuccessfully trying to remove them in a dream, Miller announces the possibility of inheriting a large fortune, property from a previously unknown person. For a young woman to see blisters on her legs, speaks of the prospect of being offended by her friends.

Details: where are they located?

Interpretation of a dream about corns A modern combined dream book connects with the place where it is located. So, see it:

  • on the hands - heralds the need to work hard;
  • on his feet - broadcasts about the difficult path to his own prosperity and well-being;
  • on the heel - promises a business trip, which will be fraught with countless difficulties;
  • on the head - speaks of the problems of relatives who will fall on the shoulders of the dreamer.

Refuse excesses!

An erotic dream book explains why a callus on a hand is dreaming of, linking what he saw with the dreamer's excessive passion for sex. You greatly overwork yourself intimately, which affects your well-being and the physical activity of your partner. Try to change active sex to calm lovemaking.

Say goodbye to unnecessary!

To see in a dream that you had to cut a corn, promises deliverance from false comrades by the Small Veles dream book, love relationships or work. The dream interpreter predetermines a favorable period for saying goodbye to unnecessary things, projects, hobbies.

I dreamed that I managed to tear off such formations on my hands, which means a change for the better. The dreamer will finally get rid of the obstacles that prevent moving forward.

About pleasant surprises...

Veles correlates the dreamed callus with the opportunity to receive a gift, gratuitous financial assistance. And the more she is in a dream, the grander the surprise will be.

For young ladies, a similar plot promises to receive a present from a lover. Seeing a callus on your heel, broadcasts about a pleasant journey, a rich pastime with your soulmate.


Did you dream that you feel pain from an abscess? Women's dream book predetermines troubles and sorrows due to the machinations of enemies and false comrades. Those who happened to tear off dead callus in their palms in a dream, the 21st century dream interpreter warns of complications in family life.

Steaming corn in hot water predetermines a sensational event, in the center of which there will be a sleeping person.

About sore spots...

When interpreting what a corn is dreaming of, Jews associate this concept with the excessive sensitivity of a sleeping person, a vulnerable nature that perceives the words of others as a personal insult. D. Loff in his dream book advises to work on yourself, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided.

To see that the palms or feet in a dream are dotted with bloody blisters means, according to Denise Lynn, the dreamer experiences a subconscious disgust for his own work, which does not bring either the desired material wealth or moral satisfaction.

Watching a person who in a dream grimaces in pain due to a callus portends a dream interpreter to communicate with an unceremonious person who will poke his nose into the dreamer's personal life and annoy with his boorish behavior. Esotericists advise avoiding communication with him so as not to provoke an open confrontation.

Each of us at least once in our lives rubbed a corn on ourselves. Not a very pleasant feeling, as you remember. What to do if you rubbed calluses in a dream?

Be patient, because there will be trials ahead of you. So say many dream books. But let's take a closer look at how they interpret various dream books calluses.

Even in ancient times, corn was considered a symbol of hard work, a long road. A working-class man was easily identified by the presence of calluses on his hands.

Seeing calluses in dreams is for difficult times. It will be difficult to deal with sudden situations. But remember that nothing is unsolvable, and there is always a way out of any difficult circumstances - which means you will find it.

Examining the blisters that have just appeared on the leg is a sign that you will have opportunities and assistants in solving problems. Sometimes it happens that unexpectedly everything falls on us, and it is not always possible to cope with everything alone. That's when our loved ones come to the rescue.

Everything will pass, you just need care

If you dreamed of old dry corns - such a dream portends a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time. Maybe you didn’t part very well, and there will be an occasion to meet and talk, discuss everything and finally dot all the “i”.

  • To see corns on - a dream portends that you will achieve your goals, but with great difficulty. You have a lot of hard work to do, but it's worth it. Think about how pleasant the feeling of a winner who has completed a difficult task that has begun.
  • If you see them on your fingers, such a dream indicates that hard work awaits you, but you will not receive so much money for it. This is an occasion to think about changing jobs. Appreciate yourself and your work.

  • It is not always the callus that occurs on the leg. The numb ones inform the dreamer that in reality new undertakings will not bear fruit immediately and not as easily as you expected. You have to work hard to be successful.
  • Seeing other people's hands completely covered with calluses - such a dream suggests that you want to shift your work onto other people's shoulders. Before you do this, check with that person. Do not do this spontaneously, it will stun him and misunderstandings may arise. Explain the situation to him, and then he will perceive everything differently and will gladly help you.
  • If you get rid of calluses on your feet in a dream, for example, it means that you will come to a solution to problems that you have been resolving for a long time, and they have gotten tired of them. You can breathe a sigh of relief: they won't bother you anymore.

The esoteric dream book associates corn with labor. To see calluses on your body means in reality to receive the fruits of your own labors. Other people's blisters, respectively, mean other people's deeds: do not try to help people, getting into your own business - you will only interfere.

Trying to remove by steaming the calluses on your feet in a basin of hot water is a sign that you will be swirled by a whirlpool of events, the main character of which will be you. You may even get on TV screens or write an article about you in the newspaper.

For a young woman to see her beautiful legs worn out means many trials that she will have to cope with alone. Even your friends won't be able to help you. But the result will exceed all your expectations.

To suffer in a dream because of the painful sensations that calluses cause - a bright streak will begin in your life, a period of calm and relaxation will come. Take a break from worries, allow yourself to be lazy and do nothing.

If in your vision there was a person who stepped on a corn, and he shows how much it hurts him, then get ready for frank conversations. There will be an evening of heart-to-heart conversations, and it will help to establish contact with those whom you did not understand before.

Now we have learned what the corn is dreaming of. Remember what you dreamed about, what interpretation is right for you. Listen to the dream books, because they have been compiled for many years.

interpretation of sleep callus on the heel

If in a dream a callus on the heel hurts, then this indicates that someone is plotting something wrong against you, which will bring you grief and sadness. Getting rid of the callus on the heel promises you in reality a large inheritance from a person you do not know. If a young girl sees a callus on her heel in a dream, then she will have to endure many trials and insults from her girlfriends.

callus on the heel in a dream what is it for

To see a corn on the heel in a dream is a discord. To try to get rid of them, to suffer from them means to experience temporary difficulties. Getting rid of calluses is a change for the better.

why dream of corn on the heel

A corn on the heel dreams of a return to events that have ever happened, connections, actions.

dreamed of a corn on the heel

Calluses on the heel indicate that the person has come a long way. Corn symbolizes something that brings a person excessive anxiety. If you see in a dream how a person steps on a callus on the heel and it hurts a lot, then an impudent person will soon interfere in your personal life. Try not to be frank with him on topics that particularly concern you, be prepared for an open conversation.

dreamed of a corn on the heel

The callus on the heel symbolizes the repetition of something unpleasant that has already happened to you in the past.