Nikolai Fomenko and his children. Nikolay Fomenko, biography, news, photos

The famous showman, who began his career in this business with the beat quartet “Secret,” was officially married three times. First wife of Nikolai FomenkoElena Lebedeva she studied with him at the same theater institute and was an enviable bride, because she came from the family of the famous actor Rem Lebedev, who was on friendly terms with the St. Petersburg authorities and had good connections in theater circles. Elena quickly fell under Fomenko’s charm and agreed to marry him. They had a daughter, Katya.

This marriage turned out to be more than successful for Fomenko - the famous father-in-law helped him build a career and easily resolve all issues. When the time came for Nikolai to serve in the army, Rem Yakovlevich did everything possible to ensure that his son-in-law was enrolled in the ensemble of the Leningrad Military District, in which Fomenko served for two years.

In the photo - Nikolai Fomenko and Elena Lebedeva

But after the army he never returned to his family because he fell in love with a dancer from the ensemble Lyudmila Goncharuk, who became the common-law wife of Nikolai Fomenko. After his divorce from Elena, Nikolai and Lyudmila settled in St. Petersburg and lived with her for seven whole years, until in Moscow, during one of his trips, he met the actress Larisa Golubkina, and then her twenty-year-old daughter Maria Golubkina.

In the photo - Nikolai Fomenko and Maria Golubkina

Despite the fact that Lyudmila Goncharuk completely devoted herself to Fomenko, provided for his life, met the necessary guests, he simply kicked her out, although Lyudmila was pregnant with his daughter Dasha at that time.

Nikolai Fomenko's second wife, Maria Golubkina, was ten years younger than him; she gave birth to Nikolai two children - a daughter and a son, but after thirteen years of marriage they separated. One of the most important reasons for their separation was Fomenko’s new hobby - a businesswoman, press secretary of the St. Petersburg governor Natalya Kutobaeva.

In the photo - Fomenko with his wife Natalya Kutobaeva

Masha, who was left with two minor children in her arms, was very upset by the divorce and was depressed for a long time, from which work helped to escape.

Nikolai met Natalya Kutobaeva on one of the filmings of the show “Real Hero”. She, on duty, helped the TV presenter and during this joint work they had an office romance. Then Nikolai rented an apartment in which he settled with his new lover, and then they moved to Moscow together. After the wedding and wedding, which took place in one of the most beautiful capital churches of the Great Ascension at the Nikitsky Gate, they celebrated these events in a small restaurant. Later, Natalya gave birth to Nikolai’s son, whom they named Kolya.
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There is a joke going around: “Fomenko changes wives as needed.” Few people know that the showman was married three times, but never reached the registry office with his only beloved woman. “ZhG” tried to remember the main stages of the star’s personal life.

Married his father-in-law

Kolya was distinguished by healthy pragmatism almost from childhood. He always had a commercial streak. I only made friends with the right people and dated the right girls. One of the enviable brides at the theater institute where the future actor studied was Elena Lebedeva. Her father, Rem Yakovlevich, was one of the leading Leningrad actors, popular, and therefore recognized by the authorities. His connections both in theatrical circles and along the party line were legendary. And Kolya, having considered all the pros and cons, quickly seduced the seductive girl. Those around him didn’t even have time to blink an eye before he took Lebedeva to the registry office. When daughter Katya was born, Fomenko finally established himself in the role of his beloved son-in-law.

After graduating from the institute, Nikolai was immediately accepted into the famous Alexandrinka. Of course, for the talent. A couple of phrases spoken by Rem Yakovlevich to the director of the theater did not play any role at all!

Soon Fomenko developed a new hobby - music. The young talent pestered his neighbors and household members by playing the guitar around the clock. The actor dreamed of creating a rock ensemble, but he had neither money nor connections. But my father-in-law had all this.

– Rem Yakovlevich not only told all his friends about the new beat quartet “Secret”, he personally bought instruments for the guys and set up a rehearsal space. Now he would be called a producer, but then he was simply helping his beloved son-in-law in a family way,” one of the Alexandrinka actresses told ZhG.
Who would have thought that with his love for his son-in-law, the all-powerful Lebedev would destroy his daughter’s happiness.

With his second wife he conquered Moscow

There was no military department at the university where the future celebrity studied, so Nikolai had to serve in the army. Two or three calls from the father-in-law to old acquaintances, and the darling of fate ended up in the ensemble of the Leningrad Military District. The service was more like a good business trip. Moreover, among the actor’s colleagues there were many girls. He became interested in one of them, the dancer Lyudmila Goncharuk. This novel was a pleasant exception from all subsequent and previous ones. This time Fomenko fell in love in earnest.
When the group "Secret" gained popularity, he divorced Elena and began to live with a cheerful Ukrainian woman. Luda never returned to her homeland, remaining in St. Petersburg with Kolya. They lived in a civil marriage for seven years, although the artist was not faithful to his life partner. An informed source told ZhG that on tour of the Secret group, Fomenko was very fond of “informal communication” with fans.

“At first I had heart-warming conversations with the girls and, having enjoyed the victory over their souls, took the prettiest one into the room,” a friend of the star told ZhG.

As time passed, the popularity of “The Secret” dried up. Moreover, the band’s frontman Maxim Leonidov emigrated to Israel. Fomenko again needed a wife with connections.

On one of his trips to Moscow, Nikolai met Larisa Golubkina. “A good match for my daughter,” thought the famous actress.

She liked 30-year-old Fomenko so much that she was not embarrassed either by the presence of a child or by the fact that, although he was divorced, he was not free. Soon the news spread around the party: Fomenko was marrying Golubkina’s 20-year-old daughter.
Maria lived with Nikolai for thirteen years and gave birth to two children. Fomenko was actively featured on television at this time, led several successful projects, and played in films and theater. And there was, as it seemed from the outside, a happier marriage...

Didn't let my third wife be buried

Over time, the TV viewer became fed up with Fomenko, and he was fed up with the role of the eternal jester. In addition, Nikolai was tired of the fact that his name did not exist on its own, because he was often called Golubkina’s husband. And few people remembered about the group “Secret”.

And then the enthusiastic artist fell in love with the automobile business. Although Kolya had an interest in racing and cars even in his youth (by the way, his first car was given to him by the same Rem Yakovlevich). Nikolai actively began to realize his old dream. Masha could not help him with this. The only thing she did for Fomenko’s new project was to give the car the name Marussia. Golubkina did not share her husband’s hobby, nor did he share her love for horses.

– So what if my husband and I don’t have a single common interest? “It doesn’t mean anything, it’s not necessary for the family,” Maria told the author of these lines.

And a month after this conversation they divorced. Fomenko left for a new lover, who not only shared his passion for fashionable cars, but was also very influential in business circles. He met Natalia Kutobaeva on one of the filmings. Then she served as press secretary to the governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko. The world of show business is a small place - my wife quickly found out about her rival. Live, where both Golubkina and Fomenko were present, a terrible scandal broke out. Masha said that she would bury the homewrecker, and Kolya simply left the studio and left for St. Petersburg that same evening. Six months later he married Kutobaeva. Natalia gave birth to his son, naming the child in honor of her husband.

“All Kolya’s women sacrificed everything for their husband, and he abandoned them as soon as he no longer needed them. The love of Fomenko’s life is his own hobbies. They are his lovers. Believe me, as soon as he gets tired of the car, Natasha will retire. Another friend from the new game will come in her place. I think in some ways Kolenka never grew out of his children’s pants and sandbox. He goes out with whomever he meets next to his “secret,” says an old friend of Fomenko.

Nikolai Fomenko is a Russian actor, musician, showman, television and radio presenter, and racing driver. He was able to demonstrate his multifaceted talent in various fields in equal measure. This includes the creation of a popular film, and work at the best theater venues in St. Petersburg, and brilliant performances on Russian Radio, and filming in the films “The Twelve Chairs”, “The Apostle”, and even the management of his own automobile company “Marussia Motors”.

Today, the artist takes on new heights - Fomenko headed the Moscow branch of the Party of Growth.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Vladimirovich Fomenko was born in Leningrad in 1962 into an intelligent family. The boy's father was the famous physicist-meteorologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fomenko. The scientist was even included in the Cambridge Encyclopedia in the list of outstanding people of the 20th century. The future artist’s mother was a ballerina in her youth and taught at the Vaganova School. Later, due to a meniscus injury, she began working as a civil engineer. Nikolai is often attributed Jewish nationality, but the actor does not comment on this rumor.

Nikolai was a creative child. The boy went to music school (violin class), attended the Theater of Youth Creativity, and was fond of skiing (received the title of Master of Sports).

During his school years, the young man was a real rebel. They even refused to issue Nikolai a certificate - at the graduation party he performed 2 songs in English. At that time it was strictly prohibited. The certificate was issued, but Vladimir Fomenko took it away.

The guy had real talent as a musician, so his parents insisted on appropriate education. But Nikolai chose theater school, despite the fact that he had a speech impediment (he could not pronounce the letter “r”). With such a problem it is difficult to enter a theater university, but Fomenko succeeded.

Short (height 176 cm), burry Nikolai impressed the commission with his ingenuity and talented performance of the fable “The Frog and the Bull.” Later, having gotten rid of his burr, Fomenko graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema in 1983, where he studied in a workshop.


In 1981, Nikolai met with Dmitry Rubin, which greatly influenced the biography of the musician and the history of Russian music. Thanks to her, the popular Soviet rock band “Secret” appeared. Already the team’s first album, “You and I,” released in 1984, brought the musicians all-Union fame. The public enthusiastically received the performers’ first hits “A Thousand Records” and “She Doesn’t Understand.”

Nikolay Fomenko in the group “Secret”

The artists become participants in the broadcasts of the television programs “Disks Are Spinning,” “Morning Mail,” and “Musical Ring.” The group "Secret" is one of the first to release videos for its compositions. The second collection “Beat Quartet “Secret”” becomes double platinum, and the songs “Hello”, “Your Dad Was Right”, “Sarah Baraboo”, “My Love on the Fifth Floor” included in it became megahits. In 1987, St. Petersburg residents received leading roles in the 2-part musical film “How to Become a Star.”

Fomenko was a bass guitarist, vocalist, and also the author and composer of the songs “She Doesn’t Understand”, “The Last Hour of December” and others. After Maxim Leonidov immigrated to Israel, Nikolai took the place of the frontman of a rock band.

Group “Secret” - “My love is on the fifth floor”

Since the beginning of the 90s, problems began in the musical group, and as a result, “The Secret” broke up. Former bandmates tried to revive the band in 2007 and 2013, but nothing worked out. The musicians periodically perform together and even recorded a new album, “All This Is Love,” but there is no talk of full-fledged and permanent tours and performances.

According to the press, Nikolai Fomenko was no longer particularly interested in participating in the team; the actor became interested in other projects. However, Fomenko’s voice can be heard in the musical compositions of other creative groups. So, together with members of the group “Keramika” the artist performed the hit “Lamps”.

Group "Ceramics" - "Light Bulbs"

In 2017, the musicians came together again to hold an anniversary tour in honor of the 35th anniversary of the creation of the Secret group, which passed through the capitals of Russia, Belarus and the cities of Germany.

Television and theater

In 1983, Fomenko was invited to work at the prestigious Alexandrinsky Theater. The actor played both comic and dramatic roles equally well. As theater director and former mentor Igor Gorbachev said, “the guy has talent from God.”

Fomenko's theatrical career developed rapidly, he played at the Leningrad Drama Theater, Satyricon, and the Liteiny Theater. The actor’s most striking performances are “The Threepenny Opera” based on the play, “Academy of Laughter”, “Locust” and others. Also by invitation, Nikolai played the main role in her musical.

The artist came to television with the group “Secret”. In 1984, the popular television program “Disks Are Spinning” was released, the TV presenter of which was Maxim Leonidov, and the scriptwriter was Fomenko. It was thanks to the group (the authors of the idea) that the program “Morning Mail” appeared. The first episodes of the program were hosted by Nikolai Fomenko.

After a while, the actor was invited to work on NTV, where he created a number of original programs: “Russian Nails”, “Interception”, “Empire of Passion”, which brought him popularity and love from the audience. The actor established himself as an excellent TV presenter and began working a lot on different TV channels. Nikolai has more than 30 original television programs, which he created and hosted independently.

In 1998, Nikolai was awarded TEFI and given the title of People's Artist of Russia. Fomenko received 3 Ovation awards for the television products “Oba-na”, “Russian Nails”, “Empire of Passion”.

In the same year, the man acted as a commentator. From 1998 to 2001 and from 2002 to 2003, he commentated on the sports show “Wrestling Titans” on TNT.

In 2016, the showman began hosting another program, “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” on NTV.


The actor began working on radio in 1995, when he was invited to the Russian Radio station. He hosted his own programs “Good Morning, Vietnam” and “Golden Gramophone”. After Fomenko’s arrival, the ratings of Russian Radio instantly increased. He himself wrote funny, sharp jokes that were constantly played during breaks between songs and programs.

Radio listeners fell in love with the presenter for his original sense of humor and unique charisma.

The showman has a recognized sense of humor, which is why even today fragments of his programs and texts are often divided into quotes. There are entire collections of Fomenko’s aphorisms on the Internet, but most often the authors of the collections are not sure whether all the jokes belong to the artist personally or whether some of them are anecdotes that imitate his style.


One of the showman's most famous hobbies is car racing, which he started doing in 1994. Fomenko participated in the preparation of the “Racing for Survival” project and at the same time took lessons from professional racers. Three years later, Nikolai received his first medal for winning road racing. Later there were many more victories and awards. The actor received the title of Russian champion, as well as several international prizes.

In 2004, the showman showed himself in journalism. Fomenko became editor-in-chief of Autopilot and headed the automobile magazine until 2008.

In 2007, Fomenko voiced the popular computer racing game Need For Speed: ProStreet, and also began working on the Russian-language version of the Top Gear television program. In the same year, he founded his own automobile company, Marussia Motors, which began producing sports cars under the Marussia brand.

Nikolai Fomenko and his “Marusya”

In 2011, Nikolai Fomenko was appointed director of the Formula 1 department.

In April 2014, the Marussia Motors project was closed. The reason for the closure was the bankruptcy of the company: according to media reports, only 4 cars were sold, production of serial cars never began, and all produced prototypes were donated to “privileged clients” or, as journalists suspect, friends of Fomenko and the co-chairmen of Marusya.


The actor began his film career in the early 80s. At that time, he only had episodic roles in the films “Speed” and “Anecdotes.” Fomenko received his first serious role in the film “The Orphan of Kazan” in 1997.

Nikolai Fomenko in the film “Orphan of Kazan”

One of the most famous films in the actor’s career is “Moon Dad”. Played the main female role. Another significant work of Nikolai is the series “Apostle”, where he played the main role. It is interesting that it was precisely for the famous showman that the script for the youth series “” was created, in which he eventually played the main role.

Fomenko continues to constantly appear on screens and in the theater. In 2015, the actor played in the new theatrical project “And again with the coming one” at the Moscow Russian Song Theater. In the same year, Nikolai Fomenko became the TV presenter of the First Channel program “Park”.

Nikolai Fomenko in the film “Moon Dad”

In 2017, Fomenko played the role of the main character’s psychiatrist in the comedy series “You’re All Infuriating Me!” and transformed into the main character of the comedy “Find a Husband for Daria Klimova.” The melodrama “Blue Rose” was also released with the participation of the actor.

Personal life

The actor was officially married 4 times. His first wife was Elena Lebedeva, the daughter of the famous actor Rem Lebedev and actress Lyudmila Krasikova. The couple lived together for 5 years and had a daughter, Katya. Now she is a famous Russian journalist. Works under the name Ekaterina Grishkovets (husband's last name). The daughter from his first marriage has already given Nikolai two beautiful granddaughters - Aglaya and Masha.

The actor’s second wife was the lead singer of the army dance ensemble, Lyudmila Goncharuk. They say it was because of her that the first marriage broke up. The dancer and actor lived together for 10 years, but eventually divorced. The couple had no children.

For the third time, Fomenko led the actress, daughter and documentary director Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev down the aisle. When Nikolai was little, he liked Larisa Golubkina. And, ironically, the artist’s third wife was her daughter.

For a long time, the Golubkina-Fomenko couple was considered the most beautiful in the world of show business. Photos of the married couple regularly appeared on the front pages of the tabloids. In their marriage, they had two children: son Ivan and daughter Nastya, but the personal life of the artists did not work out. 13 years after the wedding they separated. The reason for the divorce was not disclosed.

The fourth wife of the actor was Natalya Kutobaeva, who first worked as press secretary for the governor of St. Petersburg. Since 2011, she has served as head of the press service of the Federation Council. She loves extreme sports (she enjoys windsurfing) and shares her husband’s hobby – auto racing. In 2009, the couple had a son, Vasily.

Nikolai Fomenko and his wife Natalya Kutobaeva

Despite the rumors that the media often spread, the lovers are happy and live together.

Nikolay Fomenko now

Now Nikolai’s creative life is as varied and active as all these years. With the participation of the artist, the films “On the Edge” and “Difficulties of Survival” are being prepared for release. Fomenko will play the main role of the crime boss in the action film Drive. The film will focus on stuntman Anton (), who is forced to start a dangerous game with law enforcement agencies and the mafia.

Nikolai Fomenko and Vladimir Epifantsev on the set of the film “Drive” in 2018

Since February 2018, weekly radio fans have been enjoying communication with the showman on the air of the “Fomenko on Humor FM” program. Nikolay still delights listeners with original jokes and humorous remarks.

Nikolai Fomenko headed the Moscow branch of the Party of Growth

In the same year, the artist began his political career. In the presidential elections, he acted as a proxy for the candidate, and in October he headed the Moscow branch of the Party of Growth. He also entered there and took the post of federal secretary of the organization. In an interview, Fomenko criticizes the latest government initiatives, be it optimization in the healthcare sector or pension reform.


  • 1983 - “Speed”
  • 1997 - “Orphan of Kazan”
  • 1999 - “Moon Dad”
  • 1999 - “The Sky in Diamonds”
  • 2000 - “Old Nags”
  • 2005 - “Twelve Chairs”
  • 2007 - “Gloss”
  • 2008 - “Apostle”
  • 2010 - “The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines”
  • 2016 - “Blue Rose”
  • 2017 - “You all piss me off!”
  • 2017 - “Find the husband of Daria Klimova”


  • 1984 - “You and I”
  • 1987 - “Secret”
  • 1988 - “Heart of the Northern Mountains”
  • 1989 - “Leningrad Time”
  • 1990 - “Step by Step”
  • 1991 - “Orchestra on the Road”
  • 1994 - “Don’t Worry”
  • 1996 - “Blues de Moscow”
  • 1997 - “Five”
  • 2014 - “All this is love”

Fomenko Nikolai Vladimirovich - Honored Artist of Russia, musician, athlete, outstanding showman - was born in Leningrad on April 30, 1962. Nikolai's father, Vladimir Vladimirovich Fomenko, is a physicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mother - Fomenko Galina Nikolaevna - was a ballerina in her youth, and in adulthood she mastered the engineering and construction specialty. Little Kolya's parents loved art, and he grew up in an atmosphere of constant discussion of theatrical performances and the plots of new films. When the child grew up, mom and dad began taking him to the theater. The boy carefully watched what was happening on stage and, quite possibly, his childhood impressions influenced Nikolai Fomenko’s choice of profession.

Group "Secret"

Kolya Fomenko studied at Leningrad school No. 222 with a sports bias, went in for alpine skiing, fulfilled the standard. After graduating from school, he entered LGITMiK, the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. In his third year, Nikolai Fomenko, whose biography did not contain anything unusual, together with his friend Maxim Leonidov and musician Dima Rubin, organized the vocal and instrumental group “Secret”.

The guys rehearsed day and night; what they lacked in musical education they made up for with youthful enthusiasm. "The Secret" was a great success throughout the USSR, from 1984 to 1992. Thus, Nikolai Fomenko the actor became a musician and composer; he composed the music as well as the lyrics. Songs such as “Hello”, “My love is on the fifth floor”, “Home” and many others became hits overnight.


In the early 90s, disagreements began that affected creativity. He left first, and the beat quartet “Secret” began to rehearse in a “trio” format. Then Nikolai Fomenko, whose biography had already been replenished with new pages, left the team, only to return after a while. Other musicians left and returned in the same way. It would seem that in such conditions it is impossible to engage in creativity, but as soon as the whole four got together again, “The Secret” was ready for both concert activity and studio recordings. Musicians Andrei Zabludovsky and Alexey Murashov were like two guarantors of the creative team; in fact, the group rested on them. In 2007, "Secret" performed in full force, and in 2013 the group participated in the rock festival "Invasion".

Project "Marusya"

In addition to music, Nikolai Fomenko (his biography was regularly updated) participated in theatrical performances and also performed episodic roles in films. The actor’s filmography contains 27 films, including “The Sky in Diamonds”, “Miracles, and That’s All, or Pike in Moscow”, “Old Nags”, “Women’s Happiness”, “Radio Day”, “Apostle”, etc.

The LGITMiK diploma opened up the opportunity to directly participate in any project related to art. Nikolai could even, if he wished, become an actor at the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater, under the guidance of the famous Tovstonogov, but his professional ambitions did not extend that far. The films with Nikolai Fomenko were not very high and he understood that he was not a movie star, but the television projects in which Fomenko participated were all just right - interesting and meaningful. However, the time for the main project in the showman’s life has not yet come. For the last few years, Nikolai Fomenko, whose biography was already ready for radical changes, has been involved in motor sports. Then this hobby took the form of a business project to create an automobile company, Marussia Motors, producing sports cars.

Sports cars and profitability

Marussia was created in 2007 by two enthusiasts - Nikolai Fomenko and Efim Ostrovsky, an entrepreneur. Before this, there were no domestically produced sports cars on the Russian market, and the project promised to be successful. However, Fomenko and his partners faced a number of serious obstacles. Any automotive manufacturer begins the development of its enterprise by organizing a design bureau and attracting qualified specialists. However, the specifics of building sports cars are much more complicated than conventional technological processes used in serial production of cars. Sports cars must be produced in strictly limited quantities, up to five units of each model. This rule ensures a sufficient level of exclusivity for the car. But in this case, production profitability is impossible, or sports cars will be prohibitively expensive.

Sports models

However, Marussia Motors already announced in 2008 the creation of the first Russian sports car. Many considered Nikolai Fomenko’s project to be overly ambitious and unpromising, but after just one year, the Marusya company presented a pilot Marussia sports car, in two trim levels at once - models B1 and B2. And in the spring of 2010, at the Moscow Motor Show, a presentation of the Marussia F2 concept car took place, the main characteristics of which can be classified as crossovers. The F2 model is currently produced for Russian consumers, and is also supplied in small batches to the world market.

Formula 1

In December 2009, Marussia Motors applied to participate in Formula 1 competitions and was accepted into the format of a separate team under the Marussia Virgin Racing brand. Nikolay Fomenko was appointed head of the engineering segment. The 2011 season was the debut of the Marussia team, in which not a single point was scored. However, the more than mediocre performance was not considered a failure, and the team was simply renamed Marussia F1 Team. However, the Marusya cars did not pass a series of crash tests carried out at the beginning of the 2012 season and were not allowed to compete. And in April 2013, Marussia Motors submitted documents to participate in a tender to create a presidential limousine.

Personal life

In addition to creative activity, work and hobbies, every person should have a personal life. Nikolai Fomenko has been married four times, from 1980 to the present. At first, married life had to be combined with touring trips of the beat quartet “Secret”, and starting in 2007, Nikolai disappeared on the “Marusya” project, coming home late in the evening and leaving early in the morning. Nikolai Fomenko's first wife, Lena, was the daughter of Rem Lebedev, People's Artist of the USSR, and actress Lyudmila Krasikova. The marriage lasted five years. In 1981, Lena and Nikolai had a daughter, Katya. Subsequently, she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of MGIMO and since 2004 worked at the Kommersant publishing house. She has two children, Aglaya and Masha, born in 2004 - 2005.

Wives and children

Nikolai Fomenko with dancer Lyudmila Goncharuk lasted ten years, from 1985 to 1995. The couple had no children. After divorcing his second wife, Nikolai immediately married for the third time. This time his chosen one was the daughter of People's Artist of the RSFSR Larisa, who, like her mother,

dedicated her life to theater and cinema. The couple had a daughter, Anastasia, in 1998, and a son, Ivan, in 2002. But this did not save the marriage. And finally, Nikolai Fomenko’s fourth wife is Natalya Vladimirovna Kutobaeva, the former press secretary of Valentina Matvienko, the governor of St. Petersburg. After moving to Moscow, Natasha began working in the Federation Council of Russia, also as head of the press service. From this marriage there is a son, Vasily, who was born in 2009. Nikolai Fomenko, whose children from different marriages have long grown up and are living their own lives, is the very happy founder of a large family.

Some stars make a show out of their wedding, selling publications the right to cover this event - just look at the advertised “sacrament” performed by Nastya Zavorotnyuk and Chernyshev! And others hide their personal lives from everyone. Nikolai Fomenko also belongs to the latter - off stage he behaves not like a showman who has everything for sale, but like an actor of the old school (by the way, he is now playing in an enterprise performance at the Pushkin Theater). That’s why he married his beloved secretly, without inviting ANY journalist and without organizing a competition for the exclusive. Only Komsomolskaya Pravda managed to find out from the TV presenter’s friends about the church sacrament of the star...

Didn't invite ex-wife

“Will he marry or not?” - Nikolai Fomenko’s acquaintances wondered after learning about his passionate affair with Valentina Matvienko’s former press secretary, 32-year-old blonde Natalya Kutobaeva. Friends of the TV presenter joked that Fomenko differs from a womanizer in that he signs with each of his lovers. His current marriage with Natalya was his fourth, but his first church marriage was before God.

Only the closest friends - ten people - were invited to the wedding ceremony. Moreover, some received invitations to be without their “other halves.” Fomenko's ex-wife Maria Golubkina did not receive an invitation. And even if he called, I wouldn’t go. They say their relationship is strained.

No frills wedding

For the wedding, Fomenko chose one of the most beautiful churches in Moscow - the Great Ascension at the Nikitsky Gate. Pushkin and Goncharova, Chaliapin's daughter, were married here.

Yes, Nikolai Fomenko got married with us,” the temple employee proudly said. - So happy, in a smart black suit. We arrived in a jeep with flowers. They behaved very simply, there were no frills. On the eve of the sacrament, both received communion and received a blessing for marriage from the priest.

After the wedding, the newlyweds and the inner circle of guests went to a restaurant where they celebrated the event.

They say that Fomenko gave his newly-made wife of extraordinary beauty a gold wedding ring decorated with white diamonds. It seems that such a ring costs at least 50 thousand dollars. Before the wedding, Nikolai bought a new three-room apartment in the capital, which he renovated in a European style. Newlyweds now live in it.

“We got everyone through!”

We reached out to the showman's new wife, Natalya Kutobaeva. She did not deny the fact of marriage, but laughed slyly, saying how Kolya and I had deceived the journalists - no one made it to the celebration.

Yes, I live in Moscow with Kolya. Moved from St. Petersburg. And I really have a new job - in the press service of the Sports Committee,” Natalya told KP.

Is Natalya pregnant?

Close friends put forward several versions of why Natalya and Nikolai hid their marriage from everyone. Many are sure that Fomenko did not want to hurt his ex-wife Maria Golubkina and their common children. After all, the Moscow crowd, unlike the St. Petersburg crowd, mostly remained on Maria’s side.

I stopped talking to Kolya after his divorce from Masha. “I’m completely on her side,” explained one of Fomenko’s Moscow friends. - Masha caught Fomenko with someone else. Their breakup was very difficult. Both she and her mother were worried. Larisa Golubkina was simply devastated by her daughter’s divorce. After all, she herself once introduced Masha to Fomenko, she was always happy about her son-in-law, saying that he reminded her of her husband Andrei Mironov. Now Larisa Ivanovna doesn’t even want to hear about Fomenko... I hoped that Kolya would come to his senses, you never know, an affair on the side is not a crime. But recently they told me that Kolya entered into an official marriage.

Did he leave property to his ex-wife Masha Golubkina?

And there was nothing of him there. The country house where they lived together - Andrei Mironov. Andrei Mironov also bought an apartment. There was nothing to share.

However, there is another version. As we were told by those around Natalya, she hinted at her interesting position. But she said that she did not want to give photographers a reason to “hunt” her. And out of superstition, he is keeping the news secret for now. If for Fomenko this will be the fourth child, then for Natalya it will be the first. She said that she was very worried. Friends noticed that Natalya changed her regime: she stopped disappearing at races (Kutobaeva is fond of extreme sports, which brought her closer to Fomenko last year). And I even stopped attending competitions so as not to worry.

It seemed to friends that Natalya had become softer and more feminine. And lately, the couple’s conversations have naturally come down to the topic of children.

Natalya looks absolutely happy,” one of her friends told KP. “It wasn’t easy for her to decide to leave Smolny, change her place of work and residence. But the changes did her good. She has blossomed and is simply fluttering with love. So far, Natalya has not given any official comments about a possible addition to their family. In any case, friends have already wished Fomenko to experience the happiness of fatherhood again. To which he jokingly replied that my wife and I are working on this issue.