What is included in fireworks? How do high altitude fireworks work?

Most holidays in Russia are traditionally accompanied by fireworks. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a wedding or Victory Day, which is celebrated at the state level, fireworks of varying complexity decorate the sky for any occasion. But how does an explosion turn into art?

10 12 2015

A beautiful picture in the sky is created with the help of two components - the shells themselves and the launchers.

The general diagram of the fireworks charge device is as follows: casing, gunpowder, inclusion of elements to create an image, charge and wick. Let's take a closer look. Let me make a reservation in advance that most, but by no means all, fireworks are made in the manner described below, so the technology may change.

Making fireworks starts with the body. Recently, plastic is most often used as a material for it. The main cord is glued to the bottom of the case, through which the spark will pass to the charge.

In the center of the future fireworks there is a compartment that is filled with powder explosives - it is this that will provide the first level of the explosion. Once filled, the compartment is sealed to prevent its contents from mixing with the outer layer. The latter is filled with so-called stars - explosives containing magnesium (gives a white flash), copper salts (blue), charcoal (orange) and other additives to create multi-colored sparks in the sky. For greater effect, so-called “comets” are added to fine explosives - small charges with a different visual effect. This entire explosive mixture is filled with a strictly calculated amount of gunpowder.

If the fireworks display is conceived as a complex, for example, two-component show, then the number of compartments increases. A shock absorber made of corrugated cardboard is installed between them, which is necessary to create a delay between explosions. The second, as well as all subsequent compartments, are filled in the same way (in accordance with the customer’s wishes).

One projectile contains several different compartments that separate different charge zones from each other. This is necessary in order to create stepped flashes. The result is a “bomb” elongated along one of the axes, to which a lid made of the same plastic as the rest of the body is glued on top.

The finished projectile is wrapped in paper and also supplemented with a small bag of gunpowder, which will serve as a lifting charge. A cord is attached to it, which is ignited when the fireworks are launched. The internationally color-coded label helps determine the size of the charge, and the labels indicate the components used to determine the appearance of the explosion. Often, for safety of transportation, the projectile is delivered immediately with the launch tube (if its size allows it).

Work with gunpowder is carried out in compliance with maximum safety precautions. To avoid static discharge, assembly line employees wear thin rubber gloves at all times to avoid detonation of explosives.

It may seem like that's all it takes to paint the sky with different colors, but the fireworks won't take off without the proper launcher. And if we divide the show into stages, then the first of the two claps is precisely the sound of a volley.

Trigger devices can be divided into several types. The first of them is the simplest - the launch tube. As the name suggests, it is a hollow cylinder covered with multiple layers of insulation and protection for repeated use. Most often it is used to launch several small projectiles separated by a moderator - most often a fuse that takes the fuse, burns for a while and only after that sends the “start” command to the next charge. Such fireworks usually fly low (at or slightly above the level of the house) and are sold in retail fireworks stores for the public due to their low cost of production.

Fireworks batteries are a more complex design. They are also found in stores, but are somewhat more complicated - in them, individual charges are connected to each other in a special way, which allows them to be combined to create certain effects in the sky.

This type of fireworks, like rockets, does not require special devices to launch. However, large charges need to be set in the correct direction. This is done using two elements - stabilizers and the same launch tube. The more stable a rocket flies, the less likely it is to damage nearby objects.

The difference between professional devices and “household” ones is reliability and scale. Those fireworks that we see during major public holidays are launched using cannons. Moreover, their design may well be similar (but not identical, of course) to the same launch tubes and batteries, but steel or cast iron is used as the material for it. The size of such launchers is also impressive - they are more like anti-aircraft guns, or multiple launch rocket systems (which, with some stretch, they are).

We have completed the journey inside the fireworks and now we know what the technology for creating bright and colorful celestial pictures looks like from the inside. Happy New Year everyone!

Dmitry Potapkin, especially for Obzor.press.

Calling it a fireworks is not entirely correct. In fact, a salute is a greeting with shots (from rifles, but more often from guns). And when it’s beautiful in the sky, it’s fireworks. The two terms are often confused. By the way, they mix it up in practice: an artillery salute can be accompanied by festive fireworks.

The general diagram of the charge device is as follows: shell, gunpowder, inclusion of elements to create an image, charge and wick.

Let's take a closer look.

Making fireworks starts with the body. Recently, plastic is most often used as a material for it. The main cord is glued to the bottom of the case, through which the spark will pass to the charge.

In the center of the future fireworks there is a compartment that is filled with powder explosives - it is this that will provide the first level of the explosion. Once filled, the compartment is sealed to prevent its contents from mixing with the outer layer. The latter is filled with so-called stars - explosives containing magnesium (gives a white flash), copper salts (blue), charcoal (orange) and other additives to create multi-colored sparks in the sky. For greater effect, so-called “comets” are added to fine explosives - small charges with a different visual effect. This entire explosive mixture is filled with a strictly calculated amount of gunpowder.

If the fireworks display is conceived as a complex, for example, two-component show, then the number of compartments increases. A shock absorber made of corrugated cardboard is installed between them, which is necessary to create a delay between explosions. The second, as well as all subsequent compartments, are filled in the same way (in accordance with the customer’s wishes).

One projectile contains several different compartments that separate different charge zones from each other. This is necessary in order to create stepped flashes. The result is a “bomb” elongated along one of the axes, to which a lid made of the same plastic as the rest of the body is glued on top.

The finished projectile is wrapped in paper and also supplemented with a small bag of gunpowder, which will serve as a lifting charge. A cord is attached to it, which is ignited when the fireworks are launched. The internationally color-coded label helps determine the size of the charge, and the labels indicate the components used to determine the appearance of the explosion. Often, for safety of transportation, the projectile is delivered immediately with the launch tube (if its size allows it).

Soon Muscovites will be able to see New Year's fireworks on Red Square and in 15 other places in the city. Not many people know that the pyrotechnic products themselves are designed and manufactured at the Rostec state corporation plant in Sergiev Posad near Moscow. Read about how fireworks are made for the New Year's holiday in the report of the Moscow 24 portal.

From drawing to fireworks

The beginning of the production of the most spectacular performance for the New Year begins not at all with the factory, but with the institute. The designers of the "Research Institute of Applied Chemistry" are the first to start work; they come up with the final result - it is what the audience sees during the fireworks display. Specialists think over the shape of the fireworks, its color, sound effects and other parameters.

Leading researcher at the Research Institute of Applied Chemistry Viktor Plakunov with a mock-up of a 310 caliber product. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

Moreover, according to the leading researcher of the institute, Viktor Plakunov, in order for the fireworks to be the way the designer intended it, everything needs to be clearly calculated down to a fraction of a second.

"For this purpose, the fireworks have a system of retarders that determine the time when the ignition-explosive charge is triggered: when it explodes, it scatters the remaining elements in the air. There are also special elements that create an additional sparkling tail, sound and other effects. Together, a spectacular display is created effect," the specialist explained.

The charge gives the necessary initial speed to the main elements of the fireworks and ignites them simultaneously. If they go in one row, then you just get spheres from stars, and when the “step-step” system is used, then several spheres are gradually triggered, and you get a whole range of exploding balls.

"Like an artist, you can maneuver with colors and effects as soon as you want. Fireworks can be different in height, shape, and duration. The final effect depends on human imagination. We can say that when designing fireworks we dance on the border between the artistic and engineering parts,” added Plakunov.

Museum "Research Institute of Applied Chemistry". Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

By the way, the Research Institute of Applied Chemistry is also developing special rockets to disperse clouds. They are also used to preserve vineyard harvests, protecting them from destructive hail, or for planned avalanches.

“It is expensive to disperse clouds over Moscow, because, firstly, it is a large area, and, secondly, the rockets contain a component such as silver iodide, which itself is expensive,” explained an employee of the institute.

What does color depend on?

After creative imagination and cold calculation, all designs are sent to the factory so that the fireworks can be brought to life and delight numerous spectators. The most important magic happens in the workshop where the components of the future product are manufactured. Here they prepare so-called pyroelements, which, when burned in the air, emit everyone’s favorite colored glow.

Factory workshop. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

Pyrotechnic elements (tablets) are made from several components, the main one of which is saltpeter. The color of the future fireworks depends on it. The tablets themselves are made using through-compression technology. As a result of repeated passage through the shafts, a long cord is obtained, which is cut to certain sizes and ready-made pyroelements are obtained - they are then assembled into a ball.

“The pyroelements themselves are gray, but the color range can be white, red, yellow, violet. It all depends on the nitrate: strontium is red, sodium is yellow, barium is green, and so on. Thanks to pressing, the colors are brighter and more saturated due to manufacturing technology,” explained the chief engineer of the production site, Vadim Chernyshov.

The combustion temperature of these tablets is very high – reaches thousands of degrees Celsius. If a pyroelectric element ignites in the assembler’s hand, it can burn through it. Therefore, the strictest safety measures are observed in the workshop. Shop workers are not allowed to take watches, mobile phones or use ferrous metal objects with them, as they need to be insured against any static electricity that could cause a fire.

Factory workshop specialist. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

Then, in another workshop, the finished product is assembled directly. First, all the tablets that determine the color of the spectacular effect are placed in a hemisphere. Shop operator Svetlana Kutsenko explained that in this case the fireworks are called “red chrysanthemum”, where tablets with a red component are used.

The pyroelements are laid out in several layers in a circle, gunpowder is poured into the middle, then everything is compacted so that they are evenly distributed, fit tightly and do not move. The second hemisphere is laid in a similar way. To make one firework you need about a kilogram of gunpowder. It happens that gunpowder is mixed with tablets of a different color: the base is red, the middle is green, and so on. The result is a completely different fireworks display.

Shop operator Svetlana Kutsenko. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

According to the operator, the saturation of the ball depends on the size of the tablets: the more layers, the fluffier the “chrysanthemum” will be. Then the two halves of the product are connected into a ball, secured with tape. This is necessary in order to bring it to the winding machine. And the machine itself wraps the adhesive material around the ball and tightly fastens the two hemispheres. But after this, the balls still remain very soft and they need six hours to wait in the dryer at a temperature of 28-30 degrees, and then sit for another 24 hours until completely hardened.

Winding machine. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva


Testing of finished fireworks takes place away from the city at closed test sites so as not to disturb or frighten local residents. To begin with, select a specific mortar (metal pipe) from which they will shoot into the air. These tests tested products with a caliber of 125 millimeters. Then long wires are connected to the fireworks, and the launch operator is locked in a special metal house, which protects him from a possible explosion of pyrotechnics in the mortar.

Test site. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

Other test witnesses must move to a safe distance, approximately 200 meters from the launch site. Before firing, the operator checks the equipment several times to ensure everything works without punctures. The last minutes of preparation, the signal to launch - and a ten-kilogram projectile flies into the air 150 meters above the ground.

Fireworks test. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

An explosion, a loud bang and dozens of green and yellow stars, on which the plant employees worked hard, burst out in a split second, scattering like a flock of luminous birds. During these tests, five charges with different fillings were launched into the sky. And during the New Year’s fireworks there are several thousand such volleys, so that Moscow residents feel the real atmosphere of the holiday and receive a positive charge for the whole next year.

Bengal candles

In addition to professional pyrotechnics, which are made for the New Year, the Victory Parade and other significant holidays, the familiar and beloved sparkler candles are made at the plant near Moscow. Moreover, one of the technologies is much better than that of Chinese manufacturers, who have been making fireworks for more than two thousand years.

Workshop for the production of sparkler candles. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

About 10 employees work in this workshop. They make sparkler candles using the latest technology. First, a paste-like combustible mixture is applied to the metal base in one layer. Then the candles are dried for a short time, after which the products are equipped with a special head that facilitates ignition, and finally the candles are packed in cardboard boxes. Using this technology, long products are mainly made - up to 65 centimeters, which can burn for up to 5 minutes.

Robotic arm. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

Chinese technology is used to make small candles, 15 centimeters or more in length. Such products are made by dipping or immersion. For this, the same metal rods are used, but much more of them are needed - up to two thousand pieces. A special robotic arm, under the control of an operator, takes trays with rods and immerses them in a flammable composition, but, unlike the first composition, it is liquid. Then the products, coated with a thin layer of the composition, are sent to the oven to dry, and then the operation is repeated.

Ready-made sparklers. Photo: portal Moscow 24/Ekaterina Shumeeva

Three or more layers are applied to small products. It all depends on the components of the composition, since they have different viscosities: the thinner the composition, the thinner the layer, and it must be applied more times. The operation is repeated until the thickness of the mixture reaches 4-4.5 millimeters. Despite the fact that up to two thousand pieces can be made at a time, this is a very long process. Then, like larger items, the candles are packaged in bright, eye-catching packaging. And finally, Bengal candles are already hitting store shelves, where you can buy them and delight yourself and your loved ones on New Year’s holidays.

Happy New Year, and be careful when using holiday fireworks!


They are one of the simplest New Year's fireworks. The body is made of paper or plastic in the form of an oblong object (cylinder, cone, etc.). When the string is pulled, the friction-sensitive pyrotechnic composition ignites, and combustion products eject its contents from the firecracker, usually paper confetti and streamers.

The firecracker should be held firmly with the cord down at arm's length at an angle of 30-45 degrees, and with the other hand you should sharply pull the cord.

The contents of the firecracker fly out at high speed, so take care of your eyes and do not point the firecracker towards people or animals or fragile objects. The firecracker should not be used near fire or hot objects, as they can set the streamer on fire. Children may use the cracker only under adult supervision!


Favorite pyrotechnics of jokers, hooligans and airsoft players. The main effect is a loud bang when it explodes. A firecracker is a paper cartridge with a pyrotechnic composition. On one side the sleeve is plugged with a paper or clay plug. On the other hand, a wick or a slow-burning incendiary mixture with a grating head is supplied to the composition through a plug. In order to initiate a firecracker, wick firecrackers are ignited by the wick sticking out, while grating firecrackers are lit like a match - by friction against a special surface. There are firecrackers with combined effects - before the clap, the firecracker can rotate, jump, scatter sparks, and fly up.

Sharply strike the head of a firecracker on a matchbox (or set it on fire from another heat source) and throw it away from you 5-6 meters. Place the firecracker wick on the ground or in the snow, light the wick and quickly move away 5-6 meters.

Basic safety rules:
Do not carry firecrackers in your pockets or without packaging, do not disassemble firecrackers, and under no circumstances hold a firecracker in your hand after lighting it. It is strictly forbidden to throw firecrackers at people, animals, or throw them into jars, buckets, bottles (a powerful enough firecracker will tear apart the container in which you put it, creating fragments that fly at high speed. At a minimum, you risk losing your eyesight).

Bengal candle

Often referred to simply as a “sparkler,” a sparkler is one of the most common and inexpensive fireworks. A candle is a metal rod or wooden stick with a pyrotechnic composition applied to it. When burning, a candle scatters bright sparks. Some candles are equipped with a head that makes lighting the candle easier.

The sparkler candle is set on fire and held at arm's length by the open part at an angle of 30-45 degrees.

The largest candles are not recommended for use in small rooms. Colored sparklers should only be used outdoors due to the presence of aggressive oxides in combustion products.

roman candle

Quite a serious fireworks display. It is a long cardboard tube. The wick is placed at the top of the tube. Inside, the tube is filled with alternating layers of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition, stars (pyrotechnic balls that are responsible for producing light effects at altitude) and gunpowder. The candle burns from top to bottom and successively shoots up burning stars. The most popular candles are charged with fewer stars, but produce interesting light and sound effects.

The Roman candle is placed vertically, with the wick facing up, and secured securely. To do this, the candle should be firmly tied to a peg driven into the ground, or stuck into a metal pipe, soil or dense snow for at least 1/3 of the length of the candle. Light the fuse and retreat to a safe distance

Basic Precautions
It is not recommended to hold Roman candles in your hand due to the possibility of destruction of the shell, which can lead to burns.


A small paper (rarely metal) loaded cartridge case (barrel) that shoots parachutes or burning stars to a height of 15-50 m. Fireworks are often assembled into batteries of up to several dozen barrels.

The fireworks are placed only on a hard and flat surface, secured, the fuse is lit and retreated to a safe distance.

Precautionary measures
Fireworks batteries with a small number of barrels should be secured to avoid tipping over when firing. For the same reason, it is not recommended to place such batteries on ice.

Fountain or volcano

A cardboard case filled with a flammable substance. After lighting the wick in the upper part, it emits a stream of bright sparks to a height of several meters. The eruption of sparks may be accompanied by a whistle, crackling sound, or the release of fireballs. The fountains burn from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes. Most fountains can only be used outdoors. Special low-smoke tabletop and concert fountains are produced for indoor use.

The fountain is fixed on the ground, set on fire and retreated to a safe distance.

Basic safety rules
Do not use indoors. Remove flammable objects, dry grass, etc. from the danger area. Do not pick up the fountain (unless it has a special handle) and do not try to extinguish the burning fountain.


A spectacular firework that rotates around a horizontal axis and scatters sparks, forming a bright circle of light. The structure is similar to a fountain.

This type of fireworks usually comes with a nail that is threaded through a hole in the center of the sun and nailed to a vertical post or tree at least five feet high. When installing, make sure that the stand rotates easily and that there are no protruding parts that could block the sun. To make rotation easier, you can insert a plastic washer between the sun and the stand; for example, a plastic bottle cap is suitable.


The rockets exhibit the most attractive features of fireworks - a vigorous launch, a bright spark trail, a loud bang and colorful lights. The rocket consists of an engine, a warhead and a stabilizer. At the end of engine operation, the pyrotechnic composition in the head section ignites and an explosion occurs. In small rockets, the engine and warhead are made of a single paper sleeve. The stabilizer ensures that the rocket maintains a vertical direction in flight. Rockets take off to a height of up to 100 m. Most often, the flight stabilizer is a wooden stick. The stick is motionless attached to the rocket body and flies with it.
Tail-stabilized rockets are typically launched from launch pads supplied with the rocket. Such rockets are more expensive than rockets with a stick, but they look like a real rocket.

To launch a rocket with a stabilizer stick, it should be inserted as vertically as possible into a suitable bottle with a narrow neck or into a piece of paper or metal pipe to a length of at least 1/3 of the length of the stick. You should not stick the stick into the ground because... The rocket's thrust may not be enough to take off.

Basic safety rules
The length and weight of the stick must be appropriate for the type of rocket, so rockets should not be launched with a broken, bent or homemade stabilizer. After the rocket explodes at altitude, the stabilizer falls back to the ground. For large rockets, the stabilizer is quite heavy, so the launch of such rockets should be carried out at a considerable distance (100-150 m) from the audience. The rockets should be launched away from houses, trees, wires and power lines.

Flying fireworks

Flying fireworks spin on the ground and fly up to a height of up to 20 m, scattering sparks. Fireworks can glow brightly in different colors, clap, and throw out a parachute. Usually it is a cylindrical paper body with wings. Some fireworks do not have wings and are propelled upward by an additional jet engine.

To launch flying fireworks, you need a flat, smooth platform measuring 50x50 cm, such as a piece of cardboard.

Basic Safety Precautions
Do not fire fireworks near buildings, wires, or in strong winds.

High-altitude fireworks ball with launch mortar

The most powerful and colorful fireworks are made using high-altitude fireworks. The ball is fired upward from a launch mortar to a height of 50 to 300 meters. At the top of the flight, the ball bursts, creating a variety of effects.

Fireworks for launching mortars have the shape of a ball, less often a cylinder. Ball bodies are made of multi-layer paper, cardboard or (for small calibers) plastic. An expelling powder charge is attached to the bottom of the ball. The charge is ignited by a fuse or electric igniter and ejects the ball from the launch mortar.
Inside the ball there is a bursting charge which is surrounded by pyrotechnic elements. At the top point of flight, the explosive charge ignites and violently tears the shell of the ball, setting fire to and scattering pyrotechnic elements in all directions.

Balls vary in caliber, that is, in size. The caliber of a firework is the diameter of the launch mortar from which it can be launched. The caliber is indicated in millimeters or inches (1 inch = 25.4 mm). The larger the caliber of the fireworks, the greater the height of its rise and the more colorful the effect it produces. Safe use of this type of fireworks requires strict adherence to the instructions!

Use/basic safety rules
Spectators must not enter the danger zone during the fireworks display. The diameter of the danger zone is always indicated on the packaging and is approximately equal to the caliber of the fireworks in millimeters. If the launch takes place with a large number of spectators, a cordon should be placed at the border of the danger zone.
The ball should be loaded into the launch mortar with outstretched arms and under no circumstances should you look into the barrel or lean over the loaded mortar. The mortar should be pointed away from the audience.

When recharging, you should thoroughly clean the mortar from the remnants of the previous charge.

Carefully lower the ball into the mortar and remove the incendiary fuse. The ball falls under its own weight. When loading the mortar, it is strictly forbidden to hold the charge by the wick or wires for electric ignition - this can lead to damage to the expelling charge or to premature operation of the electric igniter.
If there is no wick or if its length is less than 1 cm, you should refuse to launch the ball. (the length of the wick determines the time between ignition and firing of the mortar)

The most common emergency situations
Triggering of a bursting charge at low altitude. This may be caused by a design defect or the use of a mortar that is not the correct size for the fireworks. If spectators are at a safe distance, no one will get hurt.

The bursting charge does not fire. In this case, an unexploded ball falls to the ground from a great height. Again, maintaining a safe distance should prevent injury.
After lighting the fuse, it went out or the expelling charge did not fire. In this case, you should not approach the mortar for 2 minutes, and you should not look into the barrel. By external inspection, you should make sure that there are no smoldering parts outside, after which you can discharge the mortar with outstretched arms, tilting the barrel downwards away from the audience and carefully shaking the ball onto a soft surface.

Where you can and cannot explode fireworks, what fine you face, how to explode without ending up in the hospital, what to do if the fireworks do not explode, how to arrange a pyrotechnic show yourself, what you should never do under any circumstances and never - read the article:

When writing, materials from the site www.ru-fire.ru were used

What are fireworks? If we remember the origin of this word, then “fireworks” from German can be defined as “fire action,” which perfectly reflects its ancient origin. After all, fire processions and the first ancestors of fireworks were known a thousand years ago to the ancient Greeks and Romans. In modern terms, fireworks are a pyrotechnic show aimed at organizing a spectacular and colorful effect from exploding pyrotechnic products (rockets, fountains, shells, firecrackers, etc.).

How do fireworks work? If earlier the first shells were simple devices made of wooden sticks and with a small charge of gunpowder, then modern fireworks have a much more complicated and thoughtful design. Durable cardboard, paper or papier-mâché specially treated with protective substances are used as raw materials for shell casings, and less commonly, durable plastic and metal. To launch a charge, black powder is used as before, and, for example, in pneumatic products, gunpowder is replaced by a safe compressed air mechanism. The main compartment in the projectile body is filled with special chemicals, which give the color to the flying sparks of the fireworks. The design is complemented by protective flaps, plugs, gaskets, a wick or a strip that provokes ignition during friction.

Let's look at how the fireworks work in more detail. The simplest and most accessible pyrotechnic product remains a firecracker. It consists of a paper case filled with confetti, streamers or shaped pieces of foil, as well as cardboard partitions. Behind one of them there is a phosphorus composition, which is triggered when the lace is suddenly pulled out. Thus, a firecracker is one of the safest means of pyrotechnics, especially if compressed air (pneumatic firecrackers) is used instead of phosphorus.

Bengal and Roman candles are made according to one of the simplest schemes. Bengal lights are made from a metal rod treated with an incendiary phosphorus compound with an indentation from the edge. When burned, phosphorus flashes with golden and silvery stars. Roman candles are already an improved option. They are shaped like a long sleeve, and the body is made of durable paper. Alternating layers of stars, gunpowder and pyrotechnic composition are filled inside. The wick is located at the top. Before lighting, a Roman candle is fixed on a horizontal surface, since during the ignition it can throw out a column of sparks tens of meters high.

How does a firecracker work and what is it? Everyone has heard about loud, spinning and brightly exploding shells. But what is the structure of a firecracker and how is such a loud and whistling sound achieved in such a small product? To begin with, it should be noted that there are two types of firecrackers: those triggered when the wick is lit or when the grating head is struck. The shape of a firecracker resembles a cartridge case. The body is made of thick paper or cardboard, with plugs at the ends. The inside of the projectile is divided into layers with a slow-burning pyrotechnic composition, the main incendiary mixture and gunpowder. A wick is removed from one side or a grating igniter is applied. The loud whistling sound of a firecracker is achieved due to the pressure of gases formed when each layer ignites. Because of this, the firecracker can also fly into the air and spin like a top.

If we talk about how flying fireworks work, then this is best seen in the batteries of fireworks. The design of such fireworks is actually not that complicated. The sprockets are placed in a paper or metal sleeve, inside of which there are safety plugs and gaskets. The number of stars depends on how many charges the fireworks are planned for. For example, one barrel can contain from 9 to several dozen charges, which, when the fuse is ignited and the gunpowder is ignited, will simultaneously soar into the sky under pressure. So, thanks to this fireworks device, you can organize a small pyrotechnic show.