Fortune telling by shadow meaning of bear figures. How to conduct New Year's fortune telling by shadows on the wall

I would like to believe that we can predict the future, find out whether we made the right choice, how to behave further and what to do? These fortune telling for girls on paper will help you understand your feelings and the feelings of other people towards you, and learn about the near future.

Fortune telling on paper

In fortune telling, which we will describe next, the main role is played by the LI particle. But let's take it in order! Write down on paper a question that worries you, but formulate it in such a way that you can answer it: “yes” or “no”. For example, will I go to the cinema with Zhenya today? Now you need to count the number of letters under each word, then continue adding two numbers at a time and so on until you get a single-digit number from 1 to 9. That is, if you end up with 15, then you also need to add 1+5. It is the final number that will tell you the answer to the cherished question! If in the end you have the number 8, then you now need to play a little counting game with the LI particle: l-1, i-2, l-3, i-4, l-5, i-6, l-7, i-8. Cross out the “I” and you are left with an “L”. Now the most important thing, how are these letters interpreted? L is yes, but I is no. This fortune telling on a piece of paper is one of many that gives answers to the most cherished questions.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen

You fell in love and you don’t know how this guy feels about you. Fortune telling on a guy on paper chamomile will help you find out more about his feelings. And we don’t need a field daisy, but a painted one. How many letters are in the name of the boy you like, so many petals for the flower. Don’t forget to draw a stem - it will be a kind of starting point. From the petal clockwise we enter the name of the beloved. After that, under his name we write ours. If your name has more letters, then write only those that fit. That is, if a guy’s name has 8 letters and yours has 10, then you only write the first eight letters of your name. After everything is written, you need to count how many petals there are that make up a pair of a consonant letter and a vowel. Y, b – in this case we also classify them as consonants.

The meaning of fortune telling on paper

  1. If there is no such petal, then you have nothing in common. In the future, only friendship awaits you, and you can become best friends, despite the fact that you are a girl and he is a guy and they say that such friendship does not exist - don’t listen. But there will be no love, unless something happens that forces you to get closer.
  2. One petal indicates that your relationship is quite successful. But it’s worth fighting a lot for a guy’s feelings, since they will periodically go out and you will need to do everything to ignite them. Your love with him is a constant struggle and conquest on your part. If you are ready, then go for it, but keep in mind that it will not be easy! Feed your feelings with pleasant joint events and activities. But don’t forget about this option: perhaps this guy is not for you and someone else could love you sincerely.
  3. Two petals - at first your relationship is a fairy tale, but every day some dark shadows will creep into it, which will darken your relationship. At first, life will be so easy, and love will be so strong that you will not be interested in anything that happens around you - all your attention will be on yourself and your lover. You will think that your relationship is eternal, but the rose-colored glasses in your case will quickly come off, and you will see that this is not your hero. Although no, marriage is possible and even, probably, it will be happy. But at times and every year there will be less and less happiness. You will not be able to put up with each other’s shortcomings, but remember, if you still stay together, then don’t try to change the person, you need to come to terms with his shortcomings or replenish his treasury of advantages.
  4. Three petals are love and it can keep you together forever, but it’s worth constantly feeding it so that at one point you don’t become unbearably bored with each other. Don't get caught up in the routine, brighten up your time together with surprises! Do a lot of things together - it brings you closer. And don’t refuse the guy’s help, he loves you, give him the opportunity to feel needed and useful. Your relationship will most likely end in marriage.
  5. Four petals or more are a union for life. You've met someone you won't get bored with, not because he's funny, but because you're perfect for each other. Support and support - that's who you found. Harmony, passion and mutual understanding are what, besides love, will fuel your relationship. The two of you are one.

Fortune telling on spoons with paper

Four spoons need to be wrapped in paper. Each in a separate piece, it is better to wrap it in two or three layers. Afterwards, you need to wrap all four spoons in one large piece of paper, but so that each spoon lies separately from each other (without touching). After these simple steps, raise your hands over the spoons and ask the question you are interested in, turning to the brownie. But don’t forget that the answer you can get is either “yes” or “no,” so formulate it correctly in advance. The question has been asked, now unfold the main paper and look, if most of the spoons are no longer wrapped separately, each in their own paper, then the answer is yes, but if everything remains as before, or fewer spoons are unfolded, then the answer is no. This fortune telling can also be used as fortune telling on paper.

Fortune telling on paper

Like one of the fortune-telling for a lover, there is also a fortune-telling on paper for a desire. Make a wish, draw an arbitrary number of lines on a piece of paper - no matter how many, the main thing is to think exclusively about your goal while doing this. You will know when to stop. And start crossing out two sticks at a time. If some stick is left without a pair, then the wish will come true, but if each line has a pair, then for now the wish will remain unfulfilled.

Fortune telling on burnt paper

Fortune telling on burnt paper There are different things, but the most popular is the interpretation of the shadow of the ashes. As a rule, it should be carried out at night, of course, in the dark. Keep the question, the desire in your head and write it on a piece of paper, which you will burn.

We place the candle on a chair or table in front of the wall and light it. Place a saucer nearby in which you will burn the paper. From a candle, light a piece of paper with a wish and watch the process, but look directly at the wall: what shadows are formed there and what they remind you of. But the main fortune telling begins when the fire has already gone out and only remnants of paper lie on the saucer. We turn on fantasy, imagination - and judge the future. Iconic figures are sometimes quite intricate, so you need a lot of work. You can slowly turn the plate with ashes until you see some clear symbol on the wall.

The meaning of fortune telling on burnt paper

Fortune telling - burning paper - is quite popular, so there are a huge number of options for symbols that can be seen on the wall. Below are the meanings of the most popular shadows that girls see at night in a dark room when they tell fortunes on paper.

  • seeing man silhouette in the shadows, the girl will meet her future groom or a new friend will appear who will help in a situation that now seems impossible to solve;
  • horizontal lines or stripes on the wall, which symbolize the road, indicate that a trip awaits you somewhere or that you will be moving;
  • if you were lucky and saw on the wall flower, then wait for a marriage proposal from your lover, but if you are not dating anyone yet, then perhaps soon you will be called on a date and some juicy surprise will happen to you;
  • to diseases and problems that will not be so easy to cope with, portends shadow of the cross;
  • vertical bar prophesies the appearance of temptation, which is better to refuse, because if you submit to it, expect trouble;
  • shadow of a castle or building– a quick wedding or moving to a new home with a loved one;
  • see cat, means that soon a seducer will appear on the horizon who will give you a lot of pleasure, but your relationship will not develop into anything more than just a short intrigue;
  • bird– changes. They will be good or bad - it all depends on where the bird is flying: up or down. Accordingly, if the first option, then pleasant changes await you, in the second option, expect failures, but you will cope;
  • pig to prosperity and unexpected wealth in the near future. Although it is also possible that the pig is due to ingratitude on the part of your friends;
  • horse– be vigilant, perhaps your loved ones will want to trick you even at the moment when you are completely disarmed;
  • see a stack of hay- this means that you will be sitting at home in the near future, and no exciting or interesting events will happen to you.

As you already understand, there are a wide variety of options, the main thing is to use your imagination!

Fortune telling on paper

For this fortune telling you do not need to be an artist. It is necessary to schematically draw a man, a woman, a bird, a tree, a flower, a fence, a cat, a river and a door. Each of the drawings symbolizes something. This fortune telling on papers will help you understand situations that have become incomprehensible to you or you cannot find the right way out of them.

After drawing everything listed on separate pieces of paper, put them in a bag. You have the opportunity to receive a comprehensive answer to a question that genuinely interests you. Have you formulated it? Do you know what needs to be clarified first in your life? After asking a question and mentally scrolling through it in your head, pull a leaf from the bag. Now we will decipher what came out.

Woman- this image symbolizes the fact that you are very demanding of yourself and of those around you, and this bar is very high - this prevents you from living an easy life, you constantly burden yourself with some kind of worries, not wanting to rely on other people. This card also suggests that the people who surround you may interfere with what you have in mind; they will think that they are guided by common sense, but in fact their excessive caution will hurt you.

Man– you cannot fulfill your desire on your own; you need to resort to the help of friends and relatives. It just seems to you that you can do everything much better on your own, in fact, you need to learn to trust yourself. But at the same time, the image of a man suggests that everything you have planned will come true thanks to a reliable rear.

Bird suggests that for now it’s worth holding off on planning something important for the near future. Dream, but don't make it happen yet because you may be disappointed.

House– in the next few days everything in your life will be calm. And what you wished for will come true only if you wait patiently and work hard to realize your plans. And don’t forget that you are not yourself and turn to your loved ones for help. It is also associated with some troubles that await you. If you have made a wish for something that cannot be realized without the financial side, then it is better to hold off on it, since in the near future financial issues will be difficult for you to resolve.

Fence symbolizes that soon all adversity will end, and a white streak in your life will begin with pleasant surprises and surprises that your friends will arrange for you. Do not refuse help, because at this period of your life, it is selfless.

Cat drawing- the strength of your character. This means that the wish you made will come true only after you start working hard to realize it. Don’t pile your worries on others, now only you can help yourself.

Flower- to changes in personal life. Your wish will not be fulfilled without the intervention of your significant other. This drawing also speaks of unexpected luck, so keep your nose to the wind - big finds and monetary rewards are possible.

River– you need to unwind and travel, abandon all plans and relax. This drawing can also symbolize the arrival of relatives who are very dear to you, but whom you have not seen for a long time.

Doors– this is access to a new professional and educational level. You will certainly achieve success in your plans. The near future will be productive and eventful.

Fortune telling with sticks on paper

Make a wish for three guys: give each a number. For example, Petya is No. 0, Valera is No. 1, and Seryozha is No. 2. Afterwards, you need to write the following letters in the column: LURDNISTEKHB. L - loves, y - respects, r - jealous, d - thinks about you, n - likes you, i - is interested, s - suffers, t - is drawn to you, e - there is another, x - wants to be friends, b - will be friends . Next to each letter you need to draw sticks. How many? Mentally tell yourself “stop” and stop. After this, you need to cross out three sticks in each row until there are no combinations of three left. If there is no stick left opposite a letter, write “0” next to it. Accordingly, if there is one stick, then “1”, if there are 2, then “2”.

When interpreting symbols, first of all, pay attention to how clearly this symbol appears and how easily it is recognized. Clearly defined, easily recognizable outlines indicate that such a symbol needs to be given increased attention. He will occupy one of the leading places in the priority table. Typically, the description of a given symbol is most important. For example, if it is a warning symbol, then you should clearly remember this warning, as it will likely be very significant to you. If this is a foreshadowing symbol, then you can be sure that the event will be very bright and memorable.

The next most important indicator is the time the symbol is displayed on the wall. Sometimes it happens that one character “freezes” for quite a long time within the time frame. This is also a kind of indicator of the “sustainability” of this event. If clarity of forms is a sign of the qualitative characteristics of an event, then the time indicator reflects the time of impact of this event on you. For example, if you clearly recognize the symbol “BEETLE,” this will mean that what is being hidden will turn out to be really very important and unexpected news for you, and if the beetle lingers on the wall for a long time, this means that the news will be hidden very long before you can recognize her.

As already mentioned, try to remember the sequence of symbols and also pay attention to the color characteristics. Thick, black shadows have an advantage over gray, barely noticeable ones.

Among the signs there are such varieties as warning signs (about some danger, trouble), foreshadowing signs (a joyful event, good luck) and suggestive signs (when it is known that there is some danger, but it is not clear from whom or what it comes from).

It should also be remembered that symbols with a negative name do not always have the same meaning.

The Interpretation presents decodings in a modern interpretation (for example, if in older books the term meant “invitation to a ball,” then in the modern version it will say “invitation to a party”: the meaning of the symbol does not change, only the form changes in accordance with the present tense). Also note that over time, people who practiced fortune telling and studied it added new signs and symbols to the Interpretation. Therefore, you should not be surprised if you see a symbol here that denotes an object that appeared later than fortune telling, for example, an airplane.

Wherever you come across an expression like “don’t fly on a plane tomorrow/don’t invite guests/leave the house as little as possible, etc.”, remember that “tomorrow” means the day immediately following the fortune-telling night, i.e. . Given the timing of the fortune telling, this “tomorrow” may actually turn out to be “today”.

If you cannot find an interpretation of the desired image, try paraphrasing, for example: Cat - Cat, Dog - Dog, Cabby - Coachman, Colonel - Officer, etc.

Christmas is a time of magic and mystical rituals. On this day, even adults are imbued with the atmosphere of magic. Our ancestors believed that during the Christmas season, even a person who does not have mystical powers is able to find out his future and predict changes in life. There are various methods of divination. One of the simplest is fortune telling on burnt paper. Fire is a strong natural element that gives a person the opportunity to look into the future and find answers to all questions. Basic methods of fortune telling:

  • With the help of a candle.
  • At will.
  • For the future.
  • In the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling on burnt paper - a simple way to predict the future

Fortune telling on burnt paper using a candle is a simple way to find out your future. It is best to perform the ritual from January 6 to 7 after sunset. In the room where it will take place, you need to remove all the icons, cover the mirrors with black cloth, and close the windows and doors. The lights must be turned off. You will need:

  • Matchbox;
  • White paper;
  • porcelain saucer;
  • white candle.

Take a piece of white paper, place it on a saucer and set it on fire. When it starts to burn, place a lit candle near the saucer. The candle flame will make the shadows cast by the leaf more distinct and visible. Concentrate on the fire and imagine how all your wishes come true. After the paper has burned, you need to carefully examine its shadow.

If you do not see clear images, you can spin the saucer. But this must be done very carefully so that the sheet does not fall apart. Shadow images will tell you how the situation will develop and give answers to all your questions.

Fortune telling on burnt paper - meanings of shadows (decoding fortune telling)

  • Seeing the image of a horned creature promises big troubles;
  • the image of a house foreshadows a quiet family life and material wealth;
  • mountains are a harbinger of difficulties;
  • a swan or dove denotes happy love and romantic relationships;
  • a rider on a horse - success and good luck in all matters;
  • bag - profit and wealth;
  • tower - a successful career;
  • a bride or veil foreshadows a wedding;
  • weapons promise quarrels and conflicts;
  • monkey or elephant - soon your life will change, you will meet an important person;
  • a car or ship promises a long journey;
  • the face of an evil woman suggests that some female person is plotting against you;
  • turtle - nothing will change in your life;
  • a rose or other flower portends success in your personal life;
  • baby - expect an addition to the family.

Fortune telling using burnt paper for a wish

For the ceremony, take a sheet of white paper, a red pen, matches and a saucer. Write your deepest wish on a piece of paper. Then grab it by the bottom edge so that it stands vertically in your hand and set it on fire. If the paper burns completely, it means your wish will come true. If the fire goes out, then getting what you want will have to wait until next year.

Christmas fortune telling of our great-grandmothers

This method of fortune telling from burnt paper was known to our grandmothers. The ritual is best performed during Christmas time. There really is something mysterious in the ritual of shadow casting. Since ancient times, flames have evoked mystical images and symbols in people.
You will need a sheet of white paper and a box of matches. Hold the sheet by the edge so that it is vertical and set the top left corner on fire. Stand near the wall so that the paper casts a shadow on it. The future is predicted by the images a person sees. Interpretation of shadows will help predict how your life will change in the next year.

Find out the name of your betrothed by burning paper

A simple ritual will help you find out the name of your future husband and predict what your married life will be like. Before guessing, take off all your jewelry and let your hair down. There should be no strangers in the room. It is best to carry out fortune telling after midnight. For this you will need:

  • White paper;
  • scissors;
  • Matchbox;
  • candle;
  • pen;
  • saucer;
  • mirror.

Place the mirror on the table and light a candle in front of it. Take a leaf and cut it into as many pieces as you currently have gentlemen. Write their names on each one. Then light the sheets with a candle flame, holding the paper vertically. Those names that will not burn out to the end, set aside. Then place the sheets on a saucer. Concentrate on the candle flame and say, looking in the mirror: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me.” The candle should be left to burn out and not extinguished.

At night, the future husband should come in a dream. After performing the ritual of fortune telling on burnt paper, the sheets with names must be burned in a certain way: take them vertically in your hand and set them on fire. From the shadows they cast, one can predict future family life:

  • the image of a tree means a strong marriage;
  • if you saw a knife, family life will be troubled;
  • see a broom - the mother-in-law will not love;
  • a horse portends a rich life;
  • home - a strong marriage;
  • bird is a harbinger of love and happiness;
  • well - many children.

Fortune telling by shadows and deciphering mysterious images drawn by fire is an activity available to every person. A mysterious mystical ritual akin to spiritualistic seances. To carry it out, you need silence, twilight and the imagination of the fortuneteller.

In this article

How is fortune telling done by shadows?

Fortune telling by shadows is fun and simple. Be patient and prepare thoroughly. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  1. A sheet of white paper.
  2. Plate.
  3. Candle.
  4. Wait until evening or close the curtains tightly to prevent daylight from blurring the picture.
  5. Please note that as the sheet burns, it will shrink. To make the shadow readable and clear, make the paper ball large.

Take care of fire safety. Place a glass or jug ​​of water nearby. Make sure that the flame does not escape beyond the saucer!

Carefully crumple up the leaf and light it with a candle or match. Place it on a plate and watch what happens. The first impression is the most important. Pay attention to the shadow that will result from the crumpled piece of paper, and then record the changes. When the paper turns to ash, do not touch it so as not to destroy the image. Think about what you saw and write down your feelings.

The video contains brief instructions on fortune telling using paper and candles.

When and where is the best time to do shadow divination?

For the shadow divination ritual, it is better to use a non-residential premises. But if this is not possible, any room will do. Magicians say that it is undesirable to tell fortunes in the bedroom or nursery. But if there is no choice, then after the ritual, be sure to clear the space of accumulated unnecessary energy:

  • ventilate the room thoroughly;
  • sprinkle with holy water;
  • remove unnecessary information with the help of a candle flame: walk with it to all the corners of your home where you were telling fortunes.

How to choose a day for fortune telling

Experienced magicians advise performing divination based on the lunar calendar. For positive fortune telling and divination, choose new moon days. It is believed that during this period the answers to questions will be accurate and truthful.

In our country, favorites for various kinds of fortune-telling and prophecy have always been: Christmastide week, Christmas holidays, New Year.

We advise beginners not to cast a spell on the following days: 1, 19 and the final lunar day. Favorable ones will be: second, fifth, sixth, twenty-fourth. It is best to choose the night for fortune telling that falls from Friday to Saturday on the rising Moon.

The lunar cycle is 29.5 days. That is, from one new moon to the next. The first half is the so-called. spring, when all living things begin to move. The second is a period of withering and dormancy. That is why it is better to predict in the first half of the cycle, when vital energy is seething around.

Preparing the necessary tools

You already know that for shadow casting you need paper, a plate (saucer) and candles. All attributes must be carefully selected, otherwise the result will be incorrect or you will misinterpret what you see.

Neutral or light colored candles, paper, deep plate

  1. The key to successful fortune telling by shadows is correctly selected sources of light and fire. Traditionally, pink, gold and white candles are used for divination. It is allowed to use the magical attribute of purple or red color for fortune telling. Try to keep the candle free of decor and decorations. Brown candles, like black ones, are prohibited from lighting.
  2. Take a plain plate for fortune telling. No patterns or color print. It is best to use a metal tray as a stand. Take a deep container for the ash, as the paper will move during the combustion process.
  3. Leaves for fortune telling must be white, without inscriptions, patterns or stains.

Black candles are prohibited from being used for white magic.

What can and cannot be used for fortune telling by shadows

Like any magical action, fortune telling by shadows requires compliance with conditions that ensure a good result. Before you start casting, make sure that the requirements are met.

  1. For fortune telling, choose a wall free of furniture or decor, painted white. If this is not possible, then use a clean sheet as a “screen”. No drawings or patterns.
  2. A dark room, tightly closed curtains and the absence of additional lighting sources are the key to truthful prophecy.
  3. Silence and solitude. Make sure that nothing distracts from the process: turn off your phones, computer, concentrate on the process of divination.
  4. Remove the mirror from the room, remove the icons, take down or hang up photographs. These are sources of unnecessary information. They create interference in the information field and affect the result.
  5. Eliminate drafts: close windows and doors. The candle flame should be even, not fluctuate or move from side to side. Otherwise, the fortune telling picture will be blurry.
  6. Remove jewelry and amulets. The soothsayer should not wear rings (even a wedding ring), a belt, a watch, or a pectoral cross.
  7. Start fortune telling only in a good mood. Do not take up fortune telling if you feel unwell, are sick or are angry.
  8. You can use a candle holder to prevent wax from dripping onto your hands or the floor.

In Russian there is a word “unbelt”. In its modern meaning, it is interpreted as “getting out of control, doing what you want, being a hooligan, etc.”

But initially, untying a belt on clothes meant something completely different: to prepare for divination. In Rus', people took off their belts when they went to tell fortunes. Thus, a person deprived himself of all protection and surrendered into the hands of the Higher Powers.

How to correctly interpret the meanings of figures when divining by shadows

  • The figures that appear on a wall or on a white sheet can be very different. Conventionally, they are divided into the following categories:
  • animalistic (animals, birds, insects);
  • floristic (flowers, plants, trees);
  • abstract and geometric (intertwining fancy patterns);
  • architectural (houses, bridges, castles and other structures);
  • people's faces, figures;

things, interior items.

For fortune telling, only clearly defined shapes with rich colors and lines are important. Pale and dim shadows are not taken into account when interpreting the image.

Let the paper burn and look at the shadow it casts

You can decipher the resulting figures yourself or use the tips of specialists. It is important to know that each of us has our own associations with certain images. Take this into account when interpreting the shadow. Use your intuition - your sixth sense will help you immerse yourself in the world of vivid images born from the subconscious. Know that the first thought and association may turn out to be the most correct. All other interpretations are attempts by the mind to control the situation.

Shadow fortune telling is best mastered by people with a rich spiritual world, attuned to the high vibrations of the Universe, and with a developed imagination and fantasy. The interpretation of images and symbols is similar to deciphering dreams. The more practice a person has, the brighter his imagination and broader his horizons, the more accurate the result will be.

This video presents popular wax fortune telling. It can be compared to fortune telling by shadows. You will be able to show your intuition and imagination.

Why fortune telling may be wrong. What influences the result?

  1. Loneliness is the main condition for truthful fortune telling. Do not turn fortune telling into a game and fun. Don't guess in a noisy company or even alone. Information that comes from outside at the time of the ritual belongs only to the person asking. Otherwise, the picture will be distorted. The second person present during fortune telling creates energetic interference.
  2. Don't tell fortunes on the full moon. This is a common mistake people make. During the period of the full moon, negative energy is activated, which affects the result and accuracy of fortune telling.
  3. Don't tempt fate too often! If you are not satisfied with the answer to a question, accept it and do not ask again. Repeat the next session no earlier than a month later. Naturally, ask a new question or make another wish.
  4. It is forbidden to guess two or three times a day. This applies not only to divination with shadows: any oracle requires rest.

The fortune telling process: how to conduct and ask questions

The fire and the shadows it creates are mesmerizing. Fortune telling on burnt paper is a process akin to meditation. To feel the importance of the moment, to feel the sacred meaning, tune in to the divination and carefully prepare for it.

  1. Formulate a question or make a wish.
  2. Light the paper and watch it burn, trying to catch the slightest changes in the flame. Look for a response to what is happening in the depths of the subconscious.
  3. Don't try to see all the signs at once: if you focus on just one, you will miss the big picture of what is happening.
  4. When the paper burns out, look at the shadow it casts. Think about what associations it gives rise to. Analyze your feelings and sensations.
  5. When you ask a question to the Universe, be sure to write it down on a separate piece of paper, but do not burn it. Over time, you will be able to return to the question and find out whether what you wanted came true.
  6. If a girl or woman is guessing from the shadows about marriage, we recommend taking a closer look at animalistic pictures. By the figure of the animal you can find out what qualities the future spouse will have.
  7. Train yourself to write down the images and associations born after observing the flames and shadows. This is useful for developing intuition, memory and magical abilities.

Fortune telling by the shadows cast by burning paper is a good way to find out the near future. Fortune telling by a handful of ashes shows the distant future

They tell fortunes from the ashes like this:

  • wait until the paper in the plate burns completely;
  • turn a handful of ashes at different angles;
  • peer into the figures, isolate the main thing, interpret the image.

Christmas fortune telling of our great-grandmothers

The magical time of Christmastide is best suited for fortune telling. But you can use any other energetically strong day. For example, Ivan Kupala.

  • take a leaf, a candle and a box of matches;
  • set the paper on fire at the left corner, holding it vertically;
  • bring the sheet of paper closer to the wall and see what shadows the burning flame casts;
  • images born of fire and paper will tell about the near future. For example, will life change in a month or a year (depending on what question is asked).

The video shows popular Christmas fortune telling:

How to find out the name of your betrothed from burnt paper

This method, known since ancient times, is suitable for young girls who want to find out the name of their future husband.

Guessing about the betrothed

The ritual is simple to perform:

  • take a candle, a mirror, a saucer and a sheet of white paper;
  • cut the leaf into pieces according to the number of gentlemen;
  • On each strip, write the name of the intended husband.

Fortune telling about the betrothed's name should be done in complete silence and solitude. Remove jewelry and let your hair down if it's long.

Place the mirror on the table and light a candle in front of it. Light name strips. Hold the paper sheets vertically. Place the unburned pieces in a plate or deep saucer. Concentrating on the candle flame, clearly pronounce the words of the spell calling your betrothed. This is a short phrase that is pronounced in any form.

The candle should burn out completely; there is no need to extinguish it.

It is believed that on this same night, the one who belongs to you by fate will appear in night visions.

Major church and pagan holidays are filled with special energy. The days of the annual solstice also belong to such dates.

Newbie mistakes when divining by shadows, and how to avoid them

No one is immune from errors in fortune telling. Here are typical misconceptions that interfere with the correct interpretation of the result and distort the meaning of divination.

  1. Do not try to interpret individual fragments of what you see without understanding the whole picture. First, fix the image in your head, and then start decoding.
  2. Look at all the pictures, not just the ones you like. It's not what you want to see that matters, but what the Universe says. The first figure examined in the flame is the most faithful. Pay attention to this image.
  3. Unless you are a professional diviner, it is easy to forget the sensations and images. Record the ritual on camera or sketch your thoughts on paper: in words or pictures.
  4. If there is more than one person in the fortune telling room, the results will be inaccurate. It will be difficult to understand whose future the shadows predicted.

Candles and mirrors help you see the future

Image library

As is the case with the interpretation of dreams, there are special collections of images that are obtained by fortune telling by shadows. Use ready-made texts as a guide or create your own glossary based on your personal feelings and intuition.

Common associative images:

  • butterfly or dragonfly - a romantic, but non-binding relationship;
  • the tower is a promotion up the career ladder, the beginning of a new stage in life;
  • scales - don’t rush to make a decision, weigh the pros and cons;
  • the horseman is a symbol of good news and a successful resolution of the situation;
  • dove - peace and tranquility. Problems will be a thing of the past;
  • mountains - obstacles and difficulties on the path of life;
  • snake - symbolizes wisdom and deceit at the same time;
  • the dragon is the influence of third parties, dark forces are trying to take over;
  • castle - you are under reliable security and protection;
  • ring - don’t get hung up on problems, let go of the situation, and it will resolve itself.

These are just a few examples of imagery and interpretation. Please note that they all come from generally accepted archetypal characteristics. Dove - peace, butterfly - frivolity, fox - cunning, etc.

Knowing the general principles of archetypes and their classification, you can easily find a decoding of your visions when fortune telling by shadows. This once again proves that esotericism is the key to understanding the world, expanding the boundaries of consciousness and self-improvement.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

If, having decided to find out your future, you have chosen fortune telling on paper, the meaning of the figures is mandatory information that you should arm yourself with. Without it, you will not be able to correctly interpret everything that fate tells you.

In the article:

Fortune telling on burnt paper, the meaning of the figures

If you decide to tell fortunes using ashes, decide which option you like best. You can simply set fire to a piece of paper, wait until it burns completely, and see what shapes are formed in front of you from the burnt paper.

Additional meanings

Fortune telling on burnt paper

There are various ways that help us know our future. So, for example, it is very common on ashes. Our ancestors loved to tell fortunes on burnt paper a very long time ago.

They were sure that depending on how the ashes behaved after the ceremony, such events would happen in the future. If you decide to find out your future using fortune telling on burnt paper, then use one of two simple methods.

Option 1: fortune telling by the shape of ashes

This is one of the common fortune telling by the shape of the ash, which will help determine. To begin, arm yourself with a wax candle and a small piece of paper. If you want to carry out the ritual not at home, but according to all the rules, then it is best to carry it out on the street.

Then you will need not a candle, but a small fire. It is best to perform the ritual on the waxing moon. When the paper burns, say these words:

Soar, ash, into the high sky, bring with you the distant falcon!

Now pay close attention to the behavior of the heat.

If it starts flying in all directions, and then spins over the fire, this indicates that for a long time you will constantly be in the center of attention. You will have no end to representatives of the opposite sex and they will show you signs of attention in every possible way.

Most likely you will have more than one affair, you will always be in love, but you will often change partners. Also, such behavior of ash indicates that you will have to experience several love disappointments in your life.

If the ashes immediately flew up along with the smoke from the fire, then your personal life will be less eventful, but you will quite quickly meet the man with whom you will live your whole life. Your relationship will be filled with love, mutual understanding, and your family life will be happy.

Option 2: at midnight

To carry out such a ritual, you will need ashes from a fire, a sheet of white paper, and a clay container. The ritual takes place only at midnight. Remember, no one should interfere with you during the ritual.

Take some ashes, place them in a clay vessel, turn them upside down and pour the ashes onto a clean sheet of paper.

  • If the ash evenly covers the entire leaf, then you will meet a rich and generous betrothed who will do everything to make you happy.
  • If the layer of ash is very thick, then the spouse will be a faithful, honest person with serious intentions.
  • Ashes on a leaf that has formed various mounds indicate that you will meet several young people with whom you will have short-term affairs.
  • If one hill has formed on paper, then your choice will not be entirely correct. If you stay with this person, then your fate will be quite difficult and you will often have to fight your principles.

Fortune telling on burning paper is very simple and you can easily learn how to predict fate in this way.

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