Find out that a woman loves a man. How to understand that a girl loves if she hides her feelings? How to understand if a girl really needs you

Many representatives of the stronger sex periodically wonder what signs a woman gives out if she does not love a man. The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem to many - a woman rarely directly says that she does not love. However, there are signs that help to understand this.

How to understand that a woman does not love you?

It's hardest to see the signs that a woman doesn't love you anymore in a long-term relationship. A sense of duty, habit, a good attitude, the presence of children - all these reasons encourage a woman to continue to fulfill the duties of a mistress of the hearth and a good wife.

What are the signs of cooling?

  • sex becomes more formal, a woman does not strive for initiative and experimentation, at any opportunity she avoids sexual intercourse;
  • permanent employment at work increases, the wife prefers to spend time outside the walls of the house;
  • at home, a woman does not strive to look sexy or attractive; she does thorough makeup and hair only before going out;
  • the wife does not fleetingly try to hug or kiss her husband, does not accept his manifestations of tenderness;
  • a woman stops sharing her experiences, problems, is not interested in her husband's affairs.

A woman is so arranged that in the event of the disappearance of feelings, she loses the desire to give her energy, she completely closes. In fact, a wife who has fallen out of love turns into a neighbor or a housekeeper - she continues to fulfill her duties, but completely excludes emotional contact (similar signs can be observed with women).

Why don't women like good men?

There can be many reasons why a woman fell out of love. Most often they are quite objective - if a man does not behave in the best way, is a bad family man and father. But sometimes women don't like good men either. Here possible reasons this:

  • a woman is missing thrill associated with the "conquest" of a man who is not interested in her;
  • life seems insipid to a woman and she seeks to add "spiciness" by contacting a criminal element or other dubious person;
  • a woman is not interested in classic sex with a good guy, she wants to try something new, forbidden;
  • infatuation with an unsuitable man may be a sign of protest against parental pressure;
  • good men seem to the lady too boring and weak, so she is looking for an extraordinary, strong, possibly with a very bad reputation.

What to do if a woman says she doesn't love?

Attempts to awaken feelings, if a woman has really cooled down, will only cause her irritation. Try:

  1. Talk to her and find out what the problem is.
  2. Accept the situation if it is impossible to change it.
  3. Stay friends.

Often men in love doubt the reciprocity of their feelings. If it is very easy to determine love by a guy, then some girls deliberately hide their feelings or are afraid to show them.

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You can understand this issue with the help of ordinary observation. It is necessary to pay attention to changes in appearance, facial expression, gestures and behavior of the girl of interest, and it will immediately become clear how she relates to the young man.

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    Signs of a woman's love

    There are certain signs by which you can understand that a girl is in love. These include:

    • appearance;
    • behavior;
    • sight;
    • gestures.

    Not all signs are confirmed even in the presence of feelings, since the characteristics of the character of a single person should be taken into account.

    If a girl is modest and truly loves, then she can hide her feelings, but her eyes will betray her. If the girl is brave by nature, then 80% or more of the signs can match. The guy will only have to take the initiative.

    How to understand that a guy loves you


    A girl in love begins to pay a lot of attention to her appearance. Often you can notice dramatic changes:

    1. 1. Makeup becomes brighter. If she's never worn it, she starts. A girl can dye her hair, make a haircut and change her hairstyle, decorate her hair with various hairpins and flowers.
    2. 2. The style of clothing is changing. Preference is given to more feminine outfits that emphasize the figure: dresses, skirts, blouses with a neckline, etc. A lot of new things appear in the wardrobe, or the girl tries to interestingly combine and decorate existing outfits with accessories.
    3. 3. Lovers often begin to use eau de toilette more actively.
    4. 4. There is a sharp jump in weight. A woman loses weight, because against the background of love, her appetite disappears.

    How to check if a guy loves me


    A loving girl always behaves in a special way with the object of adoration. This is manifested by the following symptoms:

    1. 1. Interest in a guy. The girl listens very carefully to everything that the young man says, is interested in his life, hobbies, trying to find out his inner world. Increasingly, he thinks about him, asks about the guy’s personal problems and experiences.
    2. 2. Victims. If a guy notices that a girl puts his interests ahead of her own and postpones her important affairs in order to meet him, then he can be sure of her feelings. When a girl constantly compromises, agrees with a guy or admits that she is wrong in any matters, this is also a sure sign of falling in love.
    3. 3. Communication. If a girl, being in the company of many young people, prefers to stand by and communicate with only one, there is an open interest. If many guys court her, but she rejects all but one, then this is a sure sign of falling in love.
    4. 4. Gifts. These are not necessarily some expensive accessories. To attract the attention of a person you like and make him happy, you can present ordinary souvenirs, key chains, etc. The girl ceases to be selfish, she wants to please someone else and is waiting for a response.
    5. 5. Jealousy. When the object of love begins to communicate with other women, the loving girl immediately becomes sad or aggressive. In this case, she can be very upset or angry with both the guy and the girls around him.
    6. 6. Attention and care. A woman behaves like a married woman, she is interested in the well-being of her lover, she will definitely cook something for him, and in case of illness she will visit or even take up treatment.
    7. 7. Condition. She literally glows with happiness and does not notice any problems around her. Laughs at even the most unfortunate jokes and anecdotes that a man tells.
    8. 8. Phrases. She remembers the words and phrases that the guy said, and then constantly uses them in communicating with him.
    9. 9. Acceptance of shortcomings. The girl completely accepts the guy as he is, and does not try to correct him, because she loves him very much.
    10. 10. Trust. She shares her innermost secrets and experiences, never lies, openly shows her correspondence and hands her phone - this is a very serious sign of a woman's love.
    11. 11. Surveillance. She constantly tries to catch his eye and appears in the same places where he does.

    How a man tests a woman for feelings for him


    At the beginning of a relationship, when a girl still does not allow herself to constantly touch a guy, the main symptom of sympathy is her loving look. Its features:

    1. 1. Long look. If she looks into her eyes for more than 5 seconds - this is either a strong interest. But if a long look is hard and is accompanied by a grimace, then the girl is unfriendly or even hates the person.
    2. 2. A short look. If a girl quickly looks away as soon as her eyes meet, then she is in love. Yes, the shy ones do it.
    3. 3. Pupils. It has been scientifically proven that when a person looks at the object of adoration, his pupils involuntarily dilate.
    4. 4. Radiance. The girl's eyes sparkle with happiness, burn with overwhelming emotions.
    5. 5. Tracking. She follows every movement of the guy, looks with him in one direction and at the same objects. If, being in the same room or company, a girl very often "shoots" her eyes in the direction of a young man, then this is love.

    If, when communicating with a guy, a girl most of the time looks directly into his eyes, then she is trying to understand if he is in love with her. When she does this, it's safe to say that she has romantic feelings.

    Non-verbal signs: gestures, body position, facial expressions

    Non-verbal signs are almost impossible to control, so it is very easy to calculate a person in love from them:

    1. 1. Light touches. The girl will try to stay as close to the guy as possible, look for an excuse to touch him or even stroke him. If she removes hair from his face or removes an eyelash from his cheek, then the young man can safely confess his feelings, since sympathy is mutual.
    2. 2. Strong excitement. The girl either falls into the paint, or turns pale, her voice timbre changes and becomes trembling, her arms and legs can also tremble. Such young ladies will never take the first step, they are very vulnerable, gullible and need courtship from a guy.
    3. 3. Body position. A girl's toes will almost always be turned towards the guy she likes. The young lady will become so as to see the young man completely, or at least out of the corner of her eye, but in no case will her back be turned to him.
    4. 4. Violation of personal space. She becomes closer to him than to others, and easily allows him into her personal space.
    5. 5. Flirt. The girl begins to flirt and make compliments, but if the young man does not react, she tries in every possible way to offend him with ironic words, sharp phrases, push him as a joke, take things away. She constantly fixes her hair, smiles with an open smile, bites her lips and touches her body.
    6. 6. Mirroring. She copies his poses. For example, if he sits on a bench, touches an object, then she repeats everything after him.

    How to determine love by correspondence?

    By correspondence, you can also calculate a person in love. If 90% of the points below (especially the last one) match, you can be sure that the girl has fallen in love. She is:

    1. 1. Often writes first.
    2. 2. Responds quickly to messages.
    3. 3. Composes meaningful answers, does not respond coldly or with a simple smile.
    4. 4. Shares details from his life, experiences and problems.
    5. 5. Constantly sends his photos, cool pictures, music and videos.
    6. 6. Often online at the same time as him.
    7. 7. Easily and quickly agrees to meet without coming up with any excuses.

    If a girl is in love, for the sake of meeting her beloved, she will postpone all meetings with her girlfriends, trips, preparing for lessons, shopping, and even the most important things for her. If the guy after breaking up is still curious if his ex loves him, then it’s worth asking her to meet and then he will understand everything from her answer.

    How to check the girl you love?

    Not only the weaker sex checks for the feelings of their beloved. A guy can do it too, using the guidelines below:

    1. 1. You need to try to invade her personal space. If she does not retreat, but remains in place, then she likes it. You can see from her face that she's pleased.
    2. 2. It is worth asking the girl to help with something. Even if she does not understand this at all, she will still try to do something, but in no case will she refuse.
    3. 3. If a guy knows that the chosen one is afraid of something, he should specifically invite her to do it. If she loves, she will even climb onto the roof with a fear of heights or scuba dive despite her fear of water.
    4. 4. If you start to deliberately ignore a loving girl, you can notice how she will begin to actively communicate with a guy, call and literally run after him.
    5. 5. You need to try to flirt with the other in front of the girl. If she loves, she will immediately become sad or start talking very loudly, thereby attracting attention to herself.
    6. 6. Periodically change postures and gestures and see if the girl repeats these movements.

    How do you know if your ex is still in love?

    If a guy wants his back ex girlfriend, but I’m not sure if she still has tender feelings for him, that is, it makes sense to study the following signs:

    1. 1. If she constantly looks at the ex and tries to catch the eye, then she still loves him.
    2. 2. The girl often calls, writes for no reason, offers to meet. All this happens because she wants to hear his voice and see him.
    3. 3. When meeting, she touches the young man, she can take the hand - this is a sure sign of unquenched feelings.
    4. 4. If she visits memorable places that she went with her beloved, then she has not forgotten the guy and hopes that she will meet him there.

    How to determine sympathy from a married woman?

    Signs of a married woman falling in love do not fundamentally differ from those listed above. She glows with happiness in the presence of her beloved man, laughs at his jokes, repeats gestures young man, touches both herself and him, shoots with her eyes and stares piercingly.

    A woman can tell an outside man how tired she is of marriage, how unpleasant her husband is and that they live together because of jointly acquired property, children, habits, and so on. She may complain that her husband offends in order to arouse in a man a desire to protect her. Often in such cases, a woman misses calls from her husband in the presence of a man she likes and says that she wants to get a divorce.

    How to understand that a wife loves another?

    When falling in love with another man, the behavior of the wife changes dramatically. This is especially evident in the following features:

    1. 1. She doesn't like it when her husband picks up her phone or uses her computer. If before the spouses knew all the passwords of each other's pages in in social networks, but at some point the wife changed hers and did not say anything - this is a very bad sign.
    2. 2. She ceases to trust and tell stories about incidents at work or with her friends, the spouses have nothing to talk about.
    3. 3. The wife gets irritated at the hugs and even the usual touches of her husband.
    4. 4. She often wears very revealing lingerie, which she previously wore only on rare occasions.
    5. 5. The wife stops asking her husband to take a walk together. On the contrary, she walks alone and often comes up with ridiculous excuses so that her husband does not go with her. Another bad sign is that she does not want her husband to meet her.
    6. 6. The wife is constantly in a very good mood, but there are no obvious reasons for this.
    7. 7. She misses calls, turns off her phone or forgets it at home.
    8. 8. Spouses begin to have less sex and kiss. She chooses poses in which her face is not visible. But in some cases, the opposite is true. The wife feels guilty and therefore does everything to better satisfy her husband.
    9. 9. She goes to bed either earlier or later than her husband.
    10. 10. She tries to be alone with her husband as little as possible.
    11. 11. Notices those shortcomings of her husband, which she did not pay attention to before.
    12. 12. She is indifferent to the actions of her husband, does not get jealous, does not argue, as she did before.

    Women only seem to be complex beings. If a man knows their psychology, he can easily check whether his beloved loves or uses him. When a guy can see true love, he will avoid mistakes and choose the most reliable and sincere life partner.

    And some secrets...

    I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick jerk...

    Love is a wonderful feeling that all people on earth dream of. However, sometimes it happens that you meet a person, and it is very difficult to understand whether there is love (especially at a young age, when such sensations come for the first time). This article will help you deal with this problem.


    The simplest rule for a man, how to find out if your beloved loves you, is to simply look at her attitude. Without even understanding some of the nuances, from the overall picture, you can draw simple conclusions about what nourishes. Constant quarrels, nit-picking, jealousy - this is not love. But trust, honesty and tenderness are what you need. However, relationships are built from little things: you need to watch how a girl reacts to a particular situation. After all, often for certain reasons, ladies can pretend to be in love, and such an intention can be revealed in the simplest and smallest things. For example, if a guy accidentally tore a girl’s notebook, and she “let all the dogs down” on him, remembering the grievances of the past, this is hardly love. A person who loves will never make his soul mate suffer, especially over such trifles.


    Another way how caring a girl is. If you love a person, it will not matter what he is wearing, whether he is dressed according to the weather and how hungry he is at the moment. It's the little things that bring out the essence of caring. Beloved will always ask how you slept, whether everything is done homework and as a result, if something is needed, it will help without any excuses. However, there is another side to a caring attitude, when a girl simply imposes herself with her questions. Do not be offended, just because some people show their feelings, they are so used to it. This also suggests that the girl loves the guy very much and constantly worries about him.


    How to find out if your beloved loves you, you can find out how closely she has a pure feeling of love, they will never flirt with other representatives of the stronger sex and provoke them into a relationship (option: to harm the beloved in front of him - does not count). Moreover, a girl who has a loved one will never go on a date with another guy, even though it will be a friend. After all, everyone knows that friendship between a boy and a girl does not exist. There is always someone secretly in love with his comrade, or is it just former lovers, which can converge again.


    It is also worth remembering that the most beloved girl will always choose to communicate with her beloved in a situation if, for example, in the alternative, you can go for a walk with your friends. However, there are also certain nuances here: a girl, like a guy, needs to be given a bit of freedom, rest from relationships. So if she chooses a date with a guy, although she could have a fun evening in the circle of her classmates or classmates, it’s better for her beloved to change her plans and allow the girl to relax in the female company. Also, you should not demand maximum attention from a girl to her person. It is important to remember that she has friends, relatives and, possibly, a working circle of friends, which also needs to be given enough time.

    Nice words and deeds

    Another option is to listen to her. The girl will always talk about her feelings. Only guys try to hide them. So if a girl says three main words: “I love you,” why not believe it? In addition, a loved one can often compliment her boyfriend, praise him for various actions, and positively evaluate his behavior. As for actions, this is a completely separate issue. For the sake of a man, a woman is ready to go to great lengths. However, not all men notice this. So, if a lady arranges romantic dinners from time to time, tries to maintain order in the house (if the couple already lives together) - is this not proof of love? After all, these little things take a huge amount of time, which can be spent much more fun. You should not expect from a woman that she will grab the stars from the sky for the sake of her beloved - this is already the concern of men. A woman, on the other hand, can simply make the life of her lover simple, convenient and as comfortable as possible.


    Also, a beloved girl can from time to time, regardless of holidays, give gifts to her man. This also suggests that she has strong feelings for the guy. So, even a small note on paper in the shape of a heart, left somewhere in a secluded place or in plain sight, is already proof of this. Among other things, a girl can write letters or poems to her beloved, give him small romantic gifts, albeit not expensive ones - this is all a manifestation of such a bright feeling as love.


    It should be said that the beloved girl will also know what the guy likes about her. If the relationship is quite long - what do not like. Love will also be manifested in the fact that the lady will try to take care of herself as best as possible (it's not a secret for anyone, with her eyes), try to fix those problem areas that the guy points to. A man should appreciate this, because it is often very difficult for a woman to admit her problems, and sometimes it is even harder to try to work on them.


    If a man asks the question: “Does my wife love me?” - you just have to look at her usual mood. If a lady loves, she will meet her husband from work with a smile, and see her off with a shadow of sadness that she has to leave. It is also not necessary to exclude kisses, hugs, which are also an important element of family life. If there are constant scandals, nit-picking and omissions in the house, there is no need to talk about love and you should think carefully about such relationships. The same applies to those who have not yet reached the stage of cohabitation. If a girl meets a guy joyfully, regardless of the situation and previous mood, there is no need to doubt - this is love.


    In any relationship, trust is key. If a girl (beloved) calls her boyfriend a hundred times a day to find out where and with whom he is, this can hardly be called love. This is most likely a painful love or something even worse. So, a person who truly loves will completely believe and trust his partner in any situation. They say "trust but verify". This is true, however, it must be done very delicately and very rarely, in the most extreme cases.


    Another surefire way to find out if a girl loves a guy. Ask if she knows about his hobbies. Yes, that can say a lot. Beloved from time to time the girl will tell something about his hobby. If the lady not only listens attentively, but also hears, delving into the meaning of the words, then she cares, then we can already say that the girl treats the guy well. If a lady from time to time can easily go with her beloved, for example, to football, without particularly understanding and not being interested in this sport, this is definitely love.

    Secrets, plans, desires

    A person who truly loves is always open to his soul mate. In such a relationship there are no omissions, secrets, mysteries. A girl can easily tell a guy about her most intimate, painful, not embarrassed by her tears. Also, a girl who loves will share plans for the future with her lover, without hiding from him. The same applies to desires: only a lady can tell her beloved about her innermost desires. And who, if not him?

    Getting to know loved ones

    Well, the very last tip on how to find out if a girl loves a guy: ask to introduce you to people dear to her (if this has not happened yet). If a woman loves, she will do it without problems and delays. If any excuses, omissions or evasions begin, you should be wary. This may mean that the girl is not serious enough about the guy to introduce him to her relatives and close friends.

    Men often ask me the question: "How can I understand if a woman loves me or not?"

    And women ask: "How should a woman who loves her man behave?"

    I answer both of these questions in the chapter "How to understand if this is your woman or not?" in The Not Real Man.

    Your woman loves you. Not yours - does not like. Distinguishing one from the other is very easy if you know"organs" of love. They are described at the very beginning."Anatomy of love and fakes" . Let's transfer them to a hypothetical woman.

    1. Your woman is faithful to you. Is always. There are simply no other men for her. They are not there not only for sex, but also for flirting, coquetry, flirting, pampering. For her, strange men are sexless creatures. She behaves with them with restraint, calmly. Don't dynamite them. Does not give out advances. Doesn't try to make you jealous. She doesn't go clubbing or drink wine with strangers at a bar.

    It's not your woman who behaves in the opposite way. He tries his best to make you jealous. He flirts with might and main, flirts with other men, hints at something more. Tries to dynamize them. Or just looking for a new party. She leads an active club life, mostly without you.

    2. Your woman is afraid of losing you. As in the sense of parting, and in the sense of death. She carefully creates coziness and psychological comfort in a couple. She does her best to make you feel good with her.

    It is not for your woman to sneeze whether you will be with her all your life or leave right now. She won't lift a finger for your comfort with her. She will behave the way she wants. If he intends to humiliate you, he will humiliate you. Decides to dynamize - starts to dynamize. If he thinks of betraying, he will betray. And not even for a moment will feel guilty.

    3. Your woman will surround you with kindness and care. She will try to help you in any way she can. Sharing your worries. Will support you. He will never nag you, yell. If she needs something or doesn’t like something, she will calmly tell you about it.

    Not your woman will make you take care of her. Of course, without any reciprocity. She is the queen here, not you. She does not care about your experiences and hardships. But you will get psychological abuse in full.

    4. Your woman will always come to your aid and do everything in her power. She won't leave your bed if you get sick. You are sure that you can always find an ally in her.

    Not your woman will not help you - she is not a serf. If you go to the hospital, she will make you happy with a visit for fifteen minutes. He will bring tangerines and fly away about his business.

    5. Your woman will always sacrifice the minor for something important. She'll skip the show for a date, she won't visit her friends to help you with your presentation for tomorrow's report, she'll put off buying earrings if the family is raising money for your expensive studies. She will sacrifice sleep to sit by your bedside in the hospital.

    Not your woman will not sacrifice anything for you. The needs of her hamster Yaroslav are much more important to her than yours. If your friends are suddenly invited to the club, and you have a date scheduled for that day, then it is immediately canceled. Your learning is nothing compared to an expensive and trendy smartphone. Well, not to sleep is generally nonsense.

    6. Your woman is ready to put up with your shortcomings. She will never remind you of them if she chose to be with you. She always remembers that a person nearby can create some inconvenience, but does not notice them, so as not to spoil the relationship. She is accommodating.

    Not your woman will remind you every day of your shortcomings. Disgusting and derisive. She will not tolerate any inconvenience associated with you. Her comfort matters the most.

    7. Your woman, if she does not like something, will say it calmly and will be ready to listen to explanations, after which - there is a great opportunity - she will change her point of view to yours. She is delicate.

    Not your woman reports everything only in the form of loud claims and ultimatums. Scandal is the norm of her communication. Explanations are not accepted. Either you do what she wants, or you get out of her life.

    8. Your woman is truthful. You can always trust her. Her words are accurate, without exaggeration and understatement, without substitution and concealment of information.

    It’s not your woman who lies to your face, not even caring that her words are somehow like the truth. If you don't believe me, that's your problem.

    9. Your woman will always respond to your kindness with hers. For your gift - yours. If you are attentive to her, she will definitely be attentive to you. Reciprocity for her is not an empty phrase.

    Not your woman recognizes only the nipple system. One goal game. You owe her everything, she owes you nothing. And how did you want, lackey, being next to the queen?! Be glad that you have received the grace of sometimes contemplating her divine carcass!

    10. Your woman trusts you. She does not persistently climb into your intimate psychological zone. Does not require reports and testimony. She shares her secrets with you.

    Not your woman does not believe a single word of yours. She constantly doubts you, takes out checks, comparisons, surveillance. Catch on words. She demands to give her passwords from all your mailboxes and pages on social networks. She reads your messages on her phone and wants you to talk on the speakerphone in her presence. She is sure, no, she knows that you are cheating on her and withholding your true income from her. At the same time, everything connected with it is a big secret for you. She has a million secrets that she carefully hides from you.

    11. But the most main feature YOUR woman is that she is a reliable, proven fighting friend who will not leave you, no matter what happens to you. Up to disability and poverty. And never betray. She always believes in you. But this can only be learned over time, by eating together a pood of salt. Through failure. And through luck too.

    Not your woman - unreliable. Vile. She will leave you as soon as the opportunity to grab a big jackpot. Or when a more wealthy or imposing man appears on the horizon. Or when you get sick and stop being an electric lackey.

    The practical conclusion is simple: you are responsible for your woman. You protect her life and well-being. You are not driving yours. That's all.

    Alexander Biryukov

    You can listen to the "organs" of love and the anatomy of fakes

    in front of the snowy windows.

    All ideas, dreams

    spring in the heart

    Everything around blooms

    Tenderness pours from the soul

    behind the wave,

    And in the palm at night

    Everything that she once

    Loyalty, tenderness and affection,

    Number of reviews: 12

    Number of messages: 24

    Publication certificate: izba-2011-451359

    Elechka, that's great! I can't write about love. Love and be loved!

    An empty soul has become for some time now. She is the only memory, my love.

    Elvirochka, what wonderful words!

    My heart skipped a beat as I read them! So much tenderness and love! I'm amazed.

    Happy holiday, dear Elvira!

    May SPRING always bloom in your heart.

    Happy spring! With a great mood! In response, I hug you, my good one.

    How simple and true.

    I wish you women's happiness!

    With warmth and tenderness

    Joy and happiness to you!

    There is no greater happiness than the love of a woman.

    Then everything will be - and tenderness, and affection, and everything else.

    If a woman loves, her face brightens.

    If a woman loves, she sings all around!

    If a woman loves, she is full of beauty!

    If a woman loves, she is desirable!

    You are always welcome for everyone, Elechka, Happy Birthday! ! !

    And the second half is given only by God, if he wants to make a woman happy.))))

    Too heavy to carry. one.

    If the woman you love loves

    Well, what else is there to dream about?

    And love is crowned with grace

    And the excitement in the chest does not appease.

    Warmly, Alexander.

    Thanks to. Very nice.)))))

    To love and to be loved. Happy birthday! Happiness, health. Let that one knock on the door.

    Nicely. Good luck to you!

    If the beloved woman loves. Very nice, Elvira! Yes, that's right!)))

    And if SHE loves him, and HE loves another.

    God forbid to be unloved.

    Thank you for the beautiful poem, Ela!

    Joy and inspiration, good and warm winter.

    And you just need to cry and survive it. All the best to you, Linda. With the upcoming leap year!

    What a sweet, desirable truth!

    Hello dear Ben. Glad for your visit.

    Dear Ostash! A very beautiful poem! I would like to see from you a work that would begin with the words: "If a man loves."

    If a woman loves
    in front of the snowy windows. All ideas, dreams in the heart of Spring, Everything around is blooming Tenderness pours from the soul, behind the wave, And in the palm at night All that it once

    When does a woman love a woman?

    Numerous works have been written about the homosexuality of the fair sex, analyzing the factors that can directly or indirectly affect a woman's refusal from classical heterosexual relationships. At the same time, scientists argue that the nature of female homosexuality is much more diverse and complex than male. We will give several main reasons that can lead to the formation of lesbian inclinations.

    • The lack of understanding, attention, tenderness and care from the mother - this is what many lesbian women talk about. Deprived of motherly love, girls at a more mature age psychologically try to make up for her lack by looking for a female partner.
    • The mother's denial of her feminine nature also becomes one of the factors that explain why a woman loves a woman. The mother's dislike for herself, the rigidity of the mother's character, the masculine style of dress, hair and behavior gives the little girl a mindset to renounce her feminine essence. Like a mother, a child ceases to love the woman in himself and tries to renounce his feminine principle. The girl acquires the qualities inherent in men, adopts their behavior and attitudes, one of which is the choice of a love partner in the person of a woman.
    • Sometimes a mother or father can consciously or even unconsciously bring up the traits of a man in her daughter. This may be due, for example, to the death of a son or unfulfilled dreams of having a boy. In this case, the child from early childhood gets used to the role usually played by the opposite sex. Because of this, in adulthood, she will choose women as her lovers, continuing to play a masculine role, or, on the contrary, will try to find in the image of a partner that source of female affection and love that her parents did not give her as a woman.
    • Often a woman loves a girl for the reason that in childhood she developed the image of a weak, incapable father who deified her mother and completely obeyed her. In this case, the woman subconsciously refuses to perceive the male gender as a worthy couple and focuses on the stronger, as it seems to her, women.
    • There are also very common cases when a girl turns into a lesbian due to the fact that in childhood her father did not show love for her, constantly criticized, explained that she was not good enough, smart, capable. As she grows older, a girl may begin to move away from her feminine essence, striving to be like more talented, courageous and strong men - after all, she was told from childhood that a woman is worse than a man. This means that she will also choose a woman as a partner, since this is characteristic of male nature.
    • Many psychologists talk about cases when a girl fell in love with a woman because of a total lack of confidence in her own beauty and attractiveness. From an early age, such children were imposed the idea that they were not as sweet and pretty as other girls. As a result, they developed a feeling of inferiority against the background of sincere admiration for the virtues of their peers. They admired, enjoyed, and then fell in love with the beauty of other women.
    • Other women, against the backdrop of a negative perception of their appearance, on the contrary, began to despise their feminine essence, which could not compete with the beauty of other women. They adopted male habits, tried to make their appearance as close as possible to the features of a man. At the same time, sexual attraction to a woman was also copied.

    Of course, not always deprived of parental love or ugly girls become lesbians. This requires the coincidence of a number of factors, the exact list of which no expert can name today, because the human psyche and brain have not been fully studied.

    Homosexual inclinations can manifest themselves both during the period of sexual development (18-25 years), and much later. Sometimes a woman even creates a normal heterosexual family and only years later realizes why she is uncomfortable in these relationships.

    We also suggest paying attention to our other article on the issue of female homosexuality - Why women love women.