Amanda Kearney as a child. Model Amanda Lepore: biography, life before and after surgery

Amanda Lepore is one of the brightest and most unusual characters in modern show business. She gained her popularity due to her shocking, dramatic transformation and musical activity. We will try to tell about the brightest moments of a woman's life in our article.


Amanda Lepore, whose photo can be seen in the article, was a guy in the past. The boy's father worked as a chemical engineer, and the only thing known about his mother is that the woman was constantly being treated for schizophrenia. The future "transsexual" was born in the town of Gedar Grove, New Jersey.

Already at school, the boy began to feel disgust for his appearance. He liked to dress like a girl more and more. One fine morning, as a 12-year-old boy, he came to school in a woman's attire. Management educational institution reacted categorically and forbade him to come in this form.

It should be noted that the boy's relationship with his peers also did not develop. Because of his love for women's things, the guy was repeatedly ridiculed by his classmates. There was no handshake either. It is worth paying attention to the behavior of the employees of this school. As the freak diva herself said, she often had to fight off local boys, and the teachers did not react to this in any way, considering the behavior of the future Amanda obscene.

In this situation, the parents preferred to hire a teacher at home.


At the age of 15, Amanda Lepore began tailoring and designing costumes for local nightclub dancers. For such a love for transsexuals, she received hormonal drugs in gratitude.

Taking them regularly, the boy began to look more and more like a girl. The boy's teacher advised his parents to hire a psychiatrist.

Title "transgender"

Parents listened to the mentor and hired a specialist. The psychiatrist recognized the boy as a transgender and helped in obtaining legal hormonal drugs. Amanda Lepore (the photo in childhood is noticeably different from modern ones) began visiting a plastic surgeon at the age of 15.

A year later, the teenager already had a boyfriend who gave him money for his first nose job.

Long way to... a woman

When a guy turns 17, he decides to change sex. This is followed by numerous operations, including pumping lips, buttocks, breasts and thighs with silicone, correcting the shape of the forehead, cheeks, etc.

In an interview with one of the magazines, Lepore reports that she spent a huge amount of money on her transformation.

"Night Diva"

Turning into a woman, Amanda Lepore began working as a salesperson in a beauty salon. At the same time, the girl actively joined in. Daily visits to clubs became her main entertainment. Now the girl was recognized at every party.

Since then, Amanda has been invited to all secular parties. The girl's dream finally came true - she spun in the world of "non-traditional" show business.


Having left for New York, Amanda Lepore (a significant difference is visible before and after the operation) became a model. She has worked with Mego Jeans, Swatch, The Blonds, etc. At the moment, the freak diva represents the Classic Entertainment Group and is actively working with David LaChapelle's.

Despite a successful career, Amanda is actively poured with mud, considering the girl to be rather frivolous. To all the insults addressed to her, the model says that she has always been different from everyone else, so she has developed the habit of fighting since childhood.

To date, Amanda is actively engaged in design activities. She is the owner of Heatherette. It should be noted that her clothes were chosen more than once at Fashion Week.

As far as her nightlife goes, Amanda Lepore is a real twisted fantasy. She is the lady of the nightlife among gays, transsexuals and other non-traditional cultures. At the moment, not a single party dedicated to events that are incomprehensible to a normal person passes without her participation.

Musical career

In addition to modeling, Amanda Lepore has a musical career. She recorded several albums and released a dozen video clips. Fans of the "silicone girl" like her work, because in her video works she willingly poses topless.

Personal life

Unfortunately, Amanda Lepore, whose photos are distinguished by their expressiveness, was never able to build a strong relationship. In her entire life, the girl only once married a plastic surgeon. It was he who gave her the first plastic surgery. As Amanda herself said, her husband did not let her breathe calmly - he was jealous of everyone. Her husband's behavior infuriated her. Every day she dreamed of a dream to save up money and get away from a despotic man. After a while, her dream comes true. Amanda Lepore is heading for New York.

Luckily, the girl is successful. Success and fame become the main component of her life, despite the fact that she did not put much effort into it. She was just being herself. A huge number of acquaintances with celebrities, an unlimited number of fans, crazy fees - this is all that this woman has achieved, stubbornly following her goal.


Amanda Lepore (photo before attached in our article) demonstrates her appearance to the whole world and is not shy about it. She encourages her fans not to be ashamed of their thoughts and desires. Freak diva says: "The main thing is to love yourself and not pay attention to others." Well, everyone has the right to their opinion, and we will observe further events in the life of this woman.

Amanda Lepore is the star diva of all transsexuals on the planet. Her path to scandalous fame was long and thorny. Her body is now called the most expensive in the world. How Amanda Lepore gained worldwide popularity, and what it cost her, you will find out right now.

Childhood years of the future star

Amanda Lepore as a child was the most ordinary boy named Armand. Later, she admits that she always considered herself a girl, and did not understand why men's clothes were diligently pulled over her. In a family where the mother was schizophrenic, there was no one to delve into the moral state of the son. After all, the father always worked, providing for the family. Trying to somehow apologize for the abnormal mother, he allowed his son to buy dolls for himself. The father believed that the child simply lacked maternal care. He thought so until the boy was 11, because it was at this age that Arman announced that he wanted to change sex.

It was like a bolt from the blue, like a shame covering ordinary family. “The son will be a homosexual,” the father was firmly convinced, and, waving his hand, decided to send the child to study as a stylist. Armand had to finish school, and that was the worst thing. Still considered his tinted face a consequence of the passion for rock and roll. But he was beaten and ridiculed for his feminine appearance and mannerisms.

The beginning of the war with nature

Amanda Lepore in her youth, while continuing to physically remain a boy, went to college. She liked to apply makeup to herself, and not to someone else. Then, at the age of 16, the future star began to sew costumes for strippers to order. These millimeter-sized pieces of fabric, sheathed with beads and rhinestones, can hardly be called costumes. I took hormonal drugs as payment. I drank as many of them as possible. Breasts began to grow. “Miss” Lepore dressed up in baggy clothes so as not to show changes in her body. But when her mother saw her after her shower and asked what it was, she said, “I don't know. They just grew up." Amanda Lepore had a boyfriend of a plastic surgeon who did not leave her, even when he found out that she was a man. From that moment, the epic of Arman's war with his male body began.

How Amanda Lepore changed after operations

In her youth, Amanda wanted to get rid of the hated body of Armand. The process of transformation took place in several stages.

  • The first operation was, oddly enough, rhinoplasty. Made her boyfriend part-time also a plastic surgeon. Amanda Lepore, after operations on her nose, decided that she was knee-deep in the sea and needed to move on.
  • Sex change. Amanda Lepore - a man decided to change sex at the age of 17. Her parents were against it, and she was adopted by her boyfriend's father to get away from the need for their permission. So, after getting rid of all the male organs, the real Amanda Lepore was born.
  • Breast augmentation. Amanda Lepore drank hormones before and after sex reassignment surgery. They contributed to the appearance of breasts, but the newly-minted woman wanted to be like a movie star. Therefore, breast augmentation to the desired size took place in three stages. Not every woman from birth can boast of such voluminous breasts.

  • Blepharoplasty. For uninitiated people, this is a correction of the shape of the eyes. Her transgender did twice, wanting to achieve the look.
  • Rib removal. Amanda Lepore had surgery to remove her lower ribs to achieve a slim waist. “I think Raquel Welch and Cher also had this operation. It is illegal in the US, so I had the operation in Mexico,” says the diva.

  • Augmentation of the hips and buttocks. Amanda Lepore was a man before the sex change, so her buttocks and hips were flat. I had to furiously pump them up with silicone. Yes, not just like that, but so that in a stellar way. The desired roundness brought her even closer to the cherished image.

  • Lip augmentation. The huge mouth of the current trans diva did not appear immediately. There were three operations to pump it up. And that's just official version. At the moment, Amanda is significantly pumped. They just can't close due to the amount of silicone inside.

  • Elevation of the hairline. To gain a high thoroughbred forehead, the woman had to artificially raise the hairline. The surgeons coped with the task, and now photos of Amanda Lepore show a beautiful profile.
  • Forehead alignment. Amanda Lepore achieved the desired effect after her forehead smoothing operations. The services of plastic surgeons were paid for by a loving boyfriend.

There was not the slightest unoperated place left on her body. How much this fabulous transformation cost her boyfriend remains a mystery, but Amanda Lepore herself, smiling mysteriously with her fish mouth, says that the amount is fabulous.

Life of Amanda Lepore after operations

A woman ran away from her jealous husband to New York. A. Lepore after operations had an appetizing skillfully sewn body. Working as a manicurist, she got an innocent part-time job in a BDSM club. With huge lips, breasts and buttocks, she perfectly fit into the image of the "mistress". She beat clients well, working off her salary. It seemed that her life would continue to consist of nail polishes and whips, but a fateful meeting took place.

Finest hour of trance Lepore

Amanda Lepore meets photographer David LaChapelle at a party. The woman became his muse, and the photo of Amanda Lepore brought star popularity to the woman. Now she is the most awaited guest at any party. After meeting a photographer, new fashion model Amanda appears as the face of advertising for M.A.C., Heatherette, Swatch, Mego Jeans, CAMP Cosmetics and many other companies.

In addition, Amanda Lepore continues her career in the fashion industry after operations. A bottle of her perfume, for example, costs up to $1,000.

46-year-old model, designer and party girl Amanda Lepore says she is very happy. And not from the fact that she is world famous and rich, but from the fact that she has such a body that she so dreamed about in childhood. It was for the sake of this dream that she spent half of her life under the scalpel of plastic surgeons.

Video: Amanda Lepore performs at a Milan nightclub

Amanda Lepore or the "Marilyn Monroe" of New York transsexuals has not always been a bright blonde and the main freak diva of fashion clubs.

Amanda's transformation began with a sex change. At the age of 11, a boy named Armand Leport realized that he wanted to be a girl, and with all his perseverance throughout his school years, he proved his conviction in this. After the teenager was diagnosed with transsexualism, Arman began taking hormonal drugs, which began to prepare his body for a series of sex reassignment surgeries.

Growing up, Armand began dating a plastic surgeon, who performed his first plastic surgery - rhinoplasty. At the age of 17, Armand underwent a sex change operation, and he changed his name, becoming Amanda Lepore. Having married a plastic surgeon, who opened her way to plastic surgery, Amanda became a housewife, and was very limited in her social status. Her husband was very jealous and forbade her to work. A little later, in her interview, Amanda told how difficult it was for her family life:

"I spent five years in this house and I couldn't take it anymore. All I wanted was to have some small job in the cosmetics department in a supermarket, for which I would have to get out of the house. But my husband would not allow me and that, and I began to despise him.I met a singer at the plastic surgery clinic, and he constantly called me to his shows in New York.When I told him why I couldn’t do this, he couldn’t believe me.He seemed to "monstrous. He just said that when I want to leave my husband, I can stay with him. After that, I became obsessed with this idea and dreamed of moving to New York."

By the time she broke off relations with her husband, the girl changed her breast size three times with the help of breast arthroplasty with silicone implants. In order for the shape of the girl to become lush and seductive, an operation was performed to correct the shape and size of the buttocks - gluteoplasty. In addition, Amanda decided to have an operation to remove the ribs, which was carried out in Mexico, since according to the laws in the United States, this type of plastic surgery turned out to be prohibited outside. Rib removal Amanda commented as follows:

"I think Raquel Welch and Cher did the surgery too. It's illegal in the US, so I had the surgery in Mexico."

To get closer to the coveted image of Marilyn Monroe, Amanda changed the shape of her eyes twice with blepharoplasty, and also corrected the shape and volume of her lips with fillers. The girl was so carried away by the improvement of her lips that after a large number of fillers introduced, her mouth stopped closing.

Among other things, Amanda several times corrected the shape of her forehead with the help of front-lifting and feminization of the hairline after a sex change. These manipulations were carried out in order to make the forehead higher, open and "thoroughbred", according to the girl. The scale of the manipulations carried out by cosmetologists in pursuit of Amanda's Hollywood appearance is difficult to assess.

Such a number of plastic surgeries turned Amanda Lepore into a caricature character, given that at some point the girl claimed a fairly successful career as a transgender model.

It is noteworthy that all the girl's plastic surgeries were paid for by her boyfriend, who spent a fabulous amount of money on the image of the freak diva.

Plastic surgery is a very dangerous occupation, many women and men disfigure their faces. This happens if you go to the wrong doctor or do too many surgeries. In the photo in this article you can see what your face can turn into if you don’t you will approach this issue wisely. It is very difficult for many to decide on an operation, but some girls go to a plastic surgeon like shopping in a store. Therefore, before you decide on an operation, think carefully ... Is it worth it?

1.Amanda Lepore

Her path to scandalous fame was long and thorny. Her body is now called the most expensive in the world. Plastic surgery consists of many stages, each of which can be both scary and painful. Amanda Lepore talked about how painful her operations were, but with her original appearance, there was no point in doing everything she did - including breaking her ribs to look thinner. Amanda Lepore was the most ordinary boy in her childhood named Arman. Later, she admits that she always considered herself a girl, and did not understand why men's clothes were diligently pulled over her. In a family where the mother was schizophrenic, there was no one to delve into the moral state of the son. After all, the father always worked, providing for the family. Trying to somehow apologize for the abnormal mother, he allowed his son to buy dolls for himself. The father believed that the child simply lacked maternal care. He thought so until the boy was 11, because it was at this age that Arman announced that he wanted to change sex. Amanda Lepore had surgery to remove her lower ribs to achieve a slim waist.

Augmentation of the hips and buttocks. Amanda Lepore was a man before the sex change, so her buttocks and hips were flat. I had to furiously pump them up with silicone.

2. Donatella Versace

Donatella Versace was once a very beautiful woman. However, she is now a walking example that being overweight in anything can end badly for you. And because of the large number of plastic surgeries and excessive tanning, the once-beautiful lady looks like a sun-dried fruit. But at the same time, Donatella herself believes that she looks great, takes care of herself, her skin and hair.

3.Michaela Romanini

Botox and lip injections are considered lunchtime surgeries, as they can take no more than half an hour. In fact, Botox is a toxin that smoothes wrinkles but paralyzes the muscles in your face. Michaela Romanini got herself a lot of Botox injections that straightened out her wrinkles, but then immediately went to sunbathe, which gave her even more wrinkles. She herself admitted that she was addicted to plastic surgery, and as a result, from one of the most charming socialites Europe, it has become something unrecognizable.

She's had over a hundred injections that make her lips look like they've been stung by a swarm of bees. But at the same time, unlike many people who have undergone unsuccessful plastic surgery, Christina does not regret what happened - apparently, the operations were successful for her, and this is exactly the look she aspired to.

5.Jacqueline Stallone

Mother of famous actor Sylvester Stallone. Jacqueline, aged 93, deeply regrets having decided to get so many plastic surgeries - she admits that she has had many injections of Juvederma, a Botox analogue used mainly for the cheeks. And now she herself says that she looks like a chipmunk stuffing her mouth with nuts.

6. Nikki Cox

This case does not look as bad as all the following examples, but if you compare the photos before and after, you can see a huge difference. Nikki Cox definitely picked the wrong doctor as she went from supermodel to living mannequin. That is why Botox injections are a very dangerous path in which either everything goes well, or a similar result is obtained.

Amanda Lepore - the most famous non-standard personality in the whole world. The girl is the owner of the most expensive body in the world. Her scandalous path to fame was really difficult, because Amanda was not always a girl, but achieved this through numerous operations and an unlimited desire to fulfill her dream.

Childhood and youth

Amanda Lepore was born in December 1967 in the family of a housewife and an engineer. As a child, Amanda was an ordinary boy and bore the name Armand. The circumstances in the family were not the most rosy, Arman's mother fell ill with schizophrenia, and his father had to bear the hardships of arranging life himself. He often stayed at work, and his mother, being sick, could not pay due attention to her son. Trying to compensate for the lack of motherly love, the father allowed the young boy to be interested not in toys for boys, but in dolls. Armand was interested in fashion and playing with the girls from the class, until at the age of 11 he revealed himself to the public in a completely different way.

The boy felt that he was no longer able to stay in his body and continue playing boy. Then he went to school in a woman's outfit. This came as a huge shock to teachers and parents. Classmates immediately began to insult and humiliate Arman. The father, out of grief, could not find a place for himself, but, waving his hand, accepted the situation as it was. He decided to send his son to study as a stylist, but before that the boy had to finish school. This time became the most nightmarish in his life. Classmates humiliated and beat Arman in every possible way, but the teachers did not understand why the student went to class wearing makeup. The whole school made fun of his feminine manners and openly condemned him.


Even after the whole truth about the boy was revealed, Amanda Lepore in childhood, she remained in the physical body of the guy. She studied in college as a stylist and loved makeup and dressing up. She was very attracted to the style, and already at the age of 16 she began to sew costumes for dancers in a local club. Since the main customers were representatives of frank dances, the girl mainly sheathed small pieces of fabric with rhinestones and beads. She was madly in love with her work, which allowed her to discover more and more talents and earn good money.

For the proceeds Amanda

Lepore purchased hormonal drugs and drank them in large quantities to quickly change your body. After some time, Amanda's breasts begin to grow. She tries her best to hide this fact from her parents and the public. For everyone at the time, it seemed completely absurd. One day, Amanda draws attention to one of the shows where they discuss gender reassignment. Then a spark of hope arises in the soul of a young guy that he can get rid of the hated body through a complete transformation. Starting a relationship with a plastic surgeon, Armand began to slowly transform into Amanda.

Rhinoplasty and lip augmentation

Oddly enough, the first trial operation in the life of a guy was rhinoplasty. Amanda Lepore before the operation, she had a pronounced male nose, which did not allow her to truly feel feminine and sophisticated. Her boyfriend tried to make every effort to fulfill the desire of his beloved.

After rhinoplasty, Amanda finally felt her abilities, and did not stop at improvements. She enlarged her lips to an incredible size. After going through three complex operations, the girl pumped them so much that she could not close her mouth.

sex change

Already at the age of 17, all Amanda's cherished dreams began to come true. The girl began to prepare for the most important reincarnation in her life. There was only one step left for the dream to come true - this was the permission of the parents to carry out such a large-scale operation. But my parents were categorically against it. They could not even imagine that it could go to such extremes.

After much persuasion, Amanda realized that she would never receive the coveted permission, and asked her boyfriend's father to adopt her. He readily agreed, and the operation was successfully carried out. After getting rid of the male organs, Armand turned into a real Amanda. And nothing could stop her from achieving her goals. Amanda

Lepore before and after plastic surgery, she regularly drank hormonal drugs, but the girl’s breasts were far from perfect, and she decided to enlarge them.


Photos film stars gave Amanda no rest. After all, the guy who dreamed of becoming a woman always wanted to be the perfect female representative. This means that the chest of the newly-made beauty should be on top. Hormonal drugs could not give the girl the size she dreamed of, so Amanda Lepore without hesitation, she lay down under the knife of an already familiar surgeon.

The breast augmentation operation took place in three stages. But the girl was ready for anything, just to become what she saw herself from childhood. Beauty requires sacrifice, and very soon Amanda showed off new volumes that every girl cannot boast of. But Amanda could not stop there either, she found more and more flaws in her body. The desire to be perfect pushed the girl to even greater changes.

Blephoplasty, hip augmentation, rib removal

Amanda Lepore decided to correct the incision of the eyes. There were several such operations in the girl's life. Being a big fan Merlin Monroe, Amanda tried to get as close as possible to the perfection of the popular diva. This was followed by an increase in the hips and buttocks. Because of her male body, even after the sex change, the girl had unexpressed hips and buttocks, so Lepore I easily filled them with silicone to get closer to the image of a real star. But even this was not enough, the girl's waist was also far from ideal. So Amanda deleted herself lower ribs . In the US, such an operation was illegal, so the girl, having packed her bags, went to Mexico for a new waist.

Alignment of the hairline and forehead

Amanda Lepore in my youth dreamed of getting female body but she didn't think things could go that far. The desire to achieve perfection in everything just took over. Now the girl was not satisfied with the forehead and hairline. With the help of surgical intervention, the woman's growth line was artificially raised, making her forehead visually larger, and then leveled it. After all the operations performed, the girl became so proportional that it was impossible to find fault with her body. It is still unknown how much this reincarnation cost her husband.

Life after reincarnation

After all the operations performed, the girl simply became unrecognizable, but the jealous husband did not even let the newly-made beauty go for a walk. He preferred to see her at home, as a beautiful exhibit, which he himself created. Without thinking twice, Amanda Lepore runs away from him to New York and gets a job as a manicurist in one of the salons, at the same time earns money in a BDSM nightclub. Life seems measured and normal until she meets famous photographer David at one of the parties. LaChapelle . She becomes a real muse of his creative activity and, thanks to photographs, gains real popularity.

She is invited by all the famous publications, as well as advertisers of the most

branded novelties of cosmetics and clothing. Amanda Lepore , whose biography is filled with amazing changes, becomes a frequent participant in secular parties. She starts releasing her line of expensive perfumes and becomes a real role model for all transgender people in the world. Today, this amazing woman admits that she is infinitely happy, and this is not related to financial well-being, she has found what she has dreamed of since childhood - the body of an ideal woman.