Topic in English - my attitude to fashion. Topic "Fashion and my attitude to it"

They say that if you were struck by the beauty of a woman, but cannot remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly. Do you follow fashion? Dressing perfectly? But the main thing is that you like it, right? It is important to remember to live by reason, not by fashion. Today's discussion is about fashion.

Essay on About fashion

There is a proverb: “Good clothes open all doors.” It means that when people don’t know you they judge you by appearance and especially clothes. When you see the person wearing a perfect expensive suit your brain creates the image of successful businessmen in front of you. Instead, the person wearing old jeans and simple T-shirt won’t be allowed to enter the restaurant or many other establishments. It’s considered normal, but should it be this way?
For the vast majority of people, the word “fashion” means a lot and makes their way of living. Nowadays it’s still associated with clothes and accessories but, moreover, it influences our choice of food, technologies and even medicine. A lot of people waste money in order to seem to be fashionable and follow modern tendencies. Furthermore, they don’t choose the things they like just to correspond with social demands. Running this rat race people forget about their personal identity, their tastes and wishes.
One more important thing that we lose trying to be in fashion is our comfort. Most clothes perfectly suit fashion shows and ideal model bodies but not the real life. Choosing extremely fashionable things you risk looking funny and dull. Anyway, the power of the fashion industry is so strong that it’s difficult to struggle with the desire to be similar to people from magazine covers or billboards.
I also think the thing is that the fashion changes so rapidly that there is no sense in following it all the time. I don’t see any necessity in buying expensive fashionable dresses which will be out of fashion in several months and you will look “wrong” wearing it.
I’m absolutely convinced that there is no better thing than feeling comfortable and confident in things you wear. I prefer to invest in good quality products that are fashionable all the time rather than wasting money trying to impress everyone around me.

Essay on the topic About fashion

There is a proverb: “Good clothes open all doors.” This means that when people don't know you, they judge you by your appearance and especially by your clothes. When you see a person dressed in a perfect expensive suit, the image of a successful businessman is created in front of you. Conversely, a person wearing old jeans and a plain T-shirt is unlikely to be allowed into a restaurant or many other establishments. This is considered the norm, but should it be so?
For most people, the word fashion means quite a lot and creates their lifestyle. Today it is still associated with clothing and accessories, but moreover, fashion influences our choices of food, technology and even medicine. Many people waste money in order to appear fashionable and follow current trends. Moreover, they do not choose the things they like just to conform to society's demands. Because of this rat race, people forget about individuality, their tastes and desires.
Another thing we lose when trying to be fashionable is our comfort. A lot of clothes are perfect for fashion shows and models' ideal figures, but not for real life. By choosing overly fashionable things, you risk looking funny and stupid. However, the power of the fashion industry is so great that it is very difficult to resist the desire to look like people on magazine covers or billboards.
I also think that the problem lies in fast-changing fashion, and that there is no point in following it all the time. I don't see any need to buy expensive fashionable dresses that will go out of style in a few months and you will look "wrong" wearing it.
I am absolutely convinced that there is nothing better than feeling comfortable and confident in the clothes you wear. I would rather invest in good quality items that will never go out of style than waste money trying to impress everyone around me.

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If you are asked to write a short essay or story on the topic “My clothing style” in English with translation, use the text below, making adjustments to suit your personal preferences.

My clothes and my style / My clothes and my style

My favorite clothes are sportswear. Also, I like zippered jacket. My casual clothes are sports trousers or jeans with long sleeved T-shirt. My shoes are black trainers.

I wear a school uniform at school. These are black trousers, a blue shirt and a black jacket. I wear my hat only in winter, when it’s cold.

I don’t follow fashion because clothes’ quality is more important then style.

Translation into Russian / Translating to Russian language

My favorite clothes are sportswear. Also, I like the zip-up jacket. My everyday clothes are sweatpants or jeans with a long sleeve T-shirt. My shoes are black sneakers.

At school I wear a school uniform. These are black trousers, a blue shirt and a black jacket. I only wear a hat in winter when it's cold.

I don't follow fashion because the quality of clothes is more important than style.

I like trousers and jeans. My favorite colors are blue and red. I don’t like shirts but I like T-shirts and sweatshirts. I also like cap baseballs. At school I usually wear my black trousers or blue jeans, and a T-shirt or sweatshirt. I've got a lot of T-shirts. My favorite T-shirt is blue, with a picture of a tiger on it. I usually wear trainers. I've got some black shoes, but I don't like them. At the moment I’m wearing blue jeans, a red and blue sweatshirt and my new trainers. I really love my new trainers!

Translation into Russian / Translating to Russian language

I like trousers and jeans. My favorite colors are blue and red. I don't like shirts, but I like t-shirts and sweatshirts. I also like baseball caps. At school I usually wear black trousers or blue jeans, a T-shirt or a sweatshirt. I have a lot of T-shirts. My favorite is a blue T-shirt with a tiger on it. I usually wear sneakers. I have black shoes, but I don't like them. I'm currently wearing blue jeans, a red and blue T-shirt and new sneakers. I really like my new sneakers!

Fashion has always had a huge influence on people around the world. The main reason why we try to follow the latest fashion trends is a desire to look stylish, attractive, popular and more confident. Generally people judge a new person by his appearance and his clothes and only then, by his inner qualities. There is a proverb: “Good clothes open all doors.” That’s why we do our best to make a favorable impression on others. We spend a lot of money to keep up with fashion and buy designer clothes.

Fashion often means style, glamor and success. It is also a big business. It’s hard to resist the temptation to buy some brand-name clothing in our modern world. Every day we pass by colorful shop-windows, we see plenty of ads everywhere: on buses, billboards, TV and in magazines. Many teenagers pay too much attention to their friends’ and classmates’ appearance. Sadly, if some parents are not able to afford buying trendy clothes with fashion labels, their children often become outsiders. So clothes usually separate people into social groups.

In my opinion every person can have his own style and look unique. He should choose clothes according to his taste, age, job, constitution and character. I am glad to say that I don’t pay so much attention to fashion and I am not its victim. I don't care too much about what other people wear. The most important thing for me in the outlook is neatness, natural look and beauty. And it should certainly suit the occasion. I must admit that some fashionable clothes are quite ridiculous and unpractical. There was a time, for instance, when young people wore baggy clothes, shoes on enormous platforms, red hair, black fingernails and bright make-up. To my mind, it was just a silly waste of money. Besides, if a person doesn’t have a good taste he is not able to put things together and look attractive and stylish even in fashionable clothes.


Fashion has always had a huge influence on people around the world. The main reason why we try to follow the latest fashion trends is to look stylish, attractive, popular and more confident. As a rule, people evaluate a new person by his appearance and clothes, and only then by his inner qualities. There is a proverb: “Good clothes open all doors.” Therefore, we do everything we can to make a favorable impression on other people. We spend a lot of money to keep up with fashion and buy designer clothes.

Fashion often means style, glamor and success. It's also big business. It's hard to resist buying something from a prestigious brand in our modern world. Every day we pass by bright shop windows, we see a lot of advertising everywhere: on buses, on billboards, on TV and in magazines. Many teenagers pay too much attention to the appearance of their friends and classmates. Unfortunately, if parents cannot afford to buy stylish clothes with fashionable labels, then their children often become outsiders. In this way, clothing usually divides people into social groups.

In my opinion, every person can have their own style and look unique. He should choose clothes according to his taste, in accordance with his age, work, physique and character. I'm happy to say that I don't pay much attention to fashion and I'm not a victim of it. I don't care too much about what other people are wearing. The most important things for me in an outfit are neatness, naturalness and beauty. And, of course, it must match the situation. I must admit that some fashionable clothes are quite ridiculous and impractical. For example, there was a time when young people wore baggy clothes, incredibly high platform shoes, red hair, black nails and bright makeup. In my opinion it was a stupid waste of money. In addition, if a person does not have a sense of taste, then he will not be able to combine things and look beautiful and stylish, even in fashionable clothes.

Victoria Zhukova has compiled a dictionary of important terms and phrases on the topic of fashion and beauty in English.

The modern fashion and beauty industry is replete with English words, phrases and terms. Designers and journalists try to come up with original descriptions for everything that happens and appears on the catwalk, in studios and beauty salons, so the number of these terms increases every day.

To stay in trend and understand what domestic and foreign media are writing about, you need to follow the updates of the fashion dictionary. Let's look at the most common and useful vocabulary of “fashionable” English.


Fashionista Chiara Ferragni (@chiaraferragni)

People are at the heart of the world of fashion and beauty. Creative, creative, progressive, talented... different. Here are some words to describe them:

    Fashionista is a person obsessed with fashion, a “diva” of the fashion world.

    Trendsetter is a person who sets the direction in fashion.

    Conservative dresser - a person who prefers a conservative style (dressing stylishly, but restrainedly).

    Chic is someone who always looks stylish, fashionable, chic.

    Designer - designer, fashion designer.

    Сouturier - couturier.

    Model - model.

    Make-up artist - makeup artist.

    Photographer / fashion photographer - photographer / fashion photographer.

    Fashion blogger is a blogger who follows the fashion world and writes about it.

    Fashion journalist is a journalist who specializes in fashion topics.


Must-have of the season - straw hat (@bellahadid)

Fashion surrounds us everywhere and always, from cozy pajamas at home to global catwalks. Here are some useful words and expressions on this topic.

    Stylish - stylish, fashionable, chic.

    Trendy - the most popular at the moment, trendy.

    Classic - classic, always relevant, eternal.

    Vintage - vintage; clothing, accessories or interior items “with history”.

    Must-have - something that is definitely worth having, something that should be in the wardrobe.

    Essential - essential, important, basic, necessary.

    Hot - sexy, provocative (or hot, desirable, as in “hot trend”).

    Plum - a tidbit, something very desirable (a plum new dress - a long-awaited new dress).

    A thought-out piece is a thoughtful thing.

    Sartorially distinctive - clear, well-tailored.

    Knockoff is a pirated copy of a famous brand, a fake.

    Passed, unoriginal, boring - outdated, unoriginal, boring.

    Be all the rage - incredibly popular and relevant.

    Over-the-top - extravagant, going beyond the ordinary.

    Go with - match (appearance, mood, style, outfit).

    Signature tools - signature techniques.

    High-street fashion - stylish fashionable clothes, which are at the same time affordable (H&M, Zara, Mango, Stradivarius).

    Thrift shop - a consignment store or a store with second-hand (used) clothing.

    To chisel something into stone - go down in history (literally - “to carve out of stone”).

    To steal the show - to attract all the attention.

    To talk shop - discuss professional tasks, your business affairs.

    To design smth from scratch - to make something from scratch.


Pick up this wicker bag (@KMBorovic)

Shopping is not just for fashion lovers. Even if you are far from a fan of visiting stores and boutiques, sooner or later, out of necessity, shopping still has to be added to the to do list.

    Shopping therapy - shopping therapy, fighting depression with the help of shopping (be careful, this is not a real therapeutic practice, an attempt to escape by shopping can lead to shopaholism and aggravate the depressed state).

    Fit like a glove - fits perfectly (clothing, accessories).

    To shop around - to walk around the shops in order to take a closer look at prices and compare them, “pricing the price”.

    Window shopping - a walk along store windows in order to look at the goods, clothes, accessories you are interested in; visiting stores without intending to buy anything.

    To shop lift - steal, steal goods from a store (we're sure you don't do that).

    To pay one’s way - pay for yourself.

    Try on - try on a thing.

    Put on - put on.

    Do up - to fasten something.

    Take back - return something to the store if the item does not fit.

    Pick out - choose an item from many others.

    Sell ​​out - sell out.

    Wear in - breaking in a new item, especially shoes, if they are a little uncomfortable after purchase.

    Set back - to pay a high price for something, to cost a pretty penny (you can also use the idiom “cost me pretty penny”).

    Look out for - to look for, look out for, look for something necessary.

    Beat down - bring down the price, bargain (synonym - knock off).

    Pick up - buy spontaneously, not planned.


A lot of makeup or are we just jealous (@denitslava)

The world of beauty is not limited to the dressing rooms of famous fashionistas and actors. He is inside each of us and in everyday life. The following expressions will come in handy, for example, when you watch videos or read posts from English-speaking beauty bloggers.

    Cosmetics - cosmetics.

    Skin glowing with health - healthy and radiant skin.

    A lot of makeup - a lot of makeup.

    To pamper somebody - to pamper someone (yourself, for example).

    To cleanse skin - cleanse the skin.

    Gently rub the cream in - gently rub the cream.

    To hide spots and flaws or blemishes of the skin - hide spots and imperfections or blemishes of the skin.

    To smooth out wrinkles - smooth out wrinkles.

    To rejuvenate complexion - rejuvenate facial skin.

    To remove makeup - remove makeup.

    To rinse off all the dirt and makeup - wash off all the dirt and makeup.

    To exfoliate skin - scrub the skin.

    Make-up base, primer - base for makeup.

    Concealer - concealer.

    Liquid eyeliner - eyeliner.

    Eye shadow - eye shadow.

    Face cream / moisturizer - face cream, moisturizing cream / lotion.

    Face tint, tinted moisturizer - foundation.

    Highlighter, brightener, illuminator - highlighter.

    Blush, rouge - blush.

    Bronzer - bronzer.

    Powder - powder.

    Brow gel - eyebrow gel.

    Lip gloss - lip gloss.

    Lip liner - lip pencil.

    Lipstick - lipstick.

    Nail polish - nail polish.

    Tanning lotion, fake tan - self-tanning.

    Facial cleanser - cleanser (washing gel, milk or makeup remover).

    Toner - facial tonic.

    Mascara - mascara (volumizing, volume - voluminous, lash defining - separating, waterproof - waterproof, lengthening - lengthening, curling - curling).

Most people believe that it’s important to look nice. However, some people say that we place too much importance on appearance and fashion. One will hardly disagree that it is pleasant to look at a person who is neatly and beautifully dressed. A person usually chooses clothes according to his or her age, social class, financial position and occupation. People also choose clothes according to their preferences and character.

To my mind, if a person wants to produce a good impression and to be successful, he or she must look nice. When people speak to you, they always pay attention to your appearance and your clothes. If you look sloppy and untidy, they will try to avoid you. There is a saying that “good clothes open all doors” and I quite agree with it.

But some people place too much importance on their appearance. They spend a lot of money on expensive clothes and sometimes they look ridiculous trying to be fashionable. There are some styles that can surprise and even shock people such as punks, hippies or Goths. It looks strange when a person wears razor blades instead of earrings, dyes his or her hair bright red or purple or puts on shoes on enormous platform. Some teenagers are fond of bright make-up, black fingernails, scruffy long hair or baggy clothes. But I think it is silly to slavishly follow the current fashions.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that nowadays fashion becomes even more influential than it was in the past. It effects and molds public taste. I believe that people should follow fashion and pay attention to their appearance, but it should never become a kind of obsession.

Essay/composition 2

Some teenagers think that clothes make the man, while others don’t care much about what they wear. Nowadays the word “fashion” is a synonym for beauty, style and glamor.

Every shop offers a wide choice of fashionable clothes and it is hard to resist the temptation to buy something new. But is it all right to put so much attention to clothes? Personally, I am sure that there are more important things in life than fashion. To my mind, people speak too much about it and waste a lot of money on clothes. I have a pair of jeans and I wear them every day. I think jeans are comfortable and cheap. I never go for the latest styles or buy very expensive clothes.

However, most teenagers say that clothes show their personality. Besides, they are the first thing people see when they meet them. Teenagers believe that clothes help them produce a favorite impression and they say they feel better when they are dressed well. Young people also use bright make-up, cut and dye their hair and carry different accessories such as bags, purses, glasses, jewellery, hats or scarves in order to attract attention. Some youngsters are fond of experimenting with their look and mixing styles. But I don’t think it is wise to become a fashion victim.

To conclude, I believe that clothes do not make the man. The main aim of clothes is to protect the human body from extreme weather, insects, chemicals and other hazards. The second aim is to attract attention and to indicate status. In my opinion, the main thing about clothes is comfort. As for beauty and style, they are less important.

Essay/composition 3

The question of what pupils should wear to school rouses strong feelings on both sides. Some people give many reasons in favor of school uniforms. However, there are a lot of people who are against them. The problem of school uniforms is discussed in every school. The majority of schoolchildren have a negative attitude to wearing a uniform. However, there are arguments for school uniforms that should not be discounted.

To my mind, the school uniform has a lot of advantages. Firstly, some teenagers wear clothes that are not appropriate at school such as short skirts or clothes with vulgar language. Secondly, teachers say that uniforms help improve discipline and reduce peer pressure and bullying. It should also be noted that most pupils don’t mind wearing uniforms. The wearing of school uniforms helps pupils realize that a person’s unique gifts and personality traits go deeper than their clothes. What is more, the school uniform promotes equality because everyone has to wear the same.

However, some teachers believe that bringing in uniforms will not solve the school discipline problem. Clothes are not the main cause of bullying and therefore it will continue, regardless of dress policy. Most pupils are convinced that school uniforms interfere with their rights for self-expression. Some parents are also against uniforms because they are not cheap. But on the other hand, it is true that teenagers place too much importance on appearance and fashion. So pupils whose parents cannot afford to buy them fashionable clothes often become outsiders and suffer from bullying and emotional stress. So I think that a school uniform can prove to be a cheaper way of dressing children.

To conclude, school uniforms still remain a hot topic. I believe it is up to pupils, their teachers and parents to decide whether children should wear uniforms or not.

Essay/composition 4

Some people like fur coats and hats, while others think that wearing fur is unacceptable. Animal furs have long served to make clothes or to decorate them. However, the use of fur as clothing and decoration is considered controversial by some people.

Personally, I don’t wear fur for several reasons. Firstly, the production of fur coats and hats involves cruelty to animals. Millions of foxes, rabbits, minks, beavers, chinchillas and other animals are killed on farms because of their commercially valuable fur. Many of these animals are raised in cages which leave them little room to move around. Most animal rights groups object to the trapping and killing of wildlife. The anti-fur movement involves celebrities who try to convince people that fur is not fashionable. Secondly, nowadays there are a lot of materials that will not let you freeze. Thirdly, fur is very expensive and I can’t afford to buy fur coats and hats.

On the other hand, in some climates it is so cold that people can’t do without fur. For some regions in Russia fur trade is the only business that gives people an opportunity to support their families. Besides, some people prefer furs to artificial materials because they are healthier and much more beautiful. Anyway, it is difficult to convince people not to buy fur.

To sum up, it is unacceptable to wear furs only because of their beauty. I strongly feel that fur must be worn only as a necessity.

Essay/composition 5

Most fashion houses complain that producers of knockoff versions copy and sell their designs. Some people say that copies are much worse than the original. However, the knockoff industry brings some positive effects to trends and to the designers as well. A lot of manufacturers copy famous designers and produce knockoff suits, dresses, jeans, bags and accessories. Some people can’t decide whether the massive knockoff industry is a good or bad thing.

Personally, I think that the fashion industry is an expensive one. So it is no wonder the knockoff business is so successful. Ordinary people want to have access to the latest styles and trends as much as the wealthy do. Most middle class consumers cannot afford to pay 1000 euros for designer jeans, but they can buy a 100 euro imitation. As a rule everyone knows that they buy copies, and so there are no complaints about the quality. What is more, knockoff clothes can be in the shops within two or three days of a fashion show, before the original is available for sale.

On the other hand, the quality of most copies is extremely low. Poorly made knockoff suits lose color; bags fall apart. Fashion houses say that they are losing sales because of the knockoff industry. Besides, knockoff versions have a negative effect on their image. But to my mind, knockoffs bring more good than bad to the fashion industry because they actually promote the brand or designer, which encourages consumers to buy fashion labels.

To conclude, the copying of brand names and logos is outlawed. However, the knockoff industry is thriving and producers of copies are becoming richer and richer. But in spite of the knockoff business, fashion designers have remained more than wealthy. Therefore, I believe that prohibiting knockoffs would be eliminating more good than bad.

Essay/composition 6

A lot of young people cover their bodies with tattoos and decorate them with piercing. However, others say that body art has many drawbacks. Tattooing and piercing are popular in many parts of the world and they are practiced for decorative, religious or other reasons. As the use of body art grows, it is becoming a controversial issue.

In my opinion, tattoos and piercing don’t make people more beautiful. Most employers don’t want employees to have tattoos and piercing because it gives them an air of unprofessionalism. Some people are asked to remove belly rings or tongue studs when they are at work. Employees often have to wear long sleeves and trousers to hide their tattoos. Sometimes young people are allowed to show their tattoos if they are not offensive, but most companies still prefer conventional looks. Furthermore, doctors warn people against possible dangers of tattooing and piercing including bacterial infection and allergic reactions. These procedures are painful and risky. Besides, one should remember that it is difficult to remove a tattoo. Some people have to pay much money to undergo laser erasure treatments.

However, some young people say that their tattoos and piercing make them feel attractive and rebellious. They also believe that body art gives them an opportunity to show their individuality. Anyway, when you are invited to a firm for a job interview, you can hide your tattoos and remove all jewelry. But I still believe that body art is unsightly.

To conclude, tastes differ. You may admire the huge dragon on your back, but your relatives, friends and colleagues may dislike it. If you want to improve your job prospects and to stay healthy, you’d better leave your body unadorned.

Recommendations for writing an essay (essays with elements of reasoning)

At first glance, it may seem that writing an essay in English is extremely difficult. But if you know and follow some rules, then writing an essay (composition) will not be such a terrible thing. So, when writing an essay (composition), consider the following points:
  1. Stick to a formal writing style. Remember that contractions like don’t, can’t, I’m, it’s are not a formal style. Also avoid exclamation marks, which also conflicts with the neutrality of the formal style. Watch your vocabulary and do not use phrases such as: well, to tell the truth, etc. These phrases do not correspond to the formal style.
  2. Divide your essay (composition) into several logical parts (paragraphs). In the first paragraph, introduce the problem you will address in the essay. To do this correctly, reformulate the topic. Don't repeat the topic, but reformulate it!
  3. Next, consider the problem from two sides - find two or three arguments that support one point of view and the same number in favor of the other. There is no need to write down all the arguments that come to mind. Choose two or three of the most significant ones and present them.
  4. Express your attitude to the problem. In two or three sentences, explain why you think so. Do not repeat verbatim the arguments already given. Use paraphrasing.
  5. In the last paragraph, make a conclusion about the problem.
  6. Keep track of the length of the essay (composition). The principle “the more, the better” is not applicable here. The expert checking your work strictly counts the required number of words and checks only the volume that fits into the norm. An essay (composition) less than the established volume is not checked at all and is not evaluated in any way.