Group "Spleen": quotes from songs. Spleen quotes - all the best Spleen quotes

Splin is a cult Russian rock band. The band's penetrating lyrics are highly appreciated by fans and music critics. Quotes from the songs of "Spleen" carry a deep meaning and are remembered by the listener, since Alexander Vasilyev is always sincere and original in creating poetic images.

Quotes about love

The theme of love is one of the key motifs in the group's work. Quotes from the songs of "Spleen" about this feeling are varied: he sings about tragic love - unrequited or doomed to separation, and about happy, and about long gone and become only a memory.

Often the performer in the texts refers directly to his beloved, using the pronoun "you", sometimes talks about the relationship between two people from the position of an observer.

  • And you will forget my last look, but in hundreds of years you must recognize my voice.
  • And you keep watching movies, you keep looking for yourself among the gray stones, but what is left behind the scenes is known only to me.
  • I wanted to turn into a tram and drive through your window.
  • You are beautiful, like a wave of a magic wand in the hands of a stranger from a dream I forgot.
  • And two do not sleep, two smoke cigarettes of love. They feel good, will we disturb their peace?
  • Love is when good people poorly.
  • And love is a cage, and again I am cornered, like a helpless wounded animal.
  • When your throat is dry from thirst, take a sip of love.
  • We cry with happiness, laugh to tears - we are so similar. We look into each other's eyes, and frost on the skin.
  • Kill me for the fact that I have long cooled towards you.
  • Without it, all life is zero.

Philosophical quotes

In addition to love, Vasiliev often talks about the meaning of life in his work. There are quotes from the songs of "Spleen", referring to the philosophical trend of fatalism. One can notice how often the poet refers to the image of the supreme observer, thereby showing the inevitability of fate and the predestined path.

Sometimes a musician admits in poetry that he does not see the point: he writes about the aimlessness of being, due to the futility of efforts and limited knowledge. He draws attention to the relativity of truth, to the huge number of delusions that form during a person's life.

  • I'm walking along the road, and it's not a pity for the boot, along the familiar road. Not to hell and not to heaven.
  • I don't live, I follow own life development.
  • Many people, different people in the world of illusions.
  • The faster you lean on the oars, the faster you go off course.
  • In storms and calms, an angel on a spire looks at us from above.
  • I know that during the great lamentation, the eyes of those who called us home and promised us immortality remained dry.
  • We went into outer space. There is nothing more to catch in this world.
  • And the notes came together in one pattern, and at midnight the conductor appeared, and we all turned to him and became obedient.
  • A stone is rolling, not making out the road, without meaning, without a goal, without a map.
  • The train stayed - the platform left.
  • Who danced with us on Bald Mountain that night, who averted all misfortunes and quarrels from us ...
  • A fast train in the heart of the driver, the sound of wheels in the eyes of the conductor.
  • Invented people outside the window dictate the last pages to us.
  • Anyone with a gun in the house is equated with Kurt Cobain. Anyone who can read between the lines is doomed to have a gun in the house.

Quotes on political and social topics

In an interview, Alexander Vasilyev practically does not voice political views, calling his main task the creation of good songs, and not inciting the listener to fight.

Nevertheless, in his works, the musician spoke many times about the problems of the state and society - corruption, bureaucracy, lack of publicity. The negative attitude of the author to the war is most clearly expressed in the texts. Many quotes from the songs of "Spleen" have a pacifist orientation.

  • Beat drums, shoot anti-aircraft guns, just look, don't forget - a child is sleeping behind the wall.
  • We go crazy alone and in groups, the news feeds us with fresh corpses.
  • The postman completely bent under the load of terrible telegrams. One hundred twenty-five blockade grams with fire and blood in half.
  • Sleep, my child. The shells flew past.
  • And a girl with a bullet in her forehead will laugh at her father's corpse for a long time.
  • Someone is flying in circles over the playground, full of explosives.
  • It's all a lie... something happened, but they didn't tell us anything.
  • So far, far from Jamaica and Peter, judging by the winter boots and winter sweater, judging by the impudent gait and unwillingness to forgive.
  • And here even children know how to inhale this powder, white as snow, and breathe on the glass, and write that there is no way out.
  • Reincarnation is possible, you just need to pay before 19:00.
  • How can we know what war is if we do not know peace.
  • We cut the budget according to instructions within the law.

Quotes about myself

Like any creative person, Alexander Vasilyev tries to comprehend himself in this world in his texts, asks himself a question about the highest destiny, writes a lot about internal contradictions, about talent, about the eternal search for opportunities for self-expression.

In some songs, the musician opposes himself to society and even to his own listener.

  • Women look into my eyes and cry with thirst. And half of them honor me as a hero, while others honor me as a notorious villain.
  • I will sing and throw you a heap of silk lace on the table, in the interweaving of which my shaman tambourine laughs.
  • I'd tell you everything I know, but you can't talk about it.
  • From today, I ask you to consider me negative, but attractive.
  • What the mute said will die with me.
  • Everything I wanted to say is beyond words.
  • And I want new preludes, I want new symphonies.
  • I did not promise to be faithful to anyone, I did not answer letters to anyone, I turned off my phone and locked the doors. I am independent.
  • In general, it is very difficult to classify me as a poet.
  • Suspended on the strings, crucified on the fretboard.
  • He was insane, he was calm, a defendant and an escort.

Motivational Quotes

Despite the motive of hopelessness that is often found in Vasiliev, some quotes from Spleen are a call to action and motivate for great achievements. In his lyrics, Vasilyev reminds the listener of the value of life, which is passing right now.

This does not mean, according to the position of the author (or his lyrical hero), that everyone should set themselves ambitious goals and achieve them. Rather, we are talking about the need to constantly look for something new, to know the world, to enjoy every moment spent on earth. Although the theme of struggle, and sometimes rebellion, also often appears in the poet's texts.

  • Before I try, reach the goal, I want to remember this world as a whole.
  • Take your best songs when you leave, and tear up all the rest.
  • There is a wave, you rush headfirst into it.
  • Life is the most magical word.
  • I want to defend, I want to attack.
  • We stay and we don't give up.
  • Get a grip, daughter of the samurai!
  • While you're young, you have to hit the anvil.
  • Sleep always with open window to feel the world.
  • We were born into this world to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • We were born into this world to read all the books, to learn all the songs by heart.

Quotes About Time

A characteristic feature of Alexander Vasiliev's poetic talent is a subtle sense of the flow of life: he is able to figuratively convey the scale of a particular time period, in a metaphor to reflect the essence and spirit of a particular moment or period.

Vasiliev reflects on the transience of life. Sometimes the space in which the plot of his song develops turns out to be outside the usual framework of calendars and clocks, the chronology is discarded as a convention.

A clear designation of the space-time situation is the main means of creating an atmosphere in many tracks of the Splin group.

  • On Wednesday we sat down at the table, and now it's Sunday.
  • Forever leaving the sun will die in this hot July.
  • Who has nailed our arrows to dumb dials?
  • They are waiting for Christmas and at the same time they are afraid of the coming of winter.
  • From a variety of milestones, laying down his long century.
  • The dates on the calendar are deliberately mixed up.
  • An hour on the clock, the night, like a snake, crawled along the earth.
  • All times stood aside, and, sentries at their posts, beat the arrows on my watch.
  • We did not notice how the children grew up and left at dawn.
  • Kilometers will turn into films over the years.
  • Billions of stars have come to naught since we are with you on "you".

The most famous quotes

Like any band with a rich history and a huge number of listeners and fans, Spleen has lines that everyone knows. These are not necessarily the most profound and complex statements of the musician. Often, on the contrary, they delight in their simplicity and versatility. Usually these are the most memorable phrases from songs that have become hits and gained popularity far beyond the circle of rock band fans.

Of course, this is not a complete list of quotes from the Spleen group, since almost every line from Vasiliev's songs is worthy of attention.

  1. Here a man lives at the beginning of the 21st century in a beautiful city. He has certain life principles, his own worldview. He constantly analyzes what is happening around him, and very often sees how much his view does not coincide with what is happening. Because of this, a tragedy arises and, in fact, an occasion for writing a song. Or vice versa: your view absolutely coincides with what is happening, and major, bright, happy songs appear.

  2. I would be a Buddhist if not for our stupid climate.

  3. When there is a war in the country - why go there?

  4. You can bring any song to the level of an album, to the level of a work. If it has the original grain, if the text has at least one line, even if only one, then you can spin around it and create a work.

  5. Our task is to reconcile, not to quarrel.

  6. I think that every new generation finds hooks in new bands, for the sake of which they wait with fading new albums. Each new generation hardly complains about something.

  7. For me, the main thing is that the album flies by in one breath, even if it lasts 45 minutes.

  8. Art is the best opposition to power. We do not stand on the squares, but it is art that gives the spirit and strength to support thinking people.

  9. Due to the acceleration of the pace of life and culture falls. After all, to report something on the network, you can use a minimum of simple words. Decreased intelligence level. As long as there was no market in the country, the artist had the opportunity to practice the spirit. As soon as the market appeared, people turned to the other side. Will it ever settle down? Most likely, we will be thrown from side to side.

  10. For me, the main goal is to balance matter with the spirit so that they do not conflict. We are not millionaires in the group, but we are reluctant to turn into beggars either. I want the golden mean.

  11. What comes first - spirit or matter? The Chinese immediately solved this problem for themselves: spirit and matter are attracted to each other and make up something whole with each other. And it’s not worth even discussing what came first - the chicken or the egg. It's not a problem, don't waste your time on it.

  12. Whatever happens here, it is boring for us to go somewhere to another country, because we do not want to break out of this cultural context, fit into a new one and be strangers there.

  13. You can not drink three hundred and fifty-one grams. Three hundred and fifty is enough.

  14. The communist slogan "art must belong to the people" has been put into practice. "Folk art" - all these tyts-tyts-tyts - today we see on the screens of central TV channels and hear on the radio. Therefore, any complication causes fear among the population. But at the same time smart people don't share anywhere. They even Soviet authority could not destroy. And this part of the people needs complex, interesting music.

  15. Spleen - when you calmly let your musicians play in other bands. It is wonderful when a person is resting without us, and when he is bored, he returns, and there is always joy from a meeting.

- -

"Love is always one, no shot, no breath,
Love is when good people feel bad" (Jim)

Now that your years are like wings behind your back
Are you ready to kill someone who remembers my address?
I don't want, I don't want, I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME! (I don't want to go home)

"But you sing me some more, what can I change, Guided by my own shadow?" (Sing me some more)

"My cap is in bells, it rings for any movement,
Someone threw in the hearts we are lost as a generation." (Christmas)

"People in Leningrad and Rome think
That death is what happens to others
That life will keep turning and turning the wheel" (New people)

"She had a rule - not to trust those who obscure the light.
And I took off her dress, and under the dress a bulletproof vest. "(Black is the color of the sun)

"If I knew how difficult it is to fall asleep alone
If I knew what awaits me, I would go out the window "(Two do not sleep)

"Cross the line, for the first time in a hundred years,
Look at the beauty! Look at this world! Walking into the dark..." (Say)

"Once I had to be born
Let's enjoy
Let me breathe
Give people a chance
Break into this world
Fall in love with this world
Get into this world
Disappointed" (No more rock and roll)

"Anyone who has a gun in the house,
Equivalent to Kurt Cobain.
Anyone who can read between the lines
Doomed to have a gun in the house" (Sing me more)

"I will come to die of love in order to wake up alive in the morning" (Black color of the sun)

"An hour on the clock, night, as a snake crawled along the ground
At the lantern, death leaned over a new line
And two are not sleeping, two are sitting on a needle with love
They feel good, will we disturb their peace?" (Two do not sleep)

"Spell by syllable, take my words and throw them at her feet.
Say I love her. Without it, all life is zero,
Because of her, all life is zero..." (Say)

"Lights are burning, stars are sparkling. Everything is so complicated, everything is so simple.
We went into outer space. There is nothing more to catch in this world...
And you RONT YOUR LINE!" (Line of Life)

"Everyone left, there were two of the most crazy people in the world!" (We sat and smoked)

"She walked naked on the stairs,
Went naked on the street.
She even wanted to hang herself
But institute, exams, session!" (Orbit without sugar)

"Tied us with a proud knot, but no one will untie
Chop - I'm sure the hand can not lift the ax "(Breathless - lightness)

"I went to bed early in the morning. In the evenings I kept calling someone ...
The night is blackening ahead, turn off the light and come." (Come)

"Get out of my head! Above Moscow on a broom, through thorns to the stars." (Get out of my head)

"Have your black and white high!" (Audio setting)

"The light behind the black veil is not visible, the moon bypasses the Earth,
You will stay with me forever!" (Breathe easily)

"Welcome! Stay - with us, let someday
Any life that has ended long ago will start anew!" (Welcome!)

"(Get out) From my head, where the plane becomes a sphere,
Somewhere fireworks are burning, then wax candles are smoldering,
Where Bach's music mingled with Bosch's paintings
And the hemispheres of the brain are not friends with each other.
Where one line spins day and night
"Get out of my head very urgently!"
And take my thoughts about you with you,
So that God does not think that we are too hung up in this world. "(Get out of my head)

"What a killer weed!
I thought life was full of nightmares, ghouls, orderlies -
It all turned out just like that!" (The ship is waiting!)

Before trying to reach the goal
I want to remember this world whole
Let the city sparkle in the sun
Someone is thumping furiously in the chest:
"Get me out of here, let me out of here!" (Get me out of here)

"Thank you, world, you for everything -
For kindness, for bread, for salt,
For speeches. "(See you later)"

Somewhere we parted, I don't remember
In what cities
Like it was a hangover!" (No way out)

"Life is permanent
Life is impossible
Life is understandable
Life is something complicated
Life - do not gather your thoughts
Life is something important
Life is very fast
Life is very scary "(Seven eighths)

" New Year begins with the fact that no one remembers himself "(Nervous heart)

"We went to the bottom, we lit the fires. We are the only ones in the universe" (Life Line)

"And love is a cage, I'm cornered again, like a helpless wounded beast" (Beasts)

"I found where the plus is, I found where the minus is. If I don't fall in love, then I'll probably move" (Love goes through the wires)

"Just remember that your gaze is like a shot
Under the arches of the ancient temple "(Soon it will be sunny)

"If only we woke up with you in the same bed
Dawn is coming soon, there is no way out. Turn the key and fly.
It is necessary to write in someone's notebook With blood, as in the subway: "There is no way out" (There is no way out)

"See you! There, in heaven
Everything is ready, and the magic light will be eternal
As in our sweetest dreams - See you soon!" (See you later)

"Tell me what your grief is about,
I will take your pain as mine
It's a pity that everyone else fled into holes,
Leaving us on the very edge "(Beasts)

"I want to burn quietly in a hot flame
unlit fires,
In an open book to hide between the lines "(Soon it will be sunny)

"Believe me - I draw what I see,
This city is dear to me, people are dear to me,
But the one who looks at the pictures, crooks
His cursed mouth torn" (War)

"I love people, I love when they are not there. I would go out onto the balcony and unload my gun." (Love goes through the wires)

"The heart melted, warm tin flowed out, I still hide this spot from the light ..." (Cold winters)

"Billions of stars have gone to NO, since we are with you on YOU!" (Plastic life)

"Time ago, everything was divided around into someone else's and ours,
Throwing on different bowls against and for.
The calendar deliberately confused the numbers,
The fact that all this happened - I'm not evil. "(Time ago)

"And a snake and a wolf came together in it, and between them either love, or betrayal ..." (What will you do)

"So let's just watch
To these fabulous stars.
Warm each other, warm each other
It's just too late…." (Sihanoukville)

"He will walk you to the stop,
You will come home tomorrow morning
Quite different" (Completely different)

“He will tell you what is impossible and what is possible.
If only you know that it is impossible ”(Completely different)

“So everything is in reality, I didn’t dream anything,
A strange life on the verge of evil and good ”(Completely different)

"Mobile is not answering,
Does not respond to calls for help .. "(Mobile-)

"All the best to the one who remembers the past" (All the best)

Spleen - Plastic Life

*** - Tell me, mysterious person, who do you love more - father, mother, sister or brother? I have no father, no mother, no sister, no brother. - What about friends? - I do not understand what you mean: the meaning of your words eludes me. - And the homeland? - I do not know in what latitudes it lies. - Beauty? - I'd love to love her.

*** Nothing will change until you change it yourself. *** People sometimes leave, even if there is nowhere else to go. *** Time runs even if you don't follow him. *** When luck is not with you, it is against you. *** Doing the right thing should be easy. But in reality it turns out the opposite - as always. *** People lie, but

*** They (adults), as a rule, are worse than children, because children lie about simple things and for the sake of simple things. And adults sometimes lie so hard that they themselves no longer know where they started and what they want. *** It often seems to older people, adults, that children are not lonely, that they are not even aware of death.

*** There is such string theory. Not all scientists recognize it, but, in my opinion, it is correct ... As if the whole Universe is an infinite number of strings. Each microparticle is a string. And absolutely everything in the world depends on their sound. If you get the sound to become consistent, you get ... well, in general,

*** And I would be in your dreams Just once ... And I would be in your dreams At least for an hour ... *** You know, I know That with you that other one shares a blanket for a long time. I was looking for her, I found her direction on public portals. And probably you are pretending with her, That you are happy with her even in front of you. But only I know how

*** New Year begins with the fact that no one remembers himself. In the corner the Christmas tree is burning down, Some girl is sleeping on the tree. The funny thing is, she's most likely my wife.

*** Terrible silence, When in the midst of fun falls from the hands of a glass of wine. *** ... and in the handset these many years later, only beeps. *** It's so quiet that I can hear the subway car going in the depths... *** Hello. We will be happy now - and forever... *** Any deceptive sound is worse than silence...

*** Will there be spring - if so, when? If not, then why open your eyes... *** The nectar melts on honeyed lips and the girl in white counts to a hundred, Curving like a lyre... *** How do we know what war is if we don't know peace.

*** Among the gray walls of silence I found you by accident. I called you with me, I called you my destiny. You have eyes like the sky, Like the night, your eyelashes. Your arms are like wings, Wings of a lonely bird. *** Today we are spinning in a white dance, Probably we will make friends, And at night we will stay together, A

*** - Are you saying that guys only want one thing from girls? - Yes! What if they don't get it? - They're lying! - Lie? What lies? - Listen, if a girl smiled at me, I tell the guys that she gave me her phone, if she gave me a phone, then I say that we had a date. If there was a date

*** - Mr. President, Russian journalists are flying with us. I promised that you would tell them about life in the White House. - There is no life in the White House.

*** - Toast! Toast! Who will toast? Long Caucasian toast! - Short... - I always have one "All the best" toast. - What does it mean? Goodbye? - It means all the best. *** So, gentlemen, young officers. I noticed a long time ago that people are made of different materials. Exists

*** It "s impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. It is impossible to describe in words what people who do not know fear need. *** We teach young guys to shoot at people, but their commanders never let them write a swear word on a plane,

Did I ever Speak words to you, In which I reproached you for something? I just loved you Flowers gave gifts And never lied! After all, there is no one besides you In this whole world, You are the most precious thing for me On this planet! *** Your eyes can tell about everything in the world, But your tears cannot lie, I