Installation of a deep well pump in a well. Downhole pump installation: submersible pump installation rules, tips, video

Drilling a well and installing a casing string is a complex process, and in most cases, it is impossible to perform it without the use of heavy drilling equipment. This is especially true for the development of artesian wells. Therefore, to perform these works, it is better to contact the employees of a company that specializes in providing such services.

But all further work on the arrangement of the well, with elementary construction skills and a technical mindset, can be done independently. Considering the considerable cost of installing a borehole pump by professional craftsmen, self-installation will help save a significant amount of money.

Pump Installation Guide

In this article, the reader will be offered step-by-step instructions for self-installation of a submersible well pump.

  • The stainless steel cable and clamps for fixing it must be designed for the weight of the entire system assembly (pump, electric cable, pipe filled with water, mounting hardware), taking into account a tenfold overload. The length of the cable should be slightly greater than the total depth of the well.
  • The double vinyl insulated electrical cable must be long enough to remain solid without joints throughout its entire length from the pump to the control panel. The recommended cable cross-section and the number of cores are indicated in the pump manual.
  • The HDPE riser pipe and its connecting fittings must also be selected based on the recommendations of the submersible pump manufacturer.

Advice! Before installing the borehole pump, it is necessary to empty the well for two days to clean it from sand and drilling cuttings residues using an inexpensive submersible pump of the “Kid” type. It is highly recommended not to pump with the main borehole pump.

Pump installation

With a small depth of the well, the rope pump can be lowered manually, however, this method is less convenient and requires increased attention, extreme accuracy and the participation of at least two people.

It is much more convenient and safer to carry out maintenance and installation of borehole pumps using a metal or wooden tripod, which is installed on the surface of the earth above the head of the well.

  1. Before starting the descent, you must finally make sure that the connection and tightness of the electrical connection are correct, check the operation of the check valve and the rotation of the working shaft, as well as the reliability of fixing the carrier cable.
  2. Measure the estimated length of the cable and make a loop at its second end by installing two metal clamps. At the head of the well, install a snap-in carabiner for the cable.
  3. As it descends, the power cable must be secured to the pressure pipe with nylon ties or stainless steel clamps. At the fixing point, the cable must be wrapped with a strip of sheet rubber and, while tightening the clamps, make sure not to damage the insulation.
  1. After some time, on the way of the pump, the most difficult place of the well will meet where the casing string changes from a larger diameter to a smaller one. When passing through this section, one should not rush, but gently turning the pump around its axis, push it down with a little pressure.
  2. You can read about that in a previous article on our website, while the most optimal installation depth of a submersible pump is considered to be its location several meters below the dynamic water level, but not closer than 1-2 meters to its surface.
  3. In order to avoid clogging the pump and check valve with sand, it is not allowed to lower the submersible pump closer than 1 meter to the bottom of the well.

Advice! After installing and fixing the pump, make sure that the entire water-lifting system does not hang with its weight on the pressure pipe, but is suspended exclusively on a carrier cable.

For reliable operation of the water supply system, it is necessary to comply with certain rules and requirements that apply to the installation and operation of submersible borehole pumps.

  • Water is the working fluid and, at the same time, the coolant for the submersible pump, so its operation without water is strictly prohibited.
  • In order to exclude dry operation, it is necessary to install a liquid level sensor in the well, which will turn off the power supply to the pump when the water level drops below a critical level.
  • All metal elements of pumping equipment must be made of stainless steel. Its price is much higher than the cost of ferrous metal, however, firstly, stainless steel parts will not affect the composition and taste of water, and secondly, they will not be destroyed during oxidation, which, accordingly, will not lead to cable breakage and loss of the borehole pump.


From the above article, we can conclude that the independent installation of a submersible pump in a well on its own site is quite within the power of almost any home master. To do this, it is enough to be careful, and adhere to generally accepted norms and rules.

Answers to additional questions can be obtained by watching the video in this article, or reading other materials on our website, and if you have any questions for its author, you can leave them in the comment form.

Borehole pumps are now indispensable in most suburban areas. After all, it is wells in the modern society of summer residents or residents of country houses that provide approximately 85% of the liquid.

1.1 Features of installation depending on the type of pump

So, pumps that are created for ordinary domestic water supply are most often divided into (that is, internal) and surface. Directly to the submersible type pumps most often include well, as well as downhole equipment. Interestingly, they are completely immersed in water during operation.

Their main function is to raise the required water from great depths. As for surface pumps, they are used to draw water from a relatively shallow depth (maximum depth is eight meters). They are installed only separately from the main source of water supply.

Many may try to do it, but if a centrifugal type device is required, then difficulties may arise. Borehole pumps (in this case we are talking about their horizontal arrangement) are often used to draw water from various rivers or any other open types of reservoirs.

This option is perfect for people who do not have the opportunity to drill a well, and the water source is far from home. In this case, you need to select a mechanism with high power ratings.

It should be noted that borehole pumps differ in a number of quite significant advantages and pluses:

  • Long service life;
  • Very low noise level;
  • The complete absence of rubbing parts;
  • Ease of connection (even if you wanted to do it yourself);
  • Significant depth of water intake, which is unacceptable for many other types and types of pumps.

If you decide to carry out the installation of a borehole pump yourself, then it is worth remembering that this process will require certain knowledge in this area.

The main thing is to carry out the installation of a centrifugal submersible pump carefully and competently, because all future use will depend solely on the correct arrangement of equipment purchased or made by oneself.

Remember that an error during the installation of a pump, including a centrifugal or deep type, a violation of technology, as well as the use of cheap materials, can lead to various negative consequences in the future. These include:

  • Impossibility of lifting the pump unit during dismantling;
  • Premature failure;
  • Breakage of communications of the pumping mechanism.

All this can lead to the impossibility of further connecting it, so a diagram can help here, which can tell in detail how to do everything correctly.

If your downhole pump simply gets stuck, then its further use will be under serious threat, after which all organizational work on the implementation of the arrangement and drilling of the well itself will have to be started all over again.

2 Nuances and stages of installation of a borehole pump

So, after a careful and painstaking selection and purchase of the necessary devices, the subsequent installation of a borehole pump refers to the second, very important stage of completing the well.

It is worth remembering that the pumping unit must be placed in the well you created below the water mark. But here it is important to measure one meter to the bottom so that during the operation of your equipment there is no capture of soil and sand that have settled on the bottom. After a certain time, they can accumulate in large volumes in the well, or rather at its bottom.

For this reason, the immersion depth is extremely important, even if a centrifugal or submersible pump is used. However, in most cases, the immersion depth is automatically adjusted by special automatic floats. In the event of a critical drop in the water level from the source, the float will immediately turn off the device.

For subsequent connection, together with the pump, a special plastic tube or hose is also carefully lowered into the well. It is on it that the water further rises. Further, the scheme is simple - an electric cable for an electric motor is fixed and, of course, a safety rope, which is placed on the head of the created well.

A pipe for supplying water and protected must be connected or brought into the house. For further sealing of the very mouth of the created structure, a head is used.

It is important to know that during the installation of water equipment it is worthwhile to ensure the organization of the so-called check valve in advance. It is he who will perform the function of protecting the system from dangerous water hammers. If you want to ensure the autonomy of the entire system, the cables for power supply can be connected to a hydraulic accumulator that will generate the required energy.

The water supply from the caisson to the house must be laid in the ground in advance. The most important thing here is that it be below the level of freezing, that is, at a depth of not less than 1.5 meters.

Before installing or submersible pumping equipment, a thorough cleaning of a new well should be carried out, all water should be pumped out, and good preparation should be carried out. If you make sure that the well is completely free of various extra particles, including sand, you can start connecting.

The further scheme does not require special knowledge - the pump is lowered into the well, a special start-up mechanism is installed, and then the necessary adjustment processes begin.

2.1 Installing a well pump (video)

The choice and installation of a borehole pump depends on many factors: the location of the equipment, the required water pressure, pressure losses due to technological friction in the supply pipes, the pressure difference when turning the equipment on and off, its reliability, ease of use, manufacturer and cost.

For personal needs and installation in a suburban area, borehole pumps are selected according to the following criteria:

  • The original dimensions of the equipment. A downhole pump is placed in a well with a certain technological tolerance.
  • Power source of electricity. According to the initial parameters of the site and its power supply, it must be taken into account that borehole pumps are single-phase and three-phase.
  • Pump power. This parameter is predetermined based on water consumption and design pressure.
  • Pump cost. Today on the market there are a lot of offers in different price categories, the main thing is the right choice of the ratio of price and quality of equipment.

Pumps intended for domestic water supply are divided into surface and submersible equipment. Surface pumps are designed to take water from a shallow depth (up to 8 m) and mount them outside the water supply source, submersible, they include borehole and well pumps, during operation they are completely immersed in water, and they are used to raise water from a greater depth. Sometimes borehole pumps (when organized in a horizontal arrangement) are used to draw water from rivers or other open reservoirs, if they are located away from home and high-power equipment is required to deliver water.

Downhole pumps have a number of advantages:

  • Large water intake depth, inaccessible to other types of pumps.
  • Ease of installation.
  • No moving parts.
  • Low noise level.
  • Long service life.

Installation of a borehole pump requires certain skills and knowledge. It is very important to carry out the installation correctly and accurately, since all its further operation will depend on the correct arrangement of the equipment.

Improper installation of the pump, the use of low-quality materials and a violation of technology can lead to the following negative consequences, which will then be difficult to correct:

  • Breakage of the pump;
  • Premature failure of it;
  • Inability to lift the pump during dismantling.

If the well pump gets stuck, its operation will become impossible, all organizational work on drilling and well construction will need to be started again.

Stages of work

After choosing the equipment, this is the second, very important stage of well completion.

The pump must be installed in the well below the water level, but not closer than one meter to the bottom, so that during operation of the equipment sand and sedimentary soil are not captured, which can accumulate at the bottom of the well over time.

Together with the pump, an operational plastic pipe is lowered into the well, through which water, a safety cable and an electric cable for the pump motor will rise. The cable is fixed on the head of the well, and a protected cable and a pipe for supplying water are brought into the house. The head is needed to seal the mouth of the well structure.

When installing the equipment, it is necessary to provide for the organization of a check valve that will protect the system from water hammer.

The water supply from the caisson to the house must be laid in advance in the ground at a depth of at least one and a half meters, below the freezing level.

Before installing a borehole pump, you need to thoroughly clean the well, pump it, pump out water until the well is clear of sand and excess particles. Then the downhole pump is lowered into the well and a start-up device is installed, adjustment work is carried out. If the equipment is not provided by the manufacturer with a check valve, then in order to avoid the back pressure of water, it is installed immediately after the installation of the pump. After solving organizational issues, the pressure in the pressure tank is regulated, its estimated value is 0.9 units of the switching pressure. Having adjusted this indicator, connect the borehole pump.

Another important advantage of borehole pumps is the fact that the water pumped by them simultaneously cools the engine, which protects it from overheating during long-term operation. The presence of a float switch in the pump will ensure automatic shutdown of the equipment in case of a sharp drop below the permissible water level. The main disadvantage of borehole pumps is the technological complexity of carrying out preventive and repair work.

Regardless of the parameters of the selected pump, during installation it is necessary to align its point of operation in various modes; measure the estimated flow rate of water supply, which is determined by the rate of filling the volume; according to the readings of the pressure gauge, the generated pressure and current consumption are measured using special current tongs.

If the operating parameters are exceeded (compared to the original data of the manufacturer), it is necessary to close the pump valve at the outlet of the well, thus creating additional resistance, which will be sufficient to correctly set the operating point. When installing a borehole pump, it is imperative to install a starter with protection and set it to the calculated current value.


This story will tell about the assembly of the pumping group for a submersible pump.

We bring to your attention a video that will tell you about some moments of installing the pump.

And this video will tell you what to do if the pump is stuck in the well.

After the drilling of a well on a personal plot is completed, and the water in the mine is completely cleared of sand and clay, you can begin the final stage of arranging an individual water supply system - installing a borehole pump. Before carrying out installation work, it is necessary to choose the right pump, as well as buy the materials and fixtures necessary for connecting it.

Which pump is suitable for a well

The choice of pumping equipment begins with determining the type of model. All pumping units are divided into surface and submersible: the first are installed in close proximity to the water source, and the second must be completely immersed in the liquid during operation. Surface models are easy to maintain and their cost is somewhat lower, but most of these units are designed for a suction depth of 7-9 meters. In addition to conventional surface pumping stations, ejector-type installations are produced that are capable of lifting water from a depth of up to 25-40 meters. Their design requires immersion in the well not one, but two pipes - suction and pressure.

For deep wells, submersible models are considered a more suitable option. When choosing an electric pump, it is necessary to pay attention to the principle of operation of the equipment. Vibrating devices are not recommended to be lowered into the shaft. Installing such a pump in a well will lead to erosion and siltation of the source.

In cases where there is a significant amount of abrasive impurities in the water, you should opt for screw or screw pumps. They do not have high performance, but are resistant to sand, clay and lime. If the water contains no more than 0.15% solids, it is best to purchase a centrifugal unit. The device of a centrifugal borehole pump allows the supply of large volumes of fluid to a head height of up to 100 meters or more.

Many manufacturers produce models specifically designed for operation in deep wells. They are smaller in size, have protection against engine overheating, and are often additionally equipped with an electric cable and cable, the length of which corresponds to the maximum immersion depth.

Surface pumps are easier to install and cheaper than submersible models, but they are only effective for wells up to 8 meters deep.

An important parameter when choosing a model is the diameter of the case. It should be 15-20 mm smaller than the internal dimensions of the casing. Otherwise, the equipment may malfunction and fail much earlier than the period declared by the manufacturer. You should also pay attention to the features of the power supply of the unit. For household supply, the power of single-phase installations is quite sufficient.

Additional materials

The list of required materials depends on which well pump will be installed. For surface models, you will need a check valve with a filter and a suction hose to sink into the mine with a sufficient degree of rigidity. When using the ejector model, you will need to purchase two pipes with a diameter corresponding to the inlets of the pumping part.

To connect a submersible well pump with your own hands, you will need to purchase the following:

Cable for fixing the pumping unit in the mine. If the equipment is already equipped with a cable, you should check its length, make sure it is strong and resistant to moisture. The cord must be able to support 5 times the weight of the pump.

Electrical cable. The length of the cable is calculated so that it does not sag, but is not stretched either.

Pipe for connection to the water supply. Usually, the installation of the pump in the well is carried out using plastic pipes of the diameter corresponding to the outlet pipe. When choosing pipes, they take into account the distance to the water mirror: at a depth of up to 50 m, you can purchase plastic designed for a pressure of 10 bar, from 50 to 80 m - up to 12.5 bar, and over 80 you should choose a pipe that can withstand an impact of 16 bar. The pump is also connected to the well using metal pipes, but this option is more expensive, and the presence of connections between individual elements increases the likelihood of loss of tightness of the supply pipe and the formation of leaks.

Sturdy steel knot on the top of the shaft to secure the pump.

Fasteners for fixing the electric cable on the supply pipe.

Installation of surface equipment

Surface models are installed indoors (if the water source is located near the house) or in a previously prepared insulated well (caisson) near the mouth of the mine. The installation site must be level, it is recommended to additionally fix the unit with bolted connections.

Scheme of installing a pump in a well

How to properly connect a surface-type well pump? A non-return valve with a filter is put on the lower part of the suction pipe, the upper end is connected to the inlet of the pump part. Ejector models are equipped with an external unit, which is connected to the bottom of the pipes, the upper ends of the suction hoses are attached to the inlet pipes.

The suction pipeline must be completely sealed: when air is sucked in the pipe or at the joints between the blades of the impellers of the pump part, turbulences will be created that prevent the normal pumping of the liquid.

Usually, the connection scheme for a surface pump for a well includes:

  • expansion membrane tank for constant maintenance of pressure in the system and mitigation of water hammer at the time of engine start;
  • an automation unit that starts the engine when the pressure in the water supply drops and turns it off when the pressure rises to the specified parameters;
  • filters for water purification from impurities.

All of these devices can be purchased separately or you can buy an already assembled pumping station, completely ready for connection to the water supply system. Before the first start-up, the pipe and the chamber with the impeller are filled with water.

The general scheme for installing a submersible pump and connecting all the necessary elements to the house water supply

The submersible pump is connected in several successive stages.

Preliminary work

Before installing the pump in the well, it is necessary to carefully check the barrel along the entire length. In cases where the requirements for drilling the mine were not met during excavation, there may be narrowing or curvature at the joints of the casing pipes. If the existing defects prevent the free passage of the housing of the submersible pumping unit, they must be eliminated.

To fix the unit, a strong steel frame should be made, which is put on the head of the well. A hole is drilled in it for fixing the cable.

Installation steps

Suspension system preparation.

Installation begins with assembly: a check valve is installed on the inlet pipe to prevent the outflow of water from the system when the engine is turned off, then, if necessary, a bowl-shaped filter is mounted to prevent abrasive impurities from entering the working part of the installation.

The assembled unit is connected to the supply hose using an adapter. To ensure tightness, it is recommended to use winding. The fastening cord is pulled through the eyelets provided in the case and is securely fastened. If the electrical cable is not provided in the design, it will also need to be connected to the device. At the same time, it is very important to provide reliable protection against moisture penetration: the connection is insulated with a heat-shrinkable tube, and on top of it - with a waterproofing sleeve.

The pipe, hose and cable are straightened along the entire length, and then connected together with clamps or clips, making sure that the cable is located more freely

Lowering the device into the shaft

After preparing the suspension system, you can proceed to lowering the unit into the well. Perform it slowly and extremely carefully, trying to ensure that the body does not come into contact with the walls of the casing. To protect the device and the walls of the shaft from damage, you can put a protective ring on the housing. It is only necessary to hold on to the fastening rope, while making sure that the hose and electric cable are not too tight.

There is little space left between the walls of the casing and the pump. Therefore, it is better to release the submersible pump into the well very carefully.

The depth of immersion depends on the filling of the well and the recommendations of the manufacturer. Before performing work, you must carefully read the instructions. As a rule, the optimal distance to the bottom should be at least 1 m, with a lower location, the likelihood of abrasive particles getting inside the device increases. The recommended distance from the upper part of the body to the water surface is at least 50 cm. After the pumping unit reaches the recommended depth, the cable is fixed to the frame.

Connecting a borehole pump

Before connecting the pumping equipment, a trench is dug from the house to the well, the depth of which will be greater than the freezing depth. A supply pipe and an electrical cable are laid in the trench. If it is not possible to bring communications at the same depth into the house, the exit located above the freezing level should be well insulated.

The connection scheme of the borehole pump is the same as that of the surface models: a hydraulic accumulator with an automation unit and filters for water purification are connected to the supply pipe, the cable is connected to the household power supply.

Properly performed installation of the pump in the well with your own hands will ensure long-term operation of the equipment and uninterrupted supply of water to the water supply system at home. When replacement or preventive maintenance is required, the pump can be easily lifted to the surface and lowered back into the shaft.

A centralized water supply system in small summer cottages is a great luxury. That is why the problem of organizing water supply sooner or later falls on the shoulders of their owners.

With a limited budget, the installation of a hand pump is also considered the most rational way to resolve the issue. We will understand all the intricacies of the operation of such equipment, as well as its manufacture with our own hands.

1 Operational features of hand pumps

A water hand pump for a well is a special device for pumping fluid to the surface under pressure. Equipment of this type is driven by human efforts by pressing a special lever mechanism.

The operation of manual installations requires the use of physical force, so it is rational to use them in areas with a low need for water.

Of course, the speed of work and the volume of liquid raised by the pump are incomparable with automatic systems, but the lack of an uninterrupted source of electricity is forcing summer residents to increasingly introduce this particular format of devices.

1.1 Advantages and disadvantages

The manual method of raising water from a well has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The positives include:

  • The simplicity of the equipment was the reason for its quick installation.
  • Installation of the system is possible in almost any conditions.
  • Saving resources - the pump is driven by human effort, without requiring an electrical connection.
  • The device consists of unified components and parts, which, if necessary, are subject to replacement - this feature allows you to maximize the life of the installation.
  • A hand pump is much cheaper than its counterparts.
  • You save money on putting the equipment into operation, because the process is so simple that it does not require the involvement of a specialist.

1.2 Classification of hand pumps

Pumps for pumping water from an Abyssinian or other well perform the same function, but their design and principle of operation are somewhat different from each other. Depending on the specified criteria, equipment with a manual mechanism is classified into two categories:

  • piston pumps;
  • rod pumps.

Manual piston pumps are used in cases where the water at the site is located at a shallow depth - up to 10 m.

The principle of operation of the equipment is quite simple. The device is a metal cylinder, inside of which a piston is placed. Under the influence of physical force, it alternately moves up and down. Raising the lever by a person leads to the displacement of liquid through the inlet, and lowering it leads to filling the over-piston space with water.

It will not be difficult to build such a simple device with your own hands and mount it in your summer cottage.

A manual deep-well rod pump is a more complex mechanism that is designed to pump water from an Abyssinian well or any other depth of 10-30 m. Its design consists of a cylinder, a piston and a very long rod, which, under the action of a lever, starts the entire system. The rod pump is located directly in, while its rod is immersed in the water layer to a depth of about 1 m.

To figure out which type of product is right for your operating conditions, you will have to study the main criteria for choosing equipment.

2 Hand pump selection

The choice of a manual fluid transfer pump will depend on a number of factors:

  • Well depth.

The most important criterion when buying equipment or making it yourself. To lift water from a shallow depth (up to 10 m), you can use simple mechanisms with a piston system. If you have to pump liquid from an Abyssinian well with a depth of 10-30 m, you will have to choose a device with a rod system.

  • Well diameter.
  • Mounting method.

When selecting a device, you need to think in advance whether there is a need for its further movement to another object. Such a need often arises when, for household needs, liquid is taken from the river, and for drinking - from.

  • period of use.

The main element of a hand pump is a piston in a pipe

On sale there are models designed for year-round use, as well as inexpensive options with a plastic case for use in the summer.

By considering every detail in advance, you can be sure that the hand pump for pumping water will meet the user's expectations.

2.1 Stages of manufacturing and connecting a hand pump

Assembling a hand pump with your own hands from improvised means is a feasible task for every man. The main thing is to strictly follow the indicated instructions:

  • We make the body.

For the body of a homemade pump, you will need a metal cylinder - it can be a piece of an old pipe or an unnecessary sleeve from a diesel engine. The length of the segment should be about 60-80 cm, and the diameter should be over 8 cm.

To ensure the high-quality operation of future equipment, it is necessary to machine the inner surface of the pipe on the machine. By ridding the metal of unevenness, you will ease the effort that will be required to pump water.

  • Cut out the lid.

For its manufacture, you can use metal or plastic. In the cover, be sure to make a hole for the stem. When the design is ready, the piston is placed inside. After that, the bottom is closed with exactly the same lid with a valve. A pipe for water supply is welded on the side.

  • Piston installation.

The piston can be made of wood, plastic or metal, the main rule is that it must be sealed with a rubber ring. When installing this structural element, it is necessary to leave a minimum gap between the walls of the housing, then water will not seep through.

  • Connecting the inlet pipe to the well.

The inlet pipe that supplies water to the inside of the device must be strong and durable. To ensure these characteristics, select reinforced hoses, rigid plastic elements or.

  • Valve installation.

Check valves are special holes that are created in the piston body and the bottom cover of the metal cylinder. They determine the performance of the entire system. Valves prevent fluid from returning back to the inlet pipe.

To create them, you can use thick rubber, which is fixed on the hole with rivets.

  • Decorative work.

A homemade hand pump should have a comfortable handle. Its shape can be any, the main thing is to securely attach the element to the stem. In addition, the pump itself must be fixed on the prepared site using a flange.

Having carried out the whole complex of works of the above works, you will ensure an uninterrupted supply of water on your own site.

2.2 Stages of creating a pump (video)