Pansies. Legends about flowers

With five large petals of different colors, our gardens and parks have been adorned since the 16th century. Pansies were bred artificially as a result of crossing a large-flowered European violet and a modest meadow flower with a tricolor corolla, which in Rus' is called Ivan da Marya.

Back in 1830, Charles Darwin identified 400 garden forms of the tricolor violet (Viola tricolor is the scientific name of the flower).

Pansies are especially popular in Germany. Here flower growers brought out unique varieties: with black petals - Dr. Faust, with light blue - Margarita and wine-red - Mephistopheles, named after the heroes of Goethe's "Faust". According to ancient Greek pansy legend Zeus himself created it to console his young beloved Io, whom the jealous Gea turned into a cow. So pansies have become a symbol of the love triangle. But in England and France they are also considered a symbol of constancy.

Pansy tea has long been used to treat scrofula in children. Even one of the names of the flower is scrofula.

Tricolor violet - a flower with erect, branched, thin stems, 15-20 centimeters high. Leaves are arranged alternately. The shape is slightly rounded and heart-shaped. Large lyre-shaped stipules adjoin them. The leaves on the stems are sessile, and the lower ones are petiolate.

The flowers are quite large, solitary, irregularly shaped, they open on elongated pedicels. In diameter reach 3-4 centimeters. The corolla forms five petals that do not resemble each other in shape. The lower petal is yellow or white. He's bigger than the rest. The two upper petals are purple-blue or dark purple. And the side often have a light purple color.

Which plants are: annuals or perennials?

Pansies are a perennial plant.. Most often, amateur gardeners buy an annual or two-year-old flower in stores. The question arises why they do not take a perennial violet. The thing is that over time, a beautiful flower loses its beauty. Three years later, the plant ages. The buds become small, and then do not form at all.

Origin story

It is not known exactly when and under what circumstances pansies appeared. Entire legends have been invented about the origin of the tricolor violet, but which of them are true and which are not is also unclear. Here is one such legend:

One day, the goddess Venus wanted to swim away from human eyes. She discovered a secret corner in a remote grotto. While bathing, the goddess suddenly heard a rustle. Turning, Venus noticed several eyes of curious mortals. She became very angry and decided to punish these people for such insolence. But Venus was unable to punish the curious, so she turned to Zeus, who turned their pansies.

We recommend watching a video about the legend of the origin of Pansies:

What does a viola look like?

Pansies have a thin stem with rounded leaves and solitary flowers.. The height of the stem can reach up to 30 centimeters. Inside, it is trihedral, branched, hollow or upright. Sometimes, several creeping stems depart from one root.

The buds are solitary with five petals, which, in turn, are located on a trihedral peduncle with two bracts near the flower itself. The sepals located below are larger in size than the upper ones. The predominant tones in the color are blue, purple and various shades of these colors. The plant has five stamens pressed against the pistil. They are in contact with anthers with short stamen filaments.

The leaves of pansies are petiolate, are naked or sparsely hairy along the veins. The lower leaves are ovate in shape. Petioles are elongated. The top leaves look different. Their shape is oblong lanceolate. Petioles on them are small. Each leaf has two stipules.

The root of the flower is thin, rod and few branches. He is brown. It enters the ground almost vertically.

The most popular varieties with photos

  1. large-flowered;
  2. small-flowered.

Often, novice flower growers buy large-flowered Pansies, thereby making a mistake, because small-flowered ones are hardier and stronger. They are not afraid of rain and sudden changes in temperature.

There are three types of plants:

  1. tricolor violet;
  2. violet yellow;
  3. Altai violet.

Breeders have created many varieties based on the species listed above.

Evening heat

This variety has large beautiful flowers. In diameter, they reach 5-6 centimeters. Grow on a long pedicel, which reaches 10 centimeters. The flowers themselves are not very bright, with wavy edges. The bush grows up to 15 centimeters high.

ice king

Grows up to 20 centimeters in height. During the flowering period, white flowers bloom with a green tint. The lower petals have characteristic purple spots.


This variety has a gigantic size compared to others. In height reaches 25 centimeters. Flowers with a diameter of 6-7 centimeters with a wavy edge. Color - white with a yellow center.

Tiger's Eye

The flower has an unusual color, outwardly resembling a tiger. The bush is quite compact, grows up to 20 centimeters in height. Grows into a lush carpet. The flowers are yellow with black stripes. The diameter does not exceed 3-4 centimeters. This variety thrives in almost any soil, with good drainage..


A plant that is distinguished by its fast growth and long flowering. Adonis is quite small, only about 15 centimeters in height. Its flowers are large. The top two petals are light blue, while the bottom three have white-violet spots. In flower beds use in groups. The variety is winter hardy.

Medicinal properties of violet tricolor

Violet tricolor has healing properties, as its composition is extraordinary. It contains salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, essential oils, tannins and much more. Such a wealth of substances provides effective help in diseases.

Actions on the human body:

  • Diuretic.
  • Expectorant.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Heals wounds.
  • Relieves itching and irritation.
  • Purifies the blood.
  • Soothing.

Important: From the flower you can make decoctions, infusions or teas. Infusions from pansies are advised to treat diseases of the respiratory system, for example, bronchial diseases, pneumonia, tuberculosis.

Drops made from the plant can even cure sinusitis. Violet tricolor copes well with itching after mosquito bites in young children.

We recommend watching a video about the healing properties of Pansies (tricolor violets):

What does it symbolize?

Pansies symbolize fidelity, wisdom, devotion. They also symbolize the arrival of spring, as they are the first to bloom after the snow melts.

The legend of the flower

There are many legends about the flower and its origin.. One of the legends says that once the girl Anyuta showed excessive curiosity. She became interested in the details of the lives of strangers. And as punishment, she was turned into a plant.

In Ancient Rus', there were their own beliefs about Pansies. It was said that because of love, the girl Anyuta turned into a flower. She fell in love with a young man who reciprocated. But since the young man was from a wealthy family, his parents insisted that he marry another, more affluent one. Anyuta could not stand such a betrayal and died.

There was also another legend. In the village there lived a girl named Anyuta. She was trusting and kind. Once, a young man of attractive appearance came to her village. Anyuta could not resist and trusted him, but he deceived her. The guy said that he would come back for her, but he never came again. The girl soon died of longing, and wonderful flowers bloomed on her grave, which looked like her beautiful eyes.

In Germany Pansies are called stepmother.. And this name was not coined by chance. The lower petal is the largest and most beautiful. The petal symbolizes the dressed-up stepmother. Petals a little higher are dressed up daughters. The two remaining petals symbolize stepdaughters in poor robes.

Attention: There is a belief that at first the stepmother was on top, and the stepdaughter was below. That was until God intervened. He turned the flower over, thereby taking pity on his stepdaughters.



Pansies are a beautiful flower, about which legends and traditions are composed. He not only has unusual buds with multi-colored spots, depending on the variety. He is a real helper in diseases when traditional medicine is less effective.

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Where the Russian name of this flower came from is not known for certain.
Here is one of the legends.
One of the legends says that the tricolor petals of the pansies reflected three periods of the life of the girl Anyuta with a kind heart and trusting eyes. She lived in the village, believed every word, found an excuse for every deed. To my misfortune, she met an insidious seducer and fell in love with him with all her heart. And the young man was afraid of her love and hurried on the road, assuring that he would return soon. Anyuta looked at the road for a long time, quietly fading away from melancholy. And when she died, flowers appeared at the place of her burial, in the tricolor petals of which hope, surprise and sadness were reflected. This is a Russian legend about a flower.

The Germans call him stepmother, explaining this name so.
The lower, largest, most beautifully speckled petal is a dressed stepmother, two taller, no less beautifully colored petals are her own daughters. And the two topmost white petals, as if shed, with a lilac tint, are her poorly dressed stepdaughters. Tradition says that before the stepmother was upstairs, and the poor stepdaughters were downstairs, but the Lord took pity on the poor downtrodden girls and turned the flower.

Another legend. Venus she decided to swim in a remote grotto, but suddenly she hears a rustle and sees that several mortals are looking at her ...
Then, having come into indescribable anger, she appeals to Jupiter and begs to punish the daring.
Jupiter heeds her prayer and turns them into pansies, the painting of which expresses the curiosity and surprise that served them as death.

Greeks called this flower Jupiter flower, and they had such a legend about its origin.
One day, the Thunderer, bored of sitting on his throne of clouds, decided, for the sake of diversity, to descend to earth. Proud, impregnable And about, the daughter of King Inoch, could not resist the spell of the Thunderer and was carried away by him. But the jealous Juno soon found out about this connection, and Jupiter, in order to save poor Io from the wrath of his wife, was forced to turn her into a snow-white cow.
Nobody recognized her. True, her father caressed her like a beautiful animal, but also did not recognize her.
And one day, when her father was feeding her, she began to draw letters in the sand with her feet. He began to peer into the writing in the sand and recognized the unfortunate fate of his beautiful daughter, whom he considered dead long ago.
The unfortunate daughter and father were inconsolable. And so, in order to mitigate the terrible fate of Io, the earth, by order of Jupiter, grew, as a pleasant food for it, our flower, which received the name of the flower of Jupiter from the Greeks and symbolically depicted the blushing and pale maiden modesty.

In the Middle Ages, these flowers begin to play a role in the Christian world and get the name flower of St. Trinity.
According to Clusius, medieval Christians saw a triangle in a dark spot in the middle of a flower and compared it with the all-seeing eye, and in the divorces surrounding it - a radiance coming from it. The triangle depicted, in their opinion, the three faces of St. Trinity, originating from the all-seeing eye - God the Father.
In general, this flower was surrounded by mystery in the Middle Ages, and in one of the Trappist monasteries one could see on the wall a huge image of it with a dead head in the center and the inscription: “memento mori” (remember death). Perhaps that is why white pansies are considered in Northern France a symbol of death, they never give anyone and do not make bouquets of them.

On the other hand, they served as a loving symbol of fidelity, and it was customary to give each other their portraits, placed in an enlarged image of this flower.

It also has the same meaning in Poland, where he is called "brothers" and give as a keepsake only as a sign of a very great location. A young girl gives such a flower there as a keepsake only to her fiancé.

Since ancient times, pansies have also been attributed the ability to bewitch love.
To do this, the person who wanted to bewitch only needed to sprinkle the juice of these flowers on the eyelids during sleep and then come to stand in front of him just at the time he wakes up.
Modern French peasant girls, in order to attract someone’s love to themselves and find out where their betrothed lives, turn the flower by the pedicel, saying: “Think carefully: in the direction where you stop, my betrothed will be.”

From the 16th century pansies receive the universal name pensée - thought, thought, but where it came from and for what reason it was given is unknown.
The German botanist Sterne suggests that it comes from the fact that the seed box of that flower resembles a skull - the place where the brain and thought are located.

These flowers are sent to England in love on Valentine's Day(February 14th), when all the feelings hidden for a whole year get the right to pour out on paper. On this day, as they say, more letters of declaration of love are written here than in the entire globe.
That is why, in addition to the name pansy, which corresponds to the French word pensée, it is also called “Hearts ease” in England - “cordial calm”, “cordial joy”, because indeed, expressing without words the desire and thought of the one who sends it, it serves as a calmer his feelings.

However, everything that we have said so far does not concern those velvety wonderful Pansies that we meet in our gardens, but their modest yellow and purple wild ancestors.
In the 30s of the XIX century, ordinary pansies began to cross partly with the European large-flowered yellow violet (Viola lutea), and partly with the Altai one, and thus received a lot (Darwin in 1830 already numbered more than 400) varieties, among them already those velvety, satiny flowers that make up the decoration of our gardens.
Especially beautiful flowers were bred in England: completely black, bearing the name of Faust, light blue - Marguerite and wine-red - Mephistopheles. Now all the attention of gardeners is turned to getting double and strongly fragrant flowers, since the only thing this lovely flower lacks is smell.

For those who are interested in this topic.

In spring, in many gardens, the pansy flower, pleasing to the eye with a variety of colors, blooms. Legends and beliefs of different nations tell many interesting stories about the origin and name of these plants. Let's get to know them too.

flower description

Five delicate, often purple-yellow-white-blue, petals are located on a branched stem about twenty centimeters high and resemble hearts in shape. Large, surprisingly on the plant replace each other from spring to mid-summer. Such a colorful carpet is literally mesmerizing.

Legends and beliefs about pansy flowers give different interpretations of their appearance. Many of the species bred today are hybrids obtained by crossing their wild progenitors with A. The first results of such selection appeared as early as the 16th century at the court of Prince Wilhelm of Hesse-Kassel. Today it is one of the most common garden flowers. Violet (viola) tricolor, pansies, brothers, Ivan da Marya - these are the most common names for this beautiful plant.

Russian legend about pansies

There lived a kind, trusting, pure-hearted girl. Once she met a guy who came to their village. Anyuta fell in love with the young man, believed in his sincerity. And before leaving, he promised to return and take her with him. Every day a girl went out on the road and waited for her beloved, but she never appeared. It all ended tragically: the girl withered away from melancholy and died. And amazing plants with tricolor petals grew on her grave. According to the people, their coloring correlates with different periods of Anyuta's life. symbolizes the heroine's hope for reciprocity and happiness at the very beginning of the relationship. Yellow - surprise that the groom does not come for a long time. Violet - sadness, the collapse of all dreams and death.

This legend about the pansy flower has other variations. The first says that a rich young man was married against his will to another, and the girl died of pain and grief. According to the second - the beloved went to war and died there. And Anyuta eventually turned into a flower, which still continues to wait for the sweet one by the road.

The story of brothers

Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles have their own version of the origin of the pansy flower. The legends and beliefs of these peoples are also somewhat different, but their essence is in the sinful love of a brother and sister. The most touching is the story related to the time of the Turkish raids.

The conquering army attacked the Ukrainian village and captured civilians. Next to a beautiful black-browed girl, bursting into tears, rode a young Janissary. He liked the captive, and he supported her all the way. And then he offered to run away, promising to return her to her homeland and marry. During one of the halts, they managed to accomplish their plan. And after they became close, the Janissary told the story of his life. That he was born in the same place where his girlfriend's house was. What else was a child captured. That his father was a blacksmith, and a pear tree grew next to the house and a stream raged. Then the girl realized that the Janissary was her missing older brother, and burst into tears. They realized what a sin they had committed, and that happiness is now impossible. Young people turned into beautiful flowers, which the people began to lovingly call brothers.

Myths about Aphrodite and Venus

Long ago, the gods played a big role in people's lives. Belief in their superpowers, magical power, the ability to interfere in earthly life has generated many interesting stories. Among them is the legend of pansy flowers, which explains why the plant has such a shape.

Beautiful Aphrodite decided to swim on a hot day. And although she chose a pond sheltered from prying eyes, she soon noticed that a whole crowd of people were admiringly watching her. The indignant goddess turned to Zeus with a request to punish those who dared to such an act. But the Thunderer was in a good mood that day and therefore simply turned the curious into flowers.

The ancient Romans have a similar myth about how men spied on Venus bathing. All of them suffered the same fate.

By the way, this legend about the pansy plant echoes a common story in which an ordinary earthly woman turned her gaze to what was banned. The punishment for her was the transformation into a flower, which actually resembles a human face in color.

And from all these stories follows another symbolic meaning of pansies - curiosity.

Jupiter love myth

Another ancient Roman legend about pansies is also interesting.

One day, Jupiter descended to earth and, under the guise of a shepherd, went to the temple of Juno. Among other girls, he noticed the daughter of the king of Argos - Io, who performed the sacrifice. Proud and impregnable, she immediately conquered God and herself was imbued with feelings for him. But soon Juno found out about the secret meetings, and Jupiter, fearing for the life of his beloved, turned the girl into a white cow. Now she spent whole days, unrecognized by anyone, walking around the palace in Argos. Finally, Io found a way to explain to the king who she really is. Watching the suffering of his father and daughter, Jupiter turned to the goddess of the earth for help. She gave the girl an incredibly beautiful and tasty flower. And its coloring has become a symbol of the emerging love triangle.

This is one of the most common versions of the fate of Princess Io. A similar myth, again, can be found among the ancient Greeks. There, the girl who was carried away by Zeus was punished by Hera.

German pansy legend

This is a story about an evil stepmother. She is associated with the unusual. According to legend, there lived an evil stepmother - she is symbolized by the lower petal. The biggest and most beautiful. The woman had two native daughters - these are the middle petals. Well, as in any folk tale, all the troubles fell on the unfortunate stepdaughters. Therefore, the upper petals on the flower are the smallest and faded. But this is not the end of the legend. It goes on to say that originally the large petal was on top and the symbols of the stepdaughters were on the bottom. In order to somehow punish the evil stepmother and make life easier for orphans, God turned the flower over. As a result, sharp spurs appeared next to the stepmother. And her beloved daughters got not very attractive mustaches. So the legend of pansies became an expression of people's sympathy for the grief and suffering of orphans.

The power of suggestion

If any pansy legend given here most often raises doubts about its reliability, then the traditions that have developed on their basis are taken for granted by many. For example, until recently in Russia there was an opinion that this is a plant of the dead, because its place is not in the garden, but on the grave. For the same reason, the French in our time never give a bouquet of white pansies.

An interesting find was discovered in a Trappist monastery that operated in the Middle Ages. On its wall, the artist depicted a pansy flower and a dead head nearby, while making an eloquent inscription: "Remember death."

But still, in most cases, this plant has an optimistic meaning and symbolizes true love. So, in England, it was customary to give pansies to a loved one on Valentine's Day. In France, they are still used for divination by the betrothed. And in Poland, this way of love spell has been preserved: to sprinkle the juice of a flower on the eyes of a sleeping young man and appear before him at the moment of his awakening.

Thus, in many countries, the popular folk legend of pansies has given rise to various prejudices and beliefs, some of which are still valid today.

It's curious

Each legend about pansies for children given here will be very interesting and informative. In addition, real facts about the wonderful flower are also stored in the people's memory. So, in France, pansies were given the name pensee, which means "thought, thought." Many attribute this to the structure of the seed box, which, by the way, scatter over distances several times the size of the plant itself.

In the Christian world, pansies are sometimes called a flower. Indeed, if you look closely, at the base of the petals you can see a triangle - a symbol of God's all-seeing eye. And the rays departing from it are supposedly the faces of the Trinity.

Pansies were Josephine's favorite flower. In history, they are also known as the emblem of the Napoleonic dynasty.

Dried pansy flowers are often used in medical treatment as they contain a lot of salicylic acid.

Botanists call viola tricolor violet. And natives of the people - pansies. A long time ago, this humble miniature plant was nicknamed the flower of the Holy Trinity. In general, as soon as the viola was not called! But they did not stop growing in city flower beds and summer cottages. Let's see how whimsical this “Turgenev young lady” is and whether she is as capricious as her “grandmother” violet.

Botanical description

Viola belongs to the Violet family and is most common in the European part of our continent.

  1. root system. Thin and petite. The root enters the soil perpendicular to the horizon line.
  2. Stem. Branched, has three edges. It can be either completely naked or covered with small hairs around the entire perimeter. The stem is empty inside. Its height usually ranges from 10 cm to 30 cm. In rare cases, the length of the stem reaches 45 cm. In most cases, the stem branches: additional stems are mated with it - looking up or creeping along the ground.
  3. Leaves. Another type, petiolate. The lower leaves have a longer petiole, while the upper leaves have a shorter one.
  4. Flower. Frondose simple brush - this is the scientific name for the type of pansy inflorescence. The corolla consists of five free petals. A pair of middle petals and in shape and color echoes a pair of upper petals. Sometimes the middle petals are light, in contrast to the dark upper ones. The fifth petal is always different in color and location.
  5. Fetus. Single-nest box of greenish color, the length of which does not exceed 1 cm.
Viola has many folk names. The most common are brother-and-sister, moths, semi-flowers and field brothers.

Species and varieties

There are quite a few types and varieties of viola. But four items from this long list stand out. These are varieties that are most often found in domestic dachas and household plots. Let's talk about them.

  1. Tricolor. The height of the plant varies from 10 cm to 20 cm. The flowers are quite large, the diameter of some of them reaches 8 cm. The petals combine three colors. The tops tend to have a purplish-violet hue, the middle ones are slightly lighter than the tops, and the bottom is a sunny color. The flowering period in the flower bed is from mid-spring to mid-autumn. In nature, this species prefers to “live” in the southern regions of our country.
  2. Wittrock. This species combines numerous varieties of pansies, which breeders bred by combining Altai and tricolor violets. The flowers of Wittrock's viola are solitary and very large, compared to the "sisters" - up to 10 cm in diameter. The bush can reach a height of 30 cm. A biennial plant involved in the creation of mixborders.
  3. Altai. Viola, growing to a height of 20 cm. Flowers of a blue-violet hue interspersed with white, blue and yellow. The flowering period occurs twice per season. The Altai viola has perfectly adapted to the weather conditions of the middle zone, and therefore pleases with its beauties until the very frost.
  4. Yellow. The species that is the most unpretentious of the listed. The height of the stem does not exceed 15 cm. The flowers are bright yellow, inside the color of the petals forms a deep dark spot. The flowering period of yellow viola begins in May and ends by July.
Viola first came to the attention of breeders in 1683. This year is the first mention of the cultivation of violet hybrids.

Chemical composition Violets tricolor

Violet contains glycoside, viola quercetin and anthocyanin glycosides - delphinicin, peonicin, violanin; essential oils, carotenoids, violaxanthin; vitamin C, emetine, saponin, tannin, polysaccharides.

Healing properties Violets tricolor

Thanks to this rich content of productive elements, tricolor violet is endowed with inflammation-reducing properties. This is due to the content of biological essential oil and mucous substances in the foliage and stems of the flower, which have an antiseptic effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal organs. Thanks to them, the secretion of the pulmonary tract increases and the excretion of sputum is facilitated. The saponins found in the plant have a bronchodilator and diuretic effect.

When using violet preparations, in addition to relieving inflammation, one can observe an antispasmodic effect and an outflow of bile.


Bratchikov, from time immemorial, was respected as a miraculous and medicinal culture. The ancient Greeks insisted on violet wine, such a drink adds elation, courage and protects from evil. Slavic healers have long recommended drinking tea from dried flowers of the culture to relieve pain in the heart. Brothers gathered in the field will dull toothache, ease the flow of scrofula, cough, and restrain the growth of hernias and other diseases. Most of all, violet saves children from colds, coughs, and allergic inflammations.

As a medicine, the brothers are used both independently and in the composition of herbal preparations.

To get rid of cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, the culture is combined with hop cones and lingonberry leaves.

For the treatment of non-healing eczema and psoriasis - it is mixed with yarrow, fume, nightshade, wild rosemary and hoof.

To cure scrofula and diathesis, flowers are mixed with string, chamomile and nightshade. This collection was called Averin tea.

Spots and pimples are treated with fresh juice for impetigo, herpes, purulent pimples, ulcers in the oral cavity and genitals.

Violet tea stimulates the kidneys, it causes additional sweating and cleanses the blood, it is drunk for rheumatism, rickets, gout, arthritis, rheumatism.

Herbal tincture effectively fights a cold cough. This product behaved best in the treatment of children's coughs and colds.

An herb infused with a 9% acetic solution will relieve a disgusting headache - a migraine.

Tea from brothers in the people purify the blood in case of venereal infections. After taking this tea, the urine acquires a peculiar aroma.

In cosmetology

The presence of astringent and anti-inflammatory components allows, with success, the use of this herb by cosmetologists. It is good as balms and compresses for the treatment of seborrhea on the face and hair, purulent acne on the skin.

To obtain a medicine, the grass of the brothers is mixed with vegetable oil, obtaining violet oil, and problem areas are treated with it. Washed hair, it will be very useful to rinse with a decoction of this herb, mixed with nettle, burdock or string.

Such oil will soften the flabby skin of the face and have a rejuvenating effect.

Violet harvesting

When collecting violet raw materials, it is important not to confuse the field and tricolor violets, the field view has a slightly different composition. Harvest when it blooms. All parts of the plant are suitable for cutting. It is scattered in one tier and dried in the fresh air or in a room with free air access. The raw material smells barely, characteristically, the taste is slightly sweet with a feeling of viscosity. Dried grass must be stored in a closed glass container. If it is not possible to collect the violet yourself, you can buy it at a pharmacy.

Interesting facts about tricolor violet

In ancient Rus', brothers were a symbol of moderation and morality.

The violet was the embodiment of happiness for Josephine Beauharnais, the adored wife of Napoleon. Lovely flowers were constant companions of this couple's love story. They were nearby during the meeting of Josephine and Napoleon and decorated their wedding tent. Every anniversary, Josephine found a small bunch of violets on her dressing table - a symbol of her husband's devotion and adoration. After the death of Napoleon, two violets lay in his medallion next to the curl of his son.

According to old English signs, if you collect violets on a sunny day, then a thunderstorm will soon gather.

French and Polish youths present these flowers when they part.

In ancient Greece, violet was a symbol of sadness, but at the same time, according to another tradition, a violet wreath was put on a child's head on his fourteenth birthday, thus saying goodbye to childhood.

legends about brothers

According to one of the legends, after a long wait, the faithful girl Anyuta turned into a violet, escorting her fiancé to the war, which she did not wait for.

The legend of the East says that Adam's tears turned into pansies when the archangel Gabriel informed him that the Lord had forgiven his sins.

According to another legend, Apollo molested a girl whom Zeus saved by turning into a beautiful violet. So she would have grown in heaven, far from the eyes of mortals, but the goddess Persephone, who was in heaven, abducted by King Hades, dropped the bouquet, and it fell to the ground.

In ancient Rome, the tricolor violet was considered the flower of Jupiter. They had their own history of the origin of the flower. One sunny day, Venus was washing her body in a crevice, and, turning around, she noticed that a pair of shepherdesses were watching her from behind a rock. Angered, she demanded death from Jupiter for overly inquisitive boys. But Jupiter considered this too severe a punishment, and limited himself to turning the young men into big-eyed flowers, on which the surprise of the young tomboys froze.