Broker Sberbank: reviews. Brokerage services: conditions

At the meeting of shareholders on May 26, 2017, the head of Sberbank German Gref presented the Sberbank Investor application. The banker showed how to buy Sberbank shares "with just a few clicks." The share price of 175.97 rubles was indicated on the screen, Gref pressed the "Buy" button, and the papers were credited to his account. For investors, this application became available in June.

Account opening

To open a brokerage account, you need to fill it out on the Sberbank website or in the application itself. The contract is signed in the office. For 12 millionth Moscow, a brokerage account can only be opened at. Remote opening of an account is in the plans, German Gref said. Fortunately, we already had a brokerage account open, so we didn't have to wait a week for it to open.

We have downloaded Sberbank Investor on iPhone 5S (Android application is planned until the end of July). The login is the contract number, and the password must be obtained from the support service. There it is given only after reporting the code from the investor's table. The password card was at home, so the entrance had to be postponed for a day.

The next day we called the support service, after 10 minutes the password came.

What can you buy

Through the application, you can buy stocks, bonds and ETFs. In the tabs there are charts with current trades, news on securities and investment ideas. For novice investors, there are six questions to answer to determine your goals and get advice on buying securities.

How the app works

Viewing the account caused regret. For six months, 12 blocks of shares lost 11% in price (6312.2 rubles). But the creators of the application, of course, are not to blame for this. Only shares of MTS and Rostovenergosbyt were in the black. The latter were bought at 0.289 rubles. per piece, and rose to 0.459 rubles. It was decided to sell them in order to fix the profit.

When we put the shares up for sale, the app automatically at 2%. The press service of Sberbank said that the difference of 2% allows "with a high degree of probability to buy a share at the best price." At the same time, the application has the ability to set its own cost.

To apply, you need to enter the code from SMS. When the application was shown by German Gref, the code was not required. The downside is that the application does not show the commission for the sale of securities, as it happens in the Quik trading terminal.

The application crashed several times while running. Despite the low price of the block of shares of Rostovenergosbyt, the application for the sale of the block of securities was not satisfied. The application is also not to blame for this - there was no demand.

Commissions and benefits

When buying up to 50 thousand rubles. the broker takes a commission of 0.165% of the transaction amount. For example, from 10 thousand rubles. it turns out 16.5 rubles. If you buy shares for 100 million rubles, then 0.006% will be kept for the service. Another commission is taken by the Moscow Exchange - 0.01%. From 10 thousand rubles. it is 1 rub.

The advantage of the application is the ability to trade from an individual investment account (IIA), which gives tax benefits to investors (you can return 13% if the account has been open for three years).

The application allows you to withdraw money from your account. To do this, select the appropriate menu in the "My Accounts" section. Money transfer occurs during the day. Withdrawal to a Sberbank account is free. “If the client has specified the details of a third-party bank, then a commission for an interbank transfer is possible. But this is not a broker's commission, ”the press service of Sberbank explained. According to, a transfer to an account in another bank will cost 2%, but not less than 50 rubles.

Testing Tinkoff Investments

The Tinkoff-Bank service for the purchase of securities was launched back in October 2016. At first, it worked only in Internet banking (then we made a detailed one). The application appeared after 5 months.

Account opening

Tinkoff Bank acts only as an intermediary. Brokerage services are provided by BCS Broker. The account is opened remotely. For this, it is filled in, and then the courier brings documents for signing. “Most of our clients open a brokerage account in 1-2 days, in rare cases it may take longer,” the press service of Tinkoff Bank said.

What can you buy

Investors can buy mainly "blue chips" (shares and bonds of large companies that are traded on the Moscow, London and New York stock exchanges and are included in the indices of these exchanges). The downside of the application is that not all securities of companies that are traded on stock exchanges are represented there - only a few. For example, it is impossible to buy Rostovenergosbyt, which has grown by 59% in six months. Tinkoff Investments does not provide access to the exchange, it is a financial supermarket where securities are sold at the current price. After submitting an order to buy or sell, the price can also rise or fall.

The pluses include the ability to buy an ETF (a fund consisting of a set of shares - for example, securities included in the MICEX Moscow Exchange index), which is considered one of the most reliable investments. There are news and ideas for buying shares.

How the app works

We have already opened a brokerage account to work with the application. Remember we used it on a reality show? Tinkoff Investments consists of three sections: Portfolio, Securities Catalog and Analytics.

Once in the application, we could not understand whether the portfolio of securities had grown or decreased - it simply indicated the value of the purchased securities. From a psychological point of view, this may be good (usually the portfolio falls, which causes sadness and disappointment). But from a design point of view, this is, of course, a big omission.

For the experiment, we decided to sell Yandex shares. When selling, the broker honestly warned about the commission. The operation was successful. But it was not clear where the money had gone: there was none in the “portfolio” column, they were not credited to the card either. The support service also could not say where the money was, and accepted the appeal. The bank dealt with the problem for 12 days. At some point, the support service was outraged about the current situation (the money was gone, no one can name the return period). The bank offered 1,000 rubles as compensation for the inconvenience caused.

The denouement was anecdotal. It turned out that the money was initially credited to the account and had been there all this time. But the interface of the application is such that it is very difficult to understand where free funds are displayed on a brokerage account.

Try to find yourself where the money for the sale of shares is displayed.

The support service explained that it took so much time for the proceedings because there were problems inside the system indicating the number of shares purchased, and the support service thought that the complaints were about this problem.

Commissions and benefits

A commission of 0.3% is charged for each operation, but not less than 99 rubles, which is more expensive than that of Sberbank. But this is a common commission - a broker and an exchange. Another significant disadvantage compared to Sberbank is the inability to open an IIS, which means a missed tax bonus. The press service of Tinkoff Bank says that there are plans to use IIS, but they do not specify the exact timing.

Money from the application can be withdrawn to the card. If you withdraw less than 75% of the amount from the brokerage account, they should come instantly. If you withdraw the entire amount, then the crediting period will be 2 days. Fortunately, these transactions are not subject to commission.

Application Comparison

Type of service/payment

Sberbank Investor

Tinkoff Investments

Opening a brokerage account

In person at a bank branch

Via the Internet, the contract will be brought by a courier

Operating Systems

Available securities

Russian stocks, some Russian and international bonds and funds

Russian and international stocks, ETFs, bonds, currencies

Broker commission for buying/selling shares

0.3%, but not less than 99 rubles.

Broker's commission for the purchase/sale of Russian shares for 10 thousand rubles.

Broker's commission for the purchase/sale of Russian shares for 100 thousand rubles.

Fee for maintaining a depo account (securities are stored there)

149 rub. per month (if there were transactions during the month)

Commission for withdrawing money to a bank card

0 rub. / 2% (if the account is in another bank)


  1. Opening an account with Tinkoff Investments is easier than with Sberbank - you don't have to go anywhere. All documents will be brought to a convenient place.
  2. Commissions from Sberbank Investor are lower than those from Tinkoff Investments.
  3. In "Tinkoff Investments" you can buy some shares of Russian and foreign companies, in "Sberbank Investor" - only Russian ones, but any shares listed on the Moscow Exchange.
  4. The Sberbank Investor application works on one platform, and so far, owners of Apple devices can use it. Tinkoff Investor can be downloaded for iOS and Android.
  5. Sberbank has a much more understandable and convenient application design - you can see whether your investments are growing or not. It is impossible to do this at Tinkoff Investor.

Updated 09/06/2019.

There is a steady trend in the market towards simplification of clients' access to the exchange. Leading brokers try to make the process of opening a brokerage account and trading as convenient and understandable as possible. And, of course, Sberbank, the largest broker, is no exception either.

Previously, to conclude a contract for brokerage and depositary services, it was necessary to come to the office, but now it can be done online without leaving home. A few years ago it was impossible to make a single transaction without mastering the QUIK program, the interface of which frightened off beginners, and the process of installing and configuring this terminal discouraged all the desire to invest.

Now, many brokers have convenient and intuitive mobile applications that everyone can understand. The most publicized of them is from Tinkoff Broker, but Alfa-Bank, Otkritie, VTB, etc. have similar products. The topic of today's article will be the Sberbank Investor mobile application.

We will consider the mechanism for opening a brokerage account with Sberbank, replenishing it, buying securities and currencies, and withdrawing Money to a bank account. We will also dwell on some features of an individual investment account with Sberbank, analyze commissions, and identify advantages and disadvantages. As an example, we will buy $1,000 using the Sberbank Investor app.

Before reading the article, it will be useful to refresh the memory of reviews of other brokers: (purchase of currency via QUIK was considered), (purchase of currency using the Alfa Direct terminal), (purchase of OFZ via webQUIK), as well as with their Tinkoff Investments mobile application.

Brokerage account in Sberbank. Advantages
1 Ease of opening a brokerage account with Sberbank.

The easiest way to open a brokerage account with Sberbank is through Sberbank Online. The "Open Brokerage Account" button is hidden in the "Other" - "Brokerage Services" section:

Next, we select the markets of interest to us: Stock (for buying / selling shares, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, depositary receipts), Currency (for buying / selling dollars and euros) and Derivatives (for buying / selling futures and options. This market is considered high-risk, so beginners should not climb there right away).

It is better to tick all the boxes, even if you do not need something at the moment, suddenly you will need it later. Sberbank has no service fee in the absence of transactions.

Then you need to choose one of two tariffs, "Investment" or "Independent", connection of both tariff plans is free. The "Investment" tariff has a single commission for transactions on the stock section of the Moscow Exchange at 0.3%. On the "Independent" tariff, the commission for transactions is less, with a turnover of up to 50,000 rubles per day it will be 0.165%, with a turnover of 50,000 to 500,000 rubles. - 0.125%, with high turnover, the commission is even lower. The owners of the "Investment" tariff pay an increased commission for the opportunity to subscribe to analytical reviews of the Sberbank team. Commissions for transactions on the Derivatives Market (0.5 rubles per contract and 10 rubles for the forced closing of a position) and on the Currency Section (0.3%) are the same for both tariffs:

UPD: 04/16/2019
Since April 1, Sberbank has significantly reduced the commission for transactions on the Moscow Exchange at the “Independent” tariff. Now with a daily turnover of up to 1 million rubles. commission for a transaction on the Stock section will be 0.06%, with a turnover of 1 million rubles. up to 50 million rubles - 0.035%. On the Currency section, the commission was reduced from 0.3% to 0.2%.

Both tariffs have a commission for the depository (for the storage of securities), which is 149 rubles per month. (charged if there were transactions of purchase or sale of securities in a given month; if there were no such transactions on the stock market, then there is no commission).

UPD: 09/06/2019
Since September, Sberbank has announced the abolition of the depository service fee of 149 rubles per month:

I chose the "Self-hosted" plan. Next, you need to specify the accounts for withdrawing funds from the brokerage account. For these purposes, it is better to open savings accounts in Sberbank Online, from which you can withdraw funds without commission, without deposit, and without limits on amounts. You can also specify card accounts, and before cashing out, independently transfer funds to savings accounts. Withdrawal of funds from a brokerage account to accounts in other banks with Sberbank is not implemented:

At the next step, you can prohibit Sberbank from using its securities for overnight transactions, i.e. do not lend them to the bank. If allowed, we will receive additional income up to 2% per annum:

I noted that I was not interested in receiving additional income, let my papers be with me. In the event of a bankruptcy of a broker, nothing will happen to the securities that are in the depository, they will simply need to be transferred to another depository, but with the securities that were lent to the broker, everything will be much more complicated. In this case, you will have to scratch out your papers as part of the bankruptcy procedure, and it is quite possible that you will not see them again. However, the probability of bankruptcy of Sberbank tends to zero.

The use of borrowed funds of a broker for trading very often leads to the drain of the deposit. I recommend using only own funds for trading, no leverage, so do not check the box “I want to use borrowed funds for the stock market”:

Sberbank offers to open at the same time (IIS). I already have it open with another broker, and one person can have only one IIS, so I noted that I do not need IIS in Sberbank:

Then we check personal data (they are substituted automatically), indicate the purpose of opening a brokerage account (for example, “to save savings” or “to receive additional income”) and confirm that we are a tax resident of the Russian Federation only. Then you need to click on the "Submit application" button and confirm with an SMS password:

Now it remains only to wait, Sberbank promises to open a brokerage account within 2 working days:

The next day, Sberbank sent an SMS stating that the brokerage account was open and provided the agreement code (which will be the login for entering the Sberbank Investor application), the second SMS received a temporary password.

2 Free trading terminal.

You can install the QUIK program on your PC:

You can install nothing and use the webQUIK browser version from any computer:

You can use the QUIK mobile application:

Today, we will be interested in the Sberbank Investor mobile application, which is specially designed for beginners (it only took 28 pages, where most of the pictures take up). There are no installation tricks, you just need to download the application from Google Play or App Store. When you first log in, you must change the password sent to your own, the login is the contract code.

The beauty of the Sberbank broker is that all methods of submitting orders are free, and you can use at least all of them at the same time.

3 Quick replenishment of the brokerage account.

You can replenish your brokerage account with rubles at Sberbank Online, but to replenish it with foreign currency you will have to walk to the branch:

Replenishment of a brokerage account in Sber's Internet bank is carried out from the section "Other" - "Broker services" (in the same place we applied for opening a brokerage account).

We want to buy dollars for rubles, so in the column "Marketplace" there should be a foreign exchange market, the replenishment amount in our case is 68,000 rubles, the operation will need to be confirmed using an SMS password:

4 Purchase of currency/securities with the help of Sberbank Investor.

Open the application "Sberbank Investor". In the "My Accounts" section (the wallet icon should be active at the bottom of the screen), we see that our 68,000 rubles. have already been credited (just a few minutes have passed since the replenishment).

We click on the “Market” icon (next to the “My Accounts” icon) and a section opens in front of us, in which all transactions on the exchange are made (in the screenshot below, the “Promotions” section is active). We are also interested in the currency, so we click on this tab.

We need dollars, and quickly, so we click on the USDRUB_TOD instrument (when making a deal on USDRUB_TOM, the currency will be delivered only on the next business day):

We see the current exchange price - 65.6625 rubles. per dollar, click "Buy":

When you click on the "Sell" or "Buy" button on any instrument (not only on the currency, but also when trying to make transactions with stocks, bonds, ETFs, etc.). the system will ask for a password from SMS (thus accidentally making a deal by clicking in the wrong place will not work, besides, security is increased).

We have finally reached the final step. In order for the currency purchase transaction to be completed at the current exchange price, check the box “By market” (the order is taken with a margin of 0.3% of the current price, but it will still be executed at the best price. This is done in case of small price fluctuations for while we enter all the data, in the stock market, the stock is taken at 2%). If this checkbox is not checked, then you can set your own order price, the transaction will be completed when the market price reaches it.

We indicate the number of lots we need (at least 1 lot, which corresponds to 1000 currency units, in our case $ 1000) and click "Buy", then confirm the operation.

That's all, our transaction was completed at the current exchange price of 65.66 rubles. for one dollar, i.e. we bought 1000 dollars for 65,660 rubles.

The mechanism for buying securities is no different from buying a currency. Deals and orders can be viewed in the "Orders" section (the clock icon at the bottom of the screen should be active):

The usual commission for a transaction on the currency section is 0.3% + 25 rubles (the exchange commission for a transaction is less than 50 lots). Until March 31, Sberbank forgives its commission of 0.3%. As a result, the purchase of currency cost us 25 rubles of the exchange commission (it was 68,000 rubles, we spent 65,660 on foreign currency, 25 rubles on the exchange commission, 2315 rubles remained):

The real purchase rate amounted to 65.685 rubles. per dollar, if we also take into account the commission of 0.3% (197 rubles), which will be valid from April 2019, then the real rate will be 65.882 rubles. for 1 dollar.

It turned out to be much more profitable than buying currency at a branch of Sberbank (at that time the exchange rate was 67.17):

On the IIS of Sberbank, you can make sure that coupons and dividends are credited not to the IIS itself, but immediately to a bank account.

8 Reliability of the broker.

DIA insurance does not apply to funds in brokerage accounts, so it is better to opt for reliable brokers. Of course, there are no objective reliability criteria, but at the moment it is extremely difficult to believe that something could happen to Sberbank.

“Big money” trusts Sberbank, it is interesting to look at Sberbank’s deposit line for extra premium clients, where minimum amount the deposit is 300,000,000 rubles.

9 A large number of branches of Sberbank.

It is the brokerage service that is carried out only in some offices of Sberbank, however, for the usual replenishment of a brokerage account, as well as cashing out funds, any branch of Sberbank is suitable.

10 Brokerage account balances are accounted for by Sberbank Premier.

Since the fall of 2018, in order to fulfill the criteria for a free package (the main goodies are unlimited passes to business lounges under the Priority Pass program and free insurance for the whole family when traveling together, including trips around Russia), balances on a brokerage account opened with Sberbank are also taken into account ( including IIS). The necessary amounts for Moscow are at least 2.5 million rubles. or the equivalent in foreign currency on the last day of the month, for regions - 1.5 million rubles.

Brokerage account in Sberbank. Flaws
1 High transaction fees and custody services.

The commission of Sberbank for transactions at low turnovers is a little high, in fact, it is because of it that everyone has the main complaints against the broker. For example, VTB has a commission for a transaction on the stock market of 0.0413% (+105 rubles per month for a depository if there are transactions and 1 lot of VTB shares, if there are no VTB shares, then it will be 150 rubles. / month) against 0.165-0.125% for Sberbank (+149 rubles per month, in which there were transactions on the stock market, for depot), for PSB - 0.05% (+ since the fall of 2018, a small commission for compensation services of higher-level depositories, on average amounts to several rubles per month), for Alfa - 0.06% (+0.04% per year for the depository), for Otkritie 0.057% (+ 10 rubles per month for the depository , + there is also a commission for assets of less than 50,000 rubles). Tinkoff Broker at the Investor tariff has a commission of 0.3% + 99 rubles / month, in which there were transactions.

For the purchase of foreign currency from Sberbank, you have to pay 0.3%, from PSB for the purchase of foreign currency in the amount of more than the equivalent of 100,000 rubles. a commission of 0.1% is set, for Otkritie at the Conversion rate, the commission is 0.03875% + 0.02% for withdrawing currency to a bank account.

UPD: 04/16/2019
Since April 2019, Sberbank has had quite competitive rates for brokerage services, I would like, of course, a little lower.

Now with a daily turnover of up to 1 million rubles. commission for a transaction on the Stock section will be 0.06%, with a turnover of 1 million rubles. up to 50 million rubles - 0.035%. On the Currency section, the commission was reduced from 0.3% to 0.2%.

UPD: 09/06/2019
Since September 2019, a depository commission of 149 rubles / month. has been cancelled.

2 Unstable operation of the Sberbank Investor application.

Similar to the Tinkoff Investments application, the stability of the Sberbank Investor application also leaves much to be desired, although there are still an order of magnitude fewer such reviews about Sberbank than about Tinkoff. Basically, problems are observed during serious movements in the market.

Stationary QUIK in Sberbank may also slow down:

3 Poor support service.

I decided to write a simple question in the support chat in the Sberbank Investor application, but I did not receive an answer by the end of the day. The call to the support service also turned out to be unsuccessful, I just got tired of listening to music for 20 minutes and waiting for the operator's response. Judging by the reviews, I'm not the only one with similar problems:

4 No access to St. Petersburg Exchange.

It will not be possible to buy foreign shares on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange through Sberbank Broker, Sber does not provide access to this site.

5 There is no glass of quotes in the Sberbank Investor application.

The Sberbank Investor application, of course, is designed for beginners, but who said that beginners do not need to see the glass of quotes when making transactions? If for the purchase of highly liquid stocks this is not so important, then for bonds it is simply necessary to assess the volume of supply and demand. Otherwise, if you need to buy a large volume, the deal can go through at very unpleasant prices, because there simply won’t be required amount papers and the applications put up “for a fool” will work.

However, in Sberbank you can always view the order book in another terminal, for example, webQUIK. Tinkoff does not spoil its customers like that, there is nothing there except for the Tinkoff Investments application.

6 You cannot buy Eurobonds through the terminal.

In the trading terminal of Sberbank, you cannot buy Eurobonds on the Moscow Exchange, for which 1 lot is equal to $1,000 (for example, Rus-28, VEB Eurobonds, you can read more about them in the article). Sber offers to buy Eurobonds only on the OTC market.

7 Imposition of trust management.

A self-managed brokerage account is opened through Sberbank Online or in special offices of Sberbank, in ordinary branches you will be issued a trust management from Sberbank Asset Management, even if you say that you need a brokerage account with self-management.


In large cities, it is difficult for Sberbank to compete with other brokers, Sberbank’s usual commissions for transactions and depository services are still higher, even despite their decrease from April 1, 2019. But in small cities, Sberbank has few competitors, especially when investing large amounts . A Sberbank broker is well suited for the Buy and Forget strategy.

The Sberbank Investor mobile application seemed to me quite convenient and functional.

When we first open the application, the system enthusiastically encourages us to invest without professional knowledge:

The seeming ease of opening a brokerage account and making transactions creates the illusion that you just have to buy something to your taste or follow some investment idea - and unprecedented riches await us.

Go to Derivatives Market. It would also be useful to watch some webinars on the topic of investing, which are organized by almost every broker. Free or low-cost courses are sometimes run by private, experienced investors (you can find them on the website of the investment school "Red Circle").

I hope my article was useful to you, write about all the clarifications and additions in the comments.

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comments powered by HyperComments

Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse , 30/01/2019

Application performance.

Hello ladies and gentlemen.
If you have a dilemma before choosing a trading platform for mobile trading and you are inclined to choose such an instrument as Sberbank Investor, then read my subjective review.
I have been using the application for several months and consider it one of the worst for mobile and operational trading.
The terms of the contract do not differ coordinately from other aggregators. It is also a depositary, a certified broker and acts as a tax agent. Yes, do not be upset when personal income tax is withheld from you when withdrawing funds.
1. Low application performance, loads and lags at different stages.
2. Quotes of instruments are sometimes delayed.
3. Constant failures when connecting to the service, if you want to sell paper, then most likely you will not be able to quickly close the deal.
4. After viewing the graphs in a horizontal position, does not return the interface to a vertical position. You have to reload the application.
5. Selecting only those issuers listed on MOEX, no NASDAQ means no foreign stocks.
6. When withdrawing funds, the “Service is available on weekdays from 10:00 to 17:50 Moscow time” window often pops up and throws it into “other”, this is on a weekday, at 16:00.
7. No transaction history.
8. No account history.
9. There is no news about tools.
I would love to attach proofs for each item of my review, but there is no way to attach files. These are my subjective observations over several months of using this trading platform.
Maybe someday this will be fixed.
Thank you for your attention.

Developer Response ,

Good afternoon! Thanks for your feedback. Apologize. We are working on stabilizing the app.

WinnorOkOmo , 07/11/2017

Well, it's unrealistic!

It enters only from the 10th time, the rest of the time you enter a password and wait until you get bored, an endless download!
Again, entering a password. Well, the 21st century! In SBOL you can use a wheelbarrow or a 5-digit code, but here is only a password. Kills ((
It hangs if there was a transition between Wi-Fi to mobile Internet or vice versa, or if it was on mobile Internet, which disappeared for a while, for example, in an elevator.

Developer Response ,

Good afternoon. Indeed, some customers had problems logging into the application on Tuesday. The problem has been localized. We apologize for the inconvenience. Touch id will be improved in future versions. Sberbank team

Invest with Sberbank and get the highest quality service and great deals.

How many types of money making have you tried Last year? One, well, maximum two. As a rule, most of us do not even think about the fact that profit can be received not only from our regular work, but also from activities on third-party sites. The Internet and all its possibilities come to mind immediately, such as betting, online poker or part-time work. But, in addition to banal activities, there is also a whole branch of the economy that allows you to earn serious income using financial capital. It's about investing own funds in various financial instruments. In this article, we will tell you about the brokerage services of Sberbank, what you can invest in and what programs this is done with.

IIS - what is it?

IIS (individual investor account) is a bank account that allows you to use brokerage services and purchase all available financial instruments. The main difference between an IIA and a regular brokerage account is the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction of 13% of the amount of funds deposited.

Conditions for opening an individual investment account:

- currency -Russian ruble;
maximum contribution - 1,000,000 rubles;
minimum investment period - 3 years;
without partial withdrawal of funds;
- one IIS per client.

An individual investment account can be opened in two types:

  1. IIS with a deduction for contributions: in this type of IIS, you can receive a tax deduction of up to 52 thousand rubles from the state. To receive a tax deduction, you must have income taxable at a rate of 13%. Income can be from investments or just salary. For the amount of the contribution, a personal income tax deduction is provided in the amount of up to 52 thousand rubles (13% of 400,000 rubles.)
  2. IIS with a deduction for income: this type of IIA allows you not to pay taxes on income received from investment operations during the entire period of the contract. And at the end of the contract for the maintenance of IIS in three years, you will be able to receive a personal income tax deduction for the entire amount of income.

If the IIS is closed before the expiration of three years, then the rights to the benefit are invalidated.

Advantages and disadvantages of IIS

The main advantages of an individual investment account are:

  1. 13% income tax refund once a year or after three years, depending on the type of IIS chosen;
  2. Ability to trade in securities which allows you to earn a higher income;
  3. Opportunity to accumulate funds even after the end of the three-year period.

Disadvantages of IIS:

  1. Riskiness of investments: if you try to make money on various financial instruments without the necessary knowledge, then most likely you will only lose the money you save;
  2. Account freeze for three years: when opening an account, funds cannot be withdrawn from it for three years, the only option is to terminate the agreement with the bank;
  3. Broker commissions: when opening an investment account and making investments, you will definitely face a commission of a broker - an intermediary between you and the exchange markets. The amount of the commission depends on the type of transactions made. You can find the tariffs for brokerage services of Sberbank at the link.

What can you invest in?

The whole investment mechanism is as follows: You collect a certain set of securities into a single portfolio, and then sell or buy these securities depending on the rise or fall in their prices. Sberbank provides access to the Stock Market, Derivatives Market, OTC Market and Currency market and allows you to trade various types valuable papers:

  1. Shares of Russian companies are securities that allow their owner to participate in the management of the company and receive profit in the form of dividends.
    Key Features:
    - By selling its shares, the company attracts new funds for the development of its own business;
    - By buying shares, the investor becomes a co-owner of the company and claims to receive his part of the profit in the form of dividends;
    - Income can be received not only as dividends, but also from the difference in the market value of shares, which tends to change depending on various economic and non-economic factors.
  2. Shares of foreign companies. Sberbank offers its clients trading on the OTC market, where they can purchase shares in major international companies such as Apple, Facebook, Google, etc. The over-the-counter market involves a direct transaction between a buyer and a seller without the mediation of a broker.
  3. Bonds are securities that oblige a company or the state to pay an investor a certain income and interest within a certain period. The investor's income is formed by the sum of the accumulated coupon income for the period of holding the bond and the difference between the purchase and sale prices of the bond.
    Key Features:
    - For the issuing company, bonds are another way to raise additional funds;
    - For an investor, bonds are a loan to the issuer, for which he will later receive a reward.
    Trading time: 10:00-18:50 Moscow time.
  4. ETFs (Exchanged Traded Fund) - exchange-traded investment funds. When you buy an ETF share, you are not investing in a particular enterprise or firm, but in an entire industry. For example, when you buy a share in ETF FXIT, you invest in shares that are part of the US IT sector, which includes companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Visa, etc.
    ETF Benefits:
    - Opportunity to invest in foreign markets while staying in Russia;
    - Accessible tools for any investor, even without special knowledge;
    - Investments in rubles and in foreign currency: the possibility of obtaining additional income from the difference in exchange rates;
    - Low entry threshold: ETF share price - from 500 rubles;
    - Liquid instrument with a transparent structure;
    - Minimum standard brokerage commission.
    Trading time: 10:00-18:50 Moscow time.
  5. Futures and options. A futures contract is an agreement where one party undertakes to deliver a certain amount of goods, to the other - to pay for it at a predetermined price. Option contract - the right to buy or sell the underlying asset (stock, bond, indices, currency, precious metal) at a specified time in the future at a fixed price.
    Key Features:
    - the client is protected from the risks of adverse changes in the price of the underlying asset;
    - the opportunity to receive additional income due to the difference between the purchase price and the sale price of the contract.
    Trading time: 10:00-18:45 Moscow time. - main session, 19:00-23:50 - evening session.
  6. Eurobonds are corporate or government bonds denominated in different foreign currencies. Sberbank allows you to trade them on the over-the-counter market.
    Benefits of Eurobonds:
    - Protection against the weakening of the ruble: both purchase and sale, and payments are made in foreign currency;
    - Fixed Reliability: coupon income that implies a high potential yield with appropriate risk;
    - Reliability: the reliability rating of the issuing companies is confirmed by international rating agencies.
    Time for receiving orders: 9:30-18:40 Moscow time.

Sberbank also offers for consideration already collected portfolios of various risk levels:

The portfolios consist of government bonds, investment bonds of Sberbank, mutual funds, ETF shares and shares of Russian and foreign companies.

Trading systems

Sberbank opens up access to trading platforms from several types of programs:

Application "Sberbank Investor"

Sberbank Investor is a mobile application that provides access to various exchanges, where it is easy to buy and sell shares and bonds of various Russian companies.Application features:

  • Trading in stocks and bonds on the stock market;
  • Access to investment ideas of the best Russian analysts;
  • Tracking market news and own financial results;
  • The opportunity to pass the Sberbank test and determine what type of investor you are, etc.

The app is available on two main platforms:
- for iOS;
- for Android.

Konstantin Shulga
Broker Business Development Director
"When creating the application, we thought not only about convenience, but also about security. Information about all investments is protected. And you cannot accidentally buy shares by clicking on the wrong button. Trading operations are confirmed by an additional code from an SMS message.
We are sure that with our new service the world of investments will become much closer and more accessible for everyone."


QUIK is an online trading system that has a full set of necessary tools for making transactions and in-depth technical analysis of markets and its own activities. It is available both as a separate program on a computer, and as a web version, and as a mobile application for iOS and Android.

Advantages of the QUIK system:

  • Full access to exchange trading in the stock and derivatives markets is provided through certified modules;
  • QUIK integrates technical analysis systems, databases, archives, expert systems and customer transaction accounting systems;
  • All exchange information and all acceptance of client orders take place online, where minimal delays are possible due to the congestion of communication channels.

To prevent access to your investment account from falling into the wrong hands, Sberbank has developed a very sophisticated user authentication system in QUIK. We will consider two algorithms of actions, the first of which will be two-factor authentication with username and password.

This method will work if, when concluding a brokerage agreement with Sberbank, you chose the method of submitting orders "Using two-factor authentication."

  1. Download the distribution kit of the "QUIK" program. You can find it at the link, download the Sberbank Investor application or go to the website;
  2. In the form that you will find at the link with the distribution kit, indicate the agreement code, mobile phone number and the code from the current picture;
  3. Wait for an SMS message from the bank with a temporary password;
  4. Run the program or application "QUIK" and in the authorization window specify the agreement code and temporary password from SMS;
  5. The program is running and ready to go. When you log in for the first time, the system will prompt you to change your temporary password to a permanent one.

Two-factor authentication is also possible by keys:

  1. Download the distribution kit "QUIK" and install it.
  2. In the archive, in addition to the installation file, there will also be a KeyGen key generation program. Run it and generate public (pubring.txk) and secret (secring.txk) keys;
  3. In the form provided by the link, you need to upload the public key that you generated earlier. In the form, indicate the contract code and E-mail exactly the same as it was done in the contract. The key registration time should be no more than ten minutes.
  4. Run the "QUIK" program and enter the username and password you specified when generating the keys;
  5. Enter a one-time SMS password. The program is running and ready to go.

How to open an individual investment account?

IIS can only be opened individual- a tax resident of the Russian Federation, who is a new or existing client who has concluded an agreement on brokerage services.

  1. Apply for opening a brokerage account using the link or contact the nearest Sberbank office, where they provide brokerage services to the population. These offices can be reached by calling:
    - 900 - for calls from mobile phones. Free on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    - 8-800-555-55-50 - for calls from mobile and landline phones. Free on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    - +7-495-500-55-50 - for calls from anywhere in the world. Paid in accordance with your tariff.
  2. A Sberbank branch specialist will prepare an application and an investor questionnaire, and you will need to sign them;
  3. Familiarize yourself with the terms of payment of expenses and payment of commissions to the bank in the "Tariffs" section;
  4. Transfer money or securities to your IIS after receiving a notification from the bank.

How to get a tax deduction?

To receive a tax deduction under type A(for contributions), you need to submit the following package of documents to the tax office:

  • tax return in form 3-NDFL at the end of the tax period;
  • documents confirming the receipt of income taxed at 13% at the end of the tax period;
  • documents confirming the transfer of funds to the IIS (Article 219.1, clause 3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • an application for a tax refund indicating the bank details of the taxpayer.

To receive a tax deduction for type B (on income), you need to terminate the IIA maintenance agreement after three or more years and provide the broker with a certificate from the tax office stating that he did not use tax deductions for contributions to IIA during the life of the account. In this case, the broker will act as a tax agent and will not withhold income tax when paying out funds.

Feedback on an individual investment account

Review taken from

Advantages: Possibility to get income tax refund

Cons: No guarantees, low returns

“Well, there is no way to get past the investment product from Sberbank - an individual investment account. Of course, the return of income tax withheld from wages is very captivating. But not everyone earns officially and not everyone has high official wages. And then there is a time limit tax refund - in order to receive it, the account must work for at least 3 years.
When opening an account, a commission of 1% of the amount is charged and then, quarterly, another 0.25%, that is, another 1% annually. Perhaps someone will be outraged by this, but this is an absolutely normal practice for investment companies, I don’t see anything wrong with that.
Since Sberbank does not yet have an exponential return for three years, one can only assume a possible return on the history of the account for the entire previous time - a little over 2 years. And this yield is up to 60% in rubles for three years, taking into account the return of income tax.
I did not like that these investments are not insured by the DIA. Although, if something happens to Sberbank or our country, as it already happened in 1991, then no deposit insurance agency will return anyone's deposits on deposits.
Let's briefly summarize:
Possible income up to 60% in three years;
Profitability in rubles;
The history of this account since 2015;
Early closing is possible, but with a significant decrease in profits;
Lack of accumulative interest;
Lack of guarantees for the safety of funds.
For those who do not know other investment opportunities, it may be worth turning your attention to IIS from Sberbank. Well, I am much more captivated by the opportunity to receive income for three years up to 80% per annum in foreign currency and, most importantly, with a guarantee of the safety of invested funds.
There are companies that offer something more interesting than Sberbank can offer us, with an account history of up to 10 years. So, before investing in IIS, study everything first."

We have told you all the basic information about the provision of an individual investment account by Sberbank. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the documents on installation and initial training on the use of the QUIK trading platform. (attachments)

In the summer of 2017, Sberbank introduced its Sberbank Investor mobile app for IOS and Android. The developers position it as an application for novice investors. The first time I tested it almost as soon as it appeared on Google Play. Fortunately, there is such an opportunity, since it is possible to enter the application in demo mode, which is provided for 30 days. In this mode, you can view quotes, you can place orders at training auctions. The second time - six months later, when it was already released a new version. I want to note right away that both times they made a negative impression on me. But first things first.

The first thing I want to note is the convenience and nice design. The application is simple and clear to use. As German Gref put it, "this application is absolutely intuitive and any person who takes it in hand for the first time will be able to make a transaction on the stock exchange." I agree. In my opinion, even pensioners and children who can read would have coped.

The application allows you to buy shares of Russian companies, bonds and ETFs traded on the stock market of the Moscow Exchange. Their number, of course, is not as large as, for example, in QUIK, but the application is being improved and there are more securities. Charts and quotes are available for each security (min. price, max. price and percentage of change for the selected period). The chart is uninformative, it displays only the current price. There is a section of investment ideas.

You will not find any currency pairs, precious metals, futures and options there. Although, as the developers promise, currency pairs will be added in the next release.

Unfortunately, there is no DOM in the Application and the developers do not plan to add it, because, I emphasize again, the application is aimed at novice investors. For the same reason, it is not possible to place stop orders.

One of the biggest inconveniences of this Application is the need to obtain a code table (54 passwords) at brokerage offices. Such a table is required for trading in the Sberbank Investor app on Android smartphones. Without it, you can simply view your accounts, but it is impossible to make transactions for the purchase and sale of securities, since the application uses additional authorization by entering a code from this investor's code table. By the summer of 2018, it is planned to replace the code tables with a modern SMS confirmation.

The second significant drawback is the difficulty with entering the Application and frequent disconnections. Either the username and password are incorrect, or the connection to the server is not available. The developers have been apologizing for six months now and are working to remedy the situation. But the rating of this Application has not grown much in six months, and there are no less dissatisfied reviews.

While this problem remains, I personally prefer not to use the Sberbank Investor application, no matter how beautiful, convenient, intuitive it may be. Investing is a serious process associated with financial risks. And in this Application, at the most inopportune moment, when you need to sell securities or buy at the most attractive price, it is likely that you will not even be able to enter it. By the way, after three days of trying to enter the Application in real mode, I abandoned this idea, because I simply did not have enough patience.

In general, for people who are just starting to master the stock market, it would be quite a good application, simple, understandable and convenient. But due to code tables and problems with the server, these advantages are coming to naught.

Therefore, it is tempting to end my review with the statement of one user, which today very accurately expresses my opinion: “If you are a grandmother who confused and put money instead of a deposit on the exchange, you are here.”

All successful investments!

Application screenshots: