The game World Of Tanks: Tactics on the map of El Haluf. El-Khaluf (oncoming battle): tactical overview Map of el-haluf in world of tanks

Today for your attention tactical review El-Haluf cards.

The appearance at one time in the "World of Tanks" of the first African map - El Halluf - marked a complete rethinking of the usual features of tanks, since now they had to be used in a new way due to their uniqueness new card and its tactical features, which no one has encountered before. This, in turn, revealed in the tanks previously not taken seriously opportunities. However, the vibrant, unique map has been a hit with players, combining the best of past maps with the well-thought-out twists and turns of the developers' new thought. With the introduction of new types of battles into the game, where previously key footholds are losing their importance, giving way to previously secondary ones, El-Haluf, already bearded today, has begun to boil with new life. All this in the following paragraphs.

Basic positions and directions.

Similar to a standard battle, the defensive positions in the center on each side (2,3,4 red and 3,4 green) retain the same value as before. Fri and sniper tanks are located here, because the main guarantee of revealing their potential is distance. These positions still cover the entire central part of the map, as well as part of the water area. As before, they are vulnerable in the light, if you do not take cover behind the hillocks in time.

The first impressions of the players about the most acceptable tactics in an oncoming battle almost never imply an instant attempt to take the base. On the contrary, they can rather be characterized by the phrase "I'm sitting in the bushes and waiting for a hero."

Since now the base is one, and the place around which the main events take place is also the same, then much greater value received positions 1.2 for the greens and 1.5 for the reds. Position 2 green is characterized by the combination good review approaches to the base from the enemy side and the presence of a powerful shelter in the form of a stone block. Thus, the top PT with a stereo tube located in it in the full sense of the word is capable of destroying almost any enemy traveling through the center, even before he is at the base. By the way, in the middle of the base there is a stone that is able to cover the tank behind it so that in order to bring down the capture, each side will have to leave its shelter. Thickets of bushes, as well as a pumped-up camouflage of PTs, will become death for the enemy out of nowhere. However, you need to try to destroy the enemy before he can take cover behind the stone at the base and start the capture. Then you will be forced to take risks.

Partially relevant in this case is the green position 1, since being in cover, it partially opens up a view of the area on the other side of the stone where the enemy is located. To lure him out of there, a clear interaction of the tank on the green position 1 and the allied artillery is necessary. Since as soon as the tank in the green position 1 is able to displace the enemy tank from behind the stone with its fire at a distance sufficient for an accurate hit by artillery, it should instantly fire.

Similar in tasks to positions 1, 2 for the greens, there are positions 1, 5 for the reds. And those few differences due to the landscape and their location are the cause of some differences in the tactics of their application. Thus, a tank located in the red position 1 is able to detect the enemy not only approaching the base, but also in ambush on the other side. So, only 1 tank is able to shine through a huge area, allowing more trunks to be involved in time.

The red position 5 is used for fire support in shooting enemies seen from position 1. Since in position 1, a turret is a mandatory option (so that the hull protrudes less in close proximity to the base). However, the base itself is not visible from this position, but positioned on a slope, you will more or less protect yourself from artillery. Also, position 5 is designed to support tanks fighting for control of the mountain.

Thus, the mirroring of the red and green positions in these areas determines that they mutually restrain each other and try to destroy each other, depending on the work of the LT in both teams.

But the main position, which initially does not belong to anyone and has to be fought for, is the position on the mountain (yellow circle with a cross). Often it is the taking of this position that leads to victory in the oncoming battle at al-Khalluf. Several factors contribute to this: firstly, you can almost unpunishly shoot down the capture of the base from the mountain, since thick mountain ranges will become your shelter not only from fire from red and green ambushes, but also from artillery, if you position yourself correctly. To do this, roughly understand the most likely location of artillery and, having approximately estimated the flight path of the “suitcase”, take cover behind the hill at the top so as not to protrude much beyond its slope and so that it rises above the tank, thus covering it a little from above. Since the hill in the control over the base has a key value, here there are mainly collisions of TTs. It is possible that the tactics of the standard battle influenced the choice of the TT path.

The prospects for a hillside rush into Reds and Greens ambushes on either side of the base are slightly different. This is due to the fact that when attacking the greens, you need to go a greater distance in open areas under their fire. And the slope will level the vertical angle of aiming your gun - you will simply be unable to fire back. The descent from the hill to the red base is more promising, if only because the anti-tank units located at position 5 (if they are still located there) will not have time to deal with you in the time during which you get close to them and impose a maneuvering battle. If you manage to destroy the enemy forces by 5, then you will have a way to the rear of position 1 of the reds - the main position for passive light. By distracting the enemy on red 1, you give your tanks a chance to approach the base from that side unnoticed.

The outcome of the confrontation on the water is no less important from the point of view of the strategic initiative. Since the team that won the victory here is able to go into the very rear of the enemy, violating the concentration of their fire and the distribution of duties in battle. In a word, in this turmoil, the enemy is unlikely to be able to quickly and correctly decide who needs to repel attacks from the rear, and who should continue to defend the base. During this time, some of the enemies, located in ambushes at the base on the other side of the mountain, can get through to the capture unnoticed.

In a battle on the water, it is still important to go down to the water itself and highlight the enemy at the top, located under the mountainside. This maneuver applies to both sides. The only difference is that compared to the standard battle, the number of guns here is much less, since the main battles are blazing on the opposite side of the map.

Nevertheless, for example, the greens can not go down to the water, but simply wait for the enemies, who are approaching their positions from below along a narrow serpentine. Protected by boulders along the edges of the serpentine, several tanks are able to hold this direction due to the narrow focus of fire and sharp turns, which players overcome reluctantly and with caution. The Reds here do not have similar fortifications and are forced to go down to the water. So there are more chances not to lose the position.

The central part, due to the abundant thickets of shrubs, is a great place for passive light LT. By getting there first, thanks to its speed, a well-camouflaged LT is able to light up an entire fight without being seen unless it's moving. Few people dare to approach him in search of a "firefly", since he will be destroyed by light immediately after leaving his shelter.


Thus, the oncoming battle at El-Khalluf reveals the map in a new way, giving paramount importance to positions that were completely unusual and hardly practical before. Green ambush positions near the base are different in that only one of the positions is able to illuminate a huge area, while the rest can focus on fire. Green positions do not have one advanced position in their composition. However, when taking the mountain, it is the forward red positions that are bypassed from the rear, while the rush from the hill to the green positions often ends in failure due to their more preferable position for defense. The central part is the place of work of the LT, which help in the destruction of mutually deterrent positions on both mountain ranges, providing an advantage to one of the parties. A collision on the water in an oncoming battle differs from a standard battle only in the number of tanks on both sides. However, a breakthrough here and the subsequent encirclement often turns into a defeat for the side that lost the battle on the water.

In this topic, we will tell you about how to act on the El Haluf map in online game. In order to make it easier to explain, we will draw different tactics on the map.

This map shows the routes that your teams should take.

First, consider the route indicated by the red arrows. This route is intended mainly for medium and light tanks. If you get to the end point, then you can highlight the enemy and take a convenient position for further advance.

Route marked in yellow light tanks and medium tanks. The main task for light tanks is to illuminate the enemy. At the end point of the yellow route, you can easily spot enemy tanks and tank destroyers that have taken refuge on the mountainside. After you have reached the end point of the yellow route, keep moving towards the enemy base, because the light tank cannot be stopped otherwise it will be destroyed by the enemies. Medium tanks use this route mostly when the team doesn't have light tanks or when there are high level battles going on.

The route marked in green is for most strands, of course, medium tanks and tank destroyers can go here. Many players in action game World Of Tanks probably more than once noticed that in the coordinates A2 and A3, basically, there are always long battles with many tanks.

The blue circles in the game mark the main locations artillery. From these places, artillery often fires at opponents.

Also, do not forget about fri-sau. These cars on this map can be quite dangerous. The main locations of the tank destroyers are marked with red circles.

The map of El Haluf is quite interesting and original, but you should always remember that if you do not take advantageous positions, then most likely you will lose.

Rush tactics are not very popular on this map due to the fact that tanks on both sides need to overcome a small hill, and this process takes a lot of time. Consequently, while all the tanks are climbing the hill, their opponents are already waiting and preparing for defense.

El-Khalluf is a desert map, divided in the middle by a dry river and with hills located on both bases. The size of the map is 1000 by 1000 meters, and the level of battles on it is from 4 to 11. The map is extremely interesting and many players like it. Both CTs and heavyweights will find a place for themselves here, PTs generally adore this map. Arta at this location is really the "god of war". True, there are places here where she does not see, but everyone has long known them and how to deal with this scourge too. Key areas where the main fighting there are not so many WOTs on El Haluf. This is a slide and a beach, as the players called it. Basically, STs tend to splash in warm water and run along the white sand on the beach. But this is still water, and more and more often our little "kids" are accompanied by adult uncles (,).

Approximate siding routes for all types of vehicles.

Green dots are strands or PT.

Yellow dots are light points.

Red dots are art.

Red areas are hot spots, the main battlefields.

Yellow arrows - direction of attack ST.

Blue arrows are directions of TT attack.


I still don't understand the essence of this maneuver. Yes, there you can hide from artillery fire, but enemy tanks see you anyway. In short, it's not clear. Some kind of unhealthy craving for water. Heavy, although not all, and do not always go up the hill. Often this is where the main TT battle takes place. There are pros and cons here, but we'll talk about them later. The light on this map rides mainly down, in the valley and prays to Allah (the East after all) that no bastard would bring down the harp. There is no point in going to any of the bases and shining art, the firefly simply will not reach. He will be overwhelmed on the rise. But let's talk about everything in order.

El Halluf after update 9.2.

The first team respawned and immediately in the chat they shouted “CT to the beach!”, “To the water!” and flew. I would like to advise a completely different development of events. Yes, you need to go to the beach, but not with a crowd of STs, who will all lie down there, but 1-2 and only for light. It is best to cover the hill with the forces of 1-2 strands in square C1. They will illuminate the advancing enemy in this direction and delay him. The main shock fist must be directed to square B6. Why? Will explain. No one will get you in this square: neither enemy art, nor tanks, nor anti-tank units. Yes, getting there will be difficult, but possible. You need to send fast and maneuverable tanks there. Of course, if the “Mouse” “flies there, like on an airplane carpet”, then it will not reach its destination. Such is the cunning maneuver. The enemy, seeing such a crowd of your tanks, will simply be stunned and will throw all the fire into this square. This will enable the CT on the beach, break through or expose the artillery.

The team from the second respawn also has something to surprise the enemy. Go to the beach shouting "Allah Akbar!" not worth it. It is better to let him cover 1-2 strands and PT from the base. All CTs must occupy square G4. There they will be practically impossible to get and the one who sticks his face out of the shelter will immediately receive a splash from the base or worse, a “suitcase” from artillery. Leaving the hill unattended is also not worth it. Should be sent there. heavy tanks, prudently covering his rear with a weight in square A5. On the hill there is where to hide from artillery fire and the advancing enemy will come under fire from your artillery.

Good position on El Halluf.

The location of the tanks on the map or where to go.

Light tanks descend into the valley and ride there, luring the enemy onto themselves.

Medium tanks often go to the water where they either die or win and break through to the enemy base.

Usually distributed on the mountain and defend or attack on the flank where the mountain is located.

Usually located near the base in the sections between the mountains, some Fri can go up the hill and help the allies.

As a rule, all artillery is located not far from their bases, hiding in a hollow or behind a hill.

Hello dear players! site site presents you al-Haluf map guide wot. The oldest map that appeared in the distant patch, which was repeatedly reworked and added to, changed its appearance and gameplay positions. And today we see a location that is very balanced and interesting for all classes of tanks, where heavily armored heavyweights, fast station wagons, light fireflies, long-range snipers, and, of course, everyone’s favorite artillery can successfully play.

WOT Al Halluf- this is one of the few desert maps of the game World Of Tanks. It has a clear, but difficult terrain with a deep lowland right in the center of the map. You should not look for bushes here, they are as few as in desert Africa, which became the prototype of this map. But a large number of low hills makes it play from vertical aiming angles and tanks with excellent minus ten degrees will have a relative advantage here.

The map is no different in size from most of the maps in the game, has a standard square kilometer and, most importantly, the entire square kilometer is playable. Tanks balancing between 4 - 11 battle levels can get here. The combat modes available on El-Haluf are standard and oncoming combat.

Picture 1. Standard battle minimap.

Picture 2. Encounter battle minimap.

Before talking specifically about the game situation and likely tactics on the map of El Halluf wot, I will clarify in a nutshell about the combat modes. The fact is that both standard and oncoming battles are played here in exactly the same way, according to the same scheme. There is practically no difference in modes. Finishing a battle by capturing a base in the oncoming combat mode is incredibly difficult. Therefore, all of the following should be taken equally for both standard and oncoming battles.

Let's get straight to the overview of the map of El Halluf and start by looking at the main elements of the map (you can see the bases and spawns in both battle modes on the minimaps presented above):

Picture 3. Symbols.

  1. rocks- This is the main direction of attack of each team, located on a small hill. This is where the main impact fist should be concentrated. For a successful battle, there are positions for each class of tanks and, most importantly, there are shelters from the "suitcases" of artillerymen in the form of high rocks. Winning in this direction will bring your team closer to victory by 90%. As I said, all classes of tanks can fight here, but at least absolutely all heavy tanks should come here.
  2. small towns located near each and respawns (and in the standard battle mode near each base). Consisting exclusively of destructible structures, they are of little tactical value, but in some situations they can cover you for a short time from enemy fire.
  3. Hills. Numerous rises and ledges in front of the low at number 4, there are both in front of one team and in front of the other. Here, almost always, there are the main defers - tank destroyers, as well as artillerymen. The rest of the tanks have nothing to do here. In the event of a breakthrough in the main direction, defense is concentrated in these hills, but the attack also develops here. An important component of the map, but only for the end of the battle.
  4. Central low. A sharp depression between the hills is the lowest section of the map. A dry bed of a desert river flows here, but only a few positions are of value for the game:
    • a - steep hillock, which is used by fireflies to illuminate and further move towards enemy positions (besides this, there is a base in the oncoming battle mode);
    • b - town on a small hill with a lot of destructible buildings, which is used both to highlight enemies on the hills and to develop an offensive in an auxiliary direction, it is used by both light and medium tanks;
    • in - river, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich the forces of both teams who arrived here clash, the winners also develop an attack in an auxiliary direction.

How to play al-Haluf wot map? I suggest you familiarize yourself with the basics:

So, let's get down to the most important thing that every player should know - tactics on the map of El Halluf wot. As before, I will divide all possible actions of the team into directions and positions:

  • red direction is the main and most important , if you are poorly versed in this map, then feel free to go to this part. As you move forward to position 1, you should notice if your allies have gone to position 2, and only after making sure of this, you should drive to position 3. This is very important, because through the empty area under number 2, you will go into the back, and therefore, perhaps you should either take that position yourself, or defend in position 1. Having taken the number 3, you will again have a choice, drive further to position 4 (and along the way, opponents from position 2 may already push you into the sides ) and push the direction, or defend already here and wait for the allies to push the number 2.
  • the yellow direction is the passing of light tanks , which give some highlight to passing enemies. In addition, there is another interesting, but very dangerous position for fireflies - under the number 5. With a successful combination of circumstances, you can most successfully shine and shoot from here. However, be careful, everything may not turn out the way you plan, because here it is almost impossible to hide from fire from different directions, and this position is shot through just like that.
  • blue direction, which is nothing more than ancillary! Rushing here does not make any sense, and only fast medium or light tanks can attack here, which must very quickly take positions under the number 6 and engage in open battle with the opponents who have come here. After that, you need to climb a little higher along the arrows, strain the defenders with your presence and wait for the result of the confrontation in the main direction. Only after your allies push through the main (red) direction and start moving in your direction, you can begin to actively support them. However, sometimes the team does not defend this direction, and then, a scope of action opens up for you: cut out artillery and go behind the enemy lines in the main direction.
  • as always i highlighted purple positions for tank destroyers , from which lowlands and enemy hills are shot through. There are also positions for defending one's own base in case of a breakout of the main direction. However, don't let a lot of tanks stand idle here (3-4 tank destroyers will be more than enough) and maybe you should support your allies in the main direction!
  • positions for artillery are highlighted in brown areas. However, there is more than enough cover from your fire on El Halluf, which means that you will have to look for targets and not relax.

And finally, I suggest you take a look at the picture below, in which I depicted the ideal tactics for a random house on the map of El Halluf using the example of the lower respawn:

Picture 5. Tactics.

Your team presses the main direction, destroying the encountered opponents in the red areas and moving further and further. An important factor is that you come from different sides, swing the enemy's defenses, make them distracted and make mistakes, at the same time, the allies begin to crush from the auxiliary direction. Such actions will surely lead you to victory!

In custody.

What can be said about the worldoftanks El-Khalluf map? First, the map is completely open, but with plenty of cover. Secondly, the map has only one decisive direction. Thirdly, El-Khalluf is balanced and does not have imbalanced distortions. Thus, the oldest and not always favorite map of our game at the moment has acquired a rather nice look. From now on, the game on El-Haluf is active and interesting, and the “staying” is a thing of the past. There are a lot of options for action here. True, it is worth noting the senselessness of two equally played battle modes, it would be enough to have a regular standard battle.

. Soon you will be presented with a new guide for the next world map Of Tanks, in the meantime, study the theory and then in practice you will be able to show yourself in the best way!