Energy-invest is the most interesting thing in blogs. Clarifying the situation Energy Invest

On May 11, the tenth anniversary meeting of shareholders of Energia-Invest Fund JSC took place. The open company of shareholders was founded during the voucher privatization in the form of a voucher investment fund and registered by the Registration Chamber of the city of Irkutsk on October 5, 1993. Energia-Invest became the largest CIF in the Irkutsk region: during the privatization period, the company collected more than 70,000 privatization checks.Now the Fund's shareholders are about 33,000 people.

Get dividends on a voucher!

11 years have passed since the voucher, but not every depositor can boast that he receives dividends on his once invested voucher. It is known that everyone disposed of these "securities" at their own discretion: someone sold them "at face value", someone entrusted them "like Mavrodi" (as a result - as soon as the voucher came, so he left), and someone entrusted them to a steadily growing company and receives dividends.

The Energia-Invest Fund has never promised its investors that they will receive two Volgas for the invested voucher, but the company has consistently paid dividends to its shareholders, and over the past three years their size has not decreased and amounts to 22.34 rubles per share. If we take into account that each voucher accounts for 10-15 shares (the difference depends on the period the voucher is invested in the company), then it is easy to calculate the amount of annual payments for 10-ruble privatization checks invested in 1993 - 223.4-335.1 rubles in the form of dividends. During the existence of the company, there was a moment when dividends were not paid at all, which was associated with the existing double taxation. Since 2001, due to changes in tax legislation, this procedure has been simplified, and "prohibitive" taxes on dividends have been abolished. As a result, for 2001 and 2002, dividends of 40,212,000 rubles were paid annually. Payments to the shareholders of the Fund exceed the dividends of many large enterprises of the Irkutsk region.

10 years in the stock market

From the moment the company was founded, the prerequisites for successful activity were laid: the funds entrusted to Energia-Invest were invested in the shares of various Russian issuers, mainly in the heat and power complex - Irkutskenergo, Surgutneftegaz, Lukoil and other enterprises of a similar class. For 10 years, the company has been investing in various financial instruments, mainly government securities and shares of Russian enterprises, in order to increase the company's assets. Energia-Invest Fund OJSC is a professional participant in the securities market.

It is known that activity in the stock market is associated with risk. In order to minimize it, qualified specialists of the company identify and assess the degree of risk inherent in various types of investment instruments, conduct a thorough analysis of foreign and Russian markets, the political and economic situation around the world. As a result of the received and analyzed information, decisions are made on investing in certain securities. Decisions made in turn, become the basis of the investment declaration for the year, which determines the percentage of the ratio of investments in different kinds financial instruments: stocks, corporate or municipal bonds, and so on. Adjustments are made as the situation develops both at home and abroad.

In this case, one example can be given - the situation with bonds federal loan(OFZ). After the events of 1998, when the state refused to repay the debt, the market was shocked, which in turn greatly affected the interests of investors. Trades in these securities were frozen, OFZs fell in price, and for some time everyone tried to get rid of them. However, the Fund's specialists, having assumed the risk, not only left OFZ in the company's portfolio, but also began to buy them additionally. As the situation changed, the papers began to rise, and as a result, the Energia-Invest Fund received a profit for all this time (since 1999) in the amount of about 250 million rubles.

In the securities market, the Fund acts as a portfolio investor, adhering not to short-term speculation with shares, but to a strategy of long-term investment in those financial instruments that should bring profit in the future. At the end of 2003, the investment portfolio of the Energia-Invest Fund consisted of government securities, corporate bonds, promissory notes and shares. Direction in investment activity on shares is connected mainly with investments in the fuel and energy complex, in enterprises of the telecommunications, machine-building industries and the banking sector.

Certified traders are directly involved in the purchase and sale of shares, draw up transactions and keep internal records of the back office documentation; the controller ensures that the activities of the professional participant in the securities market "Fund "Energy-Invest" are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, and also that the rights of investors are not violated. For feedback from its investors, the company has a department for work with shareholders. Specialists This department answers questions related to the activities of the Fund and processes correspondence.No letter remains unanswered.As a rule, they turn to the department with questions about reissuing shares, changing data, about where and when to receive dividends. Shareholders can learn about annual meetings from the newspaper Vostochno-Sibirskaya Pravda.

Thanks to its experience, Energia-Invest occupies a leading position in the regional stock market in terms of most indicators.

More than 200 million in profit in one year, or how much a voucher costs

Every year, the Energia-Invest Fund reports to its shareholders at annual meetings. At the recent meeting, the company's annual report for 2003 was approved, annual accounts were distributed, profits were distributed based on the results of the reporting year, members of the company's audit commission were elected, the Fund's auditor was approved, and composition of the Board of Directors The approved Board of Directors included: Director of CJSC "Baikal Stock House" Svetlana Alyabyeva, Head of Department of the Institute of Energy Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Valery Zorkaltsev, Financial Director of LLC "Management Company Energia-Invest" Andrey Kelchevsky; Head of the Department of Informatics, ISTU, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Valery Lomtadze; Olga Lokhmotova, managing director of JSC "ANHK"; Olga Malakhanova, Head of the Department of Corporate Governance of OAO ANHK; head of the department of labor and wages of OAO "ANHK" Leonid Mikhailov; director of OAO Energia-Invest Fund Vladimir Naumov and pensioner Evgeny Stratievsky.

According to the results of 2003, the company showed good financial results in the form of balance sheet profit in the amount of 217,654 thousand rubles. A significant part of the balance sheet profit was received as a result of the revaluation of securities. The treasury of the Irkutsk region was replenished with more than 20 million rubles (23,497,000 rubles) in the form of taxes. It was again decided to pay 40,212,000 rubles to shareholders in the form of dividends.

At the end of the reporting period, the Fund's net assets as a whole increased by 5.4% compared to the previous year and amounted to 724,147,000 rubles. Accordingly, the estimated value of property per share increased from 382 rubles to 402 rubles. Thus, if we evaluate the value of the invested voucher, it turns out that the privatization check is valued at the Energia-Invest Fund from 4020 to 6030 rubles at the estimated value of assets, from 1000 to 1500 rubles at the market price of shares.

If we compare this indicator with the same indicator of another company, for example, Alfa Capital Mutual Fund, which, like Energia-Invest, was formed in the process of voucher privatization, we can be convinced of the effectiveness of investments. There are 10 shares per voucher. According to the results of 2003, one share of Alfa Capital was estimated at 43.55 rubles, on the basis of which the value of the invested voucher was 435.5 rubles. The result of the reconciliation, as they say, is obvious.

So high rate Energia-Invest confirms the effectiveness of its shareholders' asset management. In the future, the company's employees intend to make every effort not only to preserve the funds entrusted to them, but also to increase assets in the interests of shareholders.

Answers to typical questions

I am a shareholder of Energia-Invest Fund JSC. Are dividends paid?
Information for shareholders of Energia-invest Fund OJSC

How is the share value calculated?
The estimated value of a share is determined by dividing the net asset value (NAV) of the fund by the total number of shares in the register of shareholders.

Is it advisable to purchase shares for relatively small amounts?
Of course, yes, because one of the main advantages of mutual funds, compared with alternative ways of investing money in the stock market, is high efficiency, regardless of the amount of investment of a single shareholder.

What is the minimum term for investing in a mutual fund?
With the rapid growth of the stock market, income from investments in mutual funds can be obtained even in a relatively short period of time. The easiest way to do this is to buy shares in the market decline phase, and sell them at the peak of its growth. However, it is difficult to determine the moment of such a transaction even for professionals. In addition, the stock market does not always show rapid growth, so it is advisable to invest in mutual funds for a period of at least one year. The optimal period is from a year to several years.

I would like to purchase shares by mail – how can I do this?
The detailed procedure for acquiring and redeeming shares by mail is set out

How can I obtain an extract from the register of investment unit holders?
You can get an extract from your personal account in the register in one of the following ways:
1) You come to the office of the management company or agent, fill out an application for an extract from the personal account.
2) You come to the office of the registrar CJSC "PRSD" (, where you fill out an application for obtaining an extract from your personal account.
3) Send to the registrar or management company by mail an application for an extract. The application form can be taken

Can persons under the age of 18 purchase shares?
Yes they can. To do this, minors aged 14 to 18 must come to the point of sale of shares with their legal representative (one of the parents, adoptive parents or guardian), with passports and a birth certificate.
For children under the age of 14 years, the purchase of shares can be carried out by their legal representative (one of the parents, adoptive parents or guardian). To do this, he needs to apply to the point of sale of shares with a passport and birth certificate of the child. The guardian will also need to provide a copy of the document on his appointment as a guardian, certified by a notary or the authority that issued this document.

How to buy additional shares?
To purchase additional shares, you only need to transfer the desired amount (but not less than 10,000 rubles) to the account of the mutual fund during the next interval, indicating in the payment basis the details of the application for the purchase of shares that you have already received.

Can I buy shares for dollars?
It is impossible to purchase shares for the currency of a foreign state.

I wanted to make a profit. I decided to sell shares, but not all, but only a part. Is such an operation possible?
Yes, such an operation is possible. You need to submit an application for redemption, indicating the required number of shares.

Can a bank card account be used as an account for transferring income from the redemption of shares?
Yes maybe. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the details of the bank account of the plastic card contained in the corresponding agreement between the client and the bank on servicing the plastic card (which should not be confused with the number of the plastic card itself indicated on it).

Is tax charged on the redemption of a share on the entire amount or only on profits?
When redeeming shares, income tax individuals is charged on the amount of income, i.e. the difference between the amount received upon redemption and the amount spent on the purchase of shares.

Where is the guarantee that the mutual fund will not disappear along with the money?
A mutual fund is a set of assets owned by shareholders. The management company only carries out trust management of this property in the interests of the owners of the shares. To protect the interests of shareholders, separate management of funds and their storage were invented. Shareholders' funds are stored in another organization - a specialized depository, which not only stores them, but also controls the legality of transactions with these funds.

When I give you money, what do I get in return? What documents will be proof of the purchase of shares?
The specialized registrar issues an extract from the register and a notification of the transaction, which indicates the number of purchased shares, the price of the share and the date of purchase.

What is the protection for investors from the withdrawal of funds of a mutual investment fund from the account of the management company, only securities are stored in a specialized depository, but cash are in the accounts of the management company. Is it so?
The disposal of property constituting the assets of the mutual fund (including cash) is under the control of a specialized depository, the withdrawal of funds without his consent is impossible. In addition, the current account of the mutual fund contains funds transferred by investors for the purchase of investment units and intended for payment upon redemption of the units, i.e., small amounts. The main amount of funds is placed in the assets provided for by the investment declaration of the fund.

I am buying through an agent. What is the procedure for redemption of the share if the agency company in my locality closes?
In this case, the management company will be obliged to ensure the acceptance of applications for repayment in this locality.

What is a discount and surcharge?
In order to reimburse the expenses of the management company and the agent related to the issuance and redemption of investment units, allowances may be provided for the estimated value of investment units when they are issued and discounts from the estimated value of investment units when they are redeemed. The amount of discounts and surcharges is determined by the Rules for Trust Management of a Mutual Investment Fund.
If there are surcharges, the value of the share at which the shares are purchased increases compared to the calculated one. If there are discounts, the value of the unit at which the units are redeemed is reduced compared to the calculated value. The maximum amount of the premium may not exceed 1.5 percent of the estimated value of the investment unit. The maximum amount of the discount cannot be more than 3 percent of the estimated value of the investment share. Depending on where the units are purchased and redeemed - at the point of acceptance of applications of the management company or at the point of acceptance of applications of the agent, various amounts of discounts and surcharges may be provided.

Where do dividends go on shares included in the mutual fund portfolio?
Dividends received on the accounts of the management company, as a trustee of funds, increase the value of the net assets of the fund, and therefore serve as a factor in increasing the value of the investment unit of this fund, that is, they go to the income of all shareholders.

Can I regularly receive interest or dividends on your mutual fund?
Payment of interest and dividends on investment units of interval unit investment funds is not provided. You receive income only when the units are redeemed. If you want to receive a regular income, you can periodically sell part of the shares in the amount of investment income.

How to give or bequeath a share?
To draw up a will, we recommend that you contact a notary public with an extract from the register of owners of shares in your account. When donating, changes must be made to the register of share holders. To do this, you must contact the management company, an agent or a specialized registrar.