Gypsy fortune telling on cards. Gypsy fortune telling on cards Fortune telling on cards from 10 ti

You are offered fortune-telling using Tarot cards for the Planets, which is quite difficult to interpret, but very complete and interesting. This alignment shows the influence of the planets on the querent’s personality.

As a rule, the alignment is made for oneself for deeper introspection, or for a person very well known to the tarot reader. To interpret, it is not necessary to understand astrologers, but if you have knowledge in this area, it is very interesting to do a comparative analysis of the result of this fortune-telling and the querent’s natal chart.

Principles and rules of fortune telling

All cards, both major and minor Arcana, are involved in the layout. The layout diagram is a pentagram - an ancient symbol of man (remember the golden ratio of Leonardo da Vinci). The preparation of the deck is carried out according to the usual rules, the order of laying out the cards corresponds to the numbers on the diagram.

Online option

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to do a live reading, you can try free online fortune-telling of the Ten Planets using Tarot cards.

Card layout diagram

Card layout for fortune telling “For ten planets”

The meaning of the cards

  1. Ascendant– the querent directly (you or the one being guessed): his condition, constitution, character;
  2. Sun- essence, conceit, reason, attitude of being;
  3. Mercury- speech, curiosity, trade, travel.
  4. Moon— nervous system, sensation, instincts, internal necessity, individual unconscious, receptivity, aspirations.
  5. Jupiter- search for meaning, standards, morality, views, rules, values, faith, recognition and dignity, nobility, sense of truth.
  6. Saturn- responsibility, organization, strength, suspicion, need for defense, basis, structure, loss, poverty, complex complexes, forced actions.
  7. Mars- persistence, problematic, active, assertive, hostile, desire, focused, angry, sexy, determined;
  8. Uranus- originality, originality, freedom, uniqueness, madness, strangeness, distance, resourcefulness;
  9. Venus- feeling, readiness to love, ability to fall in love with someone, adaptability, need for harmony, consciousness of beauty, passion for art, elegant style;
  10. Neptune- mediumistic capabilities, premonitions, predisposition to mysticism, addictions, delusions, unity with the world;
  11. Pluto- ancient forces, the ability to influence others, the desire for leadership, the social unconscious, parapsychology, transformation, witchcraft and destruction.
Published: 2017-08-31, Modified: 2017-09-30,

Many are interested in magical rituals and believe in their omens. There are different ways to find out the vicissitudes of fate prepared for us by life. Starting from fortune telling with a chamomile to complex manipulations with a deck of cards. People want to know what awaits them in the upcoming future.

There are a wide variety of types of fortune telling. We will talk about cards and gypsy fortune telling. Almost everyone knows the meaning of a particular suit or one or another of its numbers.

All that remains is to study the combinations of cards dropped from the deck, and you can chart human destiny for the near future or see the recent past. And if these predictions are also confirmed, then you really begin to think about the magical magic of cards.

By using a deck of 36 cards and knowing what each card means, randomly drawn suits can be explained in detail. You take the deck with your hand, thus connecting your energy to it. Before playing solitaire, the cards are usually shuffled. This is also done in order to further attract their magic to your person. The last time a part of the deck is lifted is with the left hand. The left hand means that your desire comes from the heart. That's it, the cards are ready to answer your questions.

They also often resort to using a new, unopened deck. If a person has learned a new way of fortune telling and decided to resort to it, then it is better to do so. If you intend to use this deck only for yourself, you won’t have to change it. But if at least once you told your friend’s fortune with it, know that further events in your life may be confused. It’s better not to give your deck to anyone and not to tell fortunes on it to strangers. Likewise, it is not allowed to use for .

You'll probably need to stock up on at least three decks:

  1. for fortune telling;
  2. game cards;
  3. cards used in fortune telling at the request of friends.

And you can advise your friends to buy their own personal deck and come to tell fortunes with it.

But with professional fortune tellers you can see that their cards are very old, even tattered. Is it possible for gypsies to have such a deck? Yes. They can. In addition to the fact that the fortune teller knows the secrets of the dropped combinations, she knows how to remove someone else’s energy from the deck after each procedure. But we cannot do this yet. The process of clearing the deck of a lot of alien energy is very difficult. Just so as not to take up your time and attention, we give you advice to buy a new deck. Moreover, for the first time after such an acquisition, you need to be in contact with the deck as often as possible - carry it in your pocket, periodically pick it up, leave it under your pillow at night.

After you have learned the necessary basics before starting fortune telling, let’s move on to the actual process. And in this article we will consider a variant of the layout of signs that is quite accessible to a novice fortuneteller, which is called gypsy fortune-telling.

Gypsy card fortune telling layouts

The Gypsy layout of the deck, consisting of 36 signs, can give answers to various topics.

For example:

  • Choosing 3 signs from the entire pack- you find out how your partner treats you (first card), what to expect from this relationship (second card) and whether there is a threat to your love (third card). This method of gypsy fortune telling is called “Feelings of a loved one.”
  • Taking out 5 cards- you can ask questions about the present and distant future. The state of things today (first card), what will be faced tomorrow (second card), revelation of the essence of the brewing matter (third card), how the near future depends on it (fourth card), how, in the end, the plan will turn out (fifth card) . The fortune telling is called “Golden Horseshoe”.
  • 9 signs from the deck- this is the famous “Magic Square”. In this solitaire game, the layout is used to display the full characteristics of the character of interest. You can clarify important moments in his life, character traits, and also find out his true attitude and intentions.

All these, and many other options for fortune telling, can be found on thematic online sites. And here we will look at one of the methods, in which 10 fateful cards will be present. The gypsy layout of ten cards will tell about the past, present and future, and about the future, both near and very distant.

Fortune telling "10 cards" on gypsy cards

Such fortune-telling will help provide answers to many life questions:

  • health;
  • finance;
  • career;
  • personal emotions and experiences;
  • friendship;
  • and, of course, love.

Well-known meaning of cards and suits

Before we conduct gypsy fortune telling on cards, let's remember what the individual card signs mean:

  • Ace - house (father's, someone else's or government).
  • The king is a man (betrothed, father, boss).
  • A lady is a woman (or you, you need to guess a suit, or a homewrecker - always spades).
  • Jack - troubles.
  • Ten - interest, desire.
  • Nine is love.
  • Eight - conversations (empty or flattering).
  • Seven - a date, a meeting (and not always a pleasant one, depending on the suit).
  • Six is ​​the way, the road.

Suit value:

Clubs (crosses) - fire (power).

Worms are air (feelings).

Peaks - the element of water (intuition).

Diamonds - earth (material wealth).

Now let’s look at the meaning of the gypsy suits in the upcoming “10 cards” fortune telling. You need to remember the suits listed separately and, when they appear, be able to correlate them with the general meanings of the card symbols. And this also comes only with experience and practice. But let's try anyway.

The meaning of suits in the gypsy “10 cards” layout

Hearts suit meaning:

  • Ace means unconditional love.
  • King - everything planned will work out.
  • Lady - learn to hide your feelings from strangers.
  • Jack - they remember you and want to see you.
  • Ten - you'll have to guess again.
  • Nine - you are dearly loved.
  • Eight - the appearance of a new face that will decide your fate.
  • Seven - playing with fire!
  • Six - give up your intentions, they threaten you with trouble.
  • Ace - the plan is not destined to come true.
  • King - beware, there is a deceiver nearby.
  • Lady - expect offense or insult from the lady.
  • Jack - you are jealous, but this is groundless.
  • Ten - only labor and work will help relieve sadness.
  • Nine - all the bad things will go away soon.
  • Eight - expect good news.
  • Seven - everything certainly happens for the better.
  • Six - your happiness is unsteady.

Spades suit value:

  • Ace - believe, they are telling you the truth.
  • King - to receive good news.
  • Lady - your wish will come true.
  • Jack - don’t expect much, your efforts are in vain.
  • Ten - a period of great happiness begins.
  • Nine - keep your secret.
  • Eight - beware, danger will come.
  • Seven - trouble will come from the past.
  • Six - think carefully so as not to grieve later.

Let's start fortune telling.

For this:

  • we shuffle the deck and think about the question of interest;
  • lift the stack with your left hand;
  • choose any 10 cards.

Cards chosen at random mean:

  • Card 1 - what's on your heart at the moment.
  • Cards 2, 3, 4 - and what happened in the past.
  • 5, 6, 7 - will show the present and near future.
  • 8, 9, 10 - they will talk about the distant future.

In fortune telling it is important to see 2 sides:

  1. The immediate meaning of a random picture in the general layout.
  2. The connection between the dropped suit and the event that the fortuneteller himself is thinking about.

When deciphering the prediction, you must remember that it is you who give the power to the events taking place. Connect intuition, wisdom, available information, and finally, the magic that is inside you. You need to open the door leading to the subconscious. If this is present in a person, then he will certainly succeed.

The influence of magic numbers

What else you need to know is the influence of convergent magic numbers. In another way, if the selected ten pictures contain all four suits of identical images or numbers, then when doing fortune telling, start primarily from their meaning, and tie all other signs to them.

Rule for layout of signs

The layout is the last thing to consider when doing gypsy fortune telling. The deck can be laid out in any way you like, but it is better to do it with a “wedge” layout. It looks like a tick on the table, with the sharp end up. For the wedge you will need the first seven pictures.

  • We put the first one on top - this is the inner world, what is in the heart now.
  • The second one is lower left. It means your feelings.
  • The third one is lower on the right. This is a danger.
  • Fourth - continue left lane. The picture will show science, teaching.

Don't forget, cards 2, 3, and 4 mean something that comes from the past.

  • Place the fifth card again to the right - this is the future.
  • The sixth and seventh - left and right. They, together with the fifth, show the position now or literally tomorrow.
  • Place the remaining three cards directly in front of you. They, as we have already said, are your future. Consider them last. After all, the future consists of correct actions in the past and present. Don't make mistakes in your actions.

Start interpreting. You will succeed. At first, the designations can be written down on paper. This will make it easier to understand. In the future, you will remember everything and will be able to choose words without hesitation and read both your own destiny and that of others.

Fortune telling example

We tell fortunes to the girl. If the question concerns yourself, do not forget to guess your suit (for example, the queen of hearts). We always play solitaire with the wedge pointing upward. 10 signs have fallen, of which more are red, which means good luck is with you.

Select the accompanying symbols:

  1. Jack of spades - today there is trouble, intuition, desire to see, you can’t expect much.
  2. Queen of Clubs - yesterday, woman, power, worthy reward, your attitude to all this.
  3. Eight of Hearts - past conversations, feelings, a long-standing fateful meeting, danger.
  4. Six of Diamonds - road, material wealth, precarious position, studies, everything is in the past.
  5. King of Hearts - man, feelings, everything will work out at the moment or will happen soon.
  6. Seven of Clubs - one of these days there will be a meeting, power, recognition by the enemy.
  7. Ten of diamonds - material interest, work will help you forget about everything.
  8. Nine and again diamonds - love, material wealth, everything bad will go away.
  9. Seven of hearts - a love date (not soon, but it will happen), danger, playing with fire.
  10. Queen of hearts - who is it? Big feelings, but it’s better to hide them from others.

Now, based on the selected symbols, let's analyze the situation. You don’t need to tell anyone else’s fate, much less your own. But I think this girl will be fine. And what do you think?

Attention, TODAY only!

One of the most ancient and mysterious ways to find out your destiny and look into the near future is fortune telling with gypsy cards. From time immemorial, these people have been famous for their ability to accurately predict the future using ordinary playing cards.
Consider the most popular gypsy layout, which uses 10 playing cards.

10 card spread

A regular deck is thoroughly shuffled and one card is pulled out at random. People call it “fortune” and it symbolizes the most cherished desires of the one who is being told fortunes. Then they lay out three rows of three cards. As a result, you should have 10 cards in front of you, the fortune should be at the bottom of the layout.

The top row tells about a person’s past, the middle row symbolizes his present and near future, the bottom row – the distant future.
When interpreting a layout of 10 playing cards, experienced oracles pay attention not only to the size and suit, but also to what row the card is in and what figures surround it.

Decoding the layout

  • Ace - great success;
  • King - favor of an influential man;
  • Lady - patronage of an influential woman;
  • Jack - acquaintance with benefits;
  • Ten is luck;
  • Nine – victory;
  • Eight - pleasant worries;
  • Seven is an interesting proposition;
  • Six - a successful trip.
  • Ace - happiness;
  • King - harmony in the family;
  • Lady - intimate relationship;
  • Jack - flirting;
  • Ten is bliss;
  • Nine - luck in love;
  • Eight is joy;
  • Seven - love confession;
  • Six is ​​an amorous adventure.

  • Ace - grief, need;
  • King - trouble with the law;
  • Lady - treachery;
  • Jack - fatal connection;
  • Ten – enmity;
  • Nine – struggle;
  • Eight - a groundless quarrel;
  • Seven - scandal;
  • Six – dangers on the way.
  • Ace - dismissal, troubles;
  • King - conflict with superiors;
  • Lady - difficulty in career;
  • Jack – business connections;
  • Ten is a profitable business, not an easy one;
  • Nine – promotion;
  • Eight are tears;
  • Seven – gratitude;
  • Six is ​​a long way.

"Golden Horseshoe" layout

The “Golden Horseshoe” layout allows you to find out your destiny, analyze the current situation, understand the reasons for failures and foresee further developments.

The layout is carried out not on playing cards, but on special gypsy tarots.

The layout got its name due to the fact that the laid out cards look like a horseshoe. The ritual goes as follows. 5 figures are drawn at random from the deck and laid out in the shape of a horseshoe.

The cards are deciphered in a semicircle starting from the top left, ending with the top right. The top left symbolizes the current state of affairs; the second – events that will happen in the next week, or a little later; third - describe the essence of the question that worries the fortuneteller most; fourth - talks about events that will happen during the current year; fifth – what awaits you in the distant future.

The “Golden Horseshoe” layout is an ancient fortune telling that most accurately describes all aspects of your life. By performing such a ritual, you can receive valuable advice and understand how to get out of a confusing situation.

Gypsy fortune telling by wish

Gypsies use not only complex layouts in their practice. There is a fairly simple version of the ritual that will tell you whether your cherished wish will come true.

Having made a wish, pull out one card from the deck, which will tell you whether it will come true.

If the cards are figured (for example, a king) of any suit, except for spades, close people will help you achieve your plans, the peak figure speaks of an ill-wisher who will hinder you.

Ten means that you will need to make a lot of effort, nine - the wish will come true, but in a slightly different form, eight - the wish is worth reconsidering, seven - it is worth hastening to make your plans come true, six - certain forces will help the wish come true. An ace means that everything will come true, but when is unknown.

In the field of fortune telling, the traditional gypsy layout of ten cards is gaining increasing popularity.

With its help, you can predict any event that awaits you in the future, or get an answer to your most cherished question. The main thing is to believe in the success of the event, and also learn to correctly interpret fortune telling.

Of course, for this it is better to guess not online, but to lay out a real deck and tune in to its energy. Real cards can make incredibly accurate predictions.

It is not without reason that they are used by magicians, psychics, and gypsies. And often - even by ordinary people who need some answers.

What is the secret of gypsy prediction?

Everything gypsy - lifestyle, thinking, ways of earning money - is shrouded in a haze of mysticism. Maybe that’s why fortune telling with 10 gypsy cards has spread so much that every specialized website offers fortune telling for free in this way online.

The secret of the popularity of this fortune telling on cards is its versatility and simplicity. It takes no more than 10 seconds to carry out the layout, and it is possible to get an answer to a question from any area - matters of the heart, the future in the current workplace, material well-being, relationships with friends and relatives.

What deck do you need?

Fortune telling is carried out with 10 cards. For predictions online, a special gypsy deck “Gypsy” is often used, but at home you can stick with 36 regular playing cards.

It is highly recommended to purchase a new sealed deck - they are sold in almost every supermarket and are offered in abundance at markets. You need to know that if you guess on 10 old cards that were previously used in games, you will not be able to get a reliable prediction.

How to make a schedule?

Take a new deck and shuffle thoroughly. You should pull out the cards gradually, and not all 10 at once. First, arrange them so that you get 3 rows of 3 pieces each.

This cannot be done when fortune telling online, but when making predictions on real cards, you must remove the deck with your left hand.

Then pull out the last card from the deck - number 10. In another version of the layout, it is taken out at the very last moment. In any case, it should be placed a little separately from the rest.


The gypsy prediction should be interpreted in series:

  • The top row is the past of the person being told fortunes.
  • The average is his present and what is expected very soon.
  • Lower – distant future.

With this method of interpretation, the tenth card should be perceived as a prediction of very important events in life and changes.

When interpreting fortune telling, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the location of each card in a row, because this gives them new shades of meaning:

  • Tenth – secret dreams and fantasies.
  • The first in the row is family.
  • Central - beloved people.
  • The last one in the row is acquaintances.

Meaning of suits

Fortune telling by cards also involves interpretation by suit. Crosses tell about work and money, diamonds - about your personality, hearts - about love, and spades - harbingers of problems and disturbing events.

However, when reading the suits, you cannot take individual meanings of each. It is important to interpret them in conjunction with each other, putting them into one whole picture.

Of course, this requires a certain skill and imagination. However, over time, it is quite possible to develop the necessary qualities in yourself and successfully use fortune telling to control your destiny. Author: Margarita Shelnova

Gypsy fortune telling is very popular. It is believed that with the right attitude and compliance with the rules for conducting fortune-telling rituals, they provide absolutely reliable information.

Fortune telling with 10 cards is a way to get an answer to your question. Its peculiarity is that the layout begins with the laying out of a fortune card, which indicates what is in the fortuneteller’s heart. By deciphering this card, you can understand the desires, dreams of the fortuneteller and his life aspirations.

Professional fortune tellers do NOT recommend fortune telling in this way at night, so as not to cause negative consequences that could affect the fate of the person on whom fortune telling is being performed. The optimal time to carry out fortune telling of 10 cards is from seven in the evening to eleven at night.

In addition, it should be remembered that fortune telling on a rainy, cloudy day will NOT provide truthful information. Also, you cannot repeat the layout if for any reason you are not satisfied with it. Remember that cards give a truthful answer to a question only the first time, and then they begin to lie. And if you continue to experiment with the layout for a very long time, they may become angry, that is, they will lose their magical properties.

Secluded in a separate room, you need to carefully shuffle the fortune-telling deck of cards. After this, you need to take cards from the top of the deck and lay them out in three rows, each of which should contain three cards.

Fortune telling for 10 cards is deciphered in rows, namely:

  • The top row symbolizes the past of the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out.
  • The middle row indicates events of the present time, as well as the near future.
  • The bottom row predicts how things will turn out in the distant future.

After all three rows have been laid out, you should pull a card from the bottom from the deck and put it aside from the main layout. It is she who will indicate the secret dreams and desires of the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out.

When deciphering this layout, you should remember that each card is important, as it describes certain events and the influence of other people on the life of the fortuneteller.

Cards in rows are designated as follows:

  • The information provided by the first card in a row concerns the fortuneteller's family.
  • The central card indicates how relationships with loved ones develop.
  • The last card in the series concerns the people you know and how they influence your life situation.
  • ace: hearts - love message; Bubnovy - regular letter; club - gossip; peak - sad news.
  • king: hearts - a person burning with passion for you, Bubnovy - a groom or an unhappy lover; the one of clubs is a faithful friend, the one of spades is an enemy.
  • lady: heart - bride; Bubnovaya is a windy woman; club - Married woman; peak - gossip.
  • jack: Chervovy - a pleasant guest; Bubnovaya - troubles related to finances; club - good luck in all endeavors; peak - unpleasant household chores.
  • ten: hearts - love news; Diamonds - a gift; club - big money; peak - illness.
  • Nine: Chervovaya - declaration of love; Diamonds - the emergence of obstacles on the way to the goal; club - small money; peak - the loss of a close friend.
  • eight: hearts - pleasure; Diamonds - hatred; club - deception; peak - betrayal.
  • seven: hearts - fun; Bubnovaya - infidelity of a loved one; club - news from the government house; peak - quarrels and conflicts.
  • six: hearts - a fun journey; Bubnovaya - fun adventures; club road - useless road; peak - unhappy, late road.

Also, when interpreting, you need to take into account the combination of cards:

  • The lady with the king symbolizes the secret bride.
  • The king below the lady emphasizes the fidelity of a loved one.
  • A lady who lands between the tens indicates that there is a high probability of a declaration of love.
  • Eight next to a lady - you will find yourself in the center of gossip.
  • The Ace of Spades, located next to the seven, is a harbinger of illness in a close relative.
  • A king between ten and ace predicts promotion.
  • The ace of spades next to the ten of diamonds is a harbinger of serious quarrels and conflicts.
  • A queen and a ten next to a king of the same suit - mutual sympathy.
  • A king and a ten next to a queen are of the same suit - mutual love.

You also need to pay attention to the fact that if four cards of the same value fell out in the layout:

  • The aces in the reading indicate that your wish will come true.
  • Kings indicate that you will be in a place with a lot of people.
  • Ladies foretell unpleasant conversations and gossip.
  • Jacks predict big household troubles.
  • Tens are harbingers of a wedding.
  • Nines indicate that we should expect big changes in life.
  • Sevens or eights in a reading predict trouble.
  • Sixes foretell a long or short journey.

To correctly decipher such a situation, experience is certainly needed. But if you are a beginner, then when decoding you need to take into account the meaning of each card and listen to your own intuition.