Kitchen lighting fluorescent lamps. Lighting in the kitchen in examples (17 photos)

The working area in the kitchen is a place where lighting should be of high quality. Not only convenience, but also the safety of food processing operations depends on this. Illumination of the working area in the kitchen requires attention: the choice of lighting fixtures, the type of light bulbs and other important points. It is worth remembering that the lighting of a living space is regulated by SNIPs, but you should not rely on them completely, because modern housewives are demanding on the organization of lighting.

Principles and requirements

The kitchen certainly has 2 zones: working and dining. Lighting requirements for them are different. For the worker, a bright light is required, which helps to clearly see all the processes. For the dining room - soft, comfortable lighting.


  1. The light is bright, but in moderation, so that it does not blind and irritate, it can be more intense than the top one.
  2. The backlight is placed in such a way as to exclude the creation of shadows from objects.
  3. Lamps that are used to illuminate the work area are necessarily combined with other elements in the kitchen.
  4. It is worth using energy-saving lamps.
  5. When choosing the brightness of the lamps, you need to pay attention to the color of the walls, the kitchen set.
  6. The number of lamps is selected in advance.
  7. Placing bulbs only on the hood illuminates only the stove, such a light source is not enough.
  8. The only top source (chandelier) even for the smallest kitchen will not give the amount of light that is required. It is located in the center of the room, which means that when cutting vegetables or performing any other operations, the hostess herself will close the light.
Not the best lighting option

Important! The working area is, among other things, a sink, so you need to remember that you need to place the lamps no closer than 50 cm from this object.

Illumination standards

At the planning stage, you need to decide how many fixtures you need and determine their power. This task is not easy, it is required to refer to the norms. For the kitchen, the illumination should be at least 150 Lux per sq. m. In Watts, counting the number of lamps is no longer so informative, since many modern light bulbs are used today, the light output per unit power of which is far from the same as that of incandescent lamps.

The calculation is easy to carry out, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be multiplied by the indicated norm. But since the above standard was developed back in the days of the USSR, the result obtained should be multiplied by a factor of 1.5.

For example: the kitchen has an area of ​​10 square meters. m, at a rate of 150 Lx, the total amount of illumination for it is 1500 Lx, multiply by another 1.5, it turns out - 2250 Lx.

When zoning a room into a working and dining area, most of the light flux needs to be concentrated in the working area.

Lighting Rules

What will be the illumination of the working area should be considered even before the start of repair work. Proper lighting can both improve and worsen perception. For the working area, it is worth making a separate lighting line - the convenience of this can be appreciated already during operation. A separate switch is required for the line; stylish touch models are on the market. When choosing a lamp, you need to consider the following standards:

  1. For halogen lamps - 30 W per 1 sq. m.
  2. For fluorescent - 9 W per 1 sq. m.
  3. Incandescent lamps - 26 W per 1 sq. m.
  4. Diode sources - 4 W per 1 sq. m.

Too bright backlight

You also need to remember some features of the backlight color:

  • White (daylight) distorts the color of food and cooked food.
  • Colored lighting for the working area is used only for decorative purposes, it is inconvenient to work with it.
  • It is necessary to provide for the possibility of adjusting the intensity of light.
  • For wooden sets it is more harmonious to use warm light, for modern styles (hi-tech, minimalism) - daylight.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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Advice! The backlight can be mounted in a kitchen backsplash - this will help to highlight the countertop with high quality, and create an original decorative effect.

Lighting Options

To illuminate the kitchen worktop, different types of light sources can be used. And with the help of each of them it will be possible to create comfortable conditions for cooking. The combined version is the best, besides it has an excellent aesthetic appearance.

spot light

In spotlights, halogen lamps are most often used, less often - fluorescent or LED. It is worth talking about halogen ones, since their radiation spectrum is as close as possible to the sun, which provides comfort for the eyes.

Spotlights are built-in or overhead. In the first case, for their installation, you need to make holes in the bottom of the cabinet, which is not very convenient during its further operation. Although there are kitchen sets that are designed for the installation of just such lighting.

"Dots" give concentrated, local illumination, so it is important to correctly determine their number, this will help to eliminate the banding of lighting. The most convenient distance is 50 cm from each other, while the power of the light bulb is up to 20 watts.

Spot lighting built into the wall cabinet

Important! It is considered convenient to place spotlights on the visor of the headset. In this case, it is not necessary to mount a double bottom in cabinets or use a thicker plate. The disadvantage of such installation is that the points will not be able to illuminate the working area, because the shadow from the wall cabinets will fall.

As for overhead models, they are more convenient for illuminating the countertop. Additional elements do not need to be mounted. True, it is worth remembering that such lamps can blind, so they should be placed on cabinets that are suspended below eye level.

Regardless of the type of luminaire, halogen lamps can be connected to the network without the use of any additional elements. There are models that are designed for a voltage of 12 V, they require a transformer. When buying a point device, this point should first be clarified with the seller.

Fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent or fluorescent lamps are often used to illuminate the work area in the kitchen. They give a lot of light and at the same time quite bright. Their installation is simple, and the service life is long. A huge plus is low power consumption.

Lamps of this type can be used in special fixtures that are designed to be mounted on wall cabinets or mounted in separate lamps. The second option is more affordable, but here you need to make sure that the light from the lamp does not hurt your eyes. That is, it is better to block them with a small “step”, which is attached in front of the lamp. It does not interfere with the illumination of the work surface.

If you use special furniture fixtures that are designed for fluorescent lamps, then the installation process is much easier. In addition, this way of organizing the backlight has an aesthetic appearance and will fit into the interior without any problems.

Important! To use such lighting fixtures and lamps, no additional equipment is needed, they work from a 220 V network. Moreover, the ready-made lighting panels have a plug for plugging directly into a power outlet.

Fluorescent linear luminaires

LED Strip Light

LED lighting is considered economical and comfortable for the kitchen. Diodes are increasingly being used for kitchen fixtures. All thanks to the simplicity of their installation and a variety of radiation range. By mounting one tape, it will be possible to create not only functional, but also decorative lighting. For this, special RGB tapes are used.

Important! LED lamps give a warm, white or cold glow, which a person perceives as yellow and white. Cold is a bluish color.

Mounting the LED strip is quite simple. A primitive option is to stick it at the bottom of the wall cabinet using double-sided tape. Some tape models have an adhesive backing, which makes the process even easier. In order for the backlight to turn on to a 220 V network, installation and connection of a power supply to it is required, which converts the voltage to 12 V.

Among the disadvantages of such lighting, it is necessary to highlight the high price of a quality tape, although it will be able to illuminate a large area. This is because for the kitchen it must have a high rate of protection against moisture and dust. But even here there are options for how to get out of the situation. On sale there are many lamps of different shapes and intensity of light that are equipped with LEDs, including linear models. They often have a diffuser that gives high-quality and uniform light.

The options for the execution of finished luminaires with LED strip are numerous. They are built-in and overhead. The latter option does not require specific preparation for installation, everything can be done by hand. Many of these models already have a converter, all that is needed is to connect them to the network and mount them in a convenient place.

Installation of LED lighting

The nuances of lighting the working area

Organizing a suitable lighting is not only choosing economical lamps in the required quantity, but also placing them correctly. A convenient and common solution is the location on the bottom (bottom) of a wall cabinet. This method is the best, because the shadow will not fall on the countertop either from the person who is standing next to it, or from the cabinet.

But, even having determined a convenient place, it is necessary to take into account how deep the lamp should be placed on the locker. Options:

  1. Closer to the inner edge (towards the wall).
  2. in the middle.
  3. Closer to the outer edge.

It is believed that the latter option is the most convenient, the number of shadows from objects that are on the table is minimal. If such an arrangement is not possible, then it is worth mounting the backlight in the middle.

When organizing lighting, one should not forget that in the kitchen, in addition to eating, people also eat it. The position of the person who sits at the table is much lower than the one who cooks. As a result, any light that is mounted on the cabinet will dazzle it. This problem can be solved by using a decorative strip. It will close the angle of light propagation beyond the tabletop, but at the same time the quality of light on the work surface will not deteriorate.

Hidden backlight

The selection of a decorative strip depends on:

  • Cabinet heights.
  • Remoteness of the dining area from the working area.
  • The brightness of light bulbs, their type.

The selection of the bar is carried out experimentally. But it is worth remembering that not all headsets have the ability to mount it. It is important not to damage the furniture here. If you don’t have your own skills in working with the material for making the headset, then it’s better to contact the specialists or the company where the kitchen was ordered.

It is sometimes difficult to understand all the nuances of organizing the lighting of the working area on your own. Advice from experts will come in handy:

  1. If the working area is located near the window, then you should take care of the lighting at an angle, in which case you can avoid glare. The direction of the light flux is towards the countertop.
  2. If the flow height is small, then the distance between the hanging cabinets and the countertop is minimal. In this case, it is optimal to use rotary lamps, which can be fixed on the ceiling.
  3. If the kitchen has an island area, which is also used as a work surface, then lamps on brackets should be provided. They should be fixed on the ceiling, if possible in 2-3 tiers.
  4. To illuminate the working area, lamps with shades that have many decorative elements are not needed. They will only accumulate grease and dust, which will not add to their attractiveness. It is important that care for them is simple and quick.
  5. The lighting design in the work area should be in harmony with the decoration and other elements in this room. Therefore, it is incorrect to select devices separately for the main, working and decorative lighting. All lamps and fixtures should be selected with design in mind.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in the repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Important! When choosing this or that lamp, it should be remembered that its glow should be the same as that of other light bulbs that are used in the room. The difference hurts the eyes too much, you don’t want to be in such a room, let alone cook.


Neglecting the illumination of the working area is a huge mistake, and that’s all, because the convenience of cooking in the kitchen affects the taste of dishes and the desire to cook. In addition, cutting or working with household appliances in the dark is fraught with negative health consequences.

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The main amount of time free from work, the hostess spends in worries and troubles in the kitchen. And if the rest of the household, being there, are more often at the dinner table, then the woman has to stand more in the working area, near the gas stove and sink. The question arises - is it possible to make her stay in the kitchen at least a little more comfortable?

Of course you can. To do this, it is necessary to correctly place accents in the lighting, arrange the lamps so as to relieve eye strain. After all, scientists have long proven that with improper lighting (be it a dim light in which you need to strain your eyesight, or a bright one that cuts your eyes and makes you close your eyes), the general condition also suffers. Headaches may begin, up to migraines, and performance may decrease. Irritability and insomnia are also the consequences of a disproportionately tuned light flux.

It is necessary to understand how to plan the illumination of the working surface in the kitchen in such a way that the time spent there proceeds in more comfortable conditions.

Where to begin

The first most common unpleasant fact when illuminating the kitchen with one lamp located in the center of the room is the shadow from the body of a person standing behind the worktop. The main task of lighting for the working area is to get rid of this shading. After all, then you do not have to strain your eyes with this or that action. But first you need to decide which lamps to illuminate the working area in the kitchen will be used.

Lighting can be done with fluorescent lamps, LED strip, spotlights or spotlights, or a light beam. You need to understand what all these types of highlights are.

Fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps for lighting above the desktop are quite acceptable and quite easy to install. The energy saving of these lighting devices is at a fairly high level, and therefore, with their low cost, coupled with durability, they are quite common.

It is possible to organize the lighting of the working area in the kitchen in two ways - conventional or specialized lamps. In terms of cost and ease of execution, of course, the first option is more affordable. For implementation, the fixtures themselves and a little time are needed directly. At the bottom of the wall cabinets, it is required to fix the lighting fixtures and supply power to them. The disadvantage that this method has is the need to attach a bar in front of the lamp to prevent a situation where the backlight blinds the eyes of a person sitting at the table, and such a modification of the headset is not suitable for everyone, as it reduces the height of the working area.

The second option is to install special fluorescent lamps, which are designed for such alterations. Such lighting fixtures have an attractive design and fit well into any environment.

Of course, the main advantage when installing fluorescent lamps is that there is no need to connect any additional devices such as stabilizers or transformers. You just need to apply a voltage of 220 volts to them (with the exception of 127 volt fluorescent lamps that are rare in our time).

Spotlights or spotlights

An economical option for countertop lighting. But all problems cannot be solved with the help of spots, because there are shortcomings that prevent this.

The fact is that such lighting devices are directional, that is, they shine at a certain point and do not distribute light over the entire surface. In addition, it is not very convenient to place them on the bottom bar of wall cabinets, and if you mount them in any other place, there is the possibility of shading, which must be avoided with the help of lighting.

Of course, if you can think over the possibility of attaching spots without this drawback, then you can try.

At their core, these are directional light devices, and therefore it is necessary to carefully plan their placement, how they will look in the kitchen; you need to calculate the amount and power needed to illuminate the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, and also do not forget about the need to hide the wiring to power the spots.

LED Strip Light

LED lighting for the kitchen in the form of a tape is a fairly easy-to-install method (as, in fact, LED lamps). The consumer is also attracted by a huge color spectrum, which makes it possible not only to illuminate the required area, but also to arrange decorative lighting. Colors can be changed according to preference or mood using the remote control. But to illuminate the working surface, it is better to use an LED strip with a “cold” light, since it has a stronger luminous flux.

Using the LED strip is simple - you need to glue it on the bottom of the cabinets. Thus, the luminous flux will be evenly directed down to the work surface. The tape is attached closer to the wall, after which it makes sense to install a low threshold in front of it, literally 3 cm, so that the LEDs are not visible to those sitting at the dining table.

True, the connection will require a driver that can be purchased with the tape, but this is not a significant problem.

The only significant drawback is the lack of protection of the LEDs in the tape from moisture and grease splashes. But this problem is also solvable.

  1. For light tapes, you can purchase a special box (embedded - which must be installed in a recess, if any, or invoice - attached directly to the surface) with plastic protection.
  2. It is possible to purchase ready-made furniture fixtures for the light strip. They have a built-in driver - you only need to fix them on furniture and apply 220 volt power. But such lamps usually have a high cost.

What is a kitchen with a work area illuminated with a light beam? This is just one of the simplified options for fluorescent lighting. In fact, a good example of the supply of light, but with a very sensitive drawback. This type of lighting can cost quite a lot of money. But the price, of course, pays off by the fact that the light bar looks quite aesthetically pleasing and rich. In addition, the switch can be mounted directly on it.

To begin with, it makes sense to deal with the advantages of this type of backlight.

Firstly, the quality of such products is usually very high, which means that the lighting of the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen will be at a very good level. The light flux is evenly distributed over the surface, and its glow is pleasantly soft and unobtrusive. Such a backlight will not dazzle either a person near the work surface or sitting in the dining area at the table.

A Secondly, regardless of the length of the kitchen, the entire plane of the countertop will be illuminated. Moreover, if necessary, some of the sections can be turned off, leaving the backlight only where necessary.

Installation of light beams is very simple, besides, making it, you do not have to pull the wiring from edge to edge. With the help of special connectors, a chain is easily built, so that wiring can be done both during the repair and after it is completed.

Despite the high price of such lamps, they have the right to exist due to their powerful and at the same time soft luminous flux and representative appearance.

But there is another, much less common option that has appeared relatively recently.


Skinali - a glass panel, sometimes with some pattern applied to it. Directly between it and the wall is an LED strip (sometimes between two layers of glass). The thickness of such an apron does not exceed two centimeters. Its advantage is that the light from the tape spreads evenly across the glass, giving the impression of a working liquid crystal display. This happens according to a principle called refraction of light.

Although this type of lighting is by far the most highly artistic, refined and elegant, it has drawbacks that are very significant.

Such a panel has a very high cost and at the same time does not withstand even small mechanical damage. Tempered glass crumbles into tiny crumbs (you can remember the side windows of a car, with the only difference being that they were thinner, and therefore less impact-resistant).

What should be given preference?

Each of the listed types of lighting of the working area of ​​​​the kitchen has its own advantages and disadvantages. One is more elegant, and the other is more economical and cheaper. But still, experts recommend giving preference to tape lighting when doing such work with their own hands. It is very easy to install, and therefore this option is available even to those who do not have the knowledge and skills in such work.

But the LED strip must also be chosen correctly so that it is not offensive for the time and finances spent.

Of course, according to the degree of illumination of the LEDs, each one is determined for himself, as well as by color. After all, everyone has their own preferences and a certain design of the kitchen. But with other parameters you should understand.

According to the strength of the luminous flux, which LEDs are capable of, they can be divided into three subgroups - these are "standard", "premium" and "economy". Practice has proven that the most intense glow, which allows using the LED strip to perform exactly the illumination of the working area of ​​​​the kitchen, and not the backlight, is near the “premium” strip. She has enough power, and in terms of the number of diodes, she is quite consistent with the tasks assigned to her. Its density is 60 units per meter.

In terms of protection from external pollution and moisture, two versions can be distinguished - LED strip with a protective coating of silicone and without it. Naturally, for the kitchen, a protected strip would be the best option, since there is no difference in the strength of the light flux between them. In addition to moisture, such an LED strip is also protected from dirt, it can be gently wiped, which cannot be said about a conventional tape, where wiping may damage the contacts of the elements or the diodes themselves. And therefore, although the silicone strip is a bit more expensive, it is better to choose it to illuminate the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen.

Before purchasing, it is better to decide in advance on the color, power and other parameters of the LED strip, so as not to be angry with yourself after changing the strip. And a very important point is the choice of a driver through which the lighting device will work. If it is decided that the lighting should be colored, then along with the tape and the power supply, you will also need to purchase a control unit for a multi-color light strip - a controller.


In any case, whatever the lighting of the working area of ​​​​the kitchen - LED, fluorescent, or whether it will be spots - the main thing is that it fulfills its function, that is, well, but without frills, illuminates the surface of the countertop of the headset, the sink and the surface of the stove without creating shading. It must be remembered that an ordinary ceiling lamp for the kitchen will not be able to provide sufficient illumination - after all, this is not a matter of a chandelier, but of individual devices designed for a similar purpose. If the task is performed, then the right choice of lighting devices was made.

And this, in turn, suggests that in such a kitchen the hostess will feel great, take a break from the working day, even while cooking.

Traditionally in our country, the kitchen is not only a place where food is prepared, but also a place for eating and private gatherings. Therefore, the lighting in the kitchen should be not only practical, but also beautiful and comfortable.

Principles and requirements

A kitchen is a room in which there are at least two zones with different purposes - a working area for cooking and a dining area. From different purposes, different requirements for lighting the kitchen follow: in the working area there should be bright lighting that allows you to see everything clearly, and in the dining area - softer.

But zoned kitchen lighting does not exclude the presence of a chandelier. Its functional significance is small, since the light spot is obtained in the center of the room, which remains mostly empty. But from the point of view of leveling uneven illumination, this method is very good. Alternatively, you can use several spotlights, as in the photo above, or install built-in ceiling lights if the ceiling is stretched or suspended from.

It is necessary to think about lighting the kitchen even at the repair stage, when it is assembled, the wiring is pulled, the places for installing sockets and switches are marked. Later, after the repair is completed, it is very problematic to do this - you have to lay the wiring on top or in.

Illumination standards

When you are just planning lighting in the kitchen, the question arises of how many fixtures are needed and how much power. It's simple: there are lighting standards for each room for the kitchen, this is 150 Lux per square meter. Considering the illumination in Watts is no longer relevant, since a 7 W LED lamp can produce light like a 50 W incandescent lamp or 650 Lm.

For example, let's calculate how much light is required for a 12 m2 kitchen. To do this, we multiply its area by the norm: 12 m2 * 150 Lx = 1800 Lx. And since 1 Lux is equal to 1 Lumen, it is necessary to install light bulbs, which in total give at least 1800 Lm.

If you decide to do zoned lighting, that is, the work surface will be illuminated separately, there will be a light source above the table, it makes sense to count everything separately. To do this, the kitchen plan must be divided into zones, calculate the area and, based on these figures, select the number of lamps and lamps for them. Just keep in mind that two 50W lamps in total will not give as much light as one 100W lamp, but about 1/3 less.

Lamp type, color and light

Another important point. When choosing lighting, it is best to choose the same type of lamps: halogen, LED, daylight. In extreme cases, you can combine two types, but it is better not to use all three. They give different lighting and it is almost impossible to get a sane result. We are not talking about incandescent lamps, since they are already used very rarely: they require too much electricity, giving out a small amount of light.

In addition to the type of lamps, it is necessary to choose lamps that give light of the same color, which is also called the color temperature of the lamps. They can give light with a blue, yellow, white tint. In principle, you choose, but the best option is natural or neutral. It is better for the eyes and for the perception of colors.

General lighting in the kitchen

Now let's figure out what ways you can make general lighting in the kitchen. The traditional option is a chandelier. But it does not fit into every modern interior, however, it has a place to be.

Traditional general lighting - a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling

Often kitchens are not square, but rectangular in shape. In this case, you can find a chandelier, elongated in length. For a long and narrow room, this is the best option, which will provide optimal light distribution.

With low ceilings, it will not be possible to hang a chandelier - it will interfere. The way out is to find the lamp almost flat. It can be square or round - which one is more suitable for the selected one.

If you are going to make a suspended or stretch ceiling, you can “scatter” spotlights over the surface or create some kind of pattern from them (read about how to place spotlights and more). You can also make the backlight around the perimeter of the "central" zone. Such lighting in the kitchen visually helps to raise the ceiling, making the room a little more spacious.

All these methods can be combined, so the number of options is very large. But it is important not to forget that there is still lighting for two other zones and look for lighting fixtures for her at once, because they must match in style.

Dining area lighting

The light near the dining table can be made in just two variations: a sconce story, one or more lamps on a long cord from the ceiling.

You can use the sconce if the table is near the wall. When choosing the location of a wall lamp, there are two considerations: the degree of illumination and convenience. The lamp should not interfere, for which it is placed at a height of 60-80 cm above the tabletop. In order for it to illuminate the entire table, it is advisable to find a model that allows you to bring the ceiling away from the wall.

To ensure that the lighting in the kitchen is not only bright, but also beautiful, all lamps, chandeliers, sconces are selected in the same style, which should also be in harmony with the overall design style.

Work surface illumination

There are more nuances in lighting the working area in the kitchen. First of all, you need to decide where to place the fixtures, then choose their type, type and shape of the lamps.

Location selection

When illuminating the working area in the kitchen, lamps are usually placed on the underside of hanging cabinets. And this is the best possible option. Because everyone else is much worse. For example, if the light source is on the ceiling (position 1 in the photo), standing with your back to it you block the light. Even in the event that the lamps are located along the line, but high - on the ceiling or slightly above the level of the upper cabinets (position 2) - only a narrow part of the working surface from the edge is illuminated, the rest is in the shade. Therefore, the illumination of the working area in the kitchen is done by fixing the lighting fixtures at the bottom of the cabinets. Then the lighting in the kitchen has a pronounced zonal character, but it is much more convenient to work this way.

Here again there are options: the lamps can be placed closer to the wall, in the middle, closer to the outer edge of the cabinets. The best option is closer to the outer edge (position 4). So the lighting is most effective with fewer shadows in the work area. The third option is also good. It is somewhat worse in terms of illumination, but more practical in implementation.

So that the lighting in the kitchen does not interfere

If the illumination of the working surface in the kitchen is done at the bottom of the cabinets, other problems arise:

  1. Not everyone is satisfied with the appearance of the lamps attached in this place.
  2. The light hits the eyes of people sitting at the table.

Both of these problems have one solution: it is necessary to put a decorative bar that will cover the lamp and limit the spread of light. It turns out that the lighting in the kitchen is softer and the lighting fixtures themselves are not visible.

The location of the bar, its height, the position of the lamp must be selected on the spot: light sources have different heights, different brightness, the luminous flux can also be directed in different ways. Therefore, you select the parameters of the bar experimentally. Ideally, if the light does not fall even on the floor, but will only illuminate the countertop.

Alternatively, the bar can be designed as a small shelf for various kitchen trifles. Usually decor or jars of spices are displayed here. If you don't like this idea, just do the plank. If you think that even the plank spoils the look or it just doesn’t fit into the style, make a double bottom in the cabinets, hiding the light sources inside. In this case, you can install frosted glass, which will soften the light.

The door in this case is made along the entire length, although this is not necessary. In order to avoid problems with fastening the glass, an aluminum corner can be installed around the bottom perimeter, on which you can simply lay a piece of frosted glass or translucent polycarbonate cut to size.

Spot lighting

When organizing lighting in the kitchen in the working area, you immediately need to decide what type of light sources you will use. There are two options - point and tubular. In the case of using spotlights, it turns out such a “zebra”, the contrast of which can be negated by more frequent installation of light bulbs.

The advantage of this solution is that the lamps are quite decorative and such lighting looks beautiful. Minus - it is not always convenient when cooking. Another drawback: spotlights are quite high and they can only be installed with a second bottom in the cabinets.

If you choose this way to make lighting in the kitchen, take LED lamps. Now they are the most economical - with low power consumption they give a lot of light, they last a long time. In this case, their undoubted plus is that they practically do not heat up, so nothing threatens the furniture. The option is a little worse - halogen lamps (they heat up, "pull" a little more electricity), even less economical - fluorescent lamps with a conventional cartridge, and the most unfortunate - incandescent lamps.

Linear light sources

When using linear fixtures, the illumination is almost uniform, since the lighting fixtures can be mounted with a distance of a couple of centimeters between them.

When choosing light sources for linear lighting, there are even more options and the range is expanding all the time. Perhaps there are already new tools that few people know about yet. In the meantime, there are three of them: LED strip, LED and fluorescent lamps. There is also neon lighting, but it is quite difficult to install, and it costs more. Therefore, lighting in the kitchen with neon tubes or flexible hoses is almost never done.

LED Strip Light

Tape and LEDs can be mounted simply on furniture, as it has a sticky layer. But this layer is unreliable, therefore they prefer to fix it in some way - with double tape, staples from. If you intend to fix the tape directly on the furniture, choose models with a high level of protection - IP44 and higher. But it is better not to take those that are soldered in a tube - at home they overheat (especially in the kitchen), quickly fade, and soon burn out. For this case, it is better to take types filled with varnish or other protective composition.

When choosing an LED strip to illuminate the work surface in the kitchen, you need to pay attention to the brightness and size of the crystals. You need to choose the largest 50 * 50 or 50 * 75, and it is better if they are arranged in two rows. Their total power should give no less light than determined in the calculations. Read about the types of LED strips and the rules for their installation.

You can install the LED strip in special profiles (they are also called cable channels or trays). They are usually made of aluminum and have a transparent or translucent removable front panel. Inside there may be a shelf on which the tape itself is attached. These are the most convenient types, while others have to be tricky.

The advantages of installing LED backlight in such a tray - there is no point in worrying about the degree of protection of the tape, a decent appearance. The disadvantage is less bright light, so the power of the crystals must be greater than the calculated one. In any case, lighting in the kitchen using LED strips is becoming more and more popular. The reason for this is ease of installation and low power consumption.

LED kitchen lighting

LED lamps can be not only point or conventional - in the form of a pear with a standard base. There are also tubes.

They are mounted on clips - plates that are mounted on furniture, into which tubes are inserted. Some can be mounted on magnets. Reciprocal metal plates are attached to the furniture (you can use double-sided tape), and the lamps are simply attracted to them due to the magnets built into the body (Sensor model).

Fluorescent lamps

Tubular fluorescent lamps are a traditional way of lighting. They are good because they are switched on directly to 220 V, while LED ones require a special adapter that will give the required voltage.

Disadvantages have been known for a long time - the pulsation of light, which negatively affects the eyes. There is one more not very pleasant moment: LEDs are more economical. They consume very little electricity and last longer. Their service life is estimated in thousands of hours. Fluorescent lamps have to be changed much more often (every five), but they cost less. In general, it is up to you what type of lamp you want to use when lighting the kitchen.

Fluorescent lamps for kitchen lighting can be stylish

If you decide to light the kitchen with fluorescent lamps, the optimal size is the G13 base (diameter 26 mm). In length, they can be 60 cm, 90 cm, 120 cm, 150 cm. There are different models today - from the usual to quite pretty ones (as in the photo above).

It is possible, as mentioned above, to hide such lamps in a double bottom by installing light-scattering glass. In this case, you can buy the most inexpensive lamps. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to save money - the costs for the profile for installing glass and the glass itself are either equivalent or may even turn out to be more.

As you can see, lighting in the kitchen is better to do multi-zone, and at the moment it is better to use LEDs. Lamps are quite expensive, but economical, they shine brightly, they work for a long time and do not heat up.

Good illumination of the working area in the kitchen gives comfort to the hostess when cooking. To provide it help fixtures installed under the cabinets. The catalog of the online store Ideas for Storage presents a wide range of solutions for illuminating the working area in the kitchen. We offer to buy a variety of lamps for wall cabinets with delivery and installation.


Our catalog contains several types of lighting fixtures installed under kitchen cabinets:

    mortise. They are mounted directly to the bottom of the wall cabinet. To install them, you need to drill a hole and accurately calculate the fastening system. Such devices for illuminating the working area are invisible under wall cabinets, so you can achieve original visual effects;

    overhead. This is an easier installation option as the unit is simply attached to the bottom of the cabinet.

Our offer

The Ideas for Storage online store offers reliable products from well-known manufacturers. All models of lighting fixtures are designed for long-term use. In addition, we carry out professional installation of devices.

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1. Lighting rules

Choosing the right lighting in the kitchen is not an easy task. With the help of light, you can visually expand the space, make it cozy and pleasant to stay. Then cooking will be a joy, and the food will taste better, and gatherings with friends in the kitchen will become a tradition.

To achieve a “wow effect”, it is enough to follow the basic rules:

  1. There should be light in the kitchen. Everything is simple and banal here - it's nice to be in a well-lit place.
  2. Don't overdo it. It is important to find a middle ground, as too bright lighting hurts the eye and is uneconomical to use.
  3. Multilevel lighting. It will allow you to organically distribute light in space, create a unique style of the kitchen.
  4. The more light sources - the less their power.
  5. Yes - simple forms. As plafonds, it is better to use simple, smooth shapes without sharp corners, bends, curls, because the kitchen is a highly polluted area, and an intricate chandelier will soon be covered with a layer of fat and it will take considerable effort to wash it.
  6. Big - with small. Large lamps go well with spotlights.
  7. Freedom of fantasy. Do not be afraid to experiment, and the end result will surely please you!

Multilevel lighting on

The combination of large fixtures with spot lighting on

2. Work surface lighting

Lighting options:

1. Built-in lighting under wall cabinets.

2. Illumination in the ceiling along the working area (tabletops).

3. Lamps built into the eaves.

4. Lamps with automatic switching on when the door is opened, built into cabinets with glass facades.

5. Illumination over wall cabinets.

LEDs are most often used as lighting for the kitchen, as they consume little electricity and are durable. LED strip protected by silicone is not afraid of water, which is a significant plus in the kitchen. Halogen and fluorescent light sources are also used.

3. Dining area lighting

Often the main light source is deliberately placed above the table. Today chandeliers on long cords have become fashionable. A single ceiling or several in a row look spectacular and create a unique atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

Do not place the chandelier directly over the head of the seated person. The number of fixtures should be proportional to the size of the table.

As a chandelier for the kitchen, plafonds of a simple shape are mainly used: rectangular, cones, balls made of glass, plastic, crystal.

Single plafond above the dining area

4. Lighting in a small kitchen

The features of Khrushchev are, in the lighting of which there are some nuances.

  1. Large artsy chandeliers and ceiling lamps on long bases will not be appropriate here. The dimensions of lighting fixtures should be proportional to the size of the room.
  2. There is no need for a large number of light sources. In a small kitchen, a compact single chandelier in the center of the ceiling in tandem with LED lighting for the work area will look great.
  3. To visually raise the ceiling, you can build LED bulbs into it, and direct the light from them not down, but onto the ceiling itself. Directed in this way, it will give the ceiling the effect of floating in the air.

5. Lighting in the living room kitchen

Often the problem of a small kitchen is solved by combining it with the living room. To visually divide the space into two functional zones, you can install a dining table or a bar counter on the border. Both require their own illumination. It can be a pendant lamp, a large chandelier, or spotlights.

In the living room area should be lighter than in the kitchen. An excellent solution would be built-in spotlights in a multi-level or single-level living room ceiling. If the kitchen and living room are separated by a difference in floor heights, you can install light sources in this difference. Such a technique will visually delimit the space and become the highlight of the interior.

backlight on

Illumination built into the floor height difference

6. Types of lamps

  1. LED bulbs. The main advantages of LED lamps are low power consumption, durability, lower housing temperature compared to incandescent lamps, ease of installation, small dimensions, high mechanical strength. Also, the LED lamp is one of the most environmentally friendly light sources, its disposal does not require special conditions.

The disadvantages include the high cost (however, this is offset by a long service life and low energy consumption), if one of the elements fails, the lamp is unlikely to be repaired. In cheap LEDs, burnout from overheating sometimes occurs, especially in closed shades.

  1. Incandescent lamps. The main advantages of incandescent lamps include low cost, small size, lack of fear of low and high ambient temperatures, and condensate. Also, incandescent lamps can be found in a variety of voltages.

The main disadvantages are low light output, relatively short service life, brittleness, high heating during prolonged operation, which causes a fire hazard.

  1. Halogen lamps. The main advantage of halogen lamps compared to incandescent lamps is their compactness, longer service life and efficiency.

The negative side is high sensitivity to fatty contaminants and strong heating during operation. When installing such lamps, you should not touch them with your hands, as fingerprints quickly burn out during operation, leaving blackening. In case of accidental contact, wipe the lamp with a clean cloth (for example, microfiber) with alcohol.

IRC halogen lamps. A feature of such lamps is a special coating of the bulb, which transmits visible light, but delays infrared radiation, returning it back to the spiral. Due to this, heat losses are reduced, and as a result, energy consumption is reduced and the service life is increased.

  1. Fluorescent lamps. The positive side of such lamps is based on a high luminous efficiency, long service life (compared to incandescent lamps), diffused light and a variety of shades.

The disadvantages include chemical hazard (fluorescent lamps contain mercury), low lamp power factor, uneven spectrum, unpleasant for the eyes.

7. Cost

And now let's try to figure out the cost of all the beauty described above. It turns out that "cheap" and "beautiful" can go together!

As an example, take a small kitchen of 7 square meters:

  • The basis of lighting is a five-light chandelier located above the table. Since the kitchen is small, it illuminates both the dining area and the entire room as a whole. The cost of such a chandelier ranges from $ 80-200.
  • Next, we evaluate the illumination of the working area. Three to five built-in LED or halogen lamps will be enough. This is another $60-150 plus.
  • If you want something unusual, then the countertop lighting in the form of an RGB LED strip is just right. A kit consisting of a waterproof five-meter tape, a control panel and a power cable costs about $30-50.

For rational and harmonious lighting of a kitchen of 7 sq.m, $ 170-400 is enough.

Photo: website,,,

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