How to make Jedi swords with your own hands: assembly instructions. How to make a Jedi sword with your own hands How to make a Jedi lightsaber

A large number of boys and grown men around the world are fans of George Lucas' famous Star Wars saga. Who among them has not dreamed of becoming the owner of a real Jedi sword, flying through the labyrinths of the Death Star, or becoming a student of the wise Yoda? If it is problematic to bring the latter desires to life, then the first can be dealt with in one evening. How to make a lightsaber with your own hands, read the article below.

Making Jedi weapons

To make your own lightsaber, you will need to purchase LEDs and an LED flashlight, plastic rods, resistors, aluminum foil, tape, glue, sandpaper and heat shrink tubing.

Disassemble the flashlight and remove the board from it, removing the LED. Attach your own LED and resistor to the board. Place heat-shrink tubing on the resistor to keep it in place more tightly. How to make a real lightsaber? Of course you need a blade.

It is made from a transparent plastic rod of the required length (if necessary, cut off the excess). Attach the rod to the screwdriver, sharpening one end to do this. Adjust the other end to the diameter of the flashlight body using a file.

We continue to work on light weapons

Now you need to carefully sand the entire area of ​​the blade. This is done so that the light falling on the sword is scattered evenly.

Then coat the end of the plastic tube with glue and insert it into the flashlight body. True fans don't stop there. How to make a lightsaber look realistic? Add decorations to the body. To do this, take aluminum and copper foil or tape. Cover the handle body. Now the weapon looks more like a formidable intergalactic sword.

Both children and adult Star Wars fans will be delighted with this gift.

How to make Obi-Wan's lightsaber

The episode of the famous saga called "A New Hope", where Obi-Wan fights Darth Vader with lightsabers, inspires awe in many fans. Such a sword can be made at home, although it will require more skill than for the weapon described above. But this doesn't stop men.

How to make Obi-Wan's lightsaber? Take a piece of aluminum pipe and place it on a thin oblong lamp. Don't forget to connect the emitter. This way the sword will truly burn. It is better to integrate the controller into the handle; the batteries are placed inside a hollow tube. Attach a metal cylinder to the emitter; the sleeve will strengthen the action of the emitter. The work is painstaking, all the wires must fit exactly into place.

Some craftsmen manage to create a sword from a nickel furniture leg and a polycarbonate tube. How to make a lightsaber from these items? Insert the colored diode into the holder for three batteries, place it in a metal handle (not forgetting the resistor). Secure the handle and sword together with electrical tape.

All that remains is to decorate the craft as desired.

How to make a lightsaber at home?

The imagination of fans of the space saga never stops; they come up with many options for making light weapons. The sword can be created from cold neon. It is an electroluminescent cord that gives a mesmerizingly bright glow. Connect neon and thin steel cord. Then connect the cord to an inverter that runs on batteries. All that remains is to attach the resulting weapon to the handle. Use the body from an old flashlight instead - this is the most popular option. As you strengthen your skills, you can create a double-edged Jedi sword.

Making a sword with a child

If a little fan of the saga lives in the house, sooner or later he will ask for a lightsaber, because playing with it is so exciting. Don’t rush to upset your child; together with him you can come up with an easy option from scrap materials. For this you need a flashlight.

How to make a lightsaber out of paper? Find a lantern with a white lamp. It must shine brightly, otherwise the game will be less interesting. If your flashlight becomes dim, change the batteries or purchase a new light.

What color sword would you like to create? Find polyethylene in the shade you need. Cut a piece that will completely cover the front of the lantern and attach it. Then take several sheets of white A4 paper. Wrap the first sheet around the top of the lantern, securing it inside with double-sided tape. If you see that the edges of the paper overlap one another, straighten them. This way the light will be distributed evenly.

Roll the second sheet. Secure it onto the first sheet of paper, trying to go as little as possible onto it. Make the sword further by attaching paper rolls one on top of the other. You should not create a very long blade, otherwise it will bend under its own weight. Turn on the flashlight and enjoy

If you don't have time to create a sword

If you don’t have extra time, perseverance or materials, but still want to please yourself or your loved one with an interesting gift, you can order a real laser sword. The Americans have come up with a wonderful sword, the heart of which is a real laser. A weak red sword costs about 1800 rubles, and a powerful green one costs 4800. It has a comfortable handle, stunning design and a built-in pressure sensor. The weight of such a weapon is about one kilogram.

You can make your own Jedi sword in a variety of ways. Some require nothing more than a flashlight and simple paper, others will require many skills from you (knowledge in the field of electricity, soldering, and so on). Every fan of a star film can independently choose the option that is suitable for him.

Children of preschool age and older are very fond of games that repeat and reconstruct historical events, especially colorfully presented in films. To more accurately depict events and cater to children's imagination, give children different gaming paraphernalia, for example, toy swords. Let's try to figure out how to make a sword out of paper, out of a balloon, out of wood, out of cardboard or a lightsaber.

How to make a sword out of paper

How to make a sword out of paper? This does not require many tools and available materials. All we need is paper, free time and the desire to make a toy, strictly following a certain pattern.
It is very useful to involve your child in creating a paper sword - this activity will not only help develop his perseverance and attentiveness, but will also bring the child the pleasure of a job well done.

  1. First, you need to take a sheet of paper, maybe colored, A3 size. Bend one of the corners of your choice to the opposite side of the sheet. We cut off the excess paper. It turns out to be a square. With the colored side down, fold the square sheet in half and diagonally in both directions, maintaining strict alignment of the corners. To make the fold lines more visible on paper, you should smooth them out with a coin or ruler. This will make the paper fractures thinner and deeper.
  2. The next step is to combine the opposite corners of the sheet to form a triangle. Next, we wrap each corner of the triangle lying at the fold of the sheet inward and get a rhombus.
  3. Taking the folded sheet by the middle part in your left hand, with your right hand we bend the edges of the diamond to its middle on one side and the other. Turn over and repeat this action. The result is a figure that resembles the tip of a spear.
  4. We turn the folded parts inward on one side. To make this easier, do not forget to smooth the folds with a coin or other thin, hard object. Bend the resulting figure to the side. This is a blank for a sword blade. We wrap the obtuse corners of the resulting rhombus towards the middle.
  5. Turn the workpiece over. Considering the axis passing through the long part of the figure to be horizontal, we turn the upper and lower corners of it towards the middle. Then we straighten them and fold them again, but inward.
  6. Turn it over again. Taking the sword blank by the so-called blade, we wrap the two folded parts that are located at the bottom to the sides. We fold them again and get the crossguard of the sword. We bend the edges of the cross towards the top.
  7. Turn it over. Fold the remaining unfolded diamond towards the middle. This is the hilt of the sword. To secure it, you need to bend the parts of the paper going to the cross into the middle and press down well.

The paper sword is ready. With the proper skill, it will turn out neat and beautiful, which will give you and your child the joy of creation, and then allow him to plunge into his fantasy world and, using his wonderful sword, fight evil and injustice.

How to make a sword from a ball

Creating figures and models from balloons is called twisting. There are many reasons to learn twisting, such as practicing fine motor skills. Twisting will also help develop a child’s creative thinking and, naturally, imagination.

To make a sword from a ball , you need a hand pump and a set of balloons of a specific type, the so-called sausage ball.

Do not think that without some skill you will be able to roll such a ball into any shape the first time. If you want to give your children a surprise or show off your ability to make a balloon sword at a children's party, you should practice first. Keep in mind that not all balls are strong or flexible enough to be used as models.

  1. First, let's inflate several sausage balls using a pump. Naturally, you can inflate the balloons with your mouth, but this is very tedious.
  2. Leave 3-5 cm without air, which will allow the air to escape into the empty part when twisting and prevent the ball from bursting. During the twisting process, so-called bubbles are obtained. You do all the work with one hand, holding the first and last bubble with the other. To twist the ball when creating a bubble, three turns are made around its axis in only one direction. This will ensure the reliability of the structure, preventing it from falling apart when pushed or hit. For fastening, they do not use threads, but knots tied on a ball.
  3. It will take no more than 10 minutes to create a sword. Take a balloon that is inflated and tied at the end. We bend it, stepping back from the edge 15-20 cm. We bend it again at the same distance from the first fold. It turns out to be a “snake”.
  4. Grabbing the “snake” with your hand, twist it forcefully in the middle. The result is the handle of the sword and its guard. The remaining part of the ball is the blade. The ball sword is ready.

Teach your little one how to make this simple balloon shape and let him get lost in his dreams of making weapons for a pirate gang or noble knights. In addition, a sword made from inflatable balls is a very safe toy; it will not injure your child and his friends.

You can make a sword out of a ball, entertaining an adult group too. We are sure that moms and dads wouldn't mind having fun with a toy sword either.

How to make a homemade sword

Every boy dreamed of having a real sword in childhood, and some, having become adults, are not averse to arming themselves with bladed weapons from distant eras. In addition, one should take into account the influence of time, which has increased the popularity of role-playing games based on the R.R. universe. Tolkien or other fantasy authors of our time to a noticeable level. Now not only teenagers and young people, but also fully grown men and women, strive to entertain themselves by simulating life in a world imagined by science fiction writers.

At home, you can use wood, cardboard or metal to make a sword.

How to make a sword from wood

To create a wooden sword you will need:

  • thin or plywood board;
  • hacksaw;
  • scissors;
  • Sander;
  • chisel;
  • plane;
  • sandpaper;
  • epoxy resin;
  • dye;
  • brush.

We should decide in advance what type of sword we are going to make. The entire variety of these bladed weapons is divided into three categories depending on the length of the blade: one-handed swords, one-and-a-half and two-handed swords. As the name of the category suggests, the length of the blade is such that you can handle the weapon with one or just two hands.

A sword up to 60 cm long belongs to the one-handed category. Sometimes used in conjunction with a shield.

The bastard sword, being a transitional variety between one-handed and two-handed swords, has a blade length of 85-122 cm and can be used with one or two hands and depending on the length of the handle.

The sword, with a total length of up to 150 cm and a blade length of up to 120 cm, belongs to the category of two-handed swords and is the longest and heaviest. If you press it into the ground with the tip of the blade, the pommel will be at the level of the warrior’s chin. Such a sword did not have a sheath, and the owner carried it on his shoulder.

One-handed swords were used as additional or secret weapons - daggers, sei, gladiuses, stilettos. One-and-a-half were used as the main weapon. These include swords, sabers, estoki, jian. Two-handed giants were used in battle against heavily armored knights. The most famous swords belonging to this category are slashers, claymores and flamberges.

The main characteristics of a sword are its balance and the quality of the steel from which the blade is made. The center of gravity should be shifted to the handle, at a distance of one palm from the guard - for one-handed and one-and-a-half swords, at a distance of two palms - for two-handed swords. This is due to the fact that the guard and the handle with the pommel make up about 2/3 of the weight of the entire weapon. Made in the form of a crossbar, the guard performs a protective function for the warrior’s hands and serves as a support for them. The handle of the sword is a continuation of the blade, to which are attached pads wrapped in leather. The pommel or apple is designed to support the hands back and, given the design of the handle and guard, serves as a fastening element for it.

Having examined, in general, the design of the sword, we will figure out how to make a wooden sword at home.

  1. First you need to choose the wood. The service life of the weapon will depend on its hardness. For a wooden sword, ash, oak or maple wood, without knots or cracks, is suitable.
  2. Using a hacksaw, we cut out the workpiece to the required length, remove all excess with a plane and get a sword of the desired shape, and the blade at the handle should be made larger than that of the tip both in thickness and in height.
  3. The next step is to make an oval handle. If you make the handle round, it will rotate in the palm, which will cause inconvenience when using the sword.
  4. We make the guard from rubber, giving it the shape that you like best.
  5. We accurately determine the location of the guard, taking into account the center of gravity of the entire product. To maintain proper balance, the handle is weighted with lead. We wrap the handle with leather or other suitable material. Leather cords should be wet before wrapping. After drying, they will tighten the handle tightly.
  6. To achieve the final gloss, sand and sharpen the blade using sandpaper or a grinder.
  7. To give our wooden sword the strength of steel, we will treat it with epoxy resin. Taking into account its transparency, you can add paint to the resin. After covering the sword with several layers of resin, let it dry. Now your wooden sword is ready.

How to make a sword from cardboard

To create a cardboard sword, we need scissors and paint, with which we will then cover the workpiece to give it strength and an aesthetic appearance.

Having chosen the shape of the future sword, draw its pattern on a sheet of cardboard with a pencil. Use scissors to cut out the sword. If the cardboard is very thick, you can use a hacksaw. Gently sand the edges with fine sandpaper. Afterwards we paint the sword with paint: the blade and crosspiece are made of steel, the handle is black or brown. You can not paint the handle, but wrap it in leather or vinyl chloride. Such a sword will be more of a toy for children; it cannot be hung as a decoration on the wall. But, if desired, you can decorate the cardboard sword with foil or tin elements, then the product can decorate the most sophisticated interior.

How to make a lightsaber

You have hardly seen the Star Wars movie saga. For many years, this fantastic story has excited the minds of children and adults. One of the attractions of this fictional world is the lightsaber - a miracle of technology of the future. But as it turned out, making a laser sword at home is very simple, and from improvised material.

To do this you need:

  • paper towel;
  • electric flashlight;
  • foil;
  • Whatman paper;
  • insulating tape;
  • scotch;

Let's start making:

  • Wrap a paper towel around the handle of the flashlight. Use a knife to cut off the excess length. According to the original source, the length of the handle is 24-30 cm. Let's make a window for the flashlight switch.
  • Cover the handle on top of the paper with foil, not forgetting to cut a window in it for the switch. We secure the structure with electrical tape.
  • We will make a light blade from a sheet of whatman paper. To do this, we’ll wind up whatman paper in a roll and attach it to the handle using tape. The Jedi used a standard length lightsaber from 100 to 130 cm. These dimensions should be used when making a blade from whatman paper.
  • Activate your laser sword by turning on the flashlight. The heroes of the movie saga used lightsabers of different colors in battles. In our case, this can be achieved by placing multi-colored glass or plastic on the glass of the flashlight.

Now you have a powerful weapon in your hands that will help restore order in the galaxies and planets under your control.

The ritual of creating one's own lightsaber was an integral part of Jedi training and involved not only technological skill, but also harmony with the Force. Ideally, a Jedi needs many months to create the perfect weapon, which he will keep and use until the end of his days. Once created by you, the lightsaber will be your constant companion, your tool, and your means of defense at the ready.

Luke Skywalker

In this article, a DIYer will tell us how to make a Jedi lightsaber with light and sound effects. Created on the Arduino platform, the sword reacts to every movement. Let's watch the video.

Below are the characteristics of the sword.
-Smooth on/off with lightsaber effect
- Pulsating color with the ability to turn off

-Mode 1: generated noise. The frequency depends on the angular speed of the blade
-Mode 2: Sound hum from SD card
-Slow swing - long hum sound (random from 4 sounds)
-Quick swing - short hum sound (random from 5 sounds)
-Bright white flash when the sword hits the surface
-Play one of 16 sounds when struck
-Weak blow - short sound
-Hard blow - long sound
-After turning on the power, the blade displays the current battery level from 0 to 100%

-The battery is low - the lightsaber does not turn on - the power button flashes 2 times
-When the battery runs out during operation, the sword automatically turns off
Control button:
-Hold-on/off sword
-Triple press - color change
-Five clicks to change sound mode
-Selected color and sound mode stored in memory

Tools and materials:
-You can buy a polycarbonate pipe Ø 32 mm with diffusion (dispersion);
-Sewer pipe Ø 32 mm and Ø 40 mm;
-Plastic plugs;
-Everything for soldering;
-Steel wire;
-Double-sided tape;
-Glue gun;
- Fasteners;
-Cone drill;
-Spray paint;
-Foam rubber;
-Heat shrink;
-Insulating tape;

Step one: connection
According to the circuit diagram, the electronics are assembled on the breadboard. Solders the contacts with a mounting wire. The buck converter pre-regulates to 4.5 V. The accelerometer is connected separately using a cable.

Step two: firmware
Instructions, firmware, sounds can be taken

or download from the link on this page.

You can configure:
-The number of chips on the tape (if the length of the sword blade changes)
-On/off flicker
-Measure and indicate the resistance of resistors in Ohms
And some other settings.
For the project, the master took MicroSD 4 GB, FAT.
When flashing the assembled sword, you must turn on the power.

Step Three: Batteries
For his project, the master used three 18650 lithium batteries with built-in protection.
Solders them in series into one battery. The diameter of the 32 pipe is larger than the battery pack. The author wraps the battery with paper so that it fits tightly into the pipe. Then he heats the surface of the pipe with a burner and quickly cools it. The pipe tapers and takes the shape of a battery. He takes out the battery. He takes off the paper. Now the battery fits tightly into the pipe and does not dangle.

Step Four: LED Strip
Blade length (polycarbonate pipe) 75 cm. The master cuts two pieces of LED strip 75 cm each. Places double-sided tape on the strip. Makes a hole in the top of the tape (without damaging the tracks). Pulls one end of the insulated wire into the hole. Glues the wire to the tape along the entire length of the tape. Glue a second strip of tape on top. The result is a rigid LED design.

Having previously brought the cable out, it secures the accelerometer in the second (lower) plug. Solders the wires to the LED strip and leads them out. Secure the wire with a self-tapping screw to the plug. To prevent the tape from dangling in the middle of the tape, use a toothpick to make a transverse stop. Places the polypropylene tube on the bottom plug. Puts on the top cap. Pulls the wire and secures it with a self-tapping screw at the top.

Step five: handle
For the handle, the master used two pieces of pipe, Ø 32 mm and Ø 40 mm, inserted into each other.

An elegant weapon... from a more civilized era. This is how the lightsaber was introduced to viewers about 40 years ago. Being an invariable element of any Jedi's entourage, the glowing sword was kept in the galactic republic for millennia. Together with its first public appearance in 1977, when the first film was released, the distinctive buzz of the lightsaber and the epic battle between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi remained in the memory of audiences for a long time. A senior scientist at Fermilab is working on realistic options for bringing a lightsaber to life. And, as Don Lincoln tells it, he will definitely appear.

Build a lightsaber

Given the impact of the Star Wars franchise on society, it was inevitable that there would be a segment of society that wanted to make a lightsaber and even train with it. But what technology could form its basis? This is where the first attempts to reverse engineer this device began. Reverse engineering, in this context, is thinking about how it can be done... rather than building one such sword.

Admit it, it would be nice to get such a sword as a New Year's gift. But “”, whatever one may say, is science fiction. What could scientists and engineers do to build such a sword (on the screen it is, of course, beautiful, but limiting the laser beam in this way is almost impossible).

In the film, lightsaber blades are shown to stretch 1.2 meters in length. They definitely contain colossal amounts of energy and can melt huge amounts of metal. This weapon clearly has a powerful and compact power source. They can cut flesh without any difficulty, but their handles are not particularly hot to burn the hand holding them. The two lightsabers don't go right through each other, and the blades also come in different colors.

Given the name and appearance, the first obvious thought is that these lightsabers probably include some type of laser. But this hypothesis is easy to exclude. Lasers do not have a fixed length, which is easy to check with a simple laser pointer. Additionally, unless the light is somehow scattered, the laser beam is essentially invisible. None of these characteristics describe our sword.

Plasma blades?

A more realistic technology would be plasma. Such material is created after knocking out electrons from gas atoms, in a process called ionization. Plasma is the fourth state of matter, after the well-known solid, liquid and gaseous states. You have also seen many examples of plasma in your life. The glow of fluorescent light is plasma, neon lights too.

This plasma feels quite cold because you can touch the tube without burning your fingers. But plasma is usually hot, with temperatures of several thousand degrees. However, the gas density in a fluorescent light tube is so low that even at high temperatures, the total amount of heat energy is very low. An additional complication is that the electrons in the plasma have much higher energy than the ionized atoms from which the electrons came. The thermal energy of a cup of coffee (which is much cooler) is significantly higher than the energy contained in fluorescent light.

Some plasma, however, produces significant heat. In plasmatrons. The principle of their operation is the same as that of a light bulb, but with a larger amount of electric current. There are many ways to make a plasma torch, but the simplest involves two electrodes and a conductive material, usually a gas like oxygen, nitrogen or something. The high voltage across the electrodes ionizes the gas, turning it into plasma.

Because plasma is electrically conductive, it can transfer a powerful electrical current to the target material, heating it and melting it. This device is called a plasma cutter, but in reality it is an electric arc (welding), and the plasma acts as a conductor of electric current. Most plasma cutters work well when the material being cut is conductive, as the material can then complete a circuit and send electrical current back to the device through the cable connecting the cutter to the target. There are also double cutters, between which electricity passes, they allow you to cut non-conductive materials.

So, plasma torches can generate areas of intense heat, but require huge amounts of electrical current, and lightsabers don't seem to be able to provide that kind of current. Maybe then lightsabers are just tubes of super-hot plasma? Not either, since plasma acts as a hot gas that expands and cools, like ordinary fire (which is also often plasma, if only because it glows). Thus, if plasma is to be the basis of a lightsaber, it will need to be contained in something.

Fortunately, such a mechanism exists. Plasma consisting of charged particles (at high speed) can be controlled by magnetic fields. In fact, some of the most promising nuclear fusion technologies use magnetic fields to confine plasma. The temperature and total energy contained in the synthesized plasma is so high that it would melt even the metal vessel containing it.

Perhaps lightsabers will do. Strong magnetic fields coupled with super-hot and dense plasma offer a possible way to create a lightsaber. But we're not done yet.

If we take two plasma tubes that are held magnetically, they will pass right through each other... there will be no epic duels. So we need to figure out how to make swords have a hard core. And the material from which it will consist must be resistant to high temperatures.

A ceramic that can be exposed to high temperatures without melting, softening or warping may be suitable. But the solid ceramic core has a problem: when the Jedi is not using the sword, it hangs from his belt, and the hilt is 20-25 centimeters long. The ceramic core should jump out of the handle like a jack-in-the-box.

Brute force

This is how I (Don Lincoln) imagine building a lightsaber, although my project has problems. In Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi cuts off an alien's arm with a simple, casual motion. This moment silently indicates how hot the plasma should be.

In Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon Jinn inserts his lightsaber into a heavy door, first making a deep cut and then simply melting it. If you look at this sequence and assume that the door is steel, taking into account the time spent heating and melting the metal, you can calculate the energy that such a sword must have. That comes out to about 20 megawatts. Considering the average consumption of household electricity - approximately 1.4 kilowatts - one lightsaber can power 14,000 ordinary homes until the battery runs out.

A power source of such density is clearly beyond the limits of modern technology, but perhaps we can assume that the Jedi know some secret. After all, they travel faster than the speed of light.

But there is a physical problem. This kind of energy means that the plasma will be incredibly hot and only a few inches away from the sword's owner's hand. And this heat will be emitted in the form of infrared radiation. The Jedi's hand should be instantly charred. This means that some force must retain heat. Again, sword blades use optical wavelengths, so the force field must keep infrared radiation out but allow visible radiation through.

Such technical research inevitably leads to the need for unknown technologies. But at least we can simply say that a lightsaber consists of some kind of concentrated energy contained in a force field.

Memory tells us how Michael Okuda, technical consultant for the Star Trek franchise, explained the new technology that made transporters possible. He said there were "Heisenberg compensators" supposedly needed to correct problems caused by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This is the famous quantum mechanical principle that you cannot know with high precision the location and speed of a particle at the same time. Since a person is made up of many particles (atoms and their parts), if you ever tried to scan someone to find out the location of all their atoms, you would not be able to accurately measure their positions and movements. This means that when you try to reassemble someone, you will not be able to accurately assemble protons, neutrons and electrons together. At a deep and fundamental physical level, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle says that such transporters are impossible. But who is Heisenberg to the creators of Star Trek? When Time journalists asked how such a device worked, they replied “very well, thank you.”

Still, it was interesting to see how close modern science is to creating an iconic sci-fi technology. In the case of a lightsaber, the best modern technology can do is a plasma weapon encased in a magnetic field. Yes, it will also have a ceramic core that uses a very dense energy source, as well as a force field that blocks infrared, but not visible radiation. Ugh, that's a piece of cake.

All that remains is to ask the engineers how difficult it will be to do all this. But they can do it, right?

Many Star Wars fans have imagined themselves in their dreams as brave Jedi fighting evil using their fantastic lightsabers. Probably every boy thought about the sword in the film and how can such a weapon be reproduced in reality? In the film, young fighters for good had to go through many tests in order to create their own weapons. In real life, of course, everything is a little simpler.

What do you need to purchase to create?

  1. To make a laser sword with your own hands, you will need to purchase a regular flashlight at any store that runs on 2-3 A batteries. The lantern will serve two purposes simultaneously. Firstly, this will be the handle of your future sword. Secondly, it will highlight the structure. It is best to choose metal lanterns. The color can be any, the main thing is that you like it and match the color of the future “blade” of the sword. The size depends on your hand, it should be comfortable for you.
  2. In a specialized online store you will need to order so-called “cold” or “flexible” neon. This type of product is widely used for decorative lighting of a room, and you can make a real Jedi laser sword out of it. Neon is an electroluminescent cord. Its average price is about 300 rubles per meter. The main advantage of “flexible” neon is the fact that it gives a uniform and pleasant glow along the entire length due to fairly low powers.
  3. should be chosen according to your taste. Today there are various models of this product. Remember that it is best to choose one that is thick enough. The length of the cord will correspond to the length of the future sword.
  4. If you're interested in how many Star Wars fans made a laser sword, buy a power supply or inverter. In order for the cord to glow, a high-frequency current must pass through it. Remember that the ideal output frequency of the unit should be at least 2000 Hz and the voltage should be 110 V. As a rule, such inverters operate on batteries.

The last step to create

First you need to attach a flashlight to the power supply (which, as you remember, is needed for the handle). Check if the glow works. If the neon lights up, the Jedi's weapon is ready. To make the structure more durable, it is necessary to fasten each part as carefully as possible and isolate the connections.

The second way to create a sword: what do you need to buy?

So, we have already discussed above how some craftsmen made a laser sword, but there is another way. For it you need to purchase Luxeon 5W or 3W LEDs (it is better not to buy the latter in white or blue), a holder for a “pinky” speaker with a diameter of 25 mm, a switch button, a plug, a steel tube with a diameter of 32 mm, a translucent polycarbonate tube, screws, black electrical tape, simple wiring, tin, studs, Remember that this method is only suitable for those who know how to solder.

Instructions: step by step

  1. Create a sketch of the hilt of your future sword. Remember that the more “filling”, the longer it will be.
  2. Assemble the inner frame. To do this, connect the diode and speaker with a soldering iron. Attach a lens to the diode, and battery holders to the speaker.
  3. After this, all electronics will need to be secured to the frame. Be sure to check if the design works and proceed to create a body from a steel tube.
  4. Create a blade. To do this, you need to saw off a piece of suitable length, plug one end of it, and attach the other to the handle.
  5. Let's start decorating the handle at your discretion. Here you can show all your imagination.

You have learned two ways of how numerous fans of the famous series made the Jedi laser sword, and you can safely create your own weapon.