Bystrov Sergey Alekseevich. Bystrov, Sergey Alekseevich See the meaning of Bystrov, Sergey Alekseevich in other dictionaries

Advisor to the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. Head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TsPO" under Spetsstroy of Russia"


Born on April 13, 1957 in the village of Poddubye, Firovsky district, Kalinin (now Tver) region.

1978-1982 – Kiev Higher Naval Political School

1989-1992 – Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

1992-1994 – Russian-American University.


About triathlon, bulldogs under the carpet and fair sports play - an open letter from Andrey Adelfinsky on the eve of the FTR 2016 conference

Gennady Shvets: the new president of the Russian Triathlon Federation, Sergei Bystrov, assured athletes and coaches that now the work will be done more efficiently and transparently

President of the Russian Triathlon Federation (RFF) Sergei Bystrov, elected to this position a little more than a month ago - on November 3, held a meeting with the leaders of the Russian triathlon team, who represent Moscow. Some details of the frank conversation that took place were told to the Sports Information Agency “Ves Sport” by the vice-president of the Moscow Triathlon Federation Gennady Shvets.
link: index.php?id=45998

Sergei Bystrov retained the post of President of the Russian Triathlon Federation

Sergei Bystrov, who has headed the federation since November 3, 2010, was elected to a four-year term.

Congratulations and gratitude to the Governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev from the Russian Triathlon Federation

The Governor of the region Vasily Bochkarev received a letter from the President of the Russian Triathlon Federation Sergei Bystrov with New Year's greetings.
“The Penza region is one of the most important points in the development of triathlon in Russia. More than ten representatives of the region are members of the Russian sports team,” the letter says.
link: 01/10/11255771

President of the Russian Triathlon Federation (RFF) Sergei Bystrov held a meeting with the leaders of the Russian triathlon team

Gennady Shvets: the new president of the Russian Triathlon Federation, Sergei Bystrov, assured athletes and coaches that now the work will be organized more efficiently and transparently.

The President of the Russian Triathlon Federation expressed gratitude to Governor Vasily Bochkarev, calling our region one of the most important points for the development of triathlon in the country

President of the Russian Triathlon Federation Sergei Bystrov expressed gratitude to Governor Vasily Bochkarev, calling our region one of the most important points for the development of triathlon in the country - the letter was sent to the head of the region. This is not the first high praise from a sports official. Sergei Alekseevich gave a flattering review last summer, when he attended major international competitions in Penza.
link: info/24499/

Artur Panteleev received gratitude from the President of the FTR

President of the Russian Triathlon Federation Sergei Bystrov expressed gratitude to the acting chairman of the Penza Region Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Artur Panteleev, “for the professional organization and holding the European Triathlon Cup stage for the second time.”

“Among the students of the Penza triathlon school there are a large number of champions and prize-winners of not only Russian championships and championships, but also European and world tournaments. Thanks to your work, they are being replaced by new talented guys who are capable of achieving new, highest results, thereby, by their example, being able to attract other young people to a healthy lifestyle and help them to have a successful life path,” says the text of the letter received by the regional sports committee .

Sergei Bystrov: I will be happy with any Olympic award

President of the Russian Triathlon Federation (RFF), Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Sergei Alekseevich Bystrov summed up the interim results of the activities of the organization he heads.
link: 20120516/650562139.html

The head of the FSSP CyclON, Igor Sysoev, has been appointed senior coach of the Russian women's triathlon team

On December 10, 2012, at a meeting of the coaching council of the FTR (Russian Triathlon Federation), federation president Sergei Alekseevich Bystrov appointed Igor Sysoev as senior coach of the Russian women's team.

Two Penza residents won the European Triathlon Cup stage

“It would be a sin not to hold triathlon competitions here. In London, we met with the British Minister of Sports, and he said that the only sport at the Olympic Games that attracted half a million people at one time was triathlon,” said Sergei Bystrov, president of the Russian Triathlon Federation.

Sergey Popelnyukhov headed the Board of Trustees of the Russian Triathlon Federation

Today, November 3, an extraordinary reporting and election conference of the Russian Triathlon Federation (RFF) was held in Penza, at which the first deputy was elected president of the FTR. General Director of the Transport Directorate of the Olympic Games Sergei Bystrov. Sergei Bystrov himself told the Sports Information Agency “Ves Sport” that a Board of Trustees had been created in the FTR, which was headed by a former member of the Federation Council, head of the Stroyinvestingzhiniring company Sergei Popelnyukhov, who was also elected vice-president of the FTR.

Moscow triathlon: financiers start and win

Last year, by the way, there were half as many participants. The opening of the competition was attended by Sergei Bystrov, President of the Russian Triathlon Federation, who emphasized the importance of reviving triathlon in Moscow: “We sincerely hope that next year this tournament will become international,” he noted.

A meeting of the Headquarters for monitoring the preparation of Russian sports teams for participation in the Games of the XXX Olympiad was held

The final meeting of the Headquarters before leaving for the Games was attended by all the leaders involved in the immediate preparation for London 2012: Secretary of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports, elite sports, preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi, XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan, 2018 FIFA World Cup Alexey Kulakovsky; Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, head of the Russian sports delegation at the Games in London Pavel Kolobkov; Executive Director of the Russian Olympic Committee Nikolai Tolstykh; honorary vice-president of the ROC Vladimir Vasin; Olympic attaché Viktor Khotochkin; Director of the Center for Sports Training of Russian National Teams (TSSP) Alexander Kravtsov; Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Anti-Doping Center" Grigory Rodchenkov; Head of the Department of Sports Medicine Organization of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency Yulia Miroshnikova; President of the All-Russian Swimming Federation Vladimir Salnikov; President of the Russian Wrestling Federation Mikhail Mamiashvili; President of the Russian Weightlifting Federation Sergey Syrtsov; President of the All-Russian Athletics Federation Valentin Balakhnichev; President of the Russian Diving Federation Alexey Vlasenko; President of the Russian Triathlon Federation Sergei Bystrov; President of the Russian Basketball Federation Alexander Krasnenkov; head coaches of Russian national teams in athletics, kayaking and canoeing, swimming, artistic gymnastics, weightlifting, sailing, tennis, trampolining, rowing, boxing, cycling, judo, archery, taekwondo.

Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation since March 2002; born on April 13, 1957 in the village of Poddubye, Firovsky district, Kalinin (now Tver) region; graduated from the Kiev Higher Naval Political School in 1982, the Humanitarian Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (formerly the V.I. Lenin Military-Political Academy) in 1992, the Russian-American University in 1992, Moscow Economic and Statistical University Institute in 2000, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; He began his career as a mechanic and auto assembler in a military unit (1974-1975), worked as an assistant machine operator, a wood crosser at the Bologovo timber industry enterprise in the Kalinin region (1975-1976); served in the USSR Navy (1976-1978); After graduating from the Kiev Military-Political School, from 1982 to 1989 he served in the Red Banner Northern Fleet in various officer positions, including deputy commander of a nuclear missile submarine; from June to December 1992, after graduating from the military academy, he served at the General Staff of the Russian Navy in Moscow; 1993-1998 - work in financial and industrial organizations, industrial and security companies in Moscow; 1998-1999 - first vice-president of the public organization "International Federation of Olympic Champions" (Moscow); June-September 1999 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Financial-Investment Industrial-Construction Corporation "Istok Rossii" (Ostashkov, Tver Region); 1999-2001 - Deputy Governor of the Tver Region; later he was an adviser to the Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation; as Deputy Minister, oversees issues related to determining prospects for the development of the social and labor sphere, effective spending of funds for the purchase of products for state needs, etc.; was elected deputy chairman of the movement "Union of Democracy and Labor"; in 1999 he ran as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; in 2000, he headed the election headquarters of the candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation V. Putin in the Tver region; enjoys sports, master of sports of the USSR in 5 sports, champion of the USSR, champion of the 7th Olympiad of the Peoples of the USSR in rowing.

Petr Sarukhanov / “Novaya”

In Sugrobov's office

… “I’m listening, Bastrykin!” — in the telephone receiver of the head of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Sugrobov, the powerful bass of the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) was heard. “Alexander Ivanovich, I wish you health!” - Sighing loudly, the general apologized with a wave of his palm to the young man sitting opposite him and began another “telephone report.”

His guest, the chairman of the board of the SOGAZ insurance group and the son of the then head of the presidential administration, Sergei Ivanov, nodded understandingly: for the last hour he had been able, in fits and starts, to discuss with the general the topic for which he had come to the police headquarters on Novoryazanskaya Street, namely, ongoing checks of major insurance players business.

“The likelihood of catching Sugrobov not speaking on the phone was negligible, although I succeeded,” laughs a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who that day received a two-minute audience with his boss between his telephone meetings. “The day really turned into one continuous telephone conversation,” confirms another ex-employee of the headquarters, who also managed to get through to Sugrobov.

As reports from the Internal Security Directorate (USB) of the FSB, which has been bugging Sugrobov’s office since 2011, show, the general actually spent the entire day of September 27, 2013 at the “turntable”: he called and received calls from the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, then Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko, Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and the recently appointed Chairman of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova.

The reason turned out to be quite simple: Sugrobov reported on the progress of the investigation of the criminal case against a minor government official and informed about the results of the operation the day before, when Senator Alexander Korovnikov and the head of the Accounts Chamber department, Alexander Mikhailik, were detained red-handed.

It seems that even the detention of low-level officials requires the leadership of law enforcement agencies to make a comprehensive report to senior management - subordination.

“Denis Alexandrovich, what is your opinion, what is happening with corruption in our country?” - Sergei Ivanov Jr. asked after waiting for the end of Sugrobov’s conversation with Bastrykin.

"Honestly? The last two years have seen a colossal surge. We've gone crazy. Previously, something pulled them back, the numbers were different. Now it’s like the last day...” - without having time to finish the thought, the general grabbed the phone again - Valentina Matvienko was waiting for him on the line.

Former senator and now deputy Alexander Korovnikov

“Valentina Ivanovna, I wish you health! I wanted to inform you. We caught Korovnikov red-handed. He then took part of the money to the Accounts Chamber and handed it over to the head of the department... During a long period of work, he allowed himself to say: “If something needs to be solved and money needs to be made, come to me.” People came to him in flocks: for some he resolved issues, for others he did not... He specialized in appointing officials to various positions,” Sugrobov paused, apparently listening to the commentary of the Speaker of the Federation Council. — He decided at the federal level. Even after his arrest, he began to say: I know this, I know this... In fact, he communicated with our minister for 20 years, and he was in communication with Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin. He enjoys authority everywhere. He had strong telephone rights. The minister has already called me: “Korovnikov hangs up on me. Let’s quickly deprive him of his immunity.”

Based on the draft notes, we looked... Where he could make good money, he took it. He was already interrogated, but given the special procedure, he was released... We are now monitoring him... He moves by car, he has two security jeeps plus a counter-surveillance car... He left for Nizhny Novgorod, yesterday he rested all day on a yacht, from where he was carried out in their arms late at night ... I slept at the hotel, went to the governor in the morning - most likely, he was looking for support... But back in mid-September, the Minister [of the Ministry of Internal Affairs] informed Vladimir Vladimirovich based on promising materials. Our minister was instructed to implement himself. Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin also received the command. All the documents with resolutions are there... We still want to finalize two episodes, and in a couple of days the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General’s Office will contact you [with the question of revoking immunity],” after hanging up, Sugrobov suggested that the guest end the conversation next time. "I understand. The society is waiting for an answer. Goodbye,” Sergei Ivanov said goodbye.

Both General Sugrobov and the son of the head of the presidential administration understood perfectly well what kind of society we were talking about.

How to rent out apartments and people

Former employee of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs (second from right) Vitaly Cherednichenko during interrogation at the Investigative Committee

“This sometimes happens: you start dealing with petty scammers near Moscow, and in the end you end up targeting senators,” Vitaly Cherednichenko, a former operative of Directorate “B” of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs, who has been in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center together with Denis Sugrobov since February 2014, ironically says in his letter. accused of creating and participating in a criminal community, which, according to investigators, was engaged in fabricating charges against businessmen and government officials in order to improve crime detection statistics.

In mid-2013, a young captain, who had recently moved to the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the Rostov region, developed and implemented an operation within the walls of the headquarters that received the capacious and simple name “Reshaly.” Those detained were entrepreneurs, retired security officials, parliamentarians and officials who offered unique opportunities in the market - from the sale of the position of rector and head of a federal government institution to the “correct” audit by the Accounts Chamber and the allocation of land in pre-Olympic Sochi.

“Until February 2013, I served in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Rostov Region, where I received primary operational information about corruption at the South Russian State University of Economics and Service (YURGUES) - where the rector Leonid Kaplin offered interested parties apartments in a Moscow residential building on Selskokhozyaystvennaya Street, located on the balance sheet of the institute. I was able to verify this information after my transfer to the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is where it all started,” writes Cherednichenko.

To quickly approach Kaplin, the policeman found businessman Arsen Khasbulatov, who was familiar with the rector. According to Cherednichenko’s plan, Khasbulatov was supposed to approach Kaplin with two commercial questions: about the allocation of an apartment of 120 square meters for illegal compensation. meters and the appointment of his friend to the position of head of one of the state universities.

The issue with the allocation of living space was quickly resolved - Kaplin promised Khasbulatov for 6 million rubles to nominally get him a job at YURGUES and sign a social rental agreement with him. Explaining the algorithm of actions when allocating an apartment, the rector emphasized the importance of Khasbulatov’s future neighbors ( from materials of operational-search activities (ORM)): “Look, I was actually appointed [rector of the university] by the central apparatus of the FSB. We invested a lot - there is an FSB general there and one of his colonels there, they have two apartments there. Roma, this deputy is mine, he also has two there. FSO, my friend from there, Seryozha, has one apartment there. Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, has probably heard of this? He's actually going to build on the tenth floor in order to take over the entire floor. Therefore, for you the price for 120 meters will be 6 million rubles.”

To appoint the candidate proposed by Khasbulatov to the post of rector - he turned out to be the current rector of Saratov Technical University Yuri Chebotarevsky - Kaplin promised to contact his acquaintance Vladislav Volkov, who once held the position of assistant to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, and at that time - assistant to State Duma deputy from the LDPR Vladimir Ovsyannikov.

Discussing the prospects of “making money” at a state university, Kaplin told Khasbulatov in detail about the existing unspoken rules of survival (“We win competitions through the Ministry of Education and Science and give 20%, but if we win 50 million rubles, we give them back); about business relations with the then Deputy Minister of Education Marat Kambolov; finally about one of the possible universities for Chebotarevsky’s appointment.

“There is the Moscow State University of Food Production (MGUPP). The rector there is now Edelev, but he will be demolished. Do you remember his father, there was such a deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Arkady Edelev?” — Kaplin asked Khasbulatov.

“I’m least friendly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” the businessman answered without hiding his laughter.

At their next meeting near the walls of the State Duma, Zhirinovsky’s ex-assistant Vladislav Volkov was also present. He described in detail to the applicant for the rector's position a scheme, an integral part of which would be parliamentary requests to law enforcement agencies, subsequent inspections and the long-awaited orders of the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov on the termination of the powers of the current rector and the appointment of Yuri Chebotarevsky to his position. True, as Khasbulatov was then explained, “the influence of the former deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Edelev made the removal of his son from office difficult,” and therefore the entrepreneur was offered an alternative - the Don State Technical University (DSTU), where a number of violations were revealed.

“Moreover, according to Vlad, DSTU has 199 real estate properties in Rostov, Pyatigorsk and Taganrog, so this university is interesting from the point of view of obtaining maximum benefits,” Khasbulatov said in his testimony.

As further ORM shows, for the approval of Chebotarevsky’s candidacy for the position of rector of DSTU, Khasbulatov was assigned an amount of 30 million rubles, half of which he was supposed to transfer in cash as an advance, and the second part was to be deposited in a safe deposit box and transferred after the relevant order of the minister was issued.

At the control meeting upon receipt of the first tranche, Leonid Kaplin was detained. The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow opened a criminal case on the grounds of attempted fraud on an especially large scale (Article 30, Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The rector did not deny it and immediately agreed to participate in the operational experiment, within the framework of which he undertook to transfer this amount to Volkov. The meeting with the deputy assistant took place the next day in the meeting room of Qiwi Bank in Petrovsky Lane and was similar to a game of tricking the fool: Kaplin and Khasbulatov, hung with hidden cameras and microphones, questioned Volkov for half an hour about guarantees for the upcoming appointment of Chebotarevsky, giving him how you should speak out. Volkov willingly played along: “There are a lot of facilities there [at DSTU] - in Taganrog, and in Rostov, and Essentuki, and Pyatigorsk... You know, I was talking here, one friend in the Federal Property Management Agency has Fradkov’s son as his deputy ( at that time - director of the SVR. — A.S.). He says that if necessary, we will come to him. I tell him: it will be necessary, it will be necessary... And then, the main thing is to conduct competitions correctly, right?”

After Volkov’s arrest, requests to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee regarding violations in the DSTU, signed by deputies from the LDPR faction Ovsyannikov and Roman Khudyakov, were confiscated. Having confessed to his crime, Volkov said that he was far from the final link in the chain of recipients of money for the appointment of the rector of DSTU and agreed to participate in the operational experiment. On the same day, Volkov, under the control of operatives, met with businessman Dmitry Polubedov, who allegedly agreed on the appointment.

At the De Gusto restaurant, where the meeting took place, almost everyone present turned out to be dressed as police officers. “The guys had to be dressed up.” The police guards greeted the visitors, the police waiters served the table, and the police managers accepted complaints about the kitchen,” Vitaly Cherednichenko, a former employee of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs, recalls with irony.

During the detention of Polubedov, an incident occurred: the operatives got under the hot hand of a participant in the television project “Dom-2”, Alexander Gabozov, who came to a meeting with an entrepreneur to discuss his own business project. The frightened star of the TNT channel was taken to the building of the Investigative Committee, from where, after giving testimony, he emerged as a witness.

Polubedov confessed and agreed to expose two accomplices - former SVR officer Vladimir Rogov and FSB border service veteran Yuri Rebrov, who allegedly introduced himself as an assistant to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. They were soon detained. Rebrov, who turned out to be the final link in the chain, was considered by the investigation as the organizer of the fraud, although in his testimony he reported agreements with a certain assistant to Minister Livanov.

“But after it became clear that he would not pay the “assistant” money, Rebrov (apparently to soften his fate) agreed to report other crimes known to him and assist us in documenting them,” writes operative Cherednichenko.

Custom check

In May 2013, Yuri Rebrov petitioned the prosecutor's office to conclude a pre-trial agreement, within the framework of which he hoped to tell about cases of illegal inclusion of commercial companies in the development program of the city of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort. “Companies whose applications for participation in the program were satisfied by the government received a unique opportunity to implement profitable investment projects in Sochi on the eve of the Olympic Games.”

This is how it became known about the successful inclusion of Fame LLC in the program, which received a significant plot of land for the construction of a tourist base in the capital of the Olympics. The company’s application was supervised by Artem Chesnokov, head of the department of social development of the government, who prepared the draft order of Dmitry Medvedev on the inclusion of organizations in the program.

“In 2012, I transferred a total of 3 million rubles to Chesnokov, and I had to transfer another 10 million rubles after [the government] made a positive decision,” FSB veteran Rebrov testified.

Soon, as part of an operational experiment, upon receiving the second amount, the official was detained on suspicion of fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which led to serious checks in the government apparatus. Rebrov later retracted his testimony. In April 2014, the criminal prosecution of Chesnokov was terminated due to the lack of corpus delicti in his actions.

However, at the time of his arrest, the Moscow prosecutor’s office had not approved Rebrov’s pre-trial agreement, and therefore his information and participation in the operation could not serve as the basis for a special procedure for considering the case in court. Then Rebrov proposed another promising area of ​​operational work for the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs - the audit of the developer of football stadiums for the home World Cup, FSUE Sport-Engineering, which was being prepared by the Accounts Chamber. As it turned out, it was Yuri Rebrov who agreed to include an enterprise subordinate to the Ministry of Sports in the list of institutions subject to inspection.

“According to Rebrov, he agreed with Sergei Zakusilo, a member of the expert council of the Accounts Chamber, to include the Federal State Unitary Enterprise in the inspection plan, as well as individual violations in the final inspection report. We were talking about questionable expenses worth several billion rubles. According to him, a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Sports approached Rebrov with a request to attack the customer, but he categorically refused to name him - he feared for his life,” writes Vitaly Cherednichenko.

Subsequently, operatives of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs documented about ten meetings between Rebrov and Zakusilo, at which, in particular, the parameters of the “reward” were discussed in detail. So, at one of the meetings, Zakusilo announced that the organizers of the inspection demanded 500 thousand dollars.

“During the controlled meetings, it turned out that Zakusilo himself was an intermediary - senator from the Nizhny Novgorod region Alexander Korovnikov adjusted the check through his connections in the Accounts Chamber,” writes Cherednichenko

When it was getting close to an operational experiment, new luck smiled on the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: at the next meeting with Rebrov, Zakusilo offered to make money by appointing the head of the Federal Institution “Department of North Caucasus Highways” (USKAD).

“My friend was asked to find a person for this position... If you have a candidate, you can put... The asking price is $10 million. Without our interest... Let’s add two or three million, that’s normal,” Zakusilo suggested.

Sergei Zakusilo’s “friend” turned out to be businessman Alexander Belyakov, who on the day of the upcoming arrest explained to Rebrov the technical side of settlements with officials of the Ministry of Transport: $10 million would have to be transferred in cash, and subsequently the “mastered” funds would be transferred as financial assistance to the Russian Triathlon Federation. Federation President Sergei Bystrov, who held the position of deputy general director of the Russian Railways subsidiary OJSC High-Speed ​​Railways, according to Belyakov, was allegedly the same person who made the decision to appoint the head of USKAD.

The conversation between Zakusil, Belyakov and Rebrov was recorded on a hidden video camera mounted in a desk clock.

Meeting of Rebrov, Belyakov and Zakusil. Moment of money transfer

Belyakov: Sergei Alekseevich [Bystrov] worked for Levitin when he was Minister of Transport. Levitin is now the Presidential Assistant for Transport, that is, he is in charge of this again, that is, we ended up with those people who will sort of do everything.

Rebrov: What does triathlon have to do with it?

Belyakov: He needs to somehow recommend [the candidate]... He will become a member of the board of trustees of the Triathlon Federation, he will fly to London, we will inform you... On the roads as it happens. Let’s say they give “homework” ( This is often called “rollback” in slang.A.S.), for example, we won a tender, there are three companies, your company should win there today, you contributed such and such an amount, you need to recoup it,<…>and then the question is: to whom should we give how much?

Like the original source, there is minimal cheating, but they [in the federation] will not receive cash. Here's your current account - transfer to triathlon.<…>This is why a federation is needed... The heads of the largest construction organizations sit on the board of trustees. And ours will be there. Why are they sitting there, do you think they love triathlon so much? They will legalize it somehow...

On September 10, 2013, Sergei Zakusilo and Alexander Belyakov were detained in the meeting room of Qiwi Bank while receiving two advances: 5 million rubles for an audit by the Accounts Chamber and 43 million rubles for appointing Rebrov’s candidacy to USCAD.

Detention of Sergei Zakusil and Alexander Belyakov at the time of transfer of money

Both defendants confessed, exposing Senator Alexander Korovnikov and the head of the federation Sergei Bystrov, and agreed to take part in operational experiments.

Bystrov was detained on the same day - the head of the triathlon federation received a bag with 5 million rubles from Belyakov on Smolenskaya Square, having previously asked his interlocutor about the amount of his “interest” in the overall deal. “We’ll give you 1 million out of ten, they say. I answer: ok, thank you. But these 5 million are just for expenses. And in the future...” said Belyakov. “Okay, that’s it, then we’ll dock,” Bystrov interrupted him.

The operation to document the receipt of money by Federation Council member Alexander Korovnikov took more time. The main obstacle to detention was the status of a senator, which implied the application of a special procedure for criminal prosecution to him - ​employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs would have to coordinate with the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee a request to deprive Korovnikov of immunity.

In addition, the police, according to Vitaly Cherednichenko, began to work out Korovnikov’s connections with the leadership of the Accounts Chamber: “During the conversations, two names were heard - ​auditor Sergei Agaptsov, who inspected the enterprises of the Ministry of Sports, and the head of the department of the Accounts Chamber, Alexander Mikhailik. But the initial operational information on Agaptsov was not confirmed.”

“Here it’s 5 million. Shall we cut it in half?”

Sergei Zakusilo arrived at Alexander Korovnikov’s office on Smolensky Boulevard on the evening of September 25, and a task force from the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs was already waiting for him at the entrance. One hidden camera was installed in the hem of Zakusilo’s jacket, and a second one was installed in the briefcase with money.

Got a bite: I voiced to them the topic that we still need to add... documentation. They agreed to add another five... They said thank you, we had heard that there was a strict check there. I say, that’s how we work.

Korovnikov: Look, there is nothing bad, well, very bad... Now the inspectors are all being pulled out.

Got a bite: They gave me a five, and they said they would give me a ten later. They said: there is no need to go to the prosecutor's office. Do not need anything. Give us a copy.

Korovnikov: We will try to do as much as possible... ( obscene analogue of the word “bad”.A.S.), well, as much as possible, but he won’t go to the prosecutor’s office, right?.. Look, I’m leaving for Novgorod. I'll pick up the document on Monday. And when I pick it up, you will give them the deed and take another ten.

In parting, the senator said to his comrade: “Bring more topics like this.”

A few minutes later, employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs burst into Alexander Korovnikov’s office, taking ID cards from their pockets and introducing themselves in uniform. “What questions, guys?” — ​Korovnikov imposingly took out his “crust”, looking around at the uninvited guests. Then he took out several wads of money from his briefcase and threw them on the table, declaring that it was “an advance payment for the car that Zakusilo bought from me.” (Already in court, Alexander Korovnikov will even declare that the money was intended for charity - “they got caught doing something sacred.”)

The police, judging by the operational footage, during the inspection of the crime scene apologized to the senator for the “raid” and called on him for a constructive dialogue.

“We, of course, heard that he is a classmate of our minister [Vladimir Kolokoltsev] and the former chairman of the Accounts Chamber Sergei Stepashin ( all three studied at the Leningrad Higher Political School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. — A.S.), and besides, the results of wiretapping his contacts showed how extensive his circle of acquaintances was in various echelons of power,” says one of the participants in the operation. The deputy head of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Boris Kolesnikov, was already in a hurry to help his subordinates...

After talking with an equal in status and, probably, assessing the possible consequences, Korovnikov agreed to participate in the operational experiment - and on the same day made an appointment with the head of the Accounts Chamber department, Alexander Mikhailik.

Korovnikov: Look, look at this company... The guys brought five for us...

Mikhailik: I don't have a solution. I'll look at all our documents today. That's it, there's nothing more. Another question is to put them on a plan and fuck them next year. It can be done. Let's do it this way.

Korovnikov: Come on, yeah.

Mikhailik: Let's put them in the plan now. We'll give it to you too. Let's write that we arrived late. There is something to grab onto. We have a letter from Glavgosexpertiza... They look at this letter there, get attached, apply... And we include them next year. And we do everything. Is it coming?

Korovnikov: Yes. Let's do it this way: three for yourself, two for me. Well, let's cut it in half?

Mikhailik: I’ll share more with my boss.

As a result of the meeting, Alexander Mikhailik was detained red-handed, and a criminal case was opened against him on the grounds of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The next day, the head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Denis Sugrobov, reported by telephone to the newly appointed chairman of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova: “When Mikhailik took money from Korovnikov under the guise of a gift, he said: “I’ll share it with the boss.” Probably they were talking about Agaptsov. We are checking this information. Their [Korovnikov and Mikhailik’s] calls, return calls, and consultations on behavior were also recorded... Korovnikov tried to call Sergei Vadimovich [Stepashin] via special communications in Barvikha. I will then pass on what concerns you [the Accounts Chamber] to your discretion. I myself don’t like naked certificates, so I’ll make an audio clip so that there is direct confirmation - voice, conversations. You will hear everything."

Six months later, all employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs who participated in the “decided case” were detained by the FSB Internal Security Service. Subsequently, they were charged with 19 counts of abuse of power during the investigation of criminal cases within the framework of the organized criminal group they created. Among those accused yesterday of fraud and receiving large bribes, then released from criminal liability and becoming victims, were these ten people - from Rector Kaplin to Senator Korovnikov.

The very method of checking operational information about corruption in government bodies by sending persons with “commercial proposals” to the object of verification was recognized by the investigators of the Investigative Committee as unacceptable and illegal.


Alexander Korovnikov was elected to the State Duma from the Nizhny Novgorod region in September of this year, joining the ranks of the United Russia faction. In the lower house of parliament, the deputy became a member of the Defense Committee.

President of the Russian Triathlon Federation Sergei Bystrov, deputy director of JSC "High-Speed ​​Highways", former general director of the Federal State Institution "Roads of Russia", according to the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, was part of a group of "fixers" closely associated with the director of the department of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Alexander Mikhailik. Sergei Bystrov was arrested and placed under house arrest.

In a detailed publication by Kommersant, Bystrov is called the ex-president of the FTR, which is not true. The FTR has not yet held an extraordinary reporting and election conference, and Sergei Bystrov remains the president of the FTR. Also, the prefix “ex” in relation to Bystrov’s position at OJSC “High-Speed ​​Railways” is not true. Bystrov at the time of the events described was the current deputy general director of High-Speed ​​Railways OJSC Alexander Sergeevich Misharin, the former governor of the Sverdlovsk region and first vice-president of Russian Railways OJSC. OJSC "High-Speed ​​Railways" is a company engaged in the implementation of a megaproject for the construction of Russia's first high-speed railway Moscow-Kazan with an estimated cost of approximately 1 trillion. rubles

Kommersant has learned the details of a corruption scandal involving the arrest of the director of the Accounts Chamber department, Alexander Mikhailik, accused of receiving a bribe for organizing an unscheduled audit of the FSUE Sport-Engineering, which designs stadiums. According to investigators, he was part of a group of scammers whom law enforcement agencies managed to identify back in the spring of this year thanks to the detention of a similar group of “fixers” in Moscow.

In April 2013, in the capital's Caucasian Prisoner restaurant, employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia took a group of “fixers” led by the rector of the South Russian State University of Economics and Service Leonid Kaplin. For 30 million rubles. they offered to assist in the appointment to the position of rector of the Don State Technical University. Among those detained was a certain Yuri Rebrov, one of the leaders of Laardi LLC. He cooperated with the investigation, admitted to participating in the scam, and also testified that he knew about a similar group of fraudsters. According to the detainee, it included former member of the expert council of the Accounts Chamber Sergei Zakusilo. Yuri Rebrov, who was under house arrest by that time, agreed to participate in the operational police combination. To achieve this, the investigation even had to remove some of the restrictions imposed on him.

At one of the meetings, Yuri Rebrov complained to Mr. Zakusilo that FSUE Sport Engineering refused to include his Laardi LLC as a contractor for the construction of sports facilities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. Sergei Zakusilo said that the problem can be solved by organizing an inspection of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise by the Accounts Chamber. For this, the intermediary asked for 12.5 million rubles.

At the same time, Mr. Zakusilo asked Yuri Rebrov if he would like to head the department of the federal road agency “North Caucasus Highways” for $13 million. Mr. Rebrov said that he does not have that kind of money, but he is ready to help find a client for this place. After that, he was put in touch with the President of the Russian Triathlon Federation and Deputy General Director of JSC "High-Speed ​​Railways" Sergei Bystrov. Previously, he held the position of general director of the Russian Roads Federal State Institution, where he allegedly had good connections. During subsequent negotiations with applicants for the position, he presented himself as an adviser to the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Negotiations took place for a month and a half. At the last meeting, held on September 10, the negotiators came to Qiwi Bank, where Mr. Rebrov gave Sergei Zakusilo 5 million rubles. for resolving his issue with the audit (he had to give the remaining 7.5 million rubles after solving the problem), and the candidate for the position of head of the department of the Federal State Institution - an advance in the amount of 43 million rubles.

After following the participants in the scam, police officers found out that 5 million rubles. Sergei Zakusilo handed it over to Alexander Korovnikov, a member of the Federation Council from the Novgorod region. After this, the “fixers” Zakusil and Bystrov were detained. On September 12, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow, satisfying the investigation’s request, placed them under house arrest.

The senator agreed to cooperate with the investigation, saying that 3 million rubles. must be handed over to the director of the Accounts Chamber department, Alexander Mikhailik. As Kommersant has already told, last Wednesday, while transferring money, Mr. Mikhailik was detained by GUEBiPK officers not far from his home on Sadovo-Kudrinskaya Street. He told the operatives that he was allegedly going to transfer this money to one of the auditors, but then adjusted his position. “I borrowed money from Alexander Korovnikov for my son’s apartment,” Mr. Mikhailik stated on record. After information about the detention of Alexander Mikhailik reached his wife, she committed suicide. The investigation has yet to understand the reasons for this woman’s step. It is known so far that the Mikhailiks are very religious. In particular, the head of the family attended church every week, traveled to New Athos annually, and his office looked more like an iconostasis. At the same time, between the icons there was a half-meter doll of the ex-head of the Accounts Chamber Sergei Stepashin and a dozen jars of honey. All this was sealed after the search.

In the past, Alexander Mikhailik was a career military man. In the mid-1990s, he was seconded to the Accounts Chamber. After receiving the rank of major general, Mr. Mikhailik was faced with a choice - to remain a career military man or to go to work at the Accounts Chamber. He chose the latter.

It is also worth noting that the Mikhailiks were officially divorced. Moreover, all assets were registered in the name of the wife. Now law enforcement agencies, through the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the Federal Property Management Agency and Financial Monitoring, are trying to establish what exactly Natalya Mikhailik owned. According to Kommersant, she worked at the Research Institute for System Analysis of the Accounts Chamber.

Those involved in the high-profile case are being checked for involvement in other scams.

Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation since March 2002; born on April 13, 1957 in the village of Poddubye, Firovsky district, Kalinin (now Tver) region; graduated from the Kiev Higher Naval Political School in 1982, the Humanitarian Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (formerly the V.I. Lenin Military-Political Academy) in 1992, the Russian-American University in 1992, Moscow Economic and Statistical University Institute in 2000, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; He began his career as a mechanic and auto assembler in a military unit (1974-1975), worked as an assistant machine operator, a wood crosser at the Bologovo timber industry enterprise in the Kalinin region (1975-1976); served in the USSR Navy (1976-1978); After graduating from the Kiev Military-Political School, from 1982 to 1989 he served in the Red Banner Northern Fleet in various officer positions, including deputy commander of a nuclear missile submarine; from June to December 1992, after graduating from the military academy, he served at the General Staff of the Russian Navy in Moscow; 1993-1998 - work in financial and industrial organizations, industrial and security companies in Moscow; 1998-1999 - first vice-president of the public organization "International Federation of Olympic Champions" (Moscow); June-September 1999 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Financial-Investment Industrial-Construction Corporation "Istok Rossii" (Ostashkov, Tver Region); 1999-2001 - Deputy Governor of the Tver Region; later he was an adviser to the Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation; as Deputy Minister, oversees issues related to determining prospects for the development of the social and labor sphere, effective spending of funds for the purchase of products for state needs, etc.; was elected deputy chairman of the movement "Union of Democracy and Labor"; in 1999 he ran as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; in 2000, he headed the election headquarters of the candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation V. Putin in the Tver region; enjoys sports, master of sports of the USSR in 5 sports, champion of the USSR, champion of the 7th Olympiad of the Peoples of the USSR in rowing.