Millionaire Fast Lane MJ DeMarco. Reading

Get rich! A book for those who dare to earn a lot of money and buy themselves a Ferrari or Lamborghini MJ DeMarco

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Title: Get Rich! A book for those who dare to earn a lot of money and buy themselves a Ferrari or Lamborghini
Posted by MJ DeMarco
Year: 2011
Genre: Foreign business literature, Personal finance, Popular about business

About the book “Get Rich! A book for those who dare to earn a lot of money and buy themselves a Ferrari or Lamborghini" MJ DeMarco

Who on earth does not want to become rich? But only a few become rich. Even fewer are those who managed to get rich in their youth. As a rule, these are heirs of financial empires, stars or technical geniuses.

However, there is a path that will allow anyone to get rich quickly and retire at a young age. What is needed for that? – Just read this book!

You will learn how to make millions without spending decades on it. Wealth is needed not by decrepit old people, but by the young and strong - that’s the main idea of ​​this book. And if you are not afraid to join the ranks of the rich, quickly open the first page!

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Get Rich! A book for those who dare to earn a lot of money and buy themselves a Ferrari or Lamborghini” by MJ DeMarco in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Get Rich! A book for those who dare to earn a lot of money and buy themselves a Ferrari or Lamborghini" MJ DeMarco

Taking responsibility for your choices is the first step to managing your life. Responsibility for the consequences is the latter.

Rapid and significant income growth and cost management are what lead to wealth. Petty savings will not make you rich.

The source of wealth is the three “S”: family, sports uniform, freedom.

The basis of happiness is good health, freedom, close family or friendly relationships with people, not necessarily money.

Instant gratification is one of the most common drugs, and its side effects are obvious: debt and obesity.

Don't forget about the price you have to pay. Remember risk and sacrifice. Don't be surprised if there are obstacles along the way. When you drive your wheel into a hole for the first time, and this will certainly happen, know that you have begun to forge your luck. Remember: the lane you choose requires sacrifices that only a few are capable of, but as a result, they are the ones who live the way only a chosen one can afford.

Most people walk their earthly path along the sidelines. This is the most common life strategy, which involves obtaining pleasure now at the expense of a less prosperous future.

Wealth, like health, are things of the same order. They require discipline, sacrifice, persistence, perseverance and, alas, delayed gratification.

If you are wondering whether you can afford this purchase, don’t buy it. You can't afford it.

I deeply believe in luck and believe that the harder I work, the more of it I have...

At the end of each chapter (starting with chapter two) there is a short section entitled “Chapter Summary: The Fastlane Differences” in which I summarize the main differences with “get rich while you’re young” strategies. Don't skip these sections! They are the gear changer that will get you into the fast lane! The stories and examples that fill this book are taken from the Fastlane forum and other forums dedicated to achieving financial wellness. Although all of them are not fictional, but narrated by real people, I changed their names and edited some of the dialogue. In conclusion, I invite you to join the thousands of members of the Fastlane Forum ( and join in the discussion about this strategy. When your life changes thanks to Fastlane, take the time to tell us all about it or write to me at mj.demarco@yahoo. It took me years to discover and combine all the strategies described in the book into a single whole. But I studied them, implemented them and made millions. Now I'm fed, free and still young. And he hasn’t even gone bald yet! I give you this book! Fasten your seat belts, grab your ten latte and go, the road is calling!

The book Millionaire Fast Lane explains why this happens; what we usually think of as the path to wealth doesn't actually work. But fortunately, there is one path that works, and if you are willing to put in some effort and even sacrifice something, you will go through this path much faster than you think.

Who needs this book?

  • Anyone who dreams of starting their own company;
  • Anyone who feels like the best years of their life are being spent in a job they hate.
  • Anyone who is ready to work hard to become a millionaire, but doesn't know where to start.
Main questions and theses:
  • If you have the wrong mindset, no matter how much you earn, you are a loser.
  • Why the usual ways to get rich don't work.
  • You don't need a degree to be rich.
  • Wealth does not mean money, but money can increase your wealth.
  • People become millionaires as a result of a process, and not as a result of hitting the big jackpot.
  • To get rich, think from the point of view of the producer, not the consumer.
  • If you want to become a millionaire, forget about the saying “do what you love.”
  • Entering a worthwhile market requires effort and is not open to everyone.
So, the main idea of ​​this book is:
Identify a good market niche, develop a business plan and spend several years creating a system that will generate income for you even without your direct

Practical tips:
When you get bored, learn something new. Research your new purchase.

M. Jay DeMarco- Entrepreneur, founder of, which made him a millionaire at the age of 33. He is currently the founder of Viperion Corp., a digital and print content distribution company.

Why doesn't what we usually think of as the path to wealth work?

There are many strategies we know from childhood that we think can make us rich: get a good education, then a good job, save money, retire, and then be chic. But what if you want to have a lot of money not only in old age? And what happens if the foreign exchange market collapses and all your savings are worthless? Must
be another way!

Fortunately, in this book you will find an explanation of the best way to become rich. By starting with the right attitudes and restructuring your thinking, you can shed your old skin and become a rich and free person in the current period of your life, without waiting for old age.

From this book you will learn:

  • Why a high salary won't make you rich;
  • Why the pursuit of achievements can lead you astray; and
  • The secret to starting your own business.

If you have the wrong mindset, it doesn't matter how much you earn, you're a loser.

How do people get rich? Are they just lucky or is it fate? Many people think this way - this is an explanation for why they themselves are not rich. If you believe that the ability to get rich is not in your control, this mindset jeopardizes your chances. You can control your future. You just need to be able to plan it.

If you think that planning something in advance is pointless, you are in big trouble. Without a prior plan, such as financial or even simple health insurance, external factors such as layoffs, illness or economic collapse can cause you much more problems.

Living in the present is great, but from a cost perspective, this approach to life can have serious consequences. For example, if you're living paycheck to paycheck, a sudden layoff would mean you'd no longer be able to pay rent.

If you refuse to take responsibility for your own life, then even a huge salary will not save you from ruin. If you think that it is not in your power to determine what your life will be like, then the temptation to spend all the money you currently have will be very serious. Really, what if lightning kills you tomorrow? It's because of this
approach people are eager to immediately spend everything they have on luxury restaurants and expensive cars.

This kind of thinking will have a very negative impact on your well-being, because no matter how much you earn - ten thousand or a million, you will spend every last penny. We've heard stories about people who won
huge sums of money in the lottery or in a casino, and then completely spent them in less than a year and again were left with nothing.

Of course, it could happen that you get hit by a train tomorrow. But this is unlikely. And even if something bad happens in the future, you'll thank yourself for at least having a worst-case plan in place, such as creating a financial cushion for when you really need it.

Why the usual ways to get rich don't work

We're all familiar with the standard strategy: get a good education to get a well-paying job, then work, save and invest the money you earn. In about forty years, you will be able to retire and enjoy the wealth you have acquired. But there is one problem with this strategy.

Firstly, it’s not a fact that it will lead you exactly where you want. Any salary has a certain ceiling, above which you cannot jump alone.

It is clear that you cannot increase the number of working hours: it is impossible to work 1000 hours a week! Likewise, you are unlikely to be able to ask your boss to increase your salary by 200%, even if you are an exceptional and irreplaceable employee.

The stock market is also unpredictable, you cannot control it. As a result, the shares you invest in may fall sharply in value or may not rise as quickly as you expected.

Finally, your savings and investments may be decimated by inflation, leaving you with little of the value you worked so hard to accumulate.

It turns out that if you are lucky enough after a few decades to collect $2.5 million, at some point that amount could become $250,000 due to inflation. Add to this the probability that you will live
long enough to enjoy this money.

Even if your plan works, when you finally reach the end point where you can fully enjoy your wealth and free time, you will be an old man by that time. This strategy is based solely on hard work in your prime years, so that you will only be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor in old age.

What about leaving your job while you're still young? Sounds much better. Vitality and health weaken over time, but without them it’s somehow not very possible to enjoy free time. It's much more enjoyable to go hiking when your joints don't hurt from arthritis.

You don't need a degree to be rich

Some fields - such as medicine - certainly require specially prescribed education. But remember one thing: getting a formal education is not always the best path to wealth.

Many people often spend a lot of money on education, hoping to compensate them in the future with the high salary that this very education will provide them with.

Yes, you may earn more if you have a degree, such as an MBA, but the financial gap cannot be ignored. For example, it is estimated that earning a bachelor's degree (including room and board) will cost you about $60,000.

To do this, you will likely need to take out a student loan, which will essentially make your education even more expensive.

And there is no guarantee that you will find a well-paid job after college. People with college degrees typically earn about $54,000 a year. If you take into account the fact that getting an education takes several years, you have less time to earn money.

A standard education scheme can also teach you to think in standard ways. Once you have mastered the key concepts in your field and learned how to solve problems that may commonly arise, it becomes difficult to think outside the box. In terms of money, this may mean that you will know how to calculate your investment returns, but you are unlikely to be able to invent an innovative
an approach to assessing the profitability of a particular investment.

It is important to understand the essence: you can become rich and successful without a prestigious crust. You don’t need special education to implement cool business ideas. What you might really need are some special skills. For example, to develop a revolutionary online service, you will need programming skills, but you don't need a computer engineering degree to do it.

Keep in mind that some of the world's richest and most successful people never completed college. Among them are Bill Gates, Michael Dell and David Geffen.

So, we've taken a look at the thoughts and strategies that are holding you back from wealth and success. What then really works? What does getting rich mean to you?

Wealth doesn't mean money, but money can increase your wealth

Try to define wealth. When most of us hear this word, we immediately think about money. But in reality it is more than that.

Wealth, or more precisely, well-being, is a set of things that make your life complete. This concept consists of three main components, each of which is necessary in order to feel that life is good.

The first factor is relationships with people, incl. with your family; the second is health and fitness; and the third is freedom.

So being rich doesn't mean owning suitcases full of money. A lonely person, deeply depressed, but with millions in his bank account is unlikely to be the picture you are striving for.

As already stated, financial independence puts you on the path to wealth, in part because it gives you freedom. Of course, money is not omnipotent. Their influence is limited. For example, you can use it to pay for the best clinic and the best doctors, but no amount of money will restore your health on its own. Likewise, you won't be able to
exchange money for strong relationships.

True, with freedom everything is a little different. Once you have enough money to live a comfortable life, you no longer have to sell your time for money like you would at work.

Therefore, you can use money to buy yourself freedom - freedom to spend your time doing what you want, freedom to go where you want and generally do what you like.

Freedom means living where you want, traveling and enjoying your hobbies, even if they are expensive. In this regard, it is a large amount of money that can make your life rich.

People become millionaires as a result of a process, and not as a result of hitting the big jackpot.

The media regularly comes across articles about some 20-year-old boy who made a million or several million dollars from his new Internet company. This news is usually presented to us in such a way that we get the feeling that you can get rich in one moment. But in reality it is a process.

You can't get rich with the snap of a finger. Any successful deal requires a well-thought-out plan and often years of hard work. Look at the contracts of any elite athlete. These trades are years of extensive practice, participation in tournaments, competitions, and even sacrifices in the form of free time or activities that can affect productivity.

So let's live in the real world, because if you wait for the big score, it will push you to make bad and dangerous decisions - playing the lottery, risky investments or game shows. The unrealistic thought that one event will suddenly lead you to success will keep you from working in the direction that you want.
will really help you realize your goals.

So what do you need to do? To make a plan!

To become a financially independent person, you need to create a product or business that will operate independently. This takes time. If you want to become rich enough to never work again, you need to create a company or product that will generate income for you without your direct involvement.
A great example is J. Rowling. Her Harry Potter books became bestsellers of all time, and films based on the books also achieved unprecedented success. As a result, Rowling became a multi-millionaire, and still receives royalties from the sales of her books.

Building such a system is the most effective way to get rich, because in this case, income does not depend on how much time you spend. But to make this system work, you need to find a market niche, develop a solid business plan, and master all the necessary skills.

To get rich, think from a producer's perspective, not a consumer's perspective.

If you want to become a millionaire, forget about the saying “do what you love”

You've probably heard it many times: find a way to monetize what you love, and the money will flow. But the truth of life is that potential clients don't really care what you like or don't like. All they are interested in is how your business can benefit them.

As the German proverb says: the fish should like the worm, not the fisherman.

People will only buy your product if it satisfies their needs or adds some value to their lives. Most of us are driven by our own interests, not by making other people happy.

Therefore, if you want your prospect's money, you need to offer something of value to them in return. This means the product must solve a problem, fill a need, or make people feel better.

For example, for people living in crime-ridden areas, this might include safety locks or bars on windows, rather than glamorous handbags or organic cheese.

If you truly do what you love as part of a business, that's fine, but you have to do it at an exceptionally high level to differentiate yourself from the competition. Because – whatever you love to do, chances are you’re not alone in it. Just think how many people like the same famous singers, painters, actors or other entertainers.

If you are convinced that your hobby should become your profession, be on your guard. For example, if you want to become a professional actor, you must be one of the few people who are constantly offered roles, or who have a contract with some theater. Reaching this stage takes years of practice, experience and dedication.

Remember that this applies to any field of activity, not just art. If you want to make computers, you have to do it better than Apple, HP and all the other top brands in this market.

If everyone could do business, competition would skyrocket like a rocket. A huge number of people have the same passions as you (we've already discussed this), if the field is competitive enough, there will be too much supply, and when supply greatly exceeds demand, prices begin to plummet.

Therefore, in order to get rich in such a situation, you need to be able to do your job at an extraordinary level!

I hope you understand that starting a business takes effort, so if any business idea seems like a cakewalk, alarm bells should start ringing in your head.

Business is a series of actions and decisions. Even for a simple business such as renting beds, you need to find, buy or rent, renovate a suitable premises, supply it with everything necessary, obtain official permission and formalize everything
necessary paperwork, and all this before hiring the first employees and everything else that follows.

Remember also that many network marketing company founders promise you that you can join them simply by purchasing a starter kit and filling out an application. Again, you should be suspicious of this as you are most likely being offered a business that is worth nothing. And instead of becoming an entrepreneur, you will most likely become a regular customer of a real entrepreneur: the network company itself!

Practical tips:

When you get bored, learn something new.

Next time you feel bored, use this time to develop and generate ideas for new products. Listen to some talk radio while you're stuck in traffic, or read an article from a tech or art magazine while you're waiting in line at the doctor's office.

Research your new purchase.

Look at the latest product or gadget you recently bought from the manufacturer's point of view. What are its selling features and features? How was it presented and how would you describe the target consumer? Questions like these can help you get into the mindset of creating something you can sell later, or even identifying a market niche.

Reading is for the mind what physical exercise is for the body and prayer for the soul.
We become the books we read.
~ Matthew Kelly

Reading, the fifth lifeline practice, is a fast track to transforming any area of ​​your life. This is one of the most direct ways
acquiring the knowledge, ideas and strategies you need to succeed in any area of ​​your life.
The main thing in this matter is to learn from specialists, from those who are already excellent at doing what you want to start doing. Don't reinvent the wheel. The fastest way to achieve everything you dream of is to model successful people who have already achieved it. Many books have been written on almost any topic; hence, there is no end to the knowledge you can gain through daily reading.
Whatever you want in life, there are countless books on how to get it. Do you want to become wealthy, wealthy, a multimillionaire? Today, many books have been published written by those who have already reached the heights of financial success, which will teach you how to do this.
Here are just a few of them:

  • The Millionaire Fastline by M. J. De Marco.
  • "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.
  • “Think Like a Millionaire” by T. Harv Eker.
  • "Show Me the Money" by Dave Ramsey.

Or maybe your dream is an incredible romantic relationship full of love and support? There are probably even more books written on how to achieve exactly this; them and for de-
You won’t read it for ten years. Here are some of them:

  • "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman.
  • The Soulmate Experience by Joe Dan.
  • Tne Seven Principles for Making a Marriage Work by John Gottman and Nan Silver.

Whatever you want in life - change your relationships, increase your self-esteem, develop communication or persuasion skills, get rich, or improve any other aspect of your life, go to your local bookstore and visit There you will find-
those many books on improving any aspect of your life that you think needs it.

How much should you read?

I recommend committing to reading at least ten pages a day (though five is fine to start with, especially if you're a slow reader or if you're not yet enjoying reading). I suggest you do some simple math: reading ten pages a day won’t take much time, but it can make you a completely different person. Please note: we are talking about only ten to fifteen minutes of reading per day, fifteen to thirty maximum if you read slowly.
Let's look at it this way. Reading ten pages a day equals an average of 3,650 pages a year, which is about eighteen two-hundred-page personal growth and self-improvement books! Let me ask you, if you read eighteen books on this topic over the next year, do you think you will become a more knowledgeable, confident, and competent person, or in other words, a new and improved model of yourself? You don't even have to doubt it!

Reading: Closing Thoughts

  • Many Miracle Morning practitioners use reading time to fill gaps in their knowledge of religious texts such as the Bible, Torah, and others.
  • It is recommended to re-read the best books on personal growth. It is extremely rare for a person to gain and assimilate all the useful knowledge contained in a good book by reading it only once. Achieving mastery in any field requires repetition. You must be exposed to relevant ideas, strategies, methods over and over again until they become firmly established in your consciousness. For example, if you wanted to learn karate, would you consider that you achieved this goal by attending one single class? No, you would study the technique of this martial arts, then train for a long time, honing your skills, and then come back to your teacher and study it over and over again, repeating the same process hundreds of times in order to master one single technique.
    Honing techniques to improve your life works the same way. It is much more beneficial to re-read a book that you know contains strategies that can improve your life than to read a completely new book without fully mastering the strategies from the first.

The man who doesn't read
does not have the slightest advantage over someone who cannot read.
~Mark Twain

MJ DeMarco's book "Millionaire's Fastlane" became a bestseller and received a large number of positive reviews from readers. On the Amazon website, the book received more than 1,000 positive reviews (92% of the total), and on the book portal GoodReads, the book received more than 3,000 positive ratings.

Despite the somewhat provocative title, because of which one might think that this is yet another book from the “guru of easy enrichment,” MJ DeMarco’s book does not contain dubious teachings, is written with humor and realism, and reveals three models of people’s financial behavior. The first is moving along the side of the road - unless a miracle happens, it will lead to collapse. The second - traveling in the far right lane - leads to a mediocre life with a chance of getting rich only in old age. The third path - the fast lane - with the right approach will make you financially independent and allow you to retire young.

2. “You Must Prosper” by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

The book “Thou Shall Prosper” (“You must prosper”, not published in Russian) is a bestseller about achieving financial well-being. The book has more than 400 positive reviews on the Amazon website and more than 1,700 positive ratings on the GoodReads portal.

The book is notable for the fact that its author, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, is a clergyman who is also a businessman, lecturer and writer. In his book, he talks about how to handle money to grow it, applying the religious principles of Judaism to fully understand what money is.

3. “Unshakable.” Your Financial Freedom Blueprint by Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins' book "Unshakable" A Plan for Your Financial Freedom" (“Unshakeable”, not published in Russian) is a 2017 bestseller that received many positive reviews from readers. The book has more than 400 positive reviews on Amazon and more than 100 positive ratings on the book portal GoodReads.

The book became the second financial bestseller of this famous American author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and coach (the first was “Money: Master of the Game”). The new book talks about how to learn to manage your finances, avoid unnecessary risks and losses and gain financial independence. The book is based on interviews with the world's most successful investors, including John Bogle, founder of the world's largest investment company, The Vanguard Group.

4. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss's book “Tools of Titans” (“Tools of Titans”, not published in Russian) was published on December 6, 2016, but in just a month it collected more than 700 positive reviews on the Amazon website and became one of the main bestsellers of the year.

The success of the book is largely due to the fame of its author, Tim Ferriss, an American blogger, author of the bestseller “How to Work 4 Hours a Week,” an athlete and an investor who has a great influence on the minds of the younger generation. His latest book, Tools of Titans, is based on content from The Tim Ferriss Show podcasts, containing mini-interviews with actors, writers, financiers, entrepreneurs, athletes and other prominent personalities. From each of them the reader can learn something wise and useful.

5. "Mastery" by George Leonard

George Leonard's book "Mastery" is a bestseller dedicated to the development of mastery in any business. The book received many positive reviews from critics and readers and has been in print for over 25 years. The book has more than 200 positive reviews on Amazon and more than 2,500 thousand positive ratings on the Goodreads book portal.

George Leonard's book combines Zen philosophy with practical advice on how to take the path of mastery and avoid common pitfalls along the way. This book is a paradox - behind the external simplicity of the presentation there are hidden deep insights about our world, psychology and the meaning of human life. And probably after reading the book, most readers will agree with George Leonard that the only worthy path in our lives is the path of mastery.

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4.2.3. The Administration of the Service undertakes to ensure the safety of the User’s data posted in the Service for 90 (Ninety) calendar days from the date of the User’s last use of any of the paid services of the Service.

4.2.4. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User’s personal data to third parties.

4.2.5 The Service Administration has the right to suspend the operation of the Service to carry out the necessary scheduled preventive and repair work on the technical resources of the Service Administration, as well as unscheduled work in emergency situations, notifying the User about this, if technically possible, by posting relevant information on the website.

4.2.6. The Service Administration has the right to interrupt the operation of the Service if this is due to the impossibility of using information and transport channels that are not the Service Administration’s own resources, or the action and/or inaction of third parties, if this directly affects the operation of the Service, including in an emergency.

4.2.7. The Service Administration has the right to update the content, functionality and user interface of the Service at any time at its sole discretion.

4.2.8. The Service Administration has the right to change the cost of paid services unilaterally.

4.2.9. The Service Administration has the right to block and/or delete the User's account, including all information content of the User, without notifying the User or explaining the reasons if the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

5. Responsibility of the parties and dispute resolution procedure

5.1. The Service is provided to the User “as is” in accordance with the generally accepted principles in international practice. This means that the Service Administration is not responsible for problems arising during the process of updating, supporting and operating the Service (including compatibility problems with other software products, as well as inconsistency of the results of using the Service with the User’s expectations, etc.).

5.2. For violation of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, the liability of the Service Administration to the User in the event of a claim for damages is limited to the amount of the cost of the Paid services paid by the User.

5.3. Neither Party shall be liable for complete or partial failure to fulfill any of its obligations if the failure is a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement and beyond the control of the Parties. In the event of force majeure circumstances lasting more than 3 (Three) months, any Party has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement (terminate the Agreement).

5.4. Since the Service is an object of intellectual property of the Service Administration, liability for copyright infringement occurs in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. The Administration of the Service is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as for direct and indirect losses of the User, including lost profits and possible damage, including as a result of unlawful actions of Internet users aimed at violating information security or normal functioning of the Service; lack of Internet connections between the User’s computer and the Service Administration server; conduct by state and municipal bodies, as well as other organizations of actions within the framework of operational investigative activities; establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) of the economic activities of commercial organizations on the Internet and/or establishment by these entities of one-time restrictions that complicate or make impossible the execution of this Agreement; and other cases related to the actions (inaction) of Internet users and/or other entities aimed at worsening the general situation with the use of the Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of concluding this Agreement.

5.6. If disputes or disagreements arise between the Parties arising from or related to this Agreement, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations between themselves.

5.7. If it is not possible to resolve disputes and/or disagreements between the Parties through negotiations, then such disputes are resolved in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

6. Other conditions

6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of acceptance and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

6.2. This Agreement may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the Parties, as well as on the initiative of the Service Administration in the event of a violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement without returning any funds to the latter.

6.3. Since this Agreement is an offer, and by virtue of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the Service Administration has the right to revoke the offer in accordance with Art. 436 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If this Agreement is revoked during its validity period, this Agreement is deemed terminated from the moment of revocation. The review is carried out by posting relevant information on the website.

6.4. The Parties have agreed that when executing this Agreement, it is permitted to use the signatures of representatives of the Parties, as well as their seals using means of fax, mechanical or other copying, electronic digital signature or other analogue of the handwritten signature of the heads and seals of organizations.

6.5. The Administration of the Service has the right to unilaterally make changes to the terms of service of the Service by posting information about this on the website in public access and making changes to this Agreement.

6.6. These changes to the terms of this Agreement come into force on the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication. Continued use of the Service by the User after changes and/or additions to the Agreement means the User’s acceptance and consent to such changes and/or additions.

7. Warranties

7.1. With the exception of the guarantees expressly stated in the text of this agreement, the Service Administration does not provide any other guarantees.

7.2. By agreeing to the terms and accepting the terms of this offer by accepting it, the User assures the Administration of the Service and guarantees that he:

  • enters into this agreement voluntarily;
  • have read all the terms and conditions of this agreement;
  • fully understands and confirms the subject of the offer and agreement;
  • has all the rights and powers necessary to enter into and execute this agreement.