Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group “How birds welcome spring. Club hour “Meeting birds - welcoming spring” Club hour “Meeting birds – welcoming spring”

Natalya Panafidina
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group “How birds welcome spring”






Types of children's activities: gaming, visual, communicative, cognitive-research, musical, perception of fiction and folklore.

Goals: consolidate children’s ideas about characteristic features spring in inanimate nature; show the connection between spring changes in inanimate and living nature; summarize children's knowledge about spring changes in life birds; develop observation skills, compare, analyze, draw conclusions; cultivate interest and respect for nature; give an idea about birds(appearance, habitat, etc., their diversity; teach to divide into migratory and wintering ones based on the connection between the nature of food and the method of obtaining it; intensify dictionary: migratory, insectivorous, granivorous, predatory, waterfowl, songbirds, arrival, reproduction.

Preschool targets education: independently comes up with a short story on a given topic; actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers during games; interested in children's visual arts (decorative drawing: Gzhel patterns).

Materials and equipment: illustrations and photographs depicting birds, flocks of birds; audio recordings "Vote birds» , graphic model – beaks birds.

organized children's activities

1. Introductory word from the teacher. Introduction of the game moment.

A game "Say the word".

I open my buds

In green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops.

There is a lot of movement.

My name is… spring.

– What changes occur in inanimate nature? in the spring? (Children's answers.)

- Guess the riddle:

A spider dreams at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch:

Long beak and two wings.

Arrives - things are bad.

Who is the spider afraid of?

Did you guess it? This… (bird) .


Migratory birds.

Flying away birds have nothing to eat in winter. Many migratory birds eat insects. However, with the onset of cold weather, all insects hide, so in search of food birds fly away to warmer climes.

Show pictures on the board

How migratory birds fly birds? Waders, herons, and ducks fly in a line, in front or in a transverse row. Geese most often fly in a school. Geese, cranes, swans and other large birds fly in an angle, or wedge. birds.

Formation of possessive adjectives “Tell me, which pack?” (children 6-8 years old)

A wedge of swans - swan, a caravan of cranes - ..., a flock of ducks - ..., ... rooks - ..., ... nightingales - ....

Now let’s play the game one many and also remember the migratory birds that we know

Formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases "One is many"

Rook - rooks - rooks,

bird - birds - birds,

swift - swifts - swifts,

stork - storks - storks,

lark - larks - larks,

starling - starlings - starlings,

wagtail - wagtail - wagtail,

crane - cranes - cranes,

goose - geese - geese,

duck - ducks - ducks,

drake - drake - drake,

swallow - swallows - swallows,

nightingale - nightingales - nightingales,

swan - swans - swans,

cuckoo - cuckoo - cuckoo,

nest - nests - nests,

egg - eggs - eggs,

chick - chicks - chicks.

Let's remember what sounds various migratory birds make. birds

Lexical structure speeches

Selection of the appropriate concept “Who is screaming?” (children 6-8 years old)

The swallow is chirping,

rook - screams "gra",

the nightingale sings, whistles, clicks, and sings.

cuckoo - cuckoos,

the crane is cooing,

The lark is ringing.

Sparrow - tweets

Crow - croaks

Chicken clucks

Duck - quacks

Magpie - chattering

Constructing a monologue "Tell about bird according to plan»

1) who is this;

2) what is it bird(migratory, wintering);

3) appearance (size, feather color, features buildings: length of legs, neck, beak shape);

4) what it eats;

5) how it sings, where it winters, how it raises its chicks.

Search for the relevant concept "Guess and name"

Which one birds have the longest neck? … (At the swan.); ...longest legs? ... (At the heron, crane.); ... the longest beak? ... (At the heron.); which birds sing best? … (Nightingales.); ... imitate the singing of others? ... (Starlings.).

A game "1-2-5"

One swan, two (swans, five (swans) etc.

Pin in all titles birds!

A game “Who has whose?”

The duck has a beak (duck) wedge of cranes, what a wedge this is... Whose wings does the goose have... Whose nest does the swallow have...

- Remember the distinguishing feature birds. (The body is covered with feathers.)

– We usually recognize by plumage bird. How else are they different? (Body shape, beak, plumage color, voice, etc.)

– What birds do we call migratory and which ones wintering?

– What is the main reason that in the fall many birds fly away from us? (Absence food: insects, reptiles, etc.)

- What allow birds return to their native lands in the spring?

Birds in spring build nests and hatch chicks. Let's remember what chicks appear in migratory birds birds

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes in singular and plural "Name the Cub" (children 6-8 years old)

Rook - rook - rooks,

stork - little stork - baby storks,

swift - haircut - haircut,

crane - baby crane - baby cranes,

cuckoo - cuckoo - cuckoo,

swallow - lastak - swallowtail

swan - baby swan,

starling - starling - starlings,

duck - duckling - ducklings,

goose - gosling - goslings.

- Guess the riddles.

All travelers birds of the mob,

Cleans arable land from worms

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

And it's called bird …(rook).

– Look at the pictures depicting migratory birds.

– The rooks are among the first to arrive. They are not afraid of cold weather. And while the fields are not free of snow, rooks, together with crows, look for grain and leftover food near human habitation. Then they begin building nests. The rook brings twigs, and the rook builds a nest. Then they change, but do not leave the nest unattended, otherwise another pair will take it.

He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow.

His song and flight

Entered into poems.


- This bird light sand color with dark streaks. In our middle zone, people have long determined the arrival spring according to the first song of the lark.

There is a palace on the pole,

There is a singer in the palace,

And his name is... (starling).

– With wide and important steps, constantly bowing and looking around, the starling walks behind the plow, pulling out earthworms. Starling is a mockingbird. With amazing similarity, he knows how to convey everything he hears. In his concerts you can hear not only the voices of others birds, but also the croaking of a frog, the growling of a dog and the meowing of a cat. among the people They say: I saw a starling - know spring at the porch(exposes a picture depicting starlings). And, indeed, starlings appear at the end of March.

Who is without notes and without a pipe

- Listen to M.'s story. Bogdanov:

Through the inviting chirping of birds, the clicking of a nightingale can be heard imperiously. The nightingale is one of our most common songbirds. birds. All its feathers are painted a uniform brown color, which is lighter on the abdomen and turns white (exhibits a picture). Large dark eyes give a special charm to the nightingale.

Feeding only on insects, the nightingale flies to warmer regions for the winter. in spring nightingales fly to their homeland - at a time when trees and bushes will begin to dress with leaves. Returning home, the nightingales look for their old homes and begin to sing. Then the parent nightingales begin to build nests, which are placed near the ground, in currant bushes, gooseberries or other bushes. bushes. In the Deaf old Nightingales do not stay in forests. They settle on the edges of forests, along river banks, and on the slopes of ravines, where there are many bushes.

They willingly stay in garden bushes and flower beds where roses and other flowering plants grow. Nightingale chicks emerge from their eggs naked and blind. The nightingale helps the female hatch eggs and feed the chicks, while singing her wonderful songs.

In the second half of June, young nightingales already leave the nests, and the nightingale stops singing. For the rest of the summer, nightingales lead a quiet, hidden life and do not sing.

There is no singer in the whole world birds who would sing better than the nightingale.

– When do nightingales return to their native places? Why? Why do nightingales love bushes? How do they hatch chicks? How does the nightingale's singing differ from the singing of others? birds?

Having come a long way,

Comes to us with warmth,

Sculpts a house under the window

Made from grass and clay.


– Swallows arrive in mid-May. It is easily recognized by its black plumage and white breast. And the swallows drink and eat fly: flies and mosquitoes seem to fly into their wide-open beak.

He lives on the roof of the house.

He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp.


– People believe that the stork brings peace and happiness to the house on the roof of which it settles. Scientists recently did something amazing opening: It turns out that storks can sleep on the fly.

- Life at first glance birds are carefree. Is it really? What are they doing? birds in spring? (Birds hatch chicks, build nests, destroy harmful insects, lay eggs.)

– People from ancient times treat with great respect, love and care birds. Many riddles, fairy tales, nursery rhymes and fables live among the people. Let's listen to some of them.

Where are you, where are you, swallow,

Have you been flying all day?

She braided her golden braid for the sun.

The blackbird sweeps the yard with a broom -

Drozd is expecting guests today,

It's his birthday

Worms for a treat.

Our Lyubitsa can’t sleep -

Come to us, stork- bird,

With a quiet slumber, with a sound sleep,

We'll treat you to grain,

Let's drink some water.

Come to us, stork- bird.

IN ancient times were called birds affectionate diminutive words. It was believed that kind words bring happiness and prosperity to the house, let's try to summon happiness for ourselves and call birds kindly

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes "Call me kindly"

Chick - chick,

feather - feather,

head - head, little head,

nightingale - nightingale,

neck - neck,

lark - lark,

wing - wing,

starling - starling,

goose - goose, gosling,

duck - duck,

swan - swan,

nest - nest,

crane - crane, beetle,

wagtail - wagtail,

stork - little stork,

heron - heron.

3. Dynamic pause.

The drops dripped loudly (jumping in place,

All the icicles were crying (we shake our heads, pressing our hands to our cheeks).

The sun is shining brightly (hands up, stretch,

We icicles are hot (we fan ourselves).

Water is already flowing from us (downward slope,

We'll melt forever (straighten up).

- There was a holiday in Rus' - We celebrated spring on this day. They baked cookies in the shape of larks. They climbed onto the roofs of huts and sang: “You, larks, larks, come to us, bring us a warm summer, red spring" On this day it was customary to release birds who were found wounded in winter and nursed. So today you and I will be released into freedom birds which we will make with our own hands

From colored paper. Performance birds in origami style

State budget educational
institutions of the city of Moscow
“School with in-depth study of the English language No. 1208
Named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.S. Shumilova
Preschool department
Structural unit No. 7

Teacher Dodueva Tatyana Anatolyevna
Moscow 2017
Topic: “How birds welcome spring”
Software tasks. Give children an idea of ​​birds (appearance, habitat, etc.), their diversity; teach to divide into migratory and wintering ones based on the connection between the nature of food and the method of obtaining it. Activate the vocabulary: migratory, insectivorous, granivorous, predatory, waterfowl, songbirds, arrival, reproduction.
Material: Illustrations and photographs depicting birds, flocks of birds; recordings “Bird Voices”, graphic model with bird beaks.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Do you want to know which birds return to us first and which ones last? Listen to the story that grandfather Znay sent us (reading V. Bianchi’s story “Arrival, Flight, Departure”). Who can say which birds arrive first and which ones arrive last? Who flies north in the spring?
People say: if you see a starling, you know it’s spring on the porch (exhibits a picture depicting starlings). And, indeed, starlings appear at the end of March. Let's carefully look at the picture and compose a story about starlings according to the following plan: what they look like, how they make their nests, how they take care of their chicks. And a letter from grandfather Knowing will help us.
Now listen to the “talking letter” from grandfather Knowing (recording “Voices of the Spring Forest”).
Educator: how beautifully the birds sing, especially the nightingale! No wonder they say that in the forest he is the first violin, the most reverent, the most sonorous and the most tender. Listen to him sing again. Now let's read another letter from grandfather Knowing (reading a story by M. Bogdanov)
“Through the inviting chirping of birds, the clicking of a nightingale can be heard imperiously. The nightingale is one of our most common songbirds. All its feathers are painted a uniform brown color, which is lighter on the abdomen and turns into white (exposes the picture). Large dark eyes give a special charm to the nightingale.
Feeding only on insects, the nightingale flies to warmer regions for the winter. In spring, nightingales fly to their homeland - at the time when trees and shrubs begin to put on leaves. Having returned home, the nightingales find their old homes and begin to sing. Then the parent nightingales begin to build nests, which are placed near the ground, in currant bushes, gooseberries or other shrubs. Nightingales do not stay in dense old forests. They settle on the edges of forests, river banks, and slopes of ravines, where there are many bushes.
They willingly stay in garden bushes and flower beds where roses and other flowering plants grow. Nightingale chicks emerge from their eggs naked and blind. The nightingale helps the female hatch eggs and feed the chicks, while singing her wonderful songs.
In the second half of June, young nightingales already leave the nests, and the nightingale stops singing. For the rest of the summer, nightingales lead a quiet, hidden life and do not sing.
There is no songbird in the whole world that sings better than the nightingale.”
Educator: When do nightingales return to their native places? Why? Why do nightingales love bushes? How do they hatch chicks? Remember the recording we listened to and tell me: how does the nightingale’s singing differ from the singing of other birds?
Game "Help Desk".
The teacher explains that information desk workers must know a lot about birds in order to be able to answer all questions. Those who wish can become bureau employees. Questioners must evaluate the correctness of the answer. Reward at the end of the game: Bird Friend badges
Sample questions for the game:
What birds live here? (a card with a picture of a lake, meadow, forest, bush is shown)
Whose nest is this? (images of nests described earlier are shown)
Who sings what? (recording of the voices of a woodpecker, a cuckoo, a nightingale)
What can each of us do to help birds in winter?
How should birds be protected?

According to the folk calendar, March 22 is the day of the Larks. According to legend, on this day the first forty birds fly in and bring spring on their wings.

In Rus', they have always taken the time before summer - the beautiful Spring - very seriously. They always waited for spring, welcomed it, called out, and hooted for it to come with warmth, good weather, bread, and a rich harvest.

When releasing the birds they said:
Tit sisters,
Tap dancers,
Red-throated bullfinches,
Well done goldfinches,
Thieves sparrows!
You can fly at will
You will live in freedom,
Bring spring to us soon!

They called for spring several times. Often, the call of Spring began for the first time when nature itself showed it: the snow is melting, the roofs are dripping, the birds are flying in and starting to sing like spring.
The Russian people say that birds bring real, warm spring on their wings. Forty different birds fly from warm countries, and the first of them is the lark or sandpiper. But, nevertheless, there are dates that are considered the most suitable for calling. One of these dates is March 22. The second time they called for Spring was on this day.

Calls March 22
March 22 - this day coincides with the astronomical day of the vernal equinox - the day when Spring comes, the day when the length of the daylight hours is equal to the length of the dark time of the day.

Ritual tree
The Spring Festival was held at a ritual tree, which was decorated with ribbons, paper flowers, and bells. The ritual tree was carried around the village so that everyone could decorate it, and then the decorated tree was brought to where they called for spring.

Baking larks
To hasten the arrival of spring, housewives on this day baked birds from unleavened or sour dough - “larks”, who were called children or brothers of migratory birds; they were seated on thawed patches, roofs, trees and haystacks.

Round dance "Stream"
The round dance game “Stream” is an ancient ritual game that symbolized the melting of snow. The sun warmed the earth, the snow melted, and babbling brooks ran everywhere.

The ritual of releasing birds into freedom
Another holiday associated with birds falls on April 7, when Spring was called for the third (last) time. In Rus', spring was awaited with great impatience and they believed that birds could speed up its arrival.

Of course Maslenitsa

Target: summarize and systematize children's knowledge about spring.


To consolidate children’s ideas about seasonal changes in nature (spring), to understand and see the signs and signs of spring, to generalize ideas about the connection between living and inanimate nature in spring; consolidate the ability to perform thread applique.


Develop the ability to think logically, reason, analyze, draw conclusions, expand and activate your vocabulary, develop memory and attention.


To cultivate a good attitude towards nature, a culture of verbal communication with each other and with the teacher.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about spring (seasonal changes, the life of animals and birds), looking at illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing poems, signs, proverbs, walks in the forest.

Materials and equipment:

Envelope, pictures with signs of spring, a flower, whatman paper depicting the outline of the sun, laptop, presentation “Animals and Birds in Spring”, pictures “Wintering and Migratory Birds”, model of a birch tree, a toy bird, clothespins, twigs, recording “Bird Voices”, phonogram of cheerful music.

For application: a sheet of whatman paper with an image of a forest, silhouettes of animals made of cardboard, finely cut colored (spool) threads, napkins, oilcloth, glue, glue brushes.

Children approach the teacher who is holding a large envelope in his hands. Everyone stands around the table.The teacher opens the envelope and puts pictures with signs of spring on the table.

Educator: Guys, a letter was brought to our kindergarten today. Who is this letter from? (From spring.) Why did you decide this? Name the signs of spring. Take a spring flower and call it a sign of spring.

Game with a flower “Signs of Spring”

Children pass a flower to each other, calling it a sign of spring.

Educator: Right. We waited a long time for her arrival. Tell me, what is spring like? Every word about spring will be a ray of sunshine (shows an image of the sun without rays). The more words we choose, the more rays our sun will produce, the warmer it will warm.

Game "Spring Helpers"

Children say words and draw a ray of light.

Educator: Guys, do you want to go for a walk in the spring forest? (Yes.) Then let's go!

Educator: Here we are. Let's say hello to the forest.

Physical education lesson “Hello, forest”

Hello, forest, beautiful forest (Spread your arms wide to the sides.)

Full of fairy tales and miracles! (Turns left and right with arms outstretched.)

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night? (Hands raised up, swaying left and right.)

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal?

What bird? (Children peer into the distance, turning right and left.)

Open everything, don’t hide it. (Spread your arms wide to the sides, shake your finger.)

You see, we are our own. (Hands up, and then press your palms to your chest.)

Educator: What do you hear ? (Birdsong.) How do birds behave in the spring? (Birds are returning from the south.) To find out what birds have flown to us, guess the riddles.

The answers are accompanied by a slide show.


It pierces the soil with its beak,

He'll eat the harmful ones, he's great!

And his name is... starling .

The legs are long, the nose is long,

What did he bring for lunch?

Snakes, snails, frogs.

For loved ones … storks.

In the spring, here and there

The song is merrily sung:

“Oh, swing, swing, swing,

They arrived to us... rooks ».

Hidden among the branches,

Sings nicely... nightingale.

No, he’s not dozing on the window,

The bird is called a cat. Oriole .

Everyone knows this bird

On the fly she grabs

Flies, grasshoppers, crickets,

Butterflies, dragonflies, bugs.


If he wants, he will fly straight,

He wants - he hangs in the air,

Falls like a stone from the heights

And in the fields he sings, sings. Lark.

A rope stretched across the sky.


Educator: Well done boys! Now let's play: divide into two teams. One team selects migratory birds, the second – wintering ones. Children come to the table where the pictures are.

Didactic game “Migratory - wintering”

Educator: Guys, you all completed the task. Now remember and tell me, what do birds do in the spring? (They build nests and hatch chicks.)

Educator: Do you know what the chicks of different birds are called? Let's remember.

Didactic game “Who has who?”

At the cuckoo's - cuckoo .

The starling has - little bird.

At the rook - rook.

The stork has - stork.

At the swan - baby swan

At the crane's - baby crane.

Educator: I suggest you get some rest.

Finger game with clothespins “Let’s help the birds build a house”

The teacher places a toy bird under the birch tree. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children, using clothespins - “beaks”, carry twigs to the bird, from which it will build a nest.

Educator: Spring is welcomed not only by birds, but also by animals. Let's tell you what the animals do during this period.

A slide appears on the screen - "Bear ».

Educator: What happens in the life of a bear? (Answers.) What animals are still waking up? (Hedgehogs, badgers.) Slide – hedgehog, badger.

Children talk about the life of these animals in the spring.

Educator: What can you tell us about the hare? Slide hare.

Children's answers.

Educator: Who else changes their fur color? (Squirrel.) Slide – squirrel. Tell us about her. How do these animals greet spring? Slide – wolf, fox.

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, guys. The winter hibernation of animals is ending. The she-bear leaves the den with the grown-up cubs and wanders through the forest in search of food. All other forest animals also give birth to babies. In adult animals, molting begins - winter wool is replaced by summer. But the color of the fur coat of the hare and squirrel even changes.

Physical education lesson “Wild animals”

Let's get up, we need to rest, (Movements are performed according to the text.)

Shake our fingers.

Rise your hands up,

Move your fingers, -

They wiggle their ears like that

Gray bunnies.

We sneak quietly on our toes,

Like foxes wandering through the forest.

The wolf looks around

And we will turn our heads.

Now we sit down more quietly, more quietly -

Let's be quiet, like in a mouse hole.

A bear walked through the forest,

He stomped and growled.

He really wanted honey

And I didn’t know where to get it.

Educator: Our walk in the spring forest is over - it’s time to return to kindergarten. To remember our walk, let's take a picture of the forest.

Children go to the easel and look at the painted background of the forest.

Educator: What do you see? ( Forest.) Who is missing from the picture? ( Forest animals.) Let's settle them in this forest: let's make an applique from threads. But first, let's remember the sequence of work. First you need to select the silhouette of the animal and threads according to the color of the animal’s fur to make the applique, then smear the silhouette image with glue, place the threads on the adhesive surface and press tightly to the base with a napkin, shake off the remaining threads. Then glue the eyes, nose onto the muzzle and glue the animal into the overall picture of the forest.

Children make an applique from threads “Animals in the Forest”.

Educator: What a great fellow you are! Now we really see here a real forest with its forest inhabitants. This picture will remind us of our spring walk.

According to legend, on this day the first forty birds fly in and bring spring on their wings.


In Rus', they have always taken the time before summer - the beautiful Spring - very seriously. They always waited for spring, welcomed it, called out, and hooted for it to come with warmth, good weather, bread, and a rich harvest.

They called for spring several times. Often call for Spring for the first time we started when nature itself showed it: the snow is melting, the roofs are dripping, the birds are flying in and starting to sing like spring. But, nevertheless, there are dates that are considered the most suitable for calling. One of these dates is March 22. The second time they called for Spring was on this day.

Calls March 22

March 22 - this day coincides with the astronomical day of the vernal equinox - the day when Spring comes, the day when the length of the daylight hours is equal to the length of the dark time of the day. It was believed that from this moment light and warmth began to arrive, and darkness and cold to leave... On this day in Rus' they celebrated the holiday of the Larks.

The Russian people say that birds bring real, warm spring on their wings. Russians everywhere believed that on March 22, forty different birds fly from warm countries, and the first of them is a lark or sandpiper.

Ritual tree

The Spring Festival was held at a ritual tree, which was decorated with ribbons, paper flowers, and bells. The ritual tree was carried around the village so that everyone could decorate it, and then the decorated tree was brought to where they called for spring.

Baking larks

To hasten the arrival of spring, housewives on this day baked birds from unleavened or sour dough - “larks”, who were called children or brothers of migratory birds; they were seated on thawed patches, roofs, trees and haystacks.

Baked birds were sent to relatives and friends so that spring, light and warmth would come to them.

The birds were distributed to the children, and they ran screaming and laughing to call the larks, and with them spring. To do this, baked larks were impaled on long sticks and ran out onto the hills with them, or the birds were impaled on poles, on fences, thrown up and shouted out song songs.

Round dance "Stream"

The round dance game “Stream” is an ancient ritual game that symbolized the melting of snow. The sun warmed the earth, the snow melted, and babbling brooks ran everywhere.

You need to stand in pairs, hold hands and raise them up to form a stream. Accompanied by singing (music), the leader enters the stream and takes a pair for himself. Whoever is left alone drives, choosing whoever he wants.

So the stream runs on and on. And along with this running, Spring is approaching...

The ritual of releasing birds into freedom

Another holiday associated with birds falls on April 7, when Spring was called for the third (last) time. In Rus', spring was awaited with great impatience and they believed that birds could speed up its arrival.

That is why, since ancient times, there has been such a beautiful custom of releasing birds into the wild on this holiday, so that together with the birds nature would gain complete freedom from winter, so that along with the free life and ringing singing of birds, spring would fully come into its own.

“Since ancient times, it has been customary in Rus' to release birds into the wild on this day. In Moscow, this ritual [was performed] ... against Okhotny Ryad. People come here in the morning, buy birds and release them from their cages into the wild with their own hands. Previously, people flocked from all sides to perform this custom, and only one dark night stopped the gathering.”

When releasing the birds they said:
Tit sisters,
Tap dancers,
Red-throated bullfinches,
Well done goldfinches,
Thieves sparrows!
You can fly at will
You will live in freedom,
Bring spring to us soon!