Where can I find the python log file here. What, when installing a modpack for a game (WoT), does the installer's phrase "Delete python logs and game cache" mean? How to clear the game cache World of Tank

Good afternoon dear site users

In this topic, I will write the main defense so that the potato does not ban you when using cheats. The theme will be updated.

Go to the World of Tanks folder and create a shortcut to the file WorldOfTanks.exe Run the game only through it. Because there was information that the WoT launcher also transmits some information about third-party implementations into the game.

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Added on 03/26/2016
Dear friends, with the release of the update, in the folder \res_mods\0.9.14\scripts\common there is a file called debug_utils. This file was created to transfer logs from the old server to the new one, what is it for, you ask? And hell knows, but the file better to remove . God saves man, who save himself.

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Guys, don't play soccer mode.

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UPD: 02.12.16

I will add, we make dummies in the logs or say no to the logs in the tanks

The essence of the manipulations is to disable the recording of logs on the computer, if the VG fires cheats on the logs.
Again, this is not a 100% option to prevent bans, but the logs are a great fawn.

Delete the logs and create an empty folder with the same name

And also in the LOGS folder we do the same

For example, I will add an archive with ready-made empty folders,

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,unpack X / Games / World_ of_ Tanks (X - game disc)

To copy empty folders, delete files manually along the path X/Games/World_ of_ Tanks file python.log
In folder World_ of_ Tanks/ LOGS delete files:

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Added on 12/12/2016
Friends, do not use auto-shot in aimbots. Ideally, don't use an aimbot at all.

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Instructions on how not to get banned from

After installing the client, do the following;
1. Delete the file in the root Python.log folder.
2. We clear (delete) everything that eats in the Logs folder
3. Create a folder! named Python.log. to the root folder and make the read-only attribute (right-click - folder properties - read only).
4.Create the AutoUpdateSelector.log.bak Informer.log WargamingGameUpdater.log folders in the logs folder and do the same (read-only attribute (right-click-folder properties-read-only)).
5. The replays folder is also the read-only attribute (right-click-folder properties-read-only) (in the game client, put no battle record on the checkbox).
6. Create a shortcut to the replays folder on Desktop. Next, open the folder from the shortcut and make it look like a thumbnail. If somehow at least one replay is recorded, you will immediately see it and naturally delete it.
7.Clean all the logs in the root folder of the WoTLauncher.cfg files WoTLauncher.log and xvm.log yes yes! I did not install it, and even from it, but somehow miraculously appeared. In short, open the file in turn-select all-delete-we also set the attribute for reading.

Now your actions will be recorded nowhere.

PS We type the command in the command line-start-regedit-b enter World_of_tanks Battle Replay search will either give a result or not. I have given. Just delete the registry value (right-click delete).
II) Further regarding the installation of any mods. No matter how much you would like, but any mods collect information about which mods are installed and it may go to the wrong place.
1) Open the res_mods folder patch number ( and immediately delete the install mods folder. For different modders, it may be called differently (Download), but the meaning remains the same. The logs of installed mods and the mods themselves are uploaded to this folder and unpacked. The most interesting thing is that the installation mods with logs are not automatically deleted. But they remain. We delete the entire folder without sparing anything.
2) In no case (of course, if you really need to) do not install mods based on XVM statistics. As a result, I found folders that I didn’t install and found hidden folders of my entry, etc. everything that he finds is deleted without hesitation.
III. Well, regarding auto-sights and ZM. In order to safely use the auto-aim, you need to remove it to the maximum from the screen.

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Good luck on the battlefield dear cheaters.

What is the WOT cache and why clear it?

Cash in World of Tanks, however, as in any other program, these are temporary files that store some information. In the browser cache, for example, elements of the sites you visited (pictures, scripts and other static elements) are saved - this is done so that sites open faster and thereby save time spent online.

From Wikipedia:

Cache (cache)- an intermediate buffer with fast access, containing information that can be requested with the highest probability.

Regarding WOT, the cache stores data such as:

  • game settings,
  • login and password,
  • settings and temporary data (for example),
  • battle results,
  • chat messages...

And much more.

Why do you need to clear the World of Tanks cache?

Like any other information, the cache in the brainchild of Wargaming takes up space. The longer you play tanks, the more data accumulates there. Each time the client is loaded, the cache is read, which can slow down performance, since all this information clogs extra memory.

At the same time, even after the complete removal or update of the World of Tanks, the cache will not go anywhere and will remain there until you manually eliminate it yourself. This explains the fact that the password and login are saved even when the game is reinstalled (if the "remember me" option is enabled).

In some cases, if no other methods already help, clearing the WOT cache helps to deal with problems such as:

  • game crashes to desktop,
  • brakes (low FPS) or the game client stopped loading,
  • glitches (hangar without tanks, interface bugs, etc.).

There is also a version that clearing the cache can affect statistics, but this is for the superstitious.

If you are faced with one of the situations listed above, you need to delete the cache files.

How to clear the cache of the World of Tank game?

To do this, first you need to find the folder in which it is stored:

  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks
  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks

Instead - the name of your account.

By default, this is a hidden system path, so you need to open the display of hidden folders and files in the Windows Explorer settings. If you don’t know how to do this or you don’t want to search for a folder manually, you can do it semi-automatically:

  1. press the key combination WIN+R,
  2. in the small window that appears, enter %appdata% and press OK,
  3. a new window will open in which we are looking for a folder Wargaming.net and in it WorldOfTanks.

In the specified folder, you will see the following content:

If you have a clear problem with tanks, they don't start, crash or something else - select everything that is in this folder and delete. This will delete the login, password (you will have to enter them again) and all your game settings, including graphics options, gameplay, markers, etc..

If you only want to do preventive work, you can delete everything Besides file preferences.xml- it stores the game settings.

Even if you delete EVERYTHING - it will not harm the game! At the first start, all important deleted files will be restored, and the data inside them will be brought to a standard form.

The developers themselves advise using their solution to clear the cache - a special script:

  1. Close the game client.
  2. Download and run this file.

rmdir /S /Q "%appdata%\wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\custom_data"

To safely resolve problems with the game, you can do the following:

  1. delete folder custom_data(manually or using a tool from Wargaming),
  2. if it doesn't help, delete all other files from the cache.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that deleting the cache is just one of the ways to solve numerous problems. The reasons, as well as the solutions, are always different. For example, sometimes it is enough to update the video card driver to avoid bugs with graphics, while the cache will be completely out of business there. Try and experiment.

I hope this article was useful to you.

    via Your Uninstaller or Windows xp/vista/7 manager

    Have you tried admin rights? Did you install according to the instructions? Can you install games? How many years?

    Means windows 64 or 84 bit
    I have on my laptop in general 32 and in the hospital 64

    Right click on my computer --) manage ---) storage devices --) manage disks and look there...
    there, it seems, it was possible to break it ... but I just formatted the disk that I forgot to format when reinstalling Windows.
    if there is no second disc, then those who wrote before me are right and do as they said!

    I don't give a fuck. The meaning is exactly this.

    This phrase is from Stephen King's book Insomnia. The meaning of this phrase is clear from this paragraph:

    Ralph suddenly remembered Caroline's favorite phrase, usually spoken by her,
    when, sighing and groaning, he did not want to take on any business, did not want
    admit a mistake or dodged the obligatory call: "Thorny
    and the way to Eden is long, beloved, so is it worth it to moan over trifles?

    To be soaked in everyday life, but to continue to fight for happiness and be strong. Live in your own rhythm, not claiming a special role in world culture, politics, music. Know your place, be responsible and decent, and only sometimes allowing yourself too much.

    P.S. One person can be simple just for the simple. Sophisticated and comprehensive, it sees an entire ecosystem in a grain of sand.

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    our history teacher usually says so in order to raise the mark higher to the one who answers

    It cannot be deleted - this task is in the scheduler, that is, this activation task is performed by the task scheduler at the appointed time in order for the OS to be "licensed" all the time. You need to put it (this is the task itself) in the exceptions for the antivirus, so that the antivirus does not touch this task anymore, and the activator itself can be transferred to a third-party medium (it may also come in handy when the "license" flies off).
    Contact me and I'll explain in detail what and where...

Oddly enough, but many still do not know how to properly clear the WoT cache. Suppose your client often crashes during loading, or some kind of mod is broken, the hangar is buggy every now and then, and clearing the cache will help from many misfortunes.

Cache Wot, what is it? And everything is simple, all your client settings are stored in the cache folder, such as graphics settings, login settings, XVM settings(if you use this mod), but what is not stored there. And a banal example, you updated the hangar mod, and the old hangar settings are recorded in the cache (now we are not talking about a complete reinstallation of the client and installing the hangar), go into the game and ... and what ... and you don’t see anything, neither the carousel of tanks, nor buttons "to battle" only a clean and empty hangar with the only tank standing in your carousel first. Who knows this situation, now they just smiled, remembering the indescribable horror that instills in any "tanker" at the sight of such a spectacle =) This is where clearing the cache will help World games of tanks.

Clearing WoT Cache

Well, for starters, where is this cache located. And he is in hidden Application Data folder. I will not teach you how to display hidden files and folders in this article.

AT Windows XP This folder can be found in the following path:
C:\Documents and Settings\[your account name here]\Application Data\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks

AT Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 the location of the Application Data folder is slightly different:
C:\Users\[your account name here]\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks

Who bothers to bother and poke wedges on folders and searches, and also open hidden folders, especially for you, Billy Gates provided a lazy version of the Application Data folder search Works on all versions of Windows. We press the buttons WIN+R on the keyboard (for those who are in the tank - WIN is the Windows key with the Windows flag ) we see the "Run" window. Enter in the window %appdata% and enter the hidden folder of your Windows application data. We are looking for a folder wargaming.net

Well ... we went into the folder and what's next, you ask: =) And we take and delete All the contents of the folder wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks
This is what my folder looks like. After deletion, you will of course lose all your graphics settings in the game and besides, you will have to enter the ill-fated account password again, but it's worth it, believe me!!!

However, if this option of clearing the cache of the World Of Tanks game is not to your liking, then we take and use the script from the support service wargaming.net Download from here
I must say right away that I personally prefer to completely remove everything from the AppData \ WorldOfTanks folder with handles, and judging by the contents of the script wot_custom_data_rem.bat from the support service, but it contains the following (you can open it with Notepad ++ and see for yourself, no viruses).