New generation solar panels. Batteries ask for the sun New generation infrared solar panels

I received a batch of solar panels with a power of 100 watts, 12 volt poly crystal, in this video you can see how much the solar panels have become cheaper in order to maintain a low price. In this video, I will show you the first flaws that I saw immediately on this panel, after I got it. Again, the place on the map ended at the wrong moment, from here I will add a part of the text.

Solar cells are used with an efficiency of 22% and 4 tires per cell, this is a good plus, but given that the wires that were installed are ordinary copper and a real section of 2.5 squares, and at the same time they are not soldered, but rolled. That is either a minus, or as a free gift. Since the MC4 connectors that are used on the wires, well, the box itself with rubber bands for IP65 is made of very low quality plastic. Moreover, if the box is made of still tolerable quality plastic, then the MC4 is disposable here. If you do not plan to put it on a permanent deployment on the street, then you can still put up with it. But if you take such panels specifically for permanent installation, then you should immediately stock up on high-quality wires, plugs for boxes and high-quality MC4 connectors.

But the wires in this batch are already long, they will check or temporarily connect. But still I recommend using other connectors and wires of at least 6 squares.

With regards to the profile of the panel, there is a clear reduction in price by almost two times compared to the panels of 2016. But probably, this is the only manufacturer with such a reasonable price for a solar panel on the market. After all, the most important thing is not wires and boxes or a profile, but glass, a plastic sandwich and EVA films, and solar cells.

A shorter test of the 2017 solar panel has already been filmed and will appear a little later. In this video, I give information to those who still flatter themselves with the hope that the price will be lower, and the panels will still be higher in quality. Unfortunately, the cost of panels varies according to various factors, and the honesty of resellers to overestimate the cost per unit of solar energy is also strongly influenced here, which may not be justified by an overestimated one with a low quality of panel assembly.

Yes, and we have few experts on the quality of assembly of solar panels, and in order to know something about the panels, you need to have an idea about the market and changing trends in the assembly of solar panels. Find out how casino players earn real money by playing slot machines online.

This video was filmed on the day the solar panels were received by Exmork this year.

20 years ago, electricity produced from solar energy seemed like a fantasy to us. But today you will surprise no one.

Residents of European countries have long understood all the benefits of solar energy, and now they light up the streets, heat houses, charge various devices, etc. This review will focus on a new generation of solar panels designed to make our lives easier and save the environment.

SB types

The principle of operation of the solar battery. (Click to enlarge) Today, there are more than ten types of solar devices that are used in a particular industry. Each type has its own characteristics and operational features.

The principle of operation of silicon solar cells: sunlight enters the silicon (silicon-hydrogen) panel. In turn, the plate material changes the direction of the electron orbits, after which the transducers produce an electric current.

These devices can be roughly divided into four types. Let's look at them in more detail below.

Single crystal wafers

Monocrystalline SB The difference between these converters is that the photosensitive cells are directed only in one direction.

This makes it possible to obtain the highest efficiency - up to 26%. But at the same time, the panel must always be directed to the light source (the Sun), otherwise the output power is significantly reduced.

In other words, such a panel is good only in sunny weather. In the evening and on a cloudy day, this type of panel gives a little energy. Such a battery will be optimal for the southern regions of our country.

Polycrystalline solar panels

Polycrystalline SB The wafers of solar panels contain silicon crystals that are directed in different directions, which gives a relatively low efficiency (16-18%).

However, the main advantage of this type of solar panels is their excellent efficiency in poor and scattered light. Such a battery will still power the batteries in cloudy weather.

Amorphous panels

Amorphous SB Amorphous wafers are obtained by vacuum deposition of silicon and impurities. A layer of silicon is applied to a durable layer of special foil. The efficiency of such devices is quite low, no more than 8-9%.

The low "recoil" is due to the fact that under the action of sunlight a thin layer of silicon burns out.

Practice shows that after two to three months of active operation of an amorphous solar panel, the efficiency drops by 12-16%, depending on the manufacturer. The service life of such panels is not more than three years.

Their advantage is low cost and the ability to convert energy even in rainy weather and fog.

Hybrid solar panels

Hybrid SBs The peculiarity of such blocks is that they combine amorphous silicon and single crystals. In terms of parameters, the panels are similar to polycrystalline counterparts.

The peculiarity of such converters is the best conversion of solar energy in the conditions of scattered light.

Polymer batteries

Polymer SB Many users believe that this is a promising alternative to today's silicon panels. This is a film consisting of polymer sputtering, aluminum conductors and a protective layer.

Its peculiarity is that it is light, conveniently bends, twists and does not break. The efficiency of such a battery is only 4-6%, however, low cost and convenient use make this type of solar battery very popular.

Expert advice: to save time, nerves and money, buy solar equipment in specialized stores and on trusted sites.

New developments

Every day, technology is developing rapidly, and the production of solar models does not stand still. We offer you to get acquainted with the latest innovations in the market of solar systems.

solar tile

Solar tiles In order not to spoil the aesthetics of the roof of the house and at the same time receive free solar energy, you can consider the option of purchasing solar tiles. This finishing material consists of a sufficiently strong body and built-in photocells.

Roofing produces enough energy that can be used in domestic conditions. When using such material-equipment, it is possible to feed a separate dedicated power grid or dump electricity into a common network.

In any case, the overall energy costs are reduced.

The leader in the production of solar tiles is a company from Russia - Innovatics. For more than a decade, she has been selling high-quality finishing materials with built-in photocells.

It is interesting that such tiles are difficult to distinguish from ordinary roofing material even at a close distance.

Benefits of solar roof tiles:

  1. Semiconductor material, which is used when connecting photocells, was reduced by 4 times.
  2. Innovative solar focusing system allows you to get 5 times more energy.
  3. The average life of a solar tile is 20 years.
  4. The relatively small weight of the tiles does not have a negative pressure on the roof.
  5. The strength of solar tiles allows them to be used in all weather conditions. The tile calmly withstands hail and other precipitation.
  6. The ease of fastening allows you to securely install tiles in the shortest possible time.

sunny window

Solar window Literally three years ago, a new development of American designers from Pythagorus Solar Windows appeared on the solar technology market. The essence of the innovation is to use window glass as a panel that extracts solar energy.

Such panels are used to the fullest in skyscrapers of European cities. This allows significant energy savings.

Solar window technology is the use of solar cells in the form of silicon strips embedded between panes. In addition to the fact that the windows will generate additional electricity, in addition, the window will protect the room from overheating by blocking sunlight. Outwardly, solar windows look like familiar blinds.

Solaris Plus, another manufacturer of solar windows, offers the use of special glass treated with special silicon sputtering. The strips will convert the sun's rays into electricity, which will feed the battery through translucent conductors.

Hybrid photocells

In 2015, American designers developed hybrid photovoltaic cells that make it possible to convert electricity not only from sunlight, but also from heat. The essence of the design is the use of photocells made of silicon and PEDOT polymer film.

The photocell is fixed with a pyroelectric film and connected to thermoelectric equipment capable of converting heat into electrical current.

Testing of the new hybrid technology has shown that the new thermal film is capable of generating 10 times more electricity than a standard solar panel.

Bioenergy systems

Research conducted by experts from the University of Cambridge has not yet yielded concrete results in the development of a new generation of solar systems that convert biological energy (photosynthesis). Recent results have shown an efficiency of less than 0.4%.

But developments do not stop, and scientists promise that in the near future they will receive energy from biological solar systems.

The options for such batteries are impressive:

  1. Fluorescent lamp powered by ordinary forest moss.
  2. Power plants in the form of large leaves.
  3. Plant panels for home use.
  4. Masts from plants, from which electricity will be extracted and much more.

We hope that in the near future solar systems of the new generation will be used to the maximum. This will make it possible to provide electricity to every home on the planet, without harm to the environment.

Watch the video, which talks about the new generation of solar panels:

Scientists from MISiS have developed a flexible solar battery three times cheaper than silicon panels


MOSCOW, 11 April. /TASS/. Scientists from the MISiS Research and Development University of Technology, together with colleagues from the University of Texas at Dallas, have developed a flexible solar battery based on an organometallic compound, the cost of which is at least three times lower than silicon panels, the press service of the university reports.

Flexible solar battery developed by NUST MISIS scientists

“A group of NUST MISIS scientists led by Professor Anvar Zakhidov presented a technology for creating a thin-film photovoltaic cell based on a hybrid metal-organic compound — perovskite, which makes it possible to convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy with an efficiency of more than 15%, with planned indicators of more than 20% ... Today The estimated cost per square meter of perovskite solar panels is less than $100, while the best silicon solar panels cost $300 per square meter. In mass production, the difference will be 4-6 times,” the report says.

Silicon-based solar cells are expensive due to the high-tech, energy-intensive and toxic production of silicon. In addition, they are much more fragile and less flexible than those developed by Russian scientists. The peculiarity of perovskite technology is that the active layers of solar cells based on it can be deposited from liquid solutions on thin and flexible substrates. This allows you to place solar panels on surfaces of any curvature: window translucent "energy curtains" of houses and cars, facades and roofs of buildings, consumer electronics and much more.

“The main advantage of hybrid perovskites is the ease of their production from common metal salts and industrial chemical organic compounds, and not from expensive and rare elements used in high-performance semiconductor counterparts, such as solar cells based on silicon and gallium arsenide. It is equally important that perovskite-based materials can be used to print photo electronics not only on glass, but also on other materials and surfaces. This makes the batteries much cheaper than with more complex methods for obtaining thin-film solar cells,” said Zakhidov, whose words are quoted in the message.

A significant reduction in the cost of manufacturing solar panels will help increase the share of environmentally friendly, renewable energy sources in the overall energy pie.

Russian scientists will develop plastic solar panels of a new type


EKATERINBURG, 4 April. /TASS/. Russian scientists plan to develop the first prototypes of a new generation of plastic solar cells by 2018. TASS researcher of the Office for Scientific Innovation at South Ural State University Oleg Bolshakov. The project is being implemented with grant support from the Russian Science Foundation.

“Together with colleagues from the Moscow Institute of Organic Chemistry, we have been working on the creation of plastic thin-film solar cells of a new generation for the past 1.5 years. The first batch of material for solar cells is already ready, it will be tested for 2-3 months in a special laboratory at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland,” Bolshakov said. “There are no necessary certified laboratories in Russia yet, so we turned to foreign specialists. According to the plan, by 2018 we will release the first prototypes,” he added.

According to scientists, the main feature of the new type of solar cells is an organic light-sensitive material. “These batteries will not be toxic, nor do they require a large amount of light-sensitive material — 1,000 times less than previous generation batteries, so they will be the most affordable. For these reasons, developments in this direction are carried out around the world. But there are no analogues of our technology yet, so the implementation of our project will give us great advantages in the alternative energy of the future,” Bolshakov added.

He also noted that at the moment, specialists have to identify the statistical relationship between the structure of materials and efficiency. “Each solar cell is characterized by two main parameters - sustainability and energy efficiency. It is necessary to determine the most successful options from those that we sent to the laboratory, after which they can already be applied to various surfaces. Further scientific work will be connected with the improvement of materials,” the scientist explained.

Who will forbid us to dream!

Increasingly, scientists are considering a perpetual motion machine as one of the types of alternative energy sources renewable by nature free of charge. If we take the point of view of the law of conservation of energy, then such an engine is impossible. But this law is valid only for closed electrical networks.

We connect the electrical appliance to the network with a plug with two conductors. Connect one - there will be no electric current, because the circuit is not closed. And Nikolo Tesla, a Serbian scientist, demonstrated the transfer of current through a single conductor at the beginning of the last century. And he was already on the verge of discovering the transmission of current without wires at all. Thus, the scientist proved that a perpetual motion machine is possible, but under the condition of an open network.

Tesla was one of the first to understand that the Earth and near-Earth space are an open electrical network. This means that the law of conservation of energy does not work with such a network and it is possible to receive inexhaustible energy from space and set in motion perpetual motion machines. For the first time, the scientist personally demonstrated his idea in 1931 on a silent automobile electric motor and drove for a whole week without batteries and chargers.

His contemporaries did not believe him. The scientist was called a charlatan. A typical example for any era, when a person who is ahead of his time in discoveries or ideas, is either defamed by envious people or imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital. Thank God, this cup passed Tesla, but he was considered abnormal until the end of his days and he was constantly subjected to defamation.

However, there are still skeptics who do not believe in any miracles. According to them, natural engines exist, but they cannot be called "eternal" because they are not permanent. Now everything is spinning and spinning, after an hour the wind died down, the sun disappeared behind the clouds or night fell and the “perpetual” motion machine fell silent. Another thing is a hydroelectric power plant, or a nuclear one - there is an opportunity to get a “perpetual” engine for a long time, but you can’t call it absolutely eternal either.

By and large, the legitimacy of perpetual motion machines does not fit in with the Law of Conservation of Energy, which has not yet been refuted by any of the known laboratory experiments. This is the opinion of the skeptics.

By the way, you can make a perpetual motion machine yourself:

So, now you can’t even dream, as Nikolo Tesla did successfully? He dreamed of transmitting electricity over long distances without wires and developed new approaches to solving this problem. He was able to turn on and off the electric motor at a considerable distance from it, turn on the light bulbs without any wiring. This happened in 1892, and the secrets of the great scientist have not yet been unraveled.

We are looking for weaknesses in the law

The law of conservation and transformation of energy in a free interpretation is interpreted as follows: in any natural phenomena, energy simply does not arise and does not disappear. It passes from one form to another, but its value decreases. And it is unthinkable to think of any perpetual motion machine without constant additional efforts.

But people have been looking for the possibility of creating a perpetual motion machine for centuries. Here are some examples of inventions:

Scientists are puzzling over how to get around this inhibitory law and move science to the service of mankind along the path that Nikolo Tesla groped for 122 years ago and took his secrets with him to the grave. How to find these natural "extra efforts" so that without human intervention, with the help of renewable energy sources, a perpetual motion machine can work?

Something that scientists have already done in this direction. The A. Ioffe Institute in St. Petersburg has opened a center for the manufacture of thin-film solar cells capable of generating energy not only under direct exposure to sunlight, but even with infrared radiation. So, at night.

A clue has been found, which can lead to the fact that in the near future it will be possible to put a fat cross on the law of conservation of energy. The same opinion was reached by scientists from Dubna near Moscow, which will be discussed in the next section.

See you in the morning sunshine!

Why is the use of solar energy in our country at such a low level? Nor can the world take pride in the prevailing curbing of renewable energy by the sun. What is the reason?

The sun has nothing to do with it. Firstly, until now, the human community has not learned how to turn daylight into electric current with proper efficiency. Secondly, the produced solar batteries work only during the day and in clear sunny weather. And, thirdly, efficient and safe batteries have not yet been invented for sufficient accumulation of energy, which will last until the next daylight hours. And then what to do in the frozen tundra, the territory of which is huge in our country? After all, you have to wait six months until sunrise!

But, fortunately, this state of affairs can now be spoken of in the past tense. In Dubna, near Moscow, the first sample of a fundamentally new photocell was demonstrated. It was he who became the main component of the solar battery, the authors of which are scientists from the center of the Institute for Nuclear Research. The new battery is unique, and the introduction of open solar cells will lead to a real technical revolution in the development of solar energy.

A few words should be said about the principle of operation of the new solar battery. It consists of a so-called heteroelectric photocell, which works equally well in both visible and infrared radiation. In addition, the new battery is equipped with a heteroelectric capacitor, which has a large capacity, while having a small volume.

The result exceeded all expectations of Russian scientists. If the efficiency of old photocells was 5, maximum 7%, then for batteries using new photocells the result is stunning. It can reach 30% or more. Moreover, the products have a unique ability to work even at night, perfectly responding to infrared radiation.

It became possible to assert that not only solar batteries, but also “star batteries” will soon come into operation, capable of extracting electricity at any time of the day and calmly, in a working rhythm, meet the morning sun, no matter how long the night lasts. And with renewed vigor to charge for future uninterrupted work. Why not a perpetual motion machine powered by renewable energy!

Doubtful opinion:

“This is a global perspective! There will be an opportunity to install solar panels in the country! Yes, plus wind power to use!

But, in my opinion, environmentally friendly sources will not be massively introduced. "Hydrocarbon" tycoons do not like this. They will continue to poison everyone and themselves with chemistry and row money on our diseases. They do not need a healthy nation. Because it will become uncontrollable!”

sane opinion:

“At first glance, one might argue that heteroelectric solar cells are pure fantasy. But this impression is erroneous. The fierce resistance of the monopolies suggests otherwise. This means that new solar panels have a great future, if the rich are seriously alarmed.

The pessimist's point of view:

“Heteroelectrics, no doubt, can lead the world to a geopolitical redistribution. But this will not be allowed! The interests of politicians and moneybags will not let them break away from the consumption of hydrocarbon raw materials. Too many bets have been placed. The owners of minerals will cut their throats for their comfortable existence.

Optimist's opinion:

“This is, of course, bleak, but one should not despair. Today, the Internet completely allows the inventors of our country, and indeed the whole world, to unite and work together to think about projects, introduce them into production, find sponsors, etc. The possibility is not ruled out that a wave of people's initiative will overwhelm the bureaucratic red tape and work models will appear. Then the process will become irreversible.

Source - Blog "Ecology in Russia" by Lev Mirolyubov from Izhevsk.

"Hello tribe, young, unfamiliar"

It's not about people, but about a new generation of solar panels. Scientists have managed to develop such batteries that are able to receive electricity from solar energy even when the sun hides in the clouds or sets below the horizon until morning.

Meet Plastic Solar Panels! They can be applied to the frame like paint, or glued as a film. Their main advantage is that they are able to capture infrared radiation. This means working at night as effectively as during the day. Agree, — a considerable step on the way to progress!

Existing materials for making traditional solar cells only captured visible sunlight, although the other majority of the radiation was in the infrared spectrum.

The invented material is such a plastic composition that is able to respond to both the infrared and the visible part of the spectrum. Thanks to such designs, it became possible to capture a significant amount of solar energy and generate electricity.

But that's not the most important thing either. With the introduction of a new generation of solar panels using an unusual material, the cost of products has dropped sharply, which gives hope for the massive use of renewable sources in the form of solar energy.

Russian nanotechnologies - to be!

Previously, solar cells were made on a silicon basis. And silicon was obtained by the decomposition of the explosive gas silane. Its molecule contains one silicon atom and four hydrogen atoms. Scientists have succeeded in replacing pure silicon with silicon tetrafluoride, which eliminated any danger in the manufacture of the product.

With the new technology, it is possible to change the composition of silicon, thereby improving its electrical properties. Such samples have already been obtained in Nizhny Novgorod, which made it possible to obtain thin and flexible films that can work even at night. This paved the way for the production of more efficient and cheaper materials for next-generation solar cells.

Silicon batteries are also used in large solar power plants created in alternative energy, and have already begun to conquer the private market for Russians concerned about pollution and rising electricity prices.

The efficiency of the new generation batteries reaches 30%, compared to the previous, more expensive and bulky ones, which have an efficiency of only 5-7%.

The result of the work of Nizhny Novgorod practitioners as part of the development of priority areas of the Russian technological complex laid the foundation for the creation of a new technology in our country.

Consumption ecology. Science and technology: Swiss physicists have demonstrated the work of a new generation of solar cells with a record high efficiency and at the same time remaining quite cheap compared to conventional solar cells.

Swiss physicists have demonstrated the work of a new generation of solar cells with a record high efficiency and at the same time remaining quite cheap compared to conventional photovoltaic cells.

Films made from an analogue of an unusual natural mineral have helped physicists in Switzerland create a new kind of cheap solar cells that convert a record 20% of sunlight energy into electricity, according to an article published in the journal Nature.

“The best perovskite solar cell prototypes use special materials that are very difficult to manufacture and clean. Their minimum cost is about 300 euros per gram of substance, which makes their commercial use impossible. In comparison, our substance, FDT, is easy to manufacture and five times cheaper, and yet has the same qualities,” said Mohammad Nazeeruddin from the Federal Polytechnic School of Switzerland in Lausanne (EPFL).

In recent years, scientists have created several exotic materials that can increase the efficiency of solar cells by several times. In particular, the attention of physicists is increasingly attracted by the mineral perovskite and its synthetic analogs, whose thin films are semiconductors that convert light energy into electricity well.

Most light-absorbing materials have a symmetrical crystal structure, which allows electrons to flow freely in different directions. Perovskite has a cubic crystal lattice formed by atoms of one metal. Inside each cube there is an octahedron formed by oxygen atoms, inside of which an atom of another metal “sits”.

The interaction between these atoms causes the electrons to flow in the same direction, due to which perovskite-based solar cells have an extremely high efficiency, about 12-15%. Naziruddin and his colleagues were able to achieve even higher levels of efficiency without increasing the cost of the battery by creating the FDT substance.

It belongs to the category of so-called "hole carriers" - special substances that help remove positive charges, the so-called "holes", from the perovskite film after light particles enter it and "knock out" electrons from it. In its chemical structure, FDT is a small aromatic hydrocarbon molecule similar in shape to a butterfly with large wings.

The tips of the wings of this "butterfly" cling to the surface of the perovskite film, and its lower part interacts with iodine atoms, which serve as a source of "holes" and electrons, and force them to return to their working position faster after the light knocks out the next electron from the perovskite crystal.

Due to its unusual properties, a solar cell coated with a thin layer of FDT is able to achieve a record efficiency rate to date - over 20.2%, which is slightly higher than that of solar cells based on more expensive "hole carriers". As scientists hope, their discovery will bring us closer to the emergence of truly efficient "green" energy sources. published