The strangest and most original signs of the zodiac and the funniest oddities of celebrities. The very best Zodiac sign: what makes you better than others? The most creative zodiac sign according to astrologers

Each representative of the zodiac circle has its own strengths and weaknesses, which makes it unique. However, the title of the best will go to only one: perhaps it is your Zodiac Sign.

Some qualities make us special, and astrologers are ready to confirm this once again. Despite the fact that it is impossible to succeed always and in everything, a person can achieve success in a certain area and earn the title of the best. Based on the characteristics of each Zodiac Sign, astrologers were able to identify their main advantages. In this regard, experts from the site offer to find out why your Zodiac Sign is better than others.

Luckiest Zodiac Sign

Some Zodiac Signs are real losers, but Gemini is not one of them. Observations by astrologers have shown that it is these representatives of the zodiac circle who have earned the title of the luckiest Sign. Their ability to appear at the right time and in the right place helps them become more successful. Even if they find themselves in a difficult situation, they will be able to find a way out of it without making much effort. Geminis are born lucky people, and in this it is difficult for them to compete.

The most sociable sign of the Zodiac

It is impossible to compete with Libra in sociability. Even if they are in an unfamiliar company, they will be able to attract attention to themselves and at the same time will never irritate others with simple jokes and conversations “about nothing.” For Libra, communication itself is much more important, but how and with whom it happens is not so important. It may seem to many that Libra is obsessive, but in reality this is not the case. According to astrologers, Libras are simply afraid of loneliness and experience real pleasure from meeting people and the process of communication.

The Most Creative Zodiac Sign

Thanks to the rich imagination and creative thinking of Aquarius, astrologers recognized them as the most creative. Often Aquarians are unrecognized geniuses. Every new idea that comes into their mind is different from the other. Some of them may seem absurd, but Aquarians know how to implement them and thereby surprise others. The problem is that they do not always finish what they start, which is why they often remain in the shadows. Having managed to get rid of this shortcoming, Aquarians will be able not only to achieve recognition, but also to change the world.

The most family-friendly Zodiac Sign

In the ranking of the best family men, Cancers take first place. Their main goals are to find a reliable partner, create a strong family and become a good, caring parent. In addition, they value family traditions and sometimes create them themselves. Astrologers assure: if you want to find an ideal life partner, you need to meet Cancer.

The most powerful Zodiac Sign

Many may decide that confident and ambitious Aries or power-hungry Leos deserve this title. But astrologers decided differently: according to their version, Pisces is the strongest Zodiac Sign. Despite their kindness and gentle nature, they have qualities that do not allow them to give up even in the most difficult moments of life. In most cases they are good-natured, but if necessary they can show their dark side. Other Zodiac Signs cannot boast of this feature.

The most beautiful Zodiac Sign

Sagittarians know the real power of beauty and are not afraid to spend either time or money on their appearance. When taking care of themselves, they pay attention to all the little things and do not miss the opportunity to improve themselves. Based on the observations of astrologers, this Zodiac Sign is naturally beautiful. Their strong qualities coupled with their attractive looks definitely make them the most attractive.

The kindest Zodiac Sign

Tactful and courteous Taurus are deservedly considered the kindest sign of the Zodiac. Their desire to help anyone who needs it is in itself a sign of kindness. In addition, this is also evidenced by the manner of communication with others. Even if there is a person next to Taurus who literally irritates him, Taurus will not show negative emotions: on the contrary, he will show favor to the interlocutor so that he feels comfortable.

The Most Successful Zodiac Sign

Capricorns have all the necessary qualities to succeed. That is why astrologers have come to the conclusion that this particular Zodiac Sign deserves to be called the most successful. Capricorns can hardly be called careerists, because they try to devote time not only to work, but also to family. However, if they want to take a leadership position and earn more than their colleagues, this will not be difficult to do. Determination allows Capricorns to achieve their goals and become more successful, this is what distinguishes them from other Zodiac Signs.

The sexiest and most passionate Zodiac Sign

The attractiveness of Scorpios lies precisely in their sexuality. Many people mistakenly think that Scorpio enters into intimate intimacy only in order to lose excess energy and get complete satisfaction from the process, and it does not matter to him whether his partner will be pleased. But in fact, the feelings and emotions of another person are more important to them. Unlike other Zodiac Signs, Scorpio will not calm down until he gives his partner the whole possible range of feelings.

The smartest zodiac sign

Virgos strive to be perfect in everything. That is why they engage in self-development more than other Signs, gain new knowledge and try to apply it through experience. In addition, they will not miss the chance to show off their erudition and surprise others with interesting facts and information. Despite Virgos' shortcomings, astrologers believe that their desire for excellence has helped them earn the title of the smartest sign of the Zodiac.

The Most Honest Zodiac Sign

Due to their sometimes unbearable character and pride, Aries can hardly be called the best Zodiac Sign, but honesty is a quality that distinguishes them from others. Aries are often too straightforward, but this trait is not always reprehensible. In most cases, directness allows this Zodiac Sign to get rid of unnecessary connections and successfully prove that they are right. In this, honest Aries are truly better than others.

The most charming Zodiac Sign

At first glance, it may seem that Leos are too arrogant and narcissistic. However, astrologers believe that these qualities are not unfounded, because Leo is the most charming of all the Zodiac Signs. Charm helps them always feel on top, especially considering that for Leos, the attention of others is the best source of energy.

It is quite difficult to say which Zodiac Sign is the best. After all, everyone has advantages that make them truly unique and attractive.

Many people who are interested in astrology and believe in horoscopes sometimes ask themselves the following question: “What is the best zodiac sign?” It is impossible to give a definite answer, since individual parameters need to be taken into account - strength, beauty, sexuality, spirituality, wisdom. Some are good at communication, others at creativity or raising children. It all depends on what qualities are most desirable for you. Astrology provides a lot of interesting information about different areas where each sign shows its best side. So, let's look at the list of the very best.

Best compatibility of zodiac signs in bed

Fire, Earth, Air and Water are the 4 elements, the most important factor of compatibility (including sexual), which contributes to strong relationships. Therefore, although the pleasure of intimacy can be obtained with any partner, when considering a relationship on a long-term basis, it is better to choose a companion from the same group as your sign. So, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius harmonize well with each other, and intimate relationships between them are full of passion and fire. Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are voluptuous and restrained, able to control their desires. The best zodiac sign for Libra is Aquarius and Gemini. Air types are attracted to partners who are capable of experimentation and have high intelligence. These qualities support their sexual interest. And the group of water representatives - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio - are extremely passionate, and as lovers they are simply inseparable. They strive to find in a partner not only sexual, but also moral satisfaction.

The most jealous zodiac sign

From an astrological point of view, Scorpio is considered the most jealous. By nature he is suspicious, and if his partner gives him a reason for jealousy, even the smallest one, then all the anger, indignation and intransigence of the partner falls on him. In second place is Taurus. This is the best zodiac sign for family relationships, but a terrible owner. Along with them, representatives of the entire fire element also have the status of the most furious jealous people. Leo, Aries and Sagittarius are leaders by nature who are not going to share the championship with anyone else. But they are jealous as leaders, and not as owners. Pisces and Aquarius can be considered the calmest in this regard. These signs have the tendency to change themselves if they suddenly suspect their partner of cheating. They strive in every possible way to match their life partner, or in response they try to arouse his jealousy.

Which zodiac sign is best in family relationships?

Cancer is considered the most homely and family sign. For him, these values ​​always come first. He is caring, patient and responsible. For him, the main thing in life is a strong family, comfortable relationships, full of understanding, children and home comfort. According to astrologers, Taurus are also ideal husbands and wives. They are monogamous and take everything related to household responsibilities seriously. If they get married, then once and for all. Perhaps their only drawback is their stinginess in expressing their feelings. It may seem to partners that Taurus does not love them at all, but this is not so.

Best female zodiac sign

From the perspective of family relationships and home improvement, Virgo takes first place, followed by Taurus. Not a single zodiac sign can boast of innate economic qualities and the ability to arrange things so skillfully. A Capricorn woman, according to many astrologers, can also join this list. If we consider the signs from the point of view of external attractiveness, then primacy should be given to Pisces, Libra and Leo. According to many astrologers, often beautiful people, this applies equally to both men and women, are born under the constellation Sagittarius. They are well built and pay a lot of attention to self-care. Although, by and large, a woman who takes care of herself is always attractive, it doesn’t matter what sign she was born under.

The most successful zodiac sign

Astrologers note that absolutely everyone can achieve success in life. But some mean by this position in society, status, others - material stability, and still others - the opportunity to do their own business. The best zodiac sign for accumulating money is Cancer, followed by Taurus. Both are attached to what they have, are in no hurry to spend money, and carefully plan expenses, this especially applies to men. In third place is Capricorn. However, unlike the first two, he strives not so much to accumulate as to realize his ambitions, of which he has a lot. Career growth and development are important to him. These people more often than others strive to occupy leadership positions. Dev is worth mentioning in this category. They are very hardworking and work well under someone's leadership. They enjoy the process of work itself.

The most picky sign

People born under the sign of Scorpio can be simply unbearable. Not only are they selfish and can easily offend a person, they are also vindictive. Another zodiac sign is Capricorn (woman or man, it doesn’t matter) - very cold, harsh and indifferent. He does not show feelings and can simply destroy if someone crosses his path. In third place are Gemini. These people are incredibly smart and cunning. They are rarely able to admit their mistakes. Some astrologers also consider Aquarius difficult to communicate with, since they tend to commit rash actions, do not think about others, and like to go out for a walk and live for their own sake.

The most secretive sign

Capricorn is considered the most difficult sign psychologically. He is stingy with his feelings, even after living next to him for many years, it is impossible to guess his true feelings, to understand what is in his head. To some extent, this also applies to the constellation Pisces. A female tiger (if considered according to the eastern calendar) is a person with a double bottom. All their emotions are inside. Although they are very artistic and sensitive, they are excellent family people. But an unstable emotional background, a tendency to passion, and internal tension make relationships with them very difficult. The partner will have to try to maintain the alliance with them.

Another emotionally closed sign is Scorpio. Cancers are also quite secretive; they are difficult to understand. They can be vulnerable and sensitive, harsh and cold. These are a symbol of powerful internal forces moving beneath the surface. And it is difficult to penetrate under it, since people of this sign erect barricades and hide in their shell. As mentioned, Pisces are no less closed. The female tiger, and many other representatives of this sign, are endowed with a changeable, lethargic and very closed character.

The most harmonious sign

Libra takes first place here. This is a balanced, diplomatic and open sign. These people show all their best qualities in communication and personal relationships. They strive for balance and harmony in everything. They feel serene in a calm, comfortable environment. The Libra-Ox combination is worth mentioning separately. In Chinese astrology, the Ox symbolizes willpower and determination. Libras born this year are charming, subtle and sensual. These are the calmest, most balanced individuals from the entire zodiac circle. They are attractive because of their fairness, sincerity and balance in everything. For a man of this sign, it is important to be in agreement with everyone and resolve conflict situations in a peaceful way. Also, the Libra (Ox) man takes marriage very seriously and tries to build good relationships with the family of his chosen one. Overall this is a great combination of year and sign, the personality traits of Ox and Libra complement each other perfectly.

The most spiritual sign

Surprisingly, three completely different signs manifest themselves equally successfully here: Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Every person strives to develop spiritually. From the natal horoscope chart you can see how much attention he pays to this aspect of life. Some may have developed intuition, others believe in “subtle worlds.” However, from the position of spiritual strength, it is the three listed signs that are dominant. This is explained by the fact that they can move forward, no matter what, focusing on their inner feelings, and not on external factors.

The most sensitive sign

Of the entire horoscope, Cancers are considered the most sensitive, followed by Scorpios. From a deeper point of view, the Rat-Cancer is an even more sentimental and emotional sign. This combination produces very receptive individuals who need to be very careful in life so as not to take the wrong person under their wing. They easily read the experiences and suffering of others. These are people with the finest nervous system, who absolutely cannot stand rude relationships. They need a reliable and understanding life partner more than others.

Using an astrological characteristic, everyone will be able to determine for themselves the main shortcomings and advantages of a person. Do not forget that personality is determined by many other qualities, so you do not need to focus only on stellar indicators.

The month of birth and the astrological sign have a direct impact on our destiny, character, and choice of partner. This was noticed many centuries ago and constantly studied. Among the zodiac signs there are weak and strong.

Mars appears in both Scorpio and Capricorn. Combination with other planets is also important, which can weaken the effect of the Sun and Mars or degenerate into excessive irritability and intolerance.

Also, the constellation Pisces is ranked among the most powerful signs of astrology.. Since no one can compare with them in strength of spirit. Only they can work for a long time, dream, create and not fall into despair.

Among men

Scorpio is considered one of the most powerful signs for a man. He's incredibly attractive. It contains a powerful energy that attracts people, especially women. Even a Scorpio with average appearance will be popular with the opposite sex due to his charisma.

He has willpower and a firm and sometimes unyielding character, unlike, for example, the flighty Gemini.

However, endowed with strength, has both contradictions and complexities of character. He is “on his own,” knows the value of money, and never misses an opportunity.

Scorpios are under the protection of Pluto. They do not like weak people and do not give themselves the opportunity to relax. They strive for their goal stubbornly, without giving time to relax not only for themselves, but also for those around them. This can sometimes exhaust other people because Scorpio's energy levels are quite high.

This sign should feel in charge; this is the only way it can appreciate the fullness of life and its significance. At the same time, he has endurance and fortitude, which helps them even in the most dangerous situations. Scorpio remains calm, and his confidence is conveyed to others.

This sign evokes two emotions: love and hate.. There are practically no people who are indifferent to Scorpio. His gaze and long gaze is captivating. Even in old age, the Scorpio man attracts attention, is powerful and knows how to control a woman.

For woman

For the most powerful sign is Pisces. They are feminine, impressionable, and have sentimentality. Pisces attract men to them and know how to direct them in the direction they need. The Pisces sign is slippery and resourceful, this helps them dodge troubles and easily solve their problems using other people. The water element gives depth to feelings.

Understanding Pisces is not always easy. Their apparent softness and pliability makes it easy to control loved ones. True, at work it happens the other way around - they are controlled by Pisces. They are a good performer. The flowing energy of water is associated with creativity, so even Pisces women make good musicians and artists. Their deep feelings and retreat into the inner world allow them to create.

By energy strength

The energetically strongest and brightest signs are:

    Aries. They are full of vitality. The energy just splashes over the edge. In this regard, Aries are not at all afraid of risk and easily get involved in adventures that give them pleasure. This sign has great leadership abilities, which makes them good leaders. They are ready to take on any challenge, fight for an idea or achieve a goal.

    Along with confidence, Aries also has impulsiveness, which sometimes develops into aggression. They go ahead, sweeping us all away in their path, and their confidence is such that rarely anyone is ready to interfere with their actions. Aries has virtually no fear.

    Scorpion. Their energy is associated with passion and charisma. It is difficult to stop a Scorpio if he has set a goal for himself. His energy and inner mystical power help you go to the end and achieve your goal. In close relationships, Scorpio makes excessive demands on his couple, so an alliance with him is not easy.

    It’s just difficult for Scorpio to appreciate the lower energy of other people. This sign has very high potential and is capable of achieving incredible things, becoming a bright and popular personality, albeit full of contradictions and mysteries.

    A lion. His character is complex, because he is endowed with leadership qualities and the need to rule. This fire sign easily develops strategies and moves towards the implementation of its plans. Fear is unknown to them. Leos often show stubbornness and pride in their personality and successes. This sign is self-confident and requires submission, especially from a woman.

Of course, each of these signs can show weakness in certain circumstances, but this is very rare for them, because they are self-confident, and a high level of energy helps them deal with difficulties.

What element?

Zodiac signs are divided into four elements, some of them weaker, others stronger. If we consider the energy aspect, then the strongest element will be Fire. It forces one to move forward, gives a person ambition, determination, and a high degree of activity.

Burns everything in its path. His emotions are strong and clearly expressed. People ruled by this element have a choleric temperament. They are sociable and interesting. They are, however, also endowed with negative qualities: impulsiveness, hot temper, pride.

In the Fire element sits unshakable strength, devotion to the idea. Courage and courage are their main qualities; fears are unknown to them. They easily get excited about a new idea, include others in it, leading them along.

Due to their brightness, high level of intelligence and energy, people ruled by Fire are creative and interesting. They make artists, painters, musicians, and also rebels. Children of this element are difficult to raise; they are extremely curious, disobedient and stubborn, which causes a lot of trouble for parents.

The element of fire includes three signs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. They are the brightest and most unpredictable representatives of astrological signs. But at the same time, they are interesting personalities that everyone pays attention to.

The reputation of the most vile sign still needs to be earned, no matter how strange it may sound. Several representatives of the zodiac circle are competing for this “prestigious” title. Often, a treacherous nature manifests itself in certain life circumstances. However, some guys have negative qualities that are too obvious to ignore. Let's take a closer look at those who masterfully know how to spoil the mood.


In order to be at the top of a dubious ranking, Geminis do not need to do much. It is enough to be yourself fully. The range of their two-faced qualities is amazing: cunning, deceit, cynicism of thoughts, inconstancy, lack of attention to others, etc. And if you add to this list the inability to admit your guilt, then a laurel wreath is guaranteed. Another thing is that these cheerful guys are able to lead people by the nose all their lives and never give up their vile secrets. More precisely, give them out carefully, not allowing one to suspect the stability of a bad character. Usually only the closest people know about this. The partner of the summer sign will have to endure a lot of sadness. Gemini always wants to sit in the royal seat. Therefore, it is quite difficult to knock down their arrogance.


Many have heard about the composure and prudence of Virgos. This sign is capable of committing an act of breathtaking cruelty in order to finally be noticed. The “merits” were appreciated. Because they also have a thirst for recognition. These are the gray cardinals of the zodiac circle, often becoming millionaires in life. With the help of money they gain the ability to punish those they dislike. In a bad mood, Virgos are scary and vicious, and can treat even the closest people badly. But, unlike the same Gemini, you can sometimes guess about the bad character of Virgo. Defilement will certainly be expressed in a lack of cleanliness. These fans of purity forget about it when their thoughts are overwhelmed by the thirst for revenge. They become rude, vulgar, downright angry. It is better to always treat Virgos well in order to stimulate the development of their virtues. Otherwise, you will have to pay a very high price: one way or another, but Virgo will force you to respect your strength.


Vengeful Scorpios are ready to compete with Gemini. Their ability to weave intrigues, play with the feelings of others, heartlessly refuse love and cruelly punish for the slightest mistakes is unlikely to be repeated by anyone. Scorpios' bad reputation is due to the extreme power of this passionate sign. A hypnotic gaze suppresses weak-willed people in no time. It is these guys who tend to exhibit energy vampirism. They feed on the pure thoughts of others, while deep down in their souls they experience exactly the opposite feelings. Fierce in love, Scorpios love to be sadistic. Their partner should be seriously careful not to provoke the wrath of a representative of the water element. Scorpios recognize only extreme, highest feelings: either absolute love or honest hatred.


The rude Capricorn is also considered not the best sign of the Zodiac. His ability to think meanly is not always known to others, since he carefully hides it. Years of dedicated work are not in vain - after mid-life, Capricorns become irritable, unprincipled (read mean), and downright cynical. Natural careerists want too much to be at the top of society, and therefore often go over their heads. They cheat on their marriage and business partners, and lie about their non-existent virtues. It is close people who suffer greatly from Capricorns. If among your relatives there is a representative of this sign, then it is better not to let his loved ones get close to you: he will certainly deceive you if the opportunity arises. Sometimes just to train your abilities, no matter how crazy it may sound. Capricorns are capable of any, even the most sophisticated, nasty thing. At the same time, earth signs are distinguished by their ingenuousness, which is expressed in the absence of behind-the-scenes games. At the decisive moment they act quite directly. They sweep away any obstacles and walls from the path. They ignore decency and moral standards. They do not disdain the darkest meanness for the same profit. That is why they should be on the pedestal with Gemini and Scorpio.

As for other signs of the Zodiac, here you can do without a ranking. It is enough to list their negative qualities to understand how much they are inferior in meanness to the above-mentioned guys.

  • Aries. Extremely hot-tempered and emotional. Aries' anger pours out extremely violently. They become terrible people after they get their hands on power. If Capricorns calm down after recognizing their merits, then Aries are just beginning to act. They behave selfishly and rudely.
  • Calf. Tenacious guys are capable of much to achieve their goal. Their desire to cope with all problems on their own often leaves a negative imprint on their character. Taurus' rancor and jealousy appear at the most inopportune moments. It is important for them to find a timely way out for their aggression.
  • Cancer. They rarely have meanness of intentions. Cunning manifests itself in borderline situations when something threatens their life. Outright cowards easily hide behind the backs of others, forgetting about protecting their own dignity. But they jealously guard their loved ones, sometimes causing serious inconvenience.
  • A lion. If you forget at least for a moment about who is standing in front of you, Leos will instantly remind you of themselves. They do not tolerate neglect or indifference. Their feelings are strong and their powers are enormous. Therefore, it costs them nothing to execute the victim. Even if you have to use some meanness to do this.
  • Scales. The greed of an air sign is often expressed in the manipulation of other people. They enjoy the feeling of being in control of the situation. This balances them internally. Therefore, it should not be surprising that they use various methods to achieve their goals.
  • Sagittarius. Freedom-loving guys have one drawback. They are easy to use for black purposes. They are easily suggestible and quickly submit to a stronger partner. It is because of him that they become vile.
  • Aquarius. The mental acuity of Aquarius can lead them along a crooked path. They are ready to become a genius in any field if only people notice their creative power.
  • Fish. But sentimental Pisces have another characteristic that predominates: they are too sincere with others. When their strong feelings are rudely ignored, they withdraw into themselves and deny love to even the closest people. It is quite natural that the latter see this as exceptional meanness. Although they are often themselves to blame for such attitudes.

Incredible facts

Much has been said about the typical characteristics of zodiac signs.

But it's time to talk about real statistics. To demonstrate criminal tendencies, the FBI shared the birth dates of serial killers.

Read also:The Worst Qualities of Zodiac Signs

According to their research, some zodiac signs are more prone to certain types crimes

So, which zodiac signs are most likely to commit crimes?

Let us remind you that all zodiac signs can be divided into four forces:

Air– Aquarius, Gemini and Libra

Water– Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio

Fire– Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Earth– Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo

Criminals by zodiac sign

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Of all fire signs, among Sagittarius there are the most criminals, and they are the most difficult to arrest. Aries are usually armed to the teeth, but Leos are very dangerous.

When it comes to air signs, most crimes are committed by Libras, and they are usually well armed and dangerous. On the other hand, Geminis are most often caught cheating, and Aquarians most often commit crimes out of revenge.

From earth signs, Taurus is the most temperamental and risky. Virgos are usually armed, and Capricorns are the most versatile criminals.

Surprisingly, among water signs and the largest number of criminals among all the zodiac signs was found among Cancers, and they are very cruel. Pisces and Scorpios have an uncontrollable temperament.

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Even though you hear a lot of bad things about Geminis, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac! Among Geminis, it is rare to find those whose hands were covered in blood, since they do not take others so seriously as to injure or kill them. The greatest harm they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.

© Aleksei Poprotskii

Aquarius cares about justice and has a strong ego that is difficult to crush. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. This may be because they are smart enough to avoid getting caught, or they don't leave evidence behind after a crime.

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Lions are actually big cats and they try to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if Leo commits murder, he does it only to attract attention.

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Libras are considered kind, fair and patient. However, there were more cases of murder among Libra than among Aquarius and Leo. Libras tend to become cruel if you try to abuse their good intentions.

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Among Virgos, there are usually psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.

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If you thought Pisces were cute, you are sorely mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers there are many Pisces. Given their penchant for addiction, Pisces often commit extraordinary murders.

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Among all the zodiac signs, Capricorns are the average serial killers who kill the most people. Although they respect rules and laws, when they are angry they bring out the worst. They don't kill often, but once they start doing so, they are difficult to stop.

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People born under the sign of Aries are known for their uncontrollable nature. They can get angry easily, but usually cool down quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, but they will soon forget what made them angry.

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Taurus's anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is also more prone to cheating than murder.

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Sagittarius is in third position on the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs. They do not target petty crimes, but something larger, such as mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They commit thefts more often, but are very difficult to catch.

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People of this sign are real psychopaths. They can be sadistic and easily manipulate others. Scorpios often become professional spies and mercenaries. Most serial killers are born in November.

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Tops the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs Cancer. For the most part, people of this sign kill others out of jealousy, envy or emotional instability. They kill with special passion, and leave distinctive marks on the body of the victim.