How to process cobwebs on trees. Trees in the web: how to help garden plants

An apple tree is a fruit tree that not only decorates household plots, but also presents us with tasty, beautiful and healthy fruits.

But, as in all cases, it can be affected by various diseases. In order to correctly diagnose, you need at least a little knowledge about pests and methods of dealing with them.

As a rule, the struggle will not be difficult, you just need to know with whom and in what ways to do it. The most important thing is to notice the signs of the disease in a timely manner and make the correct treatment.

Why does the web appear on the apple tree?

Every gardener should know how and from what a web appears on a fruit tree.

Caterpillars are the main source of white and dense webs. These pests are called apple moth. They can appear almost everywhere, and the main thing in this situation is to carry out timely processing of the plant, because if you do not pay attention to this, they will completely destroy the entire crop.

In nature, there is another species, these include apple honeydew. From her presence, a white, very thick and dense web appears. This insect has wings and can appear anywhere. The larvae suck the juice from the entire tree as much as possible: from the buds, leaves, flowers.

In addition, they secrete peculiar excrement, very sticky, visually sugary. This substance is able to stick together leaves, buds, flowers - from this, mushrooms appear on the branches, which create the impression of the formation of a cobweb.

If such a fine mesh appeared on a tree, it is urgent to find all possible ways for processing and destruction.

An interesting fact is that the web can also occur in the winter season. The species of these pests is called - hawthorn. These are small caterpillars that curl up and stay in their cocoons throughout the winter.

What it is?

Many gardeners, observing the web on the branches of an apple tree, are sure that there was an invasion of spiders and it was they who wove the network. However, this is not the case. Spiders, of course, can produce a cobweb, but outwardly it will not have a dense white appearance, it will not bring harm from spiders.

Pests such as the apple moth leave behind a very dense, white web, in addition, they lay eggs there, the larvae of which are able to suck out the juice, which can lead to crop loss, as well as to the death of the tree.

When to process an apple tree?

It is necessary to process fruit trees in spring, summer and autumn. Timely and skilled work during these periods of the year will save gardeners from a huge number of troubles that the invasion of these pests can lead to.

Processing in the spring

In the spring, not only trees wake up, but also various pests that overwinter in the bark and on the buds of the apple tree. After waking up, they begin their vigorous activity. At this time, it is very important to stop their negative impact.

There are several productive methods for treating trees, such as mechanized cleaning, spraying, and whitewashing with lime mortar.

The most popular group of drugs that are effectively used by almost all gardeners:

  • Whitewash.
  • Var garden.
  • Using Bordeaux mixture.
  • Nitrofen.
  • Urea.
  • Insecticides in the complex.

The terms of processing must be determined not by the dates in the calendar, but by the peculiarities of the climate. The first time this needs to be done is when the sun begins to shine quite actively, but the tree has not yet woken up.

Further processing is done when the buds begin to open, but there are no flowers yet. Spraying will help to destroy pests that have begun to wake up - these are moths, ticks, apple stalk.

Summer processing

Processing plants in the summer must be done with extreme caution. It is necessary to take into account the fact that if the solution is used incorrectly, apple trees can get burned. Processing in the summer is different in that at this time the tree is preparing to give up its harvest, and you need to be very careful with it.

Pollination with a solution of trees is carried out at various times:

  • Bloom time.
  • During the period of shedding ovaries.
  • 20 days after the end of flowering.
  • Half a month after the previous treatment.

Great effect trapping belts, which are sold in the gardening departments. Pests often crawl under them to lay eggs. In autumn, these traps must be removed from the tree and destroyed.

How to deal with cobwebs on an apple tree?

It is very important in such cases to know why the web was formed. If these are the consequences of pests, it is necessary to manually collect all the cobwebs, cocoons and burn them. After that, treatment with infusion of tobacco dust will help, which needs to be sprayed all over the tree.

Microbiological preparations

Such funds can be purchased at retail outlets.

There are a huge number of them, below is a description of the most popular of them:

  1. it is used against all pests of the apple tree, such as silkworms, spider web moth, hawthorn. For a working solution, dilute in 10 liters. water from 40 to 80 gr. drug and treat the plant. The interval between treatments should be no more than a week. Here you can read the detailed.
  2. bikol effectively helps to destroy more than 80 varieties of pests. Spraying is carried out during the growing season, 2 treatments should be carried out per week, the consumption of the working solution should be 0.7 kg per hectare.
  3. Verticillin made on the basis of fungal spores Verticillium lecanii, which penetrate insects and destroy them from the inside. Before processing, the drug should be soaked for a day in water, this will help increase and accelerate the growth of spores, and the apple tree should be watered very abundantly.
  4. Entobacterin to fight, dilute in the following proportion: 5 gr. drug per liter of water. The solution should be infused for 6 hours at room temperature. The tool destroys almost all apple pests, up to 97%. The remedy is valid for one and a half weeks. After a month, you can repeat the spraying. Work should be carried out in dry weather, the optimum temperature should be from 20 to 300 C.
  5. Dendrabacillin produced in the form of a light-colored powder. Does not harm people and pets. In a bucket of water you need to dissolve 50 gr. funds, the consumption of funds is 0.5 g per 1 m2, it is effectively used even during the flowering period. During the season, you can process no more than 2 times, observing an interval of a week.

Folk remedies

Young seedlings are especially affected by apple pests, so processing is necessary in August. Folk methods of influence are perfect for this.

Infusion of onion peel:

  • Put the husk tightly in a liter jar and pour boiling water over it (it will take about a liter).
  • Let it brew for 2 days.
  • Strain.
  • Add the same amount of pure water.
  • Perform spraying.

The tool is perfect for treating aphids and mites.

Infusion of onion-turnip:

  • Grind a large head of onion in a meat grinder.
  • Pour the slurry with water in a volume of 1 liter.
  • Infuse for 2 days.
  • Strain.
  • Perform processing.

Dandelion infusion:

  • Take 100 gr. leaves and roots of the plant and pour warm water (1 liter).
  • Let it brew for 3 hours.
  • Spray trees against aphids, ticks, thrips.

You can grate a piece of laundry soap, dissolve it in water and add wood ash. The tool will envelop the branches, ash, bitter in taste, will not give the opportunity to bite through the bark. This will help save the tree from pests.


  • Do not be lazy to weed weeds near the roots of trees.
  • Cut off the shoots that have grown in the spring and summer.
  • Cruciferous plants should not be planted near apple trees.
  • Fruit trees should be constantly fertilized.
  • Ladybugs eat aphids, so you need to attract it to apple trees, that is, plant parsley, dill or cumin not far away.
  • Before the start of the growing season, prune the branches.
  • Wounds on branches (trees) must be treated with disinfectant solutions.
  • Hollows must be sealed.
  • In the spring, whitewash all the trunks with a thick raster of lime.
  • Inspect the young branches of the plant especially carefully, you can even use a magnifying glass.
  • If cones are found on the branches of the egg, they must be scraped off by hand and immediately destroyed.
  • Dry and old branches need to be cut off, pests can settle in them and lay eggs there.
  • For processing, it is necessary that the weather be sunny and calm.
  • When performing work, it is mandatory to use personal protective equipment.
  • Branches that grow straight have great strength, but bear very little fruit, so it is better to cut them.
  • The crown of the tree must be thinned out. This will help not only increase the future harvest, but also reduce the ingress of various pests on it.
  • After treatment with systemic preparations, they penetrate the tree, which helps to most effectively destroy pests. At the same time, they bring harm to the tree, the fruits do not suffer from this.
  • In the spring, it is great for pest control.
  • Apply various drugs, while observing the dosage.


To minimize the spread of pests on apple trees, it is necessary to constantly take preventive measures both for young plants and those that produce crops.

Perfectly helps constant spraying with various preparations, folk advice helps a lot.

It is necessary to increase the physiological immunity of plants. This is one of the main prerequisites for the growth and development of fruit trees. To achieve a positive effect, plants must be constantly fertilized, applied in spring and autumn top dressing, timely watering, pruning the crown every year, destroying all weeds that have appeared, and tilling the soil around the tree.

Timely weeding enhances the formation of sap in the tree, helps to circulate throughout the tree, respectively, fills all the passages created by pests and leads to their death.

It is necessary to ensure that the composition of the soil has the correct ratio of zinc, phosphorus and copper. This will improve the growth of the plant, leading to a decrease in the level of diseases.

Growing a quality crop for an amateur gardener is not an easy task. How much work you need to invest, how much knowledge to get. The most difficult thing is to learn to recognize the appearance of pests and diseases in time. Below we will analyze the question of what to do if cobwebs and caterpillars suddenly appear on, and how to recognize the enemy.

How to deal with caterpillars on an apple tree in a web?

The list below provides the main types of caterpillars on the apple tree in the web, and tips on how to deal with each of them:

  1. gray, almost black caterpillars with blue stripes on the apple tree in the web are nocturnal. This is the famous ringed silkworm. The web wraps around the branches and the pest sits in it all day without moving, in the dark it is active. To solve this problem, you can use tinctures of wormwood or milkweed. Spraying is carried out before the tree begins to bloom. The drugs Lepidocid and Bitoxibacillin have proven themselves well. But they work effectively only on the condition that the temperature does not fall below 15 ° C.
  2. green caterpillars on an apple tree in a web, paired with very roughly gnawed leaves, they will indicate the appearance of a winter moth. The green body is covered with one dark and three light stripes on the sides. The danger lies in the fact that the caterpillar crawls inside the kidney before it opens and completely eats away the contents. And later the pest switches to the leaves and flowers of the tree. In order to fight these caterpillars on an apple tree in a web, in the fall we put trapping belts on tree trunks. After bud break, we treat trees with pesticides or herbal tinctures. During the blooming period, trees can be treated with biological preparations designed specifically to combat this pest.
  3. yellow caterpillars in the web on the apple tree is called the apple moth. This insect damages only apple trees. You can recognize the enemy by clear black dots located in two rows along the yellow body. You can fight caterpillars on an apple tree in a web with such black dots using tobacco tincture. Tobacco tincture is prepared and used during the treatment of the tree against the fungus. No less well helps decoction of yarrow. For supporters of the use of ready-made, there are means. Spraying can be combined with mechanical methods: in spring, brown leaves are removed from the tree, the caterpillar should remain inside.
  4. Found on an apple tree in a caterpillar web gray with hair growing from bundles. A feature of this pest is the ability to easily move by wind from the crown of one tree to another. That is why it is important in the spring to carefully inspect all the trunks and stumps where the pest clutches may be. These places are scraped off with a knife and treated with kerosene. For spraying, preparations and tinctures recommended for the ringed silkworm are suitable.

The danger of all these pests lies in the fact that they spread with great speed, therefore, masonry not detected in time is a serious threat to the garden. In addition, if the tree plantings are too dense, and the pest has hit at least one tree, problems cannot be avoided.

It is important to prune the garden before the start of the growing season, this will help reduce the number of pests. Also pay attention to the trunk of the tree. All wounds and hollows should not be left untreated, as this is an ideal place for laying caterpillars. Experienced gardeners do not neglect the attraction of birds to reduce the number. Modern biological preparations such as "Entobacterin" also perfectly solve the problem, remaining completely safe for humans. However, any of the described methods will give good results, provided timely intervention.

There are fruit trees in the web, with eaten leaves, and next to the editorial office. Still a spectacle! And this spring, as it seemed to us, there are especially many such trees. At first we unanimously decided that they were attacked by aphids. But, looking at the photo of aphids found on the Internet, where there is no hint of a web, they immediately dismissed the assumption made.

To identify the pest that occupied the cherry plum and apple trees nearby, and tell how to deal with it, the BG correspondent asked the Deputy Director for Research of the Polessky Agrarian and Ecological Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Viktor Demyanchik. And here's what he said.

mole- This is a small insect from the order of Lepidoptera butterflies, in which there are from 2 to 3 thousand species. The butterfly itself is a completely harmless creature, but it lays eggs, from which voracious caterpillars are born.

Who attacked fruit trees?

In the trees you have seen nothing but spider sacs of fruit moths. There is such a night butterfly - a moth. Everyone immediately recognizes her when she lives in apartments. But that moth eats valuable furs or products. So the moth that attacks fruit trees is the closest relative of the one living in the closet.

In addition to the fruit moth, there is also an apple moth. They are very similar to each other. It’s just that the fruit tree does not limit itself to apple trees alone, it settles in the same way on plums, apricots, cherries, cherries, and sometimes on pears. Apple makes exactly the same bags, they differ in larvae in their appearance.

There is no sharp outbreak this season

Based on the situation this year, I can say that it only at first glance seems that there were a lot of fruit moths this spring. In terms of total temperature, such a spring as the current one is a rarity. During the winter, the insects slept off, then it suddenly became warm, and they rushed to breed. But in fact, there is no sharp outbreak this season. What we have is the long-term average. There are too many moths if the wintering for her turned out to be especially successful. And if the winter is sharp, continental, it survives a little. A few years ago, there really were peak seasons when its number went off scale.

Thunderstorm moths - sparrows and tits

Now the fruit moth is at the stage when the larvae that have eaten, which look like worms, have made themselves something in the form of a protective cage from the web and have taken a position in its center. There is a reason why birds are reluctant to feed on fruit moth larvae. The web clings to the beak, more precisely, to the hairs at the beginning of the beak, irritation occurs, and this place begins to itch.

But when it rains, the web will get a little kirdyk. That's when the field sparrow, the great tit, which have already had broods, start working together with these guys. In order to deftly grab the worm-larva, cunning birds try to find a hole in the web sac.

fruit moth- a small butterfly from the moth family. Its forewings are silvery-white above with three rows of black dots. On their front edge there is a grayish coating. On the lower side, both pairs of wings are gray-brown, with a span of about 2 cm. There are many scales in the form of hairs on the head. Distributed in most of Europe.

It's empty - to poison her with household chemicals

Against this insect, fruit plantations are usually actively treated with drugs that are not at all safe for human health. As a result, there is even no talk of an environmentally friendly product. Some, in their naivety, immediately look on the Internet for how to process trees in the web, and run to a store that sells household chemicals. You don't need to do this. It's empty!

Do not be afraid of fruit moth. From the wind and rain, the spider sacs will scatter and crumble. And the surviving caterpillars will turn into pupae. Then a fruit moth will fly out of them, lay their eggs in different places on the tree, and then die. All this is harmless from the point of view of fruiting and health of trees.

Moreover, in its appearance there is another plus. In order for the optimal number of plums, apples, cherries or pears to ripen, it is undesirable that there be a lot of foliage. Experienced gardeners try to cut off excess branches before flowering begins. But many simply do not have a clue what rejuvenating pruning is, and without it they run wild.

So, when the fruit moth eats the leaves, the tree, even without pruning, has the opportunity to give its juices only to the fruits. In a word, when spider web bags hang on a tree, this does not mean at all that the crop is lost. On the contrary, it will only get better. This year there were very active flowering and active ovary. So many ovary trees do not need. The fruit moth will eat the extra leaves and ensure the normal yield of fruits, and in rainy weather it will itself become food for tits and sparrows. There has never been a case of a fruit moth drying up a tree.

Perhaps someone had to observe the accumulation of caterpillars on apple trees in the web, or maybe they even had a chance to see a picture like from a horror movie - trees completely shrouded in cobwebs with almost completely eaten foliage. This may be a sign that an apple moth has settled on apple trees ( Hyponomeuta malinella) from the family of ermine moths (Yponomeutidae).

Signs of moth damage to an apple tree - caterpillars on an apple tree in a web

This insect damages only apple trees. Moth caterpillars hibernate on the smooth bark of a tree under shields consisting of pest secretions. As soon as the buds on the apple tree open, the caterpillars also come out of hibernation. After their release, “mines” become visible on young leaves ─ the caterpillars bite into the inside of the leaf, eat its inside and leave brown spots, while the skin remains intact.

At the beginning of the flowering of the apple tree, insects go through the first molt and begin to feed on the leaf, create spider web nests where insects live in groups. As soon as the food in the nest ends, they move to another place, with an abundant colonization of the tree by moths, the caterpillars can completely devour the foliage, leaving behind bare apple trees entwined with cobwebs.

An adult caterpillar is about 2 cm in length, two longitudinal rows of black blotches (dots) are clearly visible on their yellow body. Caterpillars feed for a little over a month, then pupate in the same nests.

The color of the front wings of the butterfly is silver-white with three rows of white patches, the hind wings are gray with a white fringe. Butterflies fly out of the nests a month after the flowering of apple trees, lay their eggs in the bark of trees and cover with mucous secretions. One generation of the pest hatches per season.

How to deal with apple moth (folk remedies)

Many gardeners argue that with a strong colonization of apple trees with moths, it is almost impossible to do without chemistry, however, correct and timely preventive and agrotechnical work will help not to resort to such a harmful method, or in extreme cases, aggressive chemicals must be replaced with biological ones.

Spraying (folk recipes)

  • Tobacco infusion against caterpillars (1, 2 generations) of ermine moth. Pour 1 kg of shag or tobacco into 10 liters of water, tightly cover the dishes with a lid, boil and boil for half an hour over low heat. Next, the broth must be insisted for 24 hours, strained and diluted with water 1:3. In the finished solution, you need to add soap, best of all, household soap for 10 liters of liquid 40 g of soap. Spraying with tobacco infusion should be carried out in conjunction with the treatment of fungi, prepare the so-called tank mixtures.
  • A decoction of yarrow. Pour 800 g of dried grass with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, add water up to 10 liters and leave to infuse for 48 hours. Trees should be sprayed with this decoction immediately after flowering.

Spraying with biological preparations

In the case of mass hatching of caterpillars, apple trees after flowering can be treated with drugs such as Bitoxibacillin and Lepidocid. Expensive, of course, but very effective.

Mechanical method of dealing with apple moth

In spring, browned young leaves are collected, in which caterpillars are located. When the caterpillars came out, they collect cobwebs from apple trees in the early morning. It is desirable that the caterpillars remain inside when removing the nests. All collected dwellings with insects must be immediately destroyed.

Protection against the apple moth will give a good result only if the moment of the first manifestations of the insect is not missed, all pest nests must be collected immediately and the caterpillars should not be given the opportunity to occupy new territories. Have you ever had a cobweb on an apple tree in your garden?

Most people have seen the picture more than once when the apple tree and its branches are “wrapped” with cobwebs and, for sure, watching this, they thought that spiders wove the cobwebs on the apple tree. Of course, these insects can also weave it on any plant, but it will not be so thick and dense from spiders.

Web Source

The source of the web in the case when it is thick and dense is the caterpillars. This insect is a pest. It is called apple moth. Such a pest can appear everywhere, and the most important thing is to treat the plants on time, unfortunately, such a pest can ruin almost all the fruits of your plant.

There is also a second type of pest - apple sucker. From it appears a white and very dense web throughout the plant. This insect is winged. Its larvae will suck juices from everywhere - from the buds, flowers and leaves of the tree. After that, it will secrete a specific, peculiar substance (excrement), which is very sticky to the touch and, outwardly, sugary. This substance glues together the buds, leaves and buds, from which mushrooms can appear on the apple tree. It is these mushrooms that are for our "eye" a white dense web.

In the photo at the end of the post you can see this web. In fact, if such a web appears on your apple tree, you urgently need to do something and take certain measures to destroy it and save your crop.

Such a web on an apple tree can also form in the winter season. Many gardeners are interested in what kind of cocoons, which are very clearly visible, hanging on the branches of their apple trees and what to do to get rid of them ?! These are also pests, they are called - hawthorn. They are small caterpillars that prefer to curl up and spend the entire period in their cocoons for the winter. If you have a hawthorn, you need to immediately process the plant in order to get rid of this pest as soon as possible.

How to fight

An apple tree is a fruit tree that not only creates a beautiful image in any garden, and at any time of the year, but also gives very tasty, healthy, vitamin-rich fruits. But if pests appear on the tree, they must be eliminated immediately. How to deal with them is described below.

With a cobweb that has formed on the branches of apple trees, in general, it will not be difficult to fight. The main thing is to detect the appearance of the cobweb in time, and start fighting.

It is also important that the gardener understands why the web appeared. If the apple tree began to be covered with a web in the form of a white mesh, in this case, an apple moth started up. To get rid of, you need: where you can get it yourself, reach out in places of the crown - remove the web with your hands.

It is necessary to do the processing of apple trees at intervals of a week, and until you completely get rid of the cobwebs on the trees. You can also use a chemical preparation, which can also be purchased at specialized points of sale - Fitoverm, use it also according to the instructions in its packaging.

An important point is the mandatory removal and destruction of caterpillars, similar to small worms, as well as their nests, so that new pest larvae do not mature in the future. Leaves and branches that are located high must be treated with spraying. It is recommended to use a special, for this, infusion of tobacco. Also, you can buy biological products at specialized outlets, for example: entobacterin or dendrobatcillin, use these products - according to the instructions included in their packaging.

For gardeners, there are also cases when it is not possible to process trees on time due to frequent and heavy precipitation in the form of rains. And then, instead of flowers, a lot of cobwebs will appear on the apple trees, with which the entire crown of the tree will be wrapped, and the leaves will be eaten by caterpillars, which look white with black dots - this is the ermine moth. A butterfly of its snow-white color, lays its eggs in small piles in cozy places on a tree, for example: branches, bases of buds. The eggs are laid in the form of shields. It is under them that the caterpillars hibernate. And when spring comes, they bite into the buds of the apple tree, and when the leaves bloom, the whole brood feed on the pulp of the leaves for two weeks.

Of course, after that the leaves will dry up, and the caterpillars will make a tent out of the web and will live in it (up to 70 pieces in one). Then they eat all the leaves on the tree, and the gardener did not have time to look back, as the apple tree had time to become covered with all white cobwebs. Then the caterpillars will pupate, butterflies will appear, which will again lay their eggs and everything in a circle ...

It is best to inspect in the fall, you can even with a magnifying glass, young branches of an apple tree. If you find egg shields, they need to be scraped off well and burned. Also deal with dry branches, especially those that are heavily eaten. And before the frosts come, it is imperative to spray with lime milk, after which the apple tree should be covered with white.

Also, in early spring, be sure to cut and burn all the spider nests so that the caterpillars in no case crawl across your apple tree. Starting from the period when the apple tree is about to be covered with blossoming buds, and then with flowers, it is recommended to spray the trees. For example, you can use one of the recommended tools.