Which water ionizer is better. Choosing a water ionizer

Step by step, ionizers are becoming the same familiar household accessories as microwaves and mixers. Ionization of the air environment with the help of such devices is a prerequisite for maintaining normal health.

If the consumer has an intolerance to the smell of ozone, then it is necessary to purchase a device that processes a smaller volume of air than in a given room. If the task is to install an ionizer in a smoking room, then you need a device that effectively emits ozone. It is this gas that best kills the tobacco smell. It is advisable to choose a device equipped with an electrostatic filter for resinous substances. In a dusty room, the ionizer removes dust as much as possible, which is especially important for allergy sufferers and babies.

It would be nice to take care of their health for motorists who breathe in the interiors of their cars an explosive mixture of dust and exhaust gases. Compact car ionizers not only purify the air from carbon monoxide, but also relieve fatigue, improving attention while driving.

We have compiled a list of the best ionizers based on expert reviews and real customer reviews. Our recommendations will help you make the best choice for your requirements and desires. There are many competitors on the global equipment market, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend paying special attention to them:

  1. air comfort
Air Water Home Car

* Prices are valid at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Ionizers: Air

Air / Machine

Main advantages
  • The device is designed for use in a vehicle interior. Power is supplied from the on-board network by connecting to the cigarette lighter socket
  • After activating the device, the interior of the car is intensively saturated with ions, due to which there is a feeling of fresh mountain air.
  • The body of the device is made of durable anodized aluminum. When you connect the ionizer to the cigarette lighter, a pleasant blue backlight turns on.
  • The ionizer-purifier is used not only to remove unpleasant odors, but also to cleanse the smallest allergenic particles that are in the interior dust
  • When powered by 12 V DC, power consumption is minimal, so there is no risk of "planting" the battery

Show all products in the category "Air"

Ionizers: Water

Water / Home

Main advantages
  • Active silver water is necessary for the good functioning of all important body systems. The device prepares silver water, killing all bacteria that cause various diseases by 100%.
  • The ionizer productively receives silver ions for water disinfection. Of the two electrodes of the device, one is made of silver, thanks to which the ions enter the water due to the action of direct current
  • The ionizer produces drinking water with a small (0.035mg/liter) silver concentration. Silver water with this composition is used in cooking and for antimicrobial treatment of dishes and things from the children's wardrobe.
  • In the second silvering mode, the device makes a concentrate with a high silver content (10mg/liter). It is mainly used for watering domestic plants and for cosmetic care.
  • Convenient control process is carried out using three touch buttons. The electronics are controlled by a modern microprocessor, which ensures long and trouble-free operation.

The desire of the population for a healthy lifestyle has received active support from marketers and enterprising manufacturers.

As a result, a water ionizer and other similar devices have gained great popularity, some of which actually perform useful functions. But many of them, at best, work as a psychological support factor.

Consumers need to have a real idea about the nature of the action of the aggregates, assess the need for the promised benefits, and exclude the possibility of harm to the body.

How does an ionizer work?

A device with this name contributes to the formation of ions in water in one way or another. Pure water exists primarily in the form of molecules. It decomposes into ions to a meager degree (10 -7 mol / l), therefore it belongs to very weak electrolytes.

Ionization stimulates the formation of negatively and positively charged particles in water. The result of this process will be more noticeable if foreign substances are present in the liquid in a dissolved or solid state.

Ionizers, positioned as units for obtaining "living" water, pass an electric current through a solution of mineral salts. The internal capacity of the device has a membrane-type partition, which prevents the mixing of solutions formed with differently charged electrodes.

As a result, a solution with a high content of negatively charged ions of sodium, potassium, alkaline earth metals is formed near the cathode. The liquid has an alkaline environment, comparable in composition to mineral water of natural origin.

Acid ions are concentrated near the anode, the solution of which is often called "dead" water for reasons that are not entirely clear. Acidified solutions are also useful and pleasant, which confirms the centuries-old experience of mankind using various types of vinegar and lemon juice as a food additive.

Process Features

If chlorinated water from urban water supply networks is subjected to ionization, then active oxidizing agents can form in solution in small amounts, for example, hypochlorites, which are used as disinfectants, bleaching agents in detergents. The prospect of getting healthier with such water is unlikely to please potential buyers.

There are electrical devices, which are often called ionizers, with electrodes of a specific composition that make it possible to obtain ozone in a solution. At the other pole, this can form hydrogen peroxide.

In some devices, silver ions are generated from a suitable metal plate. In other ionizers, electrolysis occurs, in which an aqueous solution of the contained mineral salts is separated into charged particles.

In any case, ionization is an electrochemical process of transformation of substances present in water. Its direction depends on the features of the device and the materials used to manufacture the device.

Myths about ionization

Ionization of water is now interpreted by many as an undoubted benefit that can work wonders, heal the sick, and prevent the onset of diseases in healthy people. It's good to remember the basics of a school chemistry course, especially the section on the structure and properties of water, in order to understand what is at stake in the characteristics of ionizers.

Water belongs to very weak electrolytes, which is confirmed by a simple experiment. In a glass of water, you need to dip the wires of the circuit, in the middle of which an electric light bulb is mounted. As a result:

  • in absolutely pure water, it will not light up (there are no charged particles);
  • in ordinary tap water, the light bulb will not light up very brightly;
  • in mineral water with a lot of salts - it will light up with a bright light.

The experiment confirms the absence of charged ion particles in a sample with pure water and their presence in solution. Therefore, the ionizer stimulates the formation of ions, in fact, in a solution of salts.

After realizing this fact, it is difficult to trust information from manufacturers about the possibility of cleaning by ionization, realizing that this cannot be true.

Important! It is possible to ionize only water with impurities, the amount of which must be strictly controlled due to the possible diverse effects on the body.

The constant use of the product of electrochemical processing instead of pure life-giving moisture can be harmful. Therefore, it is better to use ordinary table mineral water with a strictly indicated concentration of all components.

For regular drinking, water that has undergone high-quality purification in industrial or domestic conditions using a system of various filters is also useful. Even an ordinary household cleaner, in which cartridges are replaced in a timely manner, delivers a more valuable product for everyday use than an ionic solution.

Popular types of ionizers

It is advisable to consider the possibilities declared by manufacturers for the most popular units that ionize water.

Silver ionizers

There are several ways to saturate water with silver particles, the most ancient of which is to store it in a silver dish. Alternatively, the method of immersing silver jewelry or cutlery in water can be used. These are the so-called water ionizers on a chain, often used at home.

Silver items on a chain are no different from 925 high silver spoons, bracelets, pendants, crosses made of the same material.

More complex water ionizers are electrical appliances with silver plates. Modern manufacturers use them to enhance the formation of ions.

It is useful to remember that silver products have different concentrations of the precious metal, which is displayed in the sample. For example, numerous pieces of jewelry have a fairly high 925 as opposed to tableware containing more impurities and less silver. The use of a low grade noble metal ion source with a significant content of other substances as a source of noble metal ions can degrade water quality.

Silver ionizers for water with a high concentration of a noble metal produce a liquid with the desired properties, which should be consumed in doses, excluding oversaturation of the body. Periodic short-term intake of water with an increased content of silver ions, according to user reviews, can be beneficial.

tourmaline glass

According to scientists in the field of physics, chemistry, medicine, the ability of tourmaline to supply ions to the solution and in this way have a therapeutic effect does not stand up to criticism. The idea of ​​tourmaline ionizers is based, apparently, on the ability of the crystals of this mineral, under a certain influence, to acquire internal polarization, to become electrified.

This phenomenon is in no way related to the ionization of water, because the formation of poles in the tourmaline molecule does not initiate the appearance of ions in the surrounding water.

If water from a tourmaline ionizer helps someone recover from ailments, then the problems were psychological in nature. Any getting rid of diseases is always pleasing, even if the method of achieving the result is not confirmed.

Electrical devices

Numerous devices for ionization have a variety of designs. The devices produce slightly alkalized or acidified water, similar in properties to mineral water. In some cases, under the action of an ionizer, other useful or not the most beneficial substances are formed in the liquid.

The use of an ionizer is not an expedient way to restore health. It does not show any advantage over the intake of mineral water, oxygen cocktails and many other healing drinks.

Water ionizers are used to change the pH values ​​and the redox potential of water. In ionizers-electrolyzers, ionization occurs due to electric current. In the second case, ionizers operate on the basis of semi-precious minerals - tourmaline and coral.

In order to choose a water ionizer, you can not focus on a cheap device. It is necessary to buy products only from trusted manufacturers.

The choice of ionizers-electrolyzers

It is very important that for water using an electric current, the electrodes are made of titanium. This can be explained by the fact that only titanium, ruthenium oxide and platinum do not dissolve during electrolysis. In cheap electrolyzers, which are quite a lot on the Russian market, the electrodes are made of stainless and food steel. Their composition, in addition to titanium, includes heavy metals, the water is also saturated with their ions.

Another purpose of ionizers is therapeutic. Depending on the pH value and redox potential, ionized water can be healing, especially if the ionizers contain silver plates. Purified from pathogenic bacteria, charged with silver ions, water has a beneficial effect on the body, mainly on the gastrointestinal tract.

But different values ​​of redox potential affect different diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension. At other values, it will be just water with antioxidant properties. In the instructions for the ionizer, all this must be correctly recorded. Otherwise, if, for example, it is written by an engineer, a device manufacturer, a person far from medicine, blind use of the ionizer water can cause.

Ionizers will not work on purified bottled water without minerals, it will need to be specially mineralized.

Much also depends on the hardness of the water, and the product is not guaranteed in regions with very hard water.

You need to choose an ionizer that is able to make the pH level at least 9.5-10. The highest quality electrolyzers increase it to 12-12.5. The redox potential should have a value of at least 300, and preferably 450.

Flow electrolyzers

Flow electrolyzers are mainly used for drinking, bathing and cooking, but they can also. These devices of beautiful and stylish design will decorate the kitchen. Flow electrolyzers have several filters for water purification; they turn tap water into an antioxidant and immunomodulator. Many flow electrolyzers have a special container where microelements can be introduced and water can be obtained for the treatment of osteoporosis, gastritis, adenoma, hypertension, etc.

Mineral ionizers

The second group of ionizers is formed by ionizers on minerals. Minerals purify water from chlorine, hardness salts, heavy metals and bacteria and saturate it with negative ions, that is, ionizers based on minerals produce only one water - “live”, with redox potential and pH for daily use.

Containers with minerals are produced in the form of flasks, bottles, decanters. If you pour water into such a flask, after a while you can get purified water with antioxidants.

Today, many people think about the state of their health, begin to eat right and play sports. However, all the efforts achieved through an active lifestyle and the use of healthy foods can be nullified by poor water quality. It's no secret that tap water in apartments or well and borehole water in private homes is far from perfect, but an adult needs to drink about 2 liters of water daily. Many resort to the age-old method of using pitcher filters, but recent research in this area suggests that after passing through the filter element, the water does not become cleaner at best, and even more polluted at worst. You can try to defend the water, but it takes a long time, but some harmful substances do not settle to the bottom for a long time. The solution to this problem was found - scientists have developed a special device called a water ionizer.

These products have long been used in other countries both in homes and in public places. The fact is that ionizers allow you to fully restore the normal acid-base level of the liquid (ideally, it should be in the range from 8 to 12), and also saturate it with minerals that are useful for the human body. Such water is pleasant to drink, and with regular use it will have a positive effect on human health, and can also increase its performance. With the help of water that has passed through the ionizer, you can get rid of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, calm the nervous system, remove the effects of poisoning, and so on.

On sale today you can find a decent selection of water ionizers. This device is quite new for the inhabitants of our country, so not everyone is able to understand its characteristics. So that you can purchase the best product for yourself, we decided to write for you an overview of the best water ionizers of 2019. Before proceeding to a direct analysis of the models, let's look at what such a device is and what you should pay attention to when buying it.

The ionizer, designed for domestic use, enriches the liquid with ozone, which kills all pathogens in the water, and also neutralizes chlorine compounds. Most products are equipped with a display on which all the necessary parameters are set, the device automatically turns off after work is completed. After the end of the process, the water should be allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes - this time is quite enough for the ozone to begin to decompose, saturating the water with oxygen.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: water from the pipe enters the tank, where it is cleaned from mechanical impurities, microorganisms and other substances harmful to health. The filter contains silver, which disinfects the liquid. Before purchasing the product directly, you need to decide where you plan to place this device. It should be noted that ionizers connected directly to the pipeline have a longer service life.

Water in the device passes through electrolysis, it is desirable that the plates that transmit electric current are made of titanium, since this metal does not oxidize during operation. The more such plates there are, the greater the purity of the water will be achieved. The ionizer has replaceable blocks, so you should first find out their cost and where they can be purchased, otherwise there are cases when consumables are more expensive than the device itself. Portable designs can also be found on sale - they can be used anywhere.

When choosing models to be included in our rating of the best water ionizers, we were guided by all the points indicated earlier, and also took into account the price-quality ratio of products, and largely relied on user reviews. For each device, we tried to collect the maximum possible amount of information so that you can immediately decide whether this product is right for you or it is better to choose a more suitable one. Now it's time to move on to the characteristics of ionizers.

The best models of water ionizers

10. Tech-380

Not the most expensive design in our review. The price is quite acceptable for most users, largely due to the decent overall dimensions of the product, and also due to the lack of a liquid crystal display. For all other qualities, the product is in no way inferior to models of a more expensive price category. In the electrolysis chamber there are titanium plates, which are additionally coated with platinum according to the technology of the Japanese company KOBE Steel. The connection process is very simple, does not take much time and effort. The design provides an automatic cleaning system, so that the product will be convenient during operation and unpretentious. In this case, you can also clean the device manually.

The ionizer has a built-in filter that removes all water pollutants, while microelements useful for the body are passed through. The filter is designed for 6 cubic meters of water, that is, if you use about 3 liters of water per day, the supply of work will be enough for about 5 years. Changing the element is quite simple. The model is also equipped with a pre-filter. The basic configuration allows you to connect the ionizer to a tap, for tapping into the pipeline you will have to purchase an additional nozzle.


  • A large supply of work for the filter cartridge;
  • Acceptable water flow rate;
  • Excellent output quality;
  • Low cost of consumables.


  • The quality of the nozzle on the faucet leaves much to be desired - it does not always connect tightly with it, which is why the spray scatters to the sides.


It is characterized by the presence of an intuitive color interface of the latest generation, which is additionally equipped with a voice assistant. The device has the ability to manually adjust - over 300 modes of automatic ionization and saturation with silver ions. The total volume of the tank is 3.5 liters - a pretty decent indicator for this equipment. It works very quickly, the entire volume passes the specified processing within a few minutes. Today, among domestic products, this model is one of the most popular. Removable filters the creators of the device recommend changing about once every six months or a year, if the product is used constantly. The service life of the equipment is about 12 years, and the warranty period is as long as 3 years.

The ionizer has an automatic shutdown system, which will be notified to the user with a sound signal. Some users note that the filters quickly fail, they simply burst in the middle. As the manufacturers note, this is due to the hardness of the water, so they offer customers to take the device for free for a month for a test, and if something does not suit them, simply return it back. At the same time, the water that has passed through the ionizer is recommended to be used during the day, since in the future it will lose its useful qualities.


  • The water turns out quite tasty;
  • High quality electrodes;
  • Acceptable cost of consumables;
  • You can clean the device from plaque without fear of damaging the electronics.


  • The risks for securing the inner container could have been made more distinct.

8. IVA-2 Silver

With this device, you can get both alkaline and acidic water, as well as water saturated with silver ions. For the latter, a special electrode is provided, made of 999 silver, the mass of which is 9 grams. According to the manufacturer, there are a large number of different coatings on the anode electrode, due to which it is possible to ensure a long period of operation of the device. The product does not need to be connected to the water supply - there are two chambers inside, where water is poured and the device is connected to the network. The electrodes are made of titanium. The design is equipped with an electronic timer - the entire process of ionization and filtration takes about half an hour. The device will notify the user of the completion of the process, but it will have to be turned off manually. Both acidic and alkaline water can be prepared at the same time - a special membrane is provided for this.

5 filters are supplied with the device, however, in the future, these consumables will need to be purchased from the manufacturer. A lifetime warranty is given on the components - if any part fails, the company will replace this part for free. The body of the product is made of high-quality plastic, all elements are securely fitted to each other, so there is not even the slightest hint of backlash or suspicious sounds.


  • Along with the device comes indicator paper, which allows you to assess the degree of acidity and alkalinity of water;
  • Reliable security system of the device - if the lid opens during electrolysis, the device turns off;
  • There is an electronic scoreboard;
  • Very convenient to use.


  • Not too large tank volume;
  • The bowl may turn yellow over time due to hard water.

7. Keosan Actimo KS-9610

This system has no analogues today, since it includes not only the ionization of water, but also its saturation with oxygen, there is also a function of magnetization. This allows you to get a high-quality and pleasant-tasting product that will positively affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract and other important body systems. In this device, the latest scientific technologies for obtaining water with high natural qualities have been applied, and they are obtained much higher than even with crystal clear mountain springs. No chemicals are used here. The magnetization of water is carried out due to the rotation of a permanent magnet in the device, due to which a so-called magnetic vortex arises. As a result, there is a change in the molecular structure. With regular use, such water can not only normalize and speed up metabolism, but also restore sleep, calm the nervous system.

The filtering and ionizing element itself looks like a cube equipped with holes and grooves, passing through which the liquid is saturated with oxygen. The volume of the container is one and a half liters - enough for two people. As users say in their reviews, the water that has passed through all the ionizer systems in its taste and other qualities is largely superior to ordinary water.


  • A large number of useful qualities;
  • Small overall dimensions of the product;
  • Good build quality;
  • Long service life.


  • High cost of consumables;
  • Cartridges will have to be ordered directly from the manufacturer.

6. RAWMID Dream flask

The most compact model in our entire review of the best water ionizers. If necessary, the device can be carried with you all the time. The case is made of high-quality stainless steel, which is reliably protected from scratches and other physical influences. The inner flask is made of tourmaline, the effect of which on water improves its quality. The mass of the device is only 700 grams, and up to 400 ml of liquid can be ionized at a time. There are two versions of the device - standard and with artificial leather trim. The product is supplied with a mineral filter, which includes elements such as shungite, calcium and other natural materials saturated with negatively charged ions. According to the manufacturer, one cartridge will be enough to clean and ionize about 12 cubic meters of water.

The lid is carefully twisted, has rubber gaskets that reliably protect against leakage. If desired, the user can additionally purchase a special bag. Users note that the alkalinity rises to 8.5 pH - not very high, but quite enough for eating. Water from this device acquires a pleasant taste, all processes take a minimum of time - only 20 minutes are enough for this. It retains all its useful characteristics during the day.


  • Helps to get rid of excess weight;
  • Differs in attractive appearance;
  • Water is very quickly saturated with useful substances.


  • Small tank volume.

5. Nano glass Fuji

With this device, you can get water with alkalinity with a pH of 8 to 9.8. This can be achieved largely due to the presence of semi-precious minerals inside the containers, as well as volcanic lava, which has undergone specialized processing using the most modern technologies. The assembly of the device is of high quality, besides it is very convenient to use. Two containers are provided inside the body - one is located at the bottom of the glass, the second is removable, it contains all the useful minerals. The products fully comply with the declared characteristics, all processes take a minimum amount of time - pH 9.8 is reached after 8 minutes of operation of the device. In general, the shape of the device resembles a thermos. The top cover, if necessary, can be easily removed, screwed back very tightly, there is not the slightest hint of leakage.

At one time, you can get up to 430 ml of purified liquid with a rich content of healthy substances. The main material from which this device is made is stainless steel. For additional protection against oxidation, it is coated with titanium anhydride. There are no cartridges in this ionizer; with proper use, the model can last up to 20 years.


  • Convenient, small and lightweight design;
  • Made from quality materials;
  • No need to change consumables;
  • Quickly prepares the nominal volume of water.


  • There are quite a lot of fake products on the market, so it is advisable to purchase the product directly from the customer.

4. i-Water Home 1400

Designed for both home use and for preparing ionized water while traveling. Thanks to the device, it is possible to obtain products with an alkaline level of pH 8.5 and a redox potential of -200 mlV. This water is characterized by very high antioxidant qualities. The volume of the tank is decent - almost 1.4 liters. If necessary, the product can be placed in the refrigerator for cooling. The lid is airtight, eliminating not only leakage, but also the penetration of foreign odors. One of the important features of the product is the material from which it is made. The ionizer is made of tritan, an absolutely safe and environmentally friendly metal, which has all the necessary international quality certificates.

This model is unique, since the ionization of water occurs without the participation of electrolysis. The composition of the cleansing and ionizing filter contains coal, tourmaline, magnesium and elvan. In such a cartridge, active hydrogen is produced, and reactive oxygen is also suppressed. This technique allows you to slow down or even prevent the aging process. With the help of water ionized in this way, it is possible to significantly reduce the level of acidity in the blood, lower the level of cholesterol, remove it from the arteries and smaller vessels. It is also worth noting that the device does not need to be connected to the network, and a replaceable filter lasts for a whole year with active use.


  • High production rate of ionized water;
  • No electrolysis is used;
  • High-quality and durable construction;
  • You can put the device in the refrigerator for cooling.


  • High cost of consumables.

3. Neos Redox

In third place in our review of the best water ionizers for domestic use was a product capable of producing alkaline-saturated water with a pH of 9 and above, in addition, it will have excellent antioxidant characteristics. The overall dimensions of the device are small, and the product itself looks very attractive. The case is made of high-quality plastic with a matte finish - dirt, fingerprints and so on are practically invisible on it. The device is intended for active use by several people at the same time. The model is designed in such a way that it works perfectly with both hard and soft water. At the same time, the product is capable of saturating up to 15 liters of liquid with ions - no more than 3 liters are dispensed per hour. There is a high-quality filtration system that completely removes all harmful substances from the composition, including foreign odors, impurities, dyes, metals and similar compounds.

A micro-foam filter is supplied as standard, however users can purchase an upgraded ceramic option for longer life if needed. One replaceable filter is able to last up to six months, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for its products for 6 months, with proper operation, the model can work for about 7 years and even more.


  • Very beautiful appearance that will not deteriorate over time;
  • High quality cleaning from contaminants and impurities;
  • Pleasant water taste.;
  • Decent volume.


  • After replacement, the filter sometimes does not sit very tightly in its place.

2. Aquapribor AP-1

In this design, water is saturated with ions according to standard electrolysis technology - for this, the device has two cathodes and one anode. The maximum volume of alkaline water obtained at a time is 1.3 liters. This volume is enough for several people. It is advisable to use water as quickly as possible, as it loses its useful characteristics within literally 12-14 hours. The design has a fairly compact overall dimensions, so it will easily fit into the interior of a cramped kitchen. The filtration and ionization process itself takes only about 20 minutes. To do this, just pour water into the container and plug the device into the outlet. It should be noted that the product consumes a minimum of electricity. The manufacturer does not recommend that the appliance be operated continuously for 40 minutes or more. This can cause the power supply to overheat. With proper use of the unit, it can last for about 5-6 years, with a one-year manufacturer's warranty.

The glass for the liquid is ceramic, sediment will accumulate on it, the harder the water, the more sediment will form. Accordingly, this bowl will have to be regularly cleaned of plaque. This is done simply - the element is immersed in ordinary table vinegar, and then washed thoroughly. The product has international quality and safety certificates. It is equipped with a fuse to protect against overheating and power surges. If necessary, it is very easy to change it.


  • Pretty easy to use device;
  • Low power consumption;
  • Decent tank size.


  • It's easy enough to run into counterfeit products.

1. Nevoton IS-112

The recognized leader in our review of the best water ionizers has become this most compact model of domestic production. The design is placed in a case made of matte white plastic. Users have no complaints about the assembly - they all, as one, claim that no backlash, extraneous squeaks and other defects were found. All the main controls are located on the top cover of the product, so you can get just filtered water, concentrate or water saturated with acids or alkalis. The concentrate will be useful for washing, washing vegetables and fruits, watering indoor and agricultural plants. There is also a volume adjustment button - the device can be inserted into a liter, two-liter or three-liter jar. The lower part of the product is a set of electrodes that will be directly lowered into the water. Their active surfaces are hidden behind plastic pads so that the user does not inadvertently damage them during operation.

The connector for connecting the power supply is located on the side. It is necessary to pour water into the jar strictly to the level indicated in the instructions. Ionization of water takes a minimum amount of time - literally 10-12 seconds. The end of this process will be signaled by a corresponding sound signal. Water is additionally disinfected with silver ions, which kill all harmful bacteria and benefit the body. When using the standard mode, the concentration of silver will be 0.035 mg per liter. This indicator can be increased if necessary - this is done using the buttons on the top panel.


  • Small overall dimensions;
  • Efficiency and high speed of work;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Can be used in different sizes.


  • It can only be used on cans, it will not be possible to put the device on any other containers.

Scientists have long proven that the human body is 70-80% water. Moreover, the water that fills living organisms (including humans) is considered “alive”.

In general, it is possible to distinguish “living” water from “non-living” water by two key characteristics: electric charge and alkalinity of water. In the case of living water, the electric charge will be negative, and the alkalinity will be low.

Also, some experts argue that "living" water helps a person stay healthy. However, in order to guarantee true health, it is not enough just to drink such water, you also need to take a shower from living water, wash yourself with it.

However, finding living water is not so easy. After all, today we get water from the water supply system, sometimes we buy water for drinking, but all this water is not “living”. In nature, "living" water is found in some mountain springs. Such water is very similar to the liquid that makes up a person, so the people began to call it "living".

They cannot guarantee the usefulness and suitability of water, and numerous sanitary standards. Since during their development only the physical and chemical characteristics of the liquid were taken into account, however, not its biological benefits. Therefore, we can say that from the point of view of biological benefits, the water that comes to our homes is not suitable for drinking.

Therefore, scientists have been trying to find a solution to this problem for a long time. It is not yet possible to make all water alive and available to absolutely every user of the water supply system. However, there are a number of devices that, based on chemical, physical or biological processes, are able to make water “alive”.

The principle of operation of activators is different, however, they all have the same goal - to change the crystalline one and bring it as close as possible to that contained in the human body. And it is quite realistic to do this, because scientists have long proved that the structure of water changes under the influence of various factors, such as, for example, different styles of music. This is how a kind of memory of water manifests itself.

What types of water activators are there?

First you need to understand what a water activator is, and only then consider their types. Any agent can be called a water activator (it does not have to be a device, sometimes minerals are used to activate water), which affects water in such a way that its structure changes. The most useful is water, which has an ordered structure. She can even heal.

Water activators existing today can be divided into types:


Devices of this type have a capacity of up to 4 liters per hour. Aquadisks can structure any liquid. There are two types of aquadisk: flow and static.

Akvadisk is a ceramic ring enclosed in a wooden case made of non-oily wood, also inside the device is: a piezoceramic plate (amplifier) ​​of a permanent magnet and a copper guide, a magnetic wave modulator (coniferous wood).

The principle of operation of the device is to influence the water with a magnetic field. Under the influence of magnetic induction, water molecules begin to gather into hexagonal structures. Such water is much better absorbed by the human body. Thanks to the activation process, the water is saturated with oxygen and purified from harmful microorganisms.

Similar devices can be used to change the structure of other drinks.

Household electrical activators

Devices of this type are great for home use, as the name suggests. The speed of their work is up to 2 liters of water in 15-10 minutes. In addition to "living" water, using such a device, you can prepare "dead" water.

The principle of operation of devices of this type is to pass direct current through water. As a result of this process, negatively charged water (alkali) is collected at the cathode, and the so-called "dead" water (acid) is collected at the anode. Either water can be used. Alkaline water can be used for eating and watering plants. And acid - as an antiseptic or preservative.

A huge plus of all electroactivators is that with their help you can quickly get the required amount of "living" water. In addition, in the process of electrolysis, all harmful microorganisms die, and the optimal level of Hp is reached.


You can activate the water with pink sand (argillite), jadeite, mountain quartz, flint and shungite.

The positive impact of minerals on water was noticed even by our ancestors. They knew that shungite, quartz and flint can "charge" water, because minerals share their energy with it. Minerals can also change the structure of water and release homeopathic substances upon contact with it. This activator option is the most affordable and budget option.

Membrane filter

These devices work on the principle of reverse osmosis, that is, a cell-like membrane is used to obtain "living" water. The pores of the membrane are so small that only water molecules pass through. The rest will be filtered out by the system. The speed of operation of such a device is 35 liters of water per day. Also, the systems need to be serviced (cleaned) periodically. This must be done at the end of the membrane life.

Magnetic structurator

Devices of this type use a magnetic field to change the structure of water. Such devices are convenient in that they can be used to activate not only liquids, but also bulk substances. To do this, they are simply placed on a special disk of the device and in a few minutes acquire the necessary properties. This is a fairly budget device.

The operation of such devices is based on the polarity of water molecules and their interaction with the magnetic field generated by the device. And under the influence of a magnetic field, water can acquire the necessary structure. Similarly, the device affects other substances.


With the help of these devices, water is produced for laboratories, cars and other needs. The device can pass up to a liter of "living" water per hour. As a rule, the total volume of such devices is small and does not exceed 4 liters.

These are the most common options for devices for obtaining "living" water at home.

How to choose a water activator?

Now talk about how to choose the right device to get "living water".

To date, there are a lot of devices produced by different countries. There are both domestic devices for activating water and foreign ones. Also, sometimes dishonest sellers offer to buy their personal “developments”, however, this option is extremely risky, because apart from the honest word of the seller, we do not receive any more guarantees. In order to choose a water activator, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular models that are available on the domestic market. And after that, draw conclusions about which device is right for you.

The best water activators:

AP-1 water activator

This device has a rather attractive appearance, and it is also made of high-quality materials using rather unusual, but very effective technologies. For the production of activators for water AP-1, high-quality food-grade plastic is used, glasses for liquid made of clay of a special grade. In this device, special electrodes made of precious metals are used to carry out the electrolysis process.

The main thing is that this device is certified and its quality has been checked, so you don’t have to worry about its effectiveness.

The AP-1 activator is quite convenient for domestic use, since it has small dimensions, and its operation does not cause any difficulties. All that needs to be done to get water is to plug the device into an outlet. You don't have to worry about excessive power consumption either. The device is economical, it spends about the same amount of electricity as a forty-watt light bulb spends.

The whole process of obtaining "live" and "dead" water takes about half an hour. Upon completion, the resulting water can be used for your own purposes.

A device for obtaining "living" and "dead" water called "Melesta"

This device is identical in principle to the previous device. However, it is much cheaper than it. This budget is achieved by using cheaper materials in production. Also, the technical characteristics are somewhat inferior to the previous model. So, for example, the membrane of this device is made of fabric, and the electrodes are made of stainless steel. There are only two electrodes, respectively, this reduces the speed of the electrolysis process.

Despite the cheapness of materials and not the best technical characteristics, this device allows you to get water no worse in quality and characteristics than water from AP-1.

"Melesta" is very popular among consumers, since it is significantly inferior in price to AP-1, while you can get "living" water of the same quality. This is a great option for home use, especially for people with limited financial resources.

Among the shortcomings of this device, only not the best appearance can be distinguished, it is somewhat rude, but the device fully justifies its cost.

The device has all the necessary documents and quality certificates.

Device for obtaining "living" water "Zdravnik"

This device works on the same principle as the AP-1 and the previous device, however, in terms of quality, the Zdravnik is still closer to the AP-1.

This device can be easily used at home. It has small dimensions. It is worth noting that the manufacturer is very careful in choosing the material and the very process of producing electrodes (they are made of food grade steel). The manufacturer also took care of the electrical safety of the device. The device is certified.

The manufacturer produces two versions of this device:

  • The classic version has a fabric glass for "dead" water.
  • The second option has an osmotic glass for water, the material of manufacture is high-quality ceramics.

The mill used in the second version of the device allows visual observation of the electrolysis process. In addition, this technology makes it possible to obtain optimal Hp values ​​for "dead" and "live" water.

How does a glass work?

At the initial stage of the electrolysis process, the liquid is polarized. First, it moves towards the electrode, which has a negative charge. Then, after some time, when the characteristics of the water begin to change and the level of catholyte and anolyte is equalized, the water begins to move towards the positively charged electrode.

The glass is located between the electrodes and acts as a membrane. It should be noted that due to the porosity of the material, the glass does not clog during the electrolysis process.

PTV and PTV water activation device (Iva 1)

This device is quite difficult to compare with previous models of activators, since its design is completely different from them.

This appliance is not only intended for domestic use. Very often, such devices are used in medical institutions and in sanatoriums.

This device fully complies with all quality standards, which is confirmed by certificates. Also, the manufacturers of this device have several awards for the implementation of non-standard solutions in the design of the device.

The feature of this activator is as follows:

Instead of a ceramic or fabric glass, a special type of wood membrane is used. It is also worth noting that the design of the device provides for a removable container for "dead" water.

The manufacturer responsibly approached the selection of electrodes for this device. Therefore, they are distinguished by a long service life and reliability. Outwardly, they look a little thicker than the electrodes of other activators.

The appearance of the device is also very attractive.

Another feature of this device is that there are variants with a regulator that allows you to adjust the concentration of water. That is, if you want to get water for everyday use, then you can set the device to receive one concentration. And if you are treating a disease with "living" water, then you need a different concentration, and it can be easily obtained, for this you just need to turn the knob.

This device is ideal for people who have firmly decided to connect their lives with the use of "living" water. This device can give the necessary volumes of liquid and provide it to the whole family.

New device "Melesta"

This is a new version of an already familiar device. The new version has been slightly modified and supplemented, which made it more convenient and practical.

This device is now more reminiscent of the PTV-A in its design. However, this is still not the most expensive, but not the highest quality device.

The manufacturer replaced the old version of the glass with a new fabric window. The manufacturer also installed new electrodes on this device. It was supposed. That these electrodes would be as reliable as the PTV-A electrodes, however, this idea did not justify itself. Even more, a new drawback appeared in the form of a not very successful electrode connection scheme. Be careful with the electromagnetic field. Its effect on water is not fully understood.

This device is still not of high quality and the presence of any unique technology. However, this simplicity does not prevent the device from successfully performing its functions. This is a great option for people on a small budget.

So how do you choose an activator and what is its effect on water?

As you can see, the choice of an activator for water depends entirely on the capabilities of the consumer and the goals that the device will face. If you do not have a very large budget, but there is a great desire to have such a device, then a budget device like Melesta is suitable for you. If you are looking for the really best activator, then you should pay attention to AP-1. Choose a device based on how much water you need.

And of course, before purchasing the device, once again study the functions that it performs. And also find out for what purposes "living" or "dead" water can be used.

Dead water can be used as an antiseptic. You can wash your nose with it. Gargle. It does an excellent job of neutralizing microorganisms. You can also use this water to wash fruits and vegetables.
It should also be remembered that activated water cannot be used immediately after the completion of the electrolysis process. The fact is that the impurities that were in the water during electrolysis precipitate and form "flakes". Therefore, after activation is completed, it is better to let the water stand for another 15-20 minutes so that the sediment settles.

Never pass activated water through the filter. This will only reduce its useful properties. In particular, this applies to filters with activated carbon, silver and ion exchange resin.
Although water activators can be used to saturate the liquid with silver. However, to do this, you must select a device with this function.

Water activators are necessary not only to maintain health, but also to treat certain diseases, namely:

  • colds;
  • Bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation;
  • Wounds and burns;
  • fungus;
  • herpes;
  • Gastritis;
  • gum disease;
  • Hypertension and hypotension;
  • skin diseases;
  • Headaches and insomnia.

Before using a water activator, try other methods. For example, scientists note the beneficial effects of music on water. And this method is much safer than all activators.

Watch the video film "Water activators and the effect of a magnetic field on water":