The name Gabriel means. Icon of the Archangel Gabriel - meaning, what it helps with

The day after the bright feast of the Annunciation, Orthodox people glorify the Archangel Gabriel. People say that on April 8, the archangel descends from heaven to earth and fulfills all the desires of people. To make your plans come true, you need to get up early and go outside. Be sure to wear a pectoral cross, as it is by this that the archangel notices those asking. Stand facing East, cross yourself three times and say out loud (but not loudly) 3 times the plot:
“Archangel Gabriel, servant of our Lord, hear the prayer of God’s servant (your name) and fulfill my request (say your desire in your own words). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In principle, on April 8, you can make a request to Archangel Gabriel all day on April 8, but the most powerful time is 00:00 and 12:00 hours, as well as dawn.

The Holy Scripture, telling about the appearance of angels to various people, names only some of them by their own names - apparently those who carry a special mission in establishing the Kingdom of God on earth. Among them are the archangels Michael and Gabriel, mentioned in the canonical books of Scripture, as well as the archangels Raphael, Uriel, Salafiel, Yehudiel And Barachiel, mentioned in non-canonical books of Scripture. Archangel Gabriel usually appeared to some righteous people as a messenger of great and joyful events concerning the people of God (Dan. 8, 16, 9, 21; Luke 1, 19-26).

The Archangel was also called Gabriel the Blagovest. According to the sign, if on April 8 you receive a letter or telegram (now both SMS and emails), then you will soon learn good news.

None other than Archangel Gabriel announced to Zechariah and Elizabeth about the imminent birth of their son, John the Baptist. He brought the good news to the Most Pure Virgin Mary that She was carrying Jesus Christ in Her womb. Therefore, they pray to him for the gift of children and for the successful course of pregnancy.

The name Gabriel is found more often than the names of other archangels in the Old and New Testaments, which describe the appearances of God’s messenger to people, which had a fateful significance for the entire human race. Archangel Gabriel has always been deeply revered by the Christian people. The earliest of his images date back to the 3rd century AD. People placed this bright image in their homes in the hope that any news that came to their home would be good, sent by God.

Revered lists of the icon of the Archangel Gabriel and days of celebration

Archangel Gabriel is venerated by the Russian Orthodox Church three times a year:

April 8 (March 26 old style) - celebrated the day after the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as a tribute to the message that Gabriel brought to the Mother of God;

26 July(July 13, old style) – on this day we remember all those appearances of the Archangel when he announced good news;

November 21(November 8, old style) – the date was set in honor of the Council of the Archangel Michael and all the Ethereal Heavenly Powers.

The icon of the Archangel Gabriel is mandatory for every Christian church - it is considered an invariable element of the five-figure Deesis and can be either a separate image or a composite image in the rank of the iconostasis. Often the icon of Gabriel is placed as an independent image on the side gate of the altar. In addition, in some churches in the country you can find unique images of the Archangel, located on the walls among other icons or in the painting of the walls and dome of the temple.

What to pray for and what the miraculous power of the icon of the Archangel Gabriel helps with

Since in Christian history Archangel Gabriel is known as God’s messenger who told the Virgin Mary about the imminent birth of Christ from Her, then they most often pray to him for the onset of the long-awaited conception. They also contact in cases of difficult pregnancy, trusting in the help of the Archangel and the mercy of God. They ask for health for the newborn child and the mother in labor.

Archangel Gabriel is also revered as the Protector of all those people whose profession is in one way or another connected with the dissemination of information. First of all, this applies to teachers, journalists, actors, and postal service employees. These people can ask God's messenger for help in giving them strength to carry out their work honestly. They pray that the spoken word does not harm anyone, does not cause grief, and that this service brings benefit to humanity.

Archangel Gabriel should also pray for strengthening faith in the Lord God and for fortitude in following the Christian path.

Prayer before the icon of Archangel Gabriel

First prayer

Holy Archangel Gabriel, who brought inexpressible joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin, fill my heart, overwhelmed by pride, with joy and joy. Oh, great Archangel of God Gabriel, you announced to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Tell me, a sinner, the terrible day of my death and pray to the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins; and the demons will not keep me from the ordeal for my sins. O great Archangel Gabriel! Save me from all troubles and from serious illness, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

Oh, great holy Archangel Gabriel! Stand before the Throne of God, illuminated by the Divine Light, and enlightened by the knowledge of the incomprehensible mysteries of His eternal wisdom! I earnestly pray to you, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to strengthen my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from seductive temptations, and beg our Creator for the forgiveness of my sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but an ever-present helper to me, may I unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, we always pray to you, unworthy, and with your prayers protect us with the shelter of the krill of your immaterial glory, preserving us, who fall diligently and cry out: deliver us from troubles, like the commander of the Highest Powers.

Kontakion, tone 2

In heaven in vain God’s glory and on earth from on high bestowing grace, chief of the angels, wise Gabriel, servant of God’s glory and champion of the Divine peace, save, keep those who cry out to you: be a helper yourself, and no one else against us.

Miraculous apparitions of Archangel Gabriel and his fateful news

From Christian history we know several names of Archangels, including Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Barachiel, Samuel and others. However, in the Holy Scriptures there are references only to Michael and Gabriel (the rest are mentioned in non-canonical literature - the apocrypha), and the latter accounts for most of the stories, both in the Old and New Testaments.

This is not surprising, since it was Archangel Gabriel who was assigned a special role as the messenger of the Lord, who announced to the Saints, Prophets and even ordinary people about fateful events for the entire human race.

It was Gabriel who inspired Moses during his wanderings in the desert to create the Old Testament. Through the lips of the Archangel, God told the prophet great knowledge about the creation of the world. Later, Gabriel spoke with Daniel and during this conversation revealed to him the calling of the Jewish people, and also told him about the future coming of the Messiah to this mortal world.

For the first time, knowledge of the virgin birth was given to the holy righteous Isaiah during the night revelation: “The Lord himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son.” Later, reading the sacred scroll compiled according to the words of Isaiah, the righteous Simeon doubted the possibility of this prophecy. He was about to stretch out his hand to cross out the word “Virgo” and replace it with the humanly understandable “wife,” when the heavens opened up and Archangel Gabriel appeared before the astonished old man. The Messenger of the Lord said: “Have faith in the written words, and you yourself will be convinced of their fulfillment. You will not see death until you see Christ the Lord who is to be born of a pure Virgin.”

None other than Archangel Gabriel brought the parents of the Virgin Mary - righteous Anna and Joachim - the news that they would soon find a long-awaited child. Already at an advanced age, Anna had not had children until then and had already lost hope that she would one day experience the joy of motherhood. But the good news filled her with joy and strengthened her even more in her faith in God.

Archangel Gabriel also appeared to the father of the Forerunner of Christ, the priest Zechariah. At the time of this God-sent revelation, Zechariah was in the church where he was conducting a service. He heard the good news, however, he did not believe Gabriel, since his wife Elizabeth was already old and had not been able to conceive until that time. God punished the priest for his unbelief, and until the birth of his son, John the Baptist, Zechariah was speechless.

Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary more than once - for the first time during the period when she lived within the walls of the Jerusalem Temple. The Most Pure One revered him as Her Guardian Angel, and this was indeed the case: from childhood he was her faithful interlocutor, in difficult moments of her life he brought her spiritual food, announced the coming danger and protected her from all evil. On the day of the Annunciation, when Gabriel informed the Virgin about the imminent incarnation of the Son of God in her womb, he said: “Rejoice, O Blessed One! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women."

When Mary’s spiritual husband, Saint Joseph the Betrothed, began to be tormented by doubts about the purity of his wife’s conception, Gabriel also appeared to him with the words: “What is born in Her is of the Holy Spirit.” This is how the first meeting of the two patrons of the Holy Virgin happened - heavenly and earthly. Having believed in the words of Gabriel, Joseph found grace-filled joy in his soul.

On the luminous day of the Nativity of Christ, the honor of informing the world about the coming of the Messiah also fell to Archangel Gabriel. The first to whom he appeared were ordinary people, shepherds: “The Savior is born, who is Christ the Lord.” The Archangel pointed them to the Star of Bethlehem and, rejoicing, the shepherds went to worship Jesus.

Gabriel became the Guardian Angel of the Holy Family. When mortal danger loomed over the Virgin Mary and Her Divine Son, he appeared to Joseph the Betrothed with the words: “Get up, take the Child and His Mother, and run to Egypt... for Herod wants to look for the Child in order to destroy Him.” When the trouble was over, he announced that he could return back with peace of mind.

The role of Archangel Gabriel is also great in the fate of Jesus Christ himself. At the hour of tearful prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, when the Savior trembled, anticipating His bitter fate, a messenger of God appeared to strengthen His spiritual strength. Gabriel once again reminded the Messiah of the sacred meaning of His sacrifice on the cross, the salvation of humanity, the Resurrection and Ascension into the Kingdom of Heaven.

And when the prophecy was fulfilled - Jesus Christ was resurrected - it was Archangel Gabriel who told the myrrh-bearing women about this when they mourned the disappeared body of the Savior: “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus crucified; He is not here - He has risen."

The last time Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God was on the eve of Her Dormition. After the painful death of her Son, She led a righteous and modest life, but spent every day in tearful prayer. The Virgin Mary asked the Lord that Her earthly journey would end sooner, and, therefore, that the meeting with Her beloved Son would come sooner. Once, during such a prayer, She heard the good news from Her Guardian Angel: “Your Son and Our God is waiting for You with all the Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, with all the heavenly spirits and souls of the righteous, to take you, His Mother, into The Heavenly Kingdom, where You will live and reign with Him forever!” Gabriel’s touching presentation of a branch of paradise to the Virgin Mary, as a symbol of Her eternal life, also refers to this episode.

The history of the veneration of Archangel Gabriel

In the early Byzantine tradition there was only a general cult of veneration of two Archangels - Gabriel and Michael, and the latter received great love among the people. Gabriel was especially singled out only in Nazareth (apparently as the Guardian Angel of the Blessed Virgin), where a temple was even erected in his honor. According to legend, it was at this place that Gabriel first appeared to the Virgin Mary.

Starting from the 9th century, a separate veneration of Gabriel emerged, which was primarily associated with the feast of the Annunciation. During this period, the first church celebration in honor of the Archangel is established (March 25, old style). A little later, a second pan-Christian holiday appears - the Council of Gabriel, which falls on July 13 (old style). In the 12th century, 2 texts were created dedicated only to the Archangel Gabriel, the most famous of which was written by Luke Adialiptus.

According to historical documents, the veneration of the Archangel Gabriel in the Slavic lands began during the period of Kievan Rus. Moreover, most likely, Gabriel was the Heavenly patron of Kyiv in those days. This is indirectly evidenced by a record dated 1037, preserved in the Ipatiev Chronicle. The text tells about the construction, by order of Yaroslav the Wise, of the Golden Gate in the name of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As the legend says, the construction was started to: “to always give joy to that city through the Holy Annunciation of the Lord and the prayer of the Holy Mother of God and the Archangel Gabriel.”

For several centuries, the veneration of the Archangel was inseparable from the cult of the Annunciation. Only at the beginning of the 15th century did the first churches consecrated in honor of Gabriel appear in Rus'. At the same time, the messenger of God enjoyed special honor among the Russian princes. Many of them, when performing the sacrament of Baptism, took the name Gabriel, in particular Yaropolk Mstislavovich and Vasily III Ioannovich.

Archangel Gabriel is also revered in Islam, where he is known under the name Gabriel. In this religion, he is also assigned the role of an angel closest to Allah. The main merits of Jabrail include conversations with Muhammad, during which he acted as a mediating spirit, recounting the Koran to the prophet.

Iconography of Archangel Gabriel

The earliest images of the Archangel Gabriel date back to the 3rd century and were discovered in the catacombs of Rome. They are strikingly different from the icons we are used to: in these works Gabriel appears in a tunic, without wings and a halo. From the 5th century, the modern image of the Archangel began to take shape: traditionally he is written in the form of a young man with lush curly hair, into which a ribbon is woven. Its edges rise upward, which symbolically conveys the Archangel’s readiness to listen to the words of the Lord. Icons of Gabriel differ in their subject matter, and depending on this, various attributes may be present in his hands: a mirror, a branch of paradise, a rod or a scroll.

Most of the icons, one way or another, reflect the role of Gabriel as the messenger of God. The face of the Archangel is present in the plots “Annunciation of the Mother of God”, “Nativity of Christ”, “Mortal Annunciation of the Mother of God”, “Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to Zechariah about the birth of John the Baptist”. Gabriel is often found on icons of the Most Holy Theotokos among hagiographic stamps.

The second type of icons are joint images of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel; the same subjects are most often found in the painting of temples. They can also often be seen enclosed in medallions on various icons of the Virgin Mary, mainly of the Hodegetria type. Both Archangels are also present in the sculptural decoration of the facades of the temple and on the bas-reliefs.

Unique icons of the Archangel Gabriel include the image that today resides in the temple of the same name in Moscow, also known as the “Menshikov Tower”. In this work, Gabriel appears walking on the clouds. His right hand, with which he holds the sphere, is raised high, and his left hand clutches a branch of paradise.

Icon of the Archangel Gabriel “Angel with Golden Hair” (Russian Museum, St. Petersburg)

The icon of the Messenger of God “Golden Haired Angel” is one of the oldest and most famous images of the Archangel Gabriel. It is assumed that the image was painted in the 12th century and later underwent restoration several times. The icon gained popularity, however, only in the 1920s, when it was accidentally discovered in the storerooms of the Rumyantsev Museum in Moscow. Unfortunately, neither the exact date of painting the icon nor the name of its talented author is still known.

The image has an unusual composition: it depicts the face of the Archangel in close-up, which occupies 80% of the entire canvas. Gabriel's hair is painted with gold leaf, and each hair is a thin thread of this noble metal. Researchers suggest that the icon was painted either in Byzantium or in a style close to Greek writing. This is evidenced by the incredible softness and sublimity of the image, the inspired face of Gabriel, filled with heavenly beauty.

Image of Archangel Gabriel from the temple of the same name on Chistye Prudy (Moscow)

In 1707, on Chistye Prudy in Moscow, by decree of Prince Alexander Menshikov, a majestic 5-tier tower was erected - a church in the name of Archangel Gabriel. The prince had a special love for this temple, often visited it for prayerful solitude and even donated it to the church a rare and very valuable icon of Gabriel, which, according to legend, was painted by the Evangelist Luke himself.

However, with the unfolding of active construction of a new capital on the banks of the Neva, Menshikov was sent to St. Petersburg. New affairs and concerns made him forget about the Church of the Archangel Gabriel, and gradually it began to decline. This process ended in tragedy: during one of the services, lightning struck the temple, it began to collapse, 60 bells fell down and crushed the parishioners. Fortunately, at that time the valuable icon of the Archangel was saved. Somewhat later, Menshikov fell ill in St. Petersburg with a serious illness. He ordered that his favorite image of Gabriel be brought to him, which was done. A year later (in 1727), the prince was sent into exile, and the fate of the ancient image still remains a mystery - either it went with its owner and disappeared there, or someone stole it and took it out of Russia.

It is noteworthy that Peter I really liked the design of the Church of the Archangel Gabriel, and the emperor decided to repeat it exactly in the Peter and Paul Fortress. By the will of heaven or as an edification for something, the Peter and Paul Church suffered the same fate as the Menshikov Tower in Moscow.

Today, the Church of the Archangel Gabriel on Chistye Prudy has been restored and belongs to the Syrian Antioch courtyard. Among the shrines of the church are the revered icon of the Archangel and the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”.

Icon of the Archangel Gabriel from the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity (village of Ryazantsy)

In the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the village of Ryazantsy there is a miraculous icon of the Archangel Gabriel. It is assumed that it was previously part of the composite image of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but today the second icon has been lost. There are still discussions about who and when this image was painted. According to one version, it can date back to 1695 and be the same age as the first building of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity - a wooden church.

Another probable date - 1784 - refers to the construction of the temple iconostasis. Finally, the third assumption is related to 1853, when a refectory and two new chapels were built in the church. It is assumed that the image was made by an unknown village craftsman, as evidenced by the simplicity of the writing and its relatively low quality.

From the moment it was painted until the 1960s, the icon of the Archangel Gabriel remained in its monastery until the temple was closed by the atheistic authorities. Many images (including the second part of the Annunciation icon) were lost, and this image was simply abandoned next to the church. One of the local residents found him and took him in. In 1994, the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity resumed its work, and pious people, who had kept the image for almost 3 decades, returned it to the monastery.

The appearance of the icon at that time was depressing: it was all dark, almost black. From the painting, only a small part of the face and a few fingers of the Archangel were barely visible. In 1994, it was not even possible to identify who was depicted on the hunt. In 1995, the 300th anniversary of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity was solemnly celebrated, and exactly a week before the Ascension of the Lord, the first miracle was revealed from the icon. Suddenly the image brightened, wings and a branch appeared on the board - the same one that Gabriel handed to the Virgin Mary. Very soon it became clear that the icon depicts the Archangel Gabriel (now it is completely light, with bright colors and clear depiction). But that was not all: after some time, the image began to exude a fragrant aroma, and on the Bright Feast of Trinity, drops of myrrh appeared on the branch of paradise that Gabriel held in his hands.

A report about this miracle was sent to the Moscow Diocese, from where an immediate response came: “every Monday, conduct a liturgy in front of the image in the name of All Heavenly Ethereal Powers, read an akathist with the blessing of water in front of the miraculous icon of Gabriel.” Since November 1996, this tradition has not been interrupted.

For 7 years, until 2002, the image of Archangel Gabriel continuously streamed myrrh. During this time, through prayers, many bright events happened before him. There have been 8 cases of healing from infertility and 2 cases of deliverance from fatal illnesses.

It is noteworthy that this icon is very difficult to photograph. According to the stories of the rector of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, Sergius Lapkin, every time they try to remove the image, something inexplicable begins to happen in the church - either the lamps go out, then they completely do not want to flare up, then the electrical wiring shorts out so that it sparks, and the temple itself sinks into the darkness.

Gabriel the Archangel was chosen by God to tell the Virgin Mary and people the good news about the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Therefore, immediately after the Annunciation, Christians venerate the minister of the sacrament of salvation of all mankind. The number of Archangels begins with Michael the conqueror and also the champion of God's enemies. Gabriel ranks second in the hierarchy. He is the messenger of the Lord to proclaim and interpret Divine mysteries. located on Chistye Prudy in Moscow. It was erected in the 18th century. Today it is the Orthodox Church of the Archangel Gabriel. Let's talk in detail about this servant of the Lord.

Who is Gabriel?

Almost all book sources write about him the same way. Gabriel the Archangel is one of the 7 highest cherubs who bring the prayers of the saints. His name in European language means “power of God.” Archangels Gabriel and Michael are the highest hierarchs of the Light Forces. Their names are mentioned many times in Scripture. Gabriel is described as a heavenly messenger who conveys God's messages to people about the salvation of mankind.

He taught Moses, who escaped the punishment of Pharaoh, to read the book, telling about the creation of the world and Adam (1st man). He spoke about the life and deeds of the patriarchs, telling about the division of languages ​​and the flood, and also explained the heavenly elements.

The prophet Daniel learned from Gabriel about future kings, the time of the coming of Jesus and the time of the liberation of people in Babylonian captivity.

How was Gabriel portrayed?

The closeness of this supreme cherub to God is undeniable, since he conveyed the most important messages of the New and Old Testaments. The Holy Church depicts him with a branch of paradise in his hand, which the Mother of God brought to Gabriel. Sometimes he holds a jasper mirror in his left hand, and a lantern with a burning candle in his right hand. This makes a certain sense. The mirror says that the Archangel is saving the human race by conveying God's messages, and the lantern with a candle symbolizes the mystery of God's word for each individual destiny. And this secret is revealed only to those who look into their hearts and try to find a spark of the divine there. Archangel Gabriel (and Michael too) vigilantly ensure that people move along the path of spiritual search. An early depiction of God's messenger is noteworthy. Archangel Gabriel, whose icon now represents a canvas with a handsome husband, was previously depicted with green wings and in armor.

Who does God's messenger help?

First of all, Gabriel cares for those hoping to conceive. It gives parents strength and courage, and also helps to gain balance and gracious faith, which has a great effect on the development of the child.

The second mission of the Archangel is to help people whose work or life goal is closely intertwined with the art of communication. If necessary, you can contact a cherub if you are a singer, confessor, musician, journalist, writer, model, teacher, actor, correspondent, dancer or artist. Gabriel the Archangel will open all doors for the realization of your talent. He, like a sports coach, inspires and encourages people of art, helping them overcome fears and not procrastinate.

Archeya Nadezhda and Gabriel

Archeya Hope is the companion of the highest Archangel. She personifies the feeling of goodness that appears in people thinking about their future. If a person wakes up in the morning in a state of expectation of something good, quiet joy and happiness, then Archeya Nadezhda and her assistants are nearby. It presents a person with a spiritual gift for gaining new awareness and experiences, and also harmonizes his external and internal space. This gift is a pass to study at theological schools and universities. Learning itself occurs in a dream and, upon waking up in the morning, a person may not remember anything, but at the right moment he will be able to use this knowledge as naturally as if he were studying in the usual way.

Nadezhda and Archangel Gabriel, whose icon is in many Orthodox churches, help a person master certain knowledge and skills. To do this, it is enough to ask in prayer that they send good, bright thoughts and help in the formation of pure and clear intentions.

By the way, Gabriel the Archangel also protects the original purity of God’s plan on Earth. He supports the planet with energy and information for the realization of the main divine goal for all humanity in an immaculate and undistorted form. Gabriel and Nadezhda support all this by protecting the purity of relationships between people, and most importantly, between a man and a woman. They give the joy of parenthood to the family that turns to them.

Prayer to Gabriel the Archangel

When they call upon this cherub, they receive a powerful energy boost. Since Gabriel is the Archangel of actions, a person immediately has the strength for active and fruitful actions that change the situation for the better. Prayer-conversion:

“During my sleep, I call upon Gabriel to take me to the Institute of the Spirit. And in the name: “I am what I am,” I ask you to inspire me and fill me with God’s will. I ask the Archangel to place in my waking consciousness the necessary information to fulfill my personal divine plan when needed. I will fully accept this help. Thank you"

Another prayer to Gabriel the Archangel:

“Holy Cherub, who brought joy to the Most Pure Virgin from heaven, fill my heart with joy and joy. Oh, great Archangel, you informed the Virgin Mary about the conception of the Son of God. Reveal to me, a sinner, the day of my death, ask the Lord for my unlucky soul, may he forgive my sins; and let not the demons hold me to ordeals for my sins. O great Gabriel, protect me from serious illnesses and troubles, now and ever and forever. Amen"

Daily messages from Archangel Gabriel

It is clear that they cannot be listed within one article. Each day of the year has its own message. We will tell you only about a few.

About faith and trust

Faith and trust are essential components of your evolution. Faith is the unshakable belief that you are just part of a greater Whole, and that there are much higher aspects of Source and yourself that can always be connected to. Trust is the belief not only that these aspects exist, but that they help and guide you at every stage of your life's journey. At the same time, they will never leave you in difficult times.

Show your trust and faith even when times get tough. After all, they will not last long, and everything that happens happens for good. Remember - you are not alone on your journey. The best way to get through these times is to practice humility and also give up resistance. Rejoice in the miracle of your own existence and realize that simply Being and being in the Flow is more than enough. You are amazing, divine and doing a wonderful job.

About love

Love is alignment with Source, which is the ever-expanding flow of unconditional love. Love is a flow of Source energy that anyone can use.

Some people deny love. But they do it out of fear, which creates even more restrictions, discomfort and resistance than the real reason for refusing love. That is, if you react from a position of resistance, denial and fear, you seem to limit yourself and find yourself in a cage.

As an instrument of expansion, love supports freedom and growth. Any place in which a person allows his own love to flow freely will begin to expand. From this position, love can be viewed as a tool of manifestation.

What in your own life needs expansion and growth? Just send love into that place, whether it's your relationships, your finances, your self-expression, or your own body. The act of sending love can significantly transform any situation.

About water

Many of Archangel Gabriel's messages contain references to being in the Flow, which is considered the most important element of enlightenment. Water is the substance closest to the flow. It is important for well-being and is very relevant now when the planet is undergoing accelerated changes.

Water helps move your energy. It absorbs different vibrations, cleanses and allows the body to change in the most natural way. Just as ocean and sea currents move under the influence of other planets, so should you. By immersing yourself in water (salt water perfectly cleanses the body from the outside) and drinking it in large quantities, you choose to move in accordance with the rhythms of the Universe, helping yourself in the simplest way. When dehydrated, your body leaves the state of Flow and enters a space of resistance. So drink plenty of water!

About fear

If you are afraid, you will not be able to make big money or do anything like that. After all, fear is one of the components of the vibrations of lack, and the energy of reduction and limitation cannot be creative. This is analogous to trying to wash yourself while sitting in a dirty puddle. You cannot create positive change while under the influence of negative energies (what you don't want). To create what you want, you need to turn your face towards it, while turning away from what you don’t want. Everything else is a matter of alignment and following the call of your Soul.

Be yourself

Your unique essence is needed by the planet. That is why you are on it now. Your vibrations are respected and vital aspects of the energy of the Whole. Even without performing any actions, but simply existing in Being and clearly and purely emitting your own vibrations, you are already striving to fulfill the purpose of your stay on Earth. You are already of the Source aspect. Each person is at his own stage of assimilation of this truth. To maintain the mosaic of essential energies on the planet, it is enough to simply be yourself. This will help her more than you can imagine.

Live now

If you can anchor yourself in the Now moment, you will realize how good it feels to you. Staying in the moment will allow you to remain fully present and concentrate only on what is truly subject to your control - the current moment and yourself.

By focusing on the Now moment, you will feel great support, kindness and just a good mood. Many people are preoccupied with the wrong things: predictions for the future or judgments about the past. You just have to be in the Present. This will allow you to see the right things and practice your gratitude through this vision.

Each of us goes through a period of change that can be overwhelming. The most optimal way to overcome changes is to go through them at a time, in the moment of Now. This will protect you from unfocused attention and overload. The Now moment in which you create and live will help maintain focus and balance. This is a place where you can be in peace.

If you are interested in other daily messages from Archangel Gabriel, we recommend that you consult the relevant literature.

Gabriel is revered by Orthodox Christians as the messenger of the coming of the Son of God to earth. The icon of the Archangel Gabriel can become a real defense of your home from troubles, enemies and misfortunes.

The history of the holy image of Archangel Gabriel

Of the entire host of angels, the most famous are two archangels close to God - Michael, who expelled Lucifer from Paradise, and Gabriel, who announced to people about the coming of Jesus Christ. The name of the Archangel itself is translated from Hebrew as “My strength is the Lord.” According to legend, it is Gabriel who knows all the good and evil deeds of people and intercedes for sinners before the Lord, begging them to forgive their sins.

The Gospel text says that Archangel Gabriel also appeared to Zechariah, the priest in the temple, to inform him of the birth of John the Baptist. The most common image of Gabriel is the icon of Our Lady of the Annunciation, which depicts the appearance of the Archangel to the Virgin Mary with the news of the imminent birth of Jesus Christ.

Where is the icon

The most ancient image of the highest angel Gabriel, “Golden Hair,” dates back to the 12th century. The icon was originally discovered in the Moscow Rumyantsev Museum in 1921. Where the ancient image came from in the Russian capital still remains a mystery. After restoration, the icon went to the Tretyakov Gallery, and then to the Russian Museum, where it is currently located.

Description and meaning of the icon

In the icon, Archangel Gabriel is depicted standing on a cloud. In one hand he holds a lantern with a lit candle, and in the other a mirror made of jasper, reflecting human deeds, visible only to the Archangel and God.

The light of the lantern and the mirror are invisibly connected with each other: with their help, Archangel Gabriel can reveal to a person who is pure in heart the secret of the Grace of God. To do this, a person needs to look into a mirror, illuminated by the light of truth and love emanating from the lantern.

How does the icon of the Archangel Gabriel help?

The messenger of God, who announced the birth of the baby Jesus to the Virgin Mary, is first of all addressed to women who want to give birth to a child. It is generally accepted that Archangel Gabriel is able to preserve the health of the expectant mother and gift the baby with true talent from God.

Gabriel is also considered the heavenly patron of people whose profession is related to the word and the transmission of information: teachers, journalists, writers, poets and historians. Prayers to the Archangel can help you succeed in your business and maintain ardent faith in God and His love.

Gabriel is fair, but has no mercy for hypocrites and liars. That is why people who are betrayed or cruelly deceived by someone turn to the Archangel in prayer. Those who sincerely ask the Messenger of the Lord for help and protection always receive it.

Prayers to the image of Archangel Gabriel

“O holy Archangel, beloved by God, the messenger of human salvation, who announced the birth of John and the coming of Christ! I beg you, bearer of justice, to grant the servant of God (name) your protection. Show the servant of God (name) the path of true faith, so that he may atone for voluntary and involuntary sins and gain the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

This prayer to Archangel Gabriel can protect someone close to you from a fatal mistake and turn them onto the path of kindness and love for the Lord.

“Gabriel, who brought good news to the immaculate Virgin, who announced to the Mother of God the glory of the entire human race, I pray you, help me, the servant of God (name), to be filled with goodness and continue the race according to the commandment of my Lord Jesus Christ, who created the world and gave life to every creature on earth and in heaven! I pray to you, O most holy and just Archangel, grant me the good news to hear and rejoice in the justice and love of our God. Amen".

“Gabriel, beloved by God, who sees all human sins and asks for sinners who repent and seek the path to the Kingdom of Heaven! With tears, I pray to you: ask our God to forgive me all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed in dreams and in reality, bad thoughts and wicked deeds. Show me, a weak and unworthy servant of God, the path to forgiveness and redemption, so that I can be filled with the light of the Lord’s true love and humbly enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

This prayer to the icon of the Archangel Gabriel must be read to atone for sins and change one’s destiny.

What does the holy icon look like?

The most common image of the Archangel Gabriel is an icon where the messenger of the Lord is depicted with a jasper mirror in one hand and a burning lantern in the other. It is believed that this particular icon should be kept in the home of people whose profession is related to information. This image can protect the owner of the house from injustice, failures in work and deception.

Also very common is the icon of the Archangel Gabriel holding white lilies in his hands. These flowers are considered a symbol of spirituality, faith and purity.

In Gabriel's hands, they become both a symbol of the good news and a reminder that only by cleansing your soul from sin can you experience the grace of God's blessing.

In many churches you can find the image of the Archangels Gabriel and Michael. This icon reminds us all of the good deeds of two Archangels close to God. This image is useful to have in the home for those people whose lives are connected with the struggle for justice and judicial activities.

The days of veneration of the icon of the Archangel Gabriel are April 8 and July 26 according to the new style. At this time, prayers for forgiveness of sins are especially strong, and good wishes to loved ones can protect them from great danger. We wish you peace in your soul and strong faith in God. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and


The name Gabriel is of Hebrew origin. It most likely comes from the theophoric biblical name Gabriel, the literal interpretation of which sounds like “courage” or “power.” The very name Gabriel is interpreted by the people as “supporter of God” or “helper of God.”

The male name Gabriel is not popular today, not in the Russian Federation, not in the countries of the former USSR, not even in Europe, but it still remains one of the most famous, because it is associated with the Bible and has an interesting, biblical history of its origin.

Popularity: The name Gabriel is included in the category of the most rare names and does not fall into the top hundred most popular male names. Accounts for approximately 2-3 boys out of 5 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Gavryusha, Gavrik, Gavrila

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Gabriel, as well as its energy, can endow the bearer of this name with a whole bunch of good characteristics. Usually, such character traits as shyness, naivety, determination, unsociability, isolation, erudition and imagination are promised. In addition, Gabriel is usually a quick-witted, intellectually developed and talented person.

But all of the above does not appear immediately, but gradually, as one grows older, and in different consistencies, depending on the year according to the eastern calendar and other astrological symbols...

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all bearers of the male name Gabriel is their ability to keep their emotions under control. Plus, these men are usually very rational and balanced in terms of decision making...

Gabriel has a bad attitude towards people who try to impose their opinion on others without understanding whether it is correct at all. And bearers of this name also hate women who are too selfish...

It is believed that this biblical name has incredibly strong energy and can endow the wearer with a very unusual nature.

Character of the name Gabriel

The character of the name Gabriel endows its owner with a lot of both positive and not very good characteristics, which manifest themselves, of course, gradually and not simultaneously. Among the main qualities of his character are: purposefulness, lack of conflict, erudition, straightforwardness, shyness and naivety, but also isolation, timidity and unsociability.

As a child, Gabriel experiences enormous difficulties in communicating with peers, so his best friends remain his mother and father. He needs to stop being afraid of being in the company of children, find a common language with them, then they will see his optimism and ability to have fun and will want to be friends with him. By adolescence, he will not only overcome his fear, but will even be able to become a leader among his friends. In relation to his comrades, he is always sincere, reliable and open.

As an adult, Gabriel’s character is enhanced by qualities that are important for his professional activities: integrity, eloquence, resistance to stress, punctuality, hard work, sociability and sincerity. Career plays an extremely important role as he strives for material well-being and financial freedom.

His activities may be related to the exact sciences, education, medicine, or, conversely, to psychology or religion.

Early childhood

In early childhood, in most cases, the meaning of such a rare name for boys as Gabriel bestows such traits as timidity, secrecy, unprincipledness, straightforwardness, lack of conflict, taciturnity and loneliness. He stays close to his mother all the time, she is this guy’s best friend and comrade, he relies on her opinion and tips in everything, and at the slightest reason he seeks his mother’s help. He also gets along well with his father, but not as well as with his mother.

He needs to learn to contact the outside world, he needs to stop being afraid to make friends and be in their company, but this is not easy to do - his parents will have to try hard to change his character. However, he will not resist, because he himself dreams of acquiring comrades and like-minded people. In general, he has optimism, positivity, and a cheerful disposition, but they manifest themselves only in the family circle.

But in knowledge of science he is ideal, because he himself wants to develop, learn the unknown, learn new things and become smarter - this cannot be taken away, and in the future this will have a good effect on his competence, both at school and at work.

He obeys his parents, there are practically no misdeeds on his part, and if something happens, he does not try to avoid punishment - his parents’ friends and girlfriends will often set him up as an example for their children. But as you grow older, everything will change...


Already at the teenage stage, the influence of the patron planet and the symbolic element will make itself felt, the desire for leadership and dominance will begin to manifest itself, he will learn to communicate and will make contact with greater ease - however, all this is subject to proper childhood upbringing.

With all this, there is no rowdyism, self-indulgence, disobedience and restlessness in him - on the contrary, he stands out from his peers and classmates with his mature behavior, prudence and prudence. He will never offend anyone without doing anything, and he tries not to offend them when it comes to business, he behaves with restraint, and carefully analyzes everything that happens around him.

Teachers will respect him - the reason is responsibility, diligence, reliability and outstanding abilities, any subject is given to him “one or two”, but particularly striking successes are noticeable in the exact sciences.

And there will be problems with the opposite sex at school, despite the obvious attention of classmates and peers. The problem is shyness, the inability to behave correctly, the reluctance to look after, the fear of being used for women's selfish purposes.

Grown man

An adult man named in this way is a person with a unique nature - he is ruled by honesty, reliability, devotion, integrity, stress resistance, openness, friendliness, sociability, eloquence and love.

By the way, the symbol that controls him during this period is the zodiac sign. Gavryusha considers sincerity to be the most important parameter of any relationship, and therefore avoids being closed and secretive. The main thing for him is confidence in a person’s devotion - if there is no trust, there is no friendship, and the same with women. In general, he is a good person, but he is quick-tempered, he can flare up at the sight of betrayal, dishonesty, injustice or self-interest - he hates people who are capable of the previously mentioned.

Gabriel’s big minus is careerism and hard work, which are unbridled and play against him. It is precisely because of his intense dedication to work that he has problems with his personal life - he does not leave himself time for women and building love relationships.

Interaction of the character Gabriel with the seasons

Spring - in a boy born under the auspices of the spring season and given the name Gabriel, such traits as determination, activity, efficiency, charm, self-sufficiency, sociability and energy rule. He always achieves his goals, does not give up at the sight of obstacles and achieves what he wants despite mistakes and miscalculations, he is persistent.

Summer - the meaning of the summer season gives rise to a leader with a very complex character by origin of the soul. A lover of dominance, but not without such weaknesses as shyness and naivety. He has a well-developed imagination, a dreamer who considers himself right in everything. It is difficult for him to get along in society, because he does not accept anyone’s opinions or advice and considers everyone stupider than himself.

Autumn - an autumn boy is calm, balanced, cheerful, emotional, vulnerable, receptive and sensitive. In general, he is the owner of a complex nature; he combines a cheerful disposition and a temper that pops up at the most unexpected moments. He seems inflexible and insensitive, but in reality he simply hides his weaknesses behind a crust of severity.

Winter - and the three winter months bring into this world a man who has such qualities as diplomacy, tact, politeness, attentiveness, sentimentality, vulnerability, hard work, determination, commitment and unpredictability. It is extremely difficult to predict his further actions, it defies logical comprehension, and his decisions are completely based on some illusory prejudices.

The fate of the name Gabriel

The fate of the name Gabriel in love and marital relationships with ladies is quite successful, but somewhat confusing. Since his youth, Gabriel has had great respect for girls and does not allow himself to take advantage of their gullibility for his own satisfaction. He sincerely strives to start a family, but he is hampered by his pronounced business qualities, which require paramount self-realization in his career. Only after this does he begin the search for his soulmate.

As a wife, he, first of all, sees not a spectacular beauty, but a submissive and calm girl, reliable, faithful and economical. Ideally, she should be a homebody, clean up, delight him with delicious dinners and create a warm and cozy atmosphere in their nest. In turn, he will be able to adequately support his family and take care of his beloved.

Gabriel is a real man and the head of the family, but he is not prone to tyranny and respects the opinions of his wife, sometimes even listens to them. He truly values ​​support, trust, honesty and commitment in relationships. Not only will he not forgive his betrayal of his wife, he will become enraged and may somehow take revenge for the betrayal, although Gabriel himself is not a conflict-ridden and peace-loving person.

Love and marriage

Gabriel is a serious and self-confident man with high moral principles that do not allow him to succumb to short-term passion. From his youth, he realizes that one of the main goals in his life will be to create a happy and strong family. However, for a long time he may be too focused on his professional activities. Because of this, the search for the lady of his heart is postponed for some time, and he continues the life of an avid bachelor.

Having already passed from youth to adulthood, Gabriel decides to take the time to find his soul mate. He is not one of those men who buys only a girl's bright appearance. It is assumed that as a wife he sees a rather quiet and submissive woman, perhaps a little younger than himself. Ideally, she should also be a real housewife, because he so loves home comfort, cleanliness and the culinary masterpieces of his beloved. For her, Gabriel will be able to become a real support and protection, and will also be able to provide her not only with material benefits, but also with his care and affection.

He, of course, attaches paramount importance in his relationship with his wife to mutual trust, honesty and devotion. Gabriel is wary of betrayal from loved ones, because it hurts him and forces him to fully punish the offender, even if it is his wife. Gavryusha himself is a completely conflict-free person and does not like quarrels and scandals. He values, loves and, of course, respects his wife, but prefers when everyone obeys him. He is a fair, caring, reliable and very authoritative head of the family.

Gabriel as Father

Gabriel sincerely rejoices at the arrival of a baby in the family, he is ready to carry his wife and the child in his arms, his happiness is so great. He strives to create the best conditions for the baby’s life and works hard. At the same time, he always manages to help his wife, actively participating in the chores of caring for the child. Fatherly love and ability to care for a child inspires the wife with confidence that Gabriel can cope with two or three children no worse than with one.

The desire for children to grow up healthy pushes him to take frequent walks and teach children various physical exercises and sports games, helping to maintain his athletic form. However, he takes great pleasure in communicating with children at home, sharing his experiences with them, and reading them many books. The children sincerely love their dad and are very attached to him.

Gabriel does not hide his affection and love for children. He spends time with them with great pleasure, sparing no effort in raising them. He does not skimp on various sections and tutors, just to help his wife raise truly comprehensively developed people. It is important for him that by the end of school the children already know exactly their talents and are able to independently decide on their future professions. He tries to instill in them not only independence, but also prudence, hard work, confidence, determination and responsibility.

Horoscope named Gabriel


Aries - a boy named Gabriel, born under the auspices of this zodiac sign, is a purposeful and persistent winner in life, always achieving his goal, pursuing a goal until he achieves it. He remains a leader in any situation and does not like having someone else’s opinion imposed on him.


Taurus is active and active, energetic, risky and loves adrenaline, always on the move and cannot sit still. He has a lot of things to do and hobbies, and he sincerely loves everything, but he cannot concentrate on one thing, which is why many of his things remain unfinished.


Gemini - here, who received the name Gabriel, grows up to be a charming, talkative talker, a positive person with an excellent sense of humor. His character is so simple that even the most conflicted lady can get along with him. Hence the good compatibility with women of different types.


Cancer - the meaning of this zodiac sign gives birth to a shy, indecisive, suspicious guy who always doubts everything. It is difficult to make contact, does not know how to make acquaintances, and is always aloof from companies. This guy needs a woman who is sociable and confident.

a lion

Leo - this bearer of the name Gabriel, is a born leader, a dominant, who has his own opinion and his own point of view on everything, a unique personality who gets along well with people, but repels them because of his imaginary inviolability. It’s difficult to get along with him, that’s a 100% fact.


Virgo is a person who is always busy with something, interested in everything, does not sit still and is always in search of new things to do. You won’t get bored with this one, it’s not designed for boredom or monotony. He will eventually become a good father and an exemplary family man, unparalleled.


Libra - and the boy, who received the name Gabriel and was born under the zodiac sign of Libra, is a calm and balanced man, conflict-free and not principled, ending any conflict or scandal in a matter of minutes, and not worrying about his position in society.


Scorpio is a person with a complex character. It combines cruelty, rudeness, emotionality, hot temper and adherence to principles. Vulnerable and receptive, but tries to hide it from others. He lacks affection and attention and needs a compliant and attentive life partner.


Sagittarius - and this bearer of the name Gabriel is by nature cheerful and cheerful, sociable, sociable, talkative and eloquent, but there is also a minus in him, he is frivolous. You can't build a serious relationship with someone like that. But as a gentleman, he is simply ideal - attentive and caring.


Capricorn is hardworking and purposeful, sets many different tasks for himself and always solves everything to the best of his ability, does not miss the chance to become a leader, but does not know how to be an organizer, which is why he does not maintain leadership. Can become a successful businessman and leader.


Aquarius is diplomatic, tactful, an excellent psychologist, has a good understanding of people and rarely makes mistakes in their assessment. An excellent analyst who easily gives advice. He will never betray, will not deceive, is principled and follows his principles always and everywhere. A good friend and comrade, husband.


Pisces - and this is already a sentimental and very vulnerable man. He always and in everything relies on other people's opinions and help, is rarely ready to make his own decision in anything, and is afraid of responsibility. Reacts painfully to criticism and teaching. He is envious, but he reliably hides his envy.

Compatibility with female names

Researchers have found that the best compatibility of the name Gabriel with such female variations of names as Augusta, Veronica, Regina, Tatyana and Ulyana. In their opinion, when paired with one of these women, mutual understanding, love, passion and devotion will reign. In this case, the marriage will be strong and truly happy.

Variations such as Vladislava, Ninel, Eleanor, Anfisa and Antonina also suit Gavryusha well, but it is better not to build serious relationships here, because astrologers are sure that in this case there can be no talk of longevity, happiness and strength.

But it is not at all recommended to create an alliance with Ekaterina, Kira, Stefania and Nora, because in this case there is no compatibility at all, and the couple themselves will continually suffer from jealousy, misunderstandings, and disagreements.

Gabriel is an old masculine title, translated from Hebrew as “my strength is God,” “stronghold,” or “power of God.”

Origin of the name

According to the Christian gospels, the name Gabriel—the meaning of the name and the destiny you read about—was borne by the angel who informed Zechariah (an ancient Hebrew priest) of the birth of the son of God.

Thanks to the church definition, the nickname acquired the character of holiness and divine affiliation; it is often used as a baptismal sign by novices who renounce worldly life when taking orders. The name is not very common among the common people.

general characteristics

Tiny Gavryusha is a funny, charming and lively boy. Often has a strong physique, but a vulnerable, sensitive nervous system. As a child, Le Havre rarely gets sick, but there is another problem: this clumsy hero constantly receives minor injuries and abrasions: he either falls from a tree, or turns a cup of hot tea over himself.

Parents' constant control over the whereabouts and activities of their rapidly developing child remains a paramount task until Gavrila comes of age.

The owner of the name likes to study and master the unknown, he excels in the exact sciences, and thanks to good teachers of literature and history, creative development does not pass by this teenager.

Gavrilushka’s relationships with his peers are uneven: one moment he is the permanent ringleader and leader, and the next moment he is an unwanted member of the company who is ignored. This is due to Gavrushka’s inconstancy and excessive demands on others. He is easily offended and always expresses his dissatisfaction to the faces of his friends.

Not everything goes smoothly for young Le Havre with girls either. For a long time he does not want to understand that romance is important for a woman, and his clumsy persistent advances cause either a smile or dissatisfaction in the young ladies. Sometimes a guy is simply unable to discern sincere feelings, and is carried away by frivolous beauties, leaving without attention the one that is destined by fate.

Positive character traits

In appearance, Gavrila is flexible and meek, but it is not in the character of the bearer of the name to succumb to other people’s influence. This guy clearly sets priorities, he confidently moves towards his goal, sometimes sacrificing relationships and the opinions of others along the way.

Gavrik is a good analyst, capable of making a balanced and thoughtful decision. He is a rationalist and a lover of truth, a hospitable and generous host. He loves children and is devoted to his family, although he does not rule out affairs on the side for self-affirmation.

Negative traits

In addition to leadership inclinations, Gabriel is characterized by selfishness, authority, and despoticism. He likes to tell others and impose a plan of action on them, he can say rude words and even hit the table to show his importance.

Also, this “hardhead” does not know how to show emotions, considering this the prerogative of the weaker sex, for which he is secretly called a “cracker”.

Zodiac sign

The bearer of the name is destined for a happy destiny if he is born in Cancer.
The romantic Moon, acting as the patroness of the Jewish nickname, will smooth out the harshness of the character of its owner.
The color of pristine purity – white – should be Gavrila’s preferred color when choosing a wardrobe.
Preferring emeralds in jewelry, the guy intuitively chooses a name talisman stone.


Gavrik, Gavryusha, Gavrilka, Gavrushka, Gavrilochka, Gavochka, Gabi, Gavr, Geva, Gava, Gavrirushka, Ganya, Ganchik, Gasya, Ganyusha.

Name options

Gavrila, Gavril, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gavrilo, Dzhabrail, Dzhibrail, Gabor, Jaba.

Historical figures

Unknown - 1241 - warrior of the Russian prince Alexander, glorified in the Battle of the Neva Gavrila Aleksich.
1660 – 1734 – first Russian chancellor, Count Gavriil Golovkin.
Unknown - 1796 - Russian navigator Gavriil Pribylov.
1743 – 1816 – Russian poet, statesman Gavrila Derzhavin.
1812 – 1880 – Armenian scientist-historian, clergyman Gavrilo Aivazovsky.
1826 – 1901 – Moscow merchant, homeowner, multimillionaire Gavrila Solodovnikov.
1886 – 1948 – Russian priest, Protopresbyter Gabriel Kostelnik.
1905 – 1995 – Soviet writer Gavriil Troepolsky.
1910 – 2004 – Soviet military man, Lieutenant General Gavriil Vasilenko.
1928 – 2014 – Belarusian Soviet-era painter Gavriil Vashchenko.
1929 – 1995 – Venerable Gabriel of Samtavria (Gorderdzi Urgebadze – in the world).
Born 1936 - Soviet, Russian economist and politician Gavriil Popov.
Born 1940 - Swiss theologian, schema-archimandrite of the Russian Church Gabriel Bunge.
Born 1950 – Irish actor Gabriel Byrne.
Born 1969 – St. Petersburg artist, musician Gavriil Lubnin.
Born 1972 - American actor Gabriel Macht.
Born 1973 – Canadian actor Gabriel Hogan.
Born 1982 - showman, ex-resident of the Comedy Club, brilliant Le Havre (Gavriil Gordeev).
Born 1996 – Brazilian football player Gabriel Barbosa.

Name day

28 January
04, 08, 14, 26 February
30th of March
April 08, 22
May 03
June 14
05, 25, 26 July
04, 12, 23 September
October 18, 31
November 18, 19, 27
December 26.