Vasily Duma with his wife. Without making public claims to his work

Victor Zaitsev

“And the Cossack is sent!” (Folk wisdom)

“And also, good Bad Guy, we award you with our most important order - the White Cross of the Traitor!” (Bourgeois)


Duma Vasily Mikhailovich- member of the Federation Council from the Kostroma region, deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, member of the Federation Council Commission for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, full member of the Academy of Mining Sciences of the Russian Federation, since April 2005 - head “Organizations of Ukrainians of Russia” and “Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Ukrainians of Russia”.

Citizenship: in Russia - a citizen of the Russian Federation, in Ukraine - a citizen of Ukraine. In Russia, for obvious reasons, he prefers not to mention his “second citizenship”.

Nationality: Ukrainian (but practically does not speak native language).

Religion: depending on the situation: in Russia he pretends to be Orthodox, in Ukraine or Rome he pretends to be a Greek Catholic (“Uniate”).

Awarded: state awards of the Russian Federation - “Order of Friendship”, medals “For the development of subsoil and the development of the oil complex of Siberia”, “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”. Awards of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate: “Order of St. Sergei of Radonezh”, Order of “Reverend Prince Daniel of Moscow”. Awards of public organizations: Order “For Honor and Valor”. Awards of Ukraine: Order of Merit, II, III degrees.

Biography: Born on June 20, 1954 in the village of Kalinino, Emelyanovsky district, Krasnodar region. Graduated from the Lvov Construction College and the Tyumen Industrial Institute (specializing in “Construction of gas pipelines, gas storage facilities and oil depots”). Since 1994 he worked at the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, at the same time being the president of the Uralnefteserviz company. Since 1996 - President of the Lukoil-Transnefteproduct company, since 1998 - President of the Slavneft OJSC company, in 2001-2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CB Grand Bank. In 1999, he unsuccessfully ran for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Ivanovo region.

The essence of the problem:

Until recently, Vasily Mikhailovich Duma was little different from any other “new Russian” “model of the 90s”. You look at him more closely and you can immediately see how much the crimson jacket and gold chain are missing! And the head of the Kostroma diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church still cannot remember Vasily Mikhailovich’s visit in September 2005 without a shudder. The “clear” senator then talked with the Bishop, “quite Orthodox” with his feet on the table (I wonder if he behaved the same way at a reception with the Pope in 2000?).

Having briefly touched on Vasily Mikhailovich’s “Orthodoxy,” which was awarded high church awards, we cannot help but recall his obscene language, which developed into threats of physical violence, regarding the installation at the same time - in September 2005 - during the All-Russian Short Film Festival "Family of Russia" in the city of Galich, Kostroma region, on Mount Balchuk, an Orthodox “Worship Cross”, symbolizing the memory of descendants about the exploits of their ancestors. It is difficult to say what caused such a sharp reaction from the dignitary guest - whether it was the amount of alcohol he drank, the awakened memory of his own affiliation with the Greek Catholic Church, or simply insufficiently vigorous praise of the “patron of the arts” from the organizers (the Duma partially financed the festival).

In general, we can say that Vasily Duma has a “purely classical” biography for his category: work at the oil complex, timely and successful “privatization” of its “piece”, expedient combination of a government post in the Ministry of Fuel and Energy with “core” commercial activities, and further (in in order to preserve “earned by back-breaking labor”) - “going into politics.”

But then the “nuances,” as they say, begin. Remembering his ethnic origin, Vasily Mikhailovich, just in case, obtained a second citizenship (it was not prohibited then). He remains in this state to this day, hoping that the recently adopted law prohibiting the presence of various kinds of “doubles” in government posts and federal legislative bodies “does not have retroactive effect.” And, presumably, he hopes that the fact that he has a passport with a “trident” is not known to anyone.

Well, God bless him, after all, with “dual citizenship”! Until recently, how many people sat in power among us who now live comfortably somewhere in London or Tel Aviv? The question is different - which state does Vasily Mikhailovich actually consider himself a citizen of? And, in fact, what country’s state interests does he defend in the Russian Federation Council?

It would seem that the answer to this question does not pose a problem. After all, V. Duma was delegated to the Federation Council from the very Russian outback - from the abandoned and impoverished Kostroma region, which does not have any raw materials. And it is precisely the development of this region that Vasily Mikhailovich should be daily and tirelessly concerned about. And so it seems - V. Duma thinks day and night about how to revive his native Kostroma land, establish its almost dead industry and agriculture, which is dying.

Reality, however, is far from such dreams. Vasily Mikhailovich visits Kostroma less often than in Ukraine or at his villa, furnished with garish bad taste, in France (in Nice), although, it should be noted, these rare visits of his to his “small Motherland” seem too burdensome to Kostroma residents. Well, of course, there is Governor V. Shershunov, whose election campaign Vasily Mikhailovich actively financed.

But Vasily Mikhailovich is seriously concerned about the problems of “development of the Ukrainian diaspora” in Russia! From the very moment of his election in 2005 to the post of coordinator of the Council of ESD and NFCA UR, there is no event to which the senator would not provide his generous financial assistance - from the exhibition in memory of the “fighter for independence Stepan Bandera” in the “Library of Ukrainian Literature”, to the purchase and delivery to Russia of various kinds of literary “masterpieces” about the “exploits” of the SS division “Galicia”, propaganda materials of various Ukrainian nationalist organizations, hundreds of other books and brochures, the main content of which is a simple topic: “how the Muscovites oppressed the Ukrainian nation.”

But, since Vasily Mikhailovich himself has no time to deal with such trifles, for the “dirty work” he easily found a number of associates in Moscow - “lights of the development of Russian-Ukrainian friendship.” Here, for example, one of them is Vasily Mikhailovich’s deputy for ESD and FNKA UR, employee of the “Library of Ukrainian Literature” Yuriy Grigorievich Kononenko, whose ideology is best characterized by the “outstanding ethnographic discovery” that he voiced in May 2004 when communicating with visitors an exhibition held in the said library dedicated to the “125th anniversary of the birth of the great Ukrainian, outstanding political and cultural figure of Ukraine S. Petliura.” Among other not very “tolerant” remarks addressed to Russia, Pan Yuri noted: “The Chinese and blacks are much closer to each other than Ukrainians and Russians, Slavism is also a harmful ideology.”

However, the statements of Yuriy Kononenko, an outspoken nationalist and enemy of Russia “with experience”, the head of the Moscow cell of the international “Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists” (“KUN”), are at least logical - Pan Yuriy (former employee of the Ukrainian Embassy in the Russian Federation), was and remains a citizen exclusively of Ukraine, without even trying to obtain Russian citizenship.

Another close assistant of the Duma is the co-chairman of the ESD and FNKA UR, Valery Fokovich Semenenko, known in Ukraine for his numerous journalistic opuses about “persecution and genocide of Ukrainians in Russia” (he prudently does not distribute them in the Russian Federation, since he is listed as a citizen - according to his passport).

One could go on for a long time to list Vasily Mikhailovich’s associates, as well as “competitors,” in the ways of “preserving and disseminating Ukrainian culture” among Russian citizens of Ukrainian nationality. Here is the leader of the “Ural Association of Ukrainians”, a member of the presidium of the “Ukrainian World Coordination Council” Stefan Grigorievich Panyak, and the co-chairman of the regional national cultural Ukrainian center of Bashkiria Vasily Yakovlevich Babenko, and a number of other Russian citizens who poorly hide their hatred and contempt for the country where they were born and raised. All of them are long-time regulars at various nationalist congresses and other gatherings regularly held in Ukraine, all claim to be “leaders of the Ukrainian national movement in Russia,” all are “fighters for the rights of the oppressed Ukrainian people,” and judging by their ambitions, Napoleon is no match for each good.

However, the problem is not even that in Moscow and in a number of Russian regions there are small circles of mentally unbalanced “informed Ukrainians” who imagine themselves as “leaders” and are absolutely unknown to the overwhelming majority of the multimillion-strong “oppressed” Ukrainian diaspora (if one can even speak of one - since the Ukrainians themselves in Russia have never felt like a “diaspora” - they are here in their homeland). The trouble is that in Ukraine and in the “far abroad countries” they are readily perceived as “fighters for the people’s happiness” and, accordingly, are financed. Moreover, the funds are allocated from the same source from which various “orange”, “opposition”, “democratic”, “lemon” (guilty, “national-Bolshevik”) parties, frontists, movements and other “human rights activists” are fed. Thus, “UR” and “FNKA UR”, led by Senator Vasily Mikhailovich Duma, quietly and logically took their place in a transparent and almost invisible, but really existing “network structure”, the ultimate goal of which is to split Russia along national borders.

"Stretch"? "Bare accusation"? No matter how it is! Back on September 23, 2005, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Boris Tarasyuk, in the presence of Ambassador Oleg Beloblotsky and the director of the Cultural Center of Ukraine at the Ukrainian Embassy in Moscow Vladimir Melnichenko (the organizer of the meeting), loudly called on the assembled “informed Ukrainians” (about 40 people, including Yu. Kononenko, V. Krikunenko, V. Skopenko, V. Semenenko - all from the “inner circle” of the V. Duma) “to spread the ideals of the “Orange Revolution” in Russia, to create for this purpose on the basis of public organizations of the Ukrainian diaspora certain “structures” and “propaganda points” and promised “financial assistance” from the Ukrainian government. At the same time, representatives of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs promised to allocate $4 million in 2006 for the needs of such “development of the Ukrainian diaspora,” the distribution of which was entrusted to the leadership of “UR” and “FNKA UR”. Whether this money arrived and how it was distributed is a question for Vasily Mikhailovich. For example, regional leaders claim that they have not received a single cent.

At a meeting with Ukrainian President Yushchenko

Further more. As recently as August last year, Vasily Mikhailovich, together with Yu. Kononenko, V. Semenenko and a whole group of associates, took part in the “4th World Forum of Ukrainians” and he, along with his most trusted persons, was called to his home on August 17 in the village The new Bezradychs were briefed by Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, who, as we know, is difficult to suspect of sympathizing with Russia. The official part, which consisted of collective photography and the distribution of various awards (Vasily Mikhailovich himself received the above-mentioned Order of Merit, 2nd degree), was only a screen for carrying out the main task - instructing those who arrived in the line of “promoting the democratization of Russia.” At the meeting, which, according to comments from the Ukrainian media, took place “in a warm, homely atmosphere” and “without ties,” Viktor Yushchenko announced to the Russian guests the allocation of significant funds from the Ukrainian budget - 21 million hryvnia to “support the development of the Ukrainian diaspora.”

Specific tasks were set in a narrower circle: to unite the Ukrainian diaspora, create as many organizations as possible and, in any form, attract the maximum number of people from Ukraine to the movement, if possible, create a political party in Russia representing the interests of Ukrainians (read “orange” Ukraine) . And, of course (where would we be without this!) – promoting the “democratization” of state power in the Russian Federation. (In what ways and in what form such “assistance” is carried out, we can assume using the example of Ukraine or Georgia).

Whether Vasily Mikhailovich was invited by his assistant Yuriy Kononenko during his stay in Kyiv for a private conversation with his “old friend” - the former head of the Security Service of Ukraine Alexander Turchinov, we do not know for sure - Pan Yuriy would hardly have entrusted such “intimate” contacts even to his beloved boss.

So, whether Russian Senator Vasily Mikhailovich Duma wants it or not, he has already “virtually” taken his place in the ranks (in the language of some Western media) of “fighters against the emerging totalitarianism in Russia.” It’s just unclear – does he want this himself, has he made up his mind? It’s clear that the choice is difficult - after all, you have to choose according to several parameters at once - whether to engage in business or politics, live in Russia or Nice, and you also need to decide something with the choice of passports...

I would personally advise Vasily Mikhailovich to listen to the voice of his heart. After all, if “the infringement of the rights and persecution of Ukrainians burns the soul,” we must openly, as befits a man, I would even say a Cossack, to fight injustice. And resolutely discard senatorial qualifications, Russian citizenship, profitable business and other unworthy things that are tempting to “compliance”. Be brave, Vasily Mikhailovich! “Orange” Ukraine and “the whole free world” are looking at you! In France (where you have a residence permit) you may be given another order!



Graduated from the Tyumen Industrial Institute with a degree in “Construction of gas and oil pipelines, gas storage facilities and oil depots”



International election observation

Member of the Federation Council from the Kostroma region Mikhail Kozlov was among the observers at the presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan. Members of the delegation visited polling stations in all regions of the country, and, as the participants themselves noted, without a pre-developed plan and coordination with the relevant authorities.

The task of the mission is to see with your own eyes how open, transparent and legitimate the presidential elections are. According to the senator, during all the days of work the observers were able to verify the high professionalism of the organizers of the election process.

A visiting meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security is taking place in Kostroma

A visiting meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security is being held today in the Kostroma Region.

The focus of the meeting, which took place in the regional administration, was on strengthening public safety, law and order and preventing terrorism. They especially talked about the “Safe City” project.

“The Kostroma region is among the leading constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the Safe City hardware and software complex system,” emphasized Yevgeny Serebrennikov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security.

Russian region named the leader in alcohol-related deaths

The largest number of deaths from alcohol poisoning occurs in the Kirov and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in the Republic of Mari El. Rosstat reports this.

Thus, in the Kirov region, mortality from accidental alcohol poisoning was 16.7 cases per 100 thousand people, in the Yaroslavl region and the Republic of Mari El this figure was 16.3 cases and 16.2 cases, respectively.

The top five regions with the highest mortality rate from alcohol poisoning also included the Arkhangelsk region (15.7 cases) and the Kostroma region (15.5). Rosstat data are provided for the period from January to August 2017.

Governor of the Kostroma Region Igor Slyunyaev terminated the powers of his representative in the Federation Council Vasily Duma ahead of schedule, without announcing reasons. The region notes that the senator practically did not appear in the region, thereby losing the confidence of the Kostroma governor. Mr. Duma in the Federation Council may be replaced by banker Nikolai Zhuravlev.

Governor of the Kostroma Region Igor Slyunyaev signed a decree on the early resignation of Vasily Duma, a representative in the Federation Council, his term in office expired in October 2012. And at the next meeting of the Kostroma Duma on May 19, the election of a new representative to the Federation Council is expected. The governor's resolution does not specify the reasons for the senator's resignation. A year and a half ago, when Governor Igor Slyunyaev took office after the tragic death of his predecessor, the question of the senator’s resignation was not so pressing. “You know the region, keep working,” the governor said to his representative in the Federation Council. However, as it turned out later, the senator appeared in the region quite rarely. “There were no results for Kostroma from his activities,” says Andrei Ozerov, deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma, leader of the local branch of A Just Russia. “He regularly reported to the deputies, but it was clear that this was his duty.” The fact that Igor Slyunyaev would probably recall Vasily Duma from the Federation Council began to be talked about in the region in March. “At first it was supposed to do everything quietly,” says a source in the Kostroma branch of United Russia. “However, Vasily Mikhailovich did not want to leave, he had defenders in Moscow. And the governor had to do a lot of work.”

The regional administration also does not comment on the reasons for the recall of the senator, against whom no public complaints have ever been made. “It’s just that Igor Nikolaevich (Slyunyaev - Kommersant) and Vasily Mikhailovich (Duma - Kommersant) haven’t had any relationship for a long time, contact was lost between them,” notes Andrei Ozerov. “And now a new figure has simply appeared on the position of senator, closer to the governor.”

As noted in the region, the main contender for the vacant position is Nikolai Zhuravlev, chairman of the board of Sovcombank. He headed the local branch of United Russia since 2007 and was considered the main sponsor of Kostroma United Russia. However, over the past year there have been persistent rumors in the region that he wants to resign. “He’s just tired of paying for everything,” says a source in the regional branch of United Russia. “Besides, people haven’t recognized him in four years, he rarely appears in Kostroma, he lives in Moscow, and there are elections ahead. So it’s very correct for him to go to the Federation Council.”

At the same time, Ivan Korsun doubts that Nikolai Zhuravlev will be able to cope with the duties of a senator. “It seems to me that the region in the Federation Council needs a person of federal scale, with connections and opportunities,” argues a member of the United Russia faction. “If this is not there, then it is difficult to talk about any work for the region: the person simply will not have such opportunities " Let us recall that Vasily Duma has been a member of the upper house from the Kostroma region since May 2004. In 1997–1998, he was the head of a department of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, in 1994–1996 - president of the Uralnefteservis company, and then president of the LUKOIL-Transnefteproduct and Slavneft companies. From 2001 to 2005, Vasily Duma headed the board of directors of the commercial bank Grand Invest.

Kirill Rubankov, Kostroma; Dmitry Kozlov