YouTube what happened to Navalny after Ulyukaev’s arrest. Light Alexei Navalny: Putin is afraid of betrayal by his own elites

According to Navalny, the detention of Ulyukaev is a signal to the rest of the elite

Russian oppositionist Alexei Navalny believes that the case launched against the head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Ulyukaev is much smaller than it could be in the case of a real investigation into his corruption activities

According to him, the Anti-Corruption Foundation discovered the offshore companies of the detained minister two years ago, but postponed the results of its investigation.

“Ulyukaev’s stupid arrest disrupted our investigation about him. True, we ourselves are to blame - we found his offshore two years ago, but shelved it,” said the founder of FBK.

At the same time, speaking about the reasons that prompted the Kremlin to take on a member of the government, Navalny said that this was just a signal to the rest of the elite.

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“The real reason for the detention, in my opinion, is simply a planned nightmare of the elites. The elites fear and hate Putin. He fears their betrayal, so he does what all authoritarian leaders do in such cases: from Stalin to the leader of the Tumbo-Yumbo tribe. Periodically represses some unexpected character, so that the rest would be afraid, talk less and snitch on each other more actively,” he believes.

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As the oppositionist explained, Ulyukavev did not belong to the “inner circle,” which is why he became a suitable candidate for exemplary punishment.

“The whole government consists of crooks, anyone can be imprisoned. There is a crook’s inner circle, and there is a distant one. Ulyukaev is from the distant one, like the rest of the “detained corrupt officials”, the risk is higher there. Well, it’s clear that when someone gets a black mark, "It's beneficial to someone else. In this case, probably Sechin. Well, not Sechin, but Figechin, what difference does it make: toads and vipers," he concluded.

Let us recall that it was previously reported that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Investigators believe that Ulyukaev received a bribe of two million dollars on November 14 so that Rosneft could negotiate a deal to purchase a stake in Bashneft.

The stupid arrest of Ulyukaev disrupted our investigation into him. True, it’s our own fault - we found his offshore two years ago, but shelved it.

I have no doubt that Ulyukaev is a swindler:

1. Here are the documents for his Cypriot offshore, which we found a long time ago. Formally, it belongs to Ulyukaev-papa, but if Alexey Ulyukaev himself is now 60, then his dad is definitely over 80. I strongly doubt that he is running some kind of business and for this he needs a Cypriot company.

The offshore company was registered on May 19, 2011, that is, when Ulyukaev was the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank, it was an active company.

We did not find what was registered in her name, but we assume that in this way Ulyukaev hid foreign real estate from declaration.

Now it’s not so interesting to do this - Ulyukaev will cease to be an official - maybe some journalists will dig into it.

2. Income.

In 2015, he had 60 million and his wife 15. This is four times more than the salary of the US President. It is clear that this is the same “business” as that of Volodin, Surkov and all other government officials - simply the legalization of corrupt income.

This is a special investigator (brought from Volgograd) who is used in political matters, when you need to invent everything. Forgery specialist.

This all looks like a bad joke, and not a single word of the investigators/operatives can be trusted. Which in no way excludes the first part of my post.

The real reason for the detention, in my opinion, is simply a planned nightmare of the elites. The elites fear and hate Putin. He fears their betrayal, so he does what all authoritarian leaders do in such cases: from Stalin to the leader of the Tumbo-Yumbo tribe. Periodically represses some unexpected character, so that the rest are afraid, talk less and snitch on each other more actively. Either Gaizer, then Belykh, then Ulyukaev.

The entire government consists of swindlers; anyone can be imprisoned. There is a crook's inner circle, and there is a distant one. Ulyukaev is from further away, like the rest of the “detained corrupt officials”, the risk is higher there. Well, it’s clear that when someone gets a black mark, it’s beneficial to someone else. In this case, probably Sechin. Well, not Sechin, but Figechin, what difference does it make: toads and vipers.

Navalny on the arrest of Ulyukaev: a planned nightmare of the elites November 15th, 2016

The stupid arrest of Ulyukaev disrupted our investigation into him. True, it’s our own fault - we found his offshore two years ago, but shelved it.

I have no doubt that Ulyukaev is a swindler:

1. Here are the documents for his Cypriot offshore, which we found a long time ago. Formally, it belongs to Ulyukaev-papa, but if Alexey Ulyukaev himself is now 60, then his dad is definitely over 80. I strongly doubt that he is running some kind of business and for this he needs a Cypriot company.

The offshore company was registered on May 19, 2011, that is, when Ulyukaev was the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank, it was an active company.

We did not find what was registered in her name, but we assume that in this way Ulyukaev hid foreign real estate from declaration.

Now it’s not so interesting to do this - Ulyukaev will cease to be an official - maybe some journalists will dig into it.

2. Income.

In 2015, he had 60 million and his wife 15. This is four times more than the salary of the US President. It is clear that this is the same “business” as that of Volodin, Surkov and all other government officials - simply the legalization of corrupt income.

This is a special investigator (brought from Volgograd) who is used in political matters, when you need to invent everything. Forgery specialist.

This all looks like a bad joke, and not a single word of the investigators/operatives can be trusted. Which in no way excludes the first part of my post.

The real reason for the detention, in my opinion, is simply a planned nightmare of the elites. The elites fear and hate Putin. He fears their betrayal, so he does what all authoritarian leaders do in such cases: from Stalin to the leader of the Tumbo-Yumbo tribe. Periodically represses some unexpected character, so that the rest are afraid, talk less and snitch on each other more actively. Either Geyser, then Belykh, then Ulyukaev.

The entire government consists of swindlers; anyone can be imprisoned. There is a crook's inner circle, and there is a distant one. Ulyukaev is from further away, like the rest of the “detained corrupt officials”, the risk is higher there. Well, it’s clear that when someone gets a black mark, it’s beneficial to someone else. In this case, probably Sechin. Well, not Sechin, but Figechin, what difference does it make: toads and vipers.