Everything about the institute first year. Tips for students: how to survive your first year of university

. You will have to get used to the new building, the countless number of subjects and teachers, the heavy workload and learn. Here are a few life hacks on how to survive the first year of university.

Do not be late

Set several alarms and track how long it takes you to get ready. Thoroughly study the transport schedule from home to your place of study. In emergency situations (lateness, changes in schedule), you can quickly get to the university. Better yet, try to always arrive on time.

Explore the university building

Find out where all the important objects are located: libraries, reading room, Internet cafe, printing point, offices of the dean's office, university administration, trade union, department. This way you will waste much less precious time during a break when you need to look at one of these places. Over time, every student becomes a little bit of a logistician.

Have lunch time

A hungry student is an absent-minded student. It is important to eat well while studying. Stop by the university cafeteria or cafeteria. Don’t be lazy to prepare a small meal. Just don’t eat dry food and various unhealthy foods, otherwise by the end of the 4th year, in addition to the diploma, you will also get gastritis.

Keep an organizer

Mark your schedule, homework, contacts of teachers and classmates in your diary. - one of the things that saves you from overwork and forgotten things. Also, use our tips to avoid being left penniless.


The student's weapon is language. Don’t be afraid to ask teachers and senior students about academic matters or organizational issues. If you are interested in scientific or social life, or want to learn about creative circles, inquire at the department or dean’s office.

Don't forget about studying

Be prepared that teachers and senior students inadvertently scare you with tests and sessions. Taking it to heart is a waste of precious nerves. Just study hard during the semester and your first exams will be easy for you. Even if you are a paid student, it is better to start with good grades so as not to miss the chance.

Take notes

Don't rely on textbooks completely. , because usually in exams they ask based on notes. This way, teachers will be more loyal to you.

Make connections with students from other courses

If necessary, you can ask senior students for advice on their studies, borrow notes or learn about various aspects of the life of the faculty, .

Be active and inquisitive then !

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Well, freshmen, have you waited until September 1st?! Now you are full representatives of a special social group - students. And in order to remain students for another five years, we recommend that you reel in the advice of your senior comrades.

Features of the educational process, or why a university is not a school

  1. Remember, student, the main thing that distinguishes a university from a school: your diploma is your problems. Yes, we know that in schools everywhere they give three-pieces to hominids who have not even reached the level of erectus. Because teachers, head teachers and directors, firstly, rivet reports on the performance of the school livestock, and secondly, receive money for each sheep from the school herd. It’s not for nothing that high school is called a “septic tank” and a “corral” in which teenagers are kept before the army so that they do not wander around the streets. Are you used to having your ears pulled? Forget it.

Universities mercilessly expel erectus, Neanderthals, and even some under-evolved Cro-Magnons. Because their age already allows them to join the army! Or send them to lay out goods on supermarket shelves. Moreover, the most powerful stream of expulsions goes down the drain after the first semester.

University teachers are deeply concerned about whether you will crawl to your diploma. No one will run after you asking you to finally pass the test. And parents will not be called to the dean’s office.

Let it be clear: a university is not a school! You have become an adult!

  1. But you need to visit. Unfortunately, the hypothesis that “the student is an adult who independently controls the personal educational process” does not stand up to the test of practice. Practice shows that the majority of students remain overage schoolchildren. And if you don’t control the attendance of these idiots at lectures and seminars, there will be five “nerds” sitting in the audience. Therefore, no matter how much the principle of checking those present contradicts the principles of university teaching, most teachers practice it.

By skipping lectures, you can end up on the teacher’s “black list,” which can lead to especially close attention during the exam. Some teachers even demand to see notes from bad lectures.

And skipped seminars, colloquiums, practical, laboratory and tests will have to be completed in 99% of cases.

  1. Find out right away what you need to be admitted to the session. You are allowed to take some tests and exams only if you write an essay, report, essay, or tests. This is not so bad, you can order “waste paper” from student lancers in November – December. It’s worse if the university has a point system for admission to the session. Points must be collected directly from September.
  1. Stick your textbook... well, somewhere on the back shelf. Don't rely on your textbook to help you prepare for the exam. This is another key difference from school. A textbook is an auxiliary tool, and the main sources of knowledge at a university are lectures and literature, with the help of which you will prepare for seminars. Of course, there is no need to throw away the textbook completely - as a basis, it will do just fine. Just keep in mind that the textbooks you will be given are most often outdated. You need to look for new ones in the library, buy or download them online (if possible). And there are also teachers who specifically make exams based on their lectures. However, there are also those who read lectures from a textbook - with these it’s easier.
  1. Get ready to work with literature yourself. If you think that the purpose of a university is to stuff you with knowledge, then you are deeply mistaken. The goal of the university is to teach you how to obtain information on your own, give you self-education skills and, preferably, develop scientific thinking in you. The textbook provides the basis, the lectures structure the material and help sort it out in your head, and the independent search for materials among articles and monographs rules.

You can find some of the materials on the Internet (thanks to digitization!), but much has not yet made it onto the World Wide Web. Therefore, you will have to go to a university, regional or specialized library, make extracts and photocopies. Horror-horror? Nothing, then you will thank you for teaching you to study on your own. In the information age, knowledge becomes outdated very quickly. A professional needs to study and learn in order to remain in demand, and for this you need to have self-education skills.

One way to measure the rate at which facts become obsolete is to look at the citation index of scientific articles. If a publication is not cited, it likely means it is irrelevant or outdated. For example, as a result of studying publications in Physical Review journals representing different areas of physical science, it turned out that half of the publications cease to be cited after an average of 10 years, and, say, in nuclear physics - after 5 years. The half-life of a book (in terms of citations) is about 13 years in physics, 9.4 years in economics, 9.1 years in mathematics, and about 7 years in history and psychology.

  1. Find out what seminars, colloquiums, essays, notes, tests, term papers and other mysterious bullshit are. A freshman is bombarded with megatons of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar words, under which new ways of testing knowledge are hidden. Yes, bro, it's not like at school. Start figuring all this out right from September.
  1. Tune in to a new rhythm of learning. 40-minute lessons and long breaks are a thing of the past. Now you will have to sit in classes, and the break will only be enough to run from class to class (it’s better to go to the dining room during the “windows”). On the other hand, there are also advantages: perhaps there will be days in the schedule when you can show up for the second or even third class. Appreciate the “windows”: instead of just stupidly staggering around waiting for the next couple, go to the library or the cafeteria.
  1. Remember that there are upper and lower weeks. Another innovation. Enter the data into the gadget that you carry with you. Still confused? Going to the timetable is the easiest way to figure out what week it is.
  1. Find out when the session starts, as well as (just in case) the rules for granting academic leave. And find out all this not in December, but as early as possible.
  1. Do not forget that you can be expelled from the university for violating discipline. The life of a student is much freer than that of a schoolboy, but the dean’s office will not turn a blind eye to some of the outbursts. And if it comes to the rector’s office, you understand. The reason for expulsion can be particularly violent drinking in a dorm (for example, throwing a refrigerator out the window), or breaking the law, or even overly active political activity (for example, a single picket in front of the administrative building demanding the resignation of the rector). If they don’t expel you directly, they will create conditions under which it will be very difficult to pass the exam. So control yourself.
  1. Try to understand that you are already an adult and are responsible for the results of your studies at the university. Keep in mind that no one will chase you with reminders about lectures and seminars. And calls to parents with the question: “Where is your child, is he sick or playing truant?” – it won’t either. Become independent.
  1. Work on your record. For at least the first two sessions, give it your all. Then it will be easier: the better your image, the more loyal the teachers are to you. And vice versa: teachers are prejudiced towards students with grades and “tails”. In general, work for your record, then it will work for you.

Your head is swelling with advice, freshman? Wait, this is just the beginning. If you haven’t broken down yet, read the recommendations that will help you survive until the session and survive it.

Tips for first-year students on swimming in training waters

  1. Learn to benefit even from boring lectures. To do this, you need to learn to 1) listen (and hear), 2) concentrate. Useful skills that will be useful to you in life.
  1. Master the skills of faking interest. This is in case the teacher is a beast, and his lectures are completely stupid and meaningless. But do not abuse this skill, otherwise your entire future career will be reduced to an office IBD (imitation of vigorous activity). Use the skill in exceptional cases.
  1. Learn to take notes. There is no need to transcribe lectures word for word. Isolate the main thing, develop your own system of abbreviations and symbols that is understandable to the brain. Take notes logically and structurally.
  1. Use your voice recorder and other gadgets wisely. Do not rely 100% on the achievements of civilization. Firstly, transcribing a lecture from a voice recorder is a chore. Imagine: you sat through a lecture, and then still have to spend the same amount of time transcribing the recording! Is this reasonable? Recording on a voice recorder is only suitable for auditory learners (people who best perceive information by ear). Secondly, teachers really don’t like students who turn on the recorder and then sit there with a blank look.

As for tablets, laptops and netbooks, they can be a great help, especially in the library. But don’t forget that writing with a pen activates memory processes in the brain. Be aware of teachers who require handwritten notes.

  1. Stock up on general notebooks, pens, and multi-colored markers. Carry a spare pen with you. Use colored markers to highlight the main thing and structure your notes.
  1. Be one of the first to go to the university library for textbooks. Yes, textbooks are not the most important thing at a university, but they are still needed. In most universities there are not enough textbooks for everyone. Especially new ones.
  1. Find out where the libraries and reading rooms you need are located. Sign up and learn how to work with the catalogue. Unfortunately, all the materials you need are not yet available on the Internet.
  1. Write down the schedule, remember the location of buildings and classrooms. You can just follow your group, but it’s better to be independent. It's also worth writing down the opening hours of libraries, gyms, laboratories and other places you'll be visiting.
  1. Collect information about teachers and take into account their individual characteristics. Write down and remember the name of the teachers - that's it! Recognize them by sight - two. There is nothing stupider than meeting a teacher during an exam. Find out about everyone's character and habits (undergrads will help with this). Find out how everyone feels about attending lectures, what requirements they have for seminars, tests, and exams.
  1. Choose a teacher. A correctly chosen supervisor will not only help you write coursework and get you to your diploma, but will also defend you in front of the department and even in front of the dean’s office. We advise, freshman, .
  1. Read about the principles of time management. Learn to manage your time so that you have enough time to attend university, study on your own, and relax.
  1. Divide items into important and unimportant. The profile ones are important, bury your head in them. Learn all sorts of non-core stuff in order to get a pass - that's enough. There is no point in immersing yourself in studying an analogue of school life safety at the expense of the core subject.
  1. Try to get as many “machine guns” as possible. Taking a test or exam automatically for active learning activities during the semester will save you from the hassle before the exam. Some teachers also have “semi-automatic machines”, which are also a good thing: you can choose one of two questions on the exam.
  1. Don't sit on the Kamchatka. This is a place for those who want to do their own thing and not study. Many teachers are prejudiced against “Kamchatka” (especially if they hear the crash of beer bottles accidentally touched by someone’s foot). In addition, in Kamchatka it is usually difficult to hear what the teacher is saying. It is better to record lectures while sitting at the front desks or in the middle of the room.

The middle is perhaps the most comfortable place. You can hear it normally, but if something happens, you can hear it a little. The first desks are loved by excellent students; they allow them to establish visual contact with the teacher, as well as demonstrate their hard work and interest.

  1. Don't be shy to ask questions to the teacher. If something is unclear, feel free to ask. Teachers love active students. But don’t overdo it, faking interest will give you the image of a suck-up. Or even worse - the image of a stupid suck-up.
  1. Lectures are useless; there is no point in wasting your energy on them. If the teacher marks truants, sit in the middle and pretend to be busy. Unless, of course, this beast demands to provide notes on his blizzard.
  1. If the teacher doesn’t give a damn, and no one writes his lectures, you’d better write them down. Why? Because then who the hell can you get them from! Keep in mind that the teacher’s indifferent attitude towards visiting and recording his lectures can result in harshness in the exam. Some teachers are selective in not giving a damn: they believe that a student should not be forced to study, it is his personal business - to study or not to study. The exam will dot all the i's...
  1. Get active at seminars! This is a direct path to the “automatic machine”. Or at least reducing the risk of pre-session drills.
  1. Are you afraid to speak in front of an audience? Paradoxical advice: speak as often as possible. The skill of public speaking will be very useful in life (not to mention the fact that it will be easier to pass the exam).
  1. If the teacher has distributed the topics of the reports to everyone, try to read yours as early as possible. Otherwise, there may not be enough time, and either the “automatic machine” will shut down, or you will have to take the report directly to a test or exam, or you will look for a teacher to introduce him to the fruits of your labor outside of class time.
  1. Practical, laboratory, and tests must be taken on time. Don't skip them, don't save mini-tails. You still have to give it up. It’s easier to do this gradually than to deal with a pile of work before the session itself.
  1. Start writing coursework and essays as early as possible. If you are going to order them from student dancers, don’t delay either. Why is explained in detail in the article.
  1. Before submitting your ordered or downloaded work, read it! Don't give the teacher a reason to catch you giving away a freebie.
  1. If your classmates are bullshit, don't be like them. You don’t want to be one of those 20% of slackers who will drop out in the first session, do you?

Why does a freshman need social, cultural and scientific activities?

  1. Social activity is not only interesting, but also useful. Being active in social and cultural projects increases the chance of receiving a scholarship.
  1. If you have an inclination towards scientific activity, do not hold yourself back. Participate in university and international conferences, sign up for a student scientific society. This is useful for records and opens the way to graduate school. And even to tasty grants.
  1. International exchange, foreign conferences and participation in international student projects are a chance to travel abroad for free.
  1. Learn languages ​​and be more active! If the faculty holds olympiads, quizzes, competitions, take part.
  1. The prize can be automatic machines in all subjects in the record book, a personalized scholarship, a one-time cash incentive... In general, all sorts of goodies plus the respect of teachers. Participation in youth political projects is also useful.
  1. This is where your path into politics can begin - if, of course, you are interested. But keep in mind that not all policies are good for the student. Oppositional political activity in our country, unfortunately, can lead to expulsion from the university. So choose projects approved by the university.
  1. If you are a born administrator, become a headman or finance manager, or even better, make a career in the trade union committee.
  1. The path is not for everyone, but if it’s yours, go for it. A sense of power and money are included. It makes sense for a student with a journalistic, journalistic streak to go to the editorial office of a student newspaper already in his first year.
  1. You can start an alternative blog or website yourself or together with like-minded people, or organize the publication of a faculty newspaper. Just be adequate - you don’t even need to dump everything you think about “Tupak Denisov” and “bitch Kubareva” on your personal blog. They can read too.
  1. Take part in amateur art activities. First of all, skits and KVN are fun! Secondly, if you are applying for a personal scholarship, this activity will also count. Thirdly, valuable creative personnel can count on concessions from the dean’s office in case of problems with the session. But within reasonable limits, of course.
  1. It makes sense for artists, poets, writers and other very creative individuals to participate in competitions and enroll in specialized student communities. Volleyball, basketball and even chess tournaments are not only a way of self-realization, but also a chance to get an “automatic” in physical education. Cash incentives are possible. In the USA, even very stupid athletes are so valued by colleges and universities that they pass the exams even with complete brain atrophy. Our concessions are not so luxurious, but you can also count on them.
  1. Think about the future. Already from your first year, you should think about how you will build your career after graduation. Will you work in your specialty? Are you going to go for a red diploma? Are you interested in graduate school? Do you need a foreign language for your career? Are you planning to look for a job in your specialty while studying at university? The clearer your plans are, the more likely it is that you will approach graduation with precise knowledge of where you will work and, perhaps, even with offers from employers.

Useful contacts

  1. Join the team. Don't be arrogant, don't provoke conflicts from the very first days at the university. Don't be afraid of your classmates - they are scared too
  1. Conduct yourself with dignity. Don’t cower before the “strong ones”, don’t become a “six”. Don’t be afraid to be an outcast if you don’t get along with the dominant group on the course. Look for like-minded people. Be yourself.
  1. Don't intrigue, avoid warring microgroups. This will avoid many troubles.
  1. Exchange contacts with classmates. If something happens, you will know who to call, write or call on Skype to clarify the schedule or assignment for the seminar.
  1. If you like to play truant, make friends with the headman. A good relationship with the headman will reduce the number of “N” icons next to your name in the visitor log. Chocolates rule.
  1. Contacts with older students are really useful. Senior comrades will help with notes and materials, and tell you about the character of the teachers.
  1. Make friends with those who live in the dorm. First of all, they are fun. Secondly, in the dorm there are always notes. From someone.
  1. Make useful friends. These could be student educators who will help you write academic papers or employees of medical institutions who can issue the necessary certificate. It’s not a fact that these acquaintances will be useful, but in a force majeure situation you will know who to turn to.
  1. Create a community of support with your fellow students. It’s easier to prepare for seminars together (everyone prepares their part, then you exchange materials). When preparing for tests and exams, friends will test their knowledge (both sides receive an intellectual bonus during testing). Or answers to tests, exercises in Latin or English, pooled cheaper.
  1. Weed out freeloaders and leeches. Mutually beneficial help is good, arrogance is bad. Help your friends, but not at the expense of yourself. Remember: whoever carries it, gets ridden. While you are writing essays for freeloaders, .
  1. Try to get contacts of your supervisor and other teachers. You may need to contact them. But don’t overwhelm teachers with messages, don’t pester people. These are emergency contacts. However, you can regularly contact an adequate academic advisor during the coursework writing process. Many teachers have switched to consultations via Skype.
  1. Meet the course curator, get the contact details of the dean's office. They might also come in handy.
  1. When making contacts with teachers, do not fall in love This advice is addressed primarily to the fair sex. Falling in love with a teacher is a well-known psychological phenomenon. Dangerous thing!

Safety regulations

  1. In the first days, complete all the necessary documents. First of all, it is for students and readers. Bring the certificates required by the dean's office.
  1. Don't anger the guard. Don’t forget your pass (student card), don’t try to sneak past, don’t whine or annoy the person. Especially if he has a club.
  1. Think about your route to the university. Consider transport schedules and traffic jams. Leave the house 10 - 15 minutes earlier to have some extra time.
  1. Don't snore during lectures
  1. Don't stack beer bottles under your desk. And especially don’t drop them!

About money

  1. Find out the rules for granting scholarships at your university. Find out in what cases you can lose your stipukh and try not to get into these situations.
  1. Find out which ATM to withdraw the scholarship from. A mistake will cost several hundred, which you will give to a “strange” bank. If the scholarship is minimal, you can lose 30%.
  1. Find out how to get a gubernatorial and presidential scholarship (there are other types). Perhaps you can qualify for one of them. To do this, you need to study well and actively participate in scientific and social activities.
  1. Look at the trade union committee. Find out everything about receiving social scholarships and financial assistance. If you meet the conditions, collect certificates, don’t delay.
  1. The trade union committee distributes preferential vouchers and tickets for all sorts of events. Use it! Many students don’t even know that they can get anything from the trade union committee. This means that those who are not lazy to go on reconnaissance will get more.
  1. Take the time to find out about all the benefits that a student is entitled to. They relate to travel, free entry to some museums, etc. Regularly monitor changes in legislation regarding student benefits.
  1. Think about how you can make money. Load wagons? Wash the floors? During the holidays, you can enroll in a student team and take part in the construction of some kind of cosmodrome. However, they say that this year, due to financial difficulties, students were paid less than they expected. In any case, work should not interfere with studies. We do not have restrictions on student work, as in Europe (where a student can only work a certain number of hours per week), so calculate your strength yourself.

About health, order, dress code and relaxation

  1. Take care of your liver. Forget about the stereotypical idea of ​​a student as a constantly drinking creature. At least if you are going to survive to the second year, and even more so to the fifth.
  1. Make friends with physical education. Don’t skip a couple of physical classes, sign up for an additional gym, swimming pool, yoga or fitness class. Physical activity not only improves health and helps maintain normal weight, but also improves brain function.
  1. Eat right. Don't choke on dry sandwiches. Choose foods that are good for your body and brain. By the way, you can read the article about.
  1. Find out where the cafes and canteens are, where the food is better and where it is cheaper. This, of course, is in case there are several of them in the building and nearby. In order not to be late for lectures and not to stand in a wild queue, find out not only the opening hours, but also the time when the influx of hungry people subsides.
  1. Dress business casual or casualcasual. Don’t shock your teachers with dreadlocks, colored mohawks and bare buttocks (this is advice to freshmen who love miniskirts). Individuality is respected, but remember about adequacy. Especially when choosing clothes for an exam.
  1. Tidy up your workspace. Don't excuse clutter as a tendency to be creatively disordered. Read the article. Just think, tidying up the place where you work clears your mind!
  1. Rest! Once you are immersed in your studies, resurface regularly. Rest helps the brain fight stress. Studying without rest is the path to breakdowns, exhaustion of the nervous system and chronic fatigue. While working for honors, do not earn yourself asthenia.
  1. Remember that student years are a great time! Make friends, have fun, have fun! In moderation, of course, but so that there is something to remember!

Living in a dorm has a certain flavor that will make your student years unforgettable. Well, you can easily overcome the difficulties that you will definitely have to face if you carefully read this article. Today we will tell you how to adapt to new living conditions and give some universal tips that will help you quickly get used to your new status as a student.

The first time after admission to college Yesterday's schoolchildren are jumping for joy. But as the first of September approaches, they begin to feel anxious. After all, a university is not a school, and parents are not summoned for poor performance, but simply expelled. Young people are also frightened by the upcoming “saturation” of the films. It seems that they will have to spend all their days and nights at the institute.

And if you can somehow cope with the intensity of your study schedule (well, in fact, there were also busy days at school when you only had to sleep a couple of hours a day), then many first-year students perceive moving to an unfamiliar city and the prospect of living in a dormitory with horror. However, do not rush to panic. Living in a dorm has a certain flavor that will make your student years unforgettable.

Well, you can easily overcome the difficulties that you will definitely have to face if you carefully read this article. Today we will tell you how to adapt to new living conditions and give some universal tips that will help you quickly get used to your new status as a student.

What a freshman needs to know

Let's start with a few universal tips that will help you live first year university with minimal losses.

Well now, let's talk about life in a student dormitory.

Virtual expedition to the hostel

After so much wasted nerves, effort, maybe even tears, exams and admission are left behind, you want to relax and enjoy a well-deserved and long-awaited summer vacation. And this can be done if you study in your hometown and live in the familiar surroundings of your home. If you are about to move to another city and have a fun life in a hostel, then it’s time to learn more about your future temporary home. And for this it is not at all necessary to go to the hostel in person.

Almost all modern universities have their own website, where information must be provided for those who need a hostel. In the relevant sections, as a rule, you can find not only “business” information: important names and questions regarding orders, certificates and lists. Photos are published quite often dormitories, their internal rooms and corridors. Therefore, you can find out exactly what your new home will look like without leaving your home, and thus avoid becoming a victim of false expectations.

In addition, to find out about the real state of things, you can try to contact current residents through social networks. Get to know them better, and they will be happy to answer all your questions about check-in and internal regulations, and tell you more about the situation. If you're lucky, you'll even be able to find neighbors in advance.

Basket, box, cardboard...

What should you bring from home, what is best to buy locally, and what is it better to say goodbye to until better times?

First of all, a lot depends on the distance. If you need to travel about 700 km by train, then naturally there is a lot of luggage. You won't take it with you. If you only have to travel 150 km, and even in your own car, then you, of course, can afford much more. But don’t forget that you will be living with neighbors, and there isn’t much space in the room.

Take only essential items; it is foolish to carry out in advance what is sold in the next store. A minimum of dishes, linen, clothes and books; ideally, everything should fit into one travel suitcase. It’s better to also take a small first aid kit. For studying, you can purchase a convenient portable gadget: a tablet or laptop.

The “base” (mattress, pillow, blanket), as a rule, is issued on the spot. With rare exceptions, you will also receive a kettle and bed linen in the hostel. You don't need to worry about heavy equipment like a refrigerator and microwave either: you may be accommodated with students senior students, where everything will already be there or, most likely, an “inheritance” will be waiting for you in the room. As a last resort, you can purchase equipment by pooling (dividing the purchase price with your neighbors) - it will be cheaper and more reasonable.

Set your priorities clearly

When you go to a hostel, it is advisable to know in advance what exactly you want. You go there to make friends, or to study hard, or to become independent, or just to relax and walk - depending on your priorities, look for solid neighbors. This way it will be easier for you to furnish the room in your own way and avoid scandals later.

But in any case, remember, the dorm is a noisy place, so you will have to accept some things that you cannot change. Get used to night vigils behind the wall, cheerful parties and a little litter around. The ability to get along with people and patience are what will be most useful to you.

Build your world!

You come to the hostel not for one day or one week. From now on, this is your home. Keep your new home clean, because independence implies not only independence from your parents, but also increased responsibility. Create comfort around you: hang hooks under your clothes, place your favorite photographs and toys on the shelves. Everything can be arranged simply, but tastefully. Love your new home and be ready to improve it day by day. Then studying at a university will not seem so difficult, and the absence of caring parents ready to support in any difficult situation will not be perceived so catastrophically.

Hello! I decided to do a little review of my first year at medical school. Mainly, it is addressed to those who have just entered medical school and have no idea what will happen next. I hope my article will help you adapt.

About anatomy

The first thing that will shock you is, of course, anatomy. A huge number of new terms, incomprehensible mechanics of the subject itself, huge, at first glance, tasks... how to cope with this?

Don't start anatomy. After each pair, stay in anatomy and look at each bone you pass. Prepare thoroughly for each seminar. By the way, the Latin language, despite all its complexity at first glance, is excellent for memorizing anatomical terms.

Be sure, ALWAYS use video tutorials. Many universities do not have adequate equipment in terms of drugs, but you and I have a huge advantage over previous generations of doctors. Russian YouTube is full of excellent video lessons on anatomy.

The highest quality lessons are usually found on the excellent professor's channels Vladimir Alexandrovich Izranov. But you can also see other lessons, made by students, are also very good.

Draw the organs that you study in anatomy, label their elements in Latin. This is a pretty good memory trick. It is especially great for studying blood vessels and nerves, but bones are also well remembered.

However, I didn’t always draw everything. I remember that before the test on the urinary system, I watched Vladimir Izranov’s video about the kidney twice in a row (it’s quite long, about 40 minutes), then I told it to a friend on the phone and the next day I got a 5 on this topic.

But, nevertheless, drawing and labeling elements is always useful.

About organic chemistry

Also a very important subject. At different universities it is taken in different ways (sometimes by test, sometimes by exam), but it is asked at seminars, as a rule, quite strictly everywhere.

Organic chemistry in medical universities is a chemistry of names and typical reactions. At the very beginning, you will need to be able to compose the names of substances using formulas, as well as formulas for substances. Learn the nomenclature:

  • C(Methane);
  • C-C(Ethane) ;
  • C-C-C(Propane) ;
  • C-C-C-C(Butane) ;
  • C-C-C-C-C(Pentane) - and a few more;

And functional groups:

  • -NH2(Amino group, suffix “amine”);
  • -COOH(Carboxylic acid, suffix "oic acid");
  • -C-OH(Alcohol, suffix “ol”);
  • C=O(Ketone, suffix “he”) - and a few more.

These, of course, are not all nomenclature units and not all functional groups, but I think you understand the principle. If you have learned this material, then it will not be difficult for you, for example, to guess C-C-OH (ethanol).

Make a tablet, the left side of which will contain the formula of a typical representative of the class you need (for example, propanal is a representative of aldehydes), and the right side will contain 3-4 typical reactions with it (for example, a silver mirror). The very process of writing out formulas in this table is a great way to remember the typical properties of the classes of compounds you need.

It is especially important (for a further biochemistry course) to remember the properties of acids, amino compounds and ketones.

School textbooks on chemistry for grade 10 (where inorganics were studied) can help you a lot.

About the Latin language

Latin grammar is not the simplest. Even the pronunciation of different letter combinations has a fairly voluminous list of rules. Try to learn them, but most importantly, stick to your vocabulary.

As I already wrote, you can, without knowing all the rules, get good grades solely because of vocabulary. But in this case, you should really know a lot of both anatomical and clinical terminology.

My observation is that many Latin teachers really like students who know a large number of words. Situations are especially beneficial for you when you need to translate a word, the entire stream is silent, and you answer. Even if there are several such situations at the very beginning of the semester, you will immediately win the sympathy of the teacher. It is for this reason that I have created a small selection of Latin vocabulary lessons: , and .

Try to learn words in small groups, create associations for each word. For example, while sitting in history classes, I sometimes wrote 5-6 Latin words in the margins from memory and signed the translations. This should be done at home, during a break between other activities. It doesn’t take much time, but it’s memorable.

About biology

I will not duplicate what I have already written in the article about. There, in fact, I described all the recommendations for working with this subject. I’ll just repeat that it’s on YouTube channel from a wonderful girl Alexandra (alas, I don’t know her last name), where almost every topic of the biology course is meticulously laid out on the shelves. I won’t tire of repeating that she lesson about mitosis- a work of teaching art.

About useless non-medical items

Pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, Russian language, mathematics - we are talking about them.

I have always been a supporter of proper time management - that is, in classes on psychology and pedagogy, I always hid notes on health sciences, diagrams on anatomy or something like that and, for the most part, did just that. This tactic is useful, on the one hand - you are doing a really useful thing, and not something that will only be useful to you when solving crossword puzzles.

However, they can pose a serious danger for students, especially for those who study on a budget. If you openly neglect a non-medical subject, it can turn into big problems for you. Try not to get yourself into trouble out of nothing - the smartest thing to do is to just honestly sit at full speed, answer a couple of times, get a machine gun and calmly study further.

But nonetheless:

The beauty of the first year is that, as one of my respected colleagues said, “in the first year you become wiser by leaps and bounds.” This is true - a gigantic amount of new knowledge on a variety of subjects falls on you over the course of a year, just have time to absorb it. Of course, the main things are anatomy, histology, some chemistry, and so on. But you can (probably) learn something useful in non-medical subjects as well. Don't neglect this opportunity!

Hello, dear first-year students!

You have the first and, perhaps, the most important test in your student life ahead - the first session. And it is very important to prepare properly for this test.

We asked teachers from Russian universities to give some advice and recommendations on how a first-year student can successfully survive and pass the first session.

Learn their advice and a successfully passed session is in your pocket! Good luck with exams!

The Garant company and the student portal site thanks all the teachers who shared tips and recommendations with first-year students.

D. Yu. Sc., Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Public Law and Management

University named after Kutafina (MSAL)

I come from my own student experience and the experience of the director of the institute:

  • attend all lectures
  • don't miss practical classes
  • try to participate as much as possible in practical classes in analyzing situations, which gives bonuses during the session, including receiving an exam/test “automatically”
  • don’t be shy to ask questions if something is not clear
  • participate in the life of the university (scientific, extracurricular) - additional bonuses for moving into a dormitory, for transferring from commerce to the budget

BOGATYR Taras Vasilievich
k.e. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management

Vologda State University

First of all, try not to miss classes during the semester. Attending all lectures and practical classes in many disciplines, in addition to gaining knowledge and skills, also gives advantages when passing a test or exam, sometimes this is even formalized, and in most cases it works as a psychological technique that allows you to establish full interaction with the teacher (including . and on the exam).

Do not hesitate to ask the teacher exactly how the exam will be held, how many questions there will be on the ticket, what tasks and assessment criteria will be (usually such questions are asked by experienced students, but you can start in the first year).

Take advantage of consultations, which are usually scheduled the day before the exam; Pre-prepare a small list of questions that caused difficulties.

And most importantly, you need to carefully prepare for each exam: plan this work taking into account the fact that there is a period of time of at least three days between exams in the schedule, divide the amount of preparation into these three days, incl. it is advisable to leave the last day for repetition and understanding the material of the discipline.

VDOVKINA Elena Gennadievna
k.e. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of International Economics, Mathematical Methods and Business Informatics

Altai State University

Regularly attend classes, do not hesitate to ask if something is not clear, independently complete assigned work, and actively participate in the scientific and social life of the university.

In addition, it is important to understand that studying at a university is a new level of independence and self-organization, and the knowledge gained is the basis for future professional demand.

VINOGRADOVA Natalya Alekseevna
Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Finance

Tver State Agricultural Academy

The first session of a first-year student is one of the most important and difficult tests.

Of course, this is stress, fear of something new, not experienced yet. But you need to remember two things: firstly, you are not the first, you are not the last, and secondly, the grade you received in the exam is just a convention. There is still more than one session ahead, and everything can change.

The main thing is not to stop, not to relax, not to give up and to confidently move towards your goal.

GODLEVSKAYA Elena Vladimirovna
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Continuing Education for the Training of Specialists for the Judicial System

Ural branch of the Russian State University of Justice

One of the effective methods of preparing for the exam is to write mini-notes that reflect the logic of presentation of the question material.

As a rule, any exam question is answered in the following sequence:
1. Name (in the form of a concept, rule) of the object (process);
2. List of characteristics of the object (process);
3. Actions with an object or justification of the sequence of operations of a process.

Using such a structured mini-note, it is easy to construct an oral response.

GORYACHEVA Oksana Pavlovna
k.e. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit

Trade and Economic Institute of Siberian Federal University

A freshman who has missed a certain number of classes and is worried that he will not be able to cope with the session and will not meet the expectations of his personal and his parents must definitely overcome his fear.

To do this, you must definitely try to pass tests and exams. Experienced students know: 80% of passing an exam is showing up. If you don’t succeed right away, you’ll have to get to know the subject better, learn it, and pass it. I know from experience that almost any subject can be mastered in a week.

All correct answers must be sought in primary sources, although this is not obvious to those who have passed the Unified State Exam in social studies. But now you have a GUARANTOR in which the sources are reliable. He always helps me and you can handle it.

EVSIKOV Kirill Sergeevich
K. Yu. n, associate professor of the department of state and administrative law

Tula State University

“Students live cheerfully from session to session,” and during the session they usually “survive.”

I offer several “life hacks” that can help you survive the first session.
First of all, don't skip class. It is more difficult for a “stranger” to pass the exam.
Secondly, you may receive an additional question that will decide whether you go home with a “tail” or without. Questions are often repeated; use the knowledge of senior students to form a list of them.
Third, read more. My colleague told me that he gave a positive assessment to a weak student after he began to quote Machiavelli.

The main “life hack” for the first session is LEARN the subject!

YOLGINA Ekaterina Alexandrovna
k.e. Sc., CAP, associate professor of the department of “Human Resources Management”

Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport (branch) of Irkutsk State Transport University

1. Start preparing early. Study the material you have covered, prepare information on the list of questions for the exams.
2. Be sure to write (precisely write) cheat sheets for all exam questions
3. Re-read the cheat sheets
4. On the eve of the exam, do not sit with textbooks until the morning; go to bed no later than 24–05.
5. If you are not sure of the effectiveness of the previous recommendations, at exactly 24-00 on the eve of the exam, catch a “freebie”, for which you extend your hand from the open grade book through the open window, shout “Catch a freebie” through the window, quickly close the grade book and do not open it , otherwise “The freebie will fly away.”
6. Go to bed.
7. Go to the exam in the morning with a fresh mind

Good luck on the exam!

ZAZHIVNOVA Oksana Arkadyevna
k.e. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin

Tune yourself to the “right wave”.

Firstly, you must initially understand that training is not for the sake of assessment, but for accumulated knowledge, skills and abilities.
Secondly, focusing on those disciplines that are more difficult for you will save time, which can be used within the framework of your interests and capabilities.
It should be noted that the student’s active position during the academic semester, timely completion of individual and test work, essays, etc., will positively affect the objective assessment and opinion of the teacher himself and will have a positive impact on passing the exam or test.

And in conclusion, I would like to recall the words of the great commander Alexander Suvorov: “It’s hard in training, but it’s easy in battle!” Remember this and then you will not be afraid of any difficulties of the sessions.

ZAKHAROV Georgy Nikolaevich
K. Yu. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Legal Theory

Tver State University

At first, it is quite difficult for first-year students to integrate not only into a new team, but also into the electronic educational environment of the university, since the requirements of higher education differ significantly from the school curriculum.

The optimal behavior of a student should be considered the ability to use electronic library resources, mastery of information technology for searching information on the Internet, as well as the ability to use the leading reference and legal system GARANT.

In my opinion, it is this approach that will reduce the time needed to thoroughly prepare for exams and pass the first session without any problems.

IVANOVA Elena Yurievna
k.i. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Personnel Management

Institute of Economics, Management and Service of Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin

Be confident (not to be confused with arrogance!) and say what you know during the exam. There is such a wonderful joke that I always tell my students: “A biology student learned only one question for the exam - about fleas, but he got a question about fish. So he began: “Fish are creatures that do not have fleas, but fleas!...” and then - everything about fleas.”

Therefore, you should never remain silent during an exam or say: “I don’t know.” You still know something, that’s what you’re talking about!

KOZYR Natalya Sergeevna
k.e. n. Associate Professor, Department of World Economics and Management
deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Economics

Kuban State University

The first session determines the success of further studies.

It is important to immediately learn how to combine efforts and distribute tasks within the group - together everything is easier and more interesting.

You need to assess your strengths and plan your self-preparation, since each subject has a different complexity. The best preparation is active work during the semester, obtaining “self-tests” and “self-exams”, then the session turns into a pleasant vacation.

LUKASHEVICH Svetlana Vladimirovna
K. Yu. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Law

Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I. N. Ulyanova

In order for the first session to be successful, I recommend that students strive to study only “good” and “excellent” throughout the semester. And to do this, first of all, find your comfortable learning style: determine when it is best to do homework, how to record lectures, how to prepare for exams.

It is useful to immediately start participating in conferences, business games and competitions.

The very first professional skill that future lawyers should master is the use of legal reference systems.

MANUKOVSKY Roman Igorevich
Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit

Voronezh branch of REU named after. G. V. Plekhanova

Stress resistance and general attitude are important. Experiences can interfere with concentration and thinking.

Be careful when planning your work day. Sleep should not be less than 7–8 hours. Don’t waste time on social networks, watching videos about cats, photos, music.

Consistency is important - indicate the dates for taking tests and exams in the calendar, write down your preparation plan for each day in the calendar.

Try to keep the place where you prepare for exams warm, bright, and quiet.

PALCHIKOVA Maria Valerievna
K. Yu. n, associate professor of the department of state and legal disciplines

The most important advice is firstly, you should calm down. Don’t relax and stop worrying (especially before the first session, this is almost impossible), but just calm down.

The teacher does not have the task of not allowing you to take the exam or not giving a test. The teachers, as well as the students, worked hard all semester, trying to help yesterday’s schoolchildren learn to perceive and understand adult information, which will certainly become the foundation for further knowledge and profession. And the feedback we receive at control points - tests, tests, exams - is very important.

Therefore, the student should carefully read the lectures again, refresh his memory of the topics discussed at the seminars, look at the legislation again (in the GARANT system) and honestly answer the question - what topic did I not understand or could not master? Disassemble it and at the same time they are not afraid to approach the teachers with additional questions. We will be happy to tell and explain, and help you find additional sources.

Peace of mind is based on knowledge and confidence in the chosen path.

POTAPKIN Sergey Nikolaevich
K. Yu. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Middle Volga Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

In order to pass the first session without worries and with positive grades, you need to try throughout the entire first semester to form a positive image of yourself among leading teachers by working in seminar classes.

SALNIKOVA Olga Evgenievna
excellent student of public education, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of secondary vocational education

Tula branch of the International Law Institute

To survive the first session, you need to:

  • Firstly, get rid of the schoolboy mentality and don’t hope that they won’t ask. They will ask!!!
  • Secondly, there is no need to rely on “maybe”. Teach!!!
  • Thirdly, believe in yourself! You can do anything!!!
SOTNIKOVA Liliya Vladimirovna
And. O. Head of the Department of Theory, History and Branches of Law
South Ural Institute of Management and Economics

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Chelyabinsk State University

To successfully pass the session, we can advise:

  • prepare to take the exam (test) in advance in writing: the result will be a summary of all the questions, accordingly, you read them, understood them and wrote them down in an abbreviated form - which means you know the answers to all the questions; in short - write cheat sheets, but YOURSELF;
  • the night before an exam (test) you need to sleep: a sleep-deprived, ignorant student is a strong irritant for the teacher;
  • the appearance of a student who has come for an exam (test) must correspond to the situation: a business style creates a positive image for the teacher and, believe me, you don’t want to give a bad mark to such a “dunno”;
  • and the last thing: believe in yourself and YOUR LUCK, then you will definitely get a lucky ticket.

Lucky is the one who is lucky, and there are no freebies in exams (tests), so there is no point in calling her...

TARASOV Ivan Semenovich
K. Yu. Sc., senior lecturer, department of criminal law and procedure

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N. I. Lobachevsky

For a first-year student, a competent approach to preparing for the exam is important.

I propose a proven technique: you should distribute the number of questions for the exam over the number of days of preparation so that one day is left to review all the material. For example, 90 questions for an exam for 4 days: 20–25 questions per day and 1 day for repetition.

At the same time, it is important to follow a daily routine, that is, it is advisable to prepare for the exam during the day. After 18-00 on the day before the exam, you need to rest.

TEREKHOV Alexey Vasilievich
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Applied Informatics in Jurisprudence

Tambov State Technical University

How to pass the first session?
1. “Study, study and study again!”
2. Remember that the teacher was also once a student (this is if you use cheat sheets)!
3. Assessment is not the main thing, but don’t lower your bar!
4. This session is not your last. Everything is ahead of you!

The Garant company and the student portal site thanks all the teachers who shared tips and recommendations with first-year students.