Growing pepper without picking. Picking pepper seedlings Picking peppers in March of the year

22.10.2017 4 906

How to dive peppers and when - a few simple steps towards healthy and strong seedlings

Most summer residents have difficulty how to dive peppers, and when it is better to do it, and if the plants are stretched out, then you simply cannot do without this procedure, it is also worth considering, it is better to transplant into diapers, cups, peat pots ...

When to dive peppers for seedlings - timing

Growing pepper seedlings is unthinkable without an intermediate transplant and there is no consensus on diving, because the culture reacts negatively to any damage to the roots, so some gardeners try to skip the pepper picking procedure, sowing seeds in spacious pots. For others, pepper picking is a necessary procedure to help grow strong plants. Professional agronomists, when asked whether it is necessary to dive peppers, answer that it is necessary to do this, but within a strictly allotted time and according to certain technologies. But, do not forget about the ones you are going to grow, because only high-quality seed can bring a generous harvest.

The ideal period for picking peppers begins from the moment the first real pair of leaves (not cotyledons!), appears, it was at this time that the sprout had not yet formed a branched root system, so that transplantation can be done with a clod of earth without touching the tender root. It is allowed to dive peppers in the phase of 4 leaves, and after the appearance of 5 and 6 leaf plates, the roots of the plants begin to branch, transplantation in most cases leads to injury, which delays the development of seedlings for at least a week.

For those who are accustomed to planning gardening activities in accordance with the lunar cycles, there is a definition with dates and is closely related to the question of when to dive peppers according to the lunar calendar? Astrologers calculate favorable dates in advance, but you can do it yourself or look into. First of all, it is worth abandoning the periods of full moons or new moons, which are considered extremely unfavorable for sowing, transplanting and other operations for any plants. The phases of the growth of the moon are considered ideal for peppers that form fruits above the ground, and transplanting pepper into a pot these days passes for the plant without negative consequences.

seedlings of peppers for picking - in the photo

The dates when peppers dive in March come by the end of the first decade of the month - March 7 and 8. For those who did not have time to pick, you can do it from March 15 to 18, or at the end of the month, March 22 and 23. If the sowing was carried out in March, and the plants acquired real leaves only by the second month of spring, favorable days for pepper picking in April appear almost at the same time as in March - from April 7 to April 9. The lunar calendar for 2018 also allows transplantation from April 12 to April 21.

How to dive peppers - step by step instructions

When deciding how to dive peppers and when, novice gardeners often lose sight of the need for thorough preparation for this procedure. Before you start picking, you need to prepare a supply of soil, containers, learn the technology of how to dive peppers for seedlings.

Before diving peppers into cups, it is important to prepare a nutritious loose mixture, one third consisting of organic matter - humus, compost, peat. Garden soil (two-thirds of the total volume) and sand (a liter jar per bucket of mixture) are added to the base. Add 1.5 tablespoons of superphosphate to a bucket of prepared soil, a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate. The soil is filled with pots prepared in advance and equipped with drainage with a capacity of 200 ml. Picking peppers is carried out according to the following technology:

the process of picking pepper seedlings - in the photo

  1. The seedling is carefully removed from the seedling container with a clod of earth, it is recommended to use a spoon or stick
  2. In the pot where the sprout will be transplanted, a recess is made, its walls are compacted with a finger or a stick
  3. Water is poured into the hole
  4. The seedling is placed in the hole and the soil is gently pressed at the base of the stem, the roots should not bend up! It is not necessary to deepen the plant. Peppers do not form adventitious roots; when buried, the stem rots
  5. At the end, the seedlings are watered under the root, if necessary, soil is poured into the cups to eliminate the formed pits

If the basic rules on how to dive peppers and when it is better to do this were followed, the seedlings will recover in a week and fresh green leaves will indicate that the roots have grown.

How to care for seedlings of peppers after a pick?

After the peppers have been dived into separate containers, the seedlings are placed in a warm, slightly shaded place for several days. Bright light can cause the above-ground part of the seedlings to wilt, which will delay their growth. However, it is still better to put the pots in the place where the seedlings grew before transplanting - it will be easier for them to adapt. In this case, the role of a shader can be performed by sheets of paper installed between a source of natural light and pots.

Peppers are watered after drying the top layer of soil 2-3 times a week, in the first days after transplantation, their number can be increased. 2 weeks after picking, when the roots recover, fertilization begins at intervals of 7-10 days and the nutrient solution is prepared from the following components (per 5 liters of water):

  • 10 g potassium fertilizers
  • 15 g phosphorus
  • 5 g nitrogen

With the onset of heat, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers alternates with the introduction of organic matter. It is better to use a green infusion of nettle sprouts. Half fill the bucket with weed, pour in a liter of mullein and pour in a glass of ash. The bucket is filled with warm water, tightly closed with a lid and left to ferment for 5-7 days. The resulting green tea is diluted with water 1 to 10, 100 ml of the working solution is poured under one plant.

After diving, top dressing with microelements will also be useful for peppers, which are applied twice a month, for this, 2 g of boric acid, copper sulfate and potassium permanganate and 1 g of zinc sulfate are dissolved in a bucket of water, stir well and 50 ml of solution is added under one plant. If it happens taking into account the requirements of the plant, then an excellent harvest will be guaranteed, in addition, you can increase the yield if you know.

When deciding how to dive peppers and when, it is important for beginner gardeners to carefully study all aspects of this procedure. Pepper is a capricious crop that does not tolerate careless handling, only with delicate and competent care after transplantation can you get viable seedlings that will give a rich harvest.

REFERENCE! Picking is the distribution of seedlings from a common container into separate containers so that they do not shade each other during growth, and to avoid weaving roots.

The procedure is carried out after the appearance of the first or second true leaflet on the sprout. Many experienced gardeners dive peppers, focusing on the lunar calendar. The effect of the phases of the moon is approximately the same on all organisms containing water, including plants.

  • New moon- the phase of the moon, unfavorable for the growth and development of plants, all life-giving moisture accumulates in the roots. At this time, it is better to refrain from transplanting.
  • Waxing Crescent accompanied by active growth and prosperity, all the nectar moves from the root system up the stems to the leaves and flowers. This is the most suitable time for the sweet pepper dive procedure. Even in case of damage, the root system will not suffer much, there is a high probability that the seedling will survive.
  • Next comes the full moon- this is the time when all the nutrition is accumulated in the upper part of the plants - in the leaves and buds. But very soon, all the liquid will begin to move back to the roots. The full moon, like the new moon, is a period of suspension of all planting and transplanting work.
  • Fourth stage of the moon - waning. The life-giving juices of plant cultures sink deep into the roots and accumulate there. Nothing bad will happen if you pick during this interval. This is a neutral stage for transplanting bell pepper.

In addition to these four positions of the Moon, the process of land work is influenced by such an indicator as the sign of the Zodiac in which it is currently located. There are more fertile signs, not at all fertile and neutral. Each of them affects this or that horticultural activity in its own way. The days when the Moon is in Taurus, Libra, Scorpio are suitable for diving.

The most unfavorable symbols for this procedure:

  • Fish are considered a fertile symbol, but it is categorically not suitable for picking.
  • It is also necessary to refrain from this type of work on the day of Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini and Virgo.

Usually, peppers begin to be sown in February, and by March they already have 2-3 true leaves. This stage of growth is most suitable for diving.

ATTENTION! In order for the operation to be painless for young shoots, you need to plentifully of them per day. On the day of transplanting, it is better not to water the sprouts. This will make it easier to separate the roots without damaging them.

The transplant process itself must be approached very carefully.

  • First, we prepare the soil in which we will place our peppers. The most suitable soil is based on peat and humus, it is advisable to add sand and field soil so that the soil is looser.
  • Tanks for seedlings should be high, then the root system will be stronger and grow well. At the bottom, you need to pierce several holes so that the earth does not turn sour. Next, pour the soil mixture.
  • We make a small hole in the ground. Dive is carried out to the same depth that was originally when sowing, it is not necessary to plant deeper. Pour some water into the hole.
  • We proceed to the most important thing - transplanting sprouts. Carefully dig up the sprout with an improvised tool and pull it out, holding it by the stem.

Read more about how picking is carried out.

IMPORTANT! It is not necessary to pinch off the main root, as is done with tomatoes and other vegetable crops. Solanaceae do not tolerate such manipulation and may even die. We simply place the seedling in the prepared hole, then sprinkle it with earth, slightly compacting it.

After all the manipulations, it is advisable to put the seedlings in the same place where they were before. Then they adapt in a couple of days. The first two days you need to protect the peppers from bright sunlight.

Before picking, you need to check with the Lunar calendar in order to choose the most suitable dates and exclude unfavorable ones.

Lunar calendar for picking peppers for March

Most auspicious days for picking- March 2, 3, 16 and 17. Unwanted days- 1, 4, 5, 18, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 March.

The remaining days are neutral for work on.

Useful materials

  • and do you need them?
  • How to grow, or at home?
  • and how to use them?
  • Main reasons

Cultivation of peppers begins with the selection of seeds, which serve as planting material for growing vegetables. Preparatory work for planting begins in the last month of winter. So you can reduce the ripening period of the fruit and transplant into the ground in a timely manner.

Pepper picking is needed so that the crop ripens on time

How to dive sowing pepper

Picking peppers or tomatoes allows you to get a vegetable crop in a timely manner. This plant care action is a must. Pepper transplant - increases yield. Picking pepper seedlings helps to increase the ripening period of planting material.

Every summer resident needs to know how to dive peppers or tomatoes correctly when he is going to grow this vegetable. Treated plants become more resistant to diseases and the environment. The separation of the root system of peppers and tomatoes is difficult to tolerate, it can be avoided when the seeds are sown in separate pots. But gardeners sow them in common boxes, which are forced to pick seedlings. Plant transplantation is carried out when the seeds sprout and the seedlings get stronger.

Picking is a necessary action, the implementation of which allows each bush to fully develop. Ignoring the separation of planting material can affect the amount of yield.

The days suitable for picking come in March, if the sowing of seeds for seedlings is done in February, then the third and fourth weeks of March are the optimal period for dividing seedlings. Each bush should grow six leaves. A favorable time for picking is such a maturity of the plant.

The readiness of seedlings for separation is judged when the seedlings grow leaves.

The correct pick consists not only in the planting material section:

  • prepare containers for transplanting divided seedlings;
  • dishes of any origin are suitable;
  • the selected capacity must be deep in order to support the root system and allow it to develop;
  • dishes for transplantation should not get wet;
  • at the bottom it is necessary to make additional holes;

Before you transplant the chopped seedlings into a new dish, wash it, dry it, make holes and pour out the fertile soil.

A pick of pepper seedlings is carried out when it has six leaves.

Pick features

Before dividing the seedlings, you need to complete watering a few days in advance, in such conditions the roots are better separated.

When they are going to get the seedlings out of the pot, they hook it with a spatula, holding them by the stem of the plant. After that, you should find the main root and separate the processes from it. This action is performed methodically and carefully so as not to damage the plant.

The completion of the picking is the transplantation of the plant into new pots, they are sprinkled with a small amount of soil on top, pressed and watered with warm and settled water. After picking tomatoes, depressions are made in the ground and the roots are lowered deeper; with pepper, this technique is fraught.

When the whole process is completed, you can take the seedlings in new containers to a bright place. Direct sunlight is harmful to planting material, warm temperatures are favorable.

The first few days the seedlings adapt, as the plant is difficult to tolerate this stage of care, you need to be attentive to the plant at the moment. If you have done the picking correctly, you do not need to be afraid of the wilting of some leaves. After some time, the plant will recover.

If you place the divided seedlings in the familiar environment where they grew before picking, the recovery period will be shorter.

Each pepper needs to be planted in a separate cup.

Why is it important to pick on certain days in late March - early April, pepper grows faster after that. At an early stage of development in the first days after transplantation, peppers can be fertilized. So you will give the plant a favorable development and growth, because in the soil it is not always possible to obtain the necessary minerals for development.

Peppers are whimsical plants that like moderate care, abundant fertilizers and constant feeding are not suitable for peppers. Favorable top dressing is carried out after the appearance of the first leaves, a few days after picking, two days before planting in open ground. Unlike tomatoes, they love nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers for this plant are ash and nettle infusion. Tomato diving is carried out depending on the variety, not like peppers. Tomatoes dive before they have inflorescences.

The picking of different plant varieties varies. So picking tomatoes has its own nuances, like peppers. Caring for peppers is an interesting and complex process that consists of many successive activities. Their observance is the cause of a generous harvest.

Surprisingly, growing pepper using this technology creates seedlings that are strong, stocky, with a strong root system and with buds that appear just in time, just in time for the date of planting the seedlings in the ground. What is this technology based on? On the knowledge about the root system of plants, which the botany teacher gave to all of us in the fifth grade. Here, read about the roots "adventitious roots". There is a mistake in the first picture. Can you figure out which one?

Growing pepper with a pick. Seedling troubles and problems of the gardener.

All textbooks, all encyclopedias for gardeners talk about the usefulness of picking peppers and tomatoes. This is not true: the roots of sweet and hot peppers are very tender, they are very sensitive to the most insignificant, seemingly neat actions of the gardener, picking is always stressful for them.

And the man ... and the pepper ...
It can be compared to a person who fell and broke his leg. It seems to be alive, it doesn’t seem to hurt anymore, because the limb was cast in plaster, but you can only walk on crutches. This is the situation in which a pepper seedling turns out to be when picking.

Pepper seedlings will take root, grow, but the root system will grow defective, unable to supply the plant with the necessary nutrients. The gardener will have to do this work for the plant.

Don't want to do someone else's work? Then grow pepper without a pick.

Growing pepper without a pick: when to sow.

We do not interfere with pepper to live ...
Picking stops the growth of pepper seedlings for two weeks. A good option when the gardener will transplant the pepper only once. Then not much time will be lost, but for pepper, as a crop that grows very slowly, even these two weeks are a real failure, which will then affect the yield in the ground.

Calculation of sowing dates.
We calculate the timing of sowing in a different way, we do not add to the number of days those fourteen that we voluntarily take away from the seedlings. So for me, who lives in Altai and plants pepper in the ground in early June, the sowing time for seeds is mid-March, but not mid-February or early March. Although exceptions are possible for purchased very heavily dried seeds.

Then all the work goes according to the standard protocol: soaking, aging in potassium permanganate or a growth stimulator, which I do not welcome, and placing the seeds in a bowl, one or two seeds in each bowl or cell of the cassette.

Growing peppers in a large bowl.

Utility container reusable.
We can recommend plastic bags for milk or kefir or other similar containers that can be transformed. That is, having rolled up like a shirt sleeve, pour soil on the bottom, spread the seeds, cover them on top with a new portion of soil, water and wait for seedlings.

It is important to put impromptu soft glasses in drawers or boxes tightly from the very beginning, because they cannot stand on their own. The box is covered with a film, put in a warm place, that is, they do everything as described in the article "Bulgarian pepper: requirements for heat and light." The soil should always be moist, seedlings need to be fed every 10 days.

When the seedlings grow up, when two true leaves appear, and the third real one begins to peck, the roll is slightly raised, the soil is added and this is done several times. Growing seedlings, in which the root system develops and requires additional nutrition and a larger volume of soil, all this is easily obtained, the plants are not injured.

It is undesirable to use large plastic glasses, in them the soil lump will not be mastered by the roots for a long time and the soil can turn sour if you pour a lot of soil at once. If everything is done consistently, that is, adding soil as the plant develops, then this method is more acceptable, because the glasses can stand on their own, without props and the support of neighbors.

Is everything good.
A seemingly very successful roll-up container has its drawbacks. When seedlings are transferred to the ground, the soil ball usually falls apart. After all, it does not have a clear geometric volume, it is just a shapeless mass, and the roots are injured, which is bad for the plant.

It is easier to sow in cassettes, and then transfer each sprout to a new container such as cassettes with large cells. This is done when the seedlings have already been transferred to the greenhouse and there is plenty of room to place them. Or when transferred to a balcony, where there is also much more space than on a windowsill or an impromptu seedling rack. The main thing here is to take out a slightly dried lump of soil and simply rearrange it in a larger bowl. This action does not interfere with the plant in any way, and then there will be no problems when transferring the seedling to the ground.

Oh, how I wish...
That seems to be all that I wanted to tell about growing pepper without a pick.

Try to grow just a few pepper roots without picking, compare the results and make your choice. I hope that you will be attracted by the beauty of the seedlings and the minimum of work.