Saint Reverend Agapit of Pechersk, free doctor. Agapit of Pechersk prayer, what helps Saint Agapit of Pechersk prayers

Along with the great saints, Agapit of Pechersk is revered in our time - this healer, who worked for free, is respected not only in Russia, but also abroad. In this article you will learn about his life, where the temple with the relics of the righteous man is located, and how to pray to the saint.

Life of Agapit of Pechersk

The future doctor was born in Kyiv, at the very beginning of the 11th century. He entered the monastery during the life of St. Anthony (Pechersky) and learned a lot from him. The Life of Agapit of Pechersk mentions that he healed Vladimir Monomakh. The saint treated her with decoctions of herbs and prayers, and did not take money. At first he aroused the envy of the doctor, whose patients went to the saint, but over time he himself became a monk.

Almost nothing is known about the biography of Agapit of Pechersk before he appeared in the monastery caves. But he was very zealous in acquiring monastic virtues. Seeing how the Monk Anthony healed the suffering, the monk became zealous for the Lord and began to zealously serve the brothers who were suffering from illnesses. He laid him down, took him out into the air, and prayed to God to send healing to the sick man. And so, in the end, he was given the grace to become a doctor, like his mentor.

Agapit of Pechersk was very modest, ate only plant foods, and never locked the door of his cell - after all, he had nothing that could be stolen. When the prince came to the monastery to thank him for the healing, the monk disappeared and did not come out to accept the gifts. His only goal in life was to acquire grace and help to his neighbors.

The trials that befell Agapit's life

A certain doctor was very jealous of Saint Agapit of Pechersk, he even sent his friends with the drink he sent. But it happened according to the commandment of the Lord - his devoted servant drank the poison and remained unharmed.

The time came when the monk himself began to fall seriously ill. Then his old rival came and began to ask how the elder was being treated. He answered that by the power of God. A dispute broke out - the doctor assured that prayer would not help Agapit of Pechersk and he would die in three days. The elder assured that his time would come in 3 months. Then his enemy made a vow - if after 3 days the monk was alive, he himself would become a monk.

The time indicated by the elder passed, he quietly departed to the heavenly abodes. Then his former rival appeared to the abbot - he repented and retreated from the heretical teaching that he adhered to, asking to be tonsured as a monk, wanting to keep his vow. His dream was fulfilled; he ended his life in the holy monastery, learning the truths of the Gospel. So even after death, the Monk Agapit of Pechersk continues to lead people to Christ.

Icons and temples of Agapit of Pechersk

On the icon, the Monk Agapit of Pechersk is depicted in the vestments of a schema-monk, his left hand supports a vessel with medicinal herbs, and in his right he holds a spoon, like other holy healers. His face radiates calm, a peaceful mood. It is not scary to go to such a doctor for treatment, because he has the best recommendations - from the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes the monk holds a scroll in one hand, and around the shoulder image there are marks from the life, which tell about his most famous healings.

The relics of the saint reside in the nearby caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. The sarcophagus has a glass lid that is lifted for especially important guests. Bill Clinton himself came to Kyiv to visit the resting place of Agapit of Pechersk. Many Russian politicians and celebrities come here. There are a lot of people who want to receive a piece of the saint’s relics, but according to the metropolitan, their distribution has stopped - there are too many petitioners.

There are especially many pilgrims to the temple where the relics of Agapit of Pechersk lie (the Church of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary) on the days of the saint’s memory. Then the tomb is moved out of the caves so that more people can approach it. Millions of believers come to worship. According to Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshgorod, many miracles are being performed. Some of the latest:

  • a blind girl received her sight;
  • cancer patients are healed;
  • gallstone disease disappears.

In the Christmastide of the Russian Orthodox Church, the memory of Saint Agapit of Pechersk is celebrated on June 1 and September 28.

What to pray to Agapit of Pechersk

First of all, they pray to the doctor from God, who lived in the Pechersk Lavra, for deliverance from bodily ailments. After his death, the Monk Agapit only increased his healing power, but when converting, one must have firm faith that the Lord will help, he is able to cure any illness, misfortune, or spiritual weakness. Not everyone can go to the Lavra - but then we must remember that God and the saints hear appeals regardless of your location. Pray in front of the icon, the result will be the same - by faith.

Prayer to Saint Agapit, physician of Pechersk

O all-blessed Agapit, earthly Angel and heavenly man! We fall to you with faith and love and pray to you diligently: show us your holy intercession to the humble and sinful; Behold, for the sake of our sin, the imams are not free to ask the children of God for our needs to our Lord and Master, but to you, a favorable prayer book, we offer to Him and ask you with zeal for many: ask us from His goodness for useful gifts to our souls and bodies, faith to the right, love for everyone is unfeigned, patience in suffering, those obsessed with serious illnesses - healing from ailments, under the burden of sorrows and misfortunes that are unbearable and those who despair of their lives will receive quick relief and deliverance through your prayers. Do not forget, blessed father, this holy monastery, which always honors you, but keep it and all who live and labor in it and who come to worship there unharmed from the temptations of the devil and all evil. When our departure from this temporary life arrives, and our migration to eternity, do not deprive us of your heavenly help, but with your prayers bring us all into the haven of salvation and reveal us to be heirs of the all-bright Kingdom of Christ, so that we sing and glorify the ineffable generosity of the Lover of Mankind, God the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit and yours, together with the Monks Anthony and Theodosius, are your fatherly intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Agapit of Pechersk - temple, prayer, icons, biography was last modified: June 12th, 2017 by Bogolub

For our readers: the soul-saving prayer of Agapit of Pechersk with a detailed description from various sources.

Miraculous words: agapit of Pechersk soul-saving prayer in full description from all the sources we found.

Prayers to the Saints

Memory: June 1 / June 14, September 28 / October 11 (Cathedral of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves, resting in the Near Caves)

Agapit of Pechersk is a humble ascetic and a skilled herbalist. He healed Vladimir Monomakh from a serious illness, miraculously avoided poisoning from an envious Armenian doctor, who later, seeing the holiness of Agapit, repented and became a monk. One of the heavenly patrons of pious doctors. People turn to St. Agapit with prayer in illness and sorrow.

Troparion to St. Agapit of Pechersk, tone 5

Jealous of God-bearing Anthony's humility, like some kind of medicine, potion, you healed the sick, Reverend Agapit, thereby convincing the doctor that he was unfaithful, and guided you on the path of salvation. Heal our illnesses too and pray to the Lord for those who sing your praises.

Second troparion to St. Agapit of Pechersk, tone 2

The great faith of correction, in the cave seclusion, as if on the water of repose, the Reverend Father Agapit, you rejoiced, for we inflame the fire of Divine love, through vigil and prayer you achieved dispassion and you appeared equal to the angels on earth. Through his prayers, O Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion to St. Agapit of Pechersk, tone 6

This doctor is remarkable, wonderful, revealing your undoubted faith, denouncing the Armenian unbelief and leading him to piety. When you were near death, you asked God for the continuation of your life and, having thus miraculously assured him, you brought him to Christ, standing before Him in joy, praying about us, reverend.

Glorification of Saint Agapit of Pechersk

We bless you, Reverend Father Agapit, and honor your holy memory, teacher of monks and interlocutor of angels.

First prayer to St. Agapit of Pechersk, free doctor

Oh, all-blessed Agapit, earthly angel and heavenly man! We fall to you with faith and love and pray to you diligently: show us, humble and sinners, your holy intercession; for it is not a sin for our sake, the imams of the freedom of the children of God to ask our Lord and Master for our needs, but to you, a favorable prayer book, we offer to Him and ask you with zeal for many: ask us from His goodness for beneficial gifts for our souls and bodies: the right faith, love for everyone is unfeigned, in those suffering - patience, those obsessed with serious illnesses - healing from ailments, under the burden of sorrows and misfortunes that are unbearable, those who fall and despair of their lives will receive quick relief and deliverance through your prayers. Do not forget, blessed father, your holy monastery, which always honors you, and keep it and all who live and strive in it and come to worship there, unharmed from the temptations of the devil and all evil. When our departure from this temporary life and migration to eternity arrives, do not deprive us of your heavenly help, but with your prayers bring us all into the haven of salvation and reveal us to be the all-bright Kingdom of Christ, so that we sing and glorify the ineffable bounties of the Lover of Mankind, God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and yours, together with the Venerables Anthony and Theodosius, is a fatherly intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to St. Agapit of Pechersk, free doctor

Reverend Father Agapit! Look upon us mercifully and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven. You are a mountain in heaven, we are on earth below, removed from you not only by place, but by our sins and iniquities, but we will run to you and cry: teach us to walk in your way, enlighten and guide us. Your entire holy life has been a mirror of every virtue. Don’t stop, servant of God, crying out to the Lord for us. By your intercession, ask from our All-Merciful God the peace of His Church, under the sign of the militant cross, agreement in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanities and schisms, affirmation in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy. Do not disgrace us, who come to you with faith. All Orthodox Christians, having performed your miracles and beneficent mercies, confess you to be their patron and intercessor. Show your ancient mercies, which you helped your father to, do not reject us, their children, who are marching towards you in their footsteps. Standing before your most honorable icon, as I live for you, we fall down and pray: accept our prayers and offer them up on the altar of God’s mercy, so that we may receive your grace and timely help in our needs. Strengthen us, the faint-hearted, and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Master through your prayers. Oh, great servant of God! Help all of us who flow to you with faith through your intercession to the Lord and guide us all in peace and repentance, end our lives and move with hope into the blessed bosom of Abraham, where you now joyfully rest, glorifying God with all the saints, glorified in the Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to St. Agapit of Pechersk:

  • Prayer to St. Agapit of Pechersk. Agapit of Pechersk is a humble ascetic and a skilled herbalist. He healed Vladimir Monomakh from a serious illness, miraculously avoided poisoning from an envious Armenian doctor, who later, seeing the holiness of Agapit, repented and became a monk. One of the heavenly patrons of pious doctors. People turn to St. Agapit with prayer in illness and sorrow.

Akathist to St. Agapit of Pechersk:

Canon to St. Agapit of Pechersk:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about St. Agapit of Pechersk:

  • Venerable Agapit of Pechersk, free doctor– Pravoslavie.Ru
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Saint Agapit of Pechersk: life and prayers

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In everyone's life, sooner or later situations happen when a person, even one who does not believe in miracles, goes to church and worships the saints, hoping for a miracle. On the one hand, this may indicate strengthening of faith. On the other hand, everyone must understand that without faith there is no miracle. Speaking about saints, it should be noted that in the Orthodox world there is a fairly large number of saints, before whom believers bow and pray with requests. One of the most revered is Saint Agapit of Pechersk.

Brief life of the saint

The Monk Agapit of Pechersk is from Kyiv. Lived in the 11th century. The monk was from Lyubech, which is located near Chernigov. He was tonsured to St. Mount Athos. When he came to Kyiv, for settlement he chose one of the caves in the wooded mountains, which was located next to the Dnieper River. His ascetic life brought together quite a large number of people who wanted to live under his leadership and lead a monastic life. This was the beginning of the creation of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

Agapit of Kiev-Pechersk wanted to receive healing of the soul through tonsure into the Ionic rank. After he achieved what he wanted, he served very zealously. He followed the angelic life of St. Anthony. Agapit was guided by his instructions. It so happened that the monk witnessed how Anthony healed the sick with his prayer. Moreover, he hid his talent by handing over medicinal herbs from his food.

Watching what was happening, Agapit began to compete in feats. When one of the brethren fell ill, he left his cell and went to serve the sick person. He put him to bed, carried him in his arms for walks and prayed for his healing. His prayer healed more than one person. Word of the healings quickly spread throughout Kyiv and sick people from all over the city began to come to him so that he could heal them.

At the same time, an Armenian doctor lived in Kyiv. He had a different gift. When he looked at a sick person, he could instantly tell not only how serious the illness was, but also accurately name the date of death. When he saw a seriously ill person and knew that his death would soon come, he refused to treat him. One day, Prince Vsevolod fell ill with a mortal illness. The Armenian plunged him into despair and predicted his death in 8 days.

The prince was brought to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra to the Monk Agapit. The monk made a prayer for him, gave him medicinal herbs, which he himself used, and a miracle happened, the prince was healed. The Armenian did not like this act, and he ordered Agapit to be poisoned. But he failed.

When Agapit became very ill, the same Armenian doctor came to him and predicted death in three days. But the monk said that the Lord would take him to him only after three months, to which the doctor made a vow that if his prediction was not fulfilled, he would go to serve in a monastery. The Monk Agapit the Pechersk physician, without compensation, died three months later in 1095. After his death, the Armenian came to the abbot of the Pechersk Monastery and repented, after which he took monastic vows.

It should be noted that the saint is still revered today. There are a lot of secrets and various guesses associated with his personality. But most likely, all of them will probably remain unsolved. Everyone knows him as the first doctor of Kievan Rus.

Agapit of Pechersk: icon and relics

It's no secret that the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is famous throughout the CIS. All of Europe has heard stories of how many miracles happen on its territory. To this day, the Pechersk Caves with their secrets attract many parishioners who want to reveal the secrets. It is in this place that the relics of the saint are located. Also in the temple of the Pechersk Lavra there is an icon of St. Agapit. Believers from all over the world come to her to venerate the saint and pray for help.

In addition, on the territory of the monastery there is a historical museum, which contains busts and paintings of many saints. Among them you can see a bust of the healer Agapit of Pechersk.

Prayer of Agapit of Pechersk changing fate

The saint's memorial day is June 14. In the evening on the eve of this day, a religious procession is traditionally held across the territory of the Lavra. He is revered along with such healers as Panteleimon. There are many stories that confirm that miracles of healing from veneration of the relics and icon of the saint occur to this day.

They say that if you bow to the relics, you will feel an inexplicable warmth from them. It’s interesting, but the fact today is that even in the most secluded corners of the world, the miracles that took place through the prayer of Agapit of Pechersk for healing are known.

And so, what do the believers ask the Reverend in prayer for:

  • About healing from serious incurable diseases. Such, for example, as onko.
  • Healing from cholelithiasis.
  • About healing the blind,
  • Healing liver diseases and much more.

One man tells how he contracted a disease against his will caused by a bacterium. He developed a fever, severe sweating and ulcers all over his body. He was given a terrible diagnosis that cannot be treated all over the world. After hearing this, he began to sincerely pray to the healers Luke, Panteleimon and Agapit of Pechersk. And a miracle happened, he was healed.

Arriving at the hospital for examination, the doctors froze in amazement; not a trace remained of the disease.

In addition to the prayer before the icon of the saint, an akathist is also read, which can be found in the prayer book.

The prayer to Agapit of Pechersk sounds like this:

Reverend Father Agapit! Look upon us mercifully and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven. You are a mountain in heaven, we are on earth below, removed from you, not only by place, but by our sins and iniquities, but we run to you and cry: teach us to walk in your way, enlighten us and guide us. Your entire holy life has been a mirror of every virtue. Do not stop, servant of God, crying to the Lord for us. By your intercession, ask from our All-Merciful God the peace of His Church, under the sign of the militant cross, agreement in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanities and schisms, affirmation in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy. Do not disgrace us, who come to you with faith.

All Orthodox Christians, having performed your miracles and beneficent mercies, confess you to be their patron and intercessor. Show your ancient mercies, and to whom you helped the Father, do not reject us, their children, who are marching towards you in their footsteps. Standing before your most honorable icon, as I live for you, we fall down and pray: accept our prayers and offer them up on the altar of God’s mercy, so that we may receive your grace and timely help in our needs.

Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Master through your prayers. Oh, great servant of God! Help all of us who flow to you with faith through your intercession to the Lord, and guide us all in peace and repentance, end our lives and move with hope into the blessed bosom of Abraham, where you now rest joyfully in your labors and struggles, glorifying God with all the saints , in the Trinity glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


My True Father,

A soul-saving prayer was given to Antipius (who, after being tonsured as a monk, received the name Anthony), abbot, and later simply a monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery, who lived in the 11th century.

“. Antipy's youth was “cheerful.” What was happening around him greatly contributed to the fact that he began to make attempts to understand not only the external, but also, first of all, himself. And not just to figure it out, but to figure it out thoughtfully. Many people at that time believed in God. And he felt that God existed. But why was there such turmoil around? Why did God allow such evil? There was some kind of confrontation, unnecessary bloodshed. People suffered, their children suffered, disease, poverty, and death raged. Antipius had the opportunity to hear preachers of different religions. And they all taught faith in their God, His worship and prayers. But the paradox was that they themselves did not have that pure faith that they spoke about, and they themselves did not fulfill what they demanded of others. Antipius also had no trust in those who came with a sword, speaking for God. On the other hand, he was tormented by the thoughts of why, if there is a loving God, then there is so much grief around, a lot of blood is senselessly shed? Why does God allow such severe suffering?

There were a lot of questions, but as always, in such a swarm of thoughts there was not a single sensible answer. But one day, from a wanderer who stopped at their place for the night, he heard a story that interested him very much. That wanderer spoke about the life of Jesus Christ. Antipius was amazed. After all, it turns out that people even killed the Son of God himself. Why then did Almighty God not stop these people? Why didn’t he intervene when his own Son suffered from the wicked and His body died on the cross? But when Antipius realized that the essence lies in human choice, the choice of each person before the face of the Lord, he realized that the reason for the chaos happening around was not in God, but in the people themselves, including him.

Agapit and Antony closed their eyes. While Agapit silently whispered a prayer with his lips, Anthony, with a blissful smile on his lips, took his last breath. And his soul, accompanied by the Holy Spirit, went to heaven. For at that moment the Archangel Gabriel himself prayed for him.”

An excerpt from Anastasia Novykh’s book “Sensei-II. Primordial Shambhala” .e

Soul-saving prayer (Prayer of Agapit of Pechersk)

“It is no good to worry the Lord about anything other than the salvation of your soul. Don’t ask for your body, don’t ask for your health, don’t worry about your belly - all this is empty decay, insatiable in desires. For there is no petition more worthy than the petition for the salvation of one’s soul.”

Saint Agapit of Pechersk, free physician. His miraculous relics still rest in the Near Caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Saint Agapit of Pechersk, being a monk, laid the foundation for medical practice at the Pechersk Monastery; he is revered as the first Doctor of Kievan Rus. However, his treatment was not limited to getting rid of ailments from human bodies. Many people received from him (both during his life and after his death) unique, invisible to the eye of a mere mortal, healing help and support in their lives. Interesting information about Agapit of Pechersk, about his life and activities, is described in the second volume of the book “Sensei”, as well as in the book “AllatRa”.

“...Agapit, in addition to his other merits, was also a good doctor. His cordial, caring attitude towards the sick gave rise to unprecedented fame and respect for him among the people, far beyond the borders of Kyiv, although Agapit himself almost never left the territory of the monastery. He became one of the most famous doctors of the 11th century. People called him “Healer from God.” He cured such serious illnesses that no one from the then famous doctors would take on them. Take, for example, such a historically well-known fact, when Agapit healed the Chernigov prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh, who was dying. The doctor, nicknamed the Armenian, who was considered the best aesculapian at that time among noble people, could do nothing to help the prince. And it was enough for Agapit to convey with the prince’s messenger a “miraculous potion” prepared with prayer in order to put Vladimir Monomakh on his feet in a matter of days. Later, the prince came to the Pechersky Monastery to thank Agapit, and brought with him many expensive gifts and gold. But Agapit rejected all this both from the prince himself and from the boyar, whom he later sent on his own behalf. For Agapit treated both ordinary people and nobles with equal zeal, free of charge, for which they called him Agapit the Free Doctor. Naturally, this caused ordinary human envy, bordering on anger, among doctors like Armenian. But if we take the Armenian himself, then, ultimately, he realized who Agapit really was. And it was thanks to this that the Armenian subsequently became a monk in the Pechersk Monastery...

Agapit taught the monks the true service of God. He said that “gold” and “monk” are incompatible things. A person cannot serve two masters: either he serves God or earthly wealth, that is, the devil. There is no third option. The monk, for all his deeds, truly expects reward only from God in the next world, and not here from people. Gold is rubbish for the soul and a temptation for thoughts. This is the defilement that many crave, but which in fact is a ghostly deception. The true value for a monk is in sincere prayer for his soul. It is not about the satiety of your belly and the health of your body that you need to worry about. Because no matter how much you eat, sooner or later you will still get hungry. And no matter what your health is, sooner or later your flesh will still die. The soul is eternal. And only she is worthy of true care. As Agapit said, a monk prays out of his heart’s desire for all people, but the whole point of monasticism is to serve God and beg Him for salvation for your soul.”

“Agapit founded a spiritual monastery, where throughout its entire existence no one has ever counted how many people were healed of fatal diseases, and, thank God, they still continue to be healed. But this is not the point. The main thing is that many acquired spiritual health there, which is much more important than physical health. By and large, thanks to Agapit and his relics, in which the healing power of the Holy Spirit was preserved, the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery became famous for centuries.

...Even take today. Many people from different countries of the world, belonging to different religions, and even those who consider themselves an “atheist,” when visiting the Pechersk caves, where the relics of saints lie, linger most of all near the relics of Agapit. Why? Because a person intuitively feels real Holiness, because you cannot deceive the soul. But if people knew that they have the opportunity not only to ask for the healing of their bodies, but also, what is much more important, to ask for the salvation of their souls, especially during the days of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the relics of Agapit, which every year begin on the twenty-fifth of February and last a whole a week, it would be incomparably more beneficial for their souls. For in those days there is no more holy place on Earth where any person, regardless of his religion, can be so close to his petition before the hearing of the Lord. And every person has such a chance, which he can take advantage of for seven days a year. After all, next year may not come for him. For short are human days at the crossroads of time. For their deeds are sorrowful before the face of the Lord. Every human moment is in the balance. And there is no more important concern for souls than the thirst to find salvation. The key to the Gate is not in external faith, but in internal faith. Only a blind man, blinded by dust, will not see it.

A person can only give God his faith and sincere prayer. He cannot give anything more to God. For everything that surrounds man is the creation of God. And it is inappropriate to give the Owner his own property as a gift. After all, God needs nothing from a person except Love and Faith! What can a small child give to his Parent to please His heart? Only your Love and Respect...

While you are alive, man, you have a chance to pray for eternity in God's love for your soul. And while you have this CHANCE, go to Agapit on Holy Week and pray before the Holy Spirit only for your soul. For your body is perishable, it is dust. And all earthly worries are empty. But remember, man, what you promise before God in your petition - fulfill it! For He, like any parent, does not tolerate lies, forgives, but then does not trust.”


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Even the portrait of Agapit of Pechersk is unusual.

His eyes are alive and seem to look into your soul. The most interesting thing is that many people see different expressions in their eyes - for some it seems that he is smiling (most often at children), for others he sees a serious gaze, for others he frowns. It’s as if you are looking into the eyes of your Conscience and cannot look away.

Soul-saving prayer:

My True Father,
I trust in You alone,
And I pray to You, Lord,
Only about saving your soul,
Thy Holy will be done.


After the publication of Anastasia Novykh’s book with a portrait on the reverse side, there are already several dozen rather mysterious cases of help that came through this portrait.

Here are some reviews from readers of the newspaper “Panteleimon the Healer,” which at one time published excerpts from books and forums based on books by Anastasia Novykh

“One of the employees was so enamored with the portrait of the Saint that even before the book was published, she printed it out on a color printer, framed it at home, and subsequently noted that her little child stopped crying over trifles and became more smiling and calm. “

“I recently printed out a color photo of “Agapit” and hung it above my desk. When my little niece came to see me, she immediately drew her attention to the photo, looked a little and said: “Uncle, look, grandpa is laughing at me,” and I immediately noticed how very happy she was. So, it’s not for nothing that they say that children are closer to God...

“Here is another mysterious case that can only be called a miracle - “I really love Anastasia Novykh’s books. They support me in difficult times. Therefore, I was happy to purchase and read the new book. And again I made a lot of important notes in it. The image of Agapit of Pechersk on the cover simply captivated me. I placed the book in a prominent place at home so that I could constantly see this good-natured, warm look of the Saint. But after a while something completely unexpected happened. That day I was going to spend the evening in a cafe with my “old” friends. They came to pick me up as usual. I started getting ready. And when I accidentally looked at Agapit, I saw that his gaze was somehow stern, not the same as always. My soul felt somehow unpleasant. And when, having gotten dressed, I was already heading to the door, suddenly this book fell from the shelf in front of me, as if blocking the way. To be honest, I’m not superstitious, but at that moment I was gripped by mystical fear. Agapit's face was still stern. I put the book on the shelf, thought about it and decided to stay home, citing being unwell. I tried to persuade my friends to stay, but they flatly refused. When they left, for the first time in my life I began to pray for them as best I could, in my own words, so that nothing would happen to them. And later I found out that that evening they were in a terrible accident. It's a miracle that none of them were hurt! Of course, all this can be called an accident. But personally, I began to take such things more seriously. If you analyze the entire chain, starting with how this book came to me...”

“I tried to make a printout back in the summer. But to my surprise, these color photocopies did not stay with me for long; I had to either “give them as souvenirs” to good patients who showed interest in this portrait, or they were “confiscated” by friends for their home. So it was not possible to draw objective conclusions. But I can say that while the photocopy was standing in the office, the “bad” people did not stay there longer than three or four minutes (apparently they could not stand the “gaze of Agapit”). At least two people, clearly negative natures who did not know each other, showed the same behavior: within the first two minutes of the visit they began to show unusual fussiness, and each of them found their own reason to urgently leave the office .”

“I showed the painting “Agapit” to my grandmother when she was visiting us. She really liked it. He says Agapit’s eyes are very kind, PRAYED!!!”

“Obviously, everything depends on the internal state of a person. As they say, the one who is with God in his soul, the Saint smiles at him, and his eyes are a clear aid and support. And for those who have an internal conflict or a clear preponderance of the negative, their eyes are like a reproach to their conscience.”

“Agapit Pechersky printed the picture and placed it in the office. The printer is black and white. About a week later, the employee asked to remove the painting to another place because she did not like Agapit’s look. In a joking tone, he said that the look of the saint awakens in her a feeling of guilt for her sins... A controversy broke out in the office on the topic of the church, sin, etc. The picture was moved to another place. Periodically I look at her and say a prayer. The eyes are really alive... Today this employee said that she had a dream in which she looked at a picture and realized that Agapit’s eyes were kind and wise, it’s just that the shadow that was drawn under Agapit’s eyes and enhanced by a black and white printer prevented her from seeing content (I paid attention first to the form). In the dream, the shadow was removed from the picture and she understood everything!!!”

Read more about the prayer depicted in the portrait here:

You can download books by Anastasia Novykh here:

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Soul-saving prayer from the book “Birds and Stone” by Anastasia Novykh

My True Father,
I trust in You alone,
And I pray to You, Lord,
Only about saving your soul,
Thy Holy will be done.
We are my strength on this path,
For life without You is an empty moment.
And only in serving You is Eternal life.

“Despite the fact that there were no more people, Sensei was in no hurry to go home, as if he was waiting for someone. About fifteen minutes later, leisurely footsteps were actually heard in the corridor. Someone knocked politely. The door opened. Two elderly nuns entered, holding the arms of an unusual-looking old man. He looked about ninety years old. A bit dry. Very tall, about ninety meters. Correct Slavic facial features. His beard and slightly curly long hair were white as snow. He was dressed in a warm, somewhat antique-cut cassock. On her feet are rural quilted burkas. The old man's legs were clearly painful, since every movement was given to him with great difficulty. Despite such external darkness, his eyes radiated life-giving kindness and inner strength.

“Peace to you, peace to this house,” said the elder, crossing himself and bowing.
The nuns did the same. The guys sitting on the benches were even taken aback by such wonderful, long-forgotten words and the unusual appearance of an elderly man.
“Hello,” was all they could say, nodding their heads in confusion.
At this time Sensei appeared from his reception room.
“Peace to your soul, Anthony,” he said in an unusually changed sonorous voice, filled with some kind of pacifying good power.

When Sensei entered, the nuns bowed their heads and began to vigorously cross themselves. And the old man, his face beaming, tried to fall at his feet. There was such a spiritual impulse in his eyes that it seemed as if there were absolutely no physical obstacles in front of him. Sensei lightly picked him up, saying:
“It’s not right for you, Anthony, to bow before this body.”
- I bow not before the body, but before the Holy Spirit.
- Your whole life, Anthony, is in the love of God and that is true admiration.
Sensei, gently supporting the old man by the arm, led him to the reception room. The nuns humbly sat down on an empty bench, never ceasing to cross themselves and quietly whisper prayers. The guys, naturally, were a little shocked by this sight. But not for long. Something unusual was always happening near Sensei. A minute later they were already carried away by talking about their daily needs. Max sat closest to the reception area, so he could see and hear what was happening there.

The elder, entering the reception room, crossed himself again when he saw the icon of the Savior. Sensei sat Anthony on a chair, and he sat down on the edge of the trestle bed.
- Thank you Lord for allowing me to meet with You again. The soul rejoices and trembles with grace, being near You.
The old man brushed away a tear that had rolled.
- Anthony, has there ever been a single day in your life when I wasn’t next to you?
- You speak the truth. But still... the gaze of the eyes caresses the soul with Your light, like the clear sun in a clear sky.
- Oh, Anthony... The hour is not far off when you will be caressed under this sun forever.
- This is great joy. A true gain for the soul... But still the pain for those who remain does not leave me. After all, a terrible time awaits them. How can we alleviate their plight?
- My light, Anthony... Your love and care for those present in this moment makes me happy. But is it worth tormenting the soul for those who listened, but did not hear, acted in the flesh without feelings, and therefore were not imbued with the soul?
- But not everyone is lost. There are also those who are lost. But there is no one to look for them among the slums of unbelief.
“I know what you came to ask me for, Anthony.” Your secret thoughts are known to me. Although there are few left like you, the flint pillars on which Orthodoxy, my beloved, rests, which are capable of striking the spark of God, a hand does not rise to prolong your torment.
- Yes, my body is weak, but my spirit is steadfast and powerful... Even if I hold one hand, I can still lead him to the light of God.
Good laughter was heard. - Oh, I know you, Anthony! Let me lead you by the hand, so you will drive all your flock into the gardens of paradise.
- Have mercy on me, my Most Pure Light! It was given to me to see all the torments of hell that the lost children will endure. And they, these children, like small kittens, are blind from birth. They don't see where they are going.
- They don’t see. But the Word was given to them. And they heard, but they didn’t believe. But you need to believe God. It is said: “Watch!” So watch out! It is said “acquire love,” which means acquire it.
- All this is true... But their deafness is due to lack of understanding. They are seduced by visions of mirages of the hellish desert. After all, they do not know that this is a ghostly deception that leads to the destruction of the soul.
“It’s not that they don’t know, my light Anthony, but they don’t want to admit it.” Their thoughts are only about idle things, the essence of which is dust. What can I do? If a gardener does not fight worms, then he will not be able to obtain worthy fruit...
- It’s all this worldly vanity that doesn’t give them peace.
- Vanity? Vanity, Anthony, is not hidden in the world. It is not the external that torments them, but the internal that torments them. This is why I came into this body, in order to live a human life and see with my own eyes whether anything hinders a person on the path to the Lord. Yes, nothing interferes! Only sheer laziness and thirst for the temptations of decay.
- Yes, the children are still weak in spirit. They don't see more for little. Forgive me for my words, but why don’t You reveal Your True face to the lost flock? People will find their former faith, leading to the salvation of their souls. After all, these are different times.

Eh, Anthony, my righteous light... My Spirit is here not for preaching, but for Reproof, for the balance given by God has been disrupted. If I reveal my True face, for many it will be like death. For the souls of sinners cannot stand the clear light, just as darkness cannot stand the bright sun. Only the righteous, with pure souls and thoughts, can see it... People do not need broadcasts about salvation, but actions. Today there will be no one to justify ignorance, saying, “Lord, I searched and did not find it.” The lights of truth are burning all over the Earth. Whoever wants it will find it.
- And that’s true. It’s a pity, time is running out, and people don’t have enough faith. But still the soul cares for them, and asks sinners for them. After all, many lack even a little to gain confidence in their steps on the path to the Gates of the Lord. Help them by the power of Your holiness...
- How can we refuse your request, filled with great suffering for the salvation of human souls... Be it your way... For your merits and for those who pray like you, I will give for the lost flock a soul-saving prayer of light, filled with the power of God. But remember, this prayer is like the Finger of the Lord. Those who knew her, but backed down, for those she will be like a stone around the neck of a drowned man. For their retreat will be like fighting against God. And those who will fulfill it in righteous works, with a clear conscience, will find forgiveness during this lifetime. The words of this prayer are: “My True Father! I trust in You alone. And I pray to You, Lord, only for the salvation of my soul. Thy holy will be done..." Rating of 5 voters: 3

A detailed description from several sources: “Agapit Pechersk prayer helps with what” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Memory: June 1 / June 14, September 28 / October 11 (Cathedral of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves, resting in the Near Caves)

Agapit of Pechersk is a humble ascetic and a skilled herbalist. He healed Vladimir Monomakh from a serious illness, miraculously avoided poisoning from an envious Armenian doctor, who later, seeing the holiness of Agapit, repented and became a monk. One of the heavenly patrons of pious doctors. People turn to St. Agapit with prayer in illness and sorrow.

Troparion to St. Agapit of Pechersk, tone 5

Jealous of God-bearing Anthony's humility, like some kind of medicine, potion, you healed the sick, Reverend Agapit, thereby convincing the doctor that he was unfaithful, and guided you on the path of salvation. Heal our illnesses too and pray to the Lord for those who sing your praises.

Second troparion to St. Agapit of Pechersk, tone 2

The great faith of correction, in the cave seclusion, as if on the water of repose, the Reverend Father Agapit, you rejoiced, for we inflame the fire of Divine love, through vigil and prayer you achieved dispassion and you appeared equal to the angels on earth. Through his prayers, O Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion to St. Agapit of Pechersk, tone 6

This doctor is remarkable, wonderful, revealing your undoubted faith, denouncing the Armenian unbelief and leading him to piety. When you were near death, you asked God for the continuation of your life and, having thus miraculously assured him, you brought him to Christ, standing before Him in joy, praying about us, reverend.

Glorification of Saint Agapit of Pechersk

We bless you, Reverend Father Agapit, and honor your holy memory, teacher of monks and interlocutor of angels.

First prayer to St. Agapit of Pechersk, free doctor

Oh, all-blessed Agapit, earthly angel and heavenly man! We fall to you with faith and love and pray to you diligently: show us, humble and sinners, your holy intercession; for it is not a sin for our sake, the imams of the freedom of the children of God to ask our Lord and Master for our needs, but to you, a favorable prayer book, we offer to Him and ask you with zeal for many: ask us from His goodness for beneficial gifts for our souls and bodies: the right faith, love for everyone is unfeigned, in those suffering - patience, those obsessed with serious illnesses - healing from ailments, under the burden of sorrows and misfortunes that are unbearable, those who fall and despair of their lives will receive quick relief and deliverance through your prayers. Do not forget, blessed father, your holy monastery, which always honors you, and keep it and all who live and strive in it and come to worship there, unharmed from the temptations of the devil and all evil. When our departure from this temporary life and migration to eternity arrives, do not deprive us of your heavenly help, but with your prayers bring us all into the haven of salvation and reveal us to be the all-bright Kingdom of Christ, so that we sing and glorify the ineffable bounties of the Lover of Mankind, God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and yours, together with the Venerables Anthony and Theodosius, is a fatherly intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to St. Agapit of Pechersk, free doctor

Reverend Father Agapit! Look upon us mercifully and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven. You are a mountain in heaven, we are on earth below, removed from you not only by place, but by our sins and iniquities, but we will run to you and cry: teach us to walk in your way, enlighten and guide us. Your entire holy life has been a mirror of every virtue. Don’t stop, servant of God, crying out to the Lord for us. By your intercession, ask from our All-Merciful God the peace of His Church, under the sign of the militant cross, agreement in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanities and schisms, affirmation in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy. Do not disgrace us, who come to you with faith. All Orthodox Christians, having performed your miracles and beneficent mercies, confess you to be their patron and intercessor. Show your ancient mercies, which you helped your father to, do not reject us, their children, who are marching towards you in their footsteps. Standing before your most honorable icon, as I live for you, we fall down and pray: accept our prayers and offer them up on the altar of God’s mercy, so that we may receive your grace and timely help in our needs. Strengthen us, the faint-hearted, and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Master through your prayers. Oh, great servant of God! Help all of us who flow to you with faith through your intercession to the Lord and guide us all in peace and repentance, end our lives and move with hope into the blessed bosom of Abraham, where you now joyfully rest, glorifying God with all the saints, glorified in the Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to St. Agapit of Pechersk:

  • Prayer to St. Agapit of Pechersk. Agapit of Pechersk is a humble ascetic and a skilled herbalist. He healed Vladimir Monomakh from a serious illness, miraculously avoided poisoning from an envious Armenian doctor, who later, seeing the holiness of Agapit, repented and became a monk. One of the heavenly patrons of pious doctors. People turn to St. Agapit with prayer in illness and sorrow.

Akathist to St. Agapit of Pechersk:

Canon to St. Agapit of Pechersk:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about St. Agapit of Pechersk:

  • Venerable Agapit of Pechersk, free doctor– Pravoslavie.Ru
Read other prayers in the "Orthodox Prayer Book" section

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Saint Agapit of Pechersk: life and prayers

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In everyone's life, sooner or later situations happen when a person, even one who does not believe in miracles, goes to church and worships the saints, hoping for a miracle. On the one hand, this may indicate strengthening of faith. On the other hand, everyone must understand that without faith there is no miracle. Speaking about saints, it should be noted that in the Orthodox world there is a fairly large number of saints, before whom believers bow and pray with requests. One of the most revered is Saint Agapit of Pechersk.

Brief life of the saint

The Monk Agapit of Pechersk is from Kyiv. Lived in the 11th century. The monk was from Lyubech, which is located near Chernigov. He was tonsured to St. Mount Athos. When he came to Kyiv, for settlement he chose one of the caves in the wooded mountains, which was located next to the Dnieper River. His ascetic life brought together quite a large number of people who wanted to live under his leadership and lead a monastic life. This was the beginning of the creation of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

Agapit of Kiev-Pechersk wanted to receive healing of the soul through tonsure into the Ionic rank. After he achieved what he wanted, he served very zealously. He followed the angelic life of St. Anthony. Agapit was guided by his instructions. It so happened that the monk witnessed how Anthony healed the sick with his prayer. Moreover, he hid his talent by handing over medicinal herbs from his food.

Watching what was happening, Agapit began to compete in feats. When one of the brethren fell ill, he left his cell and went to serve the sick person. He put him to bed, carried him in his arms for walks and prayed for his healing. His prayer healed more than one person. Word of the healings quickly spread throughout Kyiv and sick people from all over the city began to come to him so that he could heal them.

At the same time, an Armenian doctor lived in Kyiv. He had a different gift. When he looked at a sick person, he could instantly tell not only how serious the illness was, but also accurately name the date of death. When he saw a seriously ill person and knew that his death would soon come, he refused to treat him. One day, Prince Vsevolod fell ill with a mortal illness. The Armenian plunged him into despair and predicted his death in 8 days.

The prince was brought to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra to the Monk Agapit. The monk made a prayer for him, gave him medicinal herbs, which he himself used, and a miracle happened, the prince was healed. The Armenian did not like this act, and he ordered Agapit to be poisoned. But he failed.

When Agapit became very ill, the same Armenian doctor came to him and predicted death in three days. But the monk said that the Lord would take him to him only after three months, to which the doctor made a vow that if his prediction was not fulfilled, he would go to serve in a monastery. The Monk Agapit the Pechersk physician, without compensation, died three months later in 1095. After his death, the Armenian came to the abbot of the Pechersk Monastery and repented, after which he took monastic vows.

It should be noted that the saint is still revered today. There are a lot of secrets and various guesses associated with his personality. But most likely, all of them will probably remain unsolved. Everyone knows him as the first doctor of Kievan Rus.

Agapit of Pechersk: icon and relics

It's no secret that the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is famous throughout the CIS. All of Europe has heard stories of how many miracles happen on its territory. To this day, the Pechersk Caves with their secrets attract many parishioners who want to reveal the secrets. It is in this place that the relics of the saint are located. Also in the temple of the Pechersk Lavra there is an icon of St. Agapit. Believers from all over the world come to her to venerate the saint and pray for help.

In addition, on the territory of the monastery there is a historical museum, which contains busts and paintings of many saints. Among them you can see a bust of the healer Agapit of Pechersk.

Prayer of Agapit of Pechersk changing fate

The saint's memorial day is June 14. In the evening on the eve of this day, a religious procession is traditionally held across the territory of the Lavra. He is revered along with such healers as Panteleimon. There are many stories that confirm that miracles of healing from veneration of the relics and icon of the saint occur to this day.

They say that if you bow to the relics, you will feel an inexplicable warmth from them. It’s interesting, but the fact today is that even in the most secluded corners of the world, the miracles that took place through the prayer of Agapit of Pechersk for healing are known.

And so, what do the believers ask the Reverend in prayer for:

  • About healing from serious incurable diseases. Such, for example, as onko.
  • Healing from cholelithiasis.
  • About healing the blind,
  • Healing liver diseases and much more.

One man tells how he contracted a disease against his will caused by a bacterium. He developed a fever, severe sweating and ulcers all over his body. He was given a terrible diagnosis that cannot be treated all over the world. After hearing this, he began to sincerely pray to the healers Luke, Panteleimon and Agapit of Pechersk. And a miracle happened, he was healed.

Arriving at the hospital for examination, the doctors froze in amazement; not a trace remained of the disease.

In addition to the prayer before the icon of the saint, an akathist is also read, which can be found in the prayer book.

The prayer to Agapit of Pechersk sounds like this:

Reverend Father Agapit! Look upon us mercifully and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven. You are a mountain in heaven, we are on earth below, removed from you, not only by place, but by our sins and iniquities, but we run to you and cry: teach us to walk in your way, enlighten us and guide us. Your entire holy life has been a mirror of every virtue. Do not stop, servant of God, crying to the Lord for us. By your intercession, ask from our All-Merciful God the peace of His Church, under the sign of the militant cross, agreement in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanities and schisms, affirmation in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy. Do not disgrace us, who come to you with faith.

All Orthodox Christians, having performed your miracles and beneficent mercies, confess you to be their patron and intercessor. Show your ancient mercies, and to whom you helped the Father, do not reject us, their children, who are marching towards you in their footsteps. Standing before your most honorable icon, as I live for you, we fall down and pray: accept our prayers and offer them up on the altar of God’s mercy, so that we may receive your grace and timely help in our needs.

Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Master through your prayers. Oh, great servant of God! Help all of us who flow to you with faith through your intercession to the Lord, and guide us all in peace and repentance, end our lives and move with hope into the blessed bosom of Abraham, where you now rest joyfully in your labors and struggles, glorifying God with all the saints , in the Trinity glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


The realities of our life

Friends and enemies

Saint Reverend Agapit and miracles through our prayers to him.

June 14 The Orthodox Church honors the memory of one of the great ascetics - Venerable Agapit, hegumen of Pechersk, a famous physician from the times of Kievan Rus.

The previous evening, according to tradition, in a religious procession with the participation of the clergy of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and believers, the relics of St. Agapit were transferred from the Near Caves to the Refectory Church, where the All-Night Vigil was celebrated.

Today, the clergy and brethren of the monastery performed the gratuitous singing of the akathist and the Divine Liturgy at the shrine with the relics of the doctor. On this day, many believers bowed to Agapit of Pechersk. Those who venerated the saint in an open shrine spoke of feeling warmth from the relics, a sensation similar to touching a living person.

Today is the day of remembrance of St. Agapit of Pechersk, who is known all over the world.

We venerate St. Agapit on a par with the great martyr and healer Panteleimon and a number of other healers, to whose prayerful and gracious help we resort. Today the Monk Agapit of Pechersk is known all over the world. The abbots of many churches ask for pieces of his relics, but there were always so many requests that at one time the Spiritual Council of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra decided not to distribute them.

Today about miracles through prayers to St. Agapit and the Pechersk Fathers they know even in Alaska. Many miracles are happening these days, they cannot be counted. We are all sick, we come to the monk, we pray, we ask for healing. People don't go to an empty well. Millions of people come to the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to visit the monks.

At one time, Prince Vladimir Monomakh came to Agapit of Pechersk, whom the monk healed of a fatal illness. Which famous person of our time prayed at the saint’s shrine?

The Monk Agapit of Pechersk healed everyone who came to him, regardless of rank and position, family and nobility.

Bill Clinton visited the Lavra three times and visited the shrine of St. Agapit. I stood for a long time, was late for important meetings, but did not want to leave. He said that he received healing when he first arrived.

Other famous personalities also visited the relics of Agapit. Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Ilham Aliyev... Heads of European states. I can't remember them all. Many came.

Although today, if we talk about people known or unknown, they change so quickly that before you have time to see them, they are no longer there. Believers, no matter what positions they hold at one time or another, they come to the Church. Many people talked about miracles in their lives. For example, a girl recently received her sight. Cancer patients are cured. I know cases of healing of those who had gallstone disease.

Oil illuminated in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra on the relics of St. Agapit for various diseases.

As Metropolitan Pavel of Chernobyl says, according to his diagnosis, he should no longer live. But he prayed to the venerable fathers of Pechersk, the healer Panteleimon, and Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), and remained alive. The doctors themselves are surprised, admitting that it was beyond their power to save him. Because this bacterium, which entered the Metropolitan’s body against his will, has very terrible consequences - the person dies. Temperature, sweating, abscesses... But Metropolitan Paul feel the gracious help of not only the Monk Agapit of Pechersk, but also Damian, Hypatius, Anthony, Theodosius and all the miracle workers of Pechersk. These are truly our intercessors and prayer books.

From the Patericon we know about many miracles that took place in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Many miracles are happening today. Of the modern ones, the first and most important miracle is that through the prayers of the Kiev-Pechersk Fathers, the Lavra was reopened in 1988. The second miracle - the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the main cathedral church of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, was recreated.

Third. How many seriously ill people come to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra! So many. And according to the sayings of many experts, having received their dose of radiation in the years after the Chernobyl disaster, many of those people could have died. The Orthodox people have great grace from God through the prayers of the Kiev-Pechersk fathers. And many touched this grace in the laurel. Therefore, speaking of miracles, “I suppose that the world itself could not contain books that could be written” (John 21:25). In the words of the Evangelist John the Theologian.

The Lord has no dead; cases of miraculous appearances of saints in our days are associated with this.

The Pechersk Fathers - they are always with us, they have not died, they are alive, they are all here. In the hospital, the lying priests and believers saw the venerable fathers of Pechersk. This is not a hallucination. This happened, for example, with Metropolitan Pavel on the second day after the operation, which took place in February, during the tragic events on the Maidan. Here is how Metropolitan Pavel himself talks about it:"This was the second day of experiences. They told me that they were seizing the Lavra. I began to pray to the venerable fathers of Pechersk. And I saw that the Monks Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk with the holy brethren came out from the Economic Gate of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, walked around the Holy Gates and entered the lower territory, near the hospital that we want to open. And we went into the lavra... I called Father Zinon: “Don’t worry. No one will come to the lavra.”

I had surgery on February 18th. This was on the 19th or 20th of February. They call me and say: “Vladyka, they are seizing the Lavra!” I prayed, saw the religious procession of the venerable fathers of Pechersk, called the brethren and said: “The Lord and the Mother of God will not leave us.” I saw this myself. In reality."

The saints of the Kiev-Pechersk were healers. They treated, first of all, with prayer - this is an invisible fact. And the visible fact is that they gave people the herbs that they themselves ate. Because every herb has healing powers. The Lord arranged it this way. Only we have already switched over to chemicals. But if you use the herbs that grow correctly... The same loboda, a wild plant, became useful from the hands of Prokhor Lobodnik. For those who, with his blessing, took this herb during famine, it was bread; through the prayers of the righteous, the ashes became salt. And whoever took it without blessing - it was a bitter potion, unpleasant to the taste.

The Lord arranged everything wisely. It gives us the opportunity to take linden, chamomile, thyme... Today it is called homeopathy. But if these plant extracts were created with prayer, it would be completely different.

My icon of Saint Agapit.

The Lavra monks were herbalists.

They ate grass and gave it to the sick. But most of all, it was not the grass that helped, but the power of prayers. Let's remember their lives. One of the monks read without lighting candles. There was such a glow in his dungeon that he could see the letters. The hermits had enormous fortitude. Stay 30-40 years underground without going outside! They acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit. After all, it doesn’t come naturally. It is given to a person at birth. But the abundance of the grace of the Holy Spirit is difficult to acquire through fasting, prayer, and abstinence of mental and physical feelings. And the Lord rewards such warriors.

The exploits of the saints of the Kiev-Pechersk people are great. To be buried in the ground for thirty years, like St. John the Long-Suffering, in order to defeat the lustful thoughts of the enemy of fornication - not everyone can consciously do this. You know, when you read the Patericon of Kiev-Pechersk, you get goosebumps. At the dawn of Christianity in Rus', these great men were no different in their exploits from the Egyptian hermits. Although Christianity has certainly been on our land since the days of St. Andrew the First-Called. Because the apostles left priests and bishops where they visited. But how this happened exactly on our land is unknown. If the Apostle Paul wrote about his works, then Andrew the First-Called did not write anything about himself. But it seems to me that, bearing such grace of the Holy Spirit, he probably left his proteges here in the Holy Spirit.

When I think about this, I think how unhappy and poor we are. Our television and press, unfortunately, tell people little about the spiritual wealth that we have. If only people knew their history, their heavenly patrons. Then there would be fewer problems. Everyone would see his neighbor as a man, a friend and a brother.

The first thing you need to find out is the life story of your heavenly patron and pray to him. A Christian must know the life of the saint in whose honor he is baptized. We must learn his troparion, kontakion, and magnification so that we can ask for help at any moment. Who else but he can invisibly appear before the Lord against the spirits of wickedness in high places. A Christian must know the prayer “Our Father...”, the invocation of the grace of the Holy Spirit - the prayer “To the Heavenly King...”.

So many people are sick these days, why do some pray - the Lord helps them, hears them, while others do not. Why are people not healed as often as in apostolic times?

I think this is all because we pray with inattention. Not everyone receives communion with faith and worthiness, and that is why they get sick. Today, not everyone wants to observe fasts, attend evening services, or read the statutory rule of the person fasting for Holy Communion in order to receive communion. If a person asks with faith, then the Lord sends. But if we don’t hear ourselves, how can the Lord hear us?!

For example, you read the morning or evening rule, try to think about it, and it happens that the enemy of the human race knocks you out of your thoughts - look at the clock, see how many pages are left... Some are used to being late for services, others are used to jostling in church, judging their neighbors. And it turns out that the person did not pray, but sinned. And the Lord does not hear him. How can you hear such a person, he doesn’t ask for anything. He only expresses his dissatisfaction - in everything. And he harms himself.

And what is also important is that the Lord asked to devote only one day to Him. The remaining six days were spent on our labors and worries. But we cannot use this day to talk with God.

Or, it happens that during the liturgy a person prays for unknown reasons. In church during the liturgy, it is enough to listen to the peaceful litany - and the person will understand why he came. There are petitions for the peace of the whole world, for the well-being of the Holy Churches of God, for those who hate and slander us, for there to be no shortages and buckets - that is, rain and drought. About a blessed death. About the mercy of the world. Everything is there - you just need to delve into it!

The Lord Himself descends to the throne during the liturgy. He is present in the temple when the Divine Liturgy is celebrated. But unfortunately, many do not feel this because they do not have the fear of God.

For a believer, everything is possible. Why didn't the Lord perform miracles everywhere? Because people didn't believe. The Monk Agapit of Pechersk did not refuse his help to anyone; after praying, he gave people a potion - a visible image of treatment, and the Lord Himself healed - by the power of God, for the sake of His righteous man.

Liturgy cannot be boring. Often people don’t think about anything except their worries - then, of course, it’s boring. They don’t hear “Those who are baptized into Christ...”, “Put aside all worldly concerns now...”, “The cherubim are secretly forming...” Just imagine, you are standing next to the cherubim - and at the liturgy this is so, invisibly. The liturgy and evening worship are composed of petitions, thanksgivings and praises to the Lord. “Let us pray to the Lord in peace,” we ask, all together. We rejoice together with the saints and martyrs.

You can turn to Agapit of Pechersk with all everyday needs. But most often the monk helps in healing illnesses and illnesses. One day, a woman with cancer was brought to the Pechersk Lavra in a sheet. It was brought three times. The third time she left the caves on her own.

Metropolitan Paul of Glyfada from Athens was diagnosed with cancer; it was already in the last stage. While praying in the Lavra caves, he drank water from the holy springs of Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk. And when he arrived home, he was examined - nothing was found on him. He said: “The monks healed me.”

The Gospels say that healing miracles come in different forms. When the disciples asked Christ about the blind man: who sinned, his parents or him? To which they received the answer: “neither he nor his parents sinned, but this was so that the works of God might be revealed in him.”

Miracles can happen at different times to different people. Maybe, through the prayers of family and friends. And even those who have already died. It is said that the blessing continues to the seventh generation. But people who have died, they can only pray for the living. And here we can pray for both the living and the dead, and feel their prayer for us. The Lord can show His mercy on any person, show His mercy towards him.

“Reverend Father Agapite, pray to God for us”. You can pray in your own words, but at the same time understand what you are asking for.

“Lord, I ask for Your mercy!” How do I know what I really need on earth? The Lord created me, and I will indicate: give me this or that?

Akathist- a song of praise to one or another saint. Orthodox akathists are read while standing.

Akathist to Saint Agapit, physician of Pechersk

Kontakion 1

Chosen disciple of the great teacher of our venerable and God-bearing father Anthony, a wondrous imitator of the life of his saint, Holy Father Agapit, with a song we praise you with the love of our intercessor; But you, as if you had boldness towards the Lord, began to pray for the salvation of us sinners, delivering those who call to you from all troubles: Rejoice, Agapit, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Ikos 1

From your youth you loved the kind purity of angels, blessed Agapit, you flocked to the ascetic of virtues, the Monk Anthony, and from him you were clothed in monasticism, a zealous imitator of his exploits; We also glorify you with these proclamations: Rejoice, heir to the God-bearing Anthony of virtues and gifts. Rejoice, you who have ascended to the heights of spiritual perfection. Rejoice, having received the gift of healing and miracles from the Lord through fervent prayers. Rejoice, from the depths of your soul you have acquired spiritual purity through sighs. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the All-Seer, the Lord, the good will of your soul, blessed Agapit, who worked for Him without laziness, inspired the Monk Anthony to bless you for the cruel and acute life in the cave seclusion. You received the holy blessing with faith, in the cave you found eternal peace for the One God, working in singing, vigils and fasting, silently chanting to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having understood the will of God to shine forth in this foreign world with great pleasing undertakings and soul-saving intentions, he was abundantly saturated with spiritual sweetness and strengthened in virtues, so for the sake of this we cry to him: Rejoice, you who have adopted the morals of Saint Anthony for yourself. Rejoice, you who were zealously jealous of that life. Rejoice, thou who hast acquired filial love for him. Rejoice, dearly beloved from him. Rejoice, you have witnessed his exploits. Rejoice, you who assist him in healing ailments. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 3

Strengthened by the power of God, Holy Agapit, you have taken on the great monastic labors, so that you may bless the work of your hands for the glory of His holy name for the salvation and healing of all who flow to you with faith and hope and unhesitatingly offer up the song of the Most Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a pure thought and an immaculate conscience and remembering the remark: “Be sick and visit Me: since you have created one from these least of these brothers of Mine, you have created for Me...” sick monks under your protection, fatherly, like the parents of their children, you consoled, giving joy with your care , and with fatherly affection you alleviated the severity of the illness, with prayer from the bed of your illness. For this reason, accept from us the following praise of God: Rejoice, ascetic skilled in virtues. Rejoice, beloved of all the monastic brethren in Christ. Rejoice, humble and vigilant servant of sick monks. Rejoice, for the exploits of this temporary life you have found eternal peace. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 4

You, blessedly, have passed through the storm of the many troubled sea of ​​life, and you have reached the harbor of dispassion, nourished by the commandments of Christ God, who was the lamp of your feet and the light of your paths. And now you are in the heavenly abodes, sweetly singing to the Triune God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing thoughts about your pleasing life, Blessed Agapit, I came to you: O, listen to your teachings, O, accept healings from various ailments, which you accepted with fatherly love, and guided you to salvation, driving away every ailment and every infirmity. For this reason, we resort to you, the great helper and healer, glorifying you: Rejoice, lover of silence, adorning the monastery with your deeds. Rejoice, for the salvation of many human souls. Rejoice, skillful physician of those who are sick with sins. Rejoice, warrior of Christ, conqueror of the invisible enemies. Rejoice, you who truly love your neighbor. Rejoice, having diligently served for their spiritual salvation and physical healing. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 5

Having become a saint of God, you guided everyone to the Sun of Truth - Christ, by the example of your holy life; who were all devoted to the service of God and your neighbors: you mercifully nourished the poor and needy. Moreover, you have inherited the bliss of the merciful, and with the saints you will sing an eternal song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

We see you, blessed Father Agapit, who has reached the measure of manhood, perfect in Christ and filled with Divine gifts in the Gospel of Christ promised by a faithful follower of God the Word. Moreover, marveling at your feat, we sing in your praise: Rejoice, having found in the depths of your heart the precious beads of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoice, having His Divine name in your mouth and in your heart. Rejoice, you who were hungry and thirsty on earth, now be satisfied with incorruptible food in heaven. Rejoice, thou who guardest poverty, and deliverest the poor from hunger. Rejoice, thou who sincerely loves the good and easy yoke of Christ. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 6

Having become the preacher of your Gospel virtues, blessed father, you enslaved your flesh through fasting and prayer, and you lived for the glory of God; With the rays of your exploits, the all-evil enemy of the wicked Armenian, with the envy and anger of the palimago, and with your malicious tricks, you not only put him to shame, but you also brought him to the light of Christ’s truth, teaching you to thank and praise the Lord for everything, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having shone in the cave of this holy monastery, like a God-bearing luminary, blessed Agapite, with the light of good deeds and healing, you touched the souls and hearts of people, and you put to shame the wicked doctor and envious man and his cold madness. Therefore, we tenderly call to this holy and blessed saint: Rejoice, you who disgraced the healing of the wicked Armenian. Rejoice, you who raised him doomed to death by the same sick Armenian from his sick bed. Rejoice, you who were condemned to death and given mortal poison, miraculously healed and delivered from death. Rejoice, having drunk mortal poison from the enemy, and according to the word of the Lord: “Even if they drink even mortal poison, it will not harm them” - you have preserved your belly unharmed. Rejoice, having put to shame the malice and deceit of your enemies. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.


You had one desire, blessed father, to please God and to piously serve the spiritual salvation and physical health of your neighbors, and your cave cell was a doctor who was kind to every person - the poor and the rich, the prince and the wretched. You, having one thing in your heart: “All will be for everyone,” healed without looking at faces, calling, together with your heart and lips, to silently cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The glorious prince Vladimir Monomakh, who had come to know you as a great wonderworker, was reclining on his sick bed, being at the end of his death, and tearfully prayed to blessed Agapit to come and heal him, but he, keeping his monastic vow, left the potion from his meal to the ambassador, and the prince tasted it by her, hello rise. Marveling at such the power of your miracle-working and impartiality, we cry out in praise: Rejoice, O cave of cave vegetation. Rejoice, fragrance of the peace of Christ. Rejoice, undisguised talent for healing, given to you by the Master of the House. Rejoice, for the sake of the mighty of this world, you did not break your monastic vow. Rejoice, for the sake of the highest rank, you do not impute human glory into anything. Rejoice, you raised the Great Prince Vladimir Monomakh from the bed of his mortal illness, blessed by you and through prayer. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 8

You thought of being a wanderer and a stranger in this world, blessed Agapita, and you put aside all concern for earthly wealth. Forbidding all vain acquisitions, those who came to him to share their wealth with the poor brethren, and in their person you taught to serve Christ himself, constantly singing a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having been all in God, blessed father, you continually called upon God and pleasing Him, begging you to prefer nothing more than the love of Christ and remembering what Christ said: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures, where moth and rust destroy, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,” did not desire For the sake of temporary blessings, you will lose eternal blessings, you rejected all the gifts brought to you by the prince, teaching you to distribute them to the poor brethren and the needy. In the same way, we, praising your love of poverty, call you: Rejoice, you who loved poverty more than wealth. Rejoice, having rejected the bribe for your healing and commanded it to be given to the poor and needy. Rejoice, thou who has inherited the bliss of the poor. Rejoice, sharing the last bits of your bread with the poor for teaching. Rejoice, you who bear witness to the love of God and the love of your neighbors. Rejoice, highly revered by prayerful praises to this day in the monastery of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 9

To all who came to the monastery for the sake of prayer and healing, blessed father, it was marvelous to see you living in poverty in your cell, yet you accepted everyone with equal love, to whom you created a spiritual word or healing, teaching everyone to sing to the culprit of all, God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The oracles of multi-proclamation will not be able to worthily sing the feats of your miracles, Blessed Agapit, but we, marveling at such a feat, dare to crown you, even if unworthy, with such praise: Rejoice, having written the Law of Christ on the tablets of your heart. Rejoice, from the depths of your heart, kind and soul-saving instructions, a person who wears out. Rejoice, cave citizen, cities and towns filled with the glory of your miracles. Rejoice, beloved by God and blessed by your neighbors. Rejoice, you who have revealed the image of perfection in Christ within yourself. Rejoice, thou who sincerely loves the good and easy yoke of Christ. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 10

You gained hope of salvation at your exodus, blessed Father Agapit, and like ripe wheat at the time of reaping, you settled with a good death on the day, foreshadowed in advance by the Lord, in the heavenly abode, to accept reward from the hand of the righteous Reaper of Christ, who has restored your soul to the spirit. saints, silently proclaiming before the throne of His glory the song of victory: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You were a faithful servant and follower of the King of Heavenly Christ, Father Agapit, even according to His true verb: “Where I am, there My servant will be,” we honor you, with our hearts without doubt, as if you are with Christ in the abodes of eternal bliss and incorruptible joy you rejoice, as He is a true saint: from us you hear this blessing: Rejoice, having put to shame the predictions of the wicked Armenian about your death. Rejoice, the day of your blessed death was announced by the Lord. Rejoice, having joyfully surrendered your soul into the hands of the Lord. Rejoice, contemplating with your frank face the glory of the Triscendent Deity. Rejoice, buried in a mortal body in the monastery. Rejoice, you who soared with your immortal soul to the heavenly Zion. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 11

Bring singing to the Most Holy Theotokos, our blessed Father Agapit, and for our monastery of saints and those who labor in it, and for all those who flow to you with love, you continually intercede, asking for peace from above and prosperity for all who offer due praise to the Triune God, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Lamp of your good deeds, blessed father, we confess to be and glorify the Lord who glorified you, for whose many miracles your relics are marked: for streams of grace-filled healings flow from them to the sick, and the faithful strive to cry out to you: Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man. Rejoice, source of free healing. Rejoice, thou fullest vial of the multi-healing world. Rejoice, dost thou abundantly bestow healing from thy holy shrine. Rejoice, comforter of those who mourn. Rejoice, encourager of the discouraged. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 12

Ask for the grace of the Lord for us, Father Agapit, who honor your holy memory with love and diligently flow to the honest race of your relics, granting non-miraculous healings to the sick. Likewise, to you, the gift of miracles glorified by God, we diligently pray: heal our mental and physical ailments and help us through your intercession to receive eternal salvation, and together with you we will sing to God, wondrous in His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your deeds, blessed father, we please your life as angels, marvel at your miracles, prayerfully honor your holy memory, and falling before the race of your relics, we tenderly cry out: Rejoice, worthy representative of the Most Holy Theotokos. Rejoice, glory and praise to the cave dwellers. Rejoice, sowing holy monasteries, together with Anthony and Theodosius, constant protection. Rejoice, safe intercession of those who labor in it. Rejoice, those who come to worship the good representative. Rejoice, heavenly patron who honors your memory. Rejoice, Agapita, quick healer of mental and physical ailments.

Kontakion 13

O blessed Father Agapit! You are a mountain in heaven, but we are down on earth, removed from you not only by place, but also by our sinful impurity, but we dare to bring you this little song of praise, which is mercifully received, pray to our Lord and Master to save us from eternal destruction and make us worthy of the bliss of the saints, crying out a song of praise to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to Saint Agapit of Pechersk

O All-Blessed Agapit, earthly angel and heavenly man! We fall to you with faith and love and pray to you diligently: show us, the humble and sinners, your holy intercession: for it is a sin for our sake not for the imams of the freedom of the children of God to ask our Lord and Master for our needs, but for you, the prayer book, it is favorable to We offer to Him and ask you with zeal to many: ask us from His goodness for beneficial gifts for our souls and bodies: rightful faith, unfeigned love for everyone, patience in suffering, healing for those overcome by serious illnesses from ailments, under the burden of sorrows and misfortunes unbearable for those who fall and their lives Through your prayers, those in despair may receive speedy relief and deliverance.

Do not forget, blessed father, your holy monastery, which always honors you, and all who live and struggle in it and who come to worship there, and keep them unharmed from the temptations of the devil and all evil. When our departure from this temporary life and migration to eternity arrives, do not deprive us of your heavenly help, but with your prayers bring us all to the haven of salvation and reveal us to be the heirs of the all-bright Kingdom of Christ, so that we sing and glorify the ineffable generosity of the philanthropic God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and yours, together with the Monks Anthony and Theodosius, is your father’s intercession forever and ever, amen.

Prayer to St. Agapit of Pechersk (another option)

O Reverend and God-bearing Father Agapit!

The most eminent servant of God, the miracle worker and all-merciful physician, who with faith and love calls on you as a quick helper and warm intercessor. Like a bright lamp, you shone with a virtuous life in the mountains of Kyiv in the pasture of the Mother of God: in the same way, falling before the race of your multi-healing relics, we bow with fear and kiss with love, from the depths of our hearts we cry to you: help us, servant of God, remember us before the Lord and ask He gives us forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, grant quick healing to those who suffer, intercession to those who travel, consolation to those who grieve, help and deliverance to those in need, and all that is needed for salvation.

For through your holy prayers, Father, having received grace and mercy from the all-merciful Savior and our Lord Jesus Christ, let us magnify and glorify His revered name, to Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit be glory and power forever, amen.


But if people knew that they have the opportunity not only to ask for the healing of their bodies, but also, what is much more important, to ask for the salvation of their souls, especially on the days of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the relics of Agapit, which every year begin on February 25 and last a whole week, it would be incomparably more beneficial for their souls.

“As long as you are alive, man, you have a chance to pray for eternity in God’s love for your soul. And while you have this CHANCE, go to Agapit on Holy Week and pray before the Holy Spirit only for your soul. For your body is perishable, it is dust. And all earthly worries are empty. But remember, man, what you promise before God in your petition - fulfill it! For He, like any parent, does not tolerate lies, forgives, but then does not trust.”

“It is no good to worry the Lord about anything other than the salvation of your soul. Don’t ask for your body, don’t ask for your health, don’t worry about your belly—all this is empty decay, insatiable in desires. For there is no petition more worthy than the petition for the salvation of one’s soul.”

My True Father,
I trust in You alone,
And I pray to You, Lord,
Only about saving your soul,
Thy Holy will be done
We are my strength on this path,
For life without You is an empty moment.
And only in serving You is Eternal life. Amen.


Agapit Pechersky, free doctor. Interest in this historical figure only grows over the years and gradually becomes overgrown with secrets and miracles, the news of which spreads throughout the globe. Who is he? Doctor? There are quite a few of them, both in our times and during the life of St. Agapit. Saint? And there are plenty of shrines all over the globe. Monk? From time immemorial, such people are not uncommon in our lands. And to the shrine with the relics of St. Agapit of Pechersk, the pilgrimage path widens year after year, and the number goes into the millions. It's hard not to notice this. Therefore, it is natural to want to “get to the bottom of things.”

According to the official church version, the Monk Agapit, hegumen of Pechersk, a famous doctor from the times of Kievan Rus, was one of the first to come to the monastery and took monastic vows under Anthony of Pechersk, the founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. One of the first! This probably means that he knew Anthony and was one of those with whom it all began and the one who started everything.

From “The Life of Our Venerable Father Agapit, the Free Physician”:

“When our reverend father Anthony of Pechersk was glorified with the gift of healings, blessed Agapit came to him from Kyiv to the cave, seeking spiritual healing through tonsure into the holy monastic order, and received it. And he followed with all his soul the equal-angelic life of the Monk Anthony, whose exploits he witnessed; like that great man, he himself served the sick and healed them with his prayer, but, hiding the gift given to his prayer, he gave them the potion from his food, as if it were medicinal. Blessed Agapit saw this and worked for many years, competing with the holy elder in his exploits.” ()

This passage gives rise to a lot of questions, as does the entire Life, in principle. Where was Agapit and what did he live before he came to Anthony? Why did you come? “seeking spiritual healing through tonsure into the holy monastic order.” Strange... Did you come for what you possessed? And here: “Blessed Agapit saw this and worked for many years, competing in the exploits of the holy elder.” Is it possible to compete in such “feats”? And the very idea that Agapit came to Anthony and learned from him to heal people, which he does practically to this day, out of competition with the other saints, after death, is absurd. And here’s another: “imitating the exploits of St. Anthony, blessed Agapit was honored to be a partaker of the same grace.” How can you believe this logically? Is it possible to learn this, and even “by imitating the exploits of St. Anthony”? And yet, for me the question remains open: where was Agapit and what did he do before coming to the caves, who taught whom, what, and did he teach at all?

Further more interesting. Among the patients of Agapit of Pechersk there are quite a few famous historical figures, such as Prince Monomakh, for example. How can you “imitate” and “learn” so that all of Kievan Rus knows about you? And then another question arises. Why did he need all this: caves, monks, service? Considering, again, that he was one of the first to arrive? This entire officially accepted history of the life of a simple doctor, whose national fame has not faded over the centuries, raises more questions than answers. She is quite abrupt and does not say a lot of things, and perhaps hides them. Why? For whom?

Where does holiness come from, where do incorruptible relics and an unovergrown pilgrimage path to a simple monk-healer come from, who “sought spiritual healing” and learned to heal by “imitating” and “competing” with another saint?
The questions become even more relevant if we move into our time. It's no secret that huge queues to the nearby caves on the territory of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra are directed, first of all, to the Church of the Presentation. And this fact sometimes caused inexplicable attacks of “impatience” among employees of nearby caves. Which, for me personally, is not entirely clear. Well, according to the logic of things: let's rejoice together that people believe and go to the temple, and not to the stall for a bottle.

Again, it is officially stated that the relics of Agapit of Pechersk are the same as those of the other Reverend Fathers, and carry the same power, as well as the relics of other healers. Although, the governor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl, in an interview with UNIAN-Religion, spoke “about the secret of the great spiritual power of Agapit of the Pechersk and about the miracles that happen these days through prayers to the holy doctor and to all the Pechersk fathers. We venerate St. Agapit on a par with the great martyr and healer Panteleimon and a number of other healers, to whose prayerful and gracious help we resort. Today the Monk Agapit of Pechersk is known all over the world. The abbots of many churches ask for pieces of his relics, but there were always so many requests that at one time the Spiritual Council of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra decided not to distribute them.”

Further, in his words: “Today even in Alaska they know about miracles through prayers to St. Agapit and the Pechersk Fathers. Many miracles are happening these days, they cannot be counted. Both the brethren and I testify to this: we are all sick, we come to the monk, we pray, we ask for healing. People don't go to an empty well. Millions of people come to the caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra to visit the monks.” ()

From all that has been said, it is quite obvious that with the death of the body of Agapit of Pechersk, the power to heal did not disappear, but on the contrary... But what about: “imitating the exploits of St. Anthony, blessed Agapit was honored to be a partaker of the same grace”? What then is happening now near the shrine with the relics of Agapit of Pechersk? Who or what performs miracles of healing? Why is the place near the shrine with the relics of St. Agapit of Pechersk never empty? Why is Agapit of Pechersk known to millions in the world, and the miracles of healing near his relics are so numerous that they have lost count and ceased to be miracles. Why is the shrine containing the relics filled with bouquets of flowers from those who were grateful and healed?
Let us also quote the metropolitan’s words: “Today they know about miracles through prayers to St. Agapit and the Pechersk Fathers even in Alaska.” Again, not singling out Agapit of Pechersk, but emphasizing: “to the Venerable Agapit and the Fathers of Pechersk.” But, further: “...both the brethren and I testify: we are all sick, we come to the monk, we pray, we ask for healing. People don’t go to an empty well.”

There is also a very interesting point. If you believe the words that the popularity of Agapit of Pechersk is no different from the popularity of other Pechersk fathers, then the following fact becomes strange. From the same interview:
“At one time, Monomakh came to Agapit of Pechersk, whom the monk healed of a fatal illness. Which famous person of our time prayed at the saint’s shrine? They say that Bill Clinton resorted to the prayerful help of St. Agapit and the Pechersk Fathers - he went down into the caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and prayed there for a long time. This is true?
The journalist emphasizes in the question: “They say that Bill Clinton resorted to the prayerful help of St. Agapit and the Pechersk Fathers.”

Metropolitan Pavel answered this question like this:
“Reverend Agapit of Pechersk healed everyone who came to him, regardless of rank and position, family and nobility.
Bill Clinton visited the Lavra three times and visited the shrine of St. Agapit. I stood for a long time, was late for important meetings, but did not want to leave. He said that he received healing when he first arrived.
We also had other famous personalities. Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Ilham Aliyev... Heads of European states. I can't remember them all. Many came."

Do those known in this world venerate all holy relics? Is Bill Clinton Orthodox? Perhaps they know more than we, ordinary parishioners, have the right to know. What's the secret? One can only guess or... Observe carefully and draw conclusions. Having scoured the Internet, it is not difficult to find photographs of famous personalities near the shrine of St. Agapit of Pechersk.

The fact that they were made precisely near the shrine of Agapit of Pechersk is, in itself, surprising. Let us quote the same interview with Metropolitan Pavel, dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Agapit of Pechersk: “Those who venerated the saint in an open shrine talked about how they felt warmth from the relics, a sensation similar to touching a living person.”

On the days of remembrance of the saint, the shrine with the relics of Agapit of Pechersk is placed in the Refectory Church.

Having examined the photographs with celebrities, we understand that they were all taken in the Vvedenskaya Church, and therefore not on the day of remembrance of the saint designated by the Orthodox Church. This fact makes you think no less than all of the above.
Having studied the phenomenon of Agapit of Pechersk for several years, I realized one thing. The official information of the Orthodox Church about Agapit of Pechersk, a free doctor, is a story that rather erased more facts than left truths. She is clearly holding back something... After all, facts are stubborn things, and they speak for themselves.

The popular popularity of Agapit of Pechersk is so high that it is simply impossible not to notice it. Why do people go to Agapit? Why is the church silent about this? Who, after all, is hiding behind the glass of the shrine of the Church of the Vvedenskaya in the nearby caves?

As Metropolitan Paul said: “People don’t go to an empty well.”

The relics of Agapit of Pechersk are located on the territory of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, in nearby caves, in the Church of the Presentation.

Prepared by Oleg Veritas (Latvia).