Glamorous clothes for girls. Glamorous style - charm, charm, charm

one of the most fashionable and popular modern styles in clothing. It is characterized by femininity and brightness of the image, its goal is to maximize the attention of others to the appearance of a person. The word itself is translated from English as "brilliance", "charm", "charm", "luxury". Often, with the wrong approach, glamorous style borders on vulgarity.

History of origin and development

In fact, "glamour" is not such a modern concept, its history goes far into the past. If we turn to the origin of the word in more detail, then Here, too, you can find a whole story.

The original source was the Latin concept of grammatica - grammar, i.e. language teaching. Then it passed into French, but with a slightly different meaning, or rather, meanings. It formed two new words at once. The first is grammaire - grammar, learning, and the second - grimoire, which meant witchcraft knowledge or a book of spells. It was in this second meaning that the word passed to England and Scotland. Its modern form, glamor, has already appeared here. With this word, the British denoted magic spells and witchcraft.

However, the processes described above took place quite a long time ago, during the Middle Ages, and had little to do with the style of the same name. The real glamor came much later.

Glamor has always been not just a style of clothing, first of all, it is a special lifestyle, a special attitude.

The first example of the emerging glamorous lifestyle can be considered the Baroque era in France in the 17th century.. The countdown of the existence of this style begins with the accession to the throne of the young Louis XIV, who was nicknamed the "Sun King". He not only turned France into a strong state, but also made it the center of social life throughout Europe. This ruler, more than anything else, loved entertainment, noisy holidays, balls, masquerades and dances. The costumes of the courtiers have changed beyond recognition. Previously, they were hard, dark, had strict geometric shapes, dense heavy velvet was used as a material, and silver was used as a finish. With the advent of the baroque style, flowing lines, multi-layered designs, flowing silk and satin, decorated with gold, appeared in outfits. This style was the epitome of luxury, an analogue of modern glamour.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the heyday of luxurious social life began again in France, and the active publication of literary works dedicated to it began. At that time, a person was judged primarily by his appearance and his manners. An excellent testimony to this is the phrase of that era: "The mind of a person is manifested in the way he holds a cane."

Hollywood glamour.

Then, in the twentieth century, the influence of glamor on people increased. This was facilitated by the development of mass communications. True, the word "glamor" itself was not yet used. But its meaning reflected everything that happened one hundred percent. All women aspired to be like the brilliant stars of silent films, black-and-white pictures with their image were sold everywhere. Jazz culture was glamorous in its own way. The real idols of style, brilliance and beauty were actresses and who conquered the world not only with their very attractive appearance, but also with their intelligence and ability to perfectly present themselves to the public in the most advantageous light. Thanks to these actresses, the image of an impregnable beauty in a long silk dress with an open back and a fur cape was born. The audience was delighted with such women, many even dyed their hair blond, in imitation of celebrities. It was then, in the 30s, that the ordinary life of movie stars became public knowledge. Hollywood began to dictate beauty standards around the world. Famous actors and their lifestyle have become a standard, a role model.

Then, in the 40s, puppet beauty came into fashion. She was born pictures called "Pin-Up". These are the same ones that American soldiers glued to the walls in their barracks. Their peculiarity was that the girls in the pictures were not real at first, it was just an image. However, this image soon became a reality. American women began to strive to be like Pin-Up. This was the beginning of the era of "puppetry" in world fashion.

In the 50s, the main stronghold of glamor appeared - glossy magazines. They showed people not only new styles of clothing, but also promoted a special way of life, incredibly beautiful and, at the same time, far from everyday life. Thanks to them, the word "glamour" in its modern meaning came into use. At the same time, a new icon of style and glamour, Marilyn Monroe, appeared in the Hollywood firmament. She became a recognized sex symbol and introduced new beauty standards. Already at that time, the first disputes around glamor and a glamorous lifestyle arose. Some considered him the highest happiness, others openly accused him of emptiness and lack of spirituality.

In 1961, the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" was released. The main role in the film was played by a young actress, for which she was awarded the golden statuette "Oscar", and was recognized as the most "glamorous" actress. Thanks to the heroine Hepburn, named Holly (Halle), graceful cocktail dresses and unusual hats have become incredibly popular.

Two years later, the world saw the painting "Cleopatra" and the brilliant Elizabeth Taylor starring. After that, the Egyptian style of dress and hair became glamorous. Now everyone began to wear deep tunic dresses that perfectly emphasized the waist. Jewelry in the form of Egyptian hieroglyphs and ornaments, huge gold and a peculiar make-up that creates a slit of a cat's eyes came into fashion.

New standards of beauty

The 70s brought new looks and new names. This time was the heyday of glam rock. Glamor captured not only women, but also men. Bright, defiant make-up came into fashion, which young rockers used no less than girls. This is how “metrosexualism” appeared, which plays an important role in glamorous life to this day. The idol of that decade was the image David Bowie, unearthly and bright.

It was a time of asexual beauty, the symbol of which was the model. The magnificent forms of Marilyn Monroe are a thing of the past, they were replaced by a teenage boy.

Then, in the 90s, the era has come. Everything that was well promoted was glamorous, the world of gloss was the standard.

Glamor style today

Modern glamorous style is created from a wide variety of elements. Any clothes are suitable for this. , for example, can be narrow or wide; a - short or long. Jackets, T-shirts, leggings - everything is suitable for creating a glamorous look. An important role in this style is played by fur, it is worn both in winter and in summer, the most popular is fur with a long pile. With its help, a variety of wardrobe items are decorated, such as stoles, jackets, or boas.
Glamorous style is characterized by an incredible variety of colors and shades. They do not have to be bright and catchy, such as purple, orange, pink or fuchsia. Glamorous often use restrained tones, the main thing here is a sense of style.

Back in the middle of the twentieth century, long gloves appeared, which remain incredibly popular today. They are worn with great pleasure by modern lovers of glamorous style both outdoors and indoors.
Among glamorous celebrities include Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Eva Longoria, Scarlett Johansson, Rihanna, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Scherzinger ), Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie, Jessica Alba, Marion Cotillard, Emma Stone, Diane Kruger, Nicole Kidman and many others.

Today, glamor has become an integral part of society. You can relate to it in different ways, but you cannot but recognize its significance in the fashion world. However you can not mix concepts such as "glamour" and "gloss". With absolute external similarity, the difference between them lies in the fact that glamor implies individuality, originality and originality of the individual. Gloss is just a blank copy. At all times, fashion was dictated by strong, smart and special, unlike other women: Angélique de Fontanges - the mistress of Louis XIV, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe and, of course, Audrey Hepburn. Therefore, glamor, first of all, is a unique style.

How to create an image in a glamorous style?

  • Explore the glam era in Hollywood, because glamorous style is not new. Black and white film stars were the first to take care of their appearance and style. Look back at the films of that time and pay attention to how and what kind of clothes they wore.
  • Buy extravagant and elegant things. Glamorous clothing should correctly place accents and draw attention to details. Of the materials, expensive ones are usually chosen, such as fur and silk. Don't be afraid to mix styles, wear modern clothes that match the latest and classic pieces that will never go out of style.
  • Don't forget the details! Not a single glamorous look can be considered complete without the right ones. Diamonds and quality will perfectly complement the outfit. Choose accessories in accordance with the main style, avoid vulgarity.
  • Get the glamour right. Many mistakenly believe that being glamorous means being a diva. To become glamorous, you need to be absolutely confident in yourself. Glamorous ladies do not need to specifically attract attention to themselves, the very presence at the event does it for them.
  • Be eloquent. Glamorous people speak with a touch of refinement and sophistication.

Glamor style is a fashion trend that characterizes the brightness, exclusivity and femininity of the image. The main task of the style is to draw attention to the appearance of the individual as much as possible. To date, glamor is the most popular and most recognizable style direction in clothing.

The multifaceted concept of glamor did not appear immediately, but is a collective term that has been formed for more than one century. Glamorous clothing for girls is inextricably linked with a certain and vibrant lifestyle in society.

Glamorous clothing style - the history of appearance

The term "glamour" is not so new. The very meaning of the word glamor takes us several centuries back to Europe. The word appeared by merging two other words - learning and witchcraft. So in the past centuries in England and Scotland they denoted witchcraft and magic spells.

Glamor style is, first of all, a special way of life, which involves wearing special bright clothes. The history of glamor began with the founder of the glamor trend, King Louis XIV of France. He was different big love to entertainment, bright balls and masquerades. During his reign in the 17th century, the "Sun King" turned Paris into a fashion center, and dressed his courtiers in outfits richly decorated with gold, silk and satin. The design of the attire during his reign was also different. She had more layered forms, and the lines became smooth and flowing.

Then followed Hollywood glamour, although such a thing did not yet exist. The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the flourishing of cinema and the development of mass communications. Actresses enter the fashion arena, setting fashion and dictating their own rules of beauty. Glamorous clothes appear and a certain glamor image of an impregnable beauty in a long shiny silk dress, with a bare back and a fur cape, is born.

In America, in the 40s, the Pin-Up direction was born. The current was a series of pictures with painted puppet girls. Soldiers kept such painted pictures at home or hung over the bed. These were invented, painted images of women that did not exist. But they instantly became popular and women began to imitate them. So the fashion for doll appearance entered, which later joined the concept of glamorous style.

With the advent of magazines and the development of cinema in the 50s, they began to promote glamor not only in clothes, but also to show the whole glamorous lifestyle. He was a real unattainable goal, but to which everyone aspired. Girls cut and curled their hair like movie heroines, sewed the same outfits, behaved like movie divas in society. At this time, the style icon Marilyn Monroe appears. And the term "glamour" is included in the mass use, which gives rise to disputes about the futility and aimlessness of the glamorous lifestyle.

In the 70s, new standards of beauty appeared, which were inspired by the already fashionable gloss. Lush feminine forms are becoming a thing of the past and asexual beauty is becoming popular, and Twiggy and David Bowie are becoming the main style icons. His glamorous lifestyle, bright make-up and flashy clothes spawned a new trend in fashion - "metrosexualism". Now not only women, but also men are interested in fashion and beauty.

The end of the 20th century was marked by a massive flourishing of clothing brands and everything that was well promoted became glamorous. And the standard of beauty began to be imposed by glossy publications and television. Modern glamorous clothing style is created from various clothes that do not have a clear style boundary, but are necessarily produced in bright and catchy colors. Style icons are not only actresses and singers, but also just bright personalities, such as Paris Hilton.

The beginning of the 2000s, the glamorous style of clothing is changing again. The canons of beauty, society and style icons take on a different shape. Television is fading into the background, and the main source of glamorous life is the Internet. Style icons are dictating new beauty standards through Instagram, YouTube video channel and other digital sources. The most striking examples are the models Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner, who became famous thanks to Instagram. Now every girl can become a role model by successfully distributing her photos on the Internet.

Glamorous style - photos of bright images

The concept of glamor today is often confused with the term gloss, where in the second case it is completely copying images from the pages of glossy publications or fashion photos on Instagram. Glamor clothing has always been a kind of individuality and dissimilarity of style. Glamor girls themselves set the fashion with their bright images, which are then picked up or copied by other girls.

But still, glamor clothing has its basis:

  • glamor style dress - unlike any other original outfit that perfectly emphasizes the figure, most often with an open back, without shoulders, corners and rough elements
  • two-piece suits, which can include both trousers with a jacket and a skirt with a blazer, such models are made in a limited copy and only from high-quality and expensive fabrics
  • jumpsuit can also belong to the glamor style and always bright colors, although options are possible with neutral shades, but always with chic trim and decor
  • the presence of natural fur in the outfit, even for the summer season, which is used to decorate both individual items of clothing and outerwear
  • an important role is played by accessories that complement the image in the style of glamor - high gloves, precious jewelry, leather bags, expensive and exclusive shoes.

Recently, in the fashion community, the question has been increasingly discussed - are jeans considered glamorous clothes? According to most stylists and fashion industry experts, denim trousers cannot be considered high-class clothing, as often the models are not exclusive, which is the most important component of a glamorous style.

To look glamorous, you should follow these rules:

The choice of clothes should lean towards elegant and at the same time extravagant outfits, both in classic style and choosing modern trends. No vulgarity.

Accents should be correctly placed by adding glamorous accessories to the image. Tailoring fabric is also selected only high quality and the most expensive.

To become glamorous, according to many stylists, you need to be confident. Glamorous divas do not always attract attention with their clothes, and the image emphasizes a strong position in society.

Glamor in clothes is chosen by such modern style icons as Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Blake Lively, Victoria Beckham. They prefer to wear exclusive expensive clothes even in everyday life. While most other Hollywood stars turn to glamorous looks only for social events and for going out on the red carpet.

Started in the Baroque era and transformed in the 21st century, the glamor style is still quite relevant among famous people. In life ordinary people it is more often used at the wedding ceremony when choosing the main dress of the bride. In the life of every girl there was an event that required a glamorous outfit, where each of us felt like a real glamorous diva.

Imitating the actresses of the golden age of Hollywood and choosing a smart, shiny outfit, I go in search of new fashions, because I still have ✭ Nothing to wear ✭

To understand what a glamorous interior is, you need to thoroughly understand the concept of glamor in general - its history and phenomenon for modern society. Sound scary? By no means! It is not difficult to catch its shades.

Glamour translates to French as actually "charm", "charm", "charm". In fact, it cannot be said that it refers to one thing: music, paintings, architecture or interior. This is a mass phenomenon that sets the atmosphere and shade, without dictating clear canons.

But some specific features nevertheless formed within the framework of this direction, and we will tell you: both about the general mood and about particulars.

The history of glamor in the interior

Glamor can be best described as an aesthetic phenomenon. It originated as a natural continuation of the emergence of such things as mass consumption, show business, fashion. The very division of mass products and luxury goods has firmly entered our culture and glamor - the apotheosis of a rich, full of colors and pleasures of life. Where there is glamour, there will be hedonism.

But having such a broad concept in its foundations, glamor penetrates into all spheres of life of people who gravitate towards it. These are elite, catchy accessories, and clothes of fashion brands, and expensive cars. And, of course, exquisite, high-quality interiors.

The main features of glamor

External brilliance is elevated in glamor to the absolute. Therefore, while forming certain interior features, he left many styles "overboard". Minimalism, hi-tech, simple classics - they all follow the idea of ​​functionality, often neglecting appearance. Not very suitable, is it?

Glamor has nested at the intersection of baroque, art deco, modern and vintage: artsy directions that perfectly demonstrate the owner's bohemian tastes. This is not to say that glamor has left these styles intact. So, for example, baroque and rococo changed under its influence and acquired more modern features and forms.

But these are all general trends. Glamor is not a list of rules, but a mood, certain staring details are also characteristic of it.

  • Space

Glamor is a luxurious and emphatically pompous style. Because it involves large spaces, high ceilings and a sense of freedom. This is played by both the real spaciousness of the room and visual tricks - such as the use of light colors, a large number of mirrors and light.

  • Colors

Glamor has no specific color preferences, however, if you want to recreate its magnificent atmosphere, you should give preference to the most pure and saturated tones: black and white, purple, red, blue, green, yellow. Of course, softer colors are also suitable for glamour: pale blue, beige, but when using them, it is desirable to focus on other elements of luxury.


It is impossible to name some limited list of materials that can be used in glamor style interiors. At least because in the decoration of walls and furniture they will be completely different. But there is some kit that will help you stick to the general mood of luxury glamour:

  • precious metals

Gold, silver, platinum: all this can be used not only in jewelry. glamorous interiors will suit both decorative dishes made of these materials and decor elements. Partial finishes are also acceptable: for example, a silver-plated pattern on the wallpaper or chrome-plated legs and furniture frame.

  • Mirrors

Speaking of chrome. A glamorous style room includes many mirrors that will both expand the space and give luxurious interiors a special touch. Therefore, do not skimp on mirrors (but do not overdo it) and chrome elements in the decor.

  • Stones and rhinestones

Another way to emphasize the splendor of style is to use precious stones and rhinestone. Stones will look good in expensive jewelry-type accessories, but rhinestones can be used on their own: a scattering of large crystal cut like diamonds can be placed on a table or chest of drawers. And it will look just great.

  • Crystal and glass

These materials are consonant with the previous ones, but are already used not so much in decor as in quite functional things: countertops, hanging chandeliers, furniture elements. Like the rest of the details of the glamorous interior, these are designed to create a unique brilliance.

  • Satin, velvet, silk, brocade

Not to mention textile materials. In general, we have already described the desired ones, but in fact you are not limited by almost anything: the main thing is that the decoration and accessories made of fabric look elegant and expensive.

Leather is also valued in glamorous interiors. Moreover, it can be finished not only with “sitting” furniture, such as armchairs and sofas, but also tables, chests of drawers or shelves. That not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but also quite functional - it is easy to take care of the skin.


What about finishing? The basic rule remains unchanged - the main thing is that the materials look presentable and modern.

  • Walls

Wallpaper in rich colors with an interesting floral or geometric pattern will go well with the walls. You can use wood panels, and even masonry (especially if it is marble), but do not forget it emphasized the "synthetics" of the glamorous style, so you need to be more careful with natural materials.

Finishing the floors is subject to the same rules as the walls. Parquet or laminate can also be suitable, especially non-standard colors - black or white. The tile will also look advantageous. A bulk glossy floor will go especially glamorous style - most importantly, get ready to care for it.

Patterns, furniture and accessories

  • patterns

Patterns are a separate topic in glamorous interiors. Both regular hermetic and floral patterns are valued, but the concept of repetition has taken root especially in this direction. Of course, you can use unique elements, but a repeating, graceful pattern will be especially effective.

  • Furniture

The same applies to furniture. It can also be monochromatic, but, for example, simplified images of flowers on kitchen cabinets perfectly diversify the interior and complement the specifics of glamor.

Glamor gravitates towards artsy and at the same time solid furniture. best of all, a modern interpretation of such styles as baroque, art deco, modern will suit him. It is not so much the form that is important, which can be strict and classic or completely incredible and strange, but harmony and external gloss. Expensive materials, clear workmanship, harmony and consonance of every detail in the interior - this is the secret of glamorous style.

  • Accessories

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention such a thing as accessories. For glamorous style, they mean a lot. These are the crystals we mentioned earlier; some exclusively decorative figurines; paintings. And curtains, sets of dishes, optional cladding elements.

For glamor style, Art Deco accessories are best suited: they most fully demonstrate the pretentiousness and luxury of this trend. With Art Nouveau and Baroque, you need to be more careful, but with a reasonable approach and among them you will select what you need.

Glamor: to be or not to be?

Glamorous interior - expensive, presentable, brilliant. It should be made to a high standard and with perfect taste and will suit well those who are accustomed to luxury: both its external manifestations and "internal" conveniences. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the implementation of this design will require significant financial costs.

And if you want to decorate or renovate a room (and possibly the whole house) in a glamorous style, please contact our company designers " TopDom ":

  • professionals with many years of experience have excellent taste;
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A lot of beautiful and dubious things are connected with the word glamor, but we will not go into philosophy today. It is better to take a look and choose a beautiful glamorous dress from the collections of the outgoing season. Now that summer collections are on sale everywhere, it's the right time to start looking for things that are not dominated by fleeting fashion trends.

A beautiful glamorous dress can serve you for many seasons, it will be a great outfit for evening events and holidays. In some outfits, styles are mixed, and the result is such a thing as gothic glamor or glamorous baroque. Perhaps even create glamorous minimalism, if you try.

J Mendel

A real glamorous dress immediately draws attention to its mistress, the main thing is that you feel comfortable in the spotlight. If you are ready for this, choose dresses. The distinctive elements of the glamorous style are fur elements, preferably with a long pile, feathers, sparkling crystals, silk fabrics, lace and shining elements.

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Do not forget about the eternal prints - leopard and snake. she told me many times why these prints will always be in fashion and how to wear them correctly. In some dresses, several materials of different textures can be used at once. Great importance has a color, but a glamorous outfit does not have to be fuchsia or gold. The color of the dress can be black, the main thing is that the shade matches the image as much as possible.

Accessories for a glamorous dress

Long gloves and diamonds will be a chic addition to our dress. If your jewelry box does not contain precious stones, luxurious costume jewelry will do. And also handbags and shoes, without expensive accessories it will not be possible to create a truly glamorous image.

At the very beginning, we mentioned fur, but there are very few dresses with fur trim, and given that today we choose things from the warm season collection, it is unrealistic to find fur trim here. Therefore, buy a fur boa or fluffy fur.

J Mendel

When choosing this style, do not forget the energy of brands. An outfit from a fashion brand will always be better than an identical dress without famous name. The brand increases the value of things in the eyes of others, and most importantly, it gives additional confidence to the mistress of the dress.

Real glamor is not only a dress, but much more, here it is necessary to take into account all the elements of the image, but also the internal state. To be glamorous, you need to have absolute self-confidence, only then you can truly shine. At the same time, it is important to observe the measure in everything.

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