Solidago: overview of varieties, cultivation and propagation. Solidago-goldenrod: medicinal properties Solidago planting and care in open ground

Goldenrod (Solidago) is a genus of herbaceous perennials from the Asteraceae family. Many of its representatives are medicinal plants, hence the scientific name of the entire genus: “solidus” translated from Latin means healthy. And today we want to tell you about the amazing properties of this natural gift, as well as how to use it correctly so as not to harm your health.

Description and types

The genus of plants called goldenrod includes several species, and below we will look at photos and descriptions of the most common of them.


Goldenrod is native to North America. It can be found in desert areas, on prairies among tall grassy thickets, in forest clearings and wet meadows, as well as on roadsides. And despite the fact that plants belonging to this species mostly grow in wooded areas, they are intolerant to shady areas.

Goldenrod can be recognized by its pubescent, straight stems and solid, simple foliage. The height of the stem can reach 1.8 m. The inflorescences are lemon-yellow in color and have the shape of baskets, which consist of small (about 2-3 mm) flowers collected in tassels. The length of one such inflorescence is approximately 35 cm. The flowering period occurs in August and lasts about a month and a half.


Hybrid goldenrod is a species that combines quite a large number of hybrid varieties. And the main one among them is the Canadian goldenrod, which is also considered to be native to North America.
Canadian goldenrod is a herbaceous perennial plant whose stem can reach 2 m in height. It is not completely pubescent, but only 2/3, the lower part at the base is bare. The leaves are green, oblong-lanceolate. Numerous baskets are collected in panicles; their size is about 35 cm.


The homeland of Daurian goldenrod is Siberia. You can find a plant of this species in meadows and forests, as well as on rocky slopes and pebbles.

This plant barely reaches 1 m in height. Its stem is simple, strong, only the inflorescence is branched. Stem leaves have short petioles, while those located in the basal region have long petioles. The leaf blade can be oblong, lanceolate or ovate.


Rugose goldenrod is another native to North America. It can be found in swampy areas, bogs, among wet meadows and on roadsides.

Wrinkled goldenrod has a smooth, straight stem, the height of which is about 2 m. The shoots are colored reddish-brown, the rhizome is creeping. The leaves are oblong-oval, with teeth along the edges. The leaves are located throughout the stem with the exception of the basal region.


Common goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), or golden branch, or golden rod, is a herbaceous perennial plant, the height of which can range from 0.3 to 1 m. The stem is pubescent and weakly leafy, branched only in the upper part, and may have a reddish tint. The rhizome is taprooted, woody and short. The leaves are pointed, ovate or oval, serrated at the edges; located in the lower part of the stem - on the petioles, in the central part and at the top - sessile and smaller. The inflorescences are paniculate or racemose, each with several baskets consisting of small bright yellow flowers.

The flowering period of common goldenrod begins in July and lasts until September, after which fruits appear on the tops of the stems in the form of achenes with a tuft. The fruit is cylindrical and ribbed. Fruit formation ends in October.

The golden rod grows in European countries, Central Asia, Scandinavia, the Mediterranean, as well as in the Caucasus and western Siberia. Found in the European part of Russia.

Common goldenrod is famous for its beneficial properties. Its aerial part serves as a medicinal raw material: most often the upper parts of stems, leaves and inflorescences, less often rhizomes.

Good to know! The grass is harvested during the flowering period of the plant - from July to September, rhizomes are collected exclusively in the fall. Dry by collecting in bunches and hanging in the shade or in a draft. Ready-to-use raw materials have a bitter taste and a pronounced spicy aroma.


To date, the medicinal properties of goldenrod have not been fully studied, but quite a lot has been established. And this was facilitated by information regarding the chemical composition of this plant.
Herb includes:

  • flavonoids - rutin, camperol, quercetin, etc.;
  • acids – organic, ascorbic, nicotinic, phenolcarbonic;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • saponins;
  • coumarins;
  • essential oils;
  • traces of alkaloids;
  • resin.

The roots of this plant contain inulin, the fruits contain fatty oils, and the inflorescences contain galactose, arabinose, glucose, xylose and carbohydrates.

Positive effect on the body

When used correctly, the golden rod can bring enormous benefits. Among the properties of this herb:

  • wound healing;
  • antibacterial;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • expectorant;
  • restorative.

Thus, the use of goldenrod may be quite justified in the treatment of various diseases. So, this herb helps clear the lungs of phlegm and thus relieve a coughing attack during bronchitis. With the help of preparations from this plant, you can also significantly alleviate the condition of asthma and promote a speedy recovery from pulmonary tuberculosis.

Golden rod herb shows very good results in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the gallbladder, as well as stagnation of bile. Moreover, the pain syndrome in such conditions is relieved already on the first day of therapy. In addition, products based on goldenrod are often prescribed when it is necessary to remove sand from the kidneys, relieve swelling, cure involuntary urination and pyelonephritis. For conditions associated with kidney and gallbladder dysfunction, an alcohol tincture is usually used. Also, goldenrod preparations show quite high effectiveness for edema that occurs against the background of heart disease.

On a note! Goldenrod preparations cope so well with removing excess fluid from the body that complex conditions such as swelling of internal organs and even the brain often become indications for their use!

Goldenrod can also be very useful for diabetes. It improves metabolic processes and helps normalize blood glucose levels. Moreover, this property can be used not only for diabetes, but also simply when there is an increase in sugar.

The medicinal properties of goldenrod become relevant for digestive disorders. Thanks to their astringent effect, herbal preparations quickly stop diarrhea, and at the same time the cause that caused the problem is eliminated. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms die, and overall health noticeably improves.

Golden rod herb has found quite widespread use as a wound healing agent. With its help, you can prevent the risk of infection of the damaged area and accelerate the regeneration of the skin. In addition, her preparations do an excellent job even with purulent wounds and ulcers - they quickly cleanse, remove purulent masses and heal the wound. Direct indications in this case may include dermatological problems such as psoriasis and eczema, as well as furunculosis.

On a note! In the latter case, goldenrod leaves are usually used - they are soaked in clean water and applied to the affected area for a while!

Goldenrod shows fairly good results in the treatment of respiratory infections, herpes and influenza. It helps reduce the intensity of symptoms, relieves sore throat, laryngitis and stomatitis. When taking products based on this plant, the general condition noticeably and quickly improves, appetite is normalized and metabolism is stimulated.

Use in folk medicine. Recipes

Golden Rod Herb will have different uses on different occasions. For example, it is taken orally in the form of tea, tincture or decoction; it is also possible to use an extract. As for external therapy, you will already need compresses and lotions.

  1. For edema, dropsy, pyelonephritis, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma. In this case, an infusion of herbs is used, which is prepared according to the following recipe: 2 tablespoons of dried raw materials must be poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for 3-4 hours. After this time, filter the product. We take the prepared infusion 50 ml three times a day before meals.

    On a note! This infusion can also be used as a gargle to treat sore throats and stomatitis!

  2. For gout. We brew this remedy: in a container we mix 50 g of goldenrod, black elderberry flowers and St. John's wort herb, add 60 g of cordate linden flowers. Separate a tablespoon of the dry mixture and pour a glass (250 ml) of boiling water. We insist and filter. Take 250 ml twice a day.
  3. For kidney stones. Prepare the decoction: pour a tablespoon of golden rod herb with a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for about 4-5 minutes. Remove the broth from the stove and leave for a couple of hours. We filter the product and take 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  4. For chronic nephritis. To treat this disease, you need to prepare the following drug: pour 2 tablespoons of dry goldenrod herb with half a liter of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Remove the broth from the heat and filter. Drink the product 4 times a day, half a glass (100 ml).
  5. For rinsing the mouth and for relieving inflammation of various origins. A tablespoon of rozgi grass must be steamed in 200 ml of boiling water. After an hour, the product is filtered and used externally.
  6. For the treatment of purulent wounds, furunculosis, gum abscesses, sore throat and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. Pour a tablespoon of common goldenrod into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. After the specified time, we filter the drug and use it in the form of compresses, rinses and rinses.
  7. A decoction for baths, which is indicated for skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and skin tuberculosis. Add 50 g of dried raw materials to a bucket of water (10 l) and bring to a boil. Cook for a quarter of an hour, then leave at room temperature for 2 hours. Add the prepared broth to the bath - the temperature of the water in the bath should be about +38...40°C.
  8. Tea. Add 2 teaspoons of golden rod herb to 400 ml of cold water, set on fire and bring to a boil. Leave for a few minutes, filter if desired.

Contraindications and side effects

The golden rod is capable of exhibiting very powerful healing properties, but since some toxic substances were found in its composition, it also has certain contraindications.

Solidago (aka goldenrod) has been grown since ancient times, but modern gardeners, spoiled by the abundance of plants, treat it somewhat condescendingly, if not with some contempt.

This is due to the fact that for a long time in gardens there were not very attractive, but extremely aggressive natural species - Canadian goldenrod and giant goldenrod. They quickly spread due to long root shoots and crush their more modest neighbors. And the garden fence is not an obstacle for them, they easily stepped over it and spread widely almost everywhere, they can often be found along roads and in almost every, even very small, populated area. Here we must thank the numerous flying seeds, which are spread by the wind over long distances and germinate with persistence that deserves better use.

Fortunately, the range of goldenrods is not limited to these two species. In total, there are about 130 species in nature, so there is plenty to choose from. And judge for yourself, can a plant be despised if at the time of flowering it literally drowns in the gold of numerous inflorescences?

If you take a closer look at a simple inflorescence-basket (what we, in our simplicity, consider to be a separate flower), then you can see tiny real flowers of two types in it: tubular in the center of the basket, and reed-shaped at the edges.

Numerous baskets, in turn, are collected in complex openwork inflorescences of a paniculate, racemose or spike-shaped form; in some varieties the inflorescences are drooping. The length of the inflorescences is from 15 to 40 cm. Plants bloom for a long time, up to 30-35 days, from August to October - early November. Some species bloom even earlier - in June-July.

By the way, in addition to the inflorescences, different types and varieties are very different in height. So, if you like large plants, then you can choose varieties taller than 2 m, but if you prefer dwarf plants, then you can choose varieties and natural species that do not exceed 15-30 cm.

There are many beautiful, but what is there - simply luxurious short-rhizome varieties that grow more than moderately. Although, to be honest, they still have a problem with self-seeding. So the main way to avoid the mass emergence of solidago shoots is to trim off all faded inflorescences.

Unlike natural species, the varieties are distinguished by abundant flowering, dense inflorescences, and compactness of the bush. Most modern varieties belong to a complex garden hybrid - goldenrod hybrid (Solidago x hybrida), whose ancestry includes several natural species. The lower the variety, the earlier it begins to bloom.

All low-growing solidagos can be an excellent border - their dense and compact bushes hold their shape well and are attractive even when not flowering. Well, when the time for flowering comes, the flower garden will have a real golden border.

Solidago varieties with average flowering time and height are more numerous. They bloom from mid-August to September, but their height does not exceed 100-140 cm. And by the way, most are quite close to each other, so it’s hardly worth getting into collecting medium-sized ones. But there are also varieties with their own personality, I will mention the most interesting ones.

Medium-sized varieties will decorate flower beds at the end of summer, because their bright color will enrich the garden’s palette.

But perhaps the most spectacular are the late-flowering tall varieties. After all, the look that they can give is completely beyond the power of their more compact counterparts.

By the way, externally tall varieties are much more diverse in height, flowering period (from early September to October, and in some cases November), and the shape of the inflorescences and their color are also very diverse.

All tall varieties are secondary plants. They fit right in the center of the composition and provide an excellent opportunity to hide from the eyes of an annoying neighbor. And of course, bouquets - in them solidago will add the fading warmth of the autumn sun, here openwork inflorescences will become an excellent background for more brightly colored plants.

But in addition to the numerous varieties of Solidago hybrid, the variety of the modern assortment is not limited to this. Now you can buy species of the most unusual appearance.

Solidago goldenrod species

Yes, completely unusual goldenrod (Solidago rigida). This is a large plant (up to 150 cm) with ovoid-shaped leaves that are completely uncharacteristic of solidago. The flowering of this species is also unusual. The fact is that numerous, slightly drooping baskets are collected into a dense dense inflorescence. This species blooms in September.

Goldenrod (Solidago flexicaulis) outwardly inferior to hybrid solidago varieties, but this species has a spectacular variegated form of Variegata, its main highlight is elegant yellow spots and stripes on the leaves. Unfortunately, as autumn approaches, the bright pattern of the leaves gradually fades. Otherwise, this variety does not differ from the natural species - its height is no more than 60 cm. It blooms by September, but its flowering is not so spectacular, the fact is that its inflorescence is quite narrow, compressed, and there are not too many baskets on it.

Unusual and blue-gray goldenrod (Solidago caesia). It has long (up to 120 cm) spreading thin stems of a reddish hue. The narrow, dark green leaves are somewhat reminiscent of willow leaves. Small baskets are collected in loose, racemose, very graceful inflorescences. The only drawback of this species is that it blooms very late - in October (if autumn is short and cold, flowering may not occur), but it blooms until severe autumn frosts.

Well, if you prefer gardens with a natural appearance, then it’s quite possible to have goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), This is what we call the golden rod. This species grows in our country; it is completely unpretentious and non-aggressive. But outwardly its appearance is quite modest - small light yellow baskets are collected in a fairly narrow racemose inflorescence. The oblong leaves are also not particularly decorative. This species is quite compact and usually does not exceed 30-60 cm, one of the earliest, blooming from mid-June.

Solidago: varieties

Solidago - compact varieties

Perkeo- a compact variety up to 60 cm high with light yellow inflorescences, 15 cm long. This is one of the earliest varieties, because it blooms in early August.

Goldstrahl– the variety has medium-sized, up to 10 cm long, golden-yellow paniculate inflorescences, blooms from the beginning of August. The height of the plant does not exceed 70 cm.

Laurin– compact, up to 60-70 cm high, a variety with bright yellow inflorescences, blooming a little later, in August.

Dzintra– this variety fully justifies its name, because translated from Latvian it means “amber”. Its large, amber-yellow inflorescences decorate the garden in August. Bush height is about 80 cm

Goldjunge– up to 100 cm high. The baskets are collected into a compact panicle up to 20 cm long; the flowers are dark yellow. Blooms from mid-August to September.

Fruhgold– plants up to 100 cm high with large paniculate bright yellow inflorescences up to 25 cm long. Blooms from August.

Schlaggold (Spatgold)– a more compact and late-flowering variety (from September) up to 80 cm high. The baskets are collected in a panicle up to 15 cm long, the flowers are lemon-yellow.

Tall varieties of solidago-goldenrod

Goldtanne up to 200 cm high with very large paniculate inflorescences more than 50 cm long, orange-yellow flowers, blooms from mid-September;

Julinde– about 150 cm high, baskets collected in a panicle up to 40 cm long, light yellow in color, blooms in September;

Goldking– plant height up to 150 cm, paniculate bright yellow inflorescences up to 35 cm long decorate the garden from mid-September to October, for 30-35 days.

Solidago – photo

Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) – benefits and harms, contraindications and application



It grows well both in well-lit areas and in partial shade.


For the winter, the above-ground part of the plant is cut off.

Not picky about soils.

Drought resistant.

A garter to the support is required.

Seeds lose their viability very quickly.

Applications and benefits of goldenrod

For liver diseases, mix 10 tbsp. rose hips, 5 tbsp. multi-veined capillary, horsetail, goldenrod, oregano, crushed flax seeds, 3 tbsp. stinging nettle, 2 tbsp. sandy immortelle, St. John's wort, Kuril tea, birch leaves, 3 tbsp. black currant leaves, 1 tbsp. cherry and raspberry leaves, common hop cones. 2 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture, leave overnight in a thermos, strain and take a third of a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, warm with honey.

For stomatitis, gingivitis, wounds 3 tbsp. goldenrod herb pour 2 tbsp. water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Use for rinsing and lotions.

Herbal tea for the prevention of urolithiasis. Mix 2 tbsp. goldenrod herb, nettle leaves, steelweed root, dandelion root and herb. 1 tbsp. mixture pour 1 tbsp. boiled water in an enamel bowl, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain and add boiled water to 200 ml. Drink a third of a glass in the morning and afternoon for a month. If well tolerated, the dosage can be increased to 2 tbsp. per day, drink for 15 days.

For kidney stones 6 tsp. goldenrod herb pour 2 tbsp. cold water and leave for 8 hours, boil for 2 minutes. and strain. Drink throughout the day.

Goldenrod contraindications

Individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, children under 16 years of age, acute glomerulonephritis.


At my dacha, along the fence, powerful bushes of common goldenrod are gaining strength (not to be confused with its Canadian “namesake”, which in our conditions, having not encountered enemies, has become a malicious weed that threatens other vegetation). Few people know about the healing power of this plant with bright yellow inflorescences, which is also popularly called golden rod and solidago.

Its leaves contain phenolic compounds, coumarins, saponins, tannins and many other useful components. Flowers, in which, in addition to the listed substances, contain organic oxygen-containing compounds, do not lag behind the leaves. They are also rich in dyes and essential oils.

On a note

In recent years, scientists have discovered the strong influence of goldenrod on soil microflora. Its root system secretes a large number of secondary metabolites that suppress the development of harmful phytopathogens and thus cleanse the soil.

Procurement of raw materials

I have been friends with this plant for several years now and prepare raw materials in the initial stage of flowering, cutting off the inflorescences and leaves located in the upper half of the stem, since they are coarser lower down. I dry it under a canopy in the shade, tying the stems into bunches.

Solidago, which quickly develops land spaces, is not afraid of either heat or cold. Requiring little care, the plant shoots to the skies, growing up to two meters in height. Lush bright yellow panicles from basket inflorescences have been decorating the world for a long period.

Rod Solidago

About a hundred perennial herbaceous plant species are united in the genus Solidago or Goldenrod.

Their rich golden panicles of inflorescences can be found in the most unexpected places. Periodically visiting relatives who have gone to a better world, you sometimes have to make your way through the dense thickets of Solidago, swaying with their yellow flowers, symbolizing separation.

They seize territories with enviable tenacity, provoking people to war with the bushes. But don’t rush to cut down solidago at the roots. Its fragrant flowers attract bees, which store amber-smelling honey for people and themselves. In addition, traditional healers use the leaves and flowers of the plant to heal many human ailments.

Tired of the monotony of weeding annoying weeds, brew fresh or dried Solidago flowers. A cup of this tea will restore strength, giving vigor and joy of being.


* Solidago vulgaris(Solidago virgaaurea) or Goldenrod- Don’t let the adjective “ordinary” confuse you. The fact that the plant can often be found in nature does not make its beauty any less vibrant. Rare golden-yellow panicles, collected from small baskets-inflorescences reminiscent of chamomile inflorescences, are popularly called the “Golden Rod”. Any naughty man would prefer such a rod than a biting willow twig. Although, personally, I am categorically against any kind of rods. The plant gives its golden bloom to the world in July-August.

* Solidago canada(Solidago canadensis) - large inflorescences of pyramidal or paniculate shape, collected from small yellow flowers, sometimes look like the wings of a firebird, spread over an erect, strong stem growing up to two meters in height. It is not for nothing that the most popular cultivated variety is given the name “Golden Wings”. The lanceolate leaves have a sharply toothed or almost entire edge.

* Solidago hybrid(Solidago x hybrida) - the two species described above gave birth to numerous hybrids. Goldenrod blooms from July to November, showing the world its yellow elongated apical panicle inflorescences. Breeders “downgraded” the plant by developing short, compact forms (up to 40 cm in height). The weeping hybrid form Solidago is also interesting.

* Solidaster(Solidaster) - a child obtained from crossing Solidago and Astra. Like all children, the plant tried to take the best from its parents, and therefore its panicle inflorescences acquired larger flowers with clearly visible petals.


Solidago can grow in full sun or partial shade, where it blooms later and continues to bloom until frost. Tolerates high and low temperatures perfectly.

Despite its unpretentiousness, it prefers fertilized and moist soils. Since in order to maintain its powerful parts the plant quickly depletes the supply of nutrients in the soil, plantings have to be renewed periodically, ignoring the perennial nature of the plant. Or don’t skimp on fertilizing the soil, combining the application of complex fertilizers with watering the plant. Regular watering is required to keep the soil moist.

For the winter, flower stalks are cut off almost to the very root.


Propagated by sowing seeds or dividing rhizomes. It grows quickly, so its growth should be limited so that the entire dacha does not turn into thickets of Solidago.


In general, Goldenrod is a very strong plant that not every pest can handle. But it happens that young plants are overcome by fungi, leading to slower growth, deformation of the stems, and the appearance of rust on the leaves.

Leaves can be damaged by small insects or caterpillars.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the department. Botany RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazeva

In medicine, mainly 2 species are used - Canadian goldenrod and goldenrod, which grows widely in the fields and meadows of our country.

Or golden rod (Solidago virgaurea) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family with a short woody rhizome. Stems are erect, often unbranched, deciduous, up to 100 cm tall. The leaves are alternate or ovate, pointed, serrate along the edges, basal and lower stem leaves are narrowed into a winged petiole, the upper ones are smaller, sessile. The flowers are yellow, in small (up to 15 mm) baskets, collected in racemes or paniculate inflorescences. The fruits are cylindrical ribbed achenes with a brownish tuft. Blooms in August – September.

It is found throughout the European part of Russia, except for the Far North, in the Caucasus and Western Siberia. Grows in light forests, along forest edges, clearings, clearings, among bushes, in meadows. Prefers soils that are not heavy in mechanical composition. In Eastern Siberia and the Far East it is replaced by related species - Daurian goldenrod (Solidago dahurica syn. Solidago virgaurea var. dahurica) and goldenrod descending (Solidago decurrens), which can be used in medicine due to their similar chemical composition along with the main species.

The upper part of leafy shoots, harvested during flowering, is used. It is absolutely not necessary to grow goldenrod on the plot; you can simply collect and dry the upper parts of the shoots with inflorescences at the end of July-beginning of August. Dry in the shade, laying out in attics or in a dryer, at a temperature no higher than +35+40 o C. Homeopaths use inflorescences.

We use it in folk medicine and harvest it from the wild. Included in the Pharmacopoeia of Germany and some other countries.

Properties and application goldenrod

Chemical composition: organic acids, diterpenoids, 2.4% saponins, phenolic compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives (caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, hydroxycinnamic acid), up to 012% flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, etc.), coumarins, essential oil.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a strong diuretic effect and is used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, especially often for urolithiasis. At the same time, along with a diuretic effect, it exhibits anti-inflammatory and strong antibacterial properties. The flavonoids contained reduce capillary permeability. Effective for urate and oxalate stones. Contraindicated in case of phosphate stones, as it increases urine pH. Very effective for chronic prostatitis, cystitis and urethritis. Sometimes in preparations it is used for impotence and prostate adenoma. Thanks to its antifungal effect, it is effective against candidiasis, and in common parlance - thrush.

In folk medicine it is used for cholelithiasis, stomach disorders, rheumatism, gout associated with impaired uric acid metabolism. Externally, fresh leaves are used for abscesses and boils. In Germany, it is sometimes used for venous diseases, which is probably due to the high content of flavonoids and pronounced anti-inflammatory, vascular strengthening and antioxidant effects.

(Solidago canadensis L.) is very decorative; numerous garden forms have been developed, which differ markedly in the height and shape of the inflorescences. This species is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 150 cm high, strongly reminiscent of common goldenrod. The stems are erect, branching in the upper part, densely leafy along the entire length, woody at the base. The color of the stems is from dark to light green. The leaves are alternate, linear-lanceolate, long-pointed at the apex with clearly visible three veins. The lower leaves along the edges are sharply serrate-toothed, short-petioled, 5-12 cm long. The upper leaves are entire-edged, sessile, 4-8 cm long. The flower baskets are small, 3-5 mm in diameter, consisting of 4-6 reed and 5-8 tubular flowers. Reed flowers are yellow, arranged in one row. The tubular ones are located in the center of the basket, have 5 stamens and a pistil with a flat bipartite stigma. The fruit is a narrow-cylindrical ribbed achene 4-15 mm long. It blooms from the second year of life in late July-early August, bears fruit in late August-early September.

The homeland of this species is North America. Found in the USA in the mountains to the subalpine zone. In Europe, it was first used as an ornamental plant, and later as a medicinal plant. It has gone wild and is now widespread throughout the western and central regions of the European part of the country.

Canadian goldenrod is an unpretentious plant, undemanding to soil conditions. Tolerates partial shade, but grows better in sunny areas. The plant is very large and powerful, so you should choose a spacious place to plant it. Plants can be placed in a mixborder and arranged taking into account the height of the selected variety or shape. As a dried flower, the upper parts of the shoots cut at the very beginning of flowering will enliven any winter bouquet with their bright color.

Growing and Reproduction

Growing the plant is not difficult. Goldenrod is easily propagated by seeds and vegetatively, by cuttings of rhizomes and green cuttings. Seeds can be sown without prior preparation in early spring. Then it is better to either thin out the plants or plant them at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. In autumn, it is better to cut off the above-ground part at a height of 5-6 cm from the soil surface.

Vegetative propagation - by segments of rhizomes, possibly by green cuttings. Cuttings take root in conditions of artificial fog, and even without it, without any particular difficulties. The optimal planting pattern is 20-30x70 cm.

The plant is very responsive to mineral and organic fertilizers, which, given the long period of growth in one place, it makes sense to apply when planting.

The plant is practically not affected by pests and diseases.

Properties and uses of Canadian goldenrod

The upper part of leafy shoots, harvested at the very beginning of flowering, is used as a medicinal raw material, just like for goldenrod. The tops of 30-40 cm are cut off. The plantation can be operated for 5 years or more. If you are late in harvesting the raw materials, the inflorescences become very fluffy when dried. Unlike goldenrod, the coarse stems of Canadian goldenrod are removed after drying, leaving the leaves and inflorescences. Dry the raw materials in the shade, laying them out in attics or in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding +35+40 o C.

Chemical composition. The aerial part of the plant contains organic acids, diterpenoids, 2.4% saponins, phenolic compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives (caffeic, chlorogenic, hydroxycinnamic), up to 0.12% flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, etc.), coumarins, essential oil , amino acids, chlorophyll, sugars, lipophilic substances, diterpenes, a large number of triterpene saponins. According to regulatory documents, the amount of flavonoids in terms of rutin should be at least 3%.

Pharmachologic effect. The plant has a strong diuretic effect and is used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, especially often for urolithiasis. Effective for urate and oxalate stones. Contraindicated in phosphate, as it increases the pH of urine. At the same time, along with a diuretic effect, it exhibits anti-inflammatory and strong antibacterial properties. Very effective for chronic prostatitis, cystitis and urethritis. Sometimes in preparations it is used for impotence and prostate adenoma. Canadian goldenrod is part of the Polish Phytolysin and Ukrainian Marelin. VILAR has developed a complex drug Prostanorm, used for acute and chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma, which, in addition to Canadian goldenrod, includes echinacea and licorice.

In folk medicine it is used for cholelithiasis, stomach disorders, rheumatism, gout associated with impaired uric acid metabolism. Externally, fresh leaves are used for abscesses and boils. In Germany it is sometimes used for vein diseases.

Due to some toxicity of goldenrod, it is necessary to follow the dosage. Canadian goldenrod is practically non-toxic.

Herbal infusion: Infuse 20 g of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water, strain and take 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day after meals.

Cold herbal infusion: 6 teaspoons of raw material, pour 400 ml of boiled water and leave for 8 hours, strain, drink throughout the day.

Due to the high content of flavonoids, the aerial part of both types of goldenrod can be used to dye fabric yellow (we are talking about natural fibers - wool, silk, and somewhat worse - cotton).

In recent years, scientists have discovered a strong allelopathic effect of goldenrod on soil microflora. Plants release a large number of secondary metabolites into the soil, which suppress the development of harmful phytopathogens living in the soil and thus cleanse the soil.

Interesting results were obtained that a decoction of two types of plants - goldenrod (leaf) and cloves suppresses the development of mosquitoes of the genus Aedes ( Аedes aegypti), which is a carrier of the pathogens of yellow fever, dengue fever, and wuchereriosis. So the benefits of goldenrod are not limited to the expulsion of salts from the body.

Photo: Elena Malankina, Maxim Minin, Rita Brilliantova

Solidago (Solidago) – herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. There are about one hundred and twenty species of this plant. North America is considered the homeland of Solidago. The second name that Solidago received is Goldenrod.

The height of this plant varies from thirty cm to two meters. The stem of Solidago is erect and leafy. The leaves of this plant are alternate, in the form of a solid platinum with jagged ends. Flowers are in the form of baskets with a diameter of up to two cm, collected in inflorescences in the form of racemes, corymbs or panicles. The marginal flowers are pistillate, the reed flowers have a yellow tint. The disc flowers are bisexual, tubular with a yellow corolla, which has five teeth. Dust motes have no appendages. All Solidago species release their colors in the fall. Solidago is inherently a good honey plant.

The fruit of Solidago is a cylindrical seed, covered with down and reaching up to three mm in diameter. Most often, Solidago is planted as hedges, in group plantings, on the north side of a building, as well as near fences. The plant is also used in pharmacology, as it has healing properties.

Solidago - care:


Solidago can be planted in any place convenient for you. This plant is unpretentious and does not require additional lighting. Can grow well in shade and sun.


All Solidago species are winter-hardy. The plant tolerates the winter period normally without additional insulation and shelter. Frosts are absolutely not scary for Solidago.


If this plant is watered regularly, the shrubs will delight you with their abundant flowering and active growth. If there is a lack of moisture, the plant will grow slower and not bloom as profusely. Solidago's rhizome is so resilient that it can withstand prolonged drought.


Solidago is not picky about air humidity.


Solidago does not need additional feeding, but with regular application of complex mineral fertilizers, the plant will surprise you with its luxurious flowering and active growth.


With proper care, Solidago can grow in one place for up to ten years. When replanting, you should take into account that the flowering process will depend on the time at which the flower was transplanted. If the transplant is carried out in May, then this plant will bloom at least three weeks earlier than the plant that was transplanted in April. It is advisable to choose heavy and moist soil, but the plant is not picky about the soil in which it grows.


Solidago is propagated in the spring. The most effective method of propagation is dividing the bush. Since the plant tends to grow very quickly, the bushes are divided every three to four years. Faded inflorescences must be removed from the bushes by pruning, otherwise Solidago seeds will be spread throughout the garden by the wind. Solidago seeds very quickly lose their properties, so the seed propagation method is used less frequently.

Some features:

At the beginning of the growing season, dried and faded Solidago stems should be removed, this will promote abundant and long-lasting flowering. And if you break off all the branches in the fall to the soil level, the flowering process will begin earlier. Solidago is the most unpretentious plant, this is the most wonderful plant that has found its distribution among gardeners because it does not require additional care and attention. Solidago will delight you with its abundant flowering under any natural conditions.

Solidago - diseases and pests:

A young plant can be affected by a fungal disease, which leads to deformation of shoots, slower growth and further death of Solidago. Aster rust can also cause harm. In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to remove the plant and destroy it, preventing the spread of diseases to other flowers. Caterpillars and marbled beetles can cause harm to Solidago, which should be controlled with insecticides.