Wot what clans give. Do clans give loans in World of Tanks? Why clans are needed

And now it's time to talk about what clans are in game world of tank blitz. By definition, such a “grouping” in wotblitz is a kind of gaming community that unites gamers according to their interests, and these interests can be very diverse. So, for example, some collect benders, others - sandbox lovers, and some even set themselves the goal of getting into a fun company for joint virtual tank rides.

Clans in game world of tanks

According to statistics, today on the Internet there is a huge variety of diverse communities united by one idea - tank battles in World of Tanks. And if one of these teams has no more than a hundred people, then another company may have five hundred or even a thousand "tankers" in its composition. And each of the clan members has their own duties: someone is a “recruiter”, someone is a “treasurer” responsible for the financial side of the matter, someone monitors statistics, and someone is appointed to the position of “deputy commander ".

But what gives the player joining such a friendly, organized group? So, let's try to understand this issue in detail.

Game on the global map. If the community that you are going to join or have already joined is strong enough, then you, as its separate unit, may well try your hand at fighting other tankers on the global map for the right to own the territory. But be prepared for the fact that you will need to constantly provide assistance and support to your community, as there are often situations in which there is an acute shortage of people to protect the provinces.

Tournaments, events and other events. Any close-knit clan is famous for the fact that none of its members sit idle. Entertainers of the masses tirelessly come up with more and more new ideas for some interesting events- it can be something from the category of “ramming Mouse with the help of MS-1”, and “massive bridge jump”, or something else no less exciting ... We assure you - you will not be bored!

How not to make a mistake and join a decent group?

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a community you plan to join is its age, the number of units and players in each of them, as well as their skill and, most importantly, friendliness. Of course, it is simply impossible to write a universal instruction that could reveal all the secrets and tricks of choosing a team and joining it, because there are a great many such “groups”, as mentioned earlier, as well as people in them. But behind each individual gamer lies his own character, manner of playing and communicating with "tribesmen".

Therefore, the only thing that can be advised to "tankers" is to pay attention to the points that we have indicated above and listen to your own inner voice. And if you are comfortable in the "new family", then you have come to the right place. Otherwise, you shouldn’t torture yourself and it’s better to leave the group you don’t like without unnecessary words and unnecessary scandals.

Players have the opportunity to join clans. A player can only be a member of one clan at a time. Clan- a group of people united to achieve some goal by joint efforts. This can be, for example, completing PvE missions with people tested in battle, participating in PvP tournaments and clan battles in pursuit of glory, or just playing for fun, as a joint pastime with friends. The clan provides an opportunity to play with like-minded people, unites people with similar views on the game. In addition, do not forget that a well-played team has a higher chance of winning than a group of singles.

To create a clan in Warface, a player, in addition to desire, must have 5000 warbucks on his account. Having paid for the creation of a clan, the player must enter the future name of his clan in a special field. The name must be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 16 characters. Here you can add a description of the created clan. Most often, the admission criteria or contact details of the head and officers are indicated here. It is also important to remember that an obscene clan name will become a prerequisite for blocking an account.

Inside view

The created clan is allocated a “headquarters” room, through which the head of the clan can manage it. In the room, you can view the points earned by the clan, the composition and rank of the clan, the statistics of participants (the ratio of wins and losses in PvP and PvE modes), as well as change the description of the clan.

Here, the head of the clan can appoint officers or a new head in his place. The clan officer can recruit new members to the clan and send them invitations to join. However, the reverse action is also possible - a fighter who does not meet the requirements or has not proven himself can be demoted to the rank and file or expelled from the clan.

All clan fighters are sorted in the list by the number of clan points earned, which introduces an element of competition within the clan as well. At the moment, the maximum number of players in the clan is 50 players.

Private chat channel, available only to players who belong to the same clan. It allows clan members to communicate with each other regardless of the channel they are currently on. With it, you can assemble a team for a clan battle, invite friends to a room, or ask for advice from comrades on any channel. The player has access to all sent messages of the clan in the current session, therefore, even participating in the match, the player will be able to stay up to date with the situation in the clan - all messages are saved in the history. If the player is not a member of any clan, the "Clan" tab in the chat is hidden.

clan rating

Each created clan, in accordance with the points earned by it, is placed in the clan rating. In all battles without exception, clan members earn clan points. Their number determines the position of the clan in the overall ranking. Players receive the highest number of clan points for clan battles in the corresponding PvP mode. The number of clan points for other matches and completing PvE missions is several times less and is calculated individually for each fighter. In fact, clan points are the sum of points earned by all members of the clan.

For example, it looks like this: Let's say that there are 5 fighters in the clan, each of which has 100 points. Clan points in this case are equal to 500 points. The accrual of clan points for a player begins from the moment he is accepted into the clan.

clan battles

Only a player in a clan can create a room for a clan battle, regardless of rank. You can set the type of room for the battle of clans only when creating a room. The name of the room is assigned automatically and cannot be changed by the player.

When a room is created, and there are players from the same clan in it, the name of the room changes to "Clan %ClanName% is looking for an opponent." After players from another clan enter the room, the name will change to "%ClanName% vs %ClanName%".

Clan rooms can be closed. In this case, you can get into them only by invitation.

"Race of Clans"

One of the latest innovations in Warface, designed to increase the competitive component for clans, is the monthly “clan race”. The first "race of clans" started on March 1, 2013, at 00:01, and lasted until 23:59 on March 31. For all clans in the race, equal starting conditions are provided in the form of a separate rating, then everything depends on the clan.

In the "race" only clan points earned during the competition period are taken into account. You can look at the race rating on this one. Clans included in the rating are divided into 6 different leagues: from elite to steel. The number of clan points scored is updated every hour, the progress of the clan in the "race" is updated once a day.

Multipliers in various modes


Clan battle room, team of 5-8 people. Multiplier x0.5.
Clan battle room, team<5 человек. Множитель х0,1.
Ranked matches. Multiplier x3. The entire team must be from the same clan.

All the rest. Multiplier x0.1. Team members do not have to be from the same clan.


The multiplier depends on the number of members of one clan in the team.

5 - x0.25.
4 - x0.2.
3 - x0.15.
1–2 - x0.1.

All players who will be in clans from any league at the end of the competition will receive prizes in the form of weapon camouflages, achievements, and crowns. The size of the reward given to each player depends on the clan's place in the "race" rating.

Achievements are issued to members of clans from the top 10 on each server, depending on the fulfillment of specific conditions.

Weapon camouflages are given out one at a time to members of clans from the top 25 on each server.

A clan in World of Tanks is a community of players by interests. These interests can be different - someone collects benders, someone loves the sandbox, and some just want a fun company for joint rides.

If n think about it, then the question of what a clan is in World of Tanks should not cause any particular difficulties, fortunately, many thousands of the most diverse communities have now been created in the World of Tanks. One clan can have up to a hundred people, some of whom hold certain positions, such as "treasurer", "recruiter" or "deputy commander".

What will joining a normal, friendly, organized clan give you? Let's break it down point by point.

    An excellent company for joint bending (draining?)

    Game on the Global Map. If your clan is strong enough, then you can try your hand at fighting other tankers on the global map for the right to own the territory. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly support the clan, because there are often situations when there are not enough people to protect the province.

    Events, tournaments and other events. A well-played clan is famous for the fact that its members do not sit idle. The crowd entertainers are constantly coming up with ideas for new events, such as "mass bridge jump" or "ram the Mouse with the MS-1". You won't be bored!

    Regular company rides with the team played (for me personally, this is a particularly significant point)

How to choose a good clan?

First of all, when choosing a clan, you need to pay attention to its age, number of players, number of divisions and friendliness, as well as the skill of the players. Of course, it is impossible to write a universal instruction for searching, there are too many clans, and there are even more people and their characters, so pay attention to what I have indicated above and listen to yourself. If you are comfortable in a new clan, then you have definitely come to the right place;).

→ Do clans in World of Tanks give credits?

Is it possible to earn credits in WoT while being in the service of one of the clans? How profitable and useful is this business?

Whatever online game you take, each has a clan system. And if in the same line or WoW clan brings real benefits to the player (gives art gear, pumps your character faster), then what is the real benefit of the community in WoT, because for the world of tanks, loans are not the most difficult thing to get, but having friends and clan members does not affect the receipt of exp in any way? This is what we will talk about today.

Consider the benefits of joining a clan

So, here is everything you can squeeze out of your clanmates:

1. Gold is the quintessence of happiness for any tanker. For world of tanks gold credits, you can buy a lot of useful goodies, and a normally developed clan, as a rule, has a province that brings good income under its control. How to dispose of unbearably acquired funds, each commander decides for himself. Most of the world of tanks loans are spent on the salaries of fellow soldiers, so that they can buy themselves fashionable skins, strong devices and other rubbish that allows you to improve your combat vehicle. And this is a strong plus - no need to spend real cash to buy gold world of tanks loans.

2. Playing on the world map is possible for a player only if he is a member of a clan. By itself, the massacre for the province does not personally bring you any material benefits. However, the very fact of a well-coordinated team game gives much more satisfaction than a useless pastime in a random battle. And, of course, having won the province, you help your clan, and that, in turn, will help you wot gold.

3. Live communication with real people - after all, it is much more pleasant to hear adequate comments on someone's actions in your headphones and follow the orders of people who know what needs to be done than to listen to some presumptuous schoolboy to the point of stupefaction and slowly rage from his impenetrable stupidity commands.

Agree, it's nice to realize that victory over the enemy is the result of joint coordinated actions, and not a lucky coincidence. For such a “victory” and ordinary world of tanks loans, it is much tastier to get.

4. The last plus is rather ephemeral, but it also has a place to be - this is the exchange of gaming experience between clan members. Friends and fellow soldiers have nothing to hide from each other and you will be taught all the intricacies of the game, and maybe you will become a sensei for someone. Experience is a useful thing, no world of tanks credits can compare with it.

What do you need to join a clan?

Well, you didn’t think that all of the above buns were handed out just like that right and left? Of course, in order to be a member of a clan, a player must meet certain requirements, and they are often quite severe.

1. Respect cannot be bought for any World of Tanks credits, so you will have to prove that you are a good player and deserve to serve in the clan of your choice. To do this, you will have to pump at least two of your cars to the maximum level. At the same time, all tanks should be of different specializations (for example, tank destroyers, self-propelled guns and heavy or firefly, medium tank and self-propelled guns - in this section).

2. Cool tanks are, of course, good, but in order to get into a good clan, you also need to have a high percentage of victories (something around 70%). This is the only way to get a place in the clan and become a happy owner of a salary from gold wot credits.

3. If you have a garage full of fancy cars, and every second fight is yours, this does not mean that you will definitely be accepted into the company. The head of the clan requires discipline from his subordinates, and if you obey some Vasily Pupkin across your throat, relations with the team will come out crooked. And there will be a wayward rebel