Become what the girls like. What do girls like in guys: what is he, Mr. Maiden Dreams? How to like girls or what girls like in guys

To visually answer the question of what girls like in guys, I turned directly to attractive girls who are my friends. As a basis for the question, I took widespread stereotypes about what kind of guys girls like, for example, beliefs such as that girls like muscular, thin, tall, rich, “bad”, who can ask questions at the first meeting, and others. As I have seen, some of this is true, some are just myths.

I asked the girls the following question:

Write, please, your opinion about what girls like in guys? What are the traits? And which ones do you not like? And also, is it true that girls like inflated, thin and tall men?

The answers are in these screenshots:


Girls like tall guys. Mostly skinny guys excess weight and not necessarily inflated. Girls prefer men with a V-shaped torso and inflated abdominal muscles. These guys are easier. This does not mean that everyone likes sports guys, but sports should be friends.

Men like girls with healthy skin. Also attractive is the hourglass figure, which means a predisposition to successful childbearing.

Most pick-up gurus don't have great looks, are tall, have a beefy figure, but have had great success with women. For example, I have one friend, Igor Lapin, he is an expert in the field of dating in the club. So he, not possessing high growth, has very attractive girls. They are also not tall, so I am always surprised - all his girls are like a selection.

That is, appearance is not the most important thing, and if girls like inflated or thin, then this is not a critical factor in their choice. However, despite this, you need to eat well, sleep well, exercise and enjoy your physical activity. Guys who look healthy also seem more cheerful and confident.

Cleanliness and tidiness

If you take care of yourself, you demonstrate to the outside world that you are not sick and not subject to harmful environmental influences. All you need to do is be clean. Everyone can do it. Regularly wash your hair, brush and take care of your teeth. Watch for fresh breath. During a real meeting with a girl, this can become a very attractive masculine quality, and then it is quite possible that you.

Ability to communicate freely and effectively

This paragraph is not only about your ability to communicate, but also about your body language. The ability to communicate beautifully and effectively is a very powerful way to get a girl interested. Check yourself - do you speak clearly and clearly? Pay attention to how you speak. Does it sound like the speech of a socially successful person? Or do you sound like a modest guy who doesn't like other people's attention? Do you talk like a guy your age or like an old man?

Remember that most seducers in the world focus on communication skills. This is a really powerful tool. It is very important that you speak loudly and clearly. It is important that you do not communicate too quickly. Stay relaxed and try to evoke positive emotions in those around you. Also, the communication skill manifests itself at a distance, a correctly written girl can instantly raise your rating in her eyes.

As I said before, non-verbal language means much more than verbal. In fact, up to 93% of the information your interlocutor receives from your body. Therefore, you can meet and like a girl without saying a word at all.


Olya put this item in second place in the ranking, what she likes the most in guys. Jokes not only make people feel good, but also show a high level of intelligence. You seem content with life and most likely everything is working out for you. Agree, no one wants to be with a gloomy person who is always in bad mood and dissatisfied with his life.

Everyone can learn to joke. This is the same skill as, for example, walking, reading, and even using the VKontakte website.

Style and clothes

The first place, according to Ekaterina, is met by clothes. “In appearance, neatness, dressed modern and neat,” she said. A person who does not know how to dress well is completely unaware of how bad he looks in the eyes of people who know how to dress and take care of themselves. And most women are like that. This, unfortunately, for men who do not like to go shopping and buy things for themselves, is an indicator of very little social value. And clothes are not only an indicator of your social success, but also simply emphasizing your physical parameters.

Perhaps to some extent, your style is a subjective thing, because there is an unthinkable number of shapes and sizes that different guys and girls like. It's important to be unique (but make sure your uniqueness isn't off-putting).

Good advice: when you go shopping, ask your friend, sister or any girl to help you - ask what she likes in guys.


Purposeful, imperious, proactive, accomplished in life, the guy likes the girls from my survey. It is very important to have some big goal or even several. Whether it's a career or self-realization in creativity. And you must constantly broadcast to your environment the intention to achieve success in some area. You must have relevant hobbies and a circle of acquaintances. This is a very attractive quality of a man, when he has a passion for his work, it shows his firmness and desire to achieve success by all means. In fact, you draw certain perspectives in the girl’s head, according to which, being with you, she will be protected and also happy with life.

Too full immersion in passion is a repulsive factor. Nobody likes workaholics. Be careful.

Need level

Imagine a rock star or celebrity. It is clear that they have no need for money or sex because they are high up in the social hierarchy. All people, and especially women, like men who have climbed high. This shows their leadership qualities and attractive genes. If you have ever talked with a person who has and achieved a lot, then you would never hear him complain about the lack of love or material wealth. The survival rate for these people is extremely high. This does not mean that you now have to pretend that you do not need anything. Just lower the importance of your goals and calmly move towards them.

All of the above points are a generalized answer to the question of what girls like in guys, as well as your approximate plan of action. Once again, carefully read the answers of the girls, whether they like muscular, tall, thin athletic, rich, cute or bad guys. These are firsthand answers.

Date: 2015-07-10

Hello site readers.

How to please girls - this question is asked by every man in his life even before adolescence. And almost every guy is faced with a situation where the girl he likes does not reciprocate. And then the question arises: What do girls like in guys?. In this article, based on numerous surveys of women, I will give you the information you need.

How to like girls?

Whatever you read, and whatever the girls tell you, a thorough answer to the question: "How to like girls?", you still don't get. There is no logic here and 100% working techniques. After all, you yourself noticed that you liked some girls just like that. They might not be very beautiful and curvaceous, but there was something about them that caught you.

So, in order to please girls, they definitely need to be hooked with something. All women are emotional beings, and it is for these strings that they need to be pulled. If a guy doesn’t catch a girl at all (doesn’t cause any emotions), then she won’t like him.

I also want to remind all the guys that in a girl you need to evoke not only positive emotions, but also negative ones. Why do I say so? Because the main thing for you is to make the girl think about you. Negative emotions make a girl think about you more often and longer. Positive emotions that you evoke using standard methods (giving gifts, flowers, making compliments, surprises) quickly lose their effectiveness. But if you are late for a date for half an hour, this will cause feelings in her. Yes, it will not be easy for her, and you may be ashamed, but you can tie her to yourself this way.

Your behavior is key aspect with which you can please girls. Below I will tell you the features of an attractive man. The second position is your appearance, cleanliness and grooming. These are clean clothes, a neat appearance, trimmed nails, perfume. Your appearance is your image that you create in the minds of other people. And you need to work hard on it.

You need to work on speech. You can read the article:. Girls very carefully observe how a man communicates, how he speaks, what words he uses. You yourself subconsciously watch how girls behave. And you yourself noticed that those girls who do not know how to communicate, with whom it is unpleasant to talk, you cut them off. They do the same. If they are bored and uninterested with you, then they will not communicate with you.

Social status is also an important criterion. Girls like those men who took place in life. But as my experience shows, this criterion is just a myth. I know girls who easily refuse status men and prefer something simpler. Money isn't everything, and it won't help girls like you. If they are conducted, then only for your money, and not for you as a person.

Social status indicates the survival rate of a man. All men who have risen high in life will never complain about the lack of female attention and material wealth. This does not mean that you now have to pretend that you do not need anything. Just lower the importance of your goals and calmly move towards them.

What do girls like in guys?

There are attractive and unattractive character traits in men. For women, a man with unattractive features is the same as for men a woman with an ugly figure and face. Let's talk about these traits.

Uncertainty is the first killer of your attractiveness. Girls like insecure guys. A girl wants to feel safe and protected next to a guy. But the insecure guy can't give it to her. Uncertainty comes in many forms. And now we will discuss them.

Manifestation of jealousy. A guy who is jealous of his girlfriend kills all male attractiveness in himself. It says: I feel danger from other guys, because on an unconscious level I understand that I am not worthy to be with you. Girls do not feel attracted to a man who is constantly jealous of her for others, as he shows his weakness by this.

Girl control. Taking a girl with an iron fist and constantly controlling her is another indicator of insecurity. There are men who constantly demand that their girlfriend does not communicate with other guys or even her friends. Guys like that try to control because, on a deep level, they don't feel good enough for a girl. They think they have to control her so she stays with them. But ironically, the more they hold her, the more she begins to want to escape from them. It's part of human nature to resist when someone tries to control us. Children often resist parents when they try to limit their behavior.

Take the girl to "queen" and don't value yourself. Women want a man who will value himself as much as he will value her. As soon as a man begins to put a girl on a pedestal and put her needs above her own, the girl begins to lose respect for him and look for a guy who values ​​himself.

There are many guys who indulge women's whims. They like what their girls like. They do what their girls do. They put their girls above themselves and, as it were, say: "I value you more than myself". This is extremely unattractive. If you want girls to like you, start showing dominant traits. This is leadership, confidence and having your own opinions and beliefs and not bending to other people, having goals in life. Knowing unattractive traits, you should behave opposite to them. Then you will look extremely confident in the eyes of the girls and they will start to like you.

If a girl asks you, then you, without hesitation, fulfill her desire. You perceive it as a whim, a desire to diversify sex or please you, but a friend acts solely for selfish reasons. No, she's not as masochistic as you might think, but little spanking gives her sexual pleasure. We, as true connoisseurs of female sexuality, have always wondered where it comes from. It is clear that there is some physical reaction which has nothing to do with assault. It is unlikely that girlfriends experienced a high when they were spanked "for the cause" in the distant past, so what has changed? What is the reason?

It would seem that the whole truth is hidden in the psychological aspect of sex. But it's not just about psychology. An important role is played by the gluteus maximus muscles, which are associated with the entire reproductive system. These muscles are often used during coital (intercourse) and extracoital (masturbation) orgasms. Girls can both consciously and unconsciously squeeze these muscles, which leads to a stronger effect, especially if the contractions become rhythmic. Spanking, under certain circumstances, is very similar to this muscle contraction. The pleasure is the same.

Also important are the involuntary muscle contractions that occur on the part of a "frightened" girl who is expecting a kick in the ass. This is a natural reaction - a person almost always tenses his muscles to prepare his body for violence. Sexual stimulation is enhanced if you hit a bare ass and if the girl herself has developed the ability to withstand hard spanking without any muscle tension.

The buttocks of girlfriends are especially sensitive to sexual reaction, which is associated with an active rush of blood to the spanking area. The proximity of the buttocks to the vagina contributes to this reaction. Actually, in theory, such tactics can also affect men, but here in most cases a psychological damper is turned on, which does not allow you to relax. Therefore, let's return to our girls and pay attention to the anatomical feature of the anus, which is expressed in the erogenous zone, which is located between the anus and the genitals. Many slaps that go to the butt also go to the crotch, where a number of sensitive areas are located. Well, if you spank not with your hand, but or with a ping-pong racket (just don't overdo it), then you will probably touch the labia.

An interesting physiological phenomenon - the sexual background of the process can enhance and at the same time reduce the sensation of spanking. Physical discomfort rather than distracts, but complements sex. But when it's time for an orgasm, you need to stop spanking your girlfriend. Continued blows after orgasm cause the most common pain that is not sex-oriented. Finally, we'll give you a few stories from our female friends who wished to remain anonymous but were happy to tell you why spanking turns them on.

Alice, 18 years old

I love pain, but good sense this word. It is difficult to describe this reaction. A good blow to the butt brings a sharp rush of heat that spreads throughout the body. This is very exciting for me.

Polina, 24 years old

I love men's hands and I don't like all sorts of "toys" with which it is customary to spank. Men's hands are different. But even the arms are only good for ten strokes. For the eleventh time, the senses are dulled. It doesn't mean my ass is going numb, but it doesn't feel the same anymore, so if you're already spanking your girls ten times in a row, the eleventh hit should be harder.

Liza, 24 years old

I love it when we fool around in bed. A couple of slaps, a little caress, then a couple more slaps and cuddling. If the blows are delivered every second, regularly and with the same force, then sex begins to resemble rape by a robot. Completely uninteresting and boring.

Lena, 22 years old

Let me tell you how it was with me the last time. I was in a brilliant mood all day because I was waiting for my man to come home from work. I drank a little, mentally prepared for the spanking, focused on it. So I was already aroused before he got home. Then I met him at the door, in my hand I already held a small plank, which we bought in order to cut meat on it. I'm in a loose skirt and no panties. The whole process takes ten seconds, maybe fifteen. He kisses me, then I bend down and he pulls up my skirt. Then he delivers 7-8 hits. What will happen next, I think, is clear to everyone.

Olga, 20 years old

I take spanking as a game. And I don't think everyone likes it. But in my case, it works, because I often feel dominant in a relationship, and spanking is an opportunity to feel the dominance of a man, to be subservient to him, albeit for the duration of sex. Such a psychological element of the game, an attempt to fill in the gaps.

You always wanted to know that, didn't you? Today you will learn, and not only about this, but also about many, many other things. Do girls like having lots of pubic hair between your legs? What positions do they like the most? Do women like blowjobs? Do they like deepthroating? We can already see that you can hardly restrain yourself from scrolling through the intro and starting your exploration of female preferences. Well, welcome to the world of answers to very personal questions. 1 Do women like to swallow?   The truth is that it depends on the woman herself. Some women love it, some don't even think about it. There are others who do not like to swallow, but do it to please you. But generally speaking, most women seem to take it coldly. We think you perfectly understand why. 2 Does size really matter?   Yes and no. Size matters only if your penis is very small - he is simply not able to give his girlfriend an orgasm, it does not get enough. However, you should not despair. There are a lot of pieces and techniques that help even short-haired guys to please a girlfriend. This is where practice matters!

3 Why do women fake orgasms?   Do you really want to know this? Okay, you know. Most often, women do not get an orgasm from you because: a) they are tired; b) they want to please you; c) they are in pain, and therefore they want to finish quickly.

4 Do women like blowjobs?   Again, the answer to the question depends on the particular girl. Some women like it, others get sick of a blowjob - they consider blowjob a one-sided game. But most girlfriends understand that a blowjob is a great way to please your boyfriend, especially if he reciprocates. 5 Do Women Like Deepthroating?   You won't stop, will you? Deep blowjob is exotic in the world of girlfriends. Yes, some women love rough sex, but the key word here is "some". Therefore, if you want to insert a dick into your friend's mouth up to the tonsils, then make sure that she might like it. Nobody canceled the gag reflex.

6 How to ask for a blowjob?   Most girlfriends don't expect any revelation from you from this request. No need to pervert with images, compliments. Just tell her that you want her to suck you off, that you will enjoy it. But don't be pushy. If a friend wants, she will do it. If not, then be patient.

7 Do women love sex as much as men?   Short answer: hell yes! Long answer: women love good sex just as much as men do. If sex with you is a torment for a friend, then of course, she will not love anything. 8 How to deal with a woman's breasts?   Everything is very individual. Some girlfriends don't like having their breasts stimulated at all, but most do. You can be smart, but there are not many options: you can pinch, you can lick, you can suck on the nipple. It’s definitely not worth biting if you don’t know that your friend likes such pain, otherwise the sexual tension will disappear in an instant.

9 Do Women Like Your Pubic Hair?   So, let's face it: if you have a lot of hair on the bottom, then you are unlikely to get a blowjob. Nobody wants to chew on pubic hair, you know? But this does not mean that all girlfriends like shaved pubis - this is not so. You just need to take care of the hair not only on the head, but also on the pubis. Neatness and cleanliness is the key to success.

10 How often do women masturbate?   For some people, even the fact that they masturbate at all will be a revelation. However, girlfriends do it and do it regularly - several times a week, and sometimes every day. It depends on the individual woman and her libido. 11 Why do women like to have sex with the lights off?   It's a misconception, but many women really only have sex when the lights are off. The reason lies in uncertainty. Girlfriends believe that darkness will hide their bodily flaws. Therefore, it is important to constantly tell a friend about how beautiful her body is, so that sex comes out of darkness into light. 12 Girls like getting cock pictures?   No. Only very, very rare females. 13 Does a girlfriend need to know how many girlfriends you've had?   We think that she needs to know this, but nothing good will come of what you start telling her about your adventures. Better to keep it to yourself until the statute of limitations passes.

14 Do women like circumcised or uncircumcised members?   It doesn't matter. As long as you keep your penis clean, your friend will like any penis - the main thing is that it works properly.

15 What do women think about during sex?   If it's good sex, then she will think about you. If sex is bad, then she will think about anything, but not about what is happening to her at this very second. If the day was hard, then the situation is similar here - everyday problems can completely knock out thoughts about sex. 16 Why don't women like threesomes?   Who told you that? Some like it, some don't. However, when you offer your girlfriend a threesome, and even with an incomprehensible girl, then this proposal can hit her self-esteem. She will think that she is not good enough for you, so you are looking for another. As you can see, the psychological aspect is more important here, and not decency.

17 Girlfriends play with their breasts?   Yes, often. You would do it too if you had such breasts. And they also like breast massage - not every day, but periodically.

18 Do women like watching porn?   This again depends entirely on the individual woman. Some people like it, others don't see the point in porn. As a rule, if a woman is open to experiments in bed, then she is also open to watching porn together. 19 Which position is the fastest to help a woman achieve orgasm?   If you hit the masses right away, then the surest position is missionary, improved with a pillow under her ass. Also praise the posture of the rider, because a friend herself can control the speed. However, all this greatly depends on the girl herself, as well as on the circumstances in which sex happens.

20 Why do girlfriends dislike dirty talk?   Why do you have so many stereotypes? Girlfriends may like dirty talk during sex, but not everyone. Some girls may be frightened, others will be generally shocked. It all depends on how much a girl can open up to you. But you have to try, especially with a friend who has never heard the word "whore" addressed to her right during sex.


What explains likes and dislikes for the opposite sex? Why does a handsome man evoke some ladies, and a boy of an ordinary appearance admires the same women. Why is this happening? A banal phrase is appropriate here that there are no comrades for taste and color. However, there are guys who like, if not everyone, then most of the fairer sex. It is worth considering these individuals in more detail.

What all girls like

You don't need to be very insightful to list the set of qualities that girls look for in guys when choosing a life partner. Among them are the following:

  • Kindness;
  • Decency;
  • Patience;
  • A healthy sense of humor;
  • Generosity.

But, as the popular joke said, "The Fantasy Department is upstairs." It is absolutely certain that a person (of any gender), whose character is dominated by stinginess, anger and rudeness, is unlikely to arouse admiration among representatives of not only the opposite, but also their own sex. In this context, it is understood that a smart person is one who strives for, with whom it is interesting to talk and there is something to be silent about. Kind is not a mattress and a nurse, but someone who can empathize, come to the rescue at any second.

From the main qualities "follow" side:

  • Attentiveness;
  • caring;
  • and provide for the lives of your loved ones;
  • Housekeeping, etc.

What kind of guys do girls like in their youth

The attitude of young girls to guys is comparable to the love of forty to everything brilliant. At school, in the yard and the first years at the institute, young handsome womanizers with a “hanging tongue” and “pomaded” hair are stunningly popular with girls. At the age of 16 to 23, girls are susceptible to such "copies". They are attracted by physical perfection and the simulated ease of communication with such men. Rethinking their youthful hobbies, and comparing them with the one who stands in front of them, women realize that that handsome male has become an ordinary scoundrel, a cynic and a boor. However, it was not a shame to pass the evening with such a gentleman in front of her friends. In addition, the child turned out to be very cute. Over the years, claims to the appearance of a man lose their relevance, and other priorities come to the fore.

What kind of guys do girls like after 25 years

By the age of 25, a woman feels her whole self in herself. Now she makes demands on men of a slightly different nature. She is more important than the following qualities characteristic of young man:

  • Tenderness;
  • Brutality;
  • and healthy male aggression.

She carefully observes how the guy treats children and the older generation.

The qualities that a young man must possess in order to please a girl from 25 to 35 years old are as follows:

  1. A good education;
  2. Decent upbringing;
  3. Interest in sports;
  4. ambition;
  5. Cold mind;
  6. Rationality and the ability to take risks.

Girls no longer just see a male sire in front of them with a one-night stand, they choose a partner.

What kind of men do women like after 35 years

The conversation will be about adults with established morals and character traits. At this age, it is preferable for women to see next to them a man who is endowed with the following qualities:

  • Decent manners;
  • , choosing a perfume, etc.;
  • Success and place in society.

At this age, women have already made sure of their sexuality, and have seen many marriages where handsome stallions bully their wives, while not even standing their nails. The impulses of youth are far in the past, I want to live next to a person who will give stability, confidence in the future and peace of mind. At the same time, a man should be cheerful and strive to keep his youth as long as possible. This is the person who will not walk around the house unshaven on a day off, and sport is a calling for him.

After 35 years, women become wise and insightful, they no longer act in a temper when something does not suit them in a relationship. They know how to smooth out sharp corners and take care of the calmness of a man and the stability of relationships in the family.

Consider several components of the image of a young man, which.

  1. Appearance. A popular proverb says for good reason that they meet a person by their clothes. The first impression of a guy is the most important!
  2. Body. If your muscles, biceps and abs delight others, this is only a plus for you. However, not everyone is born to be a jock. Therefore, a toned figure, without a hint of a tummy, is what girls like.
  3. Hair. Guys who don't take care of their hair look disgusting. It's not enough to have a neat cut, wash your hair as often as necessary so that it doesn't look greasy. In addition, dandruff is something that can push a girl away. There are many, including affordable ones, that can be made at home.
  4. Skin on the face. The face of a young man should be clean, without a hint of blackheads or pimples. In addition, a greasy shiny face looks untidy. Girls love light unshaven. However, do not forget that the bristles also need to be monitored so as not to turn into an overgrown Neanderthal.
  5. Character traits and mannerisms. If everything is very clear with the previous points, then in order to correspond to the girl's understanding of a nice guy in this case, you need to work hard.

Every girl is waiting for a prince. He will arrive on a white horse, on a simple car or helicopter - it doesn’t matter! The main thing is that this person should correspond to the generally recognized qualities of a real man. So, if you have already achieved success in putting your appearance in order, it's time to understand what kind of character the long-awaited prince should have.

First of all, attract the attention of a girl with a worthy deed. Let you save a kitten from under the wheels of a bicycle, in her eyes you will become a hero. Generosity and the desire to help the weak are what girls appreciate in guys.

Are you witty and funny? Don't be shy! Girls love it when their boyfriend is admired, it gives them and elevates them in their own eyes.

Learn to cook. Drop the stereotypes of "consumer stallions", ask your mom to help you with this. You will please your mother and amaze the girl to the core!

Do not rush to the loopholes and do not win tournaments, wish every evening Good night your girlfriend, take care of her, do not push her problems away from you and support. Care and love is what is truly valuable in relationships between people.

March 14, 2014, 12:42