Evening dedicated to M. Faraday: "Michael Faraday - a great scientist and inventor." Michael Faraday English physicist, chemist, founder of the doctrine of the electromagnetic field English physicist, chemist, founder of the doctrine of the electromagnetic field

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Michael Faraday (1791-1867), English physicist, founder of the doctrine of the electromagnetic field, foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1830). Discovered the chemical action of electric current, the relationship between electricity and magnetism, magnetism and light. Discovered (1831) electromagnetic induction - a phenomenon that formed the basis of electrical engineering. Established (1833-34) the laws of electrolysis, named after him, discovered para- and diamagnetism, rotation of the plane of polarization of light in a magnetic field (Faraday effect). Proved the identity of different types of electricity. He introduced the concepts of electric and magnetic fields and expressed the idea of ​​the existence of electromagnetic waves. Michael Faraday

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Faraday was born into the family of a blacksmith. His older brother Robert was also a blacksmith, who in every possible way encouraged Michael’s thirst for knowledge and at first supported him financially. Faraday's mother, a hardworking, wise, although uneducated woman, lived to see the time when her son achieved success and recognition, and was rightfully proud of him. Childhood and youth

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Start of work at the Royal Institution One of the clients of the bookbindery, a member of the Royal Society of London Denault, noticing Faraday's interest in science, helped him get to the lectures of the outstanding physicist and chemist G. Davy at the Royal Institution. Faraday carefully wrote down and bound the four lectures and sent them along with the letter to the lecturer. This “bold and naive step,” according to Faraday himself, had a decisive influence on his fate.

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Scientific publications After returning to the Royal Institute in 1815, Faraday began intensive work, in which independent scientific research occupied an increasing place. In 1816 he began giving public lectures on physics and chemistry at the Society for Self-Education. In the same year his first printed work appeared.

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Childhood and youth The family's modest income did not allow Michael to even graduate from high school, and at the age of thirteen he became an apprentice to the owner of a bookstore and bookbinding workshop, where he was to remain for 10 years. All this time, Faraday was persistently engaged in self-education - he read all the literature on physics and chemistry available to him, repeated the experiments described in books in his home laboratory, and attended private lectures on physics and astronomy in the evenings and Sundays. He received money (a shilling to pay for each lecture) from his brother. At the lectures, Faraday made new acquaintances, to whom he wrote many letters in order to develop a clear and concise style of presentation; he also tried to master the techniques of oratory.

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Law of electromagnetic induction. Electrolysis In 1830, despite his cramped financial situation, Faraday resolutely abandoned all side activities, performing any scientific and technical research and other work (except for lecturing on chemistry) in order to devote himself entirely to scientific research. He soon achieved brilliant success: on August 29, 1831 he discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction - the phenomenon of the generation of an electric field by an alternating magnetic field.

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In 1813, Davy (not without some hesitation) invited Faraday to fill the vacant position of assistant at the Royal Institution, and in the fall of the same year he took him on a two-year trip to the scientific centers of Europe. This trip was of great importance for Faraday: he and Davy visited a number of laboratories, met such scientists as A. Ampere, M. Chevreul, J. L. Gay-Lussac, who in turn drew attention to the brilliant abilities of the young Englishman. André Ampère Beginning work at the Royal Institution

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The significance of scientific works Even a far from complete list of what Faraday contributed to science gives an idea of ​​the exceptional significance of his works. This list, however, misses the main thing that constitutes Faraday’s enormous scientific merit: he was the first to create a field concept in the doctrine of electricity and magnetism. If before him the idea of ​​direct and instantaneous interaction of charges and currents through empty space prevailed, Faraday consistently developed the idea that the active material carrier of this interaction is the electromagnetic field.

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In 1821, several important events occurred in Faraday's life. He received a position as overseer of the building and laboratories of the Royal Institution (i.e., technical overseer) and published two significant scientific papers (on the rotation of a current around a magnet and a magnet around a current, and on the liquefaction of chlorine). That same year he got married and, as his entire subsequent life showed, he was very happy in his marriage. Scientific publications

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In the period until 1821, Faraday published about 40 scientific papers, mainly on chemistry. Gradually, his experimental research increasingly shifted to the field of electromagnetism. After H. Oersted's discovery of the magnetic action of electric current in 1820, Faraday became fascinated by the problem of the connection between electricity and magnetism. In 1822, an entry appeared in his laboratory diary: “Convert magnetism into electricity.” However, Faraday continued other research, including in the field of chemistry. Thus, in 1824 he was the first to obtain chlorine in a liquid state. Scientific publications

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Ten days of intense work allowed Faraday to comprehensively and completely investigate this phenomenon, which, without exaggeration, can be called the foundation, in particular, of all modern electrical engineering. But Faraday himself was not interested in the applied possibilities of his discoveries; he strove for the main thing - the study of the laws of Nature. The discovery of electromagnetic induction brought Faraday fame. But he was still very strapped for money, so his friends were forced to work to provide him with a lifelong government pension. These efforts were crowned with success only in 1835. The law of electromagnetic induction. Electrolysis

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When Faraday got the impression that the Minister of the Exchequer regarded this pension as a sop to the scientist, he sent a letter to the Minister in which he respectfully refused any pension. The minister had to apologize to Faraday. In 1833-34, Faraday studied the passage of electric currents through solutions of acids, salts and alkalis, which led him to the discovery of the laws of electrolysis. These laws (Faraday's laws) subsequently played an important role in the development of ideas about discrete electric charge carriers. Until the end of the 1830s. Faraday carried out extensive studies of electrical phenomena in dielectrics. Polarization in dielectrics Law of electromagnetic induction. Electrolysis

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Conviction in the deep interconnection of electrical, magnetic, optical and other physical and chemical phenomena became the basis of Faraday's entire scientific worldview. Other experimental works of Faraday at this time were devoted to studies of the magnetic properties of various media. In particular, in 1845 he discovered the phenomena of diamagnetism and paramagnetism. In 1855, illness again forced Faraday to interrupt his work. He became significantly weaker and began to lose his memory catastrophically. He had to write down everything in the laboratory notebook, down to where and what he put before leaving the laboratory, what he had already done and what he was going to do next. To continue working, he had to give up a lot, including visiting friends; the last thing he gave up was lectures for children. Last works


Nomination: presentation

Topic: “Faraday’s discoveries”

The work was completed by a student of grade 11 “B”:

Bakhmutova Ksenia Romanovna

Head: physics teacher

Ponomareva Evgenia Vladimirovna

“Happy accidents come only to the prepared mind.” L. Pasteur

Michael Faraday

(22 .09. 1791 - 25 .08. 1867) -

English scientist,

physicist , chemist ,

member of the London

Royal Society.

First independent research.

1) In 1820 Faraday

spent several

smelting experiments

steels containing

nickel. This job

considered a discovery

of stainless steel .

Stainless steel elements.

2) In 1824 he was the first to receive chlorine

in liquid state .

3) In 1825 he synthesized for the first time hexachlorane - a substance on the basis of which various insecticides were made in the 20th century. And also received benzene , petrol , chamois - naphthalene acid .

"Turn magnetism into electricity"

In 1831, Faraday experimentally discovered the phenomena

2) self-induction

1) electromagnetic induction

This allowed him to create a model of a unipolar dynamo, later called generator permanent current .

Faraday formulated the laws of electrolysis:

Faraday's first law. The amount of substance released on each electrode during electrolysis is proportional to the charge flowing through the electrolyte.

Second Law Faraday.

The electrochemical equivalent of all substances is proportional to their chemical equivalent.

Schematic representation of electrolytic

cells for electrolysis research.

The laws of electrolysis formed the basis of electroplating,

galvanostegy and electrochemistry.

Basic works on electricity and magnetism

Faraday represented Royal Society

in the form of a series of reports entitled

"Experimental Research on Electricity".

In 1821 – "The success story of electromagnetism."

In 1831 - treatise "On a special kind of optical illusion"

as well as a treatise "On Vibrating Plates."

"On the liquefaction of chlorine"

Widely known book

"The Story of a Candle" (1861),

which has been translated into almost all languages ​​of the world.

  • As a result of studying the magnetic properties of substances,

opened dia - and para - magnets .

  • Opened rotation of the plane of polarization of light under

action magnetism , named "Faraday effect".

  • 55 years before the experimental discovery of electromagnetic

Hertz's filament waves predicted their existence.

  • Implemented liquefaction of gases and predicted the existence

critical temperature.

  • Proved unity of nature of different types of electricity ,

obtained in various ways.

Discoveries, proofs, inventions...

  • He discovered the rotation of a conductor with current around a magnet, which was

prototype of the modern electric motor.

  • Constructed a voltmeter.
  • Invented the Faraday Cage (Faraday Shield).

Faraday voltmeter

Principle of operation

"Faraday Cages"

Modern electric motor

Michael Faraday introduced a number of concepts:

  • Mobility (1827)
  • Cathode, anode, ion, electrolysis, electrode, electrolyte,

cation, anion (1834)

  • For the first time he used the terms “magnetic field”,

"electromagnetic induction" (1845)

  • Diamagnetism
  • Paramagnetism
  • Dielectric constant of the medium
  • Proposed the concepts of field and lines of force (1830 )
  • Formulated the concept of the field (1852)

“Work, finish, publish!”

Michael Faraday

Faraday's work was destined to become the most important link in the chain of events that brought to our knowledge technical advances in the field of electrochemistry and electricity. If the work of other scientists represented individual peaks, then Faraday erected entire mountain ranges of interconnected and very important works. He owes his success in science not only to talent, but also to strong-willed determination. When asked what the secret of his success was, he replied: “Very simple: all my life I studied and worked, worked and studied!”

In my opinion, even a far from complete list of what Faraday contributed to science gives an idea of ​​the exceptional significance of his discoveries. Faraday's works marked the advent of a new era in physics.

List of Internet resources:

  • ru/wikipedia/org
  • www/power/info/ru
  • www/galvanicworld/com
  • www/piplz/ru
  • www/physchem/chimfak/rsu/ru
  • www/bestreferat/ru
  • http://jelektrotexnika.ru/elektro/89

Childhood and youth
Michael Faraday was born on September 22, 1791 in
near London in the family of a blacksmith. Mother
Faraday, hardworking, wise, although
uneducated woman, lived to see her time,
when her son achieved success and recognition, and
I was rightfully proud of him.
(Michael with his mother
Margaret Faraday)

Childhood and youth
The family's modest income did not allow Michael
even finish high school. At nine years old
he had to work as a newspaper delivery boy, and in
At the age of thirteen he became an apprentice to
owner of a bookshop and bookbinding
workshop. When he turned
nineteen years old, he accidentally learned about the lectures
according to the natural history of one Mr. Tatum.
After attending 13 lectures, he decided to take up

Start of work at Royal
One of the bindery's clients, member
Royal Society of London Denault, noting
Faraday's interest in science helped him get to lectures
eminent physicist and chemist Humphry Davy in
Royal Institution, which later became his
teacher and mentor.
(Humphry Davy, who contributed
of great importance on
life of young Michael)

In 1813 Davy
invited Faraday
for the vacant
assistant position in
(The Royal Institution is a future place of work and
Michael's great discoveries)

Traveling around Europe
In the autumn of 1813, Davy takes Faraday on a journey
on scientific centers of Europe.
Faraday about his journey: “This morning is the beginning
new era in my life. Until now, as far as I'm concerned
I remember I never left London at a distance
more than twenty miles."
Ampere Andre Marie

Getting started at the Royal Institution
Faraday's life, from the time he entered the Royal Institution, centered
mainly in laboratory and science classes. His life's credo was: “Observe,
study and work."

First independent research.
Scientific publications
In 1816 he began to read
public lecture course
in physics and chemistry in
Society for
self-education. IN
appears in the same year
and his first printed

Major works

The first electric motor
created by Faraday in 1821
At the beginning of September, he placed it in a vessel with
mercury magnetized at one end
rod: it floated vertically, like
small float. Then the scientist
placed the wire vertically in the vessel,
along which I walked from top to bottom
electricity. Magnetized
the float began to move around
wire counterclockwise, like
as if drawn by an invisible whirlwind (see
diagram). So his guesses
were confirmed, and in addition, in
the result was the first in the world
primitive electric motor.
Faraday turned electricity into
movement that could be performed
work. It happened on September 3, 1821
of the year.

Discovery of the law
electromagnetic induction
August 29, 1831, after ten days of hard work, Faraday
reveals a phenomenon that can be called the foundation of all
modern electrical engineering.
Faraday discovered a phenomenon connecting mechanical motion and
magnetism with the appearance of electric current, - electromagnetic
induction. This phenomenon was the opposite of what Oersted discovered.
It was already known then that static electricity has
by the force of induction, that is, an electrically charged body can transmit
charge to another body when approaching, the charge is induced from the first body
to the second. However, no one has yet been able to prove that electric current
behaves similarly, that is, it induces electricity to the nearest
circuit. Faraday was able to prove this theory, but in a completely unexpected way.
way: induction manifested itself not only during the induction
current, but also when it changes.

Different shapes
In the three presented
wire cases
is connected to the galvanometer:
a) if we get closer
magnet to the cable and remove
from it, appears in the cable
current; b) if to the cable
connects or
the current is turned off, it
induced to the neighboring one
cable; c) if the magnet
rotate around the cable, in it
current appears.

Generalization of experiments on electromagnetic induction

Discovery of the magnetic field
Magnetism turns into electricity

Magnetic field spectrum
Opposite poles of different magnets attract each other –
north to south and vice versa

Unipolar Faraday generator



carried out
Faraday in the field of electrochemistry, you can
summarize in two sentences that received
name "Faraday's laws of electrolysis".
- Mass of chemicals deposited on
electrode, is directly proportional to the amount
passed current to the required for the process
- For a given amount of electricity, the mass
released chemical elements directly
proportional to their chemical equivalents.

The last years of the great inventor...
In 1855, illness again forced Faraday to interrupt his work. He
significantly weakened and began to lose memory catastrophically.
Michael Faraday died
August 25, 1867
seventy-seven years old
from birth, leaving
huge after myself
treasure of knowledge and

Nothing is forgotten...
After Michael's death
Faraday, near
Royal Institution,
a bronze was erected
monument to the great
inventor. IN
the present time in
Royal Institute
a museum named after

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Michael Faraday Presentation prepared by 8th grade student Anatoly Bolshakov website

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Contribution to the development of science Childhood and youth Getting started Scientific publications Election to the Royal Society Law of electromagnetic induction Recent works The significance of scientific works Michael Faraday Exit

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Michael Faraday (1791-1867), English physicist, founder of the doctrine of the electromagnetic field, foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1830). Discovered the chemical action of electric current, the relationship between electricity and magnetism, magnetism and light. Discovered (1831) electromagnetic induction - a phenomenon that formed the basis of electrical engineering. Established (1833-34) the laws of electrolysis, named after him, discovered para- and diamagnetism, rotation of the plane of polarization of light in a magnetic field (Faraday effect). Proved the identity of different types of electricity. He introduced the concepts of electric and magnetic fields and expressed the idea of ​​the existence of electromagnetic waves. Michael Faraday

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Faraday was born into the family of a blacksmith. His older brother Robert was also a blacksmith, who in every possible way encouraged Michael’s thirst for knowledge and at first supported him financially. Faraday's mother, a hardworking, wise, although uneducated woman, lived to see the time when her son achieved success and recognition, and was rightfully proud of him. Childhood and youth

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Childhood and youth The family's modest income did not allow Michael to even graduate from high school, and at the age of thirteen he became an apprentice to the owner of a bookstore and bookbinding workshop, where he was to remain for 10 years. All this time, Faraday was persistently engaged in self-education - he read all the literature on physics and chemistry available to him, repeated the experiments described in books in his home laboratory, and attended private lectures on physics and astronomy in the evenings and Sundays. He received money (a shilling to pay for each lecture) from his brother. At the lectures, Faraday made new acquaintances, to whom he wrote many letters in order to develop a clear and concise style of presentation; he also tried to master the techniques of oratory.

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Start of work at the Royal Institution One of the clients of the bookbindery, a member of the Royal Society of London Denault, noticing Faraday's interest in science, helped him get to the lectures of the outstanding physicist and chemist G. Davy at the Royal Institution. Faraday carefully wrote down and bound the four lectures and sent them along with the letter to the lecturer. This “bold and naive step,” according to Faraday himself, had a decisive influence on his fate.

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In 1813, Davy (not without some hesitation) invited Faraday to fill the vacant position of assistant at the Royal Institution, and in the fall of the same year he took him on a two-year trip to the scientific centers of Europe. This trip was of great importance for Faraday: he and Davy visited a number of laboratories, met such scientists as A. Ampere, M. Chevreul, J. L. Gay-Lussac, who in turn drew attention to the brilliant abilities of the young Englishman. Andre Ampère Beginning work at the Royal Institution

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Scientific publications After returning to the Royal Institute in 1815, Faraday began intensive work, in which independent scientific research occupied an increasing place. In 1816 he began giving public lectures on physics and chemistry at the Society for Self-Education. In the same year his first printed work appeared.

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In 1821, several important events occurred in Faraday's life. He received a position as overseer of the building and laboratories of the Royal Institution (i.e., technical overseer) and published two significant scientific papers (on the rotation of a current around a magnet and a magnet around a current, and on the liquefaction of chlorine). That same year he got married and, as his entire subsequent life showed, he was very happy in his marriage. Scientific publications

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In the period until 1821, Faraday published about 40 scientific papers, mainly on chemistry. Gradually, his experimental research increasingly shifted to the field of electromagnetism. After H. Oersted's discovery of the magnetic action of electric current in 1820, Faraday became fascinated by the problem of the connection between electricity and magnetism. In 1822, an entry appeared in his laboratory diary: “Convert magnetism into electricity.” However, Faraday continued other research, including in the field of chemistry. Thus, in 1824 he was the first to obtain chlorine in a liquid state. Scientific publications

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Election to the Royal Society In 1824, Faraday was elected a member of the Royal Society, despite the active opposition of Davy, with whom Faraday's relationship had become quite complicated by that time, although Davy liked to repeat that of all his discoveries, the most significant was “Faraday's discovery.” The latter also paid tribute to Davy, calling him a "great man."

A year after his election to the Royal Society, Faraday was appointed director of the laboratory of the Royal Institution, and in 1827 he received a professorship at this institute.

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Law of electromagnetic induction. Electrolysis In 1830, despite his cramped financial situation, Faraday resolutely abandoned all side activities, performing any scientific and technical research and other work (except for lecturing on chemistry) in order to devote himself entirely to scientific research. He soon achieved brilliant success: on August 29, 1831 he discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction - the phenomenon of the generation of an electric field by an alternating magnetic field.

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Ten days of intense work allowed Faraday to comprehensively and completely investigate this phenomenon, which, without exaggeration, can be called the foundation, in particular, of all modern electrical engineering. But Faraday himself was not interested in the applied possibilities of his discoveries; he strove for the main thing - the study of the laws of Nature. The discovery of electromagnetic induction brought Faraday fame. But he was still very strapped for money, so his friends were forced to work to provide him with a lifelong government pension. These efforts were crowned with success only in 1835. The law of electromagnetic induction. Electrolysis

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When Faraday got the impression that the Minister of the Exchequer regarded this pension as a sop to the scientist, he sent a letter to the Minister in which he respectfully refused any pension. The minister had to apologize to Faraday.

Recent works Constant enormous mental stress undermined Faraday's health and forced him to interrupt his scientific work for five years in 1840. Returning to it again, Faraday in 1848 discovered the phenomenon of rotation of the plane of polarization of light propagating in transparent substances along the lines of magnetic field strength (Faraday effect). Apparently, Faraday himself (who wrote excitedly that he had “magnetized light and illuminated the magnetic line of force”) attached great importance to this discovery. Indeed, it was the first indication of the existence of a connection between optics and electromagnetism.

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Conviction in the deep interconnection of electrical, magnetic, optical and other physical and chemical phenomena became the basis of Faraday's entire scientific worldview.

Other experimental works of Faraday at this time were devoted to studies of the magnetic properties of various media. In particular, in 1845 he discovered the phenomena of diamagnetism and paramagnetism.

In 1855, illness again forced Faraday to interrupt his work. He became significantly weaker and began to lose his memory catastrophically. He had to write down everything in the laboratory notebook, down to where and what he put before leaving the laboratory, what he had already done and what he was going to do next. To continue working, he had to give up a lot, including visiting friends; the last thing he gave up was lectures for children. Last works

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The significance of scientific works The fact that Faraday was the first to create a field concept in the doctrine of electricity and magnetism was beautifully written by D. C. Maxwell, who became his follower, further developed his teaching and put ideas about the electromagnetic field into a clear mathematical form: “Faraday with his mental With my eye I saw lines of force that lowered the entire space. Where mathematicians saw centers of tension of long-range forces, Faraday saw an intermediate agent. Where they saw nothing but distance, content with finding the law of distribution of forces acting on electrical fluids, Faraday sought the essence of real phenomena occurring in the medium.” D. K. Maxwell

Slide 19

The significance of scientific works The point of view on electrodynamics from the standpoint of the field concept, the founder of which was Faraday, has become an integral part of modern science. Faraday's works marked the advent of a new era in physics.

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Tsukanova Natalya Refatovna

Lesson Plan

Sabaktyn takyryby:

Lesson topic:

Sabaktyn type:

Lesson type: combined lesson

Lesson objectives:

Sabaktyn maksaty:







Okudyn adisi:

Teaching methods:

Textbooks, test

Sabaktyn mazmuny men barysy

1. Organizational part:

test solution

4.Learning new material:

4.Einstein's postulates.

e/m e/m

With. V c

In 1905 A. Einstein

I postulate : Principle of relativity:

II postulate With

classical mechanics (v< < c);

relativistic mechanics (v< c);

quantum mechanics (v< < c);


6.Pinning a new topic

– what is matter?

– was there a beginning of time?

– will there be an end of time?

Tsukanova Natalya Refatovna

KSU "Machine Engineering College of the City of Petropavlovsk"

Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk

Lesson Plan

Sabaktyn takyryby:

Lesson topic: The principle of relativity in mechanics. Postulates of the theory of relativity

Sabaktyn type:

Lesson type: combined lesson

Lesson objectives:

Sabaktyn maksaty:


Educational: To familiarize students with the classical concepts of space and time and the experimental foundations of SRT.

Reveal the physical and philosophical meaning of Einstein's postulates, as well as the essence and properties of the relativistic concept of space and time.


Developmental: To acquaint students with modern concepts of space and time, to help them develop a dialectical-materialistic worldview.


Educating: cultivate diligence, accuracy and clarity when answering, the ability to see physics around you.

Okudyn adisi:

Teaching methods: verbal (story), visual, practical

Sabakta oz betinshe istatin zhumystyn turleri:

Types of independent work in the lesson: taking notes, working in groups with texts from popular science literature,

Subaktyn materialdyk-technikalyk zharyktandyruy:

Material and technical equipment of the lesson: textbooks, test

Sabaktyn mazmuny men barysy

1. Organizational part:

Creating a psychological atmosphere for the lesson, formulating the goals and objectives of the lesson, and expected results.

2.Checking homework: test solution

3. Motivation for educational activities:

The theory of relativity did not arise by chance, but was a natural result of the previous development of physical science. Using this example, it is necessary to bring to the consciousness of students the meaning of the development of physical science: the new theory does not cancel the old one, but includes it as a special, limiting case.

4.Learning new material:

1. Classical presentation of the concepts of space and time.

2. Inertial reference system. Galileo's principle of relativity.

3. Experimental foundations of SRT.

4.Einstein's postulates.

The theory of relativity did not arise by chance, but was a natural result of the previous development of physical science. Using this example, we must understand the meaning of the development of physical science: the new theory does not cancel the old one, but includes it as a special, limiting case.

When describing physical phenomena, we always use some kind of reference system.

– What can be said about our movement (are we moving or at rest?)

G. Galileo introduced the principle of relativity into classical mechanics, the meaning of which is as follows: the laws of mechanics have the same form in all inertial frames of reference. ISO is a system in which the law of inertia (Newton's First Law) is satisfied - the speed of a body does not change if other bodies do not act on it or the action of these bodies is compensated, in other words, in order for the speed of a body to change, the action of forces is necessary. A reference system moving rectilinearly and uniformly is also considered inertial.

Systems that rotate or accelerate are non-inertial.

We most often consider the movement of bodies relative to the Earth, i.e. We conditionally assume that the globe is not moving, because When observing mechanical movements on the Earth, we do not find anything indicating that the Earth itself is moving in orbit at a speed of 30 km/s. It should be noted that the reference frame associated with the Earth can be considered inertial with some approximations (the earth rotates).

In classical mechanics, it was taken for granted that time flows the same in all ISOs, that the spatial scales and mass of bodies in all ISOs also remain the same. I. Newton introduced postulates about absolute time and absolute space into physics; he wrote: “Absolute time, true or mathematical, flows the same way…. Absolute space, by virtue of its nature….. always remains the same and motionless”

Until the middle of the 19th century. believed that all physical phenomena can be explained on the basis of Newtonian mechanics.

In the middle of the 19th century. the theory of electromagnetic phenomena was created

(Maxwell's theory). It turned out that Maxwell's equations change their form during the Galilean transformations of the transition from one ISO to another. The question arose about how uniform rectilinear motion affects all physical phenomena. Scientists were faced with the problem of reconciling the theories of electromagnetism and mechanics. In addition, in 1881, American scientists A. Michelson and E. Morley established that the movement of the Earth does not in any way affect the speed of propagation of light. And the law of addition of velocities, accepted in classical mechanics, is not fulfilled in this case. Then doubts arose that body weight is always constant. When measuring ratio e/m for electrons in cathode rays it turned out that at high electron speeds e/m decreases with increasing speed. From a mechanical point of view, this was not clear, because... the electron's charge and mass must remain unchanged.

To explain all these contradictions, a new theory was needed. This theory was created at the beginning of the century by A. Einstein by introducing new postulates that were consistent with all experiments.

From what has been considered, one cannot conclude that Newtonian mechanics is incorrect. It is contradicted only by experiments related to determining the speed of light or the movement of particles at a speed close to the speed of light With. In all other cases, when we are dealing with speeds of motion that are much less than the speed of light, classical mechanics agrees with experience. This means that when creating new mechanics the principle of correspondence must be observed, i.e. the new mechanics must include the old classical mechanics of Newton as a special, limiting case, i.e. the laws of new mechanics must transform into Newton's laws at speeds of movement V, small shutters at the speed of light c. This new mechanics began to be called relativistic mechanics. Thus, relativistic mechanics does not cancel classical mechanics, but only establishes the limits of its applicability.

In 1905 A. Einstein proposed a special (particular) theory of relativity SRT, on the basis of which mechanics and electrodynamics can be combined. One of the symbols of the 20th century is the brilliant scientist Albert Einstein (1879–1955). His theory of relativity caused a profound rethinking of the discoveries made by Newton in the 17th century and upended accepted ideas about the world. On the other hand, the scientific revolution led to the invention of the deadliest weapons in human history. The awareness of his involvement in the greatest evil of our time tormented the outstanding scientist.

Albert Einstein's life was full of paradoxes. A brilliant physicist, he experienced serious difficulties at school. A world-famous scientist, the pride of German science, was forced to leave his country due to Nazi persecution. The peace activist indirectly contributed to the invention of the atomic bomb. The author of several epoch-making discoveries and Nobel Prize winner for his work in the field of optics, for most people, was and remains the creator of the famous theory of relativity.

Physics and music..... These two seemingly opposite spheres met in the work of the great scientist. Einstein pondered the most complex questions of physics while playing the violin. When asked what death meant to him, he answered: “That means I won’t be able to listen to Mozart anymore.”

A. Einstein was a convinced pacifist. Even during the First World War, he spoke about the madness that gripped Europe. And during the Second World War, he called on the younger generation of Americans to refuse military service... “If 2% of young people refuse to serve in the army, then the government will not be able to resist them. There will be no room in prisons...”

In 1905, his work “On the electrodynamics of moving bodies” was published. In it, Einstein formulated two principles (postulates) of the theory of relativity.

I postulate : Principle of relativity: all laws of nature have the same form in all inertial frames of reference. This postulate was a generalization of Newton's principle of relativity not only to the laws of mechanics, but also to the laws of the rest of physics.

II postulate : Principle of constancy of the speed of light: light travels in a vacuum at a certain speedWith , independent of the speed of the source and the speed of the receiver of the light signal.

To formulate these postulates, great scientific courage was needed, because they obviously contradicted classical ideas about space and time. So, modern physics is divided into:

classical mechanics, which studies the motion of macroscopic bodies at low speeds (v< < c);

relativistic mechanics, which studies the movement of macroscopic bodies at high speeds (v< c);

quantum mechanics, which studies the movement of microscopic bodies at low speeds (v< < c);

relativistic quantum physics, which studies the movement of microscopic bodies at arbitrary speeds (v?c).

5. Recording supporting notes in a notebook.

6.Pinning a new topic

Since childhood, A. Einstein imagined the picture seen by a traveler moving at the speed of light. Let's try to imagine this picture for a moment. (Image of the universe, getting used to the image)

Work in groups with texts from popular science literature (students are offered texts, after studying which they must answer the questions posed) Appendix 1.

– what is matter?

– Is it possible to turn energy into matter?

– do the clocks go slower in a flying spaceship?

– Will I be able to live to see the year 4000?

– will a black hole give you eternal life?

– was there a beginning of time?

– will there be an end of time?

7. Reflection on the problem: “collapse of civilization.”

And in conclusion, I would like you to reflect on the problem: “the collapse of civilization.”

Having become acquainted with the theory of relativity and the life of a scientist, we became convinced of how invaluable A. Einstein’s contribution to science is and how high the ideals that guided this man during his life were. But his biography is not so flawless. The fact is that Einstein was a pacifist to his fingertips, but one day he changed his views, and can you tell me why?

For the last 30 years of his life, Einstein worked on a certain Unified Field Theory. The unified field theory was to combine seemingly incompatible things into one mathematical equation: the electric field, the magnetic field and gravity. Having done this, it would be possible to compensate for gravity with an electromagnetic field and, thus, build an anti-gravitator; on the other hand, the electromagnetic field could be compensated for by the gravitational component and thereby achieve invisibility.

There is documentary evidence that Albert Einstein in 1925-1927. The unified field theory was created, but the version of this work was somewhat unfinished.

It is noteworthy that this theory surfaced only in 1940. And you will try to answer me a little later, why at this particular time?

In 1940, A. Einstein became a research fellow in the US Navy. And it was in 1940 that the Navy began working on the project, which would later be called the Philadelphia project and its results would remain for a long time in the secret archives of the CIIIA Naval Forces.

The Philadelphia experiment was conducted in the fall of 1943. The experiment consisted of providing “total invisibility” to a DE-173 type military destroyer called Eldridge along with its crew. This is what was achieved during the experiment. However, Einstein, while conducting this experiment, did not warn the Navy leadership that as a result of the experiment, in addition to “invisibility of the ship,” it would “transpose it in space by more than 1000 miles.” The ship disappeared from its dock in Philadelphia and appeared near the dock in Norfolk.

It is noteworthy that the sailors on the Eldridge were written off after the experiment and, within about ten years, either went crazy or died.

The question remains open: why does Einstein, who hated the army and violence since childhood, serve in the US Army, and even take part in dubious experiments?

The unified field theory that was tested in Einstein's Philadelphia experiment was never published. In 1955, Einstein, a few months before his death, burned documents relating to the Unified Field Theory, because, in his words, “humanity is not ripe for it and will feel better without it.”

It is not necessary to believe what I told you, but there are quite a lot of documents confirming the conduct of the Philadelphia experiment, and also witnesses from the ship "Fureset", from which the Eldridge was observed, are still alive.

If anyone would like to read this experiment in more detail, read the 1991 Knowledge Question Mark 3 booklet, "What Happened to the USS Eldridge?"

And this is not the only case in the history of physics that led to tragedies.

But let’s return to the problem: “the collapse of civilization…..”

– Who will try to explain the role of physics and its creators in this?

It is unlikely that there was another scientist whose personality would be so popular among the people of our planet and would arouse such universal interest. But this is quite understandable. Einstein created theories that transformed the face of all physical science, requiring changes in the entire style of our thinking, causing changes in our philosophical views on the fundamental problems of existence. But it's not only that. Einstein is a person whose views on the world, on life, on the behavior and relationships of people make you think about your own life. Think about it not in order to copy and repeat his vision of life, but in order to better understand life and your place in it. Einstein's physical views are complex, but also unusually attractive. No less attractive are the features of his personality.

8. Submitting grades to the journal.

9. At home: prepare a biographical note about A. Einstein.

Saigutin Dmitry Pupil 8B class GBOU secondary school No. 1003, Moscow

Michael Faraday (1791-1867), English physicist, founder of the doctrine of the electromagnetic field.



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Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday (1791-1867), English physicist, founder of the doctrine of the electromagnetic field, foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1830). Discovered the chemical action of electric current, the relationship between electricity and magnetism, magnetism and light. Discovered (1831) electromagnetic induction - a phenomenon that formed the basis of electrical engineering. Established (1833-34) the laws of electrolysis, named after him, discovered para- and diamagnetism, rotation of the plane of polarization of light in a magnetic field (Faraday effect). Proved the identity of different types of electricity. He introduced the concepts of electric and magnetic fields and expressed the idea of ​​the existence of electromagnetic waves.

Childhood and youth Faraday was born into the family of a blacksmith. His older brother Robert was also a blacksmith, who in every possible way encouraged Michael’s thirst for knowledge and at first supported him financially. Faraday's mother, a hardworking, wise, although uneducated woman, lived to see the time when her son achieved success and recognition, and was rightfully proud of him.

The family's modest income did not allow Michael to even graduate from high school, and at the age of thirteen he became an apprentice to the owner of a bookstore and bookbinding workshop, where he was to remain for 10 years. All this time, Faraday was persistently engaged in self-education - he read all the literature on physics and chemistry available to him, repeated the experiments described in books in his home laboratory, and attended private lectures on physics and astronomy in the evenings and Sundays. He received money (a shilling to pay for each lecture) from his brother. At the lectures, Faraday made new acquaintances, to whom he wrote many letters in order to develop a clear and concise style of presentation; he also tried to master the techniques of oratory.

One of the clients of the bookbindery, a member of the Royal Society of London Denault, noticing Faraday's interest in science, helped him get to the lectures of the outstanding physicist and chemist G. Davy at the Royal Institution. Faraday carefully wrote down and bound the four lectures and sent them along with the letter to the lecturer. This “bold and naive step,” according to Faraday himself, had a decisive influence on his fate.

Beginning work at the Royal Institution In 1813, Davy (not without some hesitation) invited Faraday to fill the vacant position of assistant at the Royal Institution, and in the fall of the same year he took him on a two-year trip to the scientific centers of Europe. This trip was of great importance for Faraday: he and Davy visited a number of laboratories, met such scientists as A. Ampere, M. Chevreul, J. L. Gay-Lussac, who in turn drew attention to the brilliant abilities of the young Englishman.

Scientific publications After returning to the Royal Institute in 1815, Faraday began intensive work, in which independent scientific research occupied an increasing place. In 1816 he began giving public lectures on physics and chemistry at the Society for Self-Education. In the same year his first printed work appeared. In 1821, several important events occurred in Faraday's life. He received a position as overseer of the building and laboratories of the Royal Institution (i.e., technical overseer) and published two significant scientific papers (on the rotation of a current around a magnet and a magnet around a current, and on the liquefaction of chlorine). That same year he got married and, as his entire subsequent life showed, he was very happy in his marriage.

Law of electromagnetic induction. In 1830, despite his cramped financial situation, Faraday resolutely abandoned all side activities, performing any scientific and technical research and other work (except for lecturing on chemistry) in order to devote himself entirely to scientific research. He soon achieved brilliant success: on August 29, 1831 he discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction - the phenomenon of the generation of an electric field by an alternating magnetic field.

Law of electromagnetic induction. Ten days of hard work allowed Faraday to comprehensively and completely investigate this phenomenon, which, without exaggeration, can be called the foundation, in particular, of all modern electrical engineering. But Faraday himself was not interested in the applied possibilities of his discoveries; he strove for the main thing - the study of the laws of Nature. The discovery of electromagnetic induction brought Faraday fame. But he was still very strapped for money, so his friends were forced to work to provide him with a lifelong government pension. These efforts were crowned with success only in 1835.

Faraday experimenting in the laboratory

Electrolysis In 1833-34, Faraday studied the passage of electric currents through solutions of acids, salts and alkalis, which led him to the discovery of the laws of electrolysis. These laws (Faraday's laws) subsequently played an important role in the development of ideas about discrete electric charge carriers. Until the end of the 1830s. Faraday carried out extensive studies of electrical phenomena in dielectrics

Recent works Constant enormous mental stress undermined Faraday's health and forced him to interrupt his scientific work for five years in 1840. Returning to it again, Faraday in 1848 discovered the phenomenon of rotation of the plane of polarization of light propagating in transparent substances along the lines of magnetic field strength (Faraday effect). Apparently, Faraday himself (who wrote excitedly that he had “magnetized light and illuminated the magnetic line of force”) attached great importance to this discovery. Indeed, it was the first indication of the existence of a connection between optics and electromagnetism.

Conviction in the deep interconnection of electrical, magnetic, optical and other physical and chemical phenomena became the basis of Faraday's entire scientific worldview. Other experimental works of Faraday at this time were devoted to studies of the magnetic properties of various media. In particular, in 1845 he discovered the phenomena of diamagnetism and paramagnetism. In 1855, illness again forced Faraday to interrupt his work. He became significantly weaker and began to lose his memory catastrophically. He had to write down everything in the laboratory notebook, down to where and what he put before leaving the laboratory, what he had already done and what he was going to do next. To continue working, he had to give up a lot, including visiting friends; the last thing he gave up was lectures for children.

The significance of scientific works The fact that Faraday was the first to create a field concept in the doctrine of electricity and magnetism was beautifully written by D. C. Maxwell, who became his follower, further developed his teaching and put ideas about the electromagnetic field into a clear mathematical form: “Faraday with his mental With my eye I saw lines of force that lowered the entire space. Where mathematicians saw centers of tension of long-range forces, Faraday saw an intermediate agent. Where they saw nothing but distance, content with finding the law of distribution of forces acting on electrical fluids, Faraday sought the essence of real phenomena occurring in the medium.” D. K. Maxwell

The significance of scientific works The point of view on electrodynamics from the standpoint of the field concept, the founder of which was Faraday, has become an integral part of modern science. Faraday's works marked the advent of a new era in physics.