Why do you dream about steps? Going down the stairs interpretation of the dream book

You should not ignore the dream in which you saw steps. The dream book claims that this is an extremely important symbol. For example, going up in a dream is a good sign, going lower is a bad sign. You can more accurately determine what such a vision means in a dream by remembering all the details of the dream.

Go down the stairs

The dream book of the medium Hasse is sure that going down the steps of the stairs in night dreams means a difficult task. Having a dream is a sign that nothing will come to you without effort. To achieve the desired result, you will have to spend enormous amounts of effort. Moreover, the more steps you dream about, the more work will need to be spent.

The Wanderer's Dream Book warns that what he sees may predict a significant decline in business. The interpretation promises serious and minor losses, problems, and disappointments.

Veles explains this dream a little differently. The soothsayer is sure that going down the wooden stairs means humiliation. People from whom you did not expect judgment or any trick will suddenly cause you quite severe pain. Do not stoop to a similar “blow” in response. It is better to behave with dignity even in such a difficult situation, so that later there is no need to apologize for your actions and be ashamed of them.

Climb up the stairs

Seeing yourself walking up the steps in a dream is a positive symbol. New creative achievements, victories, and awards await you in real life. If you are not connected with creativity, then luck will accompany you in other important areas of life: career, personal life. Aesop's Dream Book warns that when joyfully accepting the gifts of fortune, remember that luck is a temporary phenomenon. If you dream about this, then prepare in advance for difficult times.

If you dreamed that you were walking up very slippery wooden steps and constantly tripping, then the path to such long-awaited happiness and public recognition will not be easy. We have to overcome a series of failures. Only by successfully overcoming all adversity and without retreating from the intended goal will you be able to win.

Other interpretations

Running down slippery steps in a dream and not moving at the same time means idle time in business. If you dream about this, then most likely you have stopped developing and are suffering from temporary downtime. The modern dream book recommends changing a passive line of behavior to an active one and taking the initiative yourself.

Did you dream that they were sweeping the steps? Get ready to experience a lot of mental doubts in reality. Washing steps in a dream means cleansing the soul. All anxieties, worries and fears will finally go away and you will feel light and renewed.

Seeing yourself in the role of a builder in a dream means in reality being ready for hard and very long work. The Dream Book of the Seasons promises productive work. The forces expended not in a dream, but in reality, will yield the desired results. Especially if you dreamed that the structure was completed.

Why do you dream of going up the stairs? Climbing stairs is a very good symbol. It means that you are on the path of development, but the accompanying symbols will tell you how successful it is.

Climbing stairs is a very good symbol

Climbing a level staircase with railings indicates that you are faithfully following your destiny, and you will be successful in your endeavor. Is lifting happening in your home? Then you will build your career in your homeland, doing your usual thing. Does the lifting take place at school or another educational institution? To achieve success, you will need to acquire new knowledge and skills. Walking up the steps in a hospital? For sick people, such a dream guarantees healing or a significant improvement in well-being.

Sometimes climbing stairs in a dream takes place along a mountain, next to a cliff. Such a dream indicates that you have set very big goals for yourself. Deep down, you feel fear that you will not cope with the tasks assigned, or you feel a real threat. Carefully examine the steps: if they are strong and durable, then you have nothing to fear - you can confidently step forward, accomplishing your tasks. If you are attacked by an animal or person while climbing, expect obstacles; the negative interference of some people can stop you for a while. Does the wind lead you astray, or do other weather conditions interfere? It is not people, but external circumstances that will hinder you. If in a dream you paused your progress, then in real life you will soon pause. However, you will have to assess the situation yourself. Think about it, is the forced stop connected with a real threat, or is it just your fears that are stopping you?

Climbing a rope ladder means that your actions are driven by despair. You have a very strong desire to move forward, but specific steps have not yet been fully thought out, and goals have not been identified. You should carefully analyze what exactly you want, how you can achieve it, what you need to learn, what obstacles to remove on the way, etc. It is especially bad when in a dream, when climbing stairs, there are not enough steps or they are wobbly. You take a lot of risks by relying only on chance.

Climbing a rope ladder indicates that your actions are driven by despair

Sometimes a person dreams that when he completes his ascent, he finds himself in the same room from which he began the journey. And this can be repeated ad infinitum. Usually such a room has a very gloomy appearance. Such a dream suggests that you are in a gloomy, depressed state; someone (perhaps in the family or at work) is severely limiting your actions. You are trying with all your might to do everything right, but you are not achieving anything. Such a dream can occur to people who have become victims of circumstances. To get out of stress and achieve success, you should look for a completely different path. Forget about your previous behavior, take care of yourself, read more, expand your circle of contacts and interests. Soon fate will show you your destiny. Focus on it and move forward slowly but surely. If you have problems in your family, then such a dream suggests that you need to temporarily escape from existing conflicts. Your desire to resolve the situation leads to nothing. Take care of yourself, your health and finding peace in your soul. Love yourself and give love to the people you love. Over time, everything will get better, you will get out of the deadlock situation.

Why do you dream about stairs (video)

Steps in a dream

Seeing puddles and dirt on the steps you climb is a sign of gossip and intrigue that hinder your progress. Analyze your behavior - maybe you yourself provoke them? If not, then try to tell as little as possible to anyone about your plans, don’t trust everyone, become a “closed book” to others. Keep your plans in your head and don't tell anyone about them. People should see not your goals, but your results. However, you should also not provoke the envy of others. This will attract not only unwanted energy to you, but also the desire of others to profit at your expense. Stepping into the mud means ruining your reputation.

Do you see feces while climbing stairs? This is a positive sign that your actions will soon be rewarded financially. The more feces on the steps, the higher the income will be.

A broken staircase in a dream threatens to disrupt your plans. It is especially bad if in a dream you fell from it. In the near future, you may face bankruptcy or an unforeseen situation that will jeopardize the success of the entire event. A broken staircase may also indicate that the intended path of development is not yours. Think carefully, are you wasting your efforts on something you don’t really need? Perhaps your destiny lies in something else, and in order to find peace and happiness you must achieve something else? Try to take into account the desires of your heart when choosing goals, then you will definitely be successful!

Seeing puddles and dirt on the steps you climb - to gossip and intrigue that impede your progress

If the steps collapse under your feet, this may mean that in achieving your desired goals you are acting rudely and even sometimes treacherously. By destroying what you have achieved without achieving new results, you can lose everything.

The steps are very beautiful, decorated with expensive material - you will carry out all your plans with peace of mind and pleasure. The staircase is located in a picturesque place - your goals and aspirations will lead to the fulfillment of desires and dreams. Victory is near!

Climb to the end of the stairs

If you dreamed that you reached the very top of the stairs, then you definitely need to remember your feelings and the accompanying symbols. If you stand at the very top and admire the surrounding view, then your aspirations will bring you complete satisfaction.

If in a dream you started throwing stones or other objects down from a height, this may indicate that success and achieving the required level of power will spoil you. You run the risk of becoming a narcissistic egoist who puts others down and uses power and money to harm others.

If you see emptiness at the top, then achieving your goals will only bring relief, but will not give you the desired harmony. Most likely, you strive for something only because you have to, and not because you want something with all your heart.

If after rising you fall down, then expect significant losses. You will achieve what you want, but at the same time you will have to sacrifice something important. Taking off when falling is a good sign. You will be able to gather your strength in time and overcome all obstacles.

Is there another staircase ahead? Your journey is not over yet. New challenges await you ahead. Crawling to the top - you will have to make all your efforts or a lot of financial resources to get what you need.

The dreamer's appearance and accompanying signs

Climbing stairs barefoot is not a very good symbol. It indicates that your significant other will not support you on the path to achieving what you want. Either you are already single or you may soon lose your partner. Walking in beautiful, high-quality shoes means visiting a reliable companion. Walking in beautiful red shoes for a woman means meeting a passionate lover. Are your shoes scuffed and dirty? Due to your career growth, your personal relationship with your loved one may suffer greatly. Perhaps this will happen due to your inattention, constant lack of time. If you do not want this, then urgently take control of the situation. Did you change your shoes at the end of the journey? After achieving what you want, you will have a new lover or sweetheart. Maybe this is exactly what you are trying to achieve?

Walking up the stairs in good clothes means that you are thoroughly prepared to perform the necessary tasks. Is there a hat on your head? Over time, you will gain some power, for example, take a leadership position. The more firmly the headdress sits on you, the more stable the achieved position will be. An expensive, beautiful hat on you means rapid career growth.

If you dreamed that you were cold and were walking up the steps in shabby clothes, then expect a lot of financial and other difficulties. Walking in uncomfortable clothes means that you will constantly have to overcome your laziness and other negative aspects of your character.

Climbing up holding someone's hand means you will receive constant support along the entire path to success. This could be advice from friends, partners, relatives. You will never be alone. If you are walking up the stairs and people around you are pushing or trying to knock you down, then expect aggressive competition. Close people can also interfere with the implementation of your plans if your plans do not coincide with their goals. If someone is following you while you are climbing, know that you have an enemy who is trying his best to prevent you from getting what you want.

If someone is literally dragging you up by the hand, this means that in your environment there is a person who cares about you very much and who really wants to pull you to a new level of development. You probably don’t notice this or are not eager to make efforts to achieve success. If this is the case, then you should think about it, because at some point your loved one may not have enough strength or desire to pull you forward further, and he will go forward alone.

Climbing up the stairs and at the same time dragging someone behind you or carrying a load means that you have taken on a very heavy burden. Perhaps you have to provide for your entire family, or you try to help everyone at once. This situation can greatly undermine your health and desire to move forward. Try to distribute responsibilities at work and at home correctly, explain to others that you are very tired and cannot do everything yourself.

Stairs in a dream (video)

Interpretation, according to various dream books

Miller's dream book says that seeing steps up in a dream means moving upward; all your energy and abilities will help you take an advantageous position in society. Lifting a ladder with your hands means prosperity and boundless happiness. Falling down the steps is a sign of despair and useless efforts. Seeing a broken staircase means complete failure in all matters.

Escape from captivity using a ladder is a symbol that success awaits you in a risky business. Feeling dizzy when climbing the stairs is a symbol that you will not accept new honors calmly. The dreamer will really enjoy being capricious and giving orders as soon as he takes a new, higher position in society. Holding on to the railing means taking advantage of a desperate opportunity to hold on to your loved one.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, rising upward symbolizes the development of the mind and intuition. Going down after going up means knowing yourself, revealing the secrets of your soul. A special symbol in a dream is endless stairs. They mean the search for one’s place in this world, the uncertainty of life plans. Climbing the stairs is a sign of good luck and an improvement in one’s professional position.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, rising upward symbolizes the development of the mind and intuition

According to the Women's Dream Book, climbing the stairs for a woman symbolizes an attempt to arrange her personal life, for a child it symbolizes the desire to establish herself among her peers, for a man it symbolizes the desire for career growth. If you walk up the stairs in all your glory, then expect great success from the opposite sex.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, climbing stairs in a dream symbolizes spiritual improvement. You readily endure whatever life throws at you and learn its lessons correctly. If your significant other rises with you, it means that you are together on the path of self-improvement.

According to the Eastern dream interpreter, you dream of climbing a ladder to overcome problems. If the ladder is broken, then it is better to hide for a while and wait out the storm. The interpreter recommends refraining from decisive action for a month. Otherwise, you will only make the situation worse. A woman rising in front of you may indicate a rival for the woman. If she rises up, holding on to your spouse, then his departure from the family is likely.

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Why do you dream about steps?

Miller's Dream Book

If you climb stairs in a dream, it means good luck and great happiness await you.

If you fall down the stairs in a dream, it means that you will become the object of someone's envy and hatred.

Going down the stairs means failure in official affairs and unrequited love.

If you dream of a wide, beautiful staircase, it means wealth and honor await you.

If you see other people going down the stairs in a dream, it means that some troubles will soon darken your joy.

Sitting on the steps of a staircase in a dream is a sign of your gradual ascent to luck and the joys of life.

Why do you dream about steps?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Step - promotion.

There are steps, going up them is a lot of work; go down - a gradual decline in property; fall from the steps - losses in business; see - make a career; stand up - improve circumstances.

Why do you dream about steps?

Family dream book

If in a dream you climbed the steps, good luck and great happiness await you.

If you fell down the stairs, you will become the object of someone’s envy and hatred.

We went down the steps - failure in official affairs and unrequited love lay ahead.

If you saw someone else coming down - some troubles will darken your joy.

Sitting on the steps of the stairs - your rise to luck and the joys of life will be gradual.

A wide beautiful staircase - dreams of wealth and honor.

Why do you dream about steps?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Steps in a dream symbolize gradualness in the implementation of your plans.

If in a dream, while moving up the stairs, you noticed the steps - such a dream encourages you not to rush, but to move towards your goal step by step.

Broken or slippery steps warn that haste can only harm you.

Why do you dream about steps?

Spring dream book

Steps - there will be an opportunity to increase authority in the service.

Why do you dream about steps?

Summer dream book

Steps - to new creative achievements.

Why do you dream about steps?

Autumn dream book

Steps - there will be a meeting with an interesting person on the way to the house.

Why do you dream about steps?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Steps - Go up - a lot of work - go down - gradual decline in property - fall from the steps - losses in business - see - make a career - get up - improve circumstances

Why do you dream about steps?

Esoteric dream book

Openwork steps - there will be a lot of interesting things in your life.

Broken - minor obstacles that can be overcome.

Dropped out - overcoming difficult situations; if in a dream you crossed voids, you will overcome all obstacles in life; if you swerve or fall, this will happen in reality.

Why do you dream about steps?

Modern dream book

Steps, climbing - promotion and good luck; going down is humiliation.

If you dream that you are climbing stairs, in reality your anxiety will be replaced by pleasant prospects.

Going down the steps is a sign of possible failure.

Falling down the stairs is a harbinger that unforeseen troubles await you in commercial matters.

Why do you dream about steps?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

rise - promotion and success; to go down means damage and humiliation.

Why do you dream about steps?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What do Steps mean in a dream - You see in a dream wide steps covered with a carpet - you will be greeted and escorted everywhere with honor; your wealth will soon increase. It’s as if you are climbing steps - consider that it is you who are climbing to your happiness; Perhaps all that remains is to extend your hand. You are going down the steps in a dream - in your service, failures and friction will go hand in hand; you will fall in someone's eyes; your love feelings will remain unanswered; If you lose time under the clock, it’s as if you tripped on the steps and fell - someone will fiercely hate you.

Why do you dream about steps?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Steps - Meeting an interesting person on the road. Imagine that you are climbing the steps to the very top.

Why do you dream about steps?

Modern dream book

Steps, climb - Promotion and luck; going down - humiliation

Why do you dream about steps?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What do Steps mean in a dream - see also Steps in section Buildings 1. Steps in dreams, with virtually no variations, represent the effort that must be made for success. Going up the steps suggests an attempt to improve the state of things, while going down means either turning to the past or to the subconscious. 2. The steps represent a change in consciousness within a project in spiritual development. We can achieve success at a certain level. We have to essentially clear each level before moving on to the next one.

Why do you dream about steps?

Women's dream book

What does it mean to see Steps in a dream – Climbing steps in a dream means good luck and unexpected happiness in the future. Going down the steps means a fiasco in love and in work. Falling down the stairs in a dream is a harbinger that you will become the object of someone's envy or even hatred. Sitting on the steps of a staircase in a dream is a sign of a slow but sure approach to luck and the joys of life. If in a dream you see a wide and beautiful staircase, you will become a wealthy and highly respected person. Seeing someone coming down the stairs in a dream means that your joy may be overshadowed by an unpleasant surprise.

Why do you dream about steps?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Steps - going up means promotion and respect, going down means humiliation and loss of authority. Falling down the steps means losses in business; standing in front of the steps means improving your circumstances. Wooden steps are a sign of temporaryness (for example, climbing wooden steps is a temporary increase, etc.)

Why do you dream about steps?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Steps are life tests. Rise - promotion and success; going down is failure or humiliation; sit on the steps - wait for an upswing in business; fall from the steps - envy and hatred; wide steps - wealth and honor; other people are coming down the stairs - troubles that darken life.

Why do you dream about steps?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning If you dreamed that you were walking down the stairs, you will soon receive a salary increase. To make the increase larger, place a pyramid of coffee beans in the darkest corner of the apartment.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were walking up the stairs, then soon you will have to work overtime. To prevent this from ruining your plans, try to avoid stairs.

Why do you dream about steps?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It represents that which divides a surface or various spatial volumes into separate segments, which in themselves are natural, therefore symbolizing the division into segments that is typical of rationality or, in other words, the dialectic of the “gear”, meaning the enslavement of the subject by an alien computer. To go up or down stairs means to be more or less subject to the machine. In any case, the image of a ladder speaks of a monitor-controlled deviation situation, so this image is always negative.

Why do you dream about steps?

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

When a person moves up the stairs, he does not perform free movements, but obeys the mechanical, pre-imposed rhythm of the steps. Therefore, this image suggests that a person performs a function inherent in a machine rather than a person. This image is generally negative because it denotes a situation that a person does not control and which does not depend on him. Which itself leads him to places where he may not want to go at all. This image may be associated with the need for achievement, overcoming difficulties, and the need for additional resources to achieve one’s goal.

Why do you dream about steps?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Steps are a device that turns a horizontal surface into a surface consisting of various spatial segments oriented vertically. When a person moves up the stairs, he does not perform free movements, but obeys a mechanically imposed, pre-programmed rhythm of the steps. Therefore, this image is similar to the image of a “cogwheel”, “alien computer” or machine; here a person seems to perform a function inherent in a machine. Moving up or down the steps denotes a worsening of the situation in which a person finds himself due to his submission to this situation. This image is generally rather negative, since it denotes a situation that a person has no control over. This image may be associated with the need for achievement, overcoming difficulties, the need for additional resources to achieve a specific goal, in addition, it may have a sexual connotation.

Why do you dream about steps?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, steps leading up are a hint that you are worrying in vain, things will soon go uphill.

Descent along them is a warning that your plans may fail.

If you fell from them, be careful when concluding large contracts.

According to the dream book, going up the stairs means that soon all your problems and anxieties will dissipate, and new horizons will open up before you.

Why do you dream about steps?

Universal dream book

Seeing steps in a dream is a sign of connecting one level to another.

In your dream, are you going up or down steps? If you are rising, the dream symbolizes power and growth. If you are going down, the dream may indicate that you are moving backwards or want to explore some problem deeper.

If you climb the steps, this indicates your desire to learn, develop intuition, or strive for higher spiritual ideals.

Do you find lifting difficult or effortless? The tension required to go up or down stairs in a dream indicates how strongly you resist certain changes in your life. If it is difficult to climb the steps, it means that your path of development is tiring you.

If you are studying somewhere in real life, studying seems difficult to you and it is difficult for you to concentrate - you may dream that you are climbing the stairs with difficulty. However, if you jump over three or four steps while climbing, it means you are succeeding in your business.

Do you believe in prophetic dreams? Even if you don’t believe it, you should still remember what came to you in the form of dreams at night. Such images are transmitted by the subconscious, and you just need to listen to it. But a person is not always able to understand his own way down the stairs? The interpretation will depend on the location of the structure and its appearance.

Staircase at the entrance

Images of things and objects that you see every day can haunt you at night. But one should not assume that these are just memories. For example, you can see the stairs in the entrance. Why do you dream of going down familiar steps? A person who sees such dreams is in a difficult life situation. Consciousness changes, goals and interests change. The person must understand that all the circumstances that happen to her will lead to the best, although in a dream this can be difficult to believe.

Why dream of going down the stairs that you know well? This image should be interpreted as a change in thinking. Perhaps you have recently reconsidered or are just about to reconsider your views on things. Don't be afraid of these changes, they are quite natural.

Descent with a man

In night dreams, a girl can go down the stairs with a man. Why do you have such a dream? The downward trajectory of movement should alert the dreamer. Such images are conveyed by the subconscious to those ladies who are too demanding of their gentlemen. Take a closer look at yourself and your behavior with your lover. Perhaps you always find fault with the appearance of a young man, or you don’t like the fact that he talks loudly or doesn’t wash his dirty plate. Understand that everyone was raised in different environments. What is normal for you may not be normal for a young person. Relax and enjoy the conversation.

Let's say you were just about to go down the stairs with a guy. Why do you have such a dream? Relationships with a man are in limbo. It only takes one step to destroy everything. Be attentive and courteous if you want to keep your loved one.

Descent to the basement

Such a vision can frighten a person. But in reality, everything is not so scary. Be happy if in a dream you go down the stairs in such a familiar life episode? In the subconscious, the basement is storage. If you are heading into a dark room, then your consciousness is turning to past experiences that should be applied in the present. Don't worry if your imaginary basement is dark and cold. The past always appears to a person in dark colors. Having seen such a dream, think about what situation needs an urgent solution. And when the problem is found, try to solve it, relying on the experience you already have. Using a proven and working approach can get rid of the problem quickly and permanently.

Descent and ascent

It may take more than one day to decipher the images. And sometimes understanding the meaning of a dream is very simple. In a dream, you can first go down the stairs and then go up. Why do you dream about such a path? Changes are happening in your life or will begin to happen soon. The subconscious mind warns you that you have nothing to worry about. You will be able to successfully cope with all circumstances and easily adapt to any conditions. If you overcome obstacles in the form of steps in a dream easily and quickly, it means that changes in real life will not affect you. Changes may not affect you personally. For example, the staff at your workplace will be disbanded, but you will know for sure that you will remain in your place.

Descent into Infinity

Man rarely realizes his degradation. Once you start going down the social ladder, it is difficult to stop. The way down is too easy and fast. You may not notice that you are deteriorating. But the subconscious will definitely notice this. It is at that moment when you dream of descending into infinity that you should think about where you are now and where you are heading. Reconsider your views on the world, take a closer look at your habits. If you are really ruining yourself, then change the situation. Quit bad habits and start improving yourself. If you hear from others that you are changing for the better, then continue in the same spirit to go in the chosen direction. A person should always know where he is going.

Descent with a dog

Animals can accompany a person in a dream. Always pay attention to the images you see. Why do you dream of going down the stairs with your dog? This kind of information foreshadows you meeting your best friends. But how does the subconscious realize that loved ones will visit you soon? Perhaps a month ago a friend told you that she would arrive on the 20th. But you forgot about it, getting caught up in your daily routine. Information about a pleasant meeting passed into the subconscious. After a while, a reminder may emerge from the recesses of memory. Such a reminder is by no means uncommon. Human memory can work wonders if you know how to use it correctly. Therefore, when you see a dog walking down the stairs, remember which of your friends intended to come visit or invited you for a walk.

Sticky steps

Do you have a wonderful life? Then why do you have to go down the stairs in your dreams? Why dream of going down, especially on sticky steps? A similar phenomenon often haunts lucky people. If your life is like a fairy tale, then expect envious people to appear in it, whose goal will be to create trouble for you. Why do people need this? It is much easier to ruin someone's life than to take responsibility for your destiny and make positive changes to it. Some people enjoy watching someone else's fairytale fall apart. What they see makes them understand that a wonderful life is not even worth striving for. Therefore, if you see sticky steps in a dream, expect trouble. But don't sit with folded hands, take action. You have to fight for happiness. Therefore, you have to confront a horde of enemies and gossips.

Descent with load

You won't always walk up the stairs empty-handed. If you go down loaded, for example, carrying some boxes, then keep in mind that you want to take old problems into your new life. You shouldn’t expect positive changes from such changes; they simply won’t happen. You need to change completely, not partially. The restructuring of consciousness takes time, but you should not cling to outdated and ineffective moral principles that your mother imposed on you.

The subconscious, which forces you to carry a heavy burden, signals that it is time to think. Perhaps you are taking on too much responsibility where you shouldn't. Or you may be burdened with work that could have been delegated.

Slow descent

What were you doing in your dreams last night? Maybe they were planning to go down the stairs with such a dream? The subconscious mind says that not everything is in order in your personal life. Carefully analyze your relationships. You can understand your partner perfectly and support him in everything, but at the same time you can be very jealous of your other half towards people of the opposite sex. This feeling comes to people who are unsure of themselves. A person who is very afraid of losing his soulmate destroys everything with his own hands. Constant control, mistrust and daily interrogations quickly spoil relationships. If in a dream you slowly walked down the stairs, it means that in reality you should become more confident in yourself.


Some people have calm and measured dreams, while others have dynamic dreams. Psychologists say that if a person is active in his dreams and daydreams, it means that in his reality there are not enough events and physical activity. But still, sometimes dreams are a complete projection of the present. For example, you may imagine a scenario in which you are running away from a maniac down the stairs. Such action is not uncommon for a person who has actually faced serious life changes. His emotions are off the charts, so he finds emotional release in dynamic, albeit not entirely pleasant, dreams. Don't worry about the scary figure that might be chasing you. Changes, even positive ones, cause fear in a person. Such chases are often dreamed of by schoolchildren who, after finishing 9th or 11th grade, choose their own path in life.

Descending the ladder

In a dream, did you fly on an airplane, but did you pay attention not to the flight itself, but to the end of the dream? The most memorable part of the night vision was the part where you had to go down the stairs? Why do you dream? You should be wary of bankruptcy. A person who climbs down a rickety staircase in a dream could have made some ill-considered financial investment in the present. Perhaps the person made a large short-term deposit that promised high interest. Financial disappointments will haunt you until you grow up and understand that you need to earn money with your own mind, and not try to get rich through the work of others. There is no need to look for treasure. Easy money does not bring any pleasure to a person. Many people who quickly received millions at their disposal found themselves in deep debt a few years later.

Before interpreting what you dream about going down the stairs, the dream book recommends focusing your attention on the smallest details in your dream vision. For example, the emotional feelings present, the appearance of the stairs in night dreams, are of paramount importance in establishing the essence of the dreamed plot.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller

Miller compares the dreamed staircase with a sign of good luck in any endeavor. Judging by the general interpretation, anything one dreams of going up the stairs means that the sleeping person will have a stunning future in his career.

When in a dream you happened to descend and then run away from it, you are expected to actively adapt to fateful changes. To stumble and fall down a step means that the dreamer’s efforts will not be enough to accomplish what was planned.

Resolve your internal dialogue

Another explanation of why one dreams of going down the stairs is presented in the dream book of Medea. The sorceress connects the dreamed content with the chance to find out the secrets of your soul, to determine for yourself what exactly you want.

Climbing a steep staircase in a dream predicts moral growth of the soul and financial well-being. If you stumbled over a step while moving up, all the difficulties exist only in your consciousness. To see that a certain person is moving towards you - you will be close in soul to this person.

About rare luck

Contrary to the interpretations of many dream books, the French dream interpreter gives a favorable explanation of what one sees moving down towards. This is a symbol of rare success, unforeseen opportunities and chances to demonstrate your own skills. Seeing yourself as if walking up a steep staircase means be prepared for unexpected radical changes in your destiny. Moving along it means help in difficulties from relatives and familiar personalities.