Dream interpretation of stealing a wallet with money. Why do you dream about your wallet being stolen? Modern dream book If you dream Money was stolen

In order to accurately interpret the meaning of this imaginary scenario, several points must be taken into account. So, if your wallet was stolen by a stranger, then in real life, under no circumstances should you even think about lending your money or any other property (tools, clothes, etc.). There is a high probability that your property will never be returned to you. In addition, you should not invest in risky or dubious projects or get involved in adventures regarding monetary deposits. After such a dream, the likelihood of becoming a victim of scammers increases significantly.

If a wallet was stolen in a dream, then this plot may be a kind of warning about a certain danger of being left with nothing due to one’s gullibility in other people. A dream in which at first your wallet with finances is stolen, but after some time you find it or it is returned, means that you will soon receive a long-awaited gift or an unexpected reward. It is likely that success in the labor sphere and promotion will occur. Perhaps very soon financial luck will accompany you in all your business-related endeavors.

Catching up with a pickpocket in a dream also denotes improved well-being and benefits. During this period, you can easily sell your property at a good price or purchase something valuable yourself. By the way, it is no wonder that after such a dream you find out that a person whom you trusted very much has been deceiving you for a long time. It may turn out that this is your close relative or even your other half.

Why do I dream about the wallet I stole?

If in a dream you yourself became a criminal and decided to appropriate someone else’s property, then this can be interpreted in different ways. First of all, this plot speaks about your ambitions: you literally want too much and in an easy way. It may well be that soon, for your own benefit, you will be able to deceive or frame. Other interpretations of dream books explain this outcome as sudden luck; you can achieve your desired goal without much difficulty. But again, most likely, this will happen through cunning or playing on trust. If you dreamed that you first stole your wallet, and then decided to return it (your conscience, so to speak), then this image does not represent a very profitable acquisition. It is likely that the purchased property will cause you a lot of trouble and problems.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why you dream Money was stolen in a dream:

Money stolen is a bad sign, indicating loss and deprivation. The scale of the tragedy depends on the size of the stolen amount. Stole small change - in reality this threatens you with quarrels, omissions, minor troubles and disappointments. Lost paper bills - the dream indicates either health problems or failures in business. Get tested; you may have a serious illness that requires immediate intervention. Dream Interpretation Money was stolen in some cases signals problems in the business sphere; you may be deceived on a grand scale.

You stole money from someone - you lack drive in life, you are trying to satisfy some passions, and this pushes you to commit rash acts. What does it mean to dream about money and a wallet being stolen - this is a bad dream, foreshadowing major losses. For example, your business may go completely bankrupt. You should expect trouble if the money is stolen along with your bag.

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream Money was stolen?

Interpretation of the dream book: Money stolen indicates the approach of a difficult period in your life. Depending on the general plot of the dream and your emotions, troubles can be of varying sizes, from minor troubles and minor conflicts to loss of business or serious illness. To minimize problems, you should undergo a medical examination, take a closer look at the people around you, double-check all information, and keep the actions of your subordinates under control.

Why do you dream about money being stolen? If it is a small thing, there will be losses, but they are insignificant and will not cause much harm. But still, do not lose your vigilance, because even a small spark can ignite a big fire; the slightest disagreement can further develop into a scandal. Watch your speech, otherwise you risk being left alone, this is how this dream is deciphered according to the dream book.

Modern dream book If you dream about money being stolen:

Solves the dream book: Money was stolen recommends being careful and not getting involved in dubious matters. Avoid all kinds of scams, take a closer look at the deals offered, check all information coming from outside. In this case, you can at least slightly protect yourself and your family from the approaching disaster. Dream Interpretation Money was stolen, if the theft occurred at your home, indicates that you need to protect your family, because there is a high probability of someone causing harm to your loved ones. Why dream about money being stolen if it happened in an unfamiliar place - to unpleasant news related to work.


Bag according to the dream book

A bag in a dream represents a person’s “baggage” accumulated over the course of his life, his experience, the totality of all knowledge and skills. A dream book will help you find out more about what this accessory means in dreams. To do this, you should remember the dream in detail: plot, emotional coloring and experiences, ending.


A dream in which a bag was stolen means, according to the dream book, the end of the “black streak” in reality. If in a dream a bag that was given to you for safekeeping is stolen, it means that in your circle there is a trusted person who does not know how to keep secrets. The dream book advises you to watch your language in the near future and be very careful, because all secrets may be made public.

A dream in which your bag with documents was stolen means that all the securities that were considered lost will be found in an unusual way. If in a dream you dreamed that a bag with money was stolen, then in reality you will receive financial income in the form of additional work, a salary increase, a bonus, or the conclusion of a lucrative contract.

A dream in which a wallet was stolen from a bag promises the loss of a huge sum of money or impending bankruptcy. The Dream Interpretation advises not to lend money to anyone in the near future, not to enter into sudden, dubious deals, and to refrain from making large purchases. A dream in which your bag was robbed means that you will suffer because of your kindness and responsiveness, which people you know will skillfully take advantage of. If at the end of the dream you somehow receive stolen goods back, the dream book promises a quick end to all financial difficulties.


Why you dream of losing your bag, the dream book will help you interpret it. Such a dream promises certain changes and changes in a person’s life. This applies mainly to losses of a financial nature; there is no need to fear any special material losses. Losing a bag in a dream can mean an unprofitable financial investment, signing a dubious contract, or an unpleasant meeting with creditors.

However, if in a dream you happen to lose your bag, but you do not feel regret, but on the contrary, you are happy, then financial collapse will be avoided, and soon your situation will stabilize. According to the dream book, losing a bag in a dream can mean temporary disability due to a sharp deterioration in health; you should spend several days in peace and quiet, and preferably in the fresh air.

Losing a bag with money in a dream means that you should be careful with business papers and not leave important documents in a visible place. A dream where you lost a bag with documents means complete confusion in very important documents, you should reconsider the terms of the last (or upcoming) contract or agreement, it is very likely that you will find a gross mistake there. Losing and finding a bag in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the successful completion of all difficult tasks, as well as the passing of the threat of financial collapse without particularly serious consequences.

Forgetting a bag in a dream means encountering unexpected difficulties and problems, which can ultimately take a lot of strength and energy, and also significantly empty your wallet. The dream book advises you to stop spending big for a while and not buy expensive equipment.

If in a dream you accidentally spilled the contents of your backpack, the dream book defines it as an unreasonable waste of money. You should be more careful with your finances in the near future, because a decrease in income is coming. If you put a person in a large suitcase and see him sitting in it, it means that you are tormented by someone else’s secret, which is not possible to reveal.


Why do you dream about a new bag? Such a dream promises the emergence of a new hobby or the acquisition of new knowledge, which will subsequently help you achieve success in your career.

Buying a bag in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a person’s ability to navigate difficult situations and achieve their goals. The dream in which you happened to buy a bag means the quick implementation of all your plans and goals, as well as the successful completion of the probationary period and transfer to a higher position. If you had to buy a woman's bag of an unusual and original shape in a dream, it means that you will achieve more.

Buying a bag in a dream can symbolize the emergence of an additional source of profit, which soon, with the right approach, can become a full-fledged source of income.

A dream in which you have to choose a bag in reality may mean the receipt of a large number of proposals for cooperation. The dream book defines a dream where you have to choose a bag in a store as making a not very large profit, and the more carefully you choose an item, the smaller the profit.

A dream in which you dreamed of a bag store with a huge range of products on display, according to the dream book, means a large number of job offers. That dream could be a warning that you will soon create your own business and the appearance of clients with whom you need to keep an eye out.


Why do you dream of finding a bag? Such a find in a dream can be interpreted in two ways by the dream book. Firstly, such a dream may promise the disclosure (or dedication) of a personal secret of a familiar person, and secondly, the imminent acquisition of a new friend who will follow you through life for a very long time.

A dream in which you have to search for a bag for a long time, and eventually find it, is a dream of identifying hidden talents with which you can realize long-conceived plans and goals. Also, this dream can promise meeting a person who will cause a storm of emotions and feelings. It is possible that in the future he may become your soulmate.

ladies bag

A dream in which a man saw a woman’s bag speaks of an upcoming serious relationship; he will soon have a lover, who may later become his legal wife. For a woman, a handbag in a dream can warn her that one of her secrets may be revealed through carelessness. Therefore, you should beware of intimate conversations with friends, because a trusted secret may become known to a wide circle of people.


A bag with money in a dream means making a profit or one-time additional income, and the larger the bills, the more substantial the financial replenishment will be.


Why do you dream of packing a bag? Such a dream may foreshadow the road ahead. Packing things in a bag, but in a dream you are not going anywhere, according to the dream book, means a possible major quarrel with your loved one, in which you both will say nasty things to each other, not sparing feelings and not respecting each other. Such a quarrel can end in a complete break in the relationship. A dream in which you have to pack things for a trip, while trying to sort and fold them beautifully, means that you need to be alone and understand yourself and your feelings.

A travel bag in a dream can be a symbol of the need to understand yourself. A dream in which you have to pack suitcases and bags according to the dream book is an omen of an imminent move or change of place of residence.


You can find out the interpretation of a dream about a bag, as well as what it means in a dream, by paying attention to the color of this accessory. A red bag in a dream symbolizes a bright, interesting and romantic relationship that can begin with a person you have known for a long time. A black bag can mean sad news, but it can also be a harbinger of new contacts and acquaintances. A white bag in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the beginning of a love affair with a person working with you at the same enterprise.

A lot of

The dream book interprets seeing a lot of bags in a dream as an upcoming move, which will be overshadowed by worries and the loss of some things. Bags with things in a dream can symbolize the knowledge accumulated over a period of life. If you experience discomfort in a dream caused by a large number of things, it means that in reality you need to get rid of some moral burden that oppresses you and prevents you from moving forward. If seeing many things makes you feel at ease, it means that your life experience will soon come in handy in solving complex issues.


A large bag in a dream is symbolized by the dream book as a rich experience for which you are valued both at home and at work. Such a catfish can dream of big and unexpected surprises and pleasant news.


Why do you dream of receiving a bag as a gift? This dream means a quick increase in financial and material well-being. A dream in which you were given a bag, according to the dream book, means receiving a lucrative contract, and also promises a new interesting acquaintance. Giving this accessory to someone in a dream means unplanned expenses that will significantly reduce the family budget.


If in a dream you have to help someone carry a bag, it means that in real life you really need help yourself. It is possible that you will have to turn to competitors for help.


A heavy bag in a dream foretells receiving a lucrative contract and success in the field of financial investments, and is also interpreted by the dream book as a reward for one’s efforts.

A heavy, heavy suitcase in a dream, according to the dream book, means a large number of obligations that are placed on your shoulders. The dream book advises you to reconsider your lifestyle in order not to squeeze out the last of your strength; such an attitude towards yourself promises a serious detriment to your health.

Full and empty

You can say in more detail why you dream of a handbag if you remember how full it was in the dream. A full bag in a dream foreshadows a generous reward for your work and other merits. An empty bag means wasted time, work and all efforts went unnoticed by management.


A leather handbag in a dream foretells great pleasure. The dream book foretells for married women the appearance of a young and passionate lover who will turn their lives upside down. You should beware of such relationships, because the feelings that arise in women will not find reciprocity in the young man and your desire to leave your husband will be met with a cold expression on your face and a quick disappearance from your life.


According to the dream book, a beautiful bag is a harbinger of the fulfillment of desires and plans. Such a dream could mean an upcoming promotion, as well as the creation of your own business.


A dream where you dreamed of a torn and old bag is a sign of losses in reality. According to the dream book, this could be a bad financial investment, dismissal from work, or a failed business.


A man's bag in a dream means developed ingenuity and the ability to negotiate. The dream book advises you to prove yourself in business as quickly as possible, because the position that attracts you may be occupied by another person.

In other dream books

Why do you dream about a bag in Miller’s dream book? If a woman dreams that she can’t find something she needs in her clutch, it means that the problems she has faced are stronger than she is, and she will need outside help to solve difficult situations that have arisen. If you pack a suitcase in a dream, it means that significant changes will soon come in your life. There is no need to be afraid of changes, but if you accept them and try to live in a new way, success in the future is guaranteed.

Why do you dream about a bag in Vanga’s dream book? A travel suitcase in a dream marks a new path for your development as an individual and as a professional. Seeing a briefcase in a dream means promotion. If the portfolio is purchased personally, it means that you will soon be able to create your own business, which will become profitable in a short time.


Why do you dream about your wallet being stolen?

Miller’s famous dream book says that if you dream of theft, then the person will soon show his spinelessness, which will entail a number of problems and failures. An annoying misunderstanding will interfere with plans. Theft is unpleasant in life. This is also an unfavorable sign in a dream.

The interpretation of a dream in which a wallet was stolen is symbolic of reality - the dream promises a possible loss of a large sum of money or even bankruptcy. After such a dream, you should not get involved in all sorts of transactions and borrow from someone, because the dream warns that you can get into an unpleasant situation. Stolen money in a dream is a sign of loss. If a wallet with paper bills is stolen, you need to be more careful in business, and also take a closer look at your health. A person whose wallet with money was stolen in a dream may be at risk of serious illness. If there was change in the wallet, then minor troubles and nonsense await ahead.

It is important to know that losing a wallet in a dream is not a good sign. You need to be more careful when meeting new people; they can pose a danger. A wallet in itself in a dream means well-being. Losing your wallet means losing your well-being. Also, if a person sees his wallet empty in a dream, this means losses, separation, and troubles.

Why do you dream about a woman’s wallet being stolen? If a woman’s wallet with diamonds and money disappears in a dream, this means that the lady will lose the good attitude of the people around her, may lose contact with them altogether, and will also be subject to the deception and self-interest of envious people. If a girl’s wallet is stolen from her bag in a dream, then in reality she will face troubles, which are combined with unplanned expenses. If a woman sees in a dream how a wallet is stolen from someone else, it means that she is looking for satisfaction in life of some passions and cannot be fully satisfied with them.

If a person sees a dream in which his wallet was stolen, and he knows that there was a large sum of money in it, then the dangers in life can be large, even catastrophic. If the wallet was stolen in an apartment, this sign is unkind, regardless of whether the dreamer himself was a thief or the wallet was stolen from him. Being robbed in an apartment is a real disappointment; a symbolic robbery in life is also possible. Stealing from someone else's apartment in a dream means loss and separation. Possible betrayal of friends or loved one.

In a dream, what is important is how much money was stolen in the wallet. Big - to big troubles for both men and women. A small amount means slight misunderstandings for a man, and for a woman it means correction of the existing situation with which she is dissatisfied.

If in a dream you dreamed that a person’s wallet was stolen, this means that he needs to be careful, prudent and be prepared for unfavorable changes in life. Problems, disappointments, quarrels with loved ones are expected. You need to listen to such a sign in a dream, because dreams are meant to give hints.


Why do you dream about your wallet being stolen?

Theft of a wallet in reality brings us a lot of trouble. Besides the grief, we calculate how great the damage is. After all, in addition to money, the wallet could contain bank cards or securities. However, if you dream about this, in reality things are still no better.

Why do you dream that your wallet was stolen from your purse? Such dreams warn of possible large financial losses. In the near future, it is imperative to beware of proposed transactions and, especially, scams. As a result, there is a possibility of losing a large business or a large amount of money. Having gotten involved in a serious business and investing a certain amount of money, you can be left with nothing and still have to pay off the loan. This will happen due to unreliable and untested partners who will be able to set you up at the most crucial moment.

During this period, it is advisable to reschedule planned activities and meetings to another time, since now it is better not to take the initiative and remain in the shadows, otherwise there is a risk of remaining to blame for all failures. It’s a good time for privacy and relaxation from people around you.

In the period after such a dream, you need to be careful and check the incoming information. Due to inattention, your reputation may suffer, since all the blame can be transferred to one person. At such times, it is advisable to trust only close people who you can rely on in difficult times and be confident of help. In addition, it is necessary to remain in the background and be less active in planning and advising on new projects. As a result, the material sphere may suffer due to thoughtless investments in the development of promising ideas.

If the wallet was stolen, but was returned by the end of the dream, then in the near future you can count on an unexpected turn of fate for the better, progress in business, as well as the implementation of long-standing plans. This period will help resolve conflict situations in the professional industry, as well as with relatives. A favorable time for planning and starting grandiose projects, long-standing ideas with the prospect of rapid development. If you dream that a friend returned your wallet, then most often you dream about it before something pleasant appears in life. This could be great news or the arrival of a relative or old friend.

There are so many dream books, so many different predictions and interpretations of dreams, but most often they agree. Despite this, you need to think about your actions yourself and not rely on someone else’s thoughts about the events in your dream.

In conclusion, I would like to say - you need to live without knowing what will happen tomorrow, because if something is bad, then you should not be upset in advance. If a person dreamed of good news the day before, then you can wait until tomorrow and find out soon.


Dream Interpretation Wallet with money

Why do you dream about a Wallet with money in a dream according to the dream book?

A wallet with money dreams of acquiring wealth. If there is no money in your wallet, the dream warns of poverty.

If you see paper money in your wallet in a dream, be careful. Your financial stability may be shaken. To avoid this, you need to avoid spending some of your money and keep it for unexpected expenses.

What happened in the dream with the wallet with money?

Find a wallet with money in a dream

A dream about finding a wallet brings good luck in reality. First of all, she will accompany you on the love front. However, this should be kept secret to prevent rumors from spreading.

A wallet with money was stolen in a dream

A stolen wallet with money in a dream is a symbol of fears about a missed opportunity. There is a high probability that the fears are unfounded. If so, try to calm down.

Money was stolen from a wallet in a dream

If you dreamed that money was stolen from your wallet, be careful in your actions and endeavors. You should beware of scams and gambling. You should not risk your financial well-being; the craving for excitement will lead to unreasonable waste.

A wallet with money was stolen from a bag in a dream

A dream about stealing a wallet from a bag foreshadows the loss of a significant amount of money or even complete bankruptcy. It is not recommended to lend money to anyone. Quick transactions of a particularly dubious nature must also be excluded.

Why do you dream about losing your wallet with money?

The dream book interprets the loss of a wallet negatively. This dream is very symbolic. In reality, you can lose not only material resources, but also relationships with loved ones and trust.


Money was stolen from my bag

Dream Interpretation Money was stolen from a bag I dreamed about why I dreamed money was stolen from my bag? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see money stolen from your bag in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag, burden

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lost, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become reality. Buy, receive, take - your wildest and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary the dreams that have already been “accepted for fulfillment”. A full travel bag means a successful trip, during which purchases are possible. Lost or stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can rest assured about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A dream in which you put things in a bag in disarray, afraid of being late somewhere, means that you are needlessly jealous and fear for your personal happiness.

If the handle of a bag comes off in a dream, this means that in real life you will lose the support of a reliable friend or loved one due to your ingratitude and inattention to his problems.

For a woman, a bag lost in a dream is a sign of loneliness and defenselessness.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

If you are carrying an empty bag, the dream foreshadows poverty, but if the bag is full, wealth awaits you.

Imagine that your bag is filled with all sorts of good things.

Dream Interpretation - Bag. road

The appearance of the Sack bag in a dream suggests that the contents of the future are more interesting than the present.

An empty bag means need, deception.

A full bag, a bag - an event will occur that will cause a lot of trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - this symbol represents everything that makes up your “cultural baggage,” that is, the sum of your knowledge, skills, and experience. If the handbag is small, ladies', it means that you feel helpless in studying or communicating with peers. If, on the contrary, the bag is the size of a house, you have a very high opinion of your mental abilities. If at the same time it’s hard for you to carry your purse, this means a situation of “woe from mind,” that is, your excessive rationality or faith in your own intelligence prevents you from living or communicating with your friends.


A bag with money and a passport was stolen

Dream Interpretation A bag with money and a passport was stolen dreamed of why in a dream a bag with money and a passport was stolen? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a bag with money and a passport stolen in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Passport

Getting a passport means a happy journey.

Seeing your passport means quick changes in life (for example, the need to change your last name due to marriage).

Seeing someone else's passport means you have a wrong opinion about this person.

Worrying about a passport for a trip abroad means taking up a promising job.

If your passport is checked in a dream, then in reality big changes are coming in your business life.

Handing over a passport means meeting the right person.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A bag in a dream is a symbol of prosperity. An empty bag in a dream indicates that luck will turn away from you. A full bag in a dream foreshadows prosperity, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans. The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the greater the benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of losses, damages and grief. A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing it in a dream means that someone may find out your secret. Opening someone else's purse or looking into it is a sign of deception or betrayal.

A simple, modest, nondescript handbag in a dream indicates that your existence will be gray and joyless. A colorful bag in a dream is a harbinger of numerous, pleasant and joyful experiences, meetings, and conversations. See interpretation: colors.

Dream Interpretation - Passport

A dream in which you present your passport to law enforcement officers means that soon you will have the need to hide or change your date of birth or registration for the purpose of marriage or, conversely, due to divorce.

Changing your passport to a new one in a dream means in reality you will refuse to meet a person at the very last moment, without, however, notifying him.

Receiving a foreign passport in a dream - in reality, you will do a good deed, for which you will have to sacrifice your interests and sacrifice time, but generous gratitude from the people who owe you help will more than pay for all the costs and losses you have incurred.

If you dreamed of a registration certificate for a car, this foreshadows a desperate struggle to retain the right to the property temporarily assigned to you. Studying a technical passport for purchased complex household appliances in a dream means that in reality you will establish close relationships with influential people, which will soon bring success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Passport

Showing your passport at customs - a dream foreshadows a long and profitable journey. If you dream that you are receiving a passport, you will be offered a well-paid job related to travel.

Imagine hiding your passport in a wallet filled with banknotes.

Dream Interpretation - Passport

a sign of doubt and mistrust.

Seeing someone presenting you with a passport means that you may soon doubt the personal qualities or abilities of someone around you.

If you yourself show someone your passport: such a dream foretells you annoying misunderstandings in communicating with others.

The dream in which you lose your passport has the same meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

The bag symbolizes what is hidden, but also accessible. Running with a huge bag along a bad road, there will be obstacles in your business that you want to overcome alone. Helping carry someone else's bag, you need help. Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and changes in fate. Find someone else's bag, find out a secret, perhaps about someone close to you, find a new friend.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

You left the house, taking your usual briefcase, which you always carry. But on the way, you suddenly notice that in your hands instead of a briefcase you are holding an old, tattered bag. This may mean that today you may be unlucky, that circumstances are not favorable to you and nothing good can be expected.

If suddenly, instead of your usual briefcase, you have some kind of case that, without a doubt, is better than yours, then this is not necessarily a promotion, but luck will not leave you that day. You can meet a new, interesting, influential person who will help you in a business that you have been planning for a long time.

If you dream that you are opening a bag and there are large bills there, then this is very good - you will have an unexpected profit. If you dreamed of coins, then you will waste your money on trifles, but will not be able to concentrate on the main thing.

If you find an abandoned bag somewhere, then it’s good if you don’t pick it up in a dream. The dream warns you that circumstances are stacked against you. A heavy blow may fall on you. But if you pick up a bag, then you cannot escape the blow.

If in a dream you steal or snatch a bag from someone, then this is a warning dream. You can lose everything if you do a rash, wrong thing. Remember that there is such a danger and be very careful.

Dream Interpretation - Bag, burden

Seeing a burden or a person with a burden or a bag in a dream is a harbinger of change. Changes can be either good or not so good. The symbol of burden and scrip is traditionally associated with the road, orphanhood, poverty, but it can also indicate the opposite.

It is not customary for the people to be afraid of this symbol, because people with a bag, with a burden are pleasing to God, marked by it: “Don’t renounce prison and don’t give up your bag.”

To dream that you are carrying a large bag full of bread on your shoulder is a sign of excitement, vain worries, and intentions to seriously change your life.

To see a person who opposes people walking with bags - this dream means that you are afraid because you have committed a bad act; You are afraid of retribution, retribution for what has been done; Your conscience does not give you peace.

Running quickly with a huge bag along a bad road - you are determined and nothing can turn you off the path; there are obstacles ahead that you are ready to overcome; You will refuse the help that is offered in the difficult circumstances ahead.

Helping carry someone else’s bag - you need help; waiting for outsiders to participate in your destiny, hoping for a miracle.

Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and difficult changes in fate.

Finding someone else's bag means becoming part of a secret, accidentally breaking into someone else's destiny, making a random friend.

Seeing yourself with a lot of bags means moving and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Passport

Passport - If you dreamed of a passport, this indicates that you are seeking to legitimize your relationship with your partner. You naively believe that in this way you can bind a person to yourself, gain control over his actions and freedom.

Dream Interpretation - Passport

Seeing it or receiving it in a dream is a sign that you should act more actively to achieve what you want. Losing your passport in a dream is a harbinger of failure and failure to realize your intentions. If you dream that you were presented with a passport, then you will face obstacles in business that will not be easy for you to overcome due to the machinations of officials.


Why do I dream that money was stolen from my purse? the whole bag was cut up



bag - your relationship, soul, may take the guy away, hurt the soul. . depending on the money, the guy is of such value. . maybe they stole 5 kopecks from you, that’s the price)) or maybe a significant loss


Money in a dream means troubles in reality. The larger the bills and the amount, the greater the hassle and trouble. Someone will save you from serious problems.



I dreamed that I left a bag with money (as if before that I had withdrawn money from the bank and it was absolutely all my savings) in some small office where there were labyrinths and mentally abnormal people. I went up to the 2nd floor, everything is very beautiful there, people sleep on beautiful sofas - they feel good. Suddenly I’m on a high bookcase, at least 7 meters high, it’s swaying - fear. People talk about the news, they say that some black criminal ran away, but he has already been caught. The criminal's name is Ravil. (And in real life my brother’s name is Ravil and he is bright). Amazingly, I was able to get down to the floor from the shelf. I remembered the bag, the money. I ran to the unpleasant lower floor and found a bag, but without any money, it was scalded. I also had a lot of money in my hand, but less than what was in the bag.


I had dollars and rubles in my bag, in a dream I seemed to have left or forgotten the bag, and when I remembered I started looking for the bag and found it shabby and empty, these were all my savings, I was very worried_ I had to pay for my son’s education, when I woke up I realized that I was sleeping and this nightmare was over, but the experience was like reality


Hello! I had a dream: We were in some kind of youth institution. I went to the toilet and left my bag on the counter. When I arrived, I found the bag was open, and a large amount of money in the bundle had been stolen! The police immediately ran up and started looking for the thief. At that time I woke up. Why would this be?


Good afternoon. I dreamed that a white jacket was stolen, maybe not leather but high-quality leatherette, there was a passport in my pocket and money in it (I always walk like this).
The money arrived not long before the theft and it was, as it were, earned money. It was 10 tr. and 50 tr. from various sources a total of 60 thousand. I immediately started searching and interviewing people. It’s like an educational institution (I don’t remember exactly). There was a watchwoman, there were cameras. I asked to see them and she said that the cameras only work at night. I also told the guys at work, they were also upset. such a dream.


I saw in a dream a dining room where there were many people, of which one of my friends, on my suspicion, stole money from a purse that was hanging on the side, I looked into the wallet and it was without paper money.


The dream was that a bag with money and documents was stolen at the market. I found the documents right away, but my mom, dad and brother found the bag later. The joy of returning was great


the first dream was jumping from a plane with a parachute. Landed happy and began to fold it. The second dream was two beautiful girls. They hugged. Then they disappeared. The police came to the room and asked for your documents. I looked at mine, but there was no money there. The bills were one thousand each. Three thousand were stolen. The police ran to catch up with the girls.


My bag was stolen. Everything in it was stolen except the travel ticket. The bag was returned. The amount is large, but not very much. So average. I was upset, and then in a dream I decided not to be upset, I’ll still earn money - after all, the amount is so-so... for me, it’s actually nonsense.


I put the money in a briefcase. and my friends and I went to a cafe. It was somehow not cozy there. although before that there was the best cafe.. we were told that we had to leave before 3 o’clock.. my friends and I moved to another table.. and ordered something.. I rushed for the diplomat and it was nowhere to be found... I ran around looking for it... they said the technician... and this is a young guy, but I didn’t find him... although he was with a friend’s son in the car. went. the car broke down... well, that's all. woke up without money


I had a very large amount of money in a plastic bag in my nightstand, I went to check and there was very little left, before that there was a man in the apartment whom I know and in a dream I thought that it was he who stole the money.


dream: I stole a lot of money from my accounting department, but then my conscience got to me and I returned it all. No one found out about this act...


I was sitting in a cinema next to an unfamiliar man. After the movie, I discovered that money was missing from the wallet in my bag.


I went on vacation and all my things and money were stolen, then I found empty bags and cut paper money in one bag, not real money


Good afternoon. I dreamed that I went into a public toilet. where there were a lot of girls. She left her bag by the mirror with the sink and went to the toilet. When I came out, I discovered that large bills had been taken out of my wallet (there weren’t many of them), I got upset (and thought how good it was that I didn’t carry all the money with me) and went into the next room, told some woman that her friends were there let's figure it out. Tell me what the dream is about or why, I had a dream from Tue to Wed.


I dreamed that two robbers broke into the house, I ran away and on the street I realized that there was money left at home... and they stole it


I saw in a dream an old friend whom I asked to give me some water to drink. He handed me a bottle of water from which I quenched my thirst. We haven't seen him for 7-8 years.


My money was stolen. And I didn’t see them. The acquaintance who did this potentially claims the same inheritance that I also claim. So, in a dream he allegedly stole a large amount of money from me. What does it mean?


I dreamed that I was selling some souvenirs and when I was telling another client about the product (all the proceeds were on the table, where the product was), she began to take a little of this money and put it in her bag in front of my eyes, I told her what are you doing and took it money back, I was so indignant, but she lowered her head and didn’t say anything


I dreamed that suddenly I discovered a hole in the wall of my apartment and my neighbor stole all my money through this hole... then I dreamed about my dead father - supposedly we were standing in line for beer and suddenly he disrupted the line and jumped out of line.... In general, everything is without communication... there is no logic in the dream.. but I was so happy when I woke up - it was something like a dream, not reality......:))) It was very scary in the dream...


I DREAMED. My bag was stolen, and there was money and Sberbank cards in it. I watched the thieves from the window as they pulled everything out... I managed to hide from them.


I came to visit a friend and after some time I go into the room where I left my bag and find it zipped, but incorrectly. I look inside and immediately find my wallet (it’s red), I open it and it’s completely empty. It had 3 compartments and each contained different bills. The first is small, the second is medium, and the third is large and $100. I understand that it was her son who stole it. I start looking for him and crying. It's upsetting to me. I woke up in tears.


I dreamed about a work colleague. It was as if she and I had gone somewhere and didn’t take our bags with us. And when they returned, the bags were in place, only there was no money or cards in the wallets.


While I was going to get food for me and a friend, a little boy was hanging around saying that I had to repay the debt. Having gone down to a friend’s house with food, I found a wallet on the table. Paper money was missing from it. The debt was 500 rubles, but he stole 800 rubles. The stash of 500 rubles remained untouched. Thank you.


Hello. I was in some cafe. When I was gone, I left my bag unattended and at the checkout, while paying, I discovered it was missing. There were no large bills, only small change remained. That's all.


In a dream, a large sum of money was stolen, after which the person who did it got into trouble. Should I worry?


There were 20 thousand rubles in the bag in the middle compartment to pay for the products, when I came up the bag was lying on the other side and there were only 10 thousand rubles in it.


I remember we were walking along the street together with someone, I don’t remember with whom I didn’t see a face, and suddenly I saw this person coming up from behind, opening a backpack and taking out a wallet, I started to catch him, grab him, scream, they were stealing, but he runs away, I run after him and I see that he quickly leaves some of the money with some passers-by along the way, in a dream I understand that these are his partners or owners, he himself slips away, but I stop at one woman to whom he left some and take it from her from the wallet all the money that he stole, I remember 2 green bills like a dollar about 200, and 500 rubles, and lastly I say let the thief give it to you


I dreamed that 15,000 out of 20,000 were stolen from me and my father, who died 4 years ago, stole it. I had the same dream a few days ago. Why is this?


I dreamed that I was trying on a coat that I wanted to buy, when I wanted to pay, there was no handbag, then they found a handbag without money, and there were 4 million Belarusian rubles, and I cried a lot.


Yesterday we sold the car at night and I dreamed that the money was stolen the way I twisted it. I cried and screamed a lot, even my voice disappeared


Hello, I dreamed that I bought a car. Lada ten seems to be used. It cost 300 thousand. There was also 100 thousand in the car. My friend and I often fool around. Having got out of the car and locked it, we were distracted by fooling around and when we came to our senses the car was gone. In the dream, the version of pleasure prevailed. In this dream, I also went into a public toilet and all the toilets there were stained with fecal matter. Woke up with a headache and nausea.


I dreamed that I was in a store and more than 20 thousand were stolen from me, I didn’t even understand how it happened


My bag was stolen, it was just bought white with a blue design. There was money in it, things I had just bought. I ran out into the street, but never found the thief.


I was in the apartment and I had a big backpack, I put about 8 thousand money in there, then I left this apartment and only halfway there I remembered that I had left the briefcase and returned and there were my ex-girlfriends whom I started barking at my briefcase, then one ran away and came police


I dreamed that my team and I went to a party, there in a restaurant my father’s 80 dollars were stolen from my bag, someone else’s passport, and I was bitten by a kitten, most likely he was rabid


I dreamed that my team and I went to a banquet, where my father’s 80 dollars were stolen from my bag, someone else’s passport, and I was bitten by a rabid kitten


At first I dreamed that I won 10 million dollars... So they gave me a black bag with money... it seemed to be small bills. I don’t remember where I came from... but I was walking with two women I knew... Afterwards, the dream immediately jumped to another moment, as I entered my apartment, I saw some kind of dirt on the washbasin in the bathroom and on the bed in the bedroom. I first cleared everything and only then noticed the inside-out bag containing the money. I immediately realized that the money was stolen... Afterwards a friend called me... I thought it was him, but on the phone he said that he was just coming to see me and could not write an SMS. I called the police and told everything over the phone (I don’t remember what exactly I said) and said that I would write a statement.
Afterwards, the dream jumps to some apartment or wasteland, there was a fire burning and there were some hillbillies, but I was able to kill them all (lately I often dream of some kind of enemy/opponent much superior to me in strength, but every time I can surpass him and win) because I thought they had the money, but they didn’t have the money.
Afterwards I found myself at the ski mountain...and really wanted to go skiing, but was not much afraid. I went upstairs, there was a funicular and two nice girls, they told me what to do to get down the mountain. So I put on my skis and got into the cable car, where I discovered that I had tightened the right track too weakly, and I had to jump from the cable car down to the slope. The girls quickly jumped off and I remained in the cable car, which in turn picked up a breakneck speed, in 2 seconds I was at the bottom... Once at the bottom, I tightened the ski track, then tried to go up again, but... I broke one right ski track... and I was asked to pay 1000 rubles. This seems to be where my dream ended.


My name is Marina. This morning I had a dream that in a store a woman stole 6 thousand rubles and a bank card from my wallet.


I dreamed that both my wallet and my husband’s were lying on the nightstand at home. We went into the bathroom together to wash, and when we returned to the hallway, I saw that both wallets were empty and then spent half my sleep searching for who stole the money. The dream was very difficult and full of experiences.


My friend and I stole a very large sum from an acquaintance, divided it in half, after that in a dream I started having small problems that I solved with cunning.


we were in nature... and walked away, leaving things on the shore under a bush... and when we returned, there wasn’t a penny in my wallet (for some reason I left it too)... there wasn’t much money there... but in the end it was empty


My money somehow ended up in the bag of a woman with whom we had some business. I don't actually know her. I tried to pick it up, but she began to dissemble, leave, call on the phone and pretend to have been robbed. She did not want to give the money, although there were bills and change. But for some reason I was more worried that she wouldn’t return the change. I was determined to beat her, and even tried, but the blow was weak, as it happens in a dream.


I was kidnapped, I saw a large amount of money, in large bills. And I myself stole some of this money. At the end of the dream, she was still not free.


Yesterday I had a dream that a lot of money was stolen from my bag in five thousand dollar bills on a minibus, the money was personal. I saw the bills clearly.


I was in some house, there was a check, I saw a mitten, there was money in it, I took the mitten and went to the toilet to look and there was a whole bunch of shit, I put the mitten in my pocket and went home


I am lost. And I asked the man to take me to a certain place. And she asked for some money. He agreed and brought me. I gave away a whole wallet of money. When I got on the bus to go home, the man grabbed my wallet but I didn’t let him go! Soon I kicked him in the stomach and he flew off the bus through the open door! And I got home. Tatyana Miller my e-mail is my login from my classmates. I'm registered there.


They cut my bag open on the street and took away all the contents, there was not much money, when I came home, I saw that the bag was empty.


In a dream, money was stolen from me at work. There were people, money was lying on the table in a stack of paper. I was hysterical in a dream


I went on vacation, the money was in a small suitcase in a box, the money was taken almost before my eyes, and after I was discovered, I saw a man who had died a long time ago, he tried to help me get it back, after that we were in the same bed, just talking about what happened


I dreamed that a large amount of money was stolen from my parents, which they borrowed from someone. What do you think this is for?


I dreamed that I work as a waitress in a restaurant, I take orders from two guys, one of them orders different dishes, but I can’t clearly hear the names of the dishes and constantly ask him again, he gets nervous and indignantly asks how do you work like that?? I say it’s the first day, he was understanding and wrote his order himself, from another table, the couple finished their food, paid, and left the money, they left the other girl a tip, and I stole 1000 from 2500 rubles.


urgently needed money! I didn’t know where to get it, I wanted to borrow it from a girl I knew, but she said no, and then she wasn’t there and her bag fell from her chair and a lot of money flew out in five thousand bills, I took fifteen thousand


Hello, so my dream: I felt a state of poverty, and this pushed me to rob my best friend’s aunt. Having burst into her apartment, I knew in advance where the valuables were hidden, I shouted wildly at her, threatening her with a pistol (colt 1911). She was in a panic, screaming or roaring, I don’t remember exactly. In a hurry, I broke the lid of the iron cabinet (like a wall medicine cabinet) and took the money, sweeping things off the chest of drawers (I definitely remember the table lamp), and took the rest of the money (as I thought, later it turned out to be photographs of my friend’s aunt and bank cards). Later I went (or went, I don’t remember) to my parents’ dacha, my mother was preparing dinner, and meanwhile I went upstairs to my room. As soon as I sat down on the bed, my friend came into the room, I reported everything to him and my conscience wildly tormented me, but strangely he reacted to this quite calmly. I decided to give all the loot to him so that he could return everything to his aunt. But before that we decided to look at my “catch”, I opened the envelope with money, there was a stack of thousand dollar bills (the envelope that was in the locker), then we opened the second envelope, there were photographs and bank cards, in these family photos of him Auntie was so happy that I felt even more ashamed, and the cards gave me anxiety, I thought that they could track me down using them. Later, my mother knocked on the door, my friend and I hurriedly began to hide all the loot under the mattress, approaching the door I saw that there were 3 toy machine guns (AK-47) leaning against the walls. I told her that I would come down later and that’s when my sleep was interrupted.


Hello! I dreamed of a bus in which I was traveling with a friend, when I had to pay, then I discovered that I didn’t have 5 thousand, but some change remained.


I dreamed that the money was in a wallet in a bag, the bag was in one room and I was in another. at the moment when I approached the bag there was a wallet on top and it was empty. Looking back, I saw that the door to the room was open, then the door to the vestibule and the entrance was open. At that moment, the people in the apartment were sleeping. I know the room well


I’m walking around the store with my child and my mother, buying groceries, and then I receive an SMS and they withdraw all the money from my card for a total of 9.2 million rubles. I run to the ATM, but there are some 3 guys there, but they have nothing to do with it. I call the police but they are in no hurry to come


At work, I left the office, when I returned, I discovered that money had disappeared from my wallet, as well as credit cards. I locked the office and called the police, but one of the employees managed to escape.


Hello, I dreamed that my husband stole money. I saw paper bills of 5 thousand and 1 thousand. They were colored. At first I wanted to take them for myself and began to take the bills from my husband, and then I realized that they were stolen and began to insist that he give them to the owner.


Good afternoon,

I dreamed that I stole $10,000. and didn’t want to give them away, the owner of the money was looking for them, I didn’t want to part with them and didn’t give them away


a room with things, in the middle of the room there is a chair and a bear toy in it. There is money hidden in the bear. I walk in and realize that there is no money in the bear. The toy is lying on its side.


Hello! I dreamed that in the evening I went into a cafe and for some reason sat down at a table with two guys I didn’t know\. I ordered something and then went out somewhere for a while and left my bag with the documents. When he arrived, they suddenly got ready somewhere and left. in the end it turned out that all the money and rights were gone.


I went with my mom and dad (he died a long time ago) to a cafe. I left my bag there for some time, either in the locker room or somewhere else. And when I took it, it was almost empty: there was no money, no phone, no travel card.


I went to the market, my husband gave me money. When I wanted to pay, it turned out that my wallet was not in my bag. Then I went back to where I had looked before, there I found a wallet, well, there was no money there, no ID, no cards. The thieves left something unclear photos I called the police, they came but did not find the thieves.


I was deceived and defrauded of a large sum of money in foreign currency. The bills themselves were of different denominations (both large and small). I tried to return the money, but a lot of hostile guys appeared and I realized that I would not return the money. The money was originally stolen from me by a girl. I gave the money myself, but to exchange it for another currency.


I dreamed that the ATM gave me a large amount of money twice. then I put them in a bag and hid them from everyone. but when my ex-girlfriend asked me where this money came from, I took her to the car to show her the package. when the car approached there was no money and on the other side of the river people were burning a fire with this money


I dreamed that they were reporting that the apartment had been robbed; it turned out that my bag with my wallet and documents was there. They were the ones that were stolen.


From Friday to Saturday I had a dream that my son died, and my husband that his ex-wife was stealing money from him from the trunk of his car, but he caught her and kicked her out


Good afternoon Tatyana!
Looks like some kind of hotel. I'm packing my suitcase. Everyone is running and fussing. There is a bag of money on the bed. The money is in plain sight. It’s sticking out of the bag, I know there’s 200 thousand in there. Then I remember - there is no package.


i dreamed that I was at the railway station, left a bag with things and a bag with a wallet among the crowd, went away for a few minutes, and when I returned I found that the wallet was open and a large 1000 ruble bill and all the small change had disappeared from it.... Then I everything I got on the train with a bunch of people, asked how much the ticket cost and one of the passengers gave me coins for the journey... Why is this dream?


I dreamed that I was at the railway station among many people... I left a bag with things and a bag with a wallet among the crowd and walked away for a while... When I returned, I discovered that the wallet was open and a large 1000 ruble bill and all the small change were missing from it... Then I got on the train anyway, asked how much the ticket cost and one of the passengers gave me coins for the journey... Why this dream?


I dreamed that in our school, in the locker room, the teacher’s coat was hanging, I put my hand in my pocket and took out 600 rubles; 100 rub. I put it back, and 500 rubles. I took it for myself!


I work as a watchman, I dreamed that I was at work, someone came, I went to open the door, and when I returned, I found that my wallet was lying on my bag without money, it wasn’t much - about 1000 rubles


In my dream, my money was stolen, in more detail, my bag with all my documents was stolen, then in my dream I found out that a considerable amount of money had been withdrawn from my cards. Thieves - man and woman.


I had money in my bag for my son’s treatment. I went with this bag to the organization on official business. There I got distracted and left my bag unattended for a short time. Then (not immediately) I discovered that there was no bag, I was very upset, I started looking, asking everyone, and crying. But I never found it. I was terribly upset. I was glad when I woke up and everything turned out to be a dream.


Hello. I dreamed that I fell asleep in someone else's house. And when I woke up, I discovered that a large amount of cash and all bank cards were missing from my wallet. (My wallet is actually different). And I screamed and became hysterical so much that I woke up.


Hello, I had a dream in which money was stolen from my wallet. Discovering that there is no money. I started looking for them. Having not found the money, I returned to the bus and found a bag on the seat with no money in it. I took the bag. I don’t remember anything else.


In a dream I came to an animal shelter (kittens, puppies). When I went into their large, bright room, the animals began to come up to me, lie down next to me, and ask to be petted. Through the window of this shelter I saw an old acquaintance with whom I had not communicated in real life for a long time. In the dream I was very glad to see him, I even ran out to say hello. Suddenly, a bag was snatched from my hands (I hadn’t noticed it in my dream before), which contained a rather large amount of money. Then I stand alone, and that same acquaintance returns a bag with money, which I counted in a dream and made sure that everything was in place.


I dreamed that my husbands and I went to see distant relatives. As a result, when we returned, we discovered that a large sum of money and train tickets were missing. I cried a lot... Through threats, the money was returned and, as it seemed to me, they took more than


I dreamed that they took my money and today it happened, I lost my wallet with cards, it was about 14:30. I didn’t wear it


I wanted to buy something in the store. and my purse with money was quietly stolen. I was very upset. I even cried


Hello!! My name is Anya. I had a dream in which I stole a large sum of paper money. No one had discovered this loss yet, but I was very afraid of something. Also in this dream I quarrel with my husband and try to beat him. Never This never happened in our family in reality. I can’t understand this dream. Please help me understand the meaning of this dream. Thank you)))


I dreamed that my money was stolen, I was at home with my child, some people came, a crowd, I don’t remember them, I don’t remember exactly, but I remember that they stole money twice, the first time a little, the second time a lot. It was as if I could have done something but did nothing, and I remember that in the dream I thought about myself, that I was acting irresponsibly and could have done something.


I lived in a hostel. I earned money, put it in different places. Only the largest amount was stolen. The door was simply broken down. That evening I myself was at a disco with my ex-boyfriend.


Hello. My name is Ekaterina. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, as a result of which I not only woke up, but also cried. I dreamed that I was supposedly at work, replacing a girl at work in an office that was not my own. As soon as the work day ended, I looked into my wallet and found it empty. I went into panic, I didn’t know what to do. But then she began to think logically and rule out the people responsible for what she had done, and then called the police. I don’t remember how the incident ended, because I woke up. The dream was vivid, as if everything was happening in reality. Please help me explain why I dreamed all this. Thank you.


the husband opened the box containing a large amount of money and saw that it was empty. His mood deteriorated very much, he began to get very upset and scream. that everything is bad in this world. I reassured him and told him that everything would work out and I was very calm.


I dreamed that I was on a bus and my wallet was stolen, and when I started running after it, I found someone else’s wallet and there was a lot of money in it


I dreamed about my wallet - which was open and all the money and rights were gone from there. At the moment I’m expecting a child - maybe it’s just hormones/,

)))) Good morning.:

Hello, my name is Maya, last night I dreamed that I had money from my Ural wallet, the amount was not significant, 5 or 6 thousand. rubles My daughter and I were walking in a shopping center and for some reason I don’t know, I put the bag on the floor, I noticed that the lock in the bag was open, the wallet was open, but it was empty, I kept saying that the money had just been there and where it could have gone, I had an intuition that I even knew where money could be stolen from my wallet.


I saw in a dream how they stole money from my purse, new boots, and then the next morning I was with them


They stole 20,000 rubles from my bag, 4 five-thousandth bills and it was as if my sister had stolen them. In my dream I cried a lot.


My money was stolen from my bag in the store, but I got distracted. Then I saw my bag, but not all the money was stolen, there were a lot of bills left


I dream that I am counting large banknotes at the entrance. Then I somehow got distracted by a girl passing by who was raped and beaten. And then I discover that the stack of banknotes simply disappears when a man runs by. It turns out that he will return them, but he needs them to save his son. He returns but in small banknotes (they were 500,200 and returned 50)


I dreamed that I stole money from the jacket pocket of the chief accountant of our enterprise. Then I wanted to return it, then I changed my mind. Then he returned it. Later, I discovered that one of my subordinates took the jacket without noticing it into the animal feed, so I realized that I could take the money and shared it with my subordinate. there were small dollar bills and large bills of native money.


Hello! I dreamed that a large sum of my money was stolen from the house where I grew up, and they left a note, I don’t remember what was written there, I remember some kind of insult, and the dream was from Thursday to Friday


I dreamed that I wanted to buy a blanket, but when I wanted to pay, I saw that money had been stolen from my wallet


I'm riding a bus (there are a lot of people on the bus) in a foreign city, it's dark outside, I get off at the bus stop, and I don't know where to go next. Two strangers come up to me and take 10,000 rubles out of my bag. (two 5000 bills) and run away


money and cards were stolen from my wallet in an unfamiliar dark room. It was a girl and I spent the whole dream knocking them out of her, but I never did


someone has a lot of paper money in the drawer, there are dollars in my drawer, I carry the money with my hands and hid it under my clothes in the stomach area, a lot so that people think it’s not money, but I’m like I’m in a situation


In a dream! my husband came home with friends, I was at home with the children and girlfriend, he started freaking out, I asked him where he was going, he answered to go for a walk, I told him, give him the keys to the apartment and leave on four sides, while he took all the money from the envelope and I left through the window I shouted what I would do without money, I felt sorry for the children, it was sunny and it seemed like it was summer.


I'm driving in the car, the driver takes passengers to earn extra money, a young guy sat next to me, I have a diplomat on my lap, I don't know where it's from, full of money, he looked into it, I thought it would be stolen, I need to hold it tighter, I was distracted by the woman, I don't remember what question the driver says, you stole the diplomat, but I'll catch up with him woke up::6am

Vitaly Viktorovich:

I dreamed about my old apartment and conversations with my wife about how to sell this apartment.
Then I go with a diplomat, in which there is a bundle of money wrapped in thick newspaper so that it is not visible, but I know that there is money there to buy a new apartment. I’m walking along the dark passage corridor of my friend’s construction organization, but I don’t know the place... And for some reason it’s very difficult to carry the diplomat - it doesn’t seem to be big. You have to put it on the floor. During such a rest, I am distracted; they call me from the office and I move away from the diplomat. But I remember and return to where I left it, but it’s not there. I start rushing around, searching, asking people passing by - in vain.


Hello, today I dreamed that a friend (who spent the night with my husband today) stole money from my wallet... not all... I dreamed that when I woke up, I started to deal with him, and then he returned everything to me...


I dreamed that my father took my jacket, bag and a couple of other things and left the house, there was a car parked near my house, I ran out to it and there near it I saw my things that were lying on the asphalt, I rushed for my wallet and there was no 10,000 rubles next to a store on the street at night a man sits on the stairs and offers to take those 1000 from him, they say some man gave it to him, I take a closer look at them and this is my father, I demand the money back, but he doesn’t know where, and then I don’t remember


I had a dream that I was driving along a fairly familiar road in my car, heading towards my home, it was evening and it was already getting dark, the road was quite wide and basically empty, and suddenly I wanted to apply the brakes and let off the brake pedal and in general the brakes refused, I was frightened and pulled onto the side of the road in the hope of applying the brakes the car, but it didn’t stop completely, I turned around and decided to go in the other direction and somehow miraculously stopped, there were a lot of people near the car to help me with something, and I left the car somewhere, it’s not clear, when I arrived, all the people were standing in the middle of the road, forming a circle . and then I woke up, it was still raining


I dreamed of my late grandmother and how someone stole money from her, it’s just how it looked in the dream that it seems to me that this dream foreshadows something


I had a dream in which I opened my wallet, knowing that there should be money there. But it wasn’t there. I even knew who stole it. I cried in my sleep over the theft of the money.


I dreamed that money was stolen from my purse, but for some reason not all of it was left to me. And the next day (this was in a dream) the thief again broke into the house, not mine, and again took money from me.


As if in someone else’s apartment or house. I left my bag with my wallet and after some time I came in, the window was open and there was no bag. They started looking and one of my friends or relatives said that there it was. It was open and the wallet was open, but everything was empty .


I dreamed of my dead father. And he stole a large amount of money from me and locked it in a locker. My mother and I began to swear at him. But he was silent and smiled. And then I called my son and we started opening the locker, but it wouldn’t open, so we broke into it and took the money. I went up to my father and began to swear at him. She screamed and cursed loudly. And he was silent and smiled. And I woke up in horror.


Hello! My name is Svetlana. Today I dreamed that my money, 6 thousand hryvnia, was stolen. The money was in the bag, I left it in the wardrobe in the room where I supposedly live in the hostel and went to the hairdresser. And when I arrived, I saw that workers were doing renovations in the room and there was no bag of money. In a dream, I knew that one young man had stolen, he laughed and said that he had a gun and could kill me


Some woman in a dream asks me for help, supposedly everything has disappeared somewhere, and at this time a man steals a large amount of money from me and leaves together. I had a dream from Sunday to Monday. This woman addressed me by the name Igor and I concluded that she was an acquaintance


money was stolen in transport, my wallet was completely empty, I was crying a lot, I was getting ready to go to my parents, passers-by wanted to help but I refused


I dreamed that a neighbor with a gypsy-looking woman stole an envelope with money from me. I screamed at them in my sleep, but they ran away.


First they stole 8,000,000 rubles from me, then 10,000 rubles were stolen from me in a store with my wallet. Then it turned out that 37,000 had been stolen from my husband, but I found his empty wallet. There was hysteria in a dream, tears. Not much later, I forgot about the loss of millions, and remembered that the money stolen from the store was on the cards.


I dreamed about my dead father. He stroked me on the back and said that I would feel good in a white wreath. I got scared and left the room. My father's brother was sleeping in another room. My brother's wife slept in the third room. In the corridor I found my empty wallet from which all the money had been stolen. At the same time, the wallet was badly scratched. I started with
I called the police, but they told me they couldn’t help me.


a friend (with whom we live together and run our own business together), sitting in the bathroom, checks her backpack, takes out a large amount of money (paper) and says that some large amount of money was stolen from her and she begins to remember that she can spent, but then still claims that it was stolen.
then we suddenly find ourselves in someone else’s apartment (with the same friend) and are looking for something there. We opened the door with our own keys. And then I notice that there is a girl lying on the bed in the room (apparently the owner of the apartment) and I immediately run out of the apartment, followed by a friend... the owner shouts something after us or runs after us... she didn’t catch up, we ran away. Then I appear in the same apartment, but as a resident...


rjulf e vtyz dj cyt gjhtpfkb cevre b dsrhfkb rjitk`i documents I ran after the thief, cried and screamed for him to give me what he had stolen, he laughed at home and ran away further, I was in great despair and cried even harder, since there were still mine passport.


I dreamed that I left my briefcase open in the courtyard of the house and left
When I arrive, I understand that if I open my wallet there will be no money there, but I hope that this is not the case
But I open my wallet and there is no money there
I start crying because the amount was not small and I don’t know what to do next and I don’t know how to explain this to my parents.
My email [email protected]
Waiting for an answer


There are things hung everywhere, like in an indoor market, I went to show someone something, returned to the table-counter, and there were two wallets and both were empty, I realized that money had been stolen from me and the customer, but I was in possession of the money itself. I didn’t see it in a dream, the phone died, I couldn’t call my husband. I woke up with an unpleasant feeling of losing money.


I received an amount of $20,000 from the bank. I put it in a bag, walked up to my friends’ car, then a man appeared, I didn’t notice how he put the bag in his pocket, said something and I noticed that he had the money and started running after him. I didn't catch up with him.


I dreamed that I left and forgot my bag somewhere, and then found it but without any money. They gave me the bag but no money


they stole a lot of money, took it out of my hands, then they forced the thief to return it and said, she is a single woman, and I have a husband, and they returned more money


I dreamed that I and a couple of other people walked into an open apartment and a drunk man was sleeping there. In the commune of his jacket I found a large amount of paper money, I couldn’t even immediately take it out of my pocket, then I returned there and he woke up and saw the jacket in my hands and realized that I had taken this money. But I didn’t return it to him!


I dreamed that a jacket and a wallet with money were stolen, then I found the thief, beat him and took the jacket and wallet, but that wasn’t all the money


I'm at some important event. Allegedly some woman is a nanny, but not my child. She went somewhere, I never found her. Then I see my cousin. Allegedly she was talking on my phone, then the phone disappeared. I was looking for a phone, I found a phone in the trash, but it wasn’t mine. Next, I go to my bag, which I left on the table, and I understand that it is too thin, and I see that my wallet with money is missing and I start screaming in my sleep.
Then I try to scroll through everything all over again and do things differently.i.e. to leave your bag, etc.


Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I left a bag with a wallet in the hotel room, closed the door, but then discovered it was not locked. Soon she returned and checked the wallet; it turned out to be light and empty, without money or a card. I don’t know how much money is missing, but the feeling of loss is vivid

[email protected]:

I stole a large amount of money, when I started counting the bills with 5 thousandths, there were 2 talismans, the talismans were made of wolf skin


I walk around the store, choose purchases. Suddenly, I see a strange guy, twitchy and cannot find a place for himself: he sits down, then stands up. I somehow lose sight of him for a few minutes, and then I look - my bag is open and there is no wallet in it. I turn around to the place where the guy was spinning around - he glances at me on the spot. I come up - I take him by the scruff of the neck with both hands, shook him several times - he resisted, became indignant, and I said: “Come here!” and start rummaging through his pockets. He says, “Okay, okay, I’ll give it to you now,” and gives me the wallet, I opened it again, looked - everything was in place: money, cards. Then I woke up.


I dreamed that at the market a man offered 4000 grams for my jacket and gave me 200 dollars - I clearly saw this. He fanned them out again. I put them in my back pocket... and then it’s unclear) It seems I discovered they were missing along with the documents


I left the bag somewhere, as if some school had some kind of seminar, then I remembered I came to that place, the bag was birch-colored leather, the wallet was brown and I immediately realized that they had taken money from me in another pocket, it was small bills and they pulled it there, left 20 euros and changed the phone number


Good morning, Tatyana! The dream was very unpleasant, a large amount of money, paper bills, in a red bag were on my hand, while I was standing near some administrative window, the money disappeared, then the thought came that there was a fat gypsy nearby,


Good afternoon.
The essence of the dream is that money that was on the table was stolen from the apartment. But the most interesting thing was that they did not steal the entire amount, but only 2|3, and left the rest. I'm very curious what this could mean.


I had a dream from 2 pm to 3 pm on Friday that I stole from a kiosk from the cash register a bundle of 200 UAH wrapped with an elastic band and there were different bills, I know the place where the kiosk is located


Good evening! I had a dream where I lost my wallet in a shopping center, I forgot it in a shoe store, I bought myself such good long boots with low speed, brown and forgot them, when I caught it, I went back and was met by some consultant of some store and said that he knew where my wallet and boots were. I took him by the throat (in reality I’m not aggressive at all) and said that if there was no money there, then it would be hard for him, since I practice black magic (in reality there is no such thing). He led me to my things and there was no 50 rubles in my wallet. five thousand bills that should have been there, but there was a whole stack of one thousand bills and between them lay a folded five thousand bill. such a dream


I dreamed that I was working in a store and a large sum of money was stolen from me and while I was going to the police station the rest disappeared from my bag. I cried a lot and my husband was nearby.


Well, that's how it was.
My friend and I decided to get into the car and steal money.
First he climbed up and grabbed a handful of coins
Then I
But they noticed me
And I had to give money
Well, I gave it all


There was a crowd of people on the street, I walked up and saw that they were selling gold jewelry with diamonds. There was a gypsy nearby who stole paper money from me. I started asking him to return the money to me, told me how important it was for me now and he returned it to me.


I left the bag and clothes in the booth, in which there was a wallet, and there was various money in it, including credit cards. It was by the sea on the beach. My credit cards were stolen from my wallet and the entire amount was withdrawn from one card. I received an SMS about this on my phone. What does this mean?


Some kind of party and 7,000 hryvnia disappear from my bag, my classmate steals it, then I come to her house and they don’t want to return it to me and then return it.


I left the red briefcase, and a minute later I realized that the briefcase was no longer there. and then it appeared, I opened it, but only the money was missing and it didn’t upset me very much for some reason, just a slight disappointment


My son was going to go somewhere with strangers, but adults, when he got into the car, I pulled him out by his jacket and said that he wasn’t going anywhere and we left, then some man caught up and said that he had lost 200 dollars and forced him I emptied my son’s pockets and he had this money, so I started beating him with a belt.


Hello Tatyana, I saw two thefts in a dream and both felt significant, I can’t remember the first one. The second bag with a large amount of money, I think I left the bag near the chair and left, there were people, and when I remembered I came back, but it wasn’t there. I started looking, I don’t remember how I found it, but it was an empty bag. But the dream was not complete, I just can’t remember. Thank you!


We were visiting relatives at sea and in their house someone stole all the money from my husband’s wallet


I had a bag with a large amount of money. But it was stolen from the store. And I found the thieves


I was in some building, started putting on my shoes, put my bag down, then suddenly realized that there was no bag, I looked at my bag in the yard on a bench, I opened it, my wallet was there, but there was no money or credit cards, no passport, but then I found a passport in my bag, and in this My mother-in-law was also with me in the dream, but I don’t remember exactly how


I dreamed that my husband and I were getting ready to go on vacation, we were in my parents’ old house (we sold it a long time ago), I hung my bag at the entrance, there was money for the trip, and when I left it was not there, but the bag remained.


They took all the money and bank cards out of my wallet, down to the last penny, and in a dream I experienced a strong fear of losing them and looked for a long time into an empty black wallet. In my life, I don’t have such a wallet. The dream left a bad aftertaste.


That the first time 5t.r was stolen I forgave and then the second time 5t.r all this was done by my uncle’s ex-wife (but in the dream they are together again) and so I started asking to give it back and they don’t give it back and she pokes me with a needle, my tongue is taken away but I still try to take the second 5 thousand rubles and not the first and say that I need to buy baby formula! But they don’t give it to me and then I grab the child, run out into the street and see that my husband left without me, I yell at him into the phone and cry! and the alarm clock rang

Kamalieva Khalida:

Hello. I went to some institution to submit documents. There was a huge queue. It was my turn. I handed over the documents safely, but at that time I left my bag on the chair. When I took it, the thought flashed through my head that I had acted rashly by leaving the bag. It was open. Looking into it, everything was in place, I opened the wallet. There was no money, but the credit cards and gold chain were still there. I looked in the pocket where the main money was (I don’t carry a lot of money in my wallet). The money was still there in the pocket.


I dreamed that I received a lot of money, but I didn’t receive it in my hands, but it was as if I had it. And they told me that 10 thousand of this amount were stolen and I looked for this person but couldn’t find it


I dreamed that, under pressure from some people, my rival (she was also a former boss) took my money... twice with a 500 gram note..


I entered some room, leaving my bag at the door, and when I came out, I saw a wallet on the floor near the bag and I realized that there was no money there, I picked it up and it was empty.


There was a box with dollars, intended for repairs in the apartment. In this apartment, my mother and I tore off the wallpaper, the old floor, etc., everything was torn off easily. then they discovered that the box was missing a million


I dreamed that I was leaving some place, collected my things and money... While I was on the bus, everything was stolen. All that was left was an empty bag...


I’m sitting behind the wheel of my car, distracted, I turn around and see my wallet on the dashboard lying completely empty, and it was about 16 thousand, I look down the street and there are gypsies...


in a dream, various banknotes were stolen from me from a wallet in a company on vacation, one of the men stole it, I sensed someone in a dream, and asked for help from a friend and she promised that the money would be in my way,


I had a dream today that a woman stole large amounts of money from me, then I found it from her and took it, but I found her other money and also grabbed it, but it was in my wallet and I hid it for a long time and ran somewhere


I was on the subway with my son. They cut my purse and stole everything from it, money and bank cards.


It was as if in a dream I was walking with an acquaintance and he had a lot of money, and the gypsies stopped us and started talking to him, and I told him not to look them in the eyes, that they were hypnotizing and could steal his money. And I took him from there, and the gypsies realized this and began to pursue us and seemed to send us to us, and they fraudulently took his money. there was some kind of explosion and at the same time the money then disappeared from the bag, as if we were looking for it and contacting the police. And we understand that the police are not interested in returning it to us, but they seem to know who did it, and they deliberately lie to us and lead us around, to pocket money


Hello. Help. I dreamed that my safe with a huge amount of money was stolen in my husband’s absence. I discovered the theft when I opened the room where it was stored. There was an unreal anxiety about this in the dream!


Today, Saturday, I dreamed that my friends and I stole money and divided it among themselves, each about 80 thousand rubles, which may mean this dream


On an attraction, I was going down the hill, and then going up, I see my black bag standing open, everything is in place, except for the money, and I seem to be at some kind of resort, I was crying a lot, and was lamenting how I would get back home


there were three of us, one of us found a bank card, we went to the bonkamat and started entering some numbers and then bang the ATM opened and there was money in bags of large currencies and foreign ones, we took these bags and started to leave, then the boys began to spend them and I was afraid for what they can grab and plant


Hello! I dreamed that in my house I took out my wallet, counted the money (50 rubles each) and discovered that it was missing. My godfather is next to me, I tell her: “My money was stolen.” She replies: “It was your husband who stole it.”


My son stole money from me and bought a new computer, and I saw that it was his third. I cried, shamed him, but he just remained silent.


I went to buy goods at the market in Moscow, with my grandson and former father-in-law. Somewhere


I dreamed that my late husband was stealing money. I say that I have nothing to feed his daughter. But he never gave the money and left


I dreamed that I was walking with my classmates, then, having forgotten the pennies in the cupboard, I took them for verification and showed the bundles of pennies, I grabbed three rubles and ran away from everyone, but they were chasing They didn’t catch up, but the phone rang, and even a friend was working on the phone. It’s my fault to pay, I marveled at the wad of money in my hands, but I don’t know where to find pennies
and then I threw myself over


2 tractor drivers stole 2 thousand from the wallet and what was left was photographed, I begged one to give it back, said that I was working alone and he just laughed and I went to ask the director for help, but I gave up


I dreamed that I was hiding money behind the nightstand. $10,000. I look out the window from a high-rise building and see many military people walking on the beach, gluing the mouths of women and children, tying their hands. Then these people are everywhere. Lots of military people. I can't figure out which one is good and which one is bad. Two military men with little girls come into my apartment. I'm in shorts and a T-shirt. I grab my money - it is wrapped in paper and hides it under my T-shirt. I didn't have caravans. I hide behind the bed. The newcomers begin to make love on my bed. Their feet touch my feet. I jump up and run away. I run and hold on to the T-shirt with the money. I run across the floors - up and down. As a result, I discovered that there was no more money. Lost it. I'm sad, bad at heart. And I look at ads, looking for a job so I can start earning everything from scratch again.


I was in a shopping center, trying on something, I saw my bag on the floor, it was open, my wallet was visible, there was no money in it, then I discovered that 3 plastic cards were missing, I ran somewhere after the sales girl, as if I knew her, she wanted to help me find the loss, but then I understand that she was somehow involved in the loss and then the alarm clock..... what is this for?


Last night, I dreamed that my sister stole money from me, but did not want to return it. My parents were nearby, I screamed, tried to bring them back, but she pretended that nothing had happened......




hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I stole money in a dream, but I don’t remember very large bills from anyone


Hello. From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that there was a thief in my house and he stole money, namely $50,000. What is it for?


A certain amount of money was stolen from my desktop. The money is not mine, but I am responsible.


I dreamed that my son took money from me. When I asked him for them back, he did not give them back. I went into some well (sewer), he had several bags of cereals (buckwheat, rice). Then I started taking his money, hitting him and pinching him very hard.


My deceased uncle stole money from me, first 3 thousand, then 1000. And in his pocket I saw a large wad of money


There was money in the bag, but when I came to the room I didn’t find any money.


I left with someone else’s child, and my friend, whose child it was, stole the bag, then somehow it was returned to me, the stolen money was not much, it was paper bills.

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    When someone in dream wanted steal money for a sleeping person - a loved one can betray. Had a dream, how did you do it yourself? In dream stolen money from the pocket? This symbol warns of deception. The treachery of spiteful critics is possible, so you need to limit contacts with people who cause a certain mistrust. If a certain amount is missing from wallet- this means that significant losses are expected, probably even the loss of business or some property. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming stolen wallet in dream. Those dreams, in which you stolen wallet, the dream book interprets as possible bankruptcy or loss of a large sum of money. You should not borrow large sums in the near future money or get involved in dubious deals, no matter how tempting the conditions may be. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    If dreamed, How stolen wallet, stuffed to the brim with banknotes, from which in dream even new bills and coins fall out, this may indicate that the happy and comfortable life that is being led at this time may soon end, as suddenly as it began. If there was stolen empty wallet, this should once again prove to the owner wallet that there are many ill-wishers around him, they constantly want mischief and annoy him, but they can’t do it. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If a thief stole in dream empty wallet, then someone will place the dreamer’s financial difficulties on their shoulders. Stolen wallet, full money- get into big debts. Dream, in which I have stolen wallet directly from your hands, indicates that a person you know will make a major deal to his advantage, using the dreamer’s main financial resources. When you dreamed about it(s) with me stolen wallet? Today. Yesterday. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    For what steal something in dream? Thefts are quite frequent and repeated. Maybe you wanted to live a different life, change some character traits? Why see in dream wallet? For what dream money? For what dreamed robbery?Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If dreamed about it theft money and jewelry. When it happens steal paper money in dream, the dream book of the sorceress Medea calls for mobilization. If the dreamer dreamed, What He stole a lot of money, the dream book of Autumn birthday people claims that such dreams are only for those who in reality will never allow themselves to steal, no matter what dire financial situation they find themselves in. Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    In dream stolen wallet. Image wallet in dream is almost always associated with finances in real life. It has a completely different meaning dream in which you yourself were a criminal and stolen someone wallet. Firstly, dream may indicate your ambitions and habit of achieving everything yourself. True, in most cases you want to too much. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "fundin"

    Besides money in dream can talk about your love and romantic relationships. It is a general symbol of sexuality and power. In particular, if in dream you find money, this means that you are looking for love or power. If you dreamed, What You stolen money, this is a danger warning. You should be more careful. On the other hand, this dream may mean that you have finally achieved something in your life what wanted.Read completely

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Stolen money according to the dream book. Dreamed in dream theft money almost always promises some kind of loss in real life. Undoubtedly, the accuracy of the explanation of why dreaming a similar plot, various details influence sleep.If you acted as a thief and stole wallet with banknotes, then you will soon have to face an annoying misunderstanding. The thicker it was dreamed in dream wallet, the harder the coming trouble will be. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If dreamed steal anything. Usually theft dreaming to failures in your personal life. Although, in some cases, theft in a dream foreshadows interesting events. So, in any case, there is a choice. Women's dream book. Steal money in dream portends failure at work. If a man steals a trifle, which means that in reality he will cry over his own mistakes. And if the bills are large, then a loved one will get sick in the near future. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sudba"

    Decoding sleep, you see how a stranger stole wallet from your pocket - a trip to buy goods is expected, which will be quite unsuccessful. In dream steal anything - what matters is that in reality you will never allow yourself to do this. Best Dream Book, dreamed, What You stolen dress - it is believed that in reality your dresses are not enough for you. Interpretation sleep, want to steal icon - means your spiritual values. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Hello. To me dreamed, What myself stole someone's wallet. It was made of brown leather, even the smell of leather in dream felt it. What is this for? In dream the thief wraps a fishing line around my wrist and wounds my right hand until it bleeds. I see him like steals wallet.Next he takes 500 rubles from me and leaves the cards Although All money there and in the end wallet I'm taking it. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream stolen Money, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming stolen Money in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! Me dreamed What I wanted buy a blanket but when wanted pay then saw that from mine wallet stolen money.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Stolen money With wallet- This is a bad dream, foreshadowing major losses. Stolen paper money after which he himself wanted steal paper money, saw a paper bill money.In dream I stole money from the bag and got scared and put it back. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "fb"

    If dreamed, How in dream stole- what is this for? Spiritual development Dream Interpretation Av. Perhaps due to the fact What wants take the place of one of the spouses. According to the modern dream book. If a man in dream stole money, and he stole wallet, stuffed with banknotes, from a friend...Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If wallet steal in dream from a girl’s bag, then in reality she will face troubles, which are combined with unplanned expenses. If a woman sees in dream, How wallet steal from someone else, it means she is looking for satisfaction in life of some passions and cannot be fully satisfied with them. When you dreamed about it(xia) stolen wallet?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    If in dream Not only stolen money, but also wallet or the purse in which they were stored, then losses in business are almost inevitable. It is natural that to understand what is being discussed in dream only the one to whom he can dreamed about it. Another interpretation of why dreaming money stolen, applies to women and girls. There is no longer even a warning about danger, but simply preparation for the possibility of losing a large amount of money or simply spending money. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream book steal Money dreamed, for what dreaming in dream steal Money». dreamed about it dream What I I steal a large sum money at my aunt's wallet and then it was as if my husband’s brother, whom I had seen, arrived in dream robbed banks and stole many many dollars. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Stole wallet With money dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Stole wallet With money? To select an interpretation sleep dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Lying in it wallet money, wanted these money steal. But for some reason I didn’t dare. Then I decided to leave there. And why stole towel. The towel was not big but not small, like a kitchen towel. Why? in dream. To me dreamed, What I Want get pregnant from a stranger.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "smexota"

    It is in moments like these that dream about dream in which you steal money. Such dream Maybe dream about to any person, with any material income. Steal in dream cash - does not bode well from a material point of view.See in dream how you were robbed and dragged out wallet or just banknotes from your pocket - this will lead to financial loss and loss. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Find stolen wallet dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Find stolen wallet? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).Read more

    Dream Interpretation "bledans"

    The most important thing to understand is that if for a person money are the main meaning of life or such dream appeared during their period. Predicting the future is the choice of those who wants defeat time. Why dreaming stolen wallet in dream.If you dreamed, What someone gave you a new one wallet, this means that good luck and success will accompany you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Today I dreamed about it dream: Wallet ended up in my son’s bag and I went and began to apologize to this boy’s mother. Interpretation dreams. What does it mean dream Stolen wallet. Stole wine. Steal in dream This dream portends the achievement of a goal. If at the moment there is some kind of goal and you are purposefully going towards it, then after this the goal will be achieved. I have one like this dream came true within 10 days. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Today I dreamed about it dream: Wallet ended up in my son’s bag and I went and began to apologize to the boy’s mother. She apologized profusely and at length. Banknotes and very wanted steal Although to get some of them (and I knew that it had been lying here for a long time and they would not notice the loss soon), for this I pretended to hesitate and took about a third of the pack and put it in my pocket. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Relationship stolen daughter in dream. To me dreamed absolutely incredible - as if I have a common daughter with the former MCH. I take one and roughly pushes her out the door, while in the doorway I hit the cards in her hands, they crumble at my feet, I even step on them. I return into the room there, the second gypsy laid out cards on the table for the woman who was with me. She seemed to have come to terms with their presence, they communicate nicely. I begin to check my things on the table. Wallet Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    I squatted down and saw a woman’s purse, it was open. Lying in it wallet. It was folded in half. I really wanted to open it and see how much there was money, wanted these money steal. But for some reason I didn’t dare. Then I decided to leave there. Steal watch in dream. Had a dream me that I'm traveling. And somewhere on an excursion. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    This way you can easily find out what they mean dreams Me want steal, or what does it mean in dream to see me want steal.I died and they don’t notice me in dream. Had a dream, What I’m in the hallway in my grandmother’s apartment (very often dream bad and good dreams it was in this corridor) I was talking with some person, they said that when living people stop noticing you, it means that the person no longer exists. Read more

    Dream interpretation "sonan"

    To me dreamed, What It’s as if I live with my parents in another house. And my mother’s sister (my aunt) came to visit us. At first she sat with us in the kitchen, and then disappeared somewhere. I immediately thought that she was in the room or something wants steal.And she stood silently and looked at me. Afterwards I discussed her with my grandmother, telling her how bad and dissolute she was. What could this mean? dream, Tell me please?

In waking reality, most of us inextricably associate a wallet with money. It’s a completely different matter in a dream, where our value system is somewhat modified, and true aspirations come to the fore. Interpreting what a wallet, purse or any other storage for cash means in a dream, the dream book does not exclude a material interpretation: your financial forecast for the near future.

Anyone for whom money and profit in reality are a matter of honor and principle, who is accustomed to bearing the burden of responsibility for the well-being of the family and order at work, often feels lightness, fun and carefree in a sleeping state. The joy he experiences in a dream seems just as valuable and meaningful as profit in reality. Some details of the dream will help you understand this substitution of values.

The contents of any money container will tell you much more than its external forms. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to see a wallet in a dream, pay attention to what is in it. It’s not bad at all if this item turns out to be empty: this symbol promises that the spiritual emptiness will soon be filled.

Often, seeing a wallet in a dream comes to those who are looking for something or striving for something, not necessarily something material. In this way, the Universe lets you know that your desire has been heard, and the mechanism that brings its fulfillment into action has already been launched.

A dream about stealing a wallet serves as a warning

This is what the dream book warns about: if your wallet was stolen in a dream, similar problems are possible in reality. The dream threatens to result in losses, damages and even bankruptcy.

According to the dream book, the theft of a wallet can also be interpreted in a figurative sense: future losses may be of an intangible nature. What you see in a dream may symbolize an upcoming short-term quarrel with one of your friends, neighbors or colleagues.

Why dream of losing a wallet with money has a negative interpretation in most cases. There may be real losses or the dream has a symbolic meaning. A wallet is associated not only with material values, but also with relationships that may be at risk, take care of them.

When interpreting why you dream of losing your wallet, it is appropriate to mention the very natural concern about what is most dear to you. We can talk about both close people and inanimate objects of considerable value.

If you yourself stole a wallet from a bag in a dream, the dream book indicates the ability to look at things broadly, and not at all criminal tendencies. You are open to novelty and ready to consider any possibilities and fresh ideas.

What the dream book considers to mean in a dream about stealing money from a wallet is a warning. Stay away from financial fraud and gambling, your willingness to take risks is simply off the charts and goes beyond all boundaries of common sense.

If you had a dream about someone stealing a wallet that belongs to you, the dream book believes that you are actually afraid of missing your chance. Fears can be both justified and may turn out to be unnecessary worries.

When you find yourself looking for a wallet in a dream, the dream indicates a desire to fill a spiritual emptiness. It is possible that in reality you are trying to find out its true reasons. The dream book characterizes the dream as a reflection of real moods.

When you dreamed that a wallet that you considered irretrievably lost was returned to you in a dream, try to remember the identity of the person who did it. It is quite possible that you still have unfairly forgotten obligations to this person.

What's inside the wallet

As the dream book suggests in most cases, an empty wallet should be considered an upside-down symbol. That is, the interpretation of what he saw in a dream carries the exact opposite meaning: prosperity and prosperity await the dreamer.

At the same time, when interpreting what a wallet with money means in a dream, Azar’s dream book excludes allegorical interpretations. According to the interpreter, everything is extremely simple: empty - to poverty, full - to wealth. Just like in the popular saying with a bucket.

What you dream about having change in your wallet is only very indirectly related to money. The dream book promises that in the near future the circle of friends will become much wider. New acquaintances are coming, it is quite possible that some of them will turn out to be not only pleasant, but also very useful.

According to Miller's dream book, the wallet itself is an insignificant detail. To understand the meaning of what you saw in a dream, you need to look inside. The discovery of large bills or, alternatively, precious stones indicates that you will be welcome wherever you go. Success, understanding and approval await you.

The women's dream book regards paper money in a wallet as a warning. The fact that now everything is quite stable and prosperous for you does not mean that it will always be so. Keep at least small savings in reserve, just in case.

This is what the dream book warns about: finding a wallet, even full of money, in a dream is not such a great success as it might seem in reality. On the one hand, you will be very lucky in love, on the other hand, this romance will not bring anything good to your reputation.

The dream book considers what a new wallet means in a dream to be a reflection of your aspirations. You place too much hope on a tempting prospect; think about alternative options in every case.

Why do you dream about buying a wallet? The dream book explains the uncertainty about the future. You don't know if you can get what you need most right now. Do not rush to accept an offer or invitation from a stranger.

To more accurately determine why you dream of buying a wallet, the dream book advises paying attention to the accompanying details. Buying in a crowded market often foreshadows gossip; from a random seller - you will finally decide to carry out your plans; in an elite boutique - do not overestimate your capabilities.

What a red wallet means in a dream indicates a determination to radically change your life. The dream book believes that you are tired of vegetating and are firmly focused on getting rich. Don't place too much hope on money; it only helps solve your problems, but does not solve them for you.

As one well-known interpretation of dreams says, a wallet portends good luck. And there is no need to complicate anything, just go to a place where you have long wanted to go. Now is the best time for all kinds of visits.

The dream book associates everything that you dream about with a lot of wallets with a difficult choice that you will have to make in the near future. A lot depends on your decision; you are very afraid of making a mistake.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why you dream Money was stolen in a dream:

Money stolen is a bad sign, indicating loss and deprivation. The scale of the tragedy depends on the size of the stolen amount. Stole small change - in reality this threatens you with quarrels, omissions, minor troubles and disappointments. Lost paper bills - the dream indicates either health problems or failures in business. Get tested; you may have a serious illness that requires immediate intervention. Dream Interpretation Money was stolen in some cases signals problems in the business sphere; you may be deceived on a grand scale.

You stole money from someone - you lack drive in life, you are trying to satisfy some passions, and this pushes you to commit rash acts. What does it mean to dream about money and a wallet being stolen - this is a bad dream, foreshadowing major losses. For example, your business may go completely bankrupt. You should expect trouble if the money is stolen along with your bag.

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream Money was stolen?

Interpretation of the dream book: Money stolen indicates the approach of a difficult period in your life. Depending on the general plot of the dream and your emotions, troubles can be of varying sizes, from minor troubles and minor conflicts to loss of business or serious illness. To minimize problems, you should undergo a medical examination, take a closer look at the people around you, double-check all information, and keep the actions of your subordinates under control.

Why do you dream about money being stolen? If it is a small thing, there will be losses, but they are insignificant and will not cause much harm. But still, do not lose your vigilance, because even a small spark can ignite a big fire; the slightest disagreement can further develop into a scandal. Watch your speech, otherwise you risk being left alone, this is how this dream is deciphered according to the dream book.

Modern dream book If you dream about money being stolen:

Solves the dream book: Money was stolen recommends being careful and not getting involved in dubious matters. Avoid all kinds of scams, take a closer look at the deals offered, check all information coming from outside. In this case, you can at least slightly protect yourself and your family from the approaching disaster. Dream Interpretation Money was stolen, if the theft occurred at your home, indicates that you need to protect your family, because there is a high probability of someone causing harm to your loved ones. Why dream about money being stolen if it happened in an unfamiliar place - to unpleasant news related to work.


Purse according to the dream book

In waking reality, most of us inextricably associate a wallet with money. It’s a completely different matter in a dream, where our value system is somewhat modified, and true aspirations come to the fore. Interpreting what a wallet, purse or any other storage for cash means in a dream, the dream book does not exclude a material interpretation: your financial forecast for the near future.

Anyone for whom money and profit in reality are a matter of honor and principle, who is accustomed to bearing the burden of responsibility for the well-being of the family and order at work, often feels lightness, fun and carefree in a sleeping state. The joy he experiences in a dream seems just as valuable and meaningful as profit in reality. Some details of the dream will help you understand this substitution of values.

The contents of any money container will tell you much more than its external forms. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to see a wallet in a dream, pay attention to what is in it. It’s not bad at all if this item turns out to be empty: this symbol promises that the spiritual emptiness will soon be filled.

Often, seeing a wallet in a dream comes to those who are looking for something or striving for something, not necessarily something material. In this way, the Universe lets you know that your desire has been heard, and the mechanism that brings its fulfillment into action has already been launched.

A dream about stealing a wallet serves as a warning

This is what the dream book warns about: if your wallet was stolen in a dream, similar problems are possible in reality. The dream threatens to result in losses, damages and even bankruptcy.

According to the dream book, the theft of a wallet can also be interpreted in a figurative sense: future losses may be of an intangible nature. What you see in a dream may symbolize an upcoming short-term quarrel with one of your friends, neighbors or colleagues.

Why dream of losing a wallet with money has a negative interpretation in most cases. There may be real losses or the dream has a symbolic meaning. A wallet is associated not only with material values, but also with relationships that may be at risk, take care of them.

When interpreting why you dream of losing your wallet, it is appropriate to mention the very natural concern about what is most dear to you. We can talk about both close people and inanimate objects of considerable value.

If you yourself stole a wallet from a bag in a dream, the dream book indicates the ability to look at things broadly, and not at all criminal tendencies. You are open to novelty and ready to consider any possibilities and fresh ideas.

What the dream book considers to mean in a dream about stealing money from a wallet is a warning. Stay away from financial fraud and gambling, your willingness to take risks is simply off the charts and goes beyond all boundaries of common sense.

If you had a dream about someone stealing a wallet that belongs to you, the dream book believes that you are actually afraid of missing your chance. Fears can be both justified and may turn out to be unnecessary worries.

When you find yourself looking for a wallet in a dream, the dream indicates a desire to fill a spiritual emptiness. It is possible that in reality you are trying to find out its true reasons. The dream book characterizes the dream as a reflection of real moods.

When you dreamed that a wallet that you considered irretrievably lost was returned to you in a dream, try to remember the identity of the person who did it. It is quite possible that you still have unfairly forgotten obligations to this person.

What's inside the wallet

As the dream book suggests in most cases, an empty wallet should be considered an upside-down symbol. That is, the interpretation of what he saw in a dream carries the exact opposite meaning: prosperity and prosperity await the dreamer.

At the same time, when interpreting what a wallet with money means in a dream, Azar’s dream book excludes allegorical interpretations. According to the interpreter, everything is extremely simple: empty - to poverty, full - to wealth. Just like in the popular saying with a bucket.

What you dream about having change in your wallet is only very indirectly related to money. The dream book promises that in the near future the circle of friends will become much wider. New acquaintances are coming, it is quite possible that some of them will turn out to be not only pleasant, but also very useful.

According to Miller's dream book, the wallet itself is an insignificant detail. To understand the meaning of what you saw in a dream, you need to look inside. The discovery of large bills or, alternatively, precious stones indicates that you will be welcome wherever you go. Success, understanding and approval await you.

The women's dream book regards paper money in a wallet as a warning. The fact that now everything is quite stable and prosperous for you does not mean that it will always be so. Keep at least small savings in reserve, just in case.

This is what the dream book warns about: finding a wallet, even full of money, in a dream is not such a great success as it might seem in reality. On the one hand, you will be very lucky in love, on the other hand, this romance will not bring anything good to your reputation.

The dream book considers what a new wallet means in a dream to be a reflection of your aspirations. You place too much hope on a tempting prospect; think about alternative options in every case.

Why do you dream about buying a wallet? The dream book explains the uncertainty about the future. You don't know if you can get what you need most right now. Do not rush to accept an offer or invitation from a stranger.

To more accurately determine why you dream of buying a wallet, the dream book advises paying attention to the accompanying details. Buying in a crowded market often foreshadows gossip; from a random seller - you will finally decide to carry out your plans; in an elite boutique - do not overestimate your capabilities.

What a red wallet means in a dream indicates a determination to radically change your life. The dream book believes that you are tired of vegetating and are firmly focused on getting rich. Don't place too much hope on money; it only helps solve your problems, but does not solve them for you.

As one well-known interpretation of dreams says, a wallet portends good luck. And there is no need to complicate anything, just go to a place where you have long wanted to go. Now is the best time for all kinds of visits.

The dream book associates everything that you dream about with a lot of wallets with a difficult choice that you will have to make in the near future. A lot depends on your decision; you are very afraid of making a mistake.


Why do you dream about your wallet being stolen?

Theft of a wallet in reality brings us a lot of trouble. Besides the grief, we calculate how great the damage is. After all, in addition to money, the wallet could contain bank cards or securities. However, if you dream about this, in reality things are still no better.

Why do you dream that your wallet was stolen from your purse? Such dreams warn of possible large financial losses. In the near future, it is imperative to beware of proposed transactions and, especially, scams. As a result, there is a possibility of losing a large business or a large amount of money. Having gotten involved in a serious business and investing a certain amount of money, you can be left with nothing and still have to pay off the loan. This will happen due to unreliable and untested partners who will be able to set you up at the most crucial moment.

During this period, it is advisable to reschedule planned activities and meetings to another time, since now it is better not to take the initiative and remain in the shadows, otherwise there is a risk of remaining to blame for all failures. It’s a good time for privacy and relaxation from people around you.

In the period after such a dream, you need to be careful and check the incoming information. Due to inattention, your reputation may suffer, since all the blame can be transferred to one person. At such times, it is advisable to trust only close people who you can rely on in difficult times and be confident of help. In addition, it is necessary to remain in the background and be less active in planning and advising on new projects. As a result, the material sphere may suffer due to thoughtless investments in the development of promising ideas.

If the wallet was stolen, but was returned by the end of the dream, then in the near future you can count on an unexpected turn of fate for the better, progress in business, as well as the implementation of long-standing plans. This period will help resolve conflict situations in the professional industry, as well as with relatives. A favorable time for planning and starting grandiose projects, long-standing ideas with the prospect of rapid development. If you dream that a friend returned your wallet, then most often you dream about it before something pleasant appears in life. This could be great news or the arrival of a relative or old friend.

There are so many dream books, so many different predictions and interpretations of dreams, but most often they agree. Despite this, you need to think about your actions yourself and not rely on someone else’s thoughts about the events in your dream.

In conclusion, I would like to say - you need to live without knowing what will happen tomorrow, because if something is bad, then you should not be upset in advance. If a person dreamed of good news the day before, then you can wait until tomorrow and find out soon.


Dreaming about a wallet is a sign of aspirations in the financial sector and beyond. The dream predicts that the process of achieving your goals has already begun. How soon it achieves the intended result depends on you.

What color was the wallet in your dream? Was there something in the wallet? What did you do with your wallet in your dream? What happened to the wallet in your dream? What did the wallet look like in your dream?

What color was the wallet in your dream?

Red wallet

Was there something in the wallet?

Empty wallet With money wallet

What did you do with your wallet in your dream?

Bought a wallet Choosing a wallet Found a wallet

Why do you dream of holding a wallet in your hands?

A dream where you are holding a wallet in your hands is a good sign. Troubles will pass you by. It is possible that there will be a threat to your health, but everything will work out.

Looking for a wallet in a dream

The Felomena dream book interprets the search for a wallet as a depressive state in reality. Your soul is empty, you want to find out the reasons for this and take action. You may need the help of loved ones for this.

What happened to the wallet in your dream?

Stolen wallet Lost wallet

What did the wallet look like in your dream?

I dreamed of a new wallet

Seeing a new wallet in a dream means expecting too much from life. You should not dream too much so that your hopes are not dashed by circumstances. You should treat tempting offers with skepticism and think through several options for the development of events.


Dream interpretation of stealing money

Why dream of stealing money in a dream according to the dream book?

If in a dream you stole money, a conflict awaits you, and problems in business may arise. If the dream is that you are catching a thief, in reality you will overcome all difficulties and beat your competitors.


Wallet with money stolen

Dream Interpretation: A wallet with money was stolen dreamed of why in a dream a wallet with money was stolen? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a wallet with money stolen in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wallet stolen

The incident in itself is unpleasant and entails material loss.

But wait to get discouraged.

Think about what higher knowledge does chance bring to you? Isn't this a warning against the path on which your losses could have been much greater if you had not lost your wallet with change?

Or maybe this is an impetus for you to search for new paths, a profession, or additional income?

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

A wallet in a dream means prosperity. Seeing it full means success in business and receiving money. Holding a wallet in your hands in a dream is a sign of health. If there is money in your wallet, then troubles await you, which you will try to keep silent about. Losing, giving or seeing your wallet empty in a dream foretells losses, separation and distress. Finding a wallet with money in a dream is a sign of mutual love. See interpretation: money, wallet, purse.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

Finding a wallet with money in a dream foreshadows sad thoughts about how to make ends meet.

If your wallet, instead of money, is full of all sorts of paper rubbish such as used coupons for travel on public transport, some old receipts, etc., it means that you need a good adviser in an important matter, which you cannot tell everyone about.

Seeing an empty wallet in a dream means you will have a fun time in a pleasant company, but the consequences of this will be very disastrous for your health.

A leaky wallet portends poverty and stinginess. A wallet full of gold and diamonds means that soon those who looked down on you yesterday will change their attitude towards you.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

A symbol of your well-being, as well as your ability to carry out any business.

An empty, dirty or torn wallet: encourages you to be more careful and cautious.

Your well-being is at risk, so do not take unnecessary risks and try to think through everything to the smallest detail in your affairs.

A beautiful wallet: a harbinger of successful business and stable income.

Taking money out of your wallet: a sign that in the near future your well-being may decrease somewhat.

At the same time, getting money by buying goods: foretells some kind of investment.

The general atmosphere of a dream can tell you how successful these investments promise to be.

It is most favorable if in this dream you feel calm, pleasant confidence.

Losing a wallet in a dream: this is a call for caution. Perhaps you missed some detail in your affairs, and this fact threatens to result in losses.

Finding someone else's wallet: a sign of dubious profit. The dream indicates that the success you are counting on in some business will not be without doubts and disputes.

If you find money without a wallet: the dream may suggest that you are very close to a decision that will soon unexpectedly lead you to success.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

A wallet full of money means success in love, in professional activity, a society of like-minded people and friends, among whom you will be happy.

An empty wallet means fun.

Old, torn - to poverty.

However, sometimes a full wallet dreams of ruin, and an empty wallet means wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

If you dream that your wallet is full of diamonds and banknotes, it means that from now on you will find yourself in a circle where you will be greeted with words of encouragement, and harmony and tender love will turn the earth into a paradise for you.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

If you see in a dream that you have found a wallet full of money, the dream foretells you great happiness, especially in love. You will marry the owner of a large fortune and will be happy in a large family. Seeing the loss of a wallet in a dream is a sign that foreshadows the illness of a person dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

Wallet - A dream in which you are surprised at your full wallet portends you fun and joy, which are unthinkable without mutual love.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

Wallet - empty - poverty - full - gain - lose - damage.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

Picking up a wallet with money in a dream means loss of honor.


Steal paper money

Dream Interpretation Steal paper money dreamed of why you dream about stealing paper money? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see paper money stolen in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Paper money

To be beaten.

Seeing yourself beaten means wealth.

If you see someone beaten, it means difficulties.

If you see a relative who was beaten and then died, it means the birth of a child.

Dream Interpretation - Paper money

Seeing them means losing a source of money.

Receiving paper money in a dream means prosperity in business.

Seeing you give money is a sign of danger and problems in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Steal something in a dream

Stealing in a dream means acquiring a luxury item.

Dream Interpretation - Paper money

To profit.

Dream Interpretation - Steal

Stealing something in a dream means a discovery.

Dream Interpretation - Paper Kite

Paper kite - news.

Dream Interpretation - Paper Kite

If in a dream you see a paper kite flying across a clear blue sky, then you will soon receive good news. See interpretation: sky, fly, balloon.

Dream Interpretation - Money, salary, earnings, coins, letter of credit

Money is the subject and concern of many people. It follows from this that very often dreams about money can mean absolutely nothing, but are only an understanding of the worries that occupy you every day. At the same time, dreams in which we see money and enjoy the fact that we have it, make purchases and, in general, are satisfied with our well-being, may mean that this will happen in reality, unless the dream contains routine elements with which you encounter every day (visiting a nearby store, a familiar road, etc.). Making an important money deal in a dream means profit or adding to your family. Receiving an advance in a dream is a sign of future success. However, the dark elements of such a dream may indicate that you have ill-wishers who are trying to settle scores with you. Losing money in a dream is bad. Such a dream predicts failures, difficulties, collapse of plans and warns that soon you will have to think about how to live on. The same thing is predicted by a dream in which your money was taken away or they were defrauded out of it. If at the same time a dark person, a foreigner or just gypsies were present in your dream, then you should be careful and take the necessary precautions, because they will want to rob you. See interpretation: wallet, bag, gypsies. Finding money in a dream means large expenses that will significantly exceed your income. Such a dream is a warning that you should be frugal and think about your future. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving news about money, which can be good or bad. However, if someone owes you a lot of money and does not pay it back, then the dream predicts that it is unlikely that he will do this in the near future. Finding a lot of money in a secluded place and feeling remorse in a dream is a harbinger of large financial losses for which you will be to blame. You will be ashamed to remember this later. Saving money in a dream is a harbinger of an improvement in your financial situation. Giving out money in a dream means unexpected benefits and wealth, which will fall into your hands. Such a dream indicates that you should not miss the opportunity provided by fate. Ask for money! in a dream - to receive money soon. If you dream that someone is asking you for money, and you refuse him, then in reality you will give him money, but he is unlikely to return it to you. After such a dream, you should not lend money. Seeing a lot of money in a dream or counting a lot of it means that you will have a chance to make decent money if only you calculate everything correctly.

Seeing new coins in a dream means obstacles in business. Seeing, finding, receiving ancient coins in a dream is a sign of imminent accidental enrichment. Strange money in a dream is a sign of an unexpected incident that will upset you. Counting money means immediate material losses and regret about your rash actions. Counting coppers in a dream literally means that in life you will have to count pennies. Such a dream warns you that you should be careful with money. Counting a lot of coins in a dream is a sign of stinginess. Such a dream warns you that through your stinginess you may lose loved ones or friends. At the same time, this dream suggests that your wishes can come true. A dream in which you saw that someone is laying claim to the money you found warns you that this person or someone will interfere with your plans. Picking up coins in a dream means tears, worries and grief. Counting the treasury in a dream is a sign that you will soon face big troubles due to large material losses. If in a dream you find a shortage when counting money, expect financial troubles due to the deception of partners or relatives. Sometimes such a dream indicates a lack of funds to implement a project. Spending other people's money in a dream means that you will deceive the expectations of your friends or partners. Giving coins to beggars means that you will soon find loyal friends or partners who will help you achieve your plans. In general, seeing copper money in a dream means troubles and disappointments, silver money means wasted trouble, and gold money means worries that your enterprise or plan will not come true. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon have to experience grief in your family. Receiving or finding gold chervonets in a dream is a sign of good hopes and good news.

Giving out a salary in a dream is a sign that you will find a way to settle accounts with your enemies, and receiving a salary means that your enemies will not miss the opportunity to take revenge on you for the damage they have caused. If you dream that your salary was reduced, then expect good news about the failures of your enemies. And vice versa, if in a dream your salary was increased, then your business will go worse, and spiteful critics will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this. Finding income means that with your rash actions you will get yourself into trouble, which you will subsequently not know how to get rid of. Losing your income and falling into despair means victory over your enemies, big changes and a career take-off. Stealing money is a sign of danger. Be careful and don't do anything rash. If in a dream you managed to escape with someone else’s money, then losses await you, from which, however, you will soon recover. If in a dream someone wanted to steal your money, then a loved one will betray you. See interpretation: thief.

Deformed coins in a dream are a sign that your plans will soon be disrupted, which will bring you a lot of disappointment. Sometimes such a dream predicts troubles at work or loss of a job. A bag of ancient coins in a dream means receiving an inheritance, an unexpected and significant acquisition of property, or an unexpected joyful event. However, hearing the clink of coins in a dream is a harbinger of imminent wealth or the conclusion of a profitable deal.

Lending money in a dream means worries and worries, which, however, will be in vain. Your enterprise will generate income. In general, such a dream warns you that you are prone to rash actions. Not having money to pay debts in a dream means worries related to money and failure in business. Sometimes such a dream warns that soon you may actually become one of the debtors. Not lending money to a person who owes you money in life in a dream means that your debtor will return a small part of the money to you. Borrowing money is a sign of possible distress or humiliation due to the cramped circumstances in which you may find yourself. See interpretation: debt, debtors, count.

Seeing a lot of money in a dream means profit and a lot of trouble associated with it (especially if you see a lot of paper money scattered in disorder). The latter may also mean that your venture will not pay off and your whole life will go awry. Paying money (in a store) means losses due to excessive gullibility or your inability to refuse other people when they urgently ask you for something. Paying in gold chervonets in a dream is a harbinger that you will pay dearly for some of your actions or mistakes. In this case, we are not talking about material losses, but rather about great mental anguish. Receiving money in a dream means profit or big changes in life. Sometimes such a dream predicts a lot of worries and responsibilities that will be burdensome for you. Having money in a dream is a sign that you need to look for sources of livelihood or a new job. Swallowing money is a warning that you will act in selfish interests and nothing will be able to hold you back. The dream indicates to you that in pursuit of profit or your other interests, you should not forget about your duties or responsibility for the fate of people close to you. Living beyond your means in a dream warns that in reality you should not have your head in the clouds: you need to think about tomorrow. Sometimes such a dream predicts some incredible adventures.

Asking to borrow money in a dream means new problems. Paying debts in a dream is good and promises good luck in business or the fulfillment of any obligations that are unpleasant to you. Having counterfeit money in a dream means losses and disappointments. The dream warns you: do not believe beautiful words and do not deceive yourself with empty dreams. Receiving counterfeit money in a dream means deception. This dream warns you that you should not trust people, both unfamiliar and close. Making counterfeit money in a dream is a harbinger of danger that threatens you if you are up to something bad. Minting coins in a dream foretells futile efforts and grief resulting from this. Receiving money under a letter of credit in a dream is a sign of receiving news. If you dream that someone gave you paper money of an unusual type in a dream, then you will receive money completely unexpectedly. A deposit to receive or give portends success in any business. See interpretation: pay.

Dream Interpretation - Money

To dream that you have found money means minor worries, but great happiness. Changes will follow.

Paying money means failure.

Receiving gold means great prospects and unclouded joy.

Losing money means that you will experience unlucky hours in your home and troubles await you at work.

To dream that you have stolen money means that you are in danger and should watch your actions more carefully.

Saving money is a sign of wealth and comfort in life.

To dream that you are swallowing money foretells the emergence of selfish interests in you.

Counting a large amount of money means that your well-being and happiness are within your reach.

To dream that you have found a wad of currency, but a young woman is laying claim to it, means that you are in danger of losing your business due to the intervention of a person close to you.

The person who has this dream may find that he is spending his money and living beyond his means. This dream is a warning! Do not irritate your mind with fruitless fantasies, for a collapsed house of cards also bitterly depresses the heart.

Seeing small coins in a dream means dissatisfaction in business. You should expect troubles at work, and loved ones and friends will complain about insufficient attention on your part.

If you lose small money in a dream, you will experience slight self-neglect and failure.

Found money promises favorable prospects.

If you count coins in a dream, this means that you will be practical and thrifty.

To dream that you have borrowed money predicts an ambivalent situation for you: you will seem better to others than you are, but this will not give you satisfaction. Spending other people's money promises that you will be caught in a petty deception and you will lose a friend.

Counterfeiting money in a dream is a very bad omen.

Asking for a loan means the emergence of new worries with an imaginary feeling of well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Money

Seeing money in a dream means trouble and concern. Finding them will be lucky in reality, but will cause a certain amount of anxiety. Receiving a money transfer in a dream means you have a long journey ahead of you. Gold money portends important things. Parting with them means frivolity, negligence and imprudence; receiving them means great profit and prosperity.

Silver, big money and in large quantities - good luck and respect of others, a lot of small ones - to tears.

Seeing copper money in a dream signifies sadness, resistance and futile efforts, and also that your labor will bring little income. The ruble is a big nuisance.

Counterfeit money means losing all chances of receiving an inheritance. Money in foreign currency - you are threatened with losses in business due to the intervention of a person close to you. Currency in coins means dissatisfaction in business, troubles at work, insufficient attention from friends and even relatives to you.

It is not entirely legal to make money - in reality you will incur significant expenses. If you have a lot - you will receive unexpected wealth; if you count them, you will earn good money; if you find a shortage, this is a sign that you will have troubles with payments. Losing money in a dream means that you will experience unhappy hours in your home and the same picture awaits you at work. If your money was stolen in a dream, it means that in reality you are in danger and you need to monitor your actions more carefully.

Making money transactions means adding to the family. Saving money in a dream is a sign of wealth and comfort in life. Swallowing small coins in a dream foretells the emergence of an unhealthy interest in you. Spitting them back means practicality and frugality.

Borrowing money in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a rather delicate situation when you will be mistaken for the wrong person, and since this is to your advantage, you will not want to reveal your real name. Spending other people's money in a dream means that in reality you will fall into petty lies and lose a friend.

Giving back borrowed money means incurring unjustified expenses. Counterfeiting money – dealing with authorities or law enforcement agencies. Receiving money in the form of a pension means that friends will help you in your work. Receiving money for some kind of benefit is a real threat of losing your job or one of your friends in the near future.

Seeing a wallet full of money in a dream means having excellent prospects; seeing an empty one means a trifling fright. A wallet full of money means that from now on you will be included in a circle where you will be greeted with words of approval and accepted with open arms.

If you dream of a wallet filled to capacity with large banknotes, it means that in reality you will have exceptional luck. If the wallet is empty, you will be deceived in some of your hopes. Not finding a wallet with a large amount of money in place portends suspicion and a quarrel with a friend.

Seeing a broken piggy bank in a dream, which turned out to be full of money, means that a bright prospect will open before you. If there is no money in your piggy bank, in reality you will receive meager returns in response to your truly titanic efforts.


Stealing money from a wallet

Dream Interpretation Stealing money from a wallet dreamed of why in a dream Stealing money from a wallet? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Stealing money from a wallet in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Theft

If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, then the cause of future failures will be your spinelessness.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will prevent you from doing something. Of course, you will worry, but in the end you will unexpectedly win.

If someone else is accused of theft, you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

D. Loff wrote: “Ask anyone who has ever been a victim of theft, and they will undoubtedly tell you how a person who has gone through this feels: he is insulted, humiliated. In early childhood, we learn that taking a toy from another is taboo, moreover, if a toy is taken from us, it offends our feelings. However, meanness and acts of theft are common dream images. Depending on whether you are a thief or a victim, there are several interpretations offered for consideration.

As a thief, you may sense a lack of resources or an injustice in the distribution of goods. For example, if you dream that you are stealing basic necessities - bread, food, things necessary to survive in the environment that exists in the dream, then you see yourself as a beggar. In real life, this may manifest as behavior that isolates you from others or leaves you feeling like you have no choice.

However, dreaming about stealing from people you know may reflect your perception that they are better off than you, even though you don't think they deserve it.

If you are playing the role of a victim, a possible theme is fear or loss. The list of suspects will help further clarify the situation.

If you are a victim and the stolen items are of fundamental importance, then material loss creates anxiety. However, if the lost items are of minor importance and the suspect is more valuable to you than the items, then you may feel like someone you know is trampling on your rights or deceiving you. However, it is also important to take into account the objects themselves and their significance to you. Their symbolism may indicate an area of ​​life in which boundaries are being violated.”

Dream Interpretation - Theft

If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, this means your spinelessness and future failures.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with some business and you will be very worried about this, but in the end you will unexpectedly find yourself in honor.

If someone else is accused of theft, it means that in life you will condemn an ​​innocent person with reckless haste.

Dream Interpretation - Theft

If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, you will show spinelessness, entailing a number of failures. A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with some business. You will be very worried about this, but ultimately you will come out of a difficult situation with honor. If someone else is accused of theft, in reality you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

Dream Interpretation - Theft

Ask anyone who has ever been a victim of theft, and they will undoubtedly tell you how the person who has gone through it feels: insulted, humiliated. In early childhood, we learn that taking a toy from another is TABOO; moreover, if a toy is taken from us, it offends our feelings. However, meanness and acts of theft are common dream images. Depending on whether you are a thief or a victim, there are several interpretations offered for consideration.

As a thief, you may sense a lack of resources or an injustice in the distribution of goods. For example, if you dream that you are stealing basic necessities - bread, food, things necessary to survive in the environment that exists in the dream - then you see yourself as a beggar. In real life, this may manifest as behavior that isolates you from others or leaves you feeling like you have no choice. However, dreaming about stealing from people you know may reflect your perception that they are better off than you, even though you don't think they deserve it.

If you are playing the role of a victim, a possible theme is fear or loss. The list of suspects will help further clarify the situation. If you are a victim and the stolen items are of fundamental importance, then the material loss creates ANXIETY. However, if the lost items are of minor importance and the suspect is more valuable to you than the items, then you may feel like someone you know is trampling on your rights or deceiving you. However, it is also important to take into account the items themselves and their significance to you. Their symbolism may indicate an area of ​​life in which BOUNDARIES are being violated, which will help you find a solution to the problem associated with restoring your position.

Dream Interpretation - Theft

Theft - dream of theft - bankruptcy, in a friend - failure through one’s own fault. Theft - you will find a loss.

Dream Interpretation - Theft

A dream about theft is good only for those who are planning to commit fraud. For others, such a dream predicts failure in business and the danger associated with this matter. The more expensive the stolen item, the greater the danger you face. Being caught stealing in a dream is a sign of annoying interference in business. Convicting others of stealing in a dream means that you should be more careful in your judgments so as not to lose friends. See interpretation: steal.

Dream Interpretation - Theft

If in a dream you became a victim of theft, in reality you will show weakness from which you will suffer in the future.

Often such a dream means envy towards you: you will have to part with something due to current circumstances.

If you are accused of theft, a misunderstanding will interfere with your plans, you will be in panic, but everything will end well.

If in a dream someone else is accused of theft, in reality you will frivolously condemn an ​​innocent person for something.

Dream Interpretation - Theft

If you are accused of stealing in a dream, this means that you will quarrel with your loved one due to a misunderstanding.

If another person is accused of stealing, this means that you are too quick to accuse your loved one of an act that he did not commit.

Dream Interpretation - Theft

If you dream that something minor was stolen from you, know that God loves you and will help you.

Dream Interpretation - Theft

If in a dream a large sum of money was stolen from you outside your home, this means that danger is looming over you and you must monitor your actions more carefully. If money was stolen from the apartment while you were away from home, this portends troubles caused by your spinelessness and softness.

A dream in which you yourself steal something means that you will have a hard time experiencing failure in a business on which you had high hopes. If in a dream you were caught at the scene of a crime, where you happened to be an unwitting witness, but were mistaken for a robber, such a dream foreshadows that you will rush to make an unfair judgment against a person who is not guilty of anything.

If in a dream you are trying to steal some letter or an important document that could shed light on the adventurous affairs of your husband or lover, this is a sign that you will have suspicions about his secret love.


I dreamed that some girl stole money from my wallet. I looked for her, but couldn't find her. What does sleep mean?


Anna Malikova

1 dream - You will be deceived, most likely about money or some other profit, but if small change is stolen in a dream, this is good.
2nd dream - your neighbor will have a rival, but she will easily cope with her.
Dream 3 is about how you are now going about your business, improving your life, especially when it comes to business or career goals. Some people will think that you are acting incorrectly, but you listen to yourself and know what to do.


1.2 sleep - be careful. there is a high probability of deception, “enemies will become accursed.” 3-go towards your goal to the end, no matter what!